~€8.COI'1 SC 4417253 ABlafpéemom* fiookx of .¢natberNamraA.' Allxnade A In A‘ ‘ HIV‘ Aw!» A .A A.., _ j" V ' »‘x ‘ V ' w‘ A i H -‘A. “ A A« ,. 44¢» "" - u (fly cu‘ .0’ A A ‘ ‘ F‘ \ W4 : u % A A M AA A :7 v‘ ~ \ ' . ‘ . A I . h ‘..,,A . I‘... A ('A“A.""‘eEA_A19AA'f'-1“9.6€"‘l'f1x' _ mj-;§;zmAA‘A,,,ym-;‘A A:.,‘A¢,_ Ar" A 9 Wm «A ' A\»A ‘ -, m The Humb1e1n5o1~ma:m urccmrin scacionefsés, Citizens of Lamina ,, to tAI1AePAAar1iamenAtA and % AACom1nonwca11:I1 of AE NAG L _A'f.Z\Z’D, Rates,’ ( taking ad vantage of the Divificms A and ¢:hc;S‘mAzw-.: great Emplo 1 A j A=Corru]pt the purmbafirine of the Sc A?i';é:t’fi‘z*V Imzxroduce the whoiefiodyof Pogifh -Dofirine 8:; Seduce the Subjeéh caf this Commonwealth uncom A pith Religion, or that which is Wmtfe. ” A Ey lPI"ritmg dm’AA Pwlzflzziqg mzxw A1’¢:ptflaAA EAAzm.;l's , A A (PxintcdfAin finglakxd A.1“nAAAth:AEngAlifl1 Tm:A"1guc within theft thrcc lafi 1AA?r‘”ears¢~Atiw6rcit: maimaining4AAa11.AchaAAgrm4fsAAAPwinArs~9??w¢ry.Aurging av 2 ncceflity fori"a”I1Af7fn»Areceive AAthemA Aupazm ” “’amnaI:ion;, Apm» AA A claiming in me of A chem,:Atha‘t the Pm'1iam:rztAhaTifl di{cha.rg7’*i?:l’A” A A Wgion thereof; bczafiing of‘ manypeminm: men that A . A we lately convmstc-:Vd‘%ta theirR.cl5gion, and ex.» A ' “ A. ;prefl'1'ng the hézpes they Thavemf .aVAgrcau A A A flowing in of people untothem.) V A A Acvidenc bywf The Catalogue andContentsA0£§m;any o£A:1mAa‘fam«i ; fa.id.Bo0ksaddcdmrcuntoq A A A €25W5%li/lzadfar tlba .S'cw*71im:!’;4a*ft/an‘Parliamwt and Commaflvmltb. A A A’ A Hopinzgxhat theAPax1iam(:ntby fuflicient Laws, and the LordsAMi- A A. A A A ,:niPo2r$:zxnd People by; their Preaching andmuyefrs, willfm them»: A n 4 A AA (upmthis Alamm than nheEmemyAgives) tO‘.maiUtfliflIhfiAA AA ~Amie\s‘thereaf. T N 1 A M.- Ollhunu... --4---H-"'- Conccrning the Vig,"iA1;mcyA of_Iefu11t$;,Pa§pi{’ts,and Apo-AA ;amongoutfelv.f:s A‘ A A the people mf this N3:icmiAfmmAthe common profeffed Rcli.-LA AA A: xfiuith that wAa§‘TAyn«z:.v, or other places beeyonditheiSeeag prefixecl, asif * they wereiprintedthere; yetv/e5 and all” thefBool;fel- lets and ‘Printers in Landon, “that liave feen orflmll fee " . ghcmai A V 7 3 1 them, do upon fuch fight know thet they are printed in Ltondm-' And the Founders of Printing-—lette1's that live in Lw¢rZa2z,. do infallibly knotv, thatthe letters With. which the {aid Books are printed,‘ were by theriicafl; and "made in I...om2o;¢. ii A V V The Ptemiilles confideted, wedohL1"mbl"y pray the Parlia1nent._,t for the fake of outldear Saviour ljefus Chtift, in behalf of our felyelsy lahd all themany thou-—i {ands of Godspeople in Egg/and 9 yes. findagaihgnofl heattilyimplote the Patliatnentj and every "Member tl1eteof,fl by Gods mans elxpyeétationshi, your own publique Profefiions emcl Enygagemefints, and as ever Kou expeét to appear befo1feGocl with comfort, ‘whtoi etch put power into your hands to do much for A his «beloved Spoufe andCaufe;, Tliat Youwould Ili1*up your Strewngthtt ou1'i_{Z.ea1lll ztgainit the -lElne'¥-— mics of biothrl he the geoplct of this Cont1m’onwea1th”” , By fhepprefling. o“pifl1 anal Blztfphemous Books , which are the Nur{e1*y of Error, Idolatry ,, and Rebellion, Im?utrefa6tion_ nod iSlm1;n;el~yof Variation, Prov“ocetioen of Divine Veng.e.1mciel , 4 Hilg9.l]fF.(“V‘a"y‘ to V€1f.¢l‘I1£ll_‘ Perdition : And that if the Act now depending, concerning the Campamy of Stationers and Printmg , do not make. zunple provifion in the Premiffes, it may be azccommo--4 dated to the aforefaid pttrpofe, aswell its zmyother : A to ’the end for gloocli :1 work mtty be accomp~lifl1_ed,y ahdeffeéttlal 111ek§; by faltfifulab1cx:ie:2.llthat‘l W are found in the faith,be fl\r1&ly4enZ;oyn’d,and anleqzzie : table penalty layd upon all tl1}:;1teprint*l.a¢nd,l ll-‘P'!‘-"i\h']‘:‘1""{1-"]Dh“,'y01:‘u’“‘ caufe to be printed and publi{hed,any'Bool; not*.Lic‘en«4*l fed, and the faid penalty tobe » Iiecovereldleby any thiite {hall lprofecute the Offender at the ;Common—Lax:veA,e A A..l'lCll3flIly3W.LI.4€11flZ the Parliaments"greatAlfl’;i”irs V boutvvar and Peace fhould hindef fi1chineonfid;erab1¢ Informers asweare f1:ombeingI1ca:‘d5fxv¢ldo,hbegl (in \ the Na111eofChrifl:) of all perfonsgofeallsdeg*rees,whe— l 4 ther Minifcerso of the Gofpel, A Gem:Ie%men§ A of othexfs; 4 * by xvhat A Names ‘rower _difii_ngluifl1e~dl;*‘lihat 1 i~areT' or would be 'efiee1jr[1ed rea1VFrier’1ds 1:oVtrL15e Religi-§ on, the Parliament 'and;"Comm"ohweaIth,of ; Ezlglaml; A Thatthey would improve all thelillméerefi: the have ’ A both in “GodVand men in» authority,{flox‘;tI1e_’ele&ua1§ Suppr"cfi71lon"*of7lPOpifl1BO01€5:eee~9¥i1dll‘fl3(°P?ill§"“thehgI‘OWth A The fame‘Requefi to ehelPé1rliel1nent “andaforefaid Al I Perfons we humbly ldefi-re 1Iiay”extend«untol other e Blafphemous Books alfov,-, The Names and B1afphe-- mics of fome of A which jvelilgewifelherewith tender; 5 Lugefimne. Samuel Qellibmfia’. 2/mm ‘Um/eriii/1. fa/WIf %Lea1‘hin'ga1idArgu1ne11« V ration to Aévincc the PopifhRc1igion %to;bé‘thcT %0‘xie1y A V Vtru¢_Rc1igion,A the Church of R’amc% the" onely trub 13 4A Church, E IO Chu*f‘CT1, and infallible; imuntaining Latin. Service, flxzhe Coxnnlunionin one land, and moi’: of the,grofl;‘ePc npointso£%Popery; 4 . r I O. A' Mzflfive to /7255 _7mz]'zj?y K.]ames,by Dr Czzrriek, wrinen 39 yezuis ag[o,Ve4andirepr1nted1I 649., containing thehzlotxves ofhxs Converfion to the Roman Reeligion, M with~nInducem’ents ntp.t11at"K1ng%to tL“_11‘n Papift: The [ APubv1ifl1er endevoring to make L21/t;5’é‘r,Czz[‘zJz';¢,B e,m,&c. V odious 5 inferring f‘r01n*Mec}2»z;¢irk5 C[4z'm"f0 z‘/Je Pu119z’r, the Dif21g1‘C€II,1¢ntdthat is amonge ournkfelvees, and the mifcarriagesof part}icL11.a1*pe‘rfo.ns ;,j~Tnl1at+4our&R¢1igion is falfe 5 A%g1oryin"g% ymumch th¢eC’Q1‘%WC1ifi0n*nof‘ many ;Protefl:an'gs ;;to Pope rye of%%17Taten :_,n as, r Vlzzm, Hugh i°;z¢4lz';¢,n Hem.‘ Irefmu ‘N. Read, Mr Iiicbz Nidza/1:, Mr Ric/J.’ Mfz'/efem‘, n%MereIiic/2.1 nnL(Jm[/mw,% Mr Wzi/Z“: Rozvlmds, My -T/Goxmgnsg Normifigtqvm, Mr ffoyzzer, I\/Ir Blzzkzflayzg, Mr Ealxvnral Barke7',.Mr E Af0WaM1;P€f3f_.G[14¢J_ M1‘ 55.4ck- flm2Mr Cooper,Mr 0: Crég/JtomMr Amlmv Tozmggr»-“z‘0,2¢, .M1‘ 1*-lug/7‘1i';¢afl, Mjr_ box fobnfl0;¢,“ Mr)’/V1’/Zzlaem Simple.- Perfvvading, that things being fallen to fuch an uncon- nceivkaeblre Cownfufion in li3z¢gZmaz’,% it is no matter of won- A*_.., , ;\_. A‘ A. iderntha. fQin1z;ny;turntto Popery,M_ but that more do not flfolltaixvl M ‘ :n:.%n:~eeL;m;¢a of z/ye W1, A by%g.;M. TAhewhc$1e {cope of the ;Bc5o%k‘ .in$_f"tQ‘\P¢ffVVad€ peop1e;,T1nt the ”*ChfirWC11 01’ Vfieménen is the 0116 my IN? Chumnand tlmciis:-parat.1on from her 13 finfu1.and"damnable; and at the end nitnare prefiixed f0}me %Pc*>pifl1“Ch1ef’cions _inRhy1nC, Wllifihwexfe anfwerediby‘M:%S/tmz¢elfiHircm :fQr«ty yC}‘?‘r5;n3gO' i‘ ’ M % ” 1 ' % A % ‘ "I 2 .. o.......a [ II ‘_‘| \ 12. ‘A Jtzlizzeifefl ted.ec/Jviyegie MriW.;P. _/jruerfim from the Proteflamt C_\0,Wg7€g&1t'j0}¢;flWd /azét C oxvzzerjfiaie ,tfott/2_pep Czt--p ‘ftboliqzte C/mm/5 .- Muintainingralln the grofstPoints in Popery, :1fli1‘tningtl1e Roman Church to be the only true Clttttchgto \Vl1lCl1tClll.1T1iUflI joyn, from whichnone I mL1l’clfepzn*nte upon pain of Damnation; T,hat {he is infallible, and cnnnotteach anything reopttgnanttp the l Wotd .ol7Gocl~, ln‘o;n'1ore then God crmtteach contrary tol1ir.nfelt+,' And tlflat Preotellcantst have no true Scrip- ture to build their Faith on, A A 13; T/eels? xzzzm';m.t*io:/2 of the late 2452‘ ofettbe G501/tzruaezzé A i tzim ¢zt< Qpxfard, V lcoI2;t'.e.«.:“.=’.%~ em met/aly ezezjery M many me new ezzelzeee W fd:zatek7e5 rzézfiey flve/[heifer for/z time; and that » [;,15 j , A = A t.hnttthe'y;/‘he/1 then e1yeAngezz';?2, zznefhfe tznet"thtleteel.' P. 24,3’A..A A A That Ifenrfeinee ehnzenez.’ en: tefzzy wzt.hA oer t01tg;tte.,W€ he belcfcve not in CAh1'ifi, we nwzfi ohey the 1e>m;»ee-, §1"n:i that evhntflzewer el Seth] ed?‘ 223‘ eentpe/lee! to in eheeiienee to .h27e S or evemegng amt doth it not in order ta his own eninet, heat: in ereler to the Law of z'sA C onntry, that he V his SAorz2emz'gn:. «.3 nor is it he that zlnthzlv eef e efehnyeth hefere neemhnthzix Gover;eo2:,ezn1a’ththe Lem: efhzls C e.A:n2teyA .- .27I.~ A A A 4 P Affcrts , that there heme heen no Martyrs finee the Zéleflles days, hzet nanny hIel’U€? neeeflefly enfl neezzy their Awe; A, 27 A A ~ A A Tl1atPzz£i‘z'o3ns efmeenenn never he ‘lettleznifthtl or finfze[,A. hzet when they are again/tthe Lem: of the Conznzenweelth : p; 279. Den ing, that the New Teffmnent :35 in any place to“ nny perfhfn at Law, where the Law of that C enznetne-J wealth hath noteneeleztfe, p. 284. And as much he fi1ithe‘of the whole Scri‘ hturet elfcjwhere: with :1 great ~dea1A”mo‘i:é Offi1t:AI1£B1afp cmoush%StufF.. A ‘ Sprigéc -“A p 1 I A A A Erting, That the ASnfi”erz'ngs ofChez'_[tfee M were A A Teflintenye to en: Appreoeehing’ Glory“; by~5'5e/hen A A4 it were hnt at Pezrnhle, and that Gaels heart wees. not jet eqzon the Avery hezrvinge little Blood for thefins of thJ6P€0P[6’; but taking that Bleed ,h /heath: thcrebhy to one Che"/dz’/h~ A, wheAeonlelnet‘fie how there coztldhehn Reteneeilietion hwithentB1[ooe_l; fp.53.,e ” A h A h V V A A That ernezfying Oheffld/I/I95: rzghhteeetflneflvg. 275 ezgreetee Snefifiee to Gad (then the «very jézerzfieing of the Of Wéfi‘ -'1p»54. t A _ _ A . “V' ‘- ‘:‘1 zen tn Perm wherein G04 appears‘ tethewcirld 5* there is ‘at higher thing then J3”elee~+- fion Z3‘ ital‘: h,::s:_,, heet A «wing; - cw: wing, and that is jeeing and knowing t e Fzztiier witbozatza ' “Fpr;7g,m4z;¢i:f.6fli}’,7g dfld revealing 70W.” imrng; diate Lzgbrg z‘/32'; I define you ta waz'tfar¢,fie/afar, prcjfi’ ta-Aw ‘ w4rd5,p. 5% 6%, And that So .4 Belewer 610$/J when begoetb ta % G 52 in tbefizmei/£;¢c"z‘z'on t£mt2wzq2owed zapo;2%Cbrz’f;‘55cfm,4 A doth notformzzlly m4,€a%;%Jwjé*oftke‘Name of Chrzfl, «M11 %% Am..zmwouAld ufefitbe mm; affl2megre¢zr~mzw» A zmal éegfar.bzk&A fzzfee, p. 58.} ~ uCa11sit~~wm/czzcfl'