.. c. x q 3. . .. ‘G . 0, s s w. ‘A. .~ , . . u . . . ....t .. . .. . , .. . a u . ‘ n 4 .1 . . , vs unto‘ . Janna )/-x W ... .. . .‘,u.«.tu. n 4.“. ,. ‘I ‘...nm. ,4. an . ,1. . .. aw n (5.. . , '% m A Lawcs 317lL.g(.:/*.I’k.,h..1{~*i M, ,E[}a1A)1%ifh€=df0r the ‘better Condufl: OFTHE W R Mm BY % His Excellency The Earle of Lord General] of the Forces raifed by -the Authority of the P A KL I A ME N 'r,for the ' defence of the K 1 at .0 and Kingdom. ,§g.-.}J ‘:{L¥».»1:"5"»:v“?.£‘*«»,i”_»4;.,M-M;¥ 3; "3 A % :r~ V , W a Landon, Pritltad 501' Ialm Partridge and Iolm Rotkwcll, ‘_$cpt:c_mbcr, 1 64+; \ .~ 4 , sf‘? I ,.\ ‘I . ‘ I’ V "" “ ’ é“5"‘{_c,‘: -5" A Y‘ - ., a . /' ~ ‘Q 9 M‘ 1 a 4‘ “ P ~;s :< W‘ Robc=:rt,Earl of EHEX, Viféountx Hefefordg Lord Fer——- rerxof C%/azzrtlcyi, 301/tc/m°r% A andLo‘mi;1ev:» 4 v \ Capmineu Generall 'of't11e Army rai_{Z:d by the TAL1t1*1ority of I.‘ C‘Par/i;zment,(f0r the defence. A ”’V OF THE. % ~ ':H‘~.\ I, '1 . N AN D K1 N GD 0 ME; T05» ‘W \ . "M .v"“'” V x" "ha . ‘ r C 4% W 7 1 ‘ 5, M’ ‘+...t;‘ ‘ ~ 3 ” Army %,T Colonclls 7 ?Lievte- ~?n’aI1 t-—- 1, % Serjea~nt—Majors, Captainesmther Ofi3ce1*sand Soul-. .die1js of How‘: andAF oot, and all 0-— [thers whom thefe-Lavves and 1‘: :%dinan.c_es flnallconceme. ’ H}'c/9 Lawes and Ordina7n ceé :9‘ bereéypué/2'/bed _., all tfzeflzid ‘fezflmy rcfi2efz‘z"zJe[)' andflaverally are Regwired and Commanded to 05 arm‘ and »{eefe, on t/ye ‘Pxzizzey and Tenaltiex .75/aercin exprcflcafl; &@%*s$aa'€%.a%%a*s%-=w?:~.=;+m»a's%ma n the omcarg % of am 35 Laws "%"$W’$“f“$$‘¥“¥"‘F'¢¥*E‘$'I'¥"3»3"¥'¥’¥‘~‘ £«lmeln3@ew»hwa»m2»»&«zw%®aa«% mg Lawes and Ordilnancesl of Ml/Varre. I l ‘Of fl)!/ttiex to GlOlD.‘.—, ‘lrflz, Let nollman prcfumclto up-- ‘ . l fed Trin%ity,,; God the Father, J: / 5‘? ~ Gfbdthe Semnc, a1r~1dGod the *6?” holy-Ghofi ; northc knovvnh .5!‘ . Articles of’ our Chrillizmh Faith ‘l Upon pains to _havc his Tolng11e.boarcda Witl1)a red-hot'iron.l ~ _ A l"I.l A . Unlaw full Oathcs and Exezcratil-ens‘; and C'l'i1‘filfi"g,,l',". fcanclalous a6’csin derogation of Gods honcur, fh-all be pL1~nilhed with lloflcllgll Pay, and jothcr. ‘ punilhmcnc at dilErctic-m.ll 111. W‘ \@ Blalbhcmc the holy smd blef~ Blayphemya, All cholia who often ancl*wilf“ully abf€l1tN¢g_le'l&ing;: Dxvm-tr W or-_ thcmlclvcs from Scrmcmsland p.uhlilmP1air1¢_¢0~hiS bcapfdinegeor’CO11bI5ii‘i‘3“,“5i‘5Eit}iéit Fuperibut of- bficegeand it {hall be given him~in ample min- ”nCro ) A A . :2 e 4 ‘flutieyfllom/I. AV]. Runkeuncfle in ab officenfh all ~ be e pu-» Drunkenneifa naifhed With lwflb ‘of place 5 ‘ii’! 3 50(11- mon fotildier with fuch peerxeailciesf as a Court-marfImH {lull thinkefic. ' Vb I I‘- Rapes, rav&{I~xrnent.<, umgaturall abufés ,a13”Vnnafum1]a. be pubnifhed m-..:=e—. deazia. ’ \ 4 \ bwb" Iiamr dndM0rdimmc¢e.s‘ 1711.. Adu;m.,‘.A: ~ %A:¢?f1‘JT:tcr%ie, A forpicationi, afid otI1c§‘diH‘OIute.* *lafEg\f1*gu_VfneHc;fl1'al‘lybccapunnfllcd With difcrm timi‘—“ac¢c>:rdingAA;to4 chcggaflifiic niche offcncc, 141 II. ' mm” % T1;erc’a:i%A jiobbcric cxccddifig thc%vah~1¢.o:fL ” tWv¢1VC~p§:ncc‘fhallbcpunifhcdwith death. % V. ” Prvocation.; No man man :urmp:,mcMu11 nor provtcjkj. ing words% or aft: to any, upon Paine ofim-— %prifonmcn”t, and V further punifhmcm: as {hall ’ bc.thot1ghtfittO be infliétcd upon .cncmies to » difciplifie andiiérvicc. « VI. Lsaizingupon, No man {hall take or fpoilc the goods Qf zléE,a.r 311.1]C;l5hC-f:IEn£,l~byltllél~Ei1Cm§1Viltlll-3nc;niesMcE . V A Scncmcll or gfgyltgnéafleepe, or A $~mtmel 5- an *6 jun‘ V % V ac: befmc; ‘ l I J jqf V‘ " Wltlidut uh 1lC¢ 395.. 10 V No man fhall fa._ilc wilfully, tocomcF““‘¢‘H‘ V V N .~._~ - .| J . l lth¢:1.‘¢\4¢' go fiche; Rcqdcvquz Lori :Garr1{.°fl52PFDidtCd ; gig man;.l:h,a;1camcth Qryncs, anti pt:-~m“:,?F_ Q l l““d‘ ' tends to bc. a 1?midicr5 fliall ;r3:t_113i1_1¢ thfcc. 7 mfghéfilrmfy‘ %wj¢}mag.5§1ng1nr01l¢d % 3 I ‘ .7 Departing; % I No ,man,thac» is inrofléda {hall dc"1:'>irtiA: “"th°"t‘ ’ rdmfithc ArmTy[ or G‘argi1‘on,;% or firom his '4»- k3.V€‘., _ _ , . ( V ,3 _ ,k_ “'1 ,. , V,“ A ,_ V >‘€o1om¢_;m2 w1thout%~%law€nce.e, iugbfi:fia1ne~pf ,‘ I 0“?-41a>’in§ i No ~pri”vatc: fognldia-r_' fI’1?all }otut.-flkay hi-3:‘; “ ;P;=&flhiis?iahammw®c1;tifli2'até~@>ffth_é Occafioifn fun[de x:r n%f‘~«:6i1‘-d'ag”:if%f¢atc«afr; i*Fx¢+Héxt~.? Muflzeter tipfons 05 ‘wfirflg *‘h['i‘$ 1">ay;%., durin zi1l:th’c~_timc.%of his Labfz-,n%ct*:%— ‘- ’4*:~:% A - &A§fei:§I;§ * Hc[tH5t~VaMeh f Ii~§‘rhf?f1f3&Whcn’ the no m t “e , A Warm ‘lsjgtfvcn to {Eat the Arch, {hall b¢V ‘Pg: Vfdliif ; ‘dnlh I1‘ M ’a'3"é gnd vv“%a%te.; in P4rifon.,%or WiC_Hfitfi¢'WdWdBéf;L" horfit. . ‘ u. "5 .v3r¢an%;:e. whnfipcmflnuil «e5tpré“{Té‘ h?s—*di¥Eox1texi%%% 1 :f1(c:i-ir_"vC}lggtre~‘»‘v»".'h? Qu§‘lt¢fig_iMWn *~1h% ‘Camp ¢ _ new Garnfon flull p;un1£Ia:cd~as, 53. Marie El£.C1’a‘ . Nan a 1‘ ‘_ ‘ $3 VS?» _". ' ‘ _ ‘ _. Lf¥ ‘ ‘..« u ‘ :‘ ‘ '3. _ ‘ \. Q: .. .’., ‘ - ‘WK _. 3% \_ _ _ _ - Q L- 91 T3 f e L as . _» _ _ ‘ : . . * x. —— . . _ ‘ “C ‘ ‘ 2 ~ ‘ . o . _ w_» . . ‘ ~‘ “ < X‘ ‘I K” ‘ -, . ‘ .\.\\,_ g _ ‘ . 5% p i : - .. 1 . - 5 s 33‘ am. L 1i¢1'5; zaflcguaint ‘ 6 j _ I laid UHIZCXJL anyIwcrvL1ng gig % % downs » flu” we * 3:. .._' kg X . .. ‘ \ , E .: __ _, .: E \ __ “C Q‘ , __ - — \_\ . . \. N D. ‘ : a W ' i ‘ ‘ ~ xi 3 ‘ ‘ x “l , . . g 2: ‘ \ f 3"‘ L ‘ 9 S C b N ‘x -1» : . 5% _ ‘ 1 r- ‘ W 3 s ‘ $__ ‘ ,. .\... ‘_~ ‘ y _3— ... 5‘ \ ; ’ v~ > } Mg A % A 3 ofdifcontfintcéihumours, aptWfio;mi:-» C0mmandcrs 1 ‘. 2 L \& j L‘ L\. or fromy the; >5. @ %;jLComma3ndcr$ fire 1:}r3;‘ghak“ 1:0?“9’€“¢'*3”‘’‘¢¥’°Wi‘h, 9‘ OHS auth~»A% rxzcdy ‘as they willan « W ‘ % Q be 5 e . « a 5-! 1 ‘ x _ ~ .— f ” _ ;V I r > . A ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ \;\$1 K-»\_ gfi : :5’ & ca 3'3 5% Si .3 \ F, .,§ _ A fig _ . $11 4 ‘;': . 4 I 2.3 % 5 ; ‘0i7hat‘OHiccr f‘ocver%.{’hfall‘t3pm¢}d1‘ui1l€toglgfgfignfikg his G:uard,Or {hall quaxrcll iI1,At1icr2rJt:cr,4 '0Fficere._ A, or commit any diforder, fl1al.lJbcc. cafl1cc~. 1-édwit1iout%m¢rcic 9; and the next ;Oficcr .- undicx him {hall have his placé,’ ea - xfgaypgaendmbc%hisxighc;md ~ic%fl1al1n.oVt. b@r%ef_L1IE:d%.Lco:11;i»r_;n.& ” ' ' % " % ’ . V6‘? M 7. ' MV V T ‘ ‘ . , A Céxpraine-that’ ia .cardcIf'e ‘iii; gt-h~:c.= tj1:a“i%; n=i,ng..andgo.v¢r_ning of his Company’;-"{haU. P BZé4dAi;(p]V.2’rccd o£:%hi:s‘cha1%gc.« ' ‘?‘*‘P“i“‘¥"? °f:0fl%mst1iat fl%‘a11A9“t*§31‘§?&:99mg:xV flay that paflé 54* {hall be pun1f.hcd at n11;cth¢;r"pa(re.; Lord Gcncrals dif‘crct-io,x1‘... A % % A M115 4oFwhatVjco%ndit‘i‘on~ ~I(?)é#vc%r, A114‘0‘H5¢§%é§ mail‘ We ‘power w~ Part qmrrcls and §§?f§xi%;¢‘“L ¥ray‘es,- 0r -fudden~ d~i*f‘ord4ers’ bc_-twixt thcrels. % ' jfiéiildicfé, t1§mughsieVHem»any~o:he$r»1ug:g t;r‘i¢n3c¥*or‘Gdrh§:1-ny;san4d%tdA- commicfghe‘c1i1?. ordere,di ad» "pr%if0%n«. for? the ‘ prcfféntf, ¢ . fuoh:ao'fficers*; as my ibclbhg zinco urségéam {it .:.»;Ahd 1 Wha’; M So u1*dvi“crfo4r cv‘c_*r»fla)a1.1;refiPq. difo%bcy;bradrgW~hi_$_fiayorfi ; V a’g?;%“1i:Vn{1:.. 24’ LawejAnJ0i1a’z°nance: . _ agafnfl Fuch an Officer (althotjgh he be no l ‘ ,O,ffic:cr ofhis Rcfiitncnt or Company,{hal1 A V .hc1puniIl1cdWi+t«=~dc‘1tl1; 4 »e.: A otficers Captain: {at lltflficcr a mlon-rcfidcnmlin t “°“"‘°fid¢“‘ the place afsigncd himfox lG.artifam. with. in Garrifdn. out hccncc, fl1all=havc? one mantlmpay dc... faulted for the .fir{’c ofYcncc,Jt two A for thcafécandz upontthc third offence lmc ‘V % fl1allbctdifchargcd' ofhiscomamand. . : . A V to l V fifhsflieaering After the Army is cement: the General! ~- °"1d‘€'$' Rendczvouz, no Captain {hall calhccrc any $9,\11¢ijcr‘thac%i§. _cnr0_lLcd. ;wit%laput tfpcciall l "warrant ofth§:LordGcncraIl.‘ Nluficring No Captain: of a Troopfhall prcfcnt in r 1 t chc;Muflc’rsl‘fifiytbut r¢a1l«7I‘roopcrs§fi1el1 as Tr_¢0p:- are botlnd by th¢i1f pay to follow the: . Tx.Oops.upon.pai§1éofcafhieringwvithout meycic And ifmy*tVi6l;uallcr,F¢¢+-b00£cr, EflFCI'l0PD,1':d1"S0Ul.'di¢1'VVh3“bCV¢l'5Ofafly other Troop , 61: ‘Company, il1'all,l,prc.fi:nt 1, ‘.“,‘ VI, ,u.u_c‘i J"_~p‘y.V ‘ ~w -Hz him{=1f¢_9r his[Ho.rfc in t;h¢ MuPccr,to mill A #[ ,l¢ad:£h¢ M.l1ff¢r;M”afl¢‘ ,,‘: :'”nd to bttrayl the A taervzcc, the £12411 5; punilhéd with “ «huh» 221.32 1:4’ * No Ptbl?ideY.Kccpet or 0filcei3bf—Vi8ciiL '¢°mmifi5rf=% ' I 0 0 ‘ o " 5 la £ all orAmmumt1on fhall xmbezell or fpoylegmlzlttxliliizln Lanylpart thcreofior give any fdlfeeaccountto; Egrgl General! upévn pain of death. ' t t . _0ft72c dim; we Map” Ma/lert. A »No Muller Mafter {hall wittingly let any Muller M3; {lets céniving muff be true. iialle ill the Mufiers, butfuch as are really of a, ,;w,,,c,m .. the Troope or Company prefentegl upon yaitteoféeath, e ~ A - e V * “ 2 ‘All Captaihnes {hall caulfe their troopes or Captalnsmttft 1* . _ f d Compames to be full and compIeat,and two .,°§§h§f§§’,‘§’,1,°m dayes after the Generall muflring they fl1all§f;‘;fif_”d G°‘« {End to the LordGenerall alperfecft Lift or % A Rtowlc of all theitOfficetis of their Troopes t and Companicsfimdtlikewife of all theTroo-3 pets and fouldiers that are in aétvuall fetvice, putting downe difiinétly on the head of each ‘gem his gnonthlypay. V V The like Rowle or Lxlllllall the Cap tams Every pay dagt ‘fend to the Lqtg Generall and t9 the ’Tre‘a-gt ."'l .» ‘ (",3 .».‘,-‘ n. ms? Lewes and Oz~cl:'mm {urer of rlr-er.Army upon evcrypaywclay, du... .. ring the fervlice, with a punfluall ex‘p1*efl‘iorr at. the bottomeofrhe {aid Rowlc, what new Troopers or fouldiersr have been errfertained fince the laflc payday, inlieuof fuch as are ei... therdeceafed or callaicred, and likewife the clay where‘on they were for calhiercd and en»; l rertailleclm pl " 4» I 4 ‘51v11b§cri1>§1gl by Which f3iclLift or'Rowl‘e ll1alI“"be {Ll1l)Fclri":-= :1 tree 3” p ' ‘ V.. r . . ofrhe'fr«3c:: bed not only by the Captam and lns Lrevrc-—- °‘ C°”””“‘*““ razmre and Coronet or En{igne,bur alfo bytfhe Serjeantos and Corporalslrefpeétively, who llrall declare upon their ‘oaths tharrthc Troo- A pets A andrSqul!dier*sr enrolled in the Fald Lill: are reallrflamzlarS1uallTrooppers and lSould 6 ~ » Counterfeit "No man ihali prefume to ptefcnthimfelfe namesi'nthc' V - . i -. . ' .11. “to the MuPcer,or to be mtolled in the M ufler- t’° 5 rols by acounterfeit name, or furname, or place‘ of“bir'th,up on pain of death. ~ Vifipmllers; I . ‘ V iNo Viéiuallets fhall prefume to:ifi'ue% or {e1lV‘&“““‘°“”:' _ fnixig naughtic unto any of the Army,'unfound,unfavoury,or V¥&”=a1S- unwholfome vi8tuan1s,upon pain of imprifon- I iment,and furtherarbitraty punifhme‘nt.t 0- 2 ‘No Souldier {hall be gt Viélualler without if§,§‘f,‘j,I‘f$§_ t the confent of the Lord Generall, or others ‘5*”“~“°”-y authorized; upon pain ofp uniihment at difg cretion. ” i 3 No Vifiualler {hall entertain any Souldiers tlnfcafonablc hourcs kept by in his houfe, tent, or hutt, after the warning viftuallers; piece at night, or before the beating of the Ravalec in the morning. V No Vi<9cua1lerfhall4forefiall‘any vifiuals, i not fell them before they be appraifed by the A ' A D 2. i » Mar-‘ I -_., ,..~ ooooram and rdinanccsb Maribel! Generail, upon fevere pnniH1menk+, 0/::Ac2A’I72.¢.fllfl7'd!“t.072 of‘fm7ice: 5‘ I . Suziamaricxw All controverfies betwecne So uvldiers and; .;reedIn<,;s.w their Capraines, and all orhersflmll be {umg marily heard and determined by the coun- fell of warre, except the waigbtinefl7e ofihc caufe require further deliberatiorr. The Provofi % ,.b V 2 n‘ e b {3M:ari"I1n}l1 muff NO Pf0'VO&*M3F{haII H19" l'CfU{.C t0 k€CP 1 1 z ' 2- - _ ~ . , . , y§§;_};,’-‘5P” agrxfonen committed robxs clmarge; nordnf-1 — “30°5$°*‘*“¢ Tbs goods offuch as dye In the Army or‘ mjffe him being once received, upon pain of being liable to’ the fitme“p=uni{hfi1'ent which fbould have been inflriéied upon the paflifc _cU~{mifled.. A A \‘» d~:fL1n&. K make any‘wil1 by word or vvriting, fhal"I* bgét , edifpofed or accordinbg to their’ will}. 1ftf1'ef makcno will, thenihall goe to their wfvbcseb Garifon, or be flainc in the fervice, if they or next kinne. If no wife or kindred appeare~ wietbinra yeaire after, fl1aIIbbe*di!f5’o{e'd“oP b- sthe appoi}nrxn‘enc ofth€LOrdr~Géiacra'l‘ acao.r.. A M M V ‘ w ding-« hJ" crwm: ding to the l‘awcs lcivill and n1ilita:ry;l Nu Magifl.-rat~c of Towns’ or Cou11tlry»C1v111Ma§,¢*~ fi1'ates,i1~ni>;-3+ fihallwitl10'utl.icen.ce inigrifon any Souldi~%::i1,.e;_1eau4;1,=_... er unlelle for captealloflences. A In matter of debts or etre{p"alTe' or OlIl1CI"ID."‘ For debts ma: L f rior cafes The Ma gifirate {hall acquaint °"“"“l““” °‘’'' W “ . ‘ - ' fc ncesa his Captaine or other chiefe officer there-_e vv'ith',Who is toend the mattcrvv ith the cone fentflof the complaynant or to leave the par» ty. grieved to take his remedy by ecltie courfe of‘1a,w;” And’ if the Olficer Faile ofhis duzye therein 5 The Lordgeneerall upon Complaint of theparty grieved, will not onely {eehimc rightecl but the Qfficer puni{l1led.fo»r l11S neg.- leéi in this behallic... 6 No nmn ll1al"l prefume to ufe any brav-c‘-~ Bra*"n%*llB»l A % ,, \ V Court of _lL'.’.I-0. anger lmenacine W°‘°‘lS’.fi8nlS’”f”.§“fi“‘l°ls5 ‘““°* What the Court of Iufixce is hating upon p21inofNdea~tl}+.i ‘ ‘” 3 ‘ H ‘F , i g, g : « l u 1 l} No~l11li’mlai*ra13tiol Citie, Towne,or Conn? R¢C,'c'{V.ingc.f"‘.'. My [ban P,reiLxg}}ee to receive any SoulEliem1“'11‘ejww.~ D 3.. i‘il[9i’ I V Detefling of M o-flcnders. ' I «Offences H ;”:‘;:f:i3:;({z.;lnot mlhed accorclmg to the gcnerall Cufiomcs the lawcs of VWQEIC. T30 1% into his fetvice, orc onecale, or life means i . L 3.W(‘."3» £137”? Gftlfvllall Ci ‘S to convey {uch R~unawayes,lbucfl1all apprc- ltencl alTTuch and -deliver them over to eh: Pro vol?tMarlha“lll.l All Captaines , Oflicers and Soulclicrsl lhall doe their endevours to dete<5t,lta.ppre.. thcnd,and bring to punifhment all offenders, and ll1allafliPcttl1c:OHicets of the Army for that purpole,. as they will anflwer their flack.-h nejlle in the Matlhals Court. 1 A 9 I All other faults, Vdifordeers and offences mentionedin thefe Articles {hall bepu- and Lawes of Warre. And t0 end that LQWCS and OP- dinances be made more publike and known, as Well to the Ofhcersl as to thc common fouldiefs. every Colonell andCaptaine is to provide fome of thefe bookcs-. And within alhorttimc after that the Armyfhall come to the gencrall Renclevous, thefe Lawes in every {everall Regiment, in the prcfenccof ‘ l all Ol .\/V er1‘*s“’“, - "31 all the Officers are plainly and diflinétly to be read by the Marlhalsv ofthefeverall Re- V gin1entsy,alfilled by the Marlhall Generall, fin the lmrfe quarters by found of Trumpet, and amongft the foot by‘ heat of Drumme; ” he And weekely afterwards upon the pay day‘, every Captaine is to caufe the fame to be read to his own company in prefenee of his Officers. And alfo upon every main guard, the Captaine is to doe the like, that none may be ignorantttof the Lawes and Duties rc~«;~ quired. i I F1t9\<]S;_" ‘1x..~.>t an '73) mertue afty/ye Am.‘/Joritie given me by the Ordinance oft/ate Lord: 4m£Cam752om' in Parlia- mmt, I ‘command t/ac/e" Ordinance: to be abferv’d 4721055321., in tire Armie :' and éytt/écfll prcfent: V give ardért/mt 2'/aefizme {lmfl be for:/mi;/9 printed and pub/zflaedgl A ’ 4 ‘ Given under my handthis 3% Of 5€pt¢_W¥*:l~‘ l3'et;1y642,_u J 5'fl?."‘”«‘?*