eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg; K1 g Charles J 3% w 5. ‘ fie. ‘ % ws MB» w”‘fH* at *4 W é W, ., efifre ff‘. M P0 A SC AF F O L D“? 17 % at IV/Jite/5allGate, Immcdiatly before his Execution, On Iuefdaythe 30..0f'}d/1.1 64 8. VVith a Relatian of the manner:E A fhisgoing to Execution. L 7 * F, ?%%%§%%% 7°uéli/hid by fgetiall flutbarif %LONDOM~ e Printfedby Peter Cale, at the Sign of t_:he% Printing Prefé in Comhill,near the AA " 4 V’Roya1lExehange. 2 M6 49. 4% -I-%»eM«ee«es&e»eeeee:eeeeee ; N . “ .1 M 1 _ . , ,‘ ,. «‘ ' “ ‘ « . _ ‘J:-I’ _ _ L ‘ I 4 .-'#"_'%‘~:n‘-‘ IE," ‘- I. ‘ h..‘ ‘L V K ‘ V1» * av’ -. M ' - .‘ mfi -3'“. ‘o _.~' ‘I ‘ u .-‘ ‘ ~‘ V‘ ‘ a ,1 ‘__ -" s \ ; ‘ V ‘ _ \ ‘..‘. v.’ ' “ ‘- 1--. “ _ ‘ - . F v) 4.. J M ~ ‘ '. ' " ‘ ‘ . . mg Charles 315% I\/lads upon the Scafi‘eld;,at‘l[/£7z'te lmll Gate, ifmmwediately before his Execution, %A -Twefddy , jmmzry 30. M % A A ‘Bout tea inf the morning t‘rVe‘King-was *brc)ught 'Fcom, ~ Sf. 13vm::'.r,wa1ki%ng on ‘f”oocV:hrough the Parke,wich g % £4 egtmcn: offoogpaxt before and par: bsrhind himgwich " ‘ A , Co1ours‘fly'ing,VD:umsbeating,his ~pri~va:e%guardoF %Pafttizawns, with I'or1r1cafhi$ Gentlemen beforefirzd {bme bcbind ‘I5§éch%é:id&’3”;‘‘”%‘Dr.% ] um-n~%%%z1éxt behind himfind Col. ~‘Thdm1%infon . flwhohad the charge ofhfm) talking wichvche Kingbarc headed. ; C frbm the Pa‘rk,;l1p%the I’ca1rs‘ii1ro tI'If.’.‘ Gallery, and To into xzh<::i*" A A V A Vcabintcg Cbambcr,4wficre%he' ufed (0 1;/civvhexzthae mminued at *1: is abfcrv’;1,' hi&sA%Devfo'1;icn, gfcfxifing to ding: [having before taken the f5*1cx'a-13“ King dc-;4 mcntjqnlyw algogt an {1our“beforef=xMe came for:hJ1e?drank 3 g":afl'E:\t‘I‘1e;“5c°(:;.‘:’;;“%Iii of Clam; %w1ne,;.andAcat4apc1cc ~o~fbrcad a’bom t:»v¢1Avcramoou» Q,» “ % M H , . % % bI“”et % % M ‘ Fgom thence: he was accompany ed by Dr. jxm-cm, Go}. ‘T.§zpm.;. the 11131:: flats; léwmnd o‘tl.=1§n 0fl3cer6;fs>rmcr1y'appcsimced to attctlzi him., and mi: in , wH.“;x:c ~tImpr1v4t¢.guard'af'Pgrtiza1?9,W1t’hn:u$sKm:i*crs 30,1‘-I%ea<_:h fide,§1’1°”°"§“3 , 1A thzgaqghth¢‘BanquetcI’ng-ihoufe adjoymng, .;m;which~:hc}SmV- “P” °“'- V = A -ff@1d ”‘”‘““’ "’°”° &E°1dt5Wt39?=€f¢&¢d.e‘between Whlteehau g3!_*€,3!1d“ thegatc Ieadiqge _ £er;‘;L*:].hh€A1n_tO the gt-.11ery Fttam St. ]amcsees.*et-1I';1.e Scahold was h_un g reuncf .;,,;,e,et;,afi,fiAW1t11 blaflkesand the flooreAcover<:dA vvxth hIack,,and t-he Axe arid. t1oe.1..;n.x.c Blocktlaid in chemiddxe orme sca&’aw.. ‘W e b;°g3nning»h'o£ fThere.e were di%vhe"t!> compames of A foot, and ‘Troepes of‘ 13*“ ‘rm’ Harfeeplaccd on the one ride the Scafifold {awards Kim 5, gimer as was fhed, t d 1 h -A 0 «’~ Awhm the _ A rant t>2,.t e other {idetewatds Chan.-mg Crofleand ck e fnufilludcs Amhg: Cm_%o€vpeop1c thztxcame to be ipeélators V€ry.;A=gI‘€:1r ~ liars fellnpen ; A 1'he:King being home upcn the Sea;fl'oIdh1ook?d very e3,g;g;;_ :hefCitizens,AE*y on the block, «wind askedtCoIone1lHml;er 1f there W<‘.’r&_n.£) A killed me, andehi*eher;and then fpake thus Ldireéttng his 1'peech éhiefly to «:51. weunfdhed about t . x h 5>°*",-”hFh°,§“ "A“2:0mIm/0”) » \‘ K ING, Q Shallbexverylittiehearéltmfanyhodyi here, If'halIAthercFm'he~ A ‘ Tpeak aword untogyou here ;. indeed I‘ could hold my peace- very we1l,ifI;ciid not thtxtkhthat-heeldiflg tux peace_,would makes ; ’ fame men thtnk that Ikdnd fubmit to the guxlt, as we1l~as to the he puniihtnent: ‘hat I think itis myduty to God ‘firfl , and to my Countxcyfehr to clear my fe1fbo;!1e=~a s antthOn‘ehfl‘man$an3h aeegco it \ .K1'ng‘,a;nd a gcod Chri(’c~ian, I ['ha1Ibegin firfl with m?y;,tI’ihmg... A T cency,In troth I think it not very necdf'u1l“eforI'mc towihfifi Ihng upon thisfolfiali the”Wor1d ;kAn;€>W»S~_fhfit: I nevet‘ betgienhwhar withetheetxvo houfes Of Pat1i"ament,c,tnd I‘caI1 God to witnefleta “tvhtbrri 1 » muff fhortly make an accohnnnthat I ‘ nehvetf did intend for to incmach upon their PriviIeedges,they began upon me, it is the —‘Mi}it.iqv.ethcy began upon; they ctmfcfih that the Miefiteiayvas ‘V miue,bt:t« they tlaohught it fit; f'0r]t0t~ hnfe 1' t from the and [-0 be A 7 fl_1ort,iF any body will fool: to tfficdatehs oFComrni1’Iions,ef thei 1-: ’ A Cominiflionsand mine,andhht1ikewife‘A to the ‘D’ecJarat’toen‘s , will ‘fee clearly thattthehybcgan thcfe unhappy troubles nqtT gro that ’ < asthe guilt~ofthe£'eAEnormouseetinies that ark: hid -againfi me, I h ‘ope inG:o.d that Gad will ‘clear; mevoftii; , ~I'wi1l not, I am-in A-charity ;Goci fqrbid that I ,fl:»A-suldehlayteit u'pon~the’ two Hofufes of “ g'at1iamcnt,thcrei'sena t1ccE'fli"ty7’ of cithet,I hopethey are free of» ‘e’ e A’ «eh this; thisgu1lz,forI do btleevethatjtll Infitrzymentlg '.bCIIW€C1'.l_~lhCfl'1 V‘ and m‘c'h 3,s been t;hC'C3‘lJfC OF all this hlo9ldl'l1ed;{'o Lbapby l l\ ‘way of l"peaking‘,as If find my felfeeclear tehir~",’l:‘hopteLfend~pray’ W God] thattfiey_n1aymo:yet For al1thls,lG0df'oi*lJ2»cltthat Nhotuld A ed A _ be ‘lb ill a Chriitlian 515 no‘: A l Now. E61 Sir.»f¢%tta¢A~P1=E;t ¥°*1~in nh‘éAA¢4izva;r.brieiveit you win new if *«7!d'0 Y"3h'5sn°r*il@°d%AW1“;93¢?-%I5r¢¢54‘3’°” 137.911: unrifl you give Ga-‘d A due.A%the Ki1?gbAis»isirrxysuctefl‘ors3 and the pebpfc idfifi AA1Aai'fiaaS m*1¢h**°r We-m*aAs¢t2y Qfybuvz You muaaagc flea hisducwbyAv.regnAzax1ng ::ighz:1y_hi~s‘ 'Chf11'tch(accardirig A;$’hi«.~ $*=r€P%*=%r¢9WW“”“’ °*“F’i‘9*dcrs F0!‘ «-2 11:-'r you in a~vay 4 A1y%ca41ied;%fr€c1ym_debat¢ damong them1‘e1ves,mu& ferric: zru:s,wh¢n’ A :;Ah~an*=éwfc%ry eApiu15)n is Tfxeely anCh1ic1€§ar1ytM1card¢, ~M¢agang‘i£ A blunt fidgcs «FG1Ath€ ‘King, ind‘?-‘-‘d 1 Wm D9ta{th¢;fl tufningtw ak Gentletfién thatcouched them: faid; Haw: not we A.~d.1s- that émy lmrt v_;w',,, * Foxthe King" ) TheLawes gFtheLandwi1“}cIcarIy inflrueft you Aforchat ; thcrcforgbecalflfe 11: co;1V&;ernsM y” ”€)‘wn%‘ particular, I oxly give you amuch of 1:. A H ‘ ; % For ;:hep¢<;>p1:-. Ar%xd%:ru.iy I defire theirliberty and freedom; fasmuch Aamny ibodfy whomfoc%ver;"butI I mm-1 tell you,tha.t th4f;ix: I. Ii.berty;and rhcir frcedcim, ¢qmfi&sAia§aaving %ofGm/crnmezgz aw gmnfc I-aws,by W-hu::hthcir1Aife and (hex: goods, mayfl bc implt A OW‘-flg%h% % A AIcisnotfét—hafii‘hgAflanifc!inG<5vern:i3c:m::.(;Sir) xshatie ‘rm. %¢hing.pe1:tai1311ngmche;n.%;A_,.5jhbjc5I”ahdaSmgcraigu are clean» A A “‘V:diEenenAct.hmgs; %:%andLheJ:¢fc:re. unt111m‘&che%y~afo ch 2:5“! mean;A;t1m yAou»Vdo4puc chgpcoplc gifi that‘1ib¢rt’yA§s“%I%'fay, Certainly they W i 11 Angverkcnjoy thcmfe1vcs._ A ‘ A A .% 1 ms, §It7wa~sF’eritl,~1iis,tI1atnciwl1‘amd¢t3me«hcrc:4‘IF“I wofpld ;hav,esgi»ven way £0 in A'VrbHit:a._tyA way for,t0 have aiI1L:iw§ ch§zn~k A . A jgedagcord1ng%tO: lib?» _#POW¢r0fffh¢ $W0tda1h€€d¢d not to have mm !;ere,and ihcreforefi te11’yQu,4[§and I pray God it bC"l10!t 1aid ,,:m*4Adyour ¢ha;g¢,4]g~hat I am thc%Martytof th‘cPeop1’c. A" A % A_ A;gn,¢g5s;,s,%;1,,;gA,qu xtzueh ;l<51?ige’r}‘for 1. Wm ow fay thiswtojmu, I-lie: in trutha1“P'.11Adh4a’V9 §1efixedA4‘romc “little ~& A A = "‘ « - fume. Eimti :msger,he¢avF:—l1 WWW W;.¢;f (W? h%*‘e="i'm黑lna liule: mor‘eorder,»and a"l1'ttI bepfterufiiggikciyclacn» I T'hz’Vfi 4 rlictrefore I hgpef youwiliexéufell me, A have a lxzloma my lconféienecgll prlay:Gl0d;. willie nhofe courfcs that arelbefifax §.h:.¢, g0@’ld?ll0flthc K1ngdQm§_ .. %lVapd% v.ourlolwne..ra1yanic;n. A ‘ Bfifidfilfixan; .. Will Ynlnzié Malclly (*i:“ho"ughl itmay E32 v9ry;Wel1lkho§vn4§,7our 'Mgj€Hl€$ lAffe&_§on to Religicn,ye:1t%m‘ay_b§f§?€&€d,‘\fhaz you fluculdflay fomcwhaclfor the Wlo-zzlds laL1sta~‘5t10J::.» I§‘1N'G... %‘“Ill”‘t'h‘ank ytstwery heartily (myT;0rd)f0rlth%a‘mIhad almlofil For», women it. Inlcroth Sirs,my Cpnfcilengce in«Re‘ligicm,l tl3i‘n;l<,£a very well know: to all the wolrld,ancl“thereF0rc,1dpclarebefclgl you a'll,mhat I die a Clu:if+ianl according to ah}: pla:;0§eJ,fi3cl11l?Of?;h<.& M flitlgu;<;l)MQ»f“Eug,¢5zMgl,aS I Afdundll it left fbylmy ‘Falt'»l”!,Cf?, and i%h“i*s; ' ~ Ao,11€f35’m3T1 Q“) I‘t,_lh%in1: will winneile fir. Thcnturpilngl%m zhel.#Paix;i;agmo ofligegs faidasxrs c:§cuf'.e m6;lfbr~th‘isl1ame. A I halve agmod caufc,L3M§c9?l1l!W?‘° A éfid I have lag gracious GOd.Iwil1lfay :30 l motel... %_Ihm1 turmngw min Colomlll Igam,-r,he li1jid_,l take care that may do mt _pm;c ms painc,andlS:ilr :h%is:l_and iz:fp’1<:a"el you: But then; 3, €3.c:n:1e;man , cumming nee: the A;~x,tbellKlihg faid, Take Lh£;<:d of the?'A‘x7, pray.‘-w .. 9 take heed ofthc: A,.,x.l Then the King fpcakmg £077 Ltlle. Exeguziq, A “ml-,fa"id_,,Il am: any but veryfhort prayers,‘ anld;L%lwlh:e§LI clhrltiltqut’ my hands Then the King called :0 Daélorlllmx on for‘ MA; A Night Camandlfiavinglputiton ‘fa.idJito,thc Ex¢cutigmer,'tll V” do:slmy_ Hai; n:og.1la»l_y<_:»u,lvvh¢!bls:l_eIired Vhign tmpultl is ;¢:l1;;ul:;!d¢r f"‘lP‘i$“': , W'Cap,.vvh1ch the King (lid accord2ngly,byt_hc. help eftlml fE1?X§¢uc1~ mic: and the Bilfhopfiicn tlzss; King turning nolDp&’0rl;I%;xsn;ffiid E Ehavc a goad lCawaf: ,; and a.grac1c$lusGodl;:>n gmygglidci. _: A3‘ j A .E,,A:.5«*¢:n:¢;"i$eme'a:vsa~es'2«é‘~: Ygs {wills amd.itvp§r; % A M A A W» avcry hula pmzfx: ,% Pcretchmg Forth 5-: W % A Alfie £9 3%: mm; f‘. A ¢ Afiis Stage is At*%urE>uI@?§3.5:A¢a«M~ é“=z*ta;’,;.;-;,A ‘aw’! eéfifiame it is %a% diigs Buxvyoumay mnwex‘ it will fibafi A £-im“ry§O9.E»3~W*?f7"g$€c?At =.«VayV.i:Af£%AA%W5%i1ACam'y4 yum from Em-gh to HAejaA;;$A % Wgjjmd :hJ‘\j,o%i§e:z,fi2;_gA§i~fi11dm*great%Adea£c«cf mxdiai, j.3y» aA.n,&. A AAcm;mAf0m~ A ’ ¥: M ‘ _ M L‘ uA,[’~ -- A “ H ‘ ‘ I A 1 game: fmmez coxuupagA§.»Ie,z%aVan% 1%‘!/CCr_1:‘1'!al_p[:bI¢\AC;-0Wn',Wfi~m.e W sfiiPcu’2*i‘x£flW C&I1;be,mAm ciattwfbanct m t«Ah%}e‘A%‘AA»~vAna;g-M, ‘ % _ DOéf0£%Imxax2, A A ‘;r”»::m ;-ism ;::jxchang<:;':d% f°x:Ar.2m as £cmp0;ra'I~AI to an mermfl Qx»i.«,»;;;4;,~g_¢;kAm3 v9§:£>«?>'fA;§Xc3%AW;¢~ A ~ {mm Feud E0Ath¢1EX€Cfltl0fl€f§;AS£21yHaiE%’V€”.:W2f1Am;zg '5 ‘M fin,’ mg m?0;‘m: cfl’ sis Cioakfand his G¢®rg;’A~fgiving his G‘J.'0£‘u.g E: is zbmim W D“‘*”?“"‘ 1;i“i“I1i‘?W$f3iY5”A%1»R*?’m?flAb‘7?’ AAfiA['AA5”'%?'*”Th€“ 15:3 AK§§"t:"‘"4§ §&:mwf?r"~f=:*:é PW 0% H§sf§£i3%;xE>1e%%»a.¥‘*d being 1“ HES Wa“mbAaAt,pur his mmméés mm afiimgtfiéfl; AA%!:f:i*fi12I3Tg‘!-Ipmrxxa the bloclcfaid m%Awc Execzmziomw '3::%suA7€;:‘w1 mui% fat %ijtf’fa*ff*A¢ A m‘ M&%'A’A=mw»«’a4:AaeAAs'»~»«» 1ar.i%sfaf* Sir» mAm§*g;E1r hVa;.‘v'&¢ A been a Hm: higher..V 1, . “ Lv A AA V ‘ fg,"*§*l.¢%,~‘Ag@f,;i:,ft‘§mW4:af'§z~*:..:,{XEhtémigéfi no’3.£’A‘f:~$ V % 1~A'W*.>V:°AAé»rA«A:,:*”’AAAA W@'“hm AI pm my: fiat-Adis?A:1:h1%$:fzmy,**a an j I Agar ~A;;hat'§'1aV§A1%gfa§%Zii,m”3vT'Z).;A€1¥l"t'?‘3ZT&«?.*$rVg§fv§dS(3.Sh€H0(§dJ{¢;)whAi1n»‘$ Awézfe Mm hancis and Ate-ye AIifi%flP.,imm€€1‘i’3A€:1wY“°’§>PiUg4'down,*Aaid V%his Neck supmm the B10c1{":A“~~A.z1%d 9 ~ A A min ,9: Aumder s%’Cap,tHV’eKAx% 1._A.fa1 a%:ié7?%“5A}:i.:;,ur M ajeay, ‘. “M ”m3»££§;-§1m;%,AA A A M .. AA . A ’ A .. . ‘ _ }3~m1&ATsA..“ A 3£‘¢1:;;e. jmx&€ut&Qm*fi:'fiEt:lWm;¥;ma b1W::,,if:m*ea*Aed ms _lma»:.dAfkcm E; m, ;:qan& fhewmfi it:§.K§79fi1'é‘}p€x‘51fat0xj.§‘: putpmffm % % A ‘ A ‘A ‘M M’ 4 A A A % . ” The Kings Bady mw has m hi5 imaging" in Wwrwm Iflwlf, A V ‘ ‘A A A A A’ rfiiv trawfitgiarm fief. 4 F JAA757“ .; “A5” ‘ «A-;¢;«AAA“ ” my fin." th&‘:§E:gm;;, I “ma 3;: when the AI{i:%:2;:§;i£iI%§$'i5§Ira:A=é&*«a,Tk7"V’%’aS§L12‘fiv0fl§'f31¢Exectutimnex Emmi M Em Boriy wfipfitinaAC0fl%a,covered with b!Aa§¥¢?*'V€EV¢*m,