« .. Onefor takm the Accountsof:-he » Sollldfixary of theK1ngdQm., 0 Rdefed 1’) t/fie Lardr aflem5led%zn Parliament, 7b;z:~:tAz2ixg .’§é%1zulél{{/2ed- ]0h.BroWn:iC«I'e1l*. Pa:r1iamcA:umruna1A;% '§§,‘%“Lon “ air‘ \ OFRJ¥TI._% 4% "fiffimbléd i%n%Pa“rliament: ncerning Disbandi g.of1:he InPcru&ion’s for thewfafime. ‘I ‘ 3 4-'°"'<.Ic %‘;‘.1 ; %. D3 and O M M S C 1 3:0 % 7%-»;=,_,~.»‘:-3,, ‘ : % 4-4 ‘"2?’ ‘ «:5.-:3! * ‘"" W-up " 2‘? ‘V 3.2%‘ . I, ‘ ‘ 6-"! us‘! jg-"'.I-.‘.'3.‘ ‘L ‘N heather forxrelccfc of maimed S.duIdie?rs a1rd§T€§¢' V %%;;ratio71a%ifII1f37‘¢t&'_io7zr, 7 a izd %'C;7rciiz2;z)it:e: be firt/m*i.,,fb '; pamgi” ,;VF_;;,,ju Headiflthe Old Bayleyé 647. W?W?w I , “ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ,3 "W ‘ I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ x . A 4 ~ V 4-*s=and4t{1eA¢Widowes%AandOrphans of rust; Mohave died in the fervicc ofthe gag; L Parliament; A DieAVmeris%%z8 Maii 1647. A 4 n“?pr1ntcd%for 9 john V"WrjghtA%A3;t «theKin~ “ ‘ ~ ”.';‘3‘:;.,e¢% ".5 ‘gin “ /"/"—_-."=~'. ’ O «llHl|!.‘7 “--—. ‘/ n ‘\ "‘ “ *[_ ’ mi 1647. ?AT‘I N %fh€4“L.0R Ds fl.Hd_‘Cc0MMi"0 NS fl°'c5Mmled hi % Gocaming Aisan;ding?of:%»%he+% “‘W"" " $ *r| V“w’ 2 ‘W ' "F ", “ gm 1”: M I J ‘ ‘ & « e»~1Lo*r Jwinafi vmmom, if zzzg it of H‘ “I. F . -H #1 aw I \_ ‘. :1‘ ‘ A. in « ‘ u . v' 3 ::»~**\ .a€&,;£.3;z“;&}“#;i“b;tb17:fg‘f?27i_d'v,. “ \ é é * we” zre%dtx«*%‘*z*"‘g€’W;?9t¢’° H Wfwg A A I *éfbervI?i%weiW‘W>Aé?n3’b"»»P?riV , ,1 . ma. _,et_;pn t 0 ZJ‘y 72 V A A 01' 3: 1;“ 2‘ “ a 5‘ ‘ 5J”“%%%Tr%é*f«1i*r¢d % than Am tabéP1f#d@A01¢%{¢ftbe Kiwome 4% : flicI)~ z£¢o22f1‘rlérzzI2leV~ of their ./Irr_+“éz1A%r*Ys‘ iof be» payer! to tbofla tl.mt»4re to be 'Dz'.rlmmded5 21$ ‘A 1>*cflr‘é1e iv berrvvidfifir tbePvéeférzt,%;%rvitb re—-- jZ2.;:rll“‘ap ezzrt %~%*l’¢5du3~A"%5otb to 0flicer'La7z.d"A 7 new that 2gI7l?gi€I1»z'5 mt dz‘fl>4tcb;% at wesouldier, Varzd jib. ‘ » é4é»?2d4”tl)*~%A*:4’i5fi¢ 4”%TP“f0'”‘ If 4 ezzem tez:d~er22efl.e ~t0Wfl’dI the AmJ,%A andmse - gmgd to iilyzzrgefi‘ Tof un4*m2z'dablc?AA souldier ‘upoiz‘W16 éudifi7ig?3_oftbeir» x1c“.£'o;;z12#.r,%, we iom», azMn~cz»% dotzmppew the Amerwll %0rdin4né¢s évibl‘;%0rde*i"?w*%—?If WGA s 7 1" A ‘M % f ~3). A LIéez‘%z;g '*'re‘f9lcz2ecl7 dVto%t?9eir Az¢.:>;!viaI9ed%%¢*:tre and 4% and élefi :o%rmqweql1tIaofi¢ pre ‘ares ¢;»}qgéb Agitzier tbe"L2zécz:fl2:y: iof ?WdVTe4j;'V OCT‘%fi7zZ7fl'}‘ ’:of4,4Ale;¢fizr%ej)%?2r xwwremedie Ain¢tbfefe ¢ronb1efameA:zm, nzay lam-ae.% in :2x::mVz%z'4IzizIg, w 4aizc£?a’r:t,eif14¢zirz i7z ?~*¢?“g‘1m%=rit:.:or Bye“g*‘ V ‘ ':~ ,,;i‘*‘~"»i ‘ ‘ 14 Hé ,;_‘ aha: “ A E’ mi A «*teIa&iCf¢na-a by»%an.&acc¢*%%tsebIeiea>¢hs~swe;yrAtaxnc % tar ~fhia1*I % p6ii&féi1”‘fo¥5f:1§%§*fEt%*1éE§ _ a£eu1+‘m&;«&eA%+c“o: aem % m g §‘.c:aEm;he%?%@M;wm '3“ “Yr, ’? i u. fandthe jmj:-xt -mfichtefe gnder 1111;; ,._., that‘ t~hen;{f1,1r— . A réf;§e&ive1y;“*with%stHe%€gp€&in?ifi,’ t~henjwhg= A the ‘*o‘eh*a¥£ea£*riisV¢¢rtifie afindf ‘sealgsis-»Wh1e’hthey M-Ac%A%t' ~ A«w1th * care‘, fi;a11%VAberi¢uc¢~rnea*in gray‘4'a&éh%=gcer&ficace,=;~x:obe, .-3'5; “ aid: V . v fo by the: or0a‘fi<:¢rss% as af¢r¢faiar?t;+t.b§re:¢<:>f=; d0thJ;~ 1Ei11at%n3a3ii¢»“u,npa VVyff¢ii1%i13¢A54f3f€- txesw G*2Vji?riféri*s”f»%w’ ihéliaccr JMu&er4 heweg ¢~—$flLmi % A € , ~ 4 A : ..".‘ . iiaifiwfirfOr«4~£hi%srS€miee;f4 - A -.» ., .‘ Q¢§Ei%fi?3t;¢%?113%11:b€; %, ;€1?a'.rWh§§¢ .118 _‘ ...‘ W: N.‘ ,. .‘ v ‘ i_,. H . A ‘ % V V » Q ’a1e~A~A% " I A 3» 1% A ham,¢:Wpf%1.nY;~@€I1¢1f%t11: ; ,e é~ut§9r~ity¢% % iv Al‘. I 1 : ‘<3a:§1”1MIc:ni}in .6-’s7;éry%~fuch%ca~fe % } I thé*r%fié:@:inécr:;¢¥np¢ari4; , A ¢%%~i<.,iu§,t..11€*»,.r¢#1~1I>0n%%‘ ‘M1 13¢ :1C3C‘(3'-'J:..\}r].(I)‘L\t¢(.i§..tu.Q\ ,w.%ch0;ificc=r Aa¢Juf’edqbt* A Am « f‘§‘[13g3 311 Officefs anal Soizlclims who A have lalreallfi liléiflc ved my fumme of Many infizll fat.i.sfa6lcionfi'©rntl1cre~ fpeéfive Counties V where they ferved, though lt was anota-la grecable l'1e::e:ur1tca,% {hall nrgt by vertueef this O-rclmancc: CAA§an3v Claufc herein cefxtained) claimany llhcli pretended Arrears.‘ I ‘V I 775* lATh*at all Gavernbrs of Citics,Cafllés;Tovir,ns,, c;»rlFQrts.,v A unm wl-mm anyllallovvance isdue,citl1e'ras»Govctnor,or for Pay, Spies; Intelligence, Fortifications, orl\/1onie;sm2c;al7- farily laid out for Horfes, Armes, Ammunition, at 0tlaeAr- wile forfthc: f7crvAice of the State, ahd lmfh nobrecefivedlyltlhé fame, {hall have ‘the Accompts of _fucl1PayA and Clmfggs l exari1incd,alloWed,anddetermlined,by the C Qmmitt€€ ape; pdiixtrsd forthi;sp;urp<;>f:,ams an~Ax:rear to them due; A l A A ‘I Flrovideld alwayes, that th.¢,Govcrnour“~ aforefaicl {hall ta1kcgl1is%,;C0rpo;:all 03:11,, that Jlneither in Mmlya f Hfor{E:{., A-rmes, oro:her‘Go0ds appextainih;g5ij~"o: A b.elOngiAng t6 the Stage, lhfee hath l received any partl'of3ltAl1£:’l,MAoAriy whicl1 use accounts as due unto hirnfélfe .5 A Anldl~AV{h:a;llupon the farms Oath dclivcrinan Accompt of whatfi/Aer remaii1etl1lin,l1is hands belenging to the State. A A ,, That nolOflicerlofwl1at quality foevcr (vTvhohaf11,re—~» cciveclany Mony,0r Goads from the State,or other,wayes,l for which: hee is to be accomptalile) {hallhave laisl%A5la:m colnpts determinéd byrl1eC0mmittee appoim§;ellfgr,Al.;h¢3A fame,bc-fore laee batlldelxvleredznl an Acqémlpt tltzc-rec+flt<:re ‘ . the Committee for the Accifimpts of the Whole Kiizgciém, or their Sulir-Cammlztces tel"pc6fively.l And A in Car¢’Al it B A l {ball A . . (3) {hall appear at any time Within two years afier determinai »t~iomoAfany% fuck Accompt,4*4tha‘t any fuch Officer is’%fur~- whet chargeable, hee flmllfor default herein forfeit. to the State deublethe fumme whigh fhall appca1:fe~he_ehag.h mg?» i: formerly acknowledged uponwhis Acc@fl’1P‘t.‘ A f $ That no0fficer»o‘f' H.0r\feV, or braoozaes in Cémmit’fi4 ~m%:fl‘;1aIl receive Pay. far any Hor%fE:sAVin order to -their ref‘ V Afiive qualities-, other than hee {hall make ta 2 ppearé. by the V WMuflers, hee keptfor‘the~fervi%ce ofthe ‘Parliament, and A for fuch time om:-1y;,as.it {hall fo appeare hce.'3Committee, aCe-r- T :tificate unde§:rtl"2ehand and {cafe of the Major, Bayiifié“, or “ 7 V the Supreame Civill Officer of A that CitieorT ovvne , A that % ~ he hath payd fo~rJl1is Qu‘2*rters‘%the time%_% of his command A . % in that '(:arrifon,which Certificatcfo Braught , {hall fuffié A ciently affiare the Committec for this Ifervice , thatfuch an .Ofice—r hath payd his;Quart[er. A V A T113: an ACcompt’s,except the Officers of the Gar- Jrifons .; for which tlaelfe hath beene particular .fCflI3b1ifh°' mcsnts, and of the Reformadoes before mhentioxied, {hall be A V .det‘erm;ineci aécordingto the alilowance of pay"madeto thg A A Late Lord Generall the:Ear1e of Efléx his ArLny,bc50re the A ~ . twentietli day of M1765 I 643 _» i ,sE3%6.5¥at9~é e XXL A V An§1la&Iy,It is ordered and ordained, that all, andfin... _ gular fumme and fummes @f M ony that fhalI»%AaAp-pea”re;to be ; ‘remainingd;1eupon.t1‘“:e fizvcrall Accompts ‘which mall be ,takcn,examincd,allowed, andAdeterminedby the Com‘mitq 4 -.-tee appoyntedfor this fe':rvice', according t0 the In{tru&i- ‘ons hcerein exp:-eff,‘ {hall be accemteé as a ju‘fiA debt frame — Am I »» $4 .- I I‘ : ‘ . ‘ ‘ ,‘ » I" !'n ‘ , . . \ _ ‘ .,. ..~,. .. » , 3. vrx, "~».s=.<-z-rm‘ v 3 ‘. \ ~.. ‘ 2 1 3--bu ‘ My "-~, H ‘ ,, J -' 3:." ‘ .._,_ .4 M‘\ ~ ““ . bv‘."‘%}:.:“‘.. “\ I 1'. _ \a& - VI-Inn-'n.. . u 3: 53% iéflii. i».szai§§zs3zsI1 ::=;w:-Xe‘:;_s:=..s;;:::~=“= r‘ p U a H -.. manages of rheL.ord*s and monsmfemblcd in~Par1iam cnt, for 1:34., kinghthc Accounts of t»hc7Soule V diery ofthe Kingdomcu, is J!enm"s4. A 28, AIaz'z'%.4 V I 6 4K7.- Lords andCommons inPaz:1iamcnrAffizmblcdg... ‘ % 4 taking inm:their ferious confidemrion, :1.;¢ gmategnd :faithfu1i”S~erv1ce of the Officers‘ and Souldicrs who have 3353;; imploybcd ‘ in thefe Warres under thcir-CommanVdw, [ And th:ehopefu11 condition to win-ichfthis»KingdC>rne% by %theb%1eifiI'1igof .-G.od:is*~thcreupon HOW Ifcovercd Andcalan A »l,ing rt) mindetheir owns refolutiansformcrly declarcdfor -the jufi {‘:1t:isfaé’ci0£1 eof iilltllofe W1‘iOA by fuch Service have -g,iflve‘n large ““7‘ much concerned ;°:Andtak1ng 11kew‘1fs;fpec1a1l njotjice of flue great‘ fummesi of moneythat are iffucd forth to Ofii- ficers, and Souidiers upon Accompts undetermined ; And ~t~hc,gr_e2:ct inwnvcnicnce gthat happen» thereby both to the ‘O- :4; fl-1¢”Sz:{t:*::%nwd% Sézdéiiery ~And % zvtzf-H ofiferv mg thye civil! _ L carmgge m“ am fuc1*z1whoy¢ti10ugh their Dcynandfis are as gqik , ané Necefl?;rAiesasVgrcat as theirs, .%wh@att¢,nqd;h¢re gaygy .f;3f[_hE1:I_‘ Atrearcsg, Yet out of _c0nfidence of the . mali Entmkians of t1‘%e_P;m'3iament, andD7utiful1re‘fpc<9cs VA m ghm-%¢g{;—~_» aflci qzxiat , ham» forborne to‘of?r:i't12cm the % '}:;‘-zafk di£%ur*bamyCeAis1the1r pracecc-hugs. AA&1zdtha;thep};:ee muses of aHOfi;c:'¢rs, and Sou1di£r,s,‘vvVhichare gniiundm 4.1;cflE:, and umvarrantable, amithe’ juI’£»_ Demands Ofvtvhofiz A « whofe afiuaii, and fazzhfmil Servxce, renders? them WOI-*3, thy 0f thmr pay; may truelyapeare ,Be it Orciained,*2-nVd “ 21: is Ordai11e4dbythe f21ié’iLQrd'S§ 3 E1’d Commons in Far.- ii;1mentAlTemfbEed,A ”};“b::.€ the AC0mmitt¢e;for. taking the V ‘ Accomprs of flnewhok: Kmgflome, {ha1IAVbe~ethe Com mime for the taking , “mmmining , and determiningthe Accmnpitsfl of an 4 40€ficers , and Souldicrs whatfoever, “ who have fervcd A ‘in thefé ?VVarres under thei Command of chcPar1i2:ment,% or%%theVVHeifes5 Executdrs} Admi- nifirators, er Afiignes oflany fuch Officer or Souldicrg whéf’ ‘fhall'be dcceaied or abfent , which faici Committee, A or any three“ or more ofghem {hall have i power“ ,« 5 and am V hereby authorized ,‘ andrcquired, to take, examinmand %* . determine the Accampts of a1»I%Officers who%have* {'0 fer- v¢d,¢according to the Inih-u6ti0n+s.Aagre1cdAun by both Houfes the 28. day of %MV4y, In.’tituIed , Ir1f%.ruc”c4ions ’ azorrccd upon by theLords,and ‘Commons in Parliament. jgm-mbfed,-to be obfirvedfin ~takingg examining, and g‘erc:rmin‘ing the A,ccQmpts_ of4a11Officers, and AS50141» diets , who have ;a&ua,%11yJa find %fairhfuMHy'~ ferxied mzder their Commaridin the Kj13m"doAme of Er2:g"1é¢7d aI1d’D0s‘ 7 minion of W4[$£3.;‘f&7f§i1}5 or Encc the b¢gi1mingAofthefe 4 W% And warrssa < A % (Is) ” 4 e And_xhe~faie~. Cnmmict.ee§flaallnhaV¢pew: ‘_ “andnennare hefeby a‘~uthQ};i{¢d;}m». anflnrwee uiredne’ » A new ;j"§Trcafrirer§;w P&ece‘ive~rs.n,'n* and . L %afrai=ntsnuI1iftee cubes: Sub;-Gum-As" mitt"ecs,and all "others that flaall Be-“implojeci i :m‘& aboufithe fiiclfexvjiae, max: berharein::pro-.- tefigd aid__{'aved¢harn1elefl'e, 14 by powemndz lau”thdxit Y30fb¢th‘¢ H°“f¢5 0f‘Par1iameme% . ' # I "C: '3'“ V-2 . V "C ‘ - ‘ O - :31.- cg - " ' A L r,"« _ I V ‘ J 1 1 J‘. M-.. _ . I‘. 4‘ ;_ M . ‘ ‘ I _ - ‘-"'4Iu' ' I " " ' "H . mm A V~ «,1 ” r:.1g - . , - » ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘I ,9 v. I ‘ * ‘ ' ‘ - » .. - ‘.‘*‘M’ ' .. 3%! ‘av ' ",m' _ . , g; ' 1:“ , « "r 42.. .,...n 5 W, ~,,I- ; ‘ n_.’A 3' T.:..~ I’ U 530' \ ‘ fl “ 0,‘ ":\:“W ' ' 7"‘ \ N .v ‘ ‘ -- v -‘ .«, “-. v \ . _‘ a F v ‘.3 I‘ \ ’ .‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ . 4 1 . ‘ y_ I . . ,1’ V ‘i 3‘ W. . . \ ‘O’. ‘A! x‘ K In ,. _....‘ ‘ ‘ . 1' -.3 5 - or‘ .,. fl ‘ ’-; .‘ _ x. {I ‘ \ ‘.o ‘. _ ' . . x . ‘ ‘V, 5.4-, . , ' u ‘ ~ '::~‘ . ' ‘. . , ., v. ._, \ V ' ‘ " ‘N. 1 \ s s “ ” ‘ ~ . "n " -g» V‘, ' u . ~ ., , n s 7 I . ‘- 4 K ‘v ' . A \ .\“* v ‘» V. ‘ . ‘ ., 0; fr " " ? I ] L , ‘, . 1‘ gm -_ _' ‘ ‘ .. ., N I r ya‘ ' — .4; .‘ J v#, ‘u ‘V. fi a v ‘ " ‘; . * .5‘! Q, I 3 .¢;., ."1;. ‘:3, -. * . , U I \ ‘ \ I I’ ' " A’ " A t‘. ‘ J Oxdixzm . ‘ Y hefe fmaime Souldiersand ‘ %M3~ 1‘ 71‘iI1.4¢f 3: 3Hdfh¢VVi3doW$ %find+:f4 A phant—s;:offi1ch%as have .diedin'thc, A fervice of th%e Parliament during . thefe latewarres. Qt‘ Or vi the re»1ief¢ .%andA maimieé» . . "T nflflcfiof fu~ch.VSou1d:¢tsA ” ,_ A have Abecxi mimea‘, am %dirab14ed »m%che.%£ervice_o£ '3 A , ; :}ixh£Par1iamcnt-during thcfca ‘ 134:2: warijes ,; mac ism fay, >.. ‘_ .... _ lI;V‘ ' '?r'\"‘ .. .;.~ ';{sIl$ili|" r _ 1.: ’_ _ I '!'t ;._.‘Lv:Ié"‘, . ,. for:theAreliefe%of4the ¢ifin§ce the warms began and 4 Jowséind rphants offi1chashave+becn%;fiai-11¢ C = 21 ¢ _;or \ At}1...;€‘ %Ii)V‘a,.‘ A wfiedzr saimdw fa an AA ginder.fuch ;pcnah:1es as apfbintédii;theiijixfbicm pf th¢'J;~érds and C0mm::m*sV im11:thisA%vpxiéfent:Paxiliaié-,;:‘$ In em féffi-3'mbled~%; : from}%and% % after ; Lo f‘5:%,¢jZeT;%A lafi pafi b4ef<:srveVV the date hereofgevery-.‘%A M P‘:1ri‘{h xé§?ithir11:}”1i3% Rt.-éaiméof England %zmd..wo‘~ minim-1 of Waig; {hall be cha rd Weeke1y«toJthe. payfmmof fum~me*of money as formerly, theyhave%bea:1mted» ~at byvertueewf a Statute ‘ Of the 4.3'4“%Jye%ere %of%’4%*Qu€en EIim£»et£¢% Cap; A‘ tertifo 3, corgcarning the relief: Souldiersand A I Marrine’rs[g,'” for to fi1ch%endand purpofeg; And,likeWifq fuch further furnme of money ove1%~an&LA%%*?efieS as J A of theflgsacéin thEI1‘£1’E3tf QuawftE1jf‘éfl‘io%nsM after \ gnf th1s%~rd1nance , or the major ‘ part: {hall a djudged A1n€,¢t to be 317- fe£Téci;%1iP©;I1i e*§zery4P‘9ariih ; or appélryfthat , hazh*aifiinae facets; Io asw the {aid additi%ong1‘1§ffli2ime A exiéemethi ’th%=eV[%.fu mine two fhxllings and 'fix;A pem:e‘%[+,, A nor be under the fummc of three pence each week: for each y the‘faid4 Statute of \u:e;éxi%‘4wAE££z_a£é%tI:%is %dec1ared5%And be to we I Tmafurers +for4%% Axthe mama Sag Qfi.Ath%§ %QmmtymrALiberty vrmrtue of 3fi3‘»i%he%Statut;Vé6‘ um: Elizgzl-Netlv afore7'f‘aid5 % A ;A;aid.Tr J u1*ers%iha1l*.b1: ordfireé 7;: fuck A manner M ‘ m“ann%r;; L and ‘under: fuck %»pen~a1tae%?3s~ by »thje;.. ‘faid ’St3t11“te’ is fiarther. dVeo1ared§.% :’4Afnd» ~{is; dai.z’:ed%A t11at%wev%¢ry Sould‘ieror Marfifiér 4, mid-V-:~_A med mérjdifablgd in ‘body?f0r,§W*OrI£ee, ins thcferé V~i~.G.€ 70f5 the Pin.‘1ian?reh1: during t‘he’fe[ l£at%e.warr¢s~ {hall farthwith ~rAepa‘ireAto the p1a»c¢Wher¢ he? was Lift‘ fabled whenhe toioke» Armes, Vwith a%%Certificate% ;of his {e»1i4v&ce ,, eand~%hur~t V uiid¢5%f?%"the»&%»I1a7rad;0f.4 :his%Ca~pta4:'m.e‘%VorA other ¢ miflionaryL.¢$cc~r M and {ball alforepV%ai‘1‘e1;n’Tg;,g 1':h"e next Jufiibesvof thcfApeaCe%for, the; County ;,wh ere= fuch hié fetling . thjet % faid two: Pcices .$i1pn‘e?xam*i‘nati<.m of Atrtith fuchf%Ge:tiErcat~e”%‘t which die fiiid two A Iylfiiées ?aAi+e~ her€by:cnab1ed tcfa take A1111} oath of i:-Alaew party, A éizwdcf fuch;WitnAéflE84a~s:~Vh<: {ball A product) A I iha1lVb~’y :?War1’:a:ntw;4 ur;to~Hth¢[LT%re_afi:1r‘“Ie r A affighe rehefeA ~utiti11‘ the”%n¢:et QgarteAr—-: feflions to» by: rholden "f0“‘r"' that Cunty pr, Li~ berr.-y 1At Whieli t'ime% a yeerelgr pcj11fior}fi£ha=1I- ‘pieby1:h«e~faid:.Iu£tiea£ or ¢4vnaaj>om qpart. o;fthe:_h granted ih=’1iiaz1ti*er a¥J:1.d% farmed, A andwith power A of Afevocatioii~0i*.%a%lteration. , asvby 7t:h«afaid~St_%a- ‘tum is further declared~ and siirexficed 5, ‘And in €a£re“%th9t Ciltptaiflé ; app ointefl ‘ta make *‘faeh Cbrtiicatc 4 %%diehd,‘;'%.the ;fa”i&;[twoA “ Iufiiceé {ha1:1_hav%e p(lmz.e+r;.mpon réqufrflwtothem I made} in behaIFe4of%At2he ipmy mzwrned” peri- A fans of Acredit ta; giwge;‘fu¢h§1iekiefe*hsJ in ‘ cafe of ”c°1£8n1,i%ii&fl0n%? afmne % :.;;Aaxid;:aAs .?t@u'eb»ingf%i% A % Adows. » M J A‘ 42;; 2 A aows *"a1;1d rp_han"?ts of fi1c?h~a<;‘ar have%d~ied=, . or hj.W*ébe'en»~ flain€‘Af-in‘A férvi*ce4%,V¢”0”f the Pm-lia-4 , It’“ishe1‘eby‘ 0_;*d_ain<€d A th%at;0v€rjandi_ be-A-' fié1esA fuch ~re1iefeV4wa-s _thej_ gaiane fibyfhfiit‘-~ woJrk'e and labour‘ ,, “ and, L Va§1%be:.gz1lowed«5Athem by%%the~charity_V ‘3I1d:,;"be1'§eV'Q.JC~flC e} pf the %.I?ari{h3% I‘wwn;mr Hamlctwheretheyare..fet%Ied* ('Who‘ are ‘hefieby required tO*ha7tré in fpeciallt regard the Txjeafurersof the ma‘in:£ed Souldi~ era for Cfuch County a.l10W«~fi1ch%fu_rther ‘reliefe +froImmim%e to time”a?sAfhz111Abe«vjtidged 1m:et;, by me two. next In {3:i?;:ési of=~the%’:pfeace;4y pf fu;:>Vh County"; The ("aid reliefe {hall bepaid outfi of~the%futpIu!ége of fuchfiock of maintenance a7g;ihal“14reiamine inthe handsof thefaid Trqafi fure_;~s4aftcrfuch‘(pentions‘granted,-and payment iléfrthem made, A ndfof Which? furp1ufage* a'nd allowance smadq;,unto Vfu‘chiiddowskm*d«4Or.- phants,rtheJ.f'aid Trea1"u1:ers% fljall give account fiom 1_:im€?to tfirne%*, and¢jthe Ilamefdifiribute in fuch “manner% as bythe Iufi“icesAfl1a11A~«w .bcdire& ed,; and acco_rdirigt'o thfe Statute aforefaid. .4 , Bgif7further%ordaincd,that thefllu fiicgs f;tl‘i‘e picacefin cverycounty orfibcrty, ¥or"an;y two of thenigaflaalll ;fort7hwith éallall fuch Treafu» are:s,,High-—confl:ahles,Petty~con‘Prables,,dr oth er yperfonswho A have formerl been. irgtruff-~ ~cdgwif!:1i the Lrécciptfig, A gollcéging, °or‘§d.i%fpo~ ffing bf a£:yA£uh31i1¢~04fA money chargedupon.any A ;,by“vc1;tuc ofthc VStat1.ite’W;'iforefaid «and “ 'W.hcAreoVf <21) %whéreof;n0 ‘account hath been given 5Vanvd I’ikéi-P wife the Executors and Adm1nifh'atorsof fuch ' perfomg‘ unto account cohterning fuch leavi'es% A and c0l%le&1ons mad¢e , A and lush moneyas they {hail fimde remaining in the‘cufkody of fimh. perform, to order forthwith to be Lpaidfunto ‘the A Treafurer appointed by venue A of” the {'3 d Stfatufte ,% o1_f to be appointed by vertue of »t is 0rdin2'mce, at. the ‘next quarter Seffions 1:)‘ be holder; for the Countyor Liberty , ‘under fuch penal ties as by the (‘aid Statute‘ is re: forth 5 V which (‘aid Treafurer to be appointed by vertue of this Ordinance {hall continue by vertuchere- Fofuntill4theMEafferfcHi0nsfol-lawzng. ,F j I N I s.