I ;,.(,_r -‘W V 3‘ u V x A i7;1“0m the very begirming of die Warim m 4 this preiént ciayi, L To the We Hmfiy. II. To ii‘-‘EC Army. UL To the Swim 9 IV. To the Staivjcéis of Emglmm’ in geirmaiia \ in relation Inijtzfiification 85 commifcmtion wf His fifajeflyiniti1i9l1is&ii’cs:ei«l~ A A Red C01iCiiti0l‘1; and for tilt‘: fmzisfaéiion «of the whole Kiiigdoxna By BA 3 1 IL 1, 1.19 M mm r....— HIV‘ . ...-..~.........— ‘ m—mNema we impraiiié Icvcqfiit, O fomiifli Gialfltiamx, who hath bewitchcd you 2* 9'4i.“’n1'u “ W“ rt‘ . ~ Igmia in xix‘: -4111:; ' _i 647i, To the-., Vlfings naof-f’cexfceIIe11t Nlajfifry, His pwre Pazmp/Efetl ifitended at j7J0z¢Zd 54'?!/6 V wmeziaved it :2 Prefirm: nwmfi/Jy 2‘/fie acceptance of 4 King, mt mafi- iy I preffimed, that Loyalty éemg a preview jewel! an £55;-:A :‘ ¢ fizd yaw Royall lzandxat Hampt0n«-«Comrt 3 720:‘ timt I A age, arm./a’ M: £36 mawelmme, zbazazg/7 ]:'r6_[€7?ted from the menu A 3%:/Z, (ma! the W16:/3 zmwarz/9_y ofyozw Szzéyz-“é7.v. Same perfvmfiom 0;.’ your Irma Friends I put me.’ upon Me Entrtrprife, mzd { ragged ta 7.m:'. A 72eceflz'ty, t/mt It jbaulcl ée done am of lwszdy z‘[7..~zt all fgoxar ioya1l%Sub}c“(‘Its might fie mfarrmm’ » 5;; 59542 4 fiad conc"iition~ you /4}; mm’ haw mzfemlzly jyo.zw%/mrzle éeezzgfizsfed Aféwmw mm to time .- fa that it éeirzg t/ye PrMz;&7r- 079 of c*§?z4!t(l{»”t"t1Hf/md?.’i 4 zzgg/5; ( mlittlc more tmzc tf/mm Nature ‘take: in the muzkmg of 4 M ufl1rome,_ ) not/fin mm be cxpefied in it .€mrp1aine Tmth bzzdled" rage:/Jar mt’): vat my .artifici- ail me::hud ar dreffing. And yet I évape it mzu find year Ma» jcfiy cram .7»/9:3 yamr /Mppy revtz7rei7»m7z‘; wéere*1'flg.2'-'f z‘tfI9ezzl’a bur my tolerable A V and /t~:£1?M may mks Imprefiion zapoia ~t/Ere /Mart: qfym:.—z;r Sub-q 3‘-;:é,T1%:s,,< than Qgéazggb darzeizzr/mgfl) it is well alarm; A /ézm to entertain your Majefty for an bozarem ‘ U) A L T‘helCz2f:0ft'lte Kéfigin relation to the t¥VO23’mfi’$. "4 P we looke upon the ancient Z!/I.;2jc4fl,v of the I(z'ngs of Extglazmi’ "for which this our native [centre] hath been held In as V€‘n€’¢- table an efceem‘, as any Iakagdom in Etzrape whetfoiever, and con» tfider the ptefem: d«efpicabl"e condition efournow alrmal Sow- 3-mgm», into what an e/féyfle of mifety he is 1_3luh gedby the :?%ee/he.» 291 ofhis own Sz¢¢5jeé?I5 (yet all under the fpetcxouts pretettee otlayazlzjg.) asthere is no getieram law: but mutt lament the Intatme which re-» turnes upon u§,in the opinion of other 2\Qztz'am, fo no Tafigz4e'0r A Pen will ever be able to fmlmm the depth of their wéltzmj, no we-A ge.4mcet.eqL1all theitimpiety, who fitfl: tC‘0t1tt‘ib’uted to that citrfid a'e-- figzte, which G0dh3thpE1“m'1ttt“d (for caufest befl: lzhowne to his un- feareh-able wifalom) to lrendeta piazz»: and glorious tPr11tcel,afiom~ijr7y£eg alndpévediwt P<.'0.}_3l€,tl1l'1S wretched and mlf€1‘3.l3lE’_, by a moi’: horrid. , A Reée/llian. t . t V t t _ It isnow Amorethan five ymm, finee the deW0z¢riMgfw07‘.r/tfirfif ran«- gedetabout the [Cir/gdam; full {even ‘ye-ares fin-ce this Pfl7’1imfr:?e?¢t‘b£3- gan ; thefwhotle Baal}: whereof Ieannot alccufe for the .fIzzt.h0;'.t of this ummtzmz/I wear, but (to fpeake mildly and confcionably) they were efome few L2/kmber: of it (whom it is not my bu-fines to name, tleaa ving that to Hzfz‘ory,) who tmtg/at 0317"{{;«’l2r'1?(2»’5¢0 23%’? mm! am Fin... gar; tafig/at. Yet the that will trace the dettgne eat this mzwr to its 0- rigimz/1, {hall finde it .<”)f.ar;e.ld1erdatetthan 7. yeates: For , tall the fediriom*~Carriages of the Puritan-Fafliam (ft) called)againfi the go--:- vernment of the Church, in the dayes of Queen 8’!t'e.e&etb,e King James, and our 501-'c'raz2;g7zetl13t11DtW is, werebut as {'0 many prepare» tit/ex to thewotlt £11‘ ‘6 :r i t %&ia(v 111 Tmwzimttxlltthe .F¢z5Zéanm'as delivered of the .Zl4’a;~»zj?w~, in the ~y’t‘I.1t'€ 1641. which was” A then ['/arzflmdhy the n2;met of R BF 0 R M A T10 N. And whereas in the Reigmtx of the two ;fo2‘n1erlPrz';am*, this Fmfliazz was with great: am’/a'am and polity, ltept under Hatches, and fo not armed to tltett height of Jmpedmce they aftemratd attained, V t their nuznbex~s*l)elng tl1t‘1‘t'1IC:tV€t‘y’C()nlld€it‘ablt3 among the 2\7'qé£1£ry, €]e;7t7}, and Clergy of the Kingdmn, and {U they ‘W£iI:It€d men to back them hethin the Sczmw atfzd Pulpit; ‘ yet in prpceéle of time being vet‘ya§tiveantl ittdtdtriotls, (astall Izzteaentrtom _m11{’t be) they drew Déft<'t;Dl£J_;tlft€l“ themintall camrim of the llmtgdmzt, atthong all dee- g:~ees and ;:a;.rdixm2.ro%t‘-M men : tb tlthzmtthen th€ir~t~Z?efvm'zt!z'0:¢ ;ncrea— @§%Wfi$t tfitd Ll *fi% fing with their zmméer, anfd “both being mightily advmaced hgrmlel wzrtifléiall and cazmterfiait piety, they datly gathered advant-agel to" cry dawne theGovermnc:nt of the Church by. fiifiopx, as e/;%;2t£~ f1a;4ifli.szn,to 1mkewayforl(as tlxemfelvesltermed it) a gloriam Re--. firmatiazz; This vwas mach: the Szmlktrzg lsagfis to; theewholedefijge-ée:,l and through this pretence they the rather prevazlecl tupont the lcredu- A long people, by reafoln of. the ralh and ftmous crwritalge of fame of the Epiféapwzll (Yergy, whzch erendlred their Adver/Jzsricxla daily occa- fion to add feel! to lthefire Ofmepzfe lamorlg the;;nultitt1de,and prepa-69- l A teed them to entertaine any Change, though to their owne pwjMdi£‘e.. 1 '%Wl1ithebeing qgtxickllyagprehendlede,and flcmmfillsmutuallly c‘om.. V muhichatedfiay xnany 0ftl'1t:WG'e;¢tr}I, ahd :1 Lara.’ 0rtw0l{fc>mel of 67'0- égn Fortzmes, but alelnf am:9iriazmt1tnds) they jtldgtd thenthey had met with a fitgocmfion to 1-epmeand advance their ‘I,.I.‘aflt'fifigJ€: attdfl their Fr-iwzdx, tothe gteat0;;ffiw:, and Harzarye of tl1c:.lI{ingdom , ‘and fo became Cancliclalets of this Cl7't2fp€:‘,[‘21t€ F:a.«fl‘:*i<>n.] And l{i'l‘0Wl’ng_ h that this COulCl,nev(:_r be cfieéleeld buthy fL11'prizing_ethe King’; /Mzzje. fly and the chiefé Qflieerx of Stars’, in 3..Pfl?‘[z‘:6Z7fiEfiZ’5ZT}“ way , lthey la... l bored‘ tooth and naile (ttheit*e.eeexpg::é’u1tionls having been fru{l:i"atecll in for:e11ere7’arliamerm- ) to make lure of all m th1s‘PwrZ.z}.zmeazt: And thiq thiiry n1;tnna;geed tnolll ft0utly.p:trtly.by_ canvimnlg 8’laé'z‘iam~ for Creatzr¢re:—0f”Elh€lr owne in the 6‘a:me:ie:labr0ad;partly by wclrkingg upon the Cities of L-Wfidwae, with religiow pretence: ; and finally upon their owne Members witlxhiglxtpramzfir; and that which gave the A maineflralg; of all was,their having the Seat: realdyl at ‘R’ CJZZJ «(as the world wellelmew) upon: alll_occafions tojhack the'm..l A A A By which meanels having made tlaleir party pammewm among the; I.,.:zity_,;zll1cll:Vl»;n0wi21gA tl‘l€t"fi wasllittle hope “L\.l.1tl'that 3.lll‘.l'l€l€11!‘I‘l€d“ " ‘Cltjrgie of E13543:AK‘£fig&am"‘&vOLl‘ld‘fiiCk fitme to their owns: Pirirzc';I,ll:!ct%WAas aAp%1Am:AAo§nAp1L1Arpofe Am lay-a f~’oz¢§adm*;ié:2 for war, by~%d1fi*vit1g / . himito ExtffimitifisgIAhé3tA'tAiT€mf€V1AVAfiSmight inmdc thin: ifhrane (as A fat’: thtigf havre d0n¢,)3nd’A77'e£gm% 15.132 Pmzces. A A A AA A A A A A A AN»K3W7 h’avin.g pcrfe<.‘%2*:d tAAhcjPZot AtAhus:faA1‘rE,an7d attained the chase? ~o?fAAtI1eirAdA€firEs,whiclrxwaéw‘I-1:i»s illdfiefliex abifcxqce; (whereuporz :h.ey'A" wgggxg fi5tC\aG0;““ g.E:ai:ivE1amafg-;c in itht2”oApinioAn.ovf' Ithej people; ( as they evexixihave ?don=eA ?‘L5z1p+r3n.%tl1€~ n10‘I“cj»:evefl}rTrqzéa aVAnd'V%2£¢25z*ocem ‘of his A&ions)I to fcandalize hinazfur aADzfi=rr_wA~ %?h%isl9.Pzzrl£mm:e“t) it was Vcnnfnlted. next,.to%'keep .hi11nA%ax:v:.a3'r, and dmrc-3 him to fhrther ¢xz‘1*:3?9£z'a‘_Ag7L=:, and fo. ‘they-pArO¥fetL1Ated: 11im.AB;iAAA1AA!, x‘:&’«1§At*h‘fmAtIx .i:mperio1w,g’Me{frtgc:% aI1dADamaé2dk; as9b:c»caAJmAeunei%t:her a;wz;@nmr¢ Zayfl/[A PA<2o~p1%e AAt~‘C§AAi‘5is.kf2 ,1norTan EmglzflvA ;; Kifiig to ;gm1t;;AiFh@:meAanmio«Abe :1 Kin-tg. my I011jg‘m*; cm tuhyey Ahad % m‘E3f1'ftA‘I'€’a“H§7‘A. A?t0 ‘h&AavA€Vhim1 xzeturne Aibagk %aoLa;m, with any home ~Ab€i1fi‘g*11fEdlikéfi‘-JCin;q.‘ A AA But nndmeu pArAoc€Aed'@d, andAAAth7l2 nextwo7rkeA was, to d2ifi*o.+.% him,', A of.afl'Athe~Efifi}mw~0‘f.Rqjnl;yA; andAAfiArPr,Am rax}if}aAthc (‘re-We of iyw C'l*1iZ3wAiI:f3fi:§>'%n%ae-17Z.,A‘*li“1*r-6?~MiIif£A&AVb(%A£A§%%‘Aby 36:2 amid Lmid ; the very Izfe and; _, ffigale 01?? A3 ¢yzxzzt}§:A%m:rA-A;Kting',AflnAd x with-oLzt% (~.;77‘Z0i¢¢z7‘£/91.9. is but H a ~de4a%d Gfirkiszfé, a ;S"“€An!?‘Ar~(?$*§r239,"«aA1‘1*1€€7i’f2~LW9tl51t?~22?.‘ }3u2t ~b=€C£{LlfC it had ’ *tOGgrOfT€.‘A rr2aAl<‘:2A fO~i1‘igh zmd ‘pr3~fitAiAve%‘~a ~‘D:é?mmz§i , withA0Lm fc)Am:eiegAi%1dedA p:~aam¢wA,,mdAA ‘Y?r.ofazMc~‘7’arr75 “‘“”1'?E-"EaéA{g7 §:‘o?«j’oAy+iae in A’r?meAa WiA’th the Ifit4g,. for At'h€~d€fl:rt1r§t«iox1 of the ‘-Mfioteflawf ‘R%Z{§iim;Aa%nAAéI A1ir1fl.Wing thtrm Ato an u/5%£rr:z¢‘j~:Tymn;4}*,V<%. W5fié1‘eAL1p:1)n%AAt?hEV foyunrde-cl am £2>2w2zA:ciéAZ;==" mzrefltiry ?1y‘Aiu-Ag upon vthw5:A.Hm- fiMo*3bm‘i'ow4~tihE%~MiZrria Alfr a certaine time=oLzc:t1f%iAt13Ae ghands of the ing,Am »§f€‘~C3L1AA+F€\At«h@’- Refig-«ian§1’azrd %Lvfiéema3.AofA the Peopzte ,% Ihéffiby re- fleflzing upon the Ham:¢~an¢i Izezfegrizy of His Majcfky, as if the Powm: A ‘f Kingdcxmie. %iAn3AAhis«han=ds,A Ahad bee%11A%14iAkeq4*fw¢0rd in thehands of a AMad»mwn,»and {HA0 5[ecAt1~ri:§r mbe eAxpec‘1ed, a;nA>l¢V{1"eAA is we‘1'c A put» imo . %mhVzm‘, ajndoiijull thiofe nmikhiefesthtfncemrifing tit) the: «l’z¢[2£iqm,'%tittn tpL1l7fi'lE?{UC€’Of~C1’51€‘if own-t: private mal.r;, ; Ti‘xL1;S~ fa1rr»itt.wa.s jzldgtrd miceflttry to prgmifeixm juftificationwof his, I*«’1;‘ij\C{}i€$“3»f;Zai20r and Imaaerzcic, totizchizig the ground of the “Wm-r bee; ttwgifistt Him ~Eh€f_?ft2mvHa:qft¢.r.tNGW" as tm't£1r1%ingf.EhC azitinuaxian of in, t \VI1i'€1i'I3f.3*tfJf\Lfl’dd that ltitEt<§w%ii"et té their Accompt who Wer¢_:t.he firfc flan: z~;~:t~¢:w,~ ft» 1' E !,£aw;e.r betingpafi ontttboth (ideas, afld fo' the Wmvr-.twc7ll»on ftvot, cmd fltcy lmving E23:P£<.'?d 81 while 0f£h€fzwet;r~0f Saveraigxty, prose, cm~:dt*d‘£tiiittt<) pmfecutta it LIPOI1 thti“ fitrrsc: ‘Princz'ple.r, that they began it? md kespt of his ./'i{z$j:,“fl}/ f'romA all pofiihility oftan tylbcamadmion, r‘ t frm ft'£‘{h_ fl pp}tt’S~Q=I“fDmMfld.sf~ xgnoxc: “:\A4a‘b}Z‘Vlf£-r0{’,¢Fr5.‘a11£‘i u«nr¢&1fo n?able th»cin tiic: itirft. ,:%.3t‘1d~0ti7t this f*3:.mine ‘W“61'€ the N:t'i16té'ei2e,«\_‘Z’?°0pq/ifiom tprefented %¢im (Lomm£:£?i'it:»z%2i~" ;b<.::»th Hmflsw, to This flzfajcfiy at Co!e5r0okg%“,t1iC Z’;~o;:o,€riw2.r 0 E" tvtxtgia I(imgdame.r -f}t_1)1‘t‘.‘fl:1‘1l3'tir’t»d. ii rflc at Oxfird; a fcccmd ti 1116 at .’2“@2a‘=mzg/fltgzztfzyzfinuw 1€ttel‘ytag%£Lifl at :H¢£mptan—pamft ;“ tofall vxghich hit. .¢r"a‘§A‘.v4:W..?«_j‘_,«.*;~.f[5_”}'l‘tt’€$:E¥;"i32¢!i ,i:;t:ziwjit"zc:in%gH tjimfarzs of his fD¢;-mm/I , they bfiing f =.1th_t;;t.~s he V, ;¢;t:>::.1~%iti .t1,5t»,e;?'_fl,=:>zr tmI;0;. :_with<.>‘;nt: AV ma.t13ifif{’£tT Via1.4tio2¢ oftthist A ;f{a;gm;r*;u.tt2tti Cz::z2§77:3itz'w:za:'¢:r_, by ‘j,/'€f?<3‘3<5~ii1tg!~1;‘»'_3%1§11€ Rfiga/I t.tDigi¢i{7,twitl1»the J1?-t?.?»t'¢:¢¢=;m:.;».:,t A.21?i$%:::, gmdi flgdawmfrlfsi‘ ufddezzrflappad %z‘kez'7i mre.s*, zzrza.’ wozald m 15:cv»:r;?k7;g%z*¢:% 2; 153.: 2.2az_'m ‘afrlae Clmrmer c/warmed We/crfo mg/Ely 5 %.c11v011gii he p1'0x1‘Med to give , and take all th£?_{'}zfi.ff}zé°?ioi2 that L cmalcl be 1"<;w::;niz'trd‘4by 1i’;mfi;aw2zé»/.1» 2: Canfcimtingzs men. Andio his Akzflzjmfly h%av1i2§;f:%.:l'Cd of his 1;?/21e£fi¢g¢=., a Perfamz/1 Treat], hc:%was4 not long ;1ft«:~r bc{c1gc’cl in %0xf‘ar:Z bvffi-.~ir . Tlvamm Fairfax, and driv:::.11‘1:o fL:ch%e.*:zt1'c‘:rsity,Vtzhat 11:: was glid to q11Vi%t”tl1‘€%Tbwne in :1 D§_Qg'z¢zfl=, and baEz::1}.<.c.j h.imi'2;:*i5:"r;.* f};)r_,’?:¢‘z;:;/ir‘y, CO the QS’c‘jaH/7: Armie about Nm2.r2r7@ L1pofiATm¢¢;% A A . ”'17he Scam‘, they e4nt<;;rtaim?d ‘(I wifl not fly they foughtit) as an happy Qcmflmz, to bring Athcsir 0w.nfi* 132z;:i.r 5-about wit11Atl1<2 [':?0z»zfi».r;‘ “andAknoi_ving that the Per-j/Z-*7: of th<~:“ICim tlmrig imnds, was :1 fmvcll that t'het W0 ;H:wfi’J would purchafl: zit Cixny Prim (tfmy not thinking th’”c:mfi:Ives fecure without fucia a \P¢éfl2~fl.Fa,»z;) it» was not jlcm are they ‘oh *i°tr00k7a Wargairz to dzaliveir his 17/fczjejfy ism) thti: ha1:3ds%(>§’Cox:¢mgz;fl?a’~ nary, appointed by the I-Iazzlféw to receive him ,; whim was done :.*=:,ccm:-— dingly (‘Praia De1?m..ieaw % A ' A A 17mm fare ofitiheiy Troséytorian fa€ti0ni; which “then” ruled the Roflo,and“ l niiaodpihixn upthete many Nlonethesyin hope to tire him out of his iiNo- _ Ma ‘Z’o‘-iaoi;>lo.r,‘atad make him fnbmit to be yoked by the Propofiziom 5 yet all in'Vai1‘1Ca. « “ to y i M A c t But the firm] under Sir Thomas Fairfax quattetzdg roundabout,‘ and being moli of them of a contrary Faffiion, and trampled upon by their Oppofizoo, cyolnfedetated with high Rofolm-ion, to make that advan--- tage of his Mojofliox perfon which others had done before. And be»; canfe it was an exfoyrompt of an high N ozmtre, which might feem upon a; fizddain to rei‘le& upon the Atotbarity of the Hoafiar, wherein their oA’oioorfm~iortl1en bore fway, the faporioar Ofiicor: agreed to carry it fo cleanly, that they would not be feene at firl‘c to have any hand in y s the bulines, but it was left to a feleét nurnber of the private Sozololiorx, over whom a Coronet (by name ?oyoo) was fet Commander in C’/oiofi, to feize upon the perfon of the I(iag, and carry dim from Holdoaéy : vnuchtwas done with expedition, and though the Sooporioar Ofifooax diftlaimed the 9,45 at lfirft, yet they began to owne it by (Degrees, and carried him along with the Army from place to place, giving him and his party great hopes in their feverall ‘1Doclamtiom,of thciricandid Intentions to relizo re him to he j nft Rag/a.tJ,With Honor and Safety, and the Ifiagolom to a fpeedy Pence; by which meanes they won the hearts of all, and rendered themfelves fo formidaolo,ithat they beate downe the odoorfie fafiiarz, over-awed and fnbdned the City, and brought the Hoozflar to aft wholly for them and their Party. a At length, after his Majofly had been fettled fome A time under the A power of the Army at I~Iomptoa~C'om~o (where he am continues) they r having liltewife been tiled toi.1i’o:lo,becameloth to return to the condi- tion of ooeyzm-, &forgetting the eltabliflument of his/llojo/fy (accord--~ ing to promifh )l‘.h01lgl'1E ofnothing,but which way to ePtabliilhT/com- film: in a. Military 13ol’tn re of 30000.. for a perpetuall [earthen to the JC£agdom,and have left his Majofly to be vexed again with Propofitiom: from the Hoafiu-,as unteafonable as the former; yea worfe, infomuch that the Irzolopoaoiomzc Zirtlefizager proves /amt/ior tr/am rloo Presbyters Za}'fi2’e.r: which gives us jult occafion‘ to fufpefi, that fleeing now at the Z !,fl' mfi, they rmeaneoto make no end, and give us not hopes of afattled ‘.33’.-zozoo, by tend-ring inch Propofitiom as his cfl/[ajofly may with Coaflcie homo and Honor acceptghoth they and the Hoog/ox have fome defperatc entis upon his A-1hzjofly,as_ivell as their brntilh 2:/.{oijioot*,eror.s*,t-110 ugh at prefent they f":‘Cm€.£0i drive contrary waters. l l i ‘ For; I M ~ l ' 4”l'70r,Wl’1&l may. wt; c;::tpe&,When Welfee fa little lrlotpe: sf an cn&P l-lath not At ‘His Amjrfly btren a lmlcznnesr atleng fealcm 3' Is he mat to flill? a;n& what lmplet is there mlfllis dtlwerence ? let all Lo;rm’z'—Sz¢z5_;e£*Z3~ lay thlslto their heart. Pat ttm: ertpctience of farmer Age: and our owne Ilzflarzcx will tell us, that a Kifigllong a P7‘ifi:?)2er inhis own Iiingdomt, is like Lfi»5C:fi."'.%'A' in the Gmwfisid can h3.1'Clly- expat‘?-t at R¢’fi'~¢7‘7'+»'57‘i-m,l but by miracle : For, his xidwerfitrtex » knowingthe crilmrmf YmprlffifiifigtC§l)€l1'Ilpard®l‘lal}lE, willbe tempted at lal‘: ta fame further znifcltttzfc for their awn lecu.tity, according to that of SW . mam,-, Scclemfcelerrém prapmgmztlm, and thatpatt all the Devzlx Ledittte in Machiavefl, that be wfmr/2 wzce airazwc: !.=:3' Emmi Lzgyt.~r2jZ- Kiri: ,.Pr.«‘2ece, mew,/l threw mm)‘ #96 Scvrzééard. t V l ' V T lms have ltllatcd the wl1ole_ptog;tc{3ft: of :tfi'atitt2s,* a?ccorcling to T7‘3£!“13§l€7€~ twixt His V./V.[r1Z]‘€fiL}' attcl thc two Hmfex, tvhattzin who fees not ltow gttallely he hath been mauled, both in the ogggiwztmil and ccmtitmatzce of this uncmlll Ct... -ml!-+Wm‘r:g to the apparent httzard of Ji4(c9m3t'6‘rlr}' it iclfb,tl1etdanger 04: His liaytzll Pcrfim, all-;1dt,ht:‘ delulatiett of His I(mgdama.v§‘ What then tetnaintrs, ‘ but that the flemfiexllxould enter intca aflrzam ccinlitletation. l g Pilrll, that though it: being mtithcr dcfited not expccYled,tthat they {hould make an wpen Recarzratmz c3l"tl;1€lr4féar1.*E1t3r proceedings unto the wor.ld,£t be-. ing a rule azmng Smtefmm ntrvct to repent in the fight oflmen, wlttttlecver they do before %Ciod,fiar ft=:,atttof«1ollng their R 'P.5£N¥:fé0I3’- _,-, ycstit is wiledome to , retreat as lpecidilymncl Wlth as little smile or rcéluélancze as may be, out ofan c2~roneam,Iirzgagcnzazzt al N 01: it it laft: to daft’) with old out-wotne Pretence: A any longer, new the people: fbeg-gin tolbe ccmvinced daily, and in all Countries to fee ltowflrangeiy they have been deluded : For, thmtgh the nmlrz‘“mdt- are ufually as pliant as wax: and apt to be inatnotcd of any NEW:/ij_ that prea- mifes much to than of Eafi», Lzlw-3;, Hef0?'77Mtz'afl,.&C. whichate the mall talti‘1t:t.: “The tcatihn why th;ciFre.ré;»rerimz doth"m§3t»huftle,iS, bffflauic as yet he canzmg, and dates nut, thcugh his ;,/3'ppm're be keen enough ; amd_I the“ caufe why thC'._ fndepmdz-mt.rA are fa maderate toward the Presiytems, becaufet.»ht«pridt: 0ifthat'F¢?z5z1ian being quelledfic thtnmfttlveé become ‘the only i11€"l:”!i-OYPOW€éi';thé‘y ‘ttttt conttmteitl mlctthe htherlivu by them 1iI{€“¥Brc't/5're~#: (thsaughno othgmvifgg bum; A wndezvlmgxji to fetve thtitends upon them 5 twi-iiéh condition ithey are glad" to accept of, but not Without much regreet: and ditdainta againfi: chm: , ’Indep,ml¢-m tConqL1ttourh:t fcrfitimt‘ as by .:tlIfl§’.‘i1I"‘I1‘l:jl1ti.‘£&1i Bz‘cierixag.v they have made eachtnth'erictmttmptih1e,ho tiB1i8fa‘N'£‘z;i lawand ftexningg unit] mufl: (tapma evetyr alteration ¢~fAf‘fairs) break fbtth intm ftzch flame; of'dzflZ'?e't£-- arms will in {hair time prepare: them ibrfimfl 2~mm: :mdi_de£ttut‘tictn;‘ i Liaiiity, Sincie theic thimgs‘are“1t:5w"t xnt1~ii’int:ct{1i1ri1y conclude, that as A ‘itis éfmtrary :0 Cwtfirienw far the two Homes net i to centribntt their tut» mofi in-dca~mu:*s teiirefiote-a firm antihappy Peace,afteri‘fuch a ctutil War, tea receive theifpiriits hf their d‘c":jt:é’ttdt‘t Cazmtrymzmgi it. is appamntto £1 the world, that thtreis no viiihit way left to procure this Peace, but a {pee- A Adyiflccmnntodatitmi with His Majaflfa by fthtiirrg to him fuch Prt:>pofiti- tans, as may iagtrfe Wtth Right Reazfivn, C0nfi“i§m‘t? atitdiilftrzoztr : mid ifthe Pence hf their Ianguiihmg bleeding Ccmntr} bt not a.ii?uflicient /l4'atz"w,y€t h A iltitatendtti regard he hatito thei‘imwrte fecurity,in thistheittotteting conditim2.l?.eit1‘c.'ati, Retreat Gcivtlemm Withlwfpecd 5 you,hvav'eb@e;ie_‘at ymtrtr hightii piAtchim‘2g{in<:c,andi nowitllthe opignimu out all with znenate dmlmm V 5 faith “Weill mi" wfdll 3 it. will he the nituft daxigérousg ant rttttt to v ~ - Biz . t». that A 3 N. V 1a)‘ A that offithc éaxtamclejfi .5? theeiescgfthe Ifiimgdomc: are fupcan His x'Wh--. A ' j¢jfl‘y,as thfi‘ ri[z'n+gfa47;thatmLl{3:*‘C1€ar€.' up hthtiexr cknuded fiiritx, and difpclla all thofe mfix that are about him,hand*”up9m your faves, as the only hinde--. ms of his and theirhhapphines. Whhilrs ye have me znake ufeof-it, far, 2219:» A might hz3~vfi4rfi.+:z:~,_ 1%.»: dog} £5 at !om:d»whcre1nhGad will jaudgewith righu;- nus 1'udgemenz:.hAs yet ye mhayfahvc yomsc.rcdits in part, it youhpleaihg as yet it iShp0I’*fib1@}='€, mayhaecovcr y0L-n‘;F7"z'md:,, and allay the ffilmex of yam‘ A h¢;o1d:Ahdve*r£arhiesh;j but re11wmhermy.words,, if ye fin Wilfmly agaiznit ail; theah1igati.ons affleiagiam, Hmmr and hl’o{:fcy,a time is comming w h‘er-cu. “ in ye shut’: z'epent,,&z; with foniow cwnfefhthhat you negleéwd 2113176 things- W‘-“ in nearly concerns thehappines of your f7ehres,&_ cafkhcilz I{znghdo;w.h ~ h , The afhhtke King 2'54 rvlar.-ray:-ta the flrngy. ‘ .. V Hawihng made it z'namf‘e¥tuh£1f0 the W°’71dh0W Hi8»/Mkjefly hath beam: 2;.- hufed from time to thizne by the twq Hnufias, We come now to coniidcr of: his ufage HIICE3 he hat.h.heen under the pmwer agzdhdifpofitimn ofhche ...«t‘1’7'.9¢_¢}r. A , After that thia firm)’ under. the-:hcon1m.'m__d of Sir 7700., Fairfax had elem... red the Kmg.;lc«m,% and Whhohy fupptcffed tht: rgmiipmrzjl, having no ctmermy to inccmntcr,%hh;and hc1nghthe“onlyfw:cg: confichzrable in 1:336‘ I('t'14gdam:fm' number and Repz¢rmiw,and being elevated with the «opinion of their awn merit: 5 and the Hmfésrvcammittitjg that great over-fight of not disbamiu ingxhe rmzjar part of t%hc11'),;;( whlch had been fuffichxcnt to prevent thofcv A Imiarmeniencmhwhich havewiincfi cnfue:d,)%thc1e fword-m%m.ha:ving1itt1<2 futther ufe ef mzlimr yh -fC@Ll1‘1((’;‘l8_,bCgan to rcflcét upon Affairfcrs of Sum, andhbeing For the nwfi: part wit» a Paffion corftrafy to_hthe Prexfifteriw, A tvhiohthen fwayed all in the Haflfis, whcrem Ixkcwxfh thcmfelvcs had their 1?..z¢~tif'm¢:5f'rcan1 whmn tghey. had intgflz'gmw»o£“a11 Pmcccdings hf the AA A mh€:1‘.Pz>zrty, atlezagththe fuihmx grew jealeus of each othere. The Pm- 5*:ytcz.'i22z¢ they had reaihn re diflike, that men efhpiniums and Inzarefl; djf.... hi-:rent.frem themfelves, flrwuld continue my hanger in Armex, and ac:wr- sdimgly dmvehon for a fpeedy dki:Imud_z'ngh:.And the Imlepmdamt on the 0- A that iidcghjntcrpretedthihs a alcflgne enpurpofc ta ruinate thcfsirmy and in-».. flame the Kingdoms-.'r «Uhpcm flthde‘ grounds jmlamfies e_md«eiie%rences grew higher fiahighergthc Pre.r5}ter*iam.r having th€Vate.sf1X'l.thC'H'0#fl°J0x? their ~fidu::,and ihcltringh thczmielvcs undhcr the Aflr/aarity and Privilegahiaf Par!“ gmw very cxzmfident and afnlvhettmvardhha dixlwedmg, while the lfiddpflflr dmt valuing thcfwvrdhinhhthcir hands above the noife hf an cmpxy hP‘ri-'m‘-—- 4 _ A M ¢"egh,; pirczimd upon vary highrefolutihns, and concluded afno h=:fl"c than an. % ~ Jfizptazfihmcflt againfi clezwn Grmxzdeax 9‘: their mlzzefrfc party in«.::he Heuic: hf Cammaxm‘, as enemies 1:0 the pm» ahdwelfare of the, Iéémgdame, and- A caniedpit on.withm high an hahd,.that at length they mt only purged the h V gygmdm cmcasfthe Houfe, but prevailed in {heart time IO mrcr-awe all A A «heir Dpp@fitfl$,b.9£h. in the H am the C 19?. _ % But” « Buttfuch Mtemprx as theft being lofty and dangerous, am fatailfeverto‘ the umdettakets, ifnot wcllfaunded; thetforc thefztpariour 0fi?cm~ of the _r3’tmy,bcft»rc they had adventure, ctmtinued which Way to make fate of A L A ttht oulditrt, that they mfgbtadhcre to t_he_m cguragiatzfly, 111%}; ditfiwlc :»‘2&i’C3£3 tsfzoutbtfuh in £MtErP7fiime*;‘andtheyyadjadged 1.tap£)1i_t§q1~f.2E2 troutie to t:--. teitfuch anew military Omler <>.t'me:t, which Wtfrfi nesmtfitgatd of in any ' Armybut this, and theft? they named A{g~'£rmar:, cholera moft outotthce Pip-twat: Soztldz:.m',aItd{b1”ne ohhe 1"7rzfe:«‘z‘mr O_‘_}j5mt.s', Wht>‘(€:' bttiinfiflt‘ was ‘ to agitate in thfi bthaifiz cf €aCh‘re{p€fi’iVe'Rcgimmt,7Mmap 01‘ Camp;-'w},zi..t th’WCr in the Arm}, thefflptrfaur Ofiicert and the .r:i_gz'm:ar.r, and thttft-. to“ be diitinfit in their Maritnx, is it is pretended 3 for thefixpariayr Oflfcert pnetend tlf) {at for the King, and the x4‘gitaztorJ‘proE'effc dfiufmé-right tg bee‘ ncither for this I<£ngnor any othcr, but proclaims thcmi't1v¢s‘eri£:mies to 1Mamrc~la:'c.tlZ*goVern~mant,and. .th€.€2z¢cflio:a« newt propounded at: every A Mmfl¢r,is, whether we: than ham: alfmg on no Icing ? Andtin putfuance mftttttheirAwicked Pm-ptafi:~.r,Mthey are dtawiflgup an; impmc/amcnpagaimfi His Majefiy, whichyc-tt:ist publickly dtfclaimed by {came ( but nut all) 91? A the faapcriomtt Ofiwr.-'5 but the maitmé .Q?’£‘r"‘i3g. .w1.1‘::th<:t they are reall in it], or not_5_ w.hi.ch~tIAmuPc conclude in the Negative fat theta fiallowing tt,zee:«/m-.t 4 t ~ ~ A ~ \ ‘fitfi, ifthey atcreall ,agVainft the dtfignct of'vnhe élgérarorx, why thcn _ f ttdoetheyrmt quickm"thc Hzmfi: totiome fpciedy Agrceygadxt with His 1‘ /1;f.¢j:fiy,fincc I'rh€1‘¢~*i8 no other pmbable way mf qtxcllingt ctzxttcmity 96 A 1: 2. , ~ &e'fp«€t‘2.l:s3f 2l?zAaa*.ee1;£i.::ggx?‘ Fm we percreivzfr }5l1I:Iil_'yQ.tl‘lEf}7'FL1l‘lnC‘oI1 with the Iimftmin tlhleulcl dcmrlltlull wvay'oEA_%p;~ateml:'mgmwardh Pmm by new lfirafmjfiziams calltim the ll3;z1':;e zwale with ::he farmer; which are indeed rm: lam: wéhzlgand in {mane Plzrxzcpsiarslnvorfh than tin: old, cmely thcy fl.”lallV1lll.‘ Majefly aim‘ a new wag :. liter as they wwrc"llprcfent'c::~ld7 l‘xelrcta.lhmahll in a Baum, fa Vx:1mvlmhey_;:';aeahe to lfimjfi/.2’ maid“-c'm‘ with .. them one by emf gland Eh<*.’n ll His flflajqfiy relulh to fig”: them (as the:it=: A Cmfctwcw telllthem beffme haml, he will? mull anal mugghtfl then tlwsy amt their I:m.5,x'a.;- hm«'eagr£'e&,to ltztrlh thc:-3 Afl’ah‘s ml {ha I~i'2‘;ga!»9me Withwul: 'r':~ ran-A Pr?“ him as l:l1alllC‘€1I7 helfrto their own W2-fl2.s=I“amw*. Anal haw lime thefe men “ 1" .» 3*f'm‘l“0fcw/z:’.f, unlellbit he in that highell; paint Offazljr ('a8lh~f.‘ Pfozlmifl ipeakjm) tojzmgine “(W z;: W Gad, and {'0 are not ignorant, that therela: am way (xii fi’cz¢rz'2‘y which /ayozll .$'z:évj.e::'z‘: may experinar any way of fat» t/memmr, utonmin this Ifmgdazw, andlthat is by the rapzil flflivm la all tliihgs to be ellahlillmd ; what then may. We cxpeéli, if they fettle (IlT1‘lX"'lg;*3 a;ftcrtlxeir.@wxm.lmmwr,az1dleave His flfajq/fig‘ L1nfetlm.l,hu1t that they xmfazle to Khaki: ths Cwzwze from off his Head, as well as the Agimtmrs, -the Devil! pmmptlixag them there-unto upon a wilclicd primix'pZc' of figfi;-» pre_fi*7"z/am'a:z,tD effablilhthei1' cawnfiafety agalnll all «szfler- clap; czfw "dangle? bya dellruaflion of clue Pz~‘:'m'¢:,and a depriving cal his ‘Y’afl6W't}r, by an al«- wratianlufh G0'i'/¢?1"i.’!?}fié’?¥£'- V * V A Secohndlyg ;Th0ugh this feeme to he a moi’: prodigious Cou'rfe,h and llfnmhsaone as honefl znodemte men fcarcr: dreams of, cfpecially at-~Ithi’£ time rww that the C ozmwll of W’m‘m pretenés againfi thfi‘ Agétfltarx , yfit if‘.wr:c rcilefl upon the Principlas caf their l/wading mm , West: can expcél mt.» leile , as long as they keep at Inch :1 dillancc from his Jl4aj¢fi‘t'c.~ Fm", they have Martin a DW¢z'-flg owl ammngll them , who preached this Do»- ffrzxa long fimce in thé Ha ¢fE' agaillllc the: 'I;"mg,that it were 55:15‘ Mr mezmm mm! /5:3‘ 1' oflez my [Jamldpcrzfb ROOT 4m'l'BRANCH, than .t/:: Kézgdwmw “that is,tl1an 1"hexn{c1vcsand their Faéfiazz lhould mitcarry. And Majcvr W/:m're (hexhat prwfefiled openly Halmcw my flwt/awrfitie m rim: Kirzgdame, 2’:-at Ila: paawr af r/lye Sward,) Hails: :1 man that plarmrland watcrxthe Arm ) 1 my with the faxthe Principles as .M;.mm ,1 and prcaclaimcéd the very lame” doé?r.i.m:: ilnthe Head of tha Gm-2r;z:’¥: crwm Rvgimwzt, at their lafi Mwfler in Iiiérffflrdjkfffhh And if Wee cmnfider M.Cramw;s*ll’: old Tweets, he is_1*1c%~ vet am jot béhitld in mmlzzeflé-l_;,; nmwithllanldixtag all his Smwt/9 T2'z'c1;; at »p?: elfmalt. N91‘ Will In-rm".r Whining Plm fan’ tl1e'lICx':¢g, with all the Nafi ht: made Lately againll the xfgimtarx , paffcfar any other but mer::r:.le Sim-» ggalzrgy Pmmcc: , mzlcffe wee receiwvefiymelvifihle hopes of a Subflmztmli A Arcard-£u¢::wixt4tlhcm and.hisx1{aj:flie, l3y"al?m0d@ralteland fpeecly Cwdw-~ Jm-xzzam ; ell: wee mufi co:-xclude, that the late Carringei were lmtfo W €41”) ' V A my {uibti1e%PiaIécie.r ta make a fairf: flricriiv to the I<'mgdam::, till their‘ dcyfgzzi nwuxa be fully ripened, and than when they had a tit Opartzmizisr, to haw: Clofed with their Agimzarx. A A A A A A A Tbirdly, It mufi be very preaiaabie that They amidthieir»./1gz'mtar: airci-=1 one in alef:;gne-,b<:cau{e Thewrhe H az¢fi*.r, and the flgésmars ,, appeareone irirefclutienz For, asthe Hwfies and T/zyemjlwlwx have agrccd already.tha: A upon11is*]L1¢zje=/Hexrefuiéilof their Pwfwfitiam, they mvilldiipraieizxi Af- fmem at their ow xiiiipieaiure ,; So the Ag:t.A;:-z-ar.r haw: told us in Prim: plaizxm i 13;, that They are swfaizmi not Ara depend for téusr Szmlemmtiaf t!m'z' Peace and Fr:-‘edame, apart the K 2123‘, "M520 (they 12137) jrzterzdm! t/Mir Bandage , and brfiafixgfgsrwz cme!!W7;z:";~*e wpan ‘Them 5 and affirms, that‘aisiir :2: that /9z"gé2c’_/3 A ¢;lii]3.ca2~:eyga=nzc:at to the’ Supreme Awtkcrzzia of t/2:2: J\.7am‘ont,.iit»’:re Pazr!z'.ems'.er2r, t/ms :av,€w«.».~ rise] /mm’ Cfommmadad mt firm} m .S‘a"r'zJz_"ce .¢gm':e,/J the Kz‘mg"yA¢ia¢} “(kw-zlal mat Ina‘?/eciemt pawer tafaw t/Jam /Jaz;v2cvzeZs;fl7sf9r alwiimcaé ta n':ciz‘2«~ H C ammairzgix ;_,/291119 z:/:3 I-Izgiaafl clijkwéaur to the Army, zimt tine] (79032/¢g£fi=.e:i;_e to tfoe'cma:§rmred (Emmy tofmw: I/;wfl$_}Mrmc1tW_/fE',f07’fi‘gir5rz'£§g' zggizzmfl Thaw}, wioicln 2:-Zr New mizg him p.m:Za.>2,¢zm1jTa w.-ll rcwaim pm mi perpamn/J Raprmcrfi xapq . m¢.:l:w=m.. And now what dififirexice (Iiprayyou) betwixti the Sencc of the Hw.e_/'2nr,ith€fMpey-far Ofiicer: , and thgtir Agzmrarxi Are theyim; all mne?'i“1wy were all £a’cf3,l‘€€Ci 1n pr-mare to tame his Majefiie,a1ad the .x;’{gz'm-- M7‘! were ten aft it {irii in puélique .- From whence it 13 as cieare as the [ Sam that flunes at noomlay, that as then: firfi Pretmce: when they got the K2223 into tircirAp0fl'eIfi'an~,wierc all for the gezmd of his /lafzzja/h'eizmd the Kiwgdame, which wieiehavc foundiby experience to be but Faincd and falfeg; So their 1aflI‘..Afl3i@mS.'~9.r;C like to manifefi that their chieiizft Aime was, anti is no other , but to depnve the King aria 1118 Paflerim of their jxfi Rag/m',and ourJ\7mz'am3£ that lwncmrable name and corflitutiomi cf a A Kmgdorzzeyxvhereby it hath fioumhed many hundreds of ycares, cyan no the admiration and ‘envy czef 9.1! thii Kingczlmmes in Em-aim. A ‘ iAnd~ti'zat this may~AAbef”ul1y1ayd aspen to all m<~:n_,1et usmxtiof all comfie. dc-zr how‘ farm the flgitfzetar: haw driven antha .dejz'g2¢A,. and in whac.1>m»;¢- V azazlmvx. _ Ami herein 1 {ball faithfuily quake them and their A&erz*a:r.r , in all V . their Raprcflwratiafl: and Prapafa!l.v.;; Firih maymra1ve1nA:hecap:af tin: ,«fim}flated,&c.p.cgg';,6'_to cake 3.... way the mTeg,arwa 'araz'a*e-.0bch'£: King, ef’c_e@mAing in ur{H.'aInnable,that they having purchafiad byévlaodwhat wasthexr Rxgbr ,, of «which the ICmg in- V deavuuredito deprive them, fhould yetfo1u1y.depend on his wi11_.,fA"m: their relief}: in t1i.jti‘it‘g9¢£+.*r'zMz:arc‘e.r and Opprcjfiam ;, and that iatisfa&ioniandA{:cL1~ A riAtici”ii§iiita be gwentcai the ipmple: in relation that: puéliqge ends, far whim videdfar. V . they expended Io much tmafrm and Head, before the King than be pm, 53% Se€G'!?%Li‘-fifty; Th€.‘y’t'1pp3;VE declared peg. ts. Thegt ati pGWeti5A‘taVz'gingH'£:y and »£‘1;a%t'*'3;".'»’tat’7r[}’AA tn the whole body at the~i?eopLeA of th1s1Nattcm , and their free cheice est‘ titmtettt by their f?.t°p7”€fi?F¢!h¢lt0?fJ, is-the only-AOrzgz';m[l or feundaw tieh at ah §t1t?;govett2tt1et2t,AtancE t‘hetefhte that itbce infifted upen pofitive. By 3 That the 3t£§Jrfi111€pQ4W€r' at the Petaples Repr‘c'fim:o7'JtA, or‘ cammm A Aiqéfnblepdin“P¢fT!1#€‘W§€3f, he fetthwithcleately declared ; as their pt>WeAt to make Lfitvei, Ot‘ t‘£'L'p€a1t".”Lmt7e.f , as alid tea call to an Account all ‘ 059% p 6‘t':m'_it1tph§3 hjtm-z,;..;t whatioever, fest their Neglecfis or Tteacheties in their A77-tap;-tkhfot the Pefipfff g0€.‘d5 and to contimteh, 01:‘ t0 cliiplace and remove t them ftotn their Otfices, Dignities, and Trzzflnc , according to their demen- r."z‘.$'.. And ftttthettthat a Pwer to cotafiitute any kind at‘ Govetmeuts, or Oficem _., that they flaa11judge' to be for the peoples good ,4 be declared :; Anti that upon the afearehtéd comfidemtions It be infified‘ upon, that al10b- ittucftions to the fteedotne and eqttalitic ef the peopkes choice at them their Reprafi~ma;»~: , eitheit by Parent: or C‘/Mrtcr.r,' or %fm"}J.:iZ':50fi£.i‘,t Orpre- temdm’, C't«.*fiafi2e5 , he temovee. by thefe preient Commons in Poz7*[m_menf, and that men a. fteedeme of Cheice be provided fat, as the Peopie may he ecjua1lyRtprafavnted.' Whicllh power of Commms‘ in Parlzmetemt , is thiztgtagpainftt which (they fay) the ttlémgg hath confented , and“ the People “have 43.f;i‘f¢’;‘t1’iL'.‘;£fd' with theirliv-es,andt therefore ought now to be denmnded; its the p7'z'.«:e of their Neath A A Thi['d1}7,P;gg, 17. That alithofe large Summes“ of money that were 2.1- lewed to needieffe pteteneied Oficew of the Cwsrt, which did but in- Acteeie Wickedneffe and pteptiatlenefle , A may be referved for a pztzéltiqtxe T764-2_!fl'¢7"¢, to be expended in psying thofe Force: that mutt he maintained forth: Peoples Satetiegthat {0_th1‘0L1gh a good anti faithful} Improvement ht‘ at1htheAA-Land: ptfirtait-"liflg to the Court , there might be much pretervedq tar Aievying me pztéaligtee Cl9.rzrge.r, ahd eating the people. ‘ A A Fourthly, That the power of thts, and allfhtute Reprefinmtivax of the 'Na3ti0r: is inferit-:-r om-Ely tofltheirs who cht-1tethe%in,and doth extend with-e. hut the COnct1t1'::11ct: ht cenient of any other Perfbn er Iferfons, to the en» atfiihg, altetiug,A:md repealing of L.aw;:; to the eteéting and abqhihing cf ‘Ofi?m- and C arm; ;Att: the appoyntmgp, removing, and c:a1l_ing to Man Accompt fldxzgtifitmres and Occur hf a11Dt:grCes;. to the making Wlzrre and Peace ; to the Treating With Famine State: .- And gemeralhnto what- iaevet is not exp ielves. teifely, Aer imp-lyedh, retetved by the Reprefémedto them‘- t h A tFiftthi§r, That in al1Lmwxmadc , dttea be made, every Petfonf may he, V hout1d‘e1i£us"thlathltnadethem*abfolute1y thetlfintgg own, reckoningtheir own deliverantc t~o”depend onhis Rqfluumtion. Laflly, though it may beob‘”je&ed,_ there his a great-diPtance betwixt the Scatr‘ and t~he*Ra;z2!lPah;)r; in »mat‘ter oft Cbuficb-g§a‘t)ernmEnt 5‘ and lb littlehodple of at cordialll unitingbetlwixt them 3? yet Itlatii hold to imagine, § that fihce all the would knowes»the~Defi?gn ‘ofyaa Preflé yta-13;» by theml upon ; this Natiotzg was onlyto quell the1r~A-ldvetfaries, yytheB:fl9op:, that were . the onlymen which ve2 The Cafe of the King iii relation to all Loyallsulijecisj i ii A Hat the Spaninfd: have often boiaflctl of thcmfcltts, ésathe only Nation undtrflcavcn moi’: zealous of the Honour of their 7 l Princeb, might with as much truth and mote .mocleliyl,.hiavc bin ycrified'f l in former times upon thc=Englil'h N atioong;-ilc having bin an old received " A Maximo of.State amozxgll them; That the glory of the Kingdom com A fifis much in the-;Statc and‘ M ajcllicklblendour of their King". A l 7 ‘ And God -be blcfftd this Layallprincipla is not yet vvor1'1%1c~olt1t,l1l1n-a lcflb it be in the heart: and ,z m&:_/E: of foniei few in th¢éfeTllliaiet”=ytatcs, Who haveflald t/aenafi-Jew: to l war/Q wickgdncfllr, and been Ring-leader: in nnapcmmd mofl horrid Rahal/irm , wheroin they had drawn in «a great part of their fir/law -5»:lrje/Eh‘, to ferve thcir~ own faéiiaatrlland i:tniéitim:b— cncls, as hathlbcen manifcfled fulliciéntlylinflating thcllfcvctall paifagtfs betwixt: his Ulfagiq/3}, the two ,I:?aufe:,l and thc%Arm_y, . o 1 7' 7” l Now it remains in the next plat: to {haw how the City of ‘laitdbtg and the tel’: of the Kingdomcg hath been abuféd likcwifc,as wcllas the? _ King, and what obligation lies upon them all, for the immediate tn‘--vi tring upon Tom: Coulrft: for the Rcfiautation ofthe King, and the dc?- liverancc of thc Kingdomcftom the flowery atld oppteflion ofa ty1jaln‘4-;f- A ‘l 1» n-icall Parliament, and a motctyranmicall and infultitag Souldicry." i No way more ready tofindc out how the @icy and Kingclomthavlclb been ahufccl, than by recoumitag tho innumerable Trichr thatlhavc bin: ullzd to milk the Pm'fle::of*thc poople, in pretence of lmaiatayning: tho i Warts, when the lcalipart (God khowcs)" hath been litmploycdllthatl‘ ii that way, but tithcrtrtafurcd up inthcpurfes ofthe Mém£e:f},?ptifl l}:tid¥ 5 out by them in rich and Fairtputclhafirs at home, or tranfplottcd*éofm:vcll- their tumts abroad, againll arazih] day, while the Smldiert have pitted for want ofpayin their rt/zgfiiousvcawfi, and devoured the‘ poorer Cmrm--W - zrjmm by Free quarter: Formihcteas oncor two way ,e~s‘wellotdtred,[} would i have; lérvcdflthc tutne,? they hawo made 'l1l‘Cl of7fo viatiouo wajyclyg for railing ofvallil and incredible Slummfts of money~._,~as wlcre%nlevé‘rlhea‘fd 395 of before at altimc in one kingdoms: ywhcrcof I will herc'fet down ii‘ the Catalogue. I R0}/allisubfidy of 300000 l.-it 2liPolc-money. 3 1-The Free Loanes and Contributions nipon the Publiquoc Faith ;amoun- ‘ted to a vafi liflCICClll)lc~{ill’l1II1¢l, in Money ,P1at€3'H orfeiia nd ;Ar~ni§;Bod~ -44 kins, Thimblcs, and Wedding-Rings of the zealous Sifters, ~ 44 The? Irilh Adventure for file ofLands alfirfi andlllecondicime. 0 5 The+wctrh:-l- - l 1ylM¢als:l« 6;: IE9 Qiryizléies sits! sis 5955 .9? §i=vl$9blfidies~ #~[ aim l .. l _;§gt;t3;g5,ll A i V (moi A v y A A*fl"efmchtslfor bringing inthe Se-an. 8 The fifth and twcmlflth pair. 9 Theweekly Aifefrmnccfor, the Earle of 6’j]}x yhisil‘Ar,my-l 1,0‘ The iwéckly for monthly) 1A{{'el'mcnt for Sir T/ao.lFflirfm' his Army. 1 I They weekly Affefmenc for-the Sc-zetifla Army. 12 Thcywleekly Aifsfinllcnt for the Bfitifl1 Army in Irclandg 13; The weekiy Ailfsfment for my .{I,m_«d ef ;1,{4m-Iggflgr; Army, 14. iFrec—Qtlartcr (ac lealt) conniveidl at ~ by the State, bccaufi: tihcy Souldiers having for a tixnlc fuhfiflengc that ‘ way, were thellcffccraivingforpay; whereby l'.l1€lI.AII'C.a!'%Slgl‘OWi!‘ig Hale, mufl at Infill either be fruflratcd by a tad ions Cmmittee ufdccméztx, ‘ or forgotten ; while in the mean time, the grand Committee offlmmrs gdillsoum: it duiitiof the Commanders Agrcars, whereby:heScatei'aves‘ir; A _ ;;5 The King; Rgvgnuc, i1@= Sequcfimcions am! Plunder by Com- incrarion. i mictces, which if well anfwcrcdgto the Sta-miwouid have carried on Elm work»; which may bcthus dcmonflratcd : One half}: of all the goods and chatyccls, and (at: leafi) on: half: of _ali the Lands, Rents, and Re- vcriucsi ofthekingdomehave bin iScquelir¢d. And “whoyi:.can imagine that one half: :.'OfthlCPrOfitS“a‘nd goods jofthc Land,7 will not mainrayn any Forces than can be kept and fed in England, for the Clt3llfflC'E_i.El'I%€TCiuui Q5 17 Exciifeuponallchings; this alone, ifwcll‘manlaygccl‘i, wauid -havci maimayncd the warre: The Law-Country: miakcit alinioi’c\ch_r:ir V onlyfupporc. 18 Fortification money All which amounting no a---- A bout forty 211:‘/Jz'a:a:, have bin cxpendcd heretofore; lwhcreto wag: may T add: lfincc, the file of a greatiparc of Bilhops.Lands, vvichiche unmea- ii fumble fumnacs arifing Hill by Fines for Delinquents Compofitions, k wichthc yconcinuanccydf the Excifi: ; and yet not {'0 much as 9. penny A edisburiédi for the pay ofch:fouldicrs,infog11uch that they threaten every moment to come iandilcvy thcir Arrcares within thc City of‘Lom1zm, which is became haw the common mark iofall intclcrablc affiantx and injuries that the ingriarimdc of the Houfcs, or the iiifolctit threats of the Souldicrscanicafl upon chem- And ch: Countrcy groaneisflill undcr thoii: 1;hreeihea~vyburthcns, Excifr':,i.lT¢x::, a1i:d:Fr»::~Qggr:ar, wirliouifi hope when, on how they fhallhave remedy : But rather ion the other fidfi i they fcenoching buca cloud oFpcrpcma.l1 mi-ihry arid fl'=3.V!':lfy hanging ;o.. i _ vgxftheirhcads,rcadyi:ofa1llupon«chcm by the late Votes of the Houfzs and the gcncrailCounccllof'thc iAr:my,fiir the eiiabliflamcntiof shiny " mhaufiudflaniding Foriccsin the Kingdom, with con[’canrpayro be he- yicdi (fa-youghc wc: know) if they eni:cfi$:;lc,«;~e mm: than the ch,irgj‘.gc“ A ;, Then fiseing thefl-;l things aré fo-(my Councrc-3; men) it is vcrym-l ll yyidgmihpyv ahcCafcPc:mdsi betwixt his .;6lr.{i€j#/5}‘?-11 yam, 1 In ‘l_l0l3?,«l'!i$h 1 i 4 i ~ A Caé ./ . Cafe your own '5‘ have ye not been alike éebuléd, gu‘lleel,endopprel-1‘ ' feel? Is not he deprived of his Crown, as youarelofyour Liberties and V or El"-lares? Is it noeplaine that his Prerogative and your Freedom mufizli A fall together? And is not afpeedy Fetclcmenc the only memes to note» i ferve them? And is there any probabilityof fetling, till his Meje } be featedein his Throne? .. And hath it not been evidenced unto you, than: ehere isono Way to cfFc<9c$this.§. u:1lell“etheHo:ifé: condefcendnero ago ace-A commodationgvvith his c/"1/[ejefl]? A And chisethcy wan never do , .uw-:- leffe all the Loyall hearts of the Kingdom do give them to underlhnd by L way of Dleclaraeion 5 or"Petir.ion , thatthey are very fenfible of their own and his (.71/Iejeflyél dilirelfed conditeion,-and are refolvedwith their V utmoll poflibilieies ( all as one_man) to rellorc his cfllojejiy to his. regal dignity ,as the only. memes to procure ea_f:; and cranquil.iry,£o thel'e= " wearied and diflrafted K¢'ngdam:.;l toward which I commcndunto e them thelle few confidexiaeioxas. A A A ‘l A e FirPc,feeing the Haufizs and ehneufrmy fiend wholly ingaged nagainfl: A l the 1O‘m‘g,l ( as Ihave proved notwichlianding all fair pretenses, ) endy: facing they are bo:h“"rel'olu:e and aéiiive, and have the power of i Sword intheirehands, there is e necefficymnlcffewe intend tolhaevdee one rnilériee intailed upon our polierity, that all delayes be laid afiglegmd fome lineedy courf: taken to ballance their power, before ghrey hav§e« Pu.‘cngthen‘d their party too much, lnnd.q.uite over-mln the Kingdom, enelfi made fire of all both by _Sea and Land , es eheylaeve well—nigh done, i already. Secondly , though the Arm} are a confiderablei Body for numhber; and fo the very appearance ofie might decerre mieni from flirting, yet if’ we conlider its eonl’:itu::ion,ei::her in whole,or iothe parts of it,wie.{halln finde it tobe an AggregacelofdilferingImexelis, opinions, and perfwan-5 lions; and lince they agree in nothing, but to_J§_ulnc.us,fo ifneaoy_ap-V» pearancc flmonld be made ageinl-i them‘, or any .vigon:ous ingagemencbe fee: on foot in the behalfe of his 2I4'uje_/I7, foeasithatexhey reduceedto the- leafl plx.mgeof,hardfl1ip‘and dxfliculty ,.theywould all moulder zblwayu < to nothing : for, agreacpare( ’nI_Mcla,;:e {Say mofl: )of the privaee,souldi‘-. ers arefuch as have done,e:md wouildlldohis Mejeffj ifervice,fiifoccafion.i were offered; whereastheyeehaeve b€2l:;3‘lC:l‘!y!l__eI:l1l€I.1'1_fclilV6_5‘tmthat he/Irmy A and eontinue there", not out of anydevocion. or affeétion go their (file: e, - but only as Soluldiers of Fortune, that have no where wee: prefenc to fubfifl, and fo are willing upon_any_termes to imbrace ealewand maincem _nanee upon Freewgmrter-”i A “ 'llfl_I.i§dIr.~.*2hs E-vefmei °/{rm} hmqfiiteléfithsaficfiioesof 156 A 9:3‘? ‘City at“ Lamlm’, tlmonlly wrsfi dmsbxe partjrl n this Yfilrgdarré toAuplml£»l~A;5j AA 39 ‘.Z)cj2g:z,V anaro of'l.cGu4r{I-z mw, fiéeimg chcy can léttleno where fillli‘, ram" ll othervéziléiércurc chcmfelvas anal thcir eflatcs, they mm’: return unto his” Altflzfgzjel And bcfides, ‘nhcy openly profczffc ,A thcylwcmld with all 1 sheik hgarts fpend as much mamas they lmv: dam tqrellare l’l‘lS'=:!l4}zj5jfl’7_, A andiberiwengcd upon mlmir Riders‘ 2 SochauiftAhey Abe Awmught ups:-m by llttlfirumcnzs, agalnfi arighn nick M time, they are mdym enter» “ A%%lA‘k$lAfineala§yl cmirfc that carries a: probability in the face of it , to redccmel A that lei’: lllilbcrcics and repucat§m!'."' A A A A Fourth.ly, as the wl2oleIfz'xgalam is clitioblligéecl by the Hmfex qnd ghc 4-,lA'm;}_., llnfqmuch clmcthcir own friends ( nfpecially afthe Prfiréjrterigyg A Nfafliam ) are beccmc as abfolumcacmics to them asthe~(1:zwaql’ier: 50 ‘tlm Scmbeing repm»:cdAthc1cading,men of“ that party,an_fi having declm - A redlin their late Letmrta the Hmféglthcir-diflikc ofchc Kings being in ghc power of the ..4rm},and of their intended dealing towards him ,-, And wichall, that the Kingdom of I§c0l'[flI"7d doth reckon their flablilit aAx1d happinefl"e,Am dtpcnd upon the fafety andlprefiervaticm ofhis cflfiy A ,uu jeflm royallperfonl, and arc refolvcd that no falzrcmzzion oF,afiaimA AA :£}~;allA ever ferpcrace than from thé duty and allegiance thcyowe untohi; wfajefly, nor fwmgcheir conflam:~rcfolutiox1wlive in a11ALo dew. his Glov¢rnmem,l, than if they Pl-ocecd really in thisway they have begun, in will bring in all the Calwwmntcrxof both Kingdom: to than .. l;=z[t'Pmty,la‘nd malt-cchg-ir‘fingaers itch to belt: laficion agaimllthc adzzarji» A APlarty, A\ln.9\WlPr€d0Amln&11‘tilllblflflfiflfif a11‘d4)§?'m]. A A A A A. ~ 4 A A 4 Lali'ly,A fince Gofl hathl been plcaiéd foltoAlprov.id:::l for the good Qfl gliclléfiiygdqmta md%tl1Ac fafetylof lhisfllajeflyi that he hath thus cl:-::ml},_ A efizzped their l1ar2d3,andtAhcrelI;y the ‘c/Mm} lmzh Iofi chair mlaineladw A AiAfvaAntagc.- in ::hAc pmfiiellion ofAhils~liPc-riizn , and that his jllajg/lylmth mm. A red himffifc, and hachfifczcdom tolfhcw hjiAmlElf"e imhcl head 01” lay vyhcna happyoppérmnityAfl1allbc offércd; «Then ifthc I'Icmfi'.f and l A firm] {hall p:::rfifi l’cfll:lliim;1a«.':*li);l f;arrlbleAcxzrczniz§¢g', wiglmulz alllmpe «gr Aa reafrmablc accomzlzodationg itisirhe dairy oflflllmcn 'whofm:cn{&i{cnces , _.areAtpAuchled but wiph‘l:Aa. fparlklof hcmeflgmxvo Tafi'iPt him with film-:irtztmo{tA * 7cnl£levxisurs,againllzzlmrigorous dcma.nds%:.md'dcalings ufunlrlmfolnabicl" mA1dA Am:a.~zA1 mm},-cmsvmleslcolhim as Ms at Kixg, cslemicxllikeimjlfg W the AA Ki»rgdlam',all:3d prwflllflkdl enemies Lt; 3,l_l"l'€gl3la§‘Fflfflifivflf(;;dlI(f‘i'g:j_ffmwn£ lam: ve;ll1ornge3oclL()lrLl d¢jlA1verlllhim,%AA9.21ldA{&clan End :3 hisafllifiioliz, 7 A l I42»/we I302: Al-il fFrxi&l% l:ll~ yalty un-A V my par-