.. l*- 4‘ ,.‘ ‘I E .”f'f:‘;%‘ at A , %% +o+N*¢«v+++4-+Mw¢+%«§¢w¢+w Prcached before ‘ thé Qnourable Haufc ofC on M om: in Margaret: Churchm Wcjlmirxflcr , the 3,1. of Dccemfier, A A A A .; 1 "6 W4. 5%.." ‘being Athé day of Publicke; % A Humiliationand Fafting. A "V L 2.CoR. % 5.1o."Wa‘muflalIa1‘§>pear,i9’c. //J. ;f Y purpofc is not__fo ingagc my A ’ /" fc1for.wcaryth1sHonourable Affcmbly with any ofthc bu» ' 7} fie and pcrp1cxAcontrovcrficsA about Church-govcmmcnt ’’v‘ A on foot among us;v,vh“crcinits4 _ W 7 3 % " A A A to filtisficcithcr hisomwn Con~ §m’m:.-j: M fcicéncc or his Atldiroryi: Cmcfiions A[ thcyarc which F}f;‘§§L‘f§f”" ifmcn once damwn them, or bcficlcc of thcm,wiXl ‘ occafion cwzévy, j£_zfe, rqilings, ewillfiarm§flng:- and pcrvcflé dggpmg: .-+4 Concflmggwh1ch,L¢I§/J6’m§<1+' ~ “ A fvxcc /774?’/77 not cafic for aman not btaffcd :w,,9,;.';‘,§;3,;§ " N ,W A Smmm preached before: 21}: V vice to a Synod of Divine; affemblcd at Norim- b¢,rg« and,cngag*edgin%a‘h0t contention, is not to bee dcipifcd-M 6'18” Wfilium ftWi’"¢fl”'i"”5'“’”f5’ Emfflvfll P‘&.i."fl":.l-l.’~w._'-3 Au: éwwvivwfiwflwfiwl 44 *¢m.mfm'~ 14?}i(il§il7wé§lW¢'A74'3§”“fli‘W)ii’€¢?¢5‘* Hbiwévcr I com.-¢ivc* itiniofi unfit at this time «:for,to turn a day of humili- ation into a day Aofdifputation;and“that which {houki be a day AAofrcc_@nciliad,oni?vvith God?,f’ to in-' nfirhc=wifd1oml:¢of lrtcfiahd Angcllég }c(usChrifl‘fl1all’.’gi\'rc }cv‘c‘ry manllhisldel-enmr at llalllv,~;» I how much glory is due or“ how ln‘luch’wrath, and ha y will ballancc thc=Accounts of the world; % -W_ ,,§_m5 5 .l he‘ lthingsfol” bcc accogdtlcd fopin that dsayj peeing. ‘ arcrhc things *donclllin’tl1cl bléclyg nofic "c‘l;l'c{,‘ ll;for‘l' fo much in thcaoriginall the words import. Mlah is lll¢onfidcrc»d cithcr inflam canjmtéigas the f0ula&s in the body,or infi4tufip4r4ta,a‘s. ita&s~ apart fifomlthc body‘. “ lA‘”fttf. cleath the foulclivcs and ac?ts;l':the lzgvq of lGodlislcternall,-andl rhclércaturvislllboundltbwl jar: creatiamir, which is an ctcr_n2_1ll obligatign : .l~aw¢11dl‘j,’;fZ;,.'t,-3,, ';''W,. A t-hcrcfbrcdqaiu. faith truly ,7 lflammti fiingjliemgzt d='aMu.qw«/I ‘ .» lfimjzerinafiu r ." Beam éafrin sbacpecmbt %.-- yct tllc Sghc3Qlcm’c’n7*gene»4 ~ grccasapqnacram rally conclude ltlll1atlI:vl1c dc'rnétit'? ofllfin teal *afrc7rZ‘.l."}'¢’I'£'."5'}'..,‘l',f,‘f;,.. this 11%,] blrlcaufcv>‘t»~hcn thl:r¢lwdu1‘d bclproclyfm min" f;;_':;jifjfj;"éffd3:; fimmm in the inrcintion of tormcnnwhichlshc crca- rim 1»? «;2.;.~, a £1 mrc could notbeau-.. Thc¥rclf1*c films on carkh l/dcl. féfifiiffifféfd‘ mcrin,buévlinls?in,l1elldbc not, bltcapflméha fotalcii«§l?‘i1_1lllll‘l I” W,‘ W W I» “ aauall polIc;iIio”nfc>E w:rn?a'1l torme~na‘rr‘athé:*r asm lwemmriroriu; M I ‘ V‘ l “ "‘ ,0 M I. A aw l - w . H « E’ ' ' d~ ltxcavcn the faults of? lhc Samts bemgm poffcflion {.§5$§'Zf§?f§3£ J A i l. V? ‘*° .3 % . _.,M V. A J.-, - :5. Aafglorg,tlhc1r‘obcd1cncc1;pa;tof:h;lrrc~lwa:d¢;l?; :11 11$,"-‘;;:"’j,‘”j,,, ,.,, ‘ lmll. tblaemfin, 15: a: lglrlcatipartoi th¢rrllrolmeml,—t’he»;d‘w:-~ lgggzffgiszgwrguvt an ‘ r 0 o I \ o X l L» if‘ 07'} Q’ mcrxmi fin,bcmg lxmxtcd by God to tlgc um: 9f?tl_5nsl~per;:nm;.4 dam- mmom“: pamam. llifcfihc judgéménc”E>fC"rxrifl‘ llwfilllllpn<:iéécdZ0filysc<:>n- Aqumz;.q.x3,‘ . lccrningtéc t/sing: dam in zabtlbadywbétlierglaad 21:‘? 6422;. §‘‘* “" 2- . 1 %~ % _ w. % L , % . % up;plczn.tcrta;: Lafily, thc¢xnlc;rcncc4of ltllcfflplofilcl upon the: rrarlis-«SW1-6-~, confidcragidnd hlilsiappcalrinlg in\lfki¢"ifiJrlffilmrr?lc%VIc mg‘ A A the rcxr_.,$2fih1ch'?is fctllgdownclvgl 9.; "-ll-»WelM2‘m% myewar A A ‘ B. 3, lyre; A ¢:~e"s WVA Sermonrprmc bad 5&j71f'é‘t‘b:* Doéh 1lont.1«3'; g«:€ort§.5.-t ‘ ‘ ~ A of covetoufncfl'ee and dilhoneflyh: But then the ygravtcs {hall bee opened,;t [ahc wclfehuncafcd ,_ the 4 " cloaks plucked of!" before met: and Angcllsa Now A things hid ~as4colotn;_s in the darke,-, but when the ”' light*cothfes they will appeate: A and this {cents to be A tlhc greathworkeeeof thisgtcath and terrible day of the hm-d,h V A A Intheopening of this truth, itwill be needfary ioemquite into thcfethrechtthtingne A A AA M2»: at abflrzate; ;éeeA A ecceprcd tfbim.. The Award? q."r)gar;}.t.2?;.te-hast fignifies tolaVbout*,not onlywith the; life ting up of the hand buttheVhearAtaIfo’; fo remake a thing mattcr ofeduty, as alfo mftccmit matter of glory 103 mans [labour that it (hall; beie alwaies a . mam honour wcambitiouflyvlabout. whether in tht's'li'fe prefent in the body, or; after this life, when wee‘{hall1aytdewnteou,t ‘bodies to befzcceprcd be; A fore him : Ilalzet ¢-33* fkfiitntlztjhigcncrtkfitperbimi. " I {hall enly pitch uptm the third, fiuthe manifie-' ' h I 111211 ptefentto you in Ration in that day , wh this fhort Obfetyation : faflf mtflifygdtivn pfcwr; mm, mm ”"7i”;7”f; of mvziflm t he: in T The Apoftlc calls it for this eaufe a day or reve-~ plation .-.-And that when the Lind: cot-t1~es1W,'§',.. be xvi! ~ A inlaigbtwthe hidden things ofdatknefl”e,8ac.ttNow thc;rcis‘many a grave tbs: jzzppeare: mt many a wolfeinflv.-cpscloathing,and meta have their cloaks ,1- What£he1l.bcmanifeffed: t he 2. How can fuchamantifcflcation be A 3;. VVbyWi1lhVthQ Lordhaveeveryman Iaidopcn inthaédayr \ I flaw! 6: 4: :56" Veda] jiaa{gV"e}I1t£7it% A cizqerct and % 4% 1.Whac ‘ fJanaur2zhble‘hhhh..Hmfl:%: rgj?r?‘Comman;.* V I,whatmanbema¢;ecacai;;m:aw The Tcxtfaith,wc¢a11;h handthat notina crowd” 4 A and in the general! A judgement to receive a gcncrall M day. fcntcncc5l"3;ucznasa:’imf5'y cvtfyi hh?i¢”13¥hfi?t11 “°”“’*"'”‘ give a paruwlar accohunth of h1mfclfc~,. hami, rectum ‘a particular fcntcncciconccrmng hunfclfc at ~ that A But more piirticuiarly in cvaety manthc1'c»a2;¢ things to but difiinétly confidcrcd : 1,1-lis rftatch. 4 2. His h‘cart.h 13,- His life : and inthchdifcovcryhofh the main -all thcfcihall bcc} made manifcftin that day. V M ‘*1. Men: flares "lhall than »bc_;c; gnadkumvanififcfiz in twothings. !.hhhWhatthcy=archh 1_.1pon, whaj; grounds thcy are bhuhilthv: A A h i . 1. what men: cflatcs are *3 A Thcrcjarc two,Co--1» vcmnts that God hathrmadc with ‘imja“;n,. mag; mm. commonhéadsi publiquc pcrfpns, chi: firfl; withthc firfi Adam and all in him; the {ccond with me EL- 7 cond Adam and all in him; therefore thc Lord looks upon thchwoxld as if thcrc were but two men in it, _ “ tfzcflqfl abuzz mm nftbe ‘£4015‘£v!ff5],(';?‘fIbt[£§'0IJa'M4I3 ‘ °°‘“”5 49:? A meLardfi&m brww £z:mmmly.Thc{é rwocomnanrs are :5: ma motérfrt , Ga1.4.24. and the conditimm and fiat: ofchc Sonhis according to the condition or the Morhcr,par1_m/cquimr mmrrcm A: ghcgcfotc A convcrfianhthcrchhis rcquircda douhlc changcgmorag, which is“ thr: hchangc ofa.1‘hm;zns 44 APh§'A ficall , the change of amans ihuagc. A So“ chhathas a mans Covmantxis , A fuchhishhig fbatchr; ifumdcrthc A ‘Cnvmant, rhci: is; afgtarcbf natg;'s€{c,: a n 5e‘ Z I-'53 fin.» Ofhofldfigcandmf death tmdnérfihé A ~ C-0-f Match. :23. . V . ‘§s:\».« ~'v' ‘A. xv . ,.v.,.~ .. 1 vs «mu m no nun free. * t ~ ll alfoim Chrifl; “an 36% efSovereignty to judge of their: A % ‘ eSermon“ej”prezwbed:elwfibre zsétba M ‘.4 itC0venaht:a{téteh'of gtahcegof libetty mid of life,be- acaufe no longer at {onof the bond wQman,but ofthc V Newest: feveraignty ‘in «God,ca7¢p. pomt e\_rerycreatute‘to their’ends and‘ eternal ef’:-ates, whether tveifells to. honour.or:.itd:{honour.-5 So it isr effateshwahdt to difcovetterthemhtvithait they are :men in thexrijudgerfiefnts can looke no futther then the aélie on, and as it difeovers the hearth; that to judge of mens eternal! eflatcs is a feeretwhichthe Lord hath refetved ‘as a xoyalty to himfelfe. ‘And at the lafl; daytthis fe”éms¥hto the gréatubufine{fe7‘tthat’.fl1a11 be done 5:4 thedifcovelry of menxteflcates what they are. Here wife and foqlifla virgifis live together, and cc. getherttgoe forth ‘to ’1t‘m’teet the tbridegroomet with one in their. lamps and hfeemeealvl to be wife val-ike 5 but theret tthwill t bee» made‘ A ménifefi A wheat his wife A andwho is foolifh. A Hetet" the taxes andwheat A grow together in the fame field: fbeepand_goats f,eed%togetherit) the fame paflureg ’butth'en comes thehartvefi and the titme bf fepafationtat day: when the goats fhallfbe fee by themfelves‘, and the \ fares bound up in bundles b tbmflrlws to burnt‘, PI. 125.5. At thatday hewifi 2-oer; hzmnfortb with thofe of his ownekiud: though in this ‘world they be all? mixed one with another. t 2. Upoen what 4 V" Chi?’ A 4, Metthuy. tellsus , that‘ every man is a ‘builder, and his hopieand confidehceef th¢goQd¢' A neffe of Mseonditien is his houAfe,tt]ob8.:_5. ‘robe fort the world andtlead. A grounds men doe build their A {l:vop:Vqf' épaéiltai 6: M wejfriders rveé £e‘% VT“ 1”‘ y «W .,._ Hfinamrabiefloqfa ufzi %0mmiM:£ L A f?g.é;r13g%;;pa2z£:kk 17§g;['e5 hi: it /bafl m7t_/land ; Tb:flm}M/I ball V- ‘I0 5:» 2321.2: »j7w/I mat cmdm. ‘ :Onc.: buiI'ds; his AA hohpd onély1:;3on%,th¢~1?:If-flattery <‘35his Cx’wne%1f3¢arVr, and faiéhs Ijiyallbgz-z;e;»qace,ADc%ut. 29.19.‘ Anothér . upon; outivardriblgflings -, and AV G¢:zds‘.profpcring him in M :!3fC§~ :h¢rs=Forc whim be live: W245. prax.49.:t.; " 331% ~/:13‘-%]4E2(;[t,f,%}' Apothc;:;upqn zjan ?.4dutwFarrd*profcifiohA .ip'f»Rp1ig‘idn; af7orm¢of duties, oylc in hisAAvcfl7¢ls‘itc5 { "make ablaze before men, -and to thcfc men cleave; t,t3js~,t%1<;i1f¢:4_ t§icy% hold faft , and I that Lwith all their Q fo1f,j%i£m:n% w%jIlf~hQld;faff?%acorrupt bpini. « .P.,,n., ,,.;,,_,. flfinfuil pjra&ifeas~ they .djqc %.how%mu¢h ;;;g;f;;§«;;:¢ W111 thqy a‘4rcorrupt cfiatc :3, rthxs as the general! , 25 HI?” ‘ i "PCf'V£- Videu mt rmnles ‘ m4.4*f¢'€f4nr@: #»r!tfli4'?1/01¢4'4- A §§2'»f,?2/§§.'L’§Ifa A ‘But imhatAday thcfc: gmunds;4fl1aI%%lWbcdVifc*~c3vcrcd P"”"‘"‘ "““""“’ VA A é é . ‘ _ . é 3 u'bIt,l't.'t1' I1!‘ Mchcre%fl1allbcA.man1fcP:cd who doc*bu1ld upon the Engiégifizéai Roclgand who upon the fand 5who upon Chrift m,;..;z.-,«, Bern. Aa1Qne,:rccc1vcda%r1ght in aAworkc of faith, and who ’§,’,;*n§?'f“[.§‘,,‘;‘§,f;f,°‘ iuplqn emxtward ‘ib1c6li4ngs:;'%‘»a%form%c ;0f§ godlin’cfl"c, V fmnc, éommonworkc ‘of:h¢¢Spirir, ” a vairiashopc of “mcrcy, a general! notion ofxzhc death of A. Chrifl: for .fi:nncrs,a‘r1dhopr;of:IIatc rcipcntancc._.,&c.. ‘ . 7’ A "2.”AMcns hearts fhall Be made m3nifc&%,A%%Car % 24 Hc¢wwi1/}m4:&:‘v21d42z,§fz,(Ivt¢/aéA t?#;vAr1fEl:;.zyF.taba:%hc;¢r:, u hnéihérbin rhbfc three: things,“ Principlcs.: 1, Pro; j¢6t$.i3,kVEnds. _ ‘\ V A 1. AIl»»thc principles, »which»%:Va1‘ethegroundsaf H §T]EI_j)[S";ayA<53:i011WS5 afndyby which they aT“rch€ted iii t‘h¢”ir 3whp1¢aoukfc.Aw/2ef'44;;43wthc-»?A%po£+1c.;rpcakcs of thévanityofthc mizzdgwc E/lAAb4i6ita:princz'pz'oram, A‘ C thofc DieMercurz'z‘»—3:%.Decem6;154§.w% in_ Parliament, That Mr. Wheeler; , Rdcred by thc Gommonsi aflcmb1eé**V and Mr.I:Iz‘ll, do give thanks fromA this Houfi: to Mr. Strong, for the great aincshc took: inthe Scmxon he r%cached= P _ _ P _ thisday , atthe 1ntrcaty?ofthisHouIc,at S¢Mm'g4ret:Wcfiminfier,4 (it: being the day» V of publiquc humiliation) and--to defire him A tozprinthisscrmoni. Audit is Ordered, that none £112.11 ptcIumc’to4print his Ser- A man, ‘ not being authoriféd unde; hi; hanjé. writingf A A H.Bl_/jugy Clcr.P4rl.D§Ca»v. gonna“ % appoint I05flB.(nfM=Stati0n¢a3fo prinllmgr‘ ~ V %% % % A V N _ ‘ Gr TO THE HO N0 RAB LE :Hy«£’g5c ’A7z'a;(9c?xtJ/«.1/c’w§. The day ofRcvclation of the rjghtceus Iudgement ofGoD. ; % DELIVERED I A in éRaAcHED %Ha%ufc of O M M 0 N 5, at Margarm A’ Wcftminfier, at their late fo1cmx1Fafi:,; V A fpoken againfi him. ‘Du’.-cemier 2:31. «I 6 4. ‘5. % Y 1 x L L 1 A M ST no N G, fomctimcfiwllow of f v ; Katharina Hallin Cambridge; now Minifier V of Jlzfore-:Crz'cbcl in Dcnzcctflaim. Jude 414.15. ..—--nu.- V B¢ho1d,~the Lord commem with tcnthoufands of his‘ A Sa.intsA, to execute: judgement upon all ,~ and to con- Vince allthat aremngodly among them, of all their un- godly dceds,which they havva ungodly committedmxd 4 of all their hard (peaches, %which% ungodly finners hava ‘Earn. in Epgadffiom. Mona; % Venigt (inqmm) zrmict die: jud‘z'ai£% uh‘ plum rzmlcbmat pm-4 card», qnmm «firm: *vcré4,?c;'rAcéi1fl:icntia¢éan4, qxmm mar» V V4 /xtpinplma. % A lgrincgd at Landau by 177.!-I. an:i are to 1):: fcjyld by I. Beizfim, it l1is‘fl1:p % Vin Dam/hum Church-yard, ;an:l&1.3aJ1a2§il, at” his fl:op_ir1liz1:1c % Brirainc, ac tbc%fi§Fnc ofxim max‘. 16 45.; AA H 0 “V R AB L E, THE oufe 0fCoMM*o%Ns, Affcmbled ’ in P”AQ1ZgI A MEN .11 A . I‘ ’ I," v ‘ I ' . ‘ 5 A f ewmmm rbp» mafia» witlzam fem, », ; ’- L andmmy giving t/aaugbtr, 60:5 1; a]':ininc mm: unwort/yimejfk affigrmt ; A 4 anlmzvar , zzndztzyftncflfa fir jogvué...» iique 4 warslcac, éelng barb ‘ fiéy part.s".andplm:%, mtétr V I fir_]?"’£e4rda wit I ma‘ dgfigntd «; V~ mm wakgfialcmmfirwioe-, mrld not dgflimd wprimqy .~andol2f2:m'ty.«» Mar, Mar Acommand + game “pm ¢'r.; fame wxpcricmvc Must I lww: M/mi 'cf* wfiadinkatber ~kim2m’i~dflr:m;mbrnjme:im z't,wbo~dnt&.not« d.v4fiuzl1}-deny xmta bzk..,~~ rm afigfiancepropartzonablc tat/ac . fzrviac "I9‘bi€'Jh&€f‘€77‘Fl0}.'fl5 im h , v 9 M Taur=dVlz;g*mt$«4ttAewz1m, .wmcl~gv:aaia,w 4caapm2an of. MM: mama: ~wdzww»xs,manij&fic «mmmely in xiv: + A22-bmézt mtmrmd , lwt,mlfo.;:’n an aewctraardinaryfimmrfi A mad »umdafwnwed4mnm:r vtbe fzmze day ~cmfirr%ad :2: g§mndL,:uaugbazy’.;dcdicat£mg »t1lmI?V;my fiwfiis mm W % A Brqxell. de file‘ $51173» »'1‘em£I. ./ipal. - cap 33- 4...... 'I‘t43E E p I 5 TLE 52» we .1; tbaéfkfulmfl? and ajttmg 2: ma fir matter 0f=nc°uragcmcm»4”4 W 4* ’”~”Wfcn- gagcmcnt,’ fiaflzr at tl2ere'ma_yée my pa.fl:6z!zy~ affejr-%% _~w"ce game», ~ififi‘19W ajjrbeare/umifleg, 1.429304 wiwfl flarwice, A I 5.4/1. Goa/ta. wit2:{qfl7:w ia-t/a4td4y4xofRévclmi- A we, aafarm I know mizzeonme beater W-W54 Ibwve em flaw .1458-“éegiflfliflg devoted, iw7.tb:'&g)fe4V;€mfi4gf Gad army’/2:3 Cmgrpb. 4 J” . .4 bzbape not/Bing mz'fl.:éefbum’z':¢ Jim Dzfiraw/e 1; an it: requiem», that willbe tfc_*n_[z'rz”ée to 42s},,.6cc4ufi',4 I a 3 mm: wjz'.r’x’.£we aficndedat rm:/J 54 but, 5]‘ awry tbiag £4: ymfin prayer»; and clgerel} expr1d_m.. it aggégzgp 6; 5 I baméljwzg }é;3furtJé¢rfiI«®o#r,fc; firuwgraéze and cxmdid Fimerprctatian, prafiflzng -my felfe taéefizrfrom A tlveflugy ay"parti¢.gz'zs any thing 254115.-' /acre rcprg/Z-med *w}au~r»-view, and-tbs warlafv.“ A _ Tbefhéjcfi, I kmw; you ‘man: 6utfi44~j'e'?nt:eg'4ry%, w/yetbcrysm mzfidwgymr [élrzm M meager Magg}r.m_§=, Vflam’ tb4t,.g‘Sol0mon, Remember ;., for afl chfs God will bring thereto judgement: 4 2g2axe%née/3:5; aa/manitiazz tbm téat of :6: Roman: Mazdtanr to the Triumpéer, Suggcritur ci»éifcVrgAo. Rcfpice pofl r¢,& homincm memento tc. . ‘ A it: rtpmed If Zcuxcs t/mt famaw Palmer, écing wked why he mm {B txaéfin aflzbimgs, mda’ia’{bem mw tam lentopcnicillo '-._~, bisfmfzrer mm Dinpingo,,quia aeternitati pingo. A Hm’ we tété‘ aaggfideration 4/1174} 6:5- “ V fareimr eye: , A and did % live wider tbs cammmdofit :, tlwt wbat a «ever we do bat/5 influence into eternity Zflandxt V span gm mrzaall record, AA mdjlm/16: éraugbtfortb tn .4» « mtcmnt 274 :5: dreadfiflday vfztée Lard, it would mm A‘ M?‘ 4224’ n‘mlkc%wit£v mack more .cx4é't’m_.fl?: Men me A Afl"::rm’- __.4_. DEDICATORY. am. ther mrlei, and allhtlr former eemfbm, hammer : , ;=lL‘?ze- furesjballleawe him, as a brooks that hpafifcth f:~y,.mdt his [Ml/7:4/1 have the dreadftellthoetghtx qfltdgemeht 4 to A eee§fi’eEt‘ with , it mt:/t‘ need: fiflhim with hera- mer and amazement, who hath not 4 judgement ef ah-» filutiehpafled in ht? amt: heart hy the hleedeffirinh- ling hefore. «me! that prayer which ti’: recorded 9/‘ Lip: - run... ‘mmmman " ' ’ gajyzu-eat; mggeeéanameze) xvheetarmm em A death-had, flzell begin A to loelee over to the /hare eftma» fins at he death willhe flttfla, Adfis Dominc famuio Bern; fitperguihmi mo cum rota setcrnitatc dcccrtanti. I-Jew gelreeelfle megfl it need: he,‘ judicandutm he afiarc ilii tam tcrrifico ‘ V tribunali, Srinccxtam adhuc erepcfiarc fentcntiame? With thefe;ethaetght.e»; :Ie humh/y4 d'eje're_ym to attend yattrgreate werheg with thefl: dehate ._, and with thefl: Judge : Amz7»t't /has/1 he may a’az'ly prayer that God we]! etfeyettg heneztryaee, and when any of )1 am flmfl he gethe» red toyeur «Fathers, hietdhpy oetrfamle: in the handle of A life,;; heemfiejvtt have dafiegood toward: Gad , and to- . A A wards heir mp , and when you [he]! make out If the grave,» majfinde mercy with the Lordjn that day; and that all the fir-vice yaw doe toward: their fluttered "kingdom may he fruit abounding to your account, A Your thankfull, and who dcfircs to 13¢: your faithfn11'far7vane- ‘in the Gorpeli. VWS _'r'!LO 1! see he [1 him¢,é'e. ,S‘cr.$." fflklrmn jprem~badVrb:Ad "' A me as AtheAgrcatAAwI1c~.-cults thgcaa thgm, f¢1ei.o:«m¢;or new come into» thought, ~rhc~Adcptha ¢ V;na”ns.uncA1ear1ne:.*f3f'c,' abxdthc “ hei’ hr of his ’holi”flcfi'éA~ ly€?Sil1 t'hcfC'.‘ :What is the can cof 31'-%"{ Athcjwickefi; m~‘fl7cTin mcnsl¢1Av:;:s%j*.' they are Aco1rrupt,AandAbc”come , abnmimhlm A~tkwprincip1cV is, #6:} 7?fi'il?5¥F~{J5l4rt‘ mgt fF»9eir1nwnrd*> ¥A g; far%m«ex.AAAA A wt! A V V’? f.-ay,fial:’ 52%-zze:.éu.:¢ta'eV, M0335 I =w4l£a-vain a9fm}A'£m4r¢, Adair» ; ,'!1f§’@wij':i K _ ffirrnimg‘ *that"fbt in thcfWor~Id IA-.' W fit! am‘; ,:».’it imt/.71: flrflzkan we earth ; mat whatcvcwr fin£uAlnciTeVA is? imhc a&;ion&, th creVi§ iwfbmc .£s'":“fin"~G0d;,* Pfasl; 1:4 A AVVT1zcAéis*Atlré"c:It3fcofa‘l1 1:1‘.-€AE'C(5Vi€!O?klfi1fC'$ amangimé. T and op7prcHion,’grin&}it:g thc fa1ccs%of;:thc pacm: ,‘ and‘ “treading A5d0wncL4AAAoth¢ts; rhatA»wcA¢.Amay §£31§td.f the princiAp»l*¢~isA,AAA ~_t'[gI. $ A ¢”°V°if‘5f‘i1130A%A“3“*¢V»i11 tfbztc, 3 A rotten rand falfc pcacc 1.’ ’It ‘isbccaufcj 15:} '\ «Am: M afrumwnwmfi-%;roéti9irjl,V Dcut.- 9}‘. is s: esgmuni éEA2?1l;:lw:Aftcrbt4waycs Ez‘c*k‘L "3.‘. I 2”’. SO m‘u»cbA um pi?iinécip1éfrt7emA Awhente flf<§A\;ves1. A % ‘iVnc‘ip1bs,j=A%Which%Aifthcyby cngVrafcc‘éli,A will? waif: «:2: man to agrcat %hci‘ght othog lincflic ,. and’,a.nd deli;/rtiiifldefing. ; A4 A x A A‘ 3% V 4.. Pm]? 13:12: 01!:/]f!l4}£']“: A = AM;wi£doAmc without: it, is but thcfubtlcty of the Scrpcmz. Anothcrmm» makas his policyto be tbs-:A rulcmxformc his picty by;-.; for, his Godzs:q?tbe lltnlfl, bccaufc by lob 12°15! Athhhcmhzfihfifiwmmpofléfléthgmhc .»things before. hand; pxojfifishméng qf? phtm nC1YACr‘broumghfi foxxhA Hanm-we Hour; of Cbmmoihi; .;l t AA forth"Ainte laéfien , but are blaffc3inlth¢'lgudA,‘ wit. thcrahlin chc*blade,* as Efim projcétwas, ;t&“e»d4yVe: ‘Q/‘A maurai#gAfir1rzjfi:t/jar are at /mad, lgndtbgnlwéfl ‘flt‘1’VmJ brat/yer 14:06, GEfl.2_7.4.IA. and theirs Jam. 4- . IA3; A We wiflgo: iafncl: 4-ciyy lefid l V A "gctg4im,dfidy at 36:22:24’ mt" M14": flaw 5:? ‘(iii the marrow; Hof.7.4. _1cra;£va4m in cfiabllflfihg an lldolatrohs worlhip,,(that by it he might ilablilla the Kingcl om: . on his family) his dwfcfircs and purpofes, “wereas hot ‘ as an oven; but the people were'lno: as yet prepared, wholly to defcrt the worfhip of God at Jerufalemg A . and therefore feein "T the people to he a lurhp fit foranylcvcn; he ends forth form: to levcn them firfi, and he: like the éaker did cu]? fim ntifing tit? the whole were lcavencd."* There is agrcat deal of ~= mm. a.+aa; plotted wickednes in the W0l7ld5mUCh of it hath bin M of late years by an extraordinary hand dlilcovered-A: I jwilh it were with a thanlcfullAheart(folr.aV _memor§_al ll to=thisNatibxificcordcd. Anld‘thcrcis,greiundt-VA nough to féargthat all the vi pershave not as yet ca»-A j ten thcmfelves out OfOl1'lfb0'WCl$;bUt that thcrearc A A as yet fine dcfigns Aundcrcdted , * though I hopcthey .f thattfavellivith mifqhiefwill bring forth :1 lie.l But’ a in that day all thcfc projcéts of a :11.-; heart {hall be 04 hpcned: who do plot toaexalt God,and whoAtoV fer up A thcmfelvcs; “who to publifl1thcAtruth of God ,A. and “ a who to dxaw difciplesah after thcm,tba: tbq mgglgry l 1 V in I/.2cirflc‘/72» , who “to e:lifch‘argA;:_,.their confcicnccs, who to mAaiAAn*Faine their palrty‘;;8ec¢a_.'lA A A A | A V A The ends and infenfs ofrhe heart {hall bee A made rhanifeftin thatday. A JGra<:e is prAQptArlyA the “ l fihangc of ms 5 and this i; to/awe 4* A C 3 finale? {‘._"'r""""’;(4,...‘,. '.A W 14* g S¢rmar3~~pmche4=M’oretba % A A‘ A " “ ” ¢j}é;}Matth.;6.z2A. finnqadvanccth in f¢'lfc,as ,thc chicfc good utmtjflz AcmdwA Hai;1 0.1% Ifiatl, ancmpfy'»v§«in: £re%b}%iv‘g: flrtlvfiuis to Abimfigfé ~: vgraca cxalcs Gcd.as' the cfiicfc gaod ‘jangi .utrm& cud; 5r»iflgIflr#9fi‘##fv”G¢d;iR0mj+7 -44A’~N:cmcoflusiliwr‘ M, , 4 ,, ‘ twmfiyfc;M##1##t§rAt07bir3¢fi%sWdrltlfiiucmoit % ‘.cndinl.ff¢andd¢ath. 4 A AA . ***=iNawrall thcfc cndsvtf: thchcar.t,u!timatc5 and in-~ M’ , ,-cj¢rmcdviat¢;fl1Hll‘LAaIlbcdifcmtcrcd in that day:* andAA, ’ 2::~.hc’rc4.4iC W31”! .bc2c <~n¢¢é*ffa:y tm.kAcoi;fidcn—thcf¢ ~ threcfl 1’ . 4 Tlv4t in "b5td:'fmc;4 11:3‘ na(}en9uAghtadae Aaadx. A-m.rIer,6;¢tjo#mujlAgimut GM: czzdn. ThAcIA?h3rifccs in f3f*in8aF%I;1r33?Cr$4 flmtsy» did thc»dU¥Y.»G0d 1‘€rf?%tcb£t[.'ZlbflY€ Sc-fol‘ l';flingl’,l God will. then fayllwhl::n»y:ir lmrd'fl> cfclzct nut’ Mdir avicéedngflé in A fieqkiag aftbtmagaairgflbim. A ‘A A 3“, ATalcn"ts with their improvcmcnts; firintbat 4.4} % be came: to ;e;4ea»nm.1» 12a'irfl:rq:mnt:,“ Matiz 5 . x 9 .4. ‘V A A A Ant! inparticularofthcfc threw _ _ A A Of all the mcancs of grace that they havafcn-1 ieygdg and Me 5141:; aftbgjim of mm that they have A . 1cénA[:‘%'VWoé to vzhcc Cupcrn.1au;n,flrAIfl¢}nntayomjtA float £6 more Wcraégjxefnr :12: lan'dafSaa’amc 137:6: flu} _ _ If jrtdgcarxentwemfar tbee, Mat.y.A1&I.24. ~ A M‘! ,1. OF M the hormur, autho ty, 4cRatc!; incl 4 Africnds, which in“this"lifc God hath cnm;1{%¢;;I you A Wifh ; f~01?c'vir=fY 011$ fl111d“£ivc an accountaf hiss ‘fie-9 ; wardfhip =h‘.ethat.ha¥h"rcccived fivé ¢a1cntsmu&A4Aac» H count for five,and‘hc thathathbut two? 1112111 actotiqt ..'~w-W at D ‘for ' " " 4.-an-n—"""""""""""”' 7 Skrmfifljreflbtd lzsfm tb: A A Vifot no morc-,* #9 mvcb Iirgiv :»,oflvz"m mucbflull Myjtqtiired , A ¢mf1tdw»5om=men£4ve committed numb mfémg¢b¢y:o.;qi£4ak§tzEve;mar;,Luc. I z.4.8, A 3.Qf ajlthcfoulscommirtcd to the inthcir fcvelig AA mil placesan&~~AIc§‘acions1;o.oolmsbands for the foulcs ofi. * thtir WifV€;$;$“ £pamnts».fon t':hc:{ouIos:.‘of their chi!»-.3 o o dNr;¢n4:oMagiofi:ratcs.,for thcfouls of thofc under Wthfléir ohargc, {o fétre as that relation. e1;t'jc;nd5Cf0r hcis thee mm: 3~a«‘ Mi§1iI%€£=33f for othyo«-good swthyo fpirituall as ”wcli» as,th‘y tcrnporall good. 1,‘ And. Miniflcrs alfo for thc%fou!c,oHs;of their pcoplc 4: We wxtcobfirywrfiaglm atiozggnfit-ér4I.mg§gi¢>c aw aacepnf, H<:b.13v.17. ~ an&*I the ECCOQ-Rt"Qt3i,1316!;.Wi‘1}”bC.A.df¢ad‘fUll. Fotsépartofé R0m71:s:~:€;radingi7ndccd,but’.letit not be ours,to makes: n*;q;c_;h¢a;odif¢'vfx/zeflvnl: afmcn, Rc.v.1o8;.-rV~4.~_:4 4 A A’ _ ‘ 7 ;all; chetfc , ‘ will-oaanifcfl troto.on1y« :_aj§,”,;’_ thcix doinggbof aM0e.thc ‘ofthgigdoings : for ha: ” " ‘“ A was} rctnzaxdoavcry maMctfordi»ng».to~thefruit of.his. 6 o';ngs,]cr.1=7-..1o. the word fignificsw, daingsx/PI:'di::—-.o-V V and cndmuaart. V The pcrfonalloaéis both ofowickcdo m1g1;godo1yAomc§%no arctraoficmj ‘and qufcklydye 5 but ofi;- timcs;.,ch;.: rcmafnes.A +é"Ic:jo_£~jmn ‘dyeél; bum his Idolatry 3ycd u not .with-zohim ,fthc .poyIonV ofshi£A ocxamp1c.rcmainc,t»hato to, thisday his title is” : (mg; Mgqa foon’ofNeénz-oovqho mad: Ifraflcl tofiooc ; A fo- thaapm A oonbervnicn in IuAcccfliy¢ ages ‘an-:«__ drawoczzgb .an3%§¢mill ‘oc¢xa2;npie,7fl1allsbc’all numbxcdé to‘him%tho.,fzui_§{_;fiq.»f his x1o4i.ngsinthatAday* : And’ the, goosdedmsm ;:and;. of Gods people; whic.hoo,pt'ovc a feed:-:gog;othc}C,hurch for manygcncw‘ mions‘,v tifhcieflzalk befbroaght forthnot only acocor.‘ I diI}!g1’_CQ aas A bugglfo ggcppdingigochcir fxuigso ' so vw-—— A win}: flzaflfh l4ia'apeur1;«2 tfidfi day. ropoundcd for the explication of the pointfi. A Jcomc nowtothjc fcconld,-fa‘. Hmwml A ' “manlfflfi..-::tiékl"£a *3.’ ; T he manncrofthisl manifcfllfiation lw“'?e‘may gathcr ‘(as Iconccivc) out of Rctv.;o“.rzl.l And I jlczvllirfze R l‘ were jwdgedhwtlqftbofl: I/Jmgx, > trivial: were? written in #de4l'a’fm4/1./mtigftaiu /hndéeforc «M, ‘exam! éatnélc W44 apemd much iwtlyfz éwkelof lift *, A hndfflvt dead Par; % Me 6001?: 4cchrdfrgglt:‘rbrirmaria. W l I f we unclcrftand ,4ar¢:gm;;l rc- fumasmz um. this , (215 fomc doc) pr‘opcrly pf tlgc daylofljudgcg. mmmm . men! thcnxr dothdlrtéilyarxd tazprtilély fcrvlt: cc; §:f§;=:=hdw?#w"- ourpurpofc. ’ Orilifvivcuddcr£’tandit'(asothlcrs do) to bclfpolccnlofthlc daylofju~dg%¢ment» , but by way A ‘2;(3f allufionl, A ” yet it holdsforrh tliisflio us ,~ thatthc % lmanncroifthc‘ revelation qfall“ rhings,fl1a~ll~ baby 0-g pcningof tholcrbooklcs whicl'mr¢"uow»flclofccl or fcalcd up agai~»z1ft.tha4:ldlflll an great day. _ ( Time is 3 Eve: fold“llboo*ke"Wliichl~ thdllscriprurc fpcaksof. all: which;thc;Lord willopcn in that day, V «&mcn {hall écjadgzdautlvf #5: thing: wrimzrin , l I.» Thc”’ bookczoftlic Worcl,of Law and Gofpcl, with all the finncsl and clutias lcolntaincdinll them, ‘ (hall bare maclc manifafl Ibcforc mm and Ahgclls in that day. Hen t/Mt rcjrfletb meelanwmezmw not my ;a..m. A wvrdaylwatb oneflbatjfidgct/5 Mnfi; 1&2 word t‘1mt—I M 0: ~' flake» #11: fzwejlaalljudge bimllintba la]! Jay. V A That Law in thc full*l cxrcml of it (Which l is exceeding” broad) with all “the pncccpts and pr®hib*it"ions thclw M.%5'_ M Of,fl‘ldl"ltl"m«fl_bC€ difcovc1:cd« ,a“*e%mf‘: :binke~:ba: if A «mg/I amtfiy an -gdizfiij Alfiatbtr, ‘time was témf mfafifctli D 2 ¢ A ‘A 1115-‘, A Har¢aurablleHawje:of(_‘a1n*mo*m._ I in that day.“ And ch us muchlbf thcfirft btai‘1c‘l1 W A 49 I 30 Efim-2! lSarmanl'1>reacb3cd'be/fire “ V A lljébzlflémliaeriljiaifies is wxémjee trujh Herc mm arc: not ablc».A.to hide thc fccrccsl of their licarts from the l Wbrdg iris" 4 dzfcéfurnf the tbvagbtslandtétl infczm ll!/Itllétdrtlgll lclvcn While its pxcachcd by men how ‘ much“ more when God himfclfa {hall open it, and {Er it forth in its glory bcforc men andlAngclls 2? Apdl thcGofpcllal{o, with all the glory of it 5% the _finn¢s_A and«durics lalfoldcontainucd zlrrcfzjcin , lrhlabiinit A GOd$'mafllfQ1dW'ifd0mC may appcam, A which is now but little undcrflood ; for A 12:: m-illfggdgc we fiss- «crm of nllmmin it/‘:43: day ucoxding to my Gnjjw, ilolmmré. "l l .l ~ V A A ‘ 2. Th: bookcof Godsdccrcc , llcommonlyl cal-«L led the book: of life, which is Gods fi:cc":md ever- Iailing dctcrmination of the ctcrnall cflatcs of men and Angclls. This is a dcpth here indeed thatmcn A “I [cannot fadomc , which made the Apoftle col'cry out, 015 :1»: depté éotb qftéc r1tb¢;r*a_ftlv: mfdam and knowledge 0/6015/mv mzfearcbaélc are hkjydgcmenm 42115125‘ wqycxpqfffinafing out 2.’ 4 But then thcf: dccps A lhall bcc broken up and dilcovcrcd : than lihall bcc _mani»fcfltd_.,whom he hath_gch~ofi-:n amfléll qfmqrcy to the lpraifc ofthc glory" of his grace; and. whom he 1 . hath rcjcélcdllaslvcffcllsl of wrathm thcglory of his V jufiicc : llThcn it flzall bc {aid of cvaxry man plainly, AA as itisoflawé and Eflm 5 . Imé lmwl lavucd, and A Efim bweulbdtad. To l'omc:"Chrift will lay, Carl»: 1:: 6/cfld qf my,Faté?r7, ‘receive t/at K 1nga’£w:el t/ml A grméprcparad for yaaflom tbeféu Minion of :52 world; _ Mazthlz 34.lAndltolothexs hcwill pzoi‘cff"r_..;lI mmr A kzgicwyquV,lf»ld¢p4rlM€romT:§v¢e l_y.acl I/14; Mr/cc As€z.z.:g.:¢iz)z5 3,. The l L 3; TheAb}~,-olkc lo; »AG‘oldsl omnirciméc nae}? {peaks of this book, Intby (Soak were all my meméers A A written, Pfal.139.1 6. Aiénakay‘ rcmeméramc, Mal. 3.16. A Thou pzatu;/I why“? "tears: Pin» thy» battle"; 14Vr’eVt/1:; nhtwrittcrzin :12} books! -Plfal. 56. 8-; Tl:e»Ajb.aI¥ the AA Kt'ngjFsA ,1 sum hungry, end}: gave me momenta,‘ 1 Mm.;.,,,,; gum tbirfly, end}: gem. me no drml-cl :_; mu/em’, .mdjec A ‘elm/Jedme Mt ;,in aa mace mi jar; did Time: to the _ ‘lea/E aftlzcfi: m} were», 1;: ld¢ditxntl:o« mm Then it will be too late to deny, and in vain: to cxcufc; for hcth at knows all things, {hall be thy Judge, and he A {ball produce and. publilh his A lcnowlcdgc of thee elbcforemen and Angels Fare, /26 4-A/aatb [meme 5} 513 Amos 9.5:»; 12ol1'mjfl&, 16:1: be will mverfarget my afym warkxl. * A j 4. Thebook of 1, confcicncc , which God main» A mines as a Rcgificre in every mans brcaft. Tbefiame M 1% eflndalv :3‘ written wit!» a pm aflran, and 225: point of giflfaf Q!) L‘ ,1: A afbiamond, it 12¢ grwmupon tbe table qftbeirlveart, mm mmmap, &'c. This bookc 13 now, fcatlcd ‘up from men and A ~ Angels, and linen great meafurc l alfo through igno- rance and fcarcdncffc from a man felfc;-, but it {ball then be 0pencd,and menlhallrcade mic, 4thell1c‘l«‘lk ofthcxr natures, Twxth all thofc hxdxouslrabomfmatia eonseofthcir lives, fee an former finnes whichzhcy . have forgotten,‘ to be written in their confciences with indeliblcl eharalficrs, never to A be blotted out. And this rcc“¢ard,»eon{ciclncc will furcly bxing forth wl at thatdaye, bccaufclicl isitslaflz aéif, when it {hall ~ A give up its viatory elficcl to the Lord 2, therefore the maine um: ef confciencc its accufing or exmflnq A j7;.qfl~£e,lw;6cn qua _/kw judge tbs. flearmty‘ afl mm,-, _ -Wrd/"ngtvmy GeW1,eRomT2-I6~- ~ V A “ l W A D-3 A 7 *s.Th6 A 22. N A pre.¢i~bedbefo#M”b%* % £“A§Mv;. A 5; The bookcowfthc confcicnces ofothcfi,go<;i and bad, mm anddcvilsszl for, Gocfwill V ring to {zgbt tbcqouafelx oft/2: éem,,not onclynf cvcry man .goncc‘rning, him fclfc,-, but others alfa, ~that they ,»..a11$iuvcific Godin his+iudgcm:=nr- WhcnDiwdc~ r»~aw“flzW 9'“ firgd that M: éret/1rcfl3771{gbt? rm amvtaizxta tbefimée nan tdfigiticr V H‘ , flaw, red 173'!’ 1? placqnftarmmt 3% itiscoaccivcd ylntcrprcrers, not - :m:'~:armmm 1]! ms - 51:. caufia:'&:'c,Gqrrg'i IA (Far thc Of W j;‘_,§_°“'*’"* “'3 ”’ Natur_¢ , and all4~natura1iw affc&'1o.ns;c¢aIE::h -In he-I14, ,wl1arcv¢r%may endear: the crcaturcs om roano-a thcr) buticwas out ofa principle of fclfi-love, be.» .;,:au£cV:;:hci1: prcfcncc wouldrcnd to his further con»- %Avi~é‘tion%:, and: fa+%%be“ a~+-mcamcsAv-m4 cnctcafc his con-3 And this-‘fizzall mt on}.-:iy be"of,€he %c<:in{cic»nccs?i€‘5€ AA ~ mcn,"bw:'“Qfdw~iIs wa:lfc:r*::“Sarham;,is ~a.A~warchfu1l~ fpvirifi ; "A if‘ and k£m~W$-—mmmyW.hings%*rhac%«& A know.s¥ 3:, yea,~:amany1- Lthirns: n kfmwnoc by . thcmfr:lv¢:s«mw”hé‘fh;1lipr(5duce his knowledge fishfiiwfl %¥% * 3 at that% day..:Hc is now the Aw»/Er-qftéc érctbrcagnot A ~ onclVyt0thcmfc1vcs.V and one to?\an.o:tlm:m, 4buwycn Ago &Gord;al~fo;i~butthis;5“above alf*tim’cs%hc wi1*1do¢ _4..atAt11aAtA day: And‘fomu=chthat p1?ay?crfccr3r_1sto“in- A uni dcxtrm2'§j?.¢rc 'timatc.,"?j?al. I 09.6. W;i6tz2»1n: :2: jmlgedlct him 5: caavwr 319- ‘nwufixrt m fir!" v ¢ __,,m..,,¢;-....m,r, ,,..,;*:dcz1‘¢2::d, and la: Sat/Jam flmad at £13 régbt b.¢ud,[2';V to mm"-mi.-c. A '1 zmé. 3.": whivxnh¢Jaccufcd%Ieybu4£&thc high Pric»fi',», 6:: éfkié tflvfldfld at lit’: r-ggbtvlyawd 5% in is therefore in A judgrmmc that Sathan flm11chicfly~‘fl1:whimfclfc A %axmam:uI'%m*mpl4ifhmeut of hisownc ur-A pofe, and bath brought forth an harmfinyout o ‘ all this difcord 34 this will cxceeciwfngely exalt hisumaui-%% ermmr!rembeduéebcflrra 2:12: 4 ' f ' i e - e 2.Inhis mercy, and the richcsuofit ,u both ton‘ ,-was the veflels} of wrath , and yeffcls of mercy; * :1. Tuivards the ‘wicked , when the Lord {hall dc-. dare the gracious eoffiears they havehad,the heating u motions, the imporcunate éhtreatics, the compsffioe l‘1aE_ C1fiV1t&t10D$5“ haw often wxfdomc hath cryed in their flreets , and mercy‘ hath came upon bet u knees to their doores,4 and faid5IOh“doe Anorthan abhotifinablc thing; that I hate .,,A How long will you love fimplicity Why will ye dye 15 &c. Tet, ‘iwlrefl A 1 I w aflcdtbey % rqfiyéd _.,“ wilzw I flrcttbcdaut my ebézédi, my regardeduatjé 4. but at”)t0#"g‘[5te A; coamféll, and mzdu/m2: ~ none afmyrepmfe. Their edeflruétion is of the-mfclvcs, they have chofen their own: deluflous, “and forfaken their eowne‘ e_ 2. ‘Tdwards his OWnC;'VR31“‘fhCifA%ufinflC5‘.fl1fin‘bf brought forth (though as acancelledbond) in that day, thathc mayfhew, their natures were asfiu-e ful,l,; their lives as abominable ,« their hearts aTscbr~e ruptfi their provbjcatioush as many. , easinthe w:ckcaonuc wox1d ,« “buteyechgrace ‘overcame % . them all, that thcymay fay, Who is A a Saviour like u our Saviour”, parduning iniquity, tran{”grefle“1on and firmer: fAt»fuch atime. mercyuprevented; mercy A 3. In V p7z~ufed*;w ifieeq healed, uurfiercjilpzrdonede 5 that in all i gtmay appear}: thathc is migbtytofiuwcg ‘ A hr - W How;rufabl:%Howfe of ommam-.A “ % In his patience; when the fcotfars of ch: -w---- M wind {hall fay,AW£m'e itrtlveaproméfé 0fl513‘ wmmingg? #3. a ves.;,¢. and thc pmphzmc onqsfay, my, mrddélwyc5 513 aim-, x.uw;m.,.r. V _ wing w£7jF:m¢£regin us émtc theixfiflww f€A7%'4% iii!” V . 52 ‘A mtg arid drinke Qwit/2 ?b£.~.~Vd1‘I£\-.fl-Eflfl ; than the L‘-Wd fl1allmAakcit aPPearc-. tharhc hath W566!“ /Wi’:‘.~"°““*”‘ A M mcncaafitfh‘/"1$f‘-'-‘5"4”""‘°‘:7z"“’i”""’ “""" "A"‘1"” ‘A I 311 ;h¢]Lt)rd:fay,thiS W9” 53.1% d9n¢3ga“3§t ghnfigi mc.rcy;:¢hcrc.is niciracs s»5..g%0A0%dnc£fe:%é;<=;fP1v fed ,..una¢x fo much mcancs, here is much prcgmus -:4 rturfify m,g1¢-acd «.5, this thouhafl done, _W1th fg g0;¥:§;(;;~p1cafurc, folmuch grccdificf-Tc, under; £1_1chAar %Afm.m¢Aof god41inf¢'fIe, fuch prctcnccm of Rclxgxorza , V and {o.much wntcmpt: of tht wmmiflg Oféfihfi /W ‘pm myld,f%Aflé::flors, app::0vc;t$, and Mimi“ % Lord :«Y¢‘¢ifl an ‘his 1- h.°1dmY Pea‘? 5 a9d.b‘Cau&A fcntéx‘:cc'=fiwas rub! fP¢€;d41Y W-‘°”“d£ mm Ah¢3“‘A4 wcfddcfperatcly fez: 4inVthcm';od0.cv11l Ahcrc Wdfiw Paficnccdagxy Aabufcd, and yet qmntxmacd. ."" R‘ 4 In hisiufticc; fbr-. h¢Wi1lifl}_h3‘:5’3YaAAM13"7:f”‘w‘%4"”°"’"‘V . A A A g 5 , Md ri /mufm?/]?: ta*tbVe"plnm-' =£:f§m$’:fi:i: ;:{{?:¢may b§magnxficd%bcf'orc mgn , _ V V A 3.,d‘Amge1s_ If ins“ particular j:{dgcmcnt, A (asithat A % ‘ ‘ A 154% dxd term t tile” Rev-mm- I .. mm #56 w¢4‘3?/","“4**V{.V« « A A P A E11: /:32‘ foagxricmons) the V Lmrd flugll bwfa . ub1iClA:¢1Y héinoufcdé Q’/’*"f””“£’ I””Pl“ 'i’’ 5‘‘‘‘m”. P 4, um1»q'4bsfls1v¢ri-vs4v4zW~ W 5”“ M. mar nndpamr unto!/96 Lvrdvvrfivd How much A 11101’; 03311 %t”hi5 %1°’ Y giV¢” hi?‘ :5 tha.t€J§’v?:§g 1.5%.. fnzflsfia A 31 I C .0 ufapro-£.mausr,1au» ‘M A _ ., ‘ A‘ ‘A dg Ifi‘WF'_'_ K A Woifd at <;>!:IC\‘::’% fonzhcfl 1.5” 5-4: 7,7‘ 5‘‘’’m Vfl’‘‘‘”~AAws,;Aifa'1:e ‘ Vi’? rérs. ; V .n -vw"-r" 215 A 2 Sermvfififem.-bed mém-.» me A k % rcrsI‘oftheinfinitc juf’ci%cc‘ofthc Loni. $Rm/22.; « There fhallibca gmnifcfcationhof all Amen at the A A comming of the I.rd;:, for , Chriéfi {hall notonely Icahn 5.27: judgcasG.0d, but as maVna1‘fo ,FFor,t£2:’Fat/yer bat/2? % given 5572:‘: Authority to cxmue jwdgtmtnt, bccauff: ht: A&s 17.3}; is the Son éjfman, and that be 6415 appainttd $4 dajjn» ‘v which be wifijqdge tbs W0:g‘1d"5j tée 2714;z[‘wbom_£: /222:}; I, ardaizzed. " Now; if he fl1:%1l]udgc*as‘man,it mufi~b.¢; done after the manner of men”, ' and 'to1j&i{tcndi%ng‘ ‘to the capacities of men, that thcy may %und::r&'a"nd‘ thercafons of his pr)occcdings~, ans! the ju,fticc*%¢.of j«udgem4cnts -.,-, thcrcforc‘ wc; tea-d;-4 5 ~A*n:of Vomfl ' om Icnt”ené:einT that=VdLay,b1 Jt of*’a~5chaArj"gc laid"'upAon-fncn,” ‘ and”t%hc%ir‘p1casfor thcmfclvcsg andi‘1rhcLo:ds 33.5% ;Mmz,,7.a3. fwcr ,' I 11%;? éangry %, awdyegmrc wt 72:? meats, é-er. they an-11wcrifbrVw t:hc”m‘fcivcs Lo1'd,A4*%whcnfa,vwwe~ A the: .6~mwgry m2::!~flé! thee not, A A Anal? %théf=Lbx&“ ‘:aam.:».5. , % {hall anfwcr, In .«.~:ér 2:55:96 ¢wyed:d‘itwt“:v_tlze l¢¢fl¥g1" ‘ 4:/atfi éretbrcfzz, ye did itmt ta me. For her: mm’: {o judge, that the ofl‘egador4 may be %f'pc':cchlcfl'c, and’. t11::Trca%{bnAAof his *j.udgc_mqm3K‘m=arfifc17t'cd bef¢;:e;a1I» the wbr}d”A*,V? that they may F all aékmowlcdgc‘ film‘? ~ fiudge Hafl‘ ti»: maria.’ »5atA6°_a’arze Vrtjg/'at. 9 W’uic4h makcg mcwhumbly to conceive ,% that"~wtlf1c of y:;dgcmen:yma1*1+bc*V piaifiid oV¢1;4ipan‘*iz§£3t%nt ‘wr ’ h (asVfom7é.~ have fh¢V i1g“hr‘)[‘buf‘that4* ft “fl‘i':'dl”“ }ffifig’«.. cantinuamtc 2.» for, if ‘ fhpfld ,onc!§‘h‘s"‘~ gel,’ he conic} ciji pa'tchiciu”é* f1'1‘(}.3ITI‘€if1t ,“:§11:iC1‘ 1$*¥1f”_fd, and Angcls to cnc%rowncp4mcs*;: j ¢ fc:ing&¥~ V V 5”“d¢?35fl§a“" W5“ }I%nI1fi‘",bé¢3fr¢irif”?3¢‘ % A A éofmgcn, Athat~th‘*c“m*c§atumé*xIiay %hdVérfiahd§°aEW¥£4 $ i:»ann;§v;% . egaa ....J..A.___l....' A *9" Hmzawréble Hbzgfe of Camfibiam; % " 2.7 A and appravcrhis his righteous Judgement. I now come to the Application ofthis point; V/Zr. A Fwhichll flwallrcducc tothrcc heads. ‘ 1% “ A J 1;.‘ Of inflruélrion. \ ll 4 .:2.fcxhorration. V l A A L3..fconfolation. A A 2. ~Ofinllru6’:ion, in chcfcthlrcc things." l 2 1. Hence we maylcamc, whatavainc: thingftis A far a man tocncomage himfclfc in {in_.,by a hope of ’ ” ‘fccrccy. = A Men: lafiaaiétohdfg deeper, ta /22%»: rarmfifl Ifaiah 2:9-vs» from :5: Lam’.-v not that any’ thing can‘ indeed hcc bid from him; for, Azffbixgxarc naécdaudlopen 5e- Htb-z4~rz.4 “ farc.£»z’m.h But; it is aflu: mentaltéy non rcalzk, this is A Lap. am. A the inward chdught of~tl1eir1lcarts 5,, aradgthc ’princi.. plc thacaéts them, that God feeth nor; ll-lI’ctha.‘t cm- not {pin a fine thrcad, carrylé dcfigne fubirilly, fpcakcf words fmoothcr then butter , when warrc is “in his heart; lMarrinc(r lilac, loolcc one way , when lhc rowcs anothmgand prcccnd to build, ‘where cfpc?- cially hcc A-dcfircs to dcflroy; is no Politician for theft: timcs. This Lumber profcffcth, that he found ginlhis Rcfmrmatien, Afixl/1:: amiczlr plw eff mi/sipcrfl V «mfg lqama M ipfa tote P4pat».h Nowgwhatla folly is lit ,« to tazkc Mfo much paincs for fccrecjgll Wham l A lfhorrlylthc clay{h:;1l1dcclart:ic, Aandtobc {oh indu- 4 ~£l;rious,lto hide that from a few, which {hall he an l _ tlong madclmanifcfl before men and» Ang]cllsl,asif ‘ h it hard b¢mc writtcn with thd brightcfi Star , llorhhhthc‘ ' molt glorimzsSum§bc1alm¢. ‘_ Ohlct‘ ‘this my chm- fidcration przfcrva fgom plqttmgofcvlll , and _ firtngthmllycmlagalihll tcmptationl , whcn finrie -_~is pmfem:c%dundcr“ this col ‘you; yea, r arhéf all-t 4 E2 jwaycsV _.___ ‘ J « l». - l. ..»v " -" ‘l-'\.‘...:Aa-~= W.“ " A A ".9 . *3 I27: .' " .’A3‘o; ‘ ‘-- N l A Sermonplwcbed bafire tiae” my credit; fm: mhach £,a«?xd~.~, A lmlwlliilééyes fay in your hearts, “upcla mans. fclfltwith ' ml, but I thinkc, it‘ {hould rather even far tbzlt God wifléring mujjp Iudgcmcnt. .~ ~ A A. ~ '1 M I A ‘z. Hcncc, l lcame.wl1at~aA vaincltliing lcis tokcérc thc=lclconlcci:A®fllt+mgood opini- ons pfmcnl,l_fa1;d as me Pharifccs dial? ,.:2do; all to be Afccne of min 5 Agogad reams izadccaltxk zaprecioyt aim-s fallowthé’man.. chcn the man it-. And-ma mans * rule £hould be, -if I’ zakc,;__carclofmyAduty, ;'l.GOd will furclcytlakcl carcof Jive/EA t/3«at»!.'azza;;r;m:, =1 wifféganazlr. Ifaman h:ada.scaimm11« fromlalll thc" worl&, ll wl1accwQuld\it.profi43hien in ithatlday Shall things 3 Cwr~4~3s44 . 3’ I A 5535 Qflfixlrfiyv W whcrgitl l HE? Mfifi".AAfi'5oAA A A0‘ A adyilccA,,thlcxcforcjs5,4 A A A A W59; 19s.fLa§ssg ;12sl2z§a§§I999 24‘; sficcmed A lance of 1 {ball ccrmc ta Weigh be carried by voices than *3 Or will the Lord judge ;ma(¢:“ngtd.tb£ Eearixg oftée ear: , according to thc This made _1’_4mlto {flcightc I the judgement; ofcmansday 3 Is it to;Am¢n; -vcr}Afm.:+'flAA ';1:1ng, or the fmalI'efl:that can be, to A In-judgcdofyaa good opinions ofmcn *: cw gfiqmnsl day. Thcrc a‘r.ctWO:grcat~ E-¢atc=-Abookcs”, allwtl1cl~ pcrlbms win tl‘1=e“wOi3*ld ware valucd »; Gods bookeyand the-worlds.bool:c:7~aAn:dl many cimcscl«.whcrcm¢n~«fcc. doyvnc lthoufands , Gbd fcts butacyphcr ; for, many pcrfonsAb{gbly~¢jIe§':;:ed«u2u ‘I A mung mm, 142%: an abnmimatian imt’b~e_/23:57: ¢f(b¢.Lard. A ,Thcrc.is a double A A ballancc whcmin all pcrfons are. weighed. the ballancc ;o£thcworld,,» ll-and thcAloal%- .1-TgrAAAt£2c/};4fl be lafi, and tire la/1‘/Ywtlléa ~ My If thou be well accounted of A A Atha S,an&ua-r=y4g, and pcrfixnsws :llwhointhc A I worlds ballancc are great Wflghftgr A when the" Lord thcmywill be found too lighe, A 4 the coming oftl1c'I;m'ci.ii. fl, ~ “M , Htmo~uraz£wle Houft bf Commgm; % ‘W to AM, 1 or what: ever rcputci thou hafizamongti mt-:zt,.ii i he fute to be, what thmt dcfitcft to appear: to be at 4 , 3. Wthatjttazttcttourtntttit this ntcds *bcii7.utatta;-A2-tiii ” men, who {hall be founci in their fins at thatiday $:hamcis~‘that vvhichvabovcall things , thcnaturcof A : man abhottcst Zcdeieiab will vcnturc his kingdoms, hand life too , rathct than he willibcmtiscitcd, am 33.19. Now,WhcnAmcnfl1a1_lbcfu1lyAAiiaidAopcnin A‘ that judgment, whither ihallt Aa mam-‘.cauflfe.his -t ‘ -fhamcmto gas Herc ~*mm~:hav¢i-«manyt glaaétx/bat, A hy+whi‘ch "ifirfiiivupt ‘ tthéy oanAhid«t=it»ftom thAcAwotid‘. I:1¢rc4mcnharc not "“‘4*""€"~“*1 A it taihamcd o£tnanytl1ings,A9bccaufc not difcovcrcidg A the thicfot is afltamcdi» when he isfound, Ier,.2.26;. iottt this =c:1t=;»akc (hall be tpIucitcd'Aofi , fox: all {hall be laid AAAt:>gtt.=t1_t.s~;~ Htrcq mm are: not Aafhamcd , before children, foolcs, or thofc that cannot judgciof their i afiions ;~z but mall Abda difcovcry before mm A‘ng.t:l2_s?,* and thconcly wife God alto. Here men»-arch not afhamcd before flrangcrs, and thafc with Awhomthcy muft not live , A and t‘hcAtcforc,A if A A man doccvi1lit1‘oncplacc ._, thcyrcmcavt-%, and um A A change of the piaccwill take awayjA the rent: of the.- " fame: but with this Gt>d,,”.htI10H_tnu&,liAttcib‘happi-at-J _ n¢£f:Aot%mifcty‘forAcvcr;. A for A, ashcavc,ttA..istnothitt " Acifcbut GodtAdifpcrtfing hirn*£c1fr:inAn3=rt¢AyAAa"f9 hie” is notéhing, but God éiifpcnfing.him£ci£a AinAwtatbt; A for ‘glfiftr this lift: God -~fl13n~»b¢w3l«1¢i11A-«R1_1t':AI'IC[C7iI1 ttimct thin fhamct {off svi1lwcarest0ut,AAAthattfcarcc at i t 9;: fhaAnttiQtAéflHr_n§ ‘M t t u , E5 A A-ttci it ‘ N ‘ 1i‘! ‘ 2.9. ‘ t g,,_ \ Nd I . A #SermanpreacbV:dbzfiret6a A I vcd, find Eon {halt be upbfaidéd with it bgforc mm and Angels: Aand that, ~ A A 1. By God bimfc§fc;, I will laugh at your ca... lamity, and mockwhen your fear: cémmcfish; Pray. _2.- By fihe SamEs‘«.; M4t.2A5.9. _Goc yce» (fay the _ ~ wxfc Vzrgms) to them that fell ,‘ and buy for your }:;’:x;i::?:t:iZ;£‘f§l?C55VV;h1Ch15Afl0r to be conceived as an Aadmo... Arzggwfugmagggg nmon, as 1f now then: wcrc hope .3 but as? an cxpro--» c e m 4- . « V -» % ‘V A ‘, Aivabixuegligi mm ¢brat1on, that they had formerly ncglcétcd ch: txmc " r, a -A A A 4.. Z5£’Zf“'.2,fé'°’.?z’§£3 Of buying, arid thcrcforg, now they fhould {cc then: 'W~M-"==~i“***°;'5 folly in it whcnqit: was ‘toolatc. Sobzke 16.25.. A 5 . ‘ ‘ 0 . .. A A §4§$3a.“cax’.“ whcn_Aér4/aamfaxth to Dz-w:,j, Somrcmcmbcr that in” “thy” life: ‘time thou rcc¢ivcdFcA thy good things. A Name}: filii tvidctur #921202: pqfimw, you would nccds A (tall ma: fathcr, and glcary inthc tide ofbcing a [on A ofdérabam 5 nowfec Whateaii-, téhiévfprivsilcdgc can A A‘ give youm that flame-.-..' A ‘ V ‘ ' y A M‘ 3:. By the Dcvxls, and the damned fpirits ; who, J1f1t may tcnd to a mans Eormcnigwill furcly upbraid him 1015533 d3Y- T1314/.v 14. 9,1 2. Thc~Ki1dg ofBaby- V ' Inn is Adcfcribed, as brought down: to the A grave, §;;f5*'*%4¢fW*- Hag? flaw écnczttb if mwéd'A‘io4 me: that 41:26} am. f‘{;{§i:‘;j[;;’;{:;,: Ming; C5."'- flvw Art t£:azvf¢/lwfiwm £114-vex; Obgrcat ?eyz.»;.ramacai~ Lmjifer, 1:»: oftbe mormIng,*d7'a. You wcre a manof oFg.rcat authority a‘%malous pmfctl A Tm‘ 30* as‘ and Ont: Who" VWas¢%acceumred% a A A Sz1[§:r:t4inV yurgcncrzmon ; Aand yc9t§ydu'hcarc, How A jart ‘thou ta11ct1£:on:‘a%hcaven,‘ ohgrcac Lucifer? 5 "‘ ‘ ”QW5fl€~Aw%fpiri£ 1; *T&] Avtaft wzflrepraaéé ” V a ”“?%;fif Km i;¢*Ajf:@5mr,‘;f?a @1335 \ upm, Vwith Honourable» Hmfi: of Commons. g.;; . .»“ MR with {uch birtcrncfX'c here‘; Safoahfla mm K475291490» A »wm?:,. I_ mm :15 4 éeéz/i afar": time : Haw Wm mm be?- foolc, and bmbaaft thcmfc1vés~, and What a furious rc£51Ac6’ci0nVAwil1tI%fl¢rc be ofthc fotilcw upon it; fclfc inf thatday 2.’ Thcrcforc,-hem men havc but their faces dyed with fhame, but than thcy%Ihal1Iyed%ownc in their {hamc for cvcr.,and a man £11311 cpvcr himfclfc A A withhis own: coniufiongswicham%am1cA; "*‘~‘°9~§9-V ~% %2. '“¢0f Exh4e.rfaticn~. hérA Aw.hi4ch:? was thcA~j- V75’ 3-3» A poftles care upon this ground, kt it hit‘: Ytmrs alfo, W/nérefirre we l45am",»wl7ct£1erjlftflfffl or 41;;/2'nt5tbat we may éeaccepted xfwmy 4 That: yam? pct Tons may be accdcptékig a‘ndA;your“férvicés al?f¢:if* Ri?0h4EJ.A‘r:onourab1c¢ and bc1nv¢d~,you1aav¢don¢ mac”1ugooaJinAmc V AAStatc , A bin both A chcpAi1ilars~% , 3t?d the fl:i¢1ds bf thd % caxth;1andui1dcr4God %t;hcjéVrcpaircts ofthc*brcach, znarim almo%ftirTrcpa?1:abI‘c A in this kiAnVdorpc:.;, "th¢ff¢f % wor1~IcihgcZWrfiq5 ‘£69? it’; 4 Let «NW 5-1-'3»? as w:i:c5ifs, *a“nc1rig* "dflfncflc . as an ‘ ~' K V‘ ‘Ir __‘,‘ A 4 S.c'rm1arprmcbed bdjfbfefbfi F. A _...._.—,-nu ‘Mas a mighty fir:-amc...But cfpcciaihgperfcfl whatoois wanting in A the reformation of Rcligion,thofpccdi~o _ V so 'Way.unt0.~which(I humbly C€Jf1Cciovo)wiI1,bc§-the‘ * {cnd.ing.»forth_ of agodly andfairhfull Mimiflaryo. throughout the Kingdom: , thofc who~ than be both able and "apt to teach, who {hall not think they ¢ o have ofufficicntly difchargcd A A their duty» jt0Wai‘fd&‘ zht.-it pcoplo, oifthcy “haw. ~P;1‘¢33Ih€d to them ooncc or" "A twiccwina wcckc, but ra1{oV‘moay makecojnfcitncc of Catcchifing ,; knowing rho A {fate of thcir; flodkC,; V. teaching p§2b1iqL_1g:Iy,and from houfc to houofl?,Who cvbrothcy bqthat {hall pcrfwadcwu, ‘:.~;that xhcopm; cipall, mcancstoo_[fi;xbdo‘uc thc kingdomcmdzo. (3ood,~oiso by Difciplinc, unlclfomenobc fubdared by¢Do&rino. firft, will be-Aablc to rctumcbut a flcndcr accouabof an fu-ch othcir. cnd:avooui'o__iu :hclcnWd.~ And{ I_darc*.o. 4 : con%fid‘cnfig1y .3355; M ffiithgfilllo aléidzpfiino ;Mini—;. £i~.cry,,Ih;all by;.G0ds h1¢*m¥Tg:‘gaino ..oomo1'”oauthority‘o V i1ithccon{oicnccs.o£rr__1con ir; a yeare-,4 $hc-maoficclc-e-, « + fiafiicall Confifioryfhafl gainéoin"anag c. o o 1% n.‘2‘.:‘. BocA_tr:teo3Jm jam p,rig1¢1flt;:.* A oggodlymanml mxwmwmoeia fi%**dJikc !1I3tQ~a‘I<0£kca in flares non; it flurmks not : If a manbc off and on’, f‘~unflc'ady- in himwfclfc find: dwblc-minded, , he will not long be "’ acccptéd of Imm,‘ much Vlofféo OE the « Lord ,‘,,.I owizhsé whoxojs 1 A oog1wgxsxfl1%1ddow ofiottizrrfing. I”'knovmm;;mm»,.;a‘:mm~.mg5§agim my '3 j¥d42'1é:ev~,c¢uzjxad;z A, :a%-54 eicawaill « bc a;4fa:we Afar imhc¢ imificry, sthatme ulfcil ;pa2¢ach¢thcA(}m; fpc}1~te4.othcrs, and ouxgfélvcs iibceomc caflaawaycs ; Wflfipiwfiifhall Iay, Ala-:».%A7;;2:2 ~Lard,—,~me alvaz/cf * «w‘h4avi:ngth¢% Tkcyof mg" ihxmoast I .4.-;.thm?have a co4:;£w4sc fouimofmany, fhasllwcm damméfom: M«¢cs fun the ‘:*eagiflracy.»;.~fqr~ amaea .m..%~bertak@m } V m Throne of Gad, Casx in Agthprity. a man is..faid.m‘0 m.v,,.1;,_. , _ bp,.1m2;.‘12;)2A;amd atI“ML_>., to ;5:Mi?rcjqe