093‘ mi"- \‘ , ~. A )'. .‘ A L‘ ' ' _ . . n__ . ‘a c" » _ ‘.2. f .. .;. 5 ' - ‘ , ‘ _' a, r . "‘ °‘ " --my : ' ‘ ‘ w M - v - - V W. V, ‘1‘0“ . V . 1‘ . . , “ ‘ . 5 V» ‘ ._ M “ A V .‘I~ J1 vaw ‘mi. ‘A . £‘L -,1», .,,‘ V4“ I “‘V«- ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘" V M V .. _. V. — > I J f 4!‘ V - V V A f M ua¥1M'J iEimb;,~2BwrIné F A4 b tllé «CoMM0fi§ ~ ’ > A :3.’ ;".‘.4’»".“"o,. .T‘h.3t I9‘ 451 Lord .Ein’¢5 B,at¢% B9?» M-hath traircrwflya " ’ "4,’ red to fubvcrt the funda- ; % . *”/ rmc1.j1tal1Lawes, and c&a- blifhcd government of the Realm: of Eng- la11d4%,.andwinAItcad thcrcoftoaintroducc anar- bisrarytyranniceilggovermncnt a]gia_inft A m"Ihich.,hcc J ha th%dCc1arcd.by T ttai:érQL1S_7 wmkcci A "‘ itlccd wrdszg cmxnfcl saaqpa’nioas,.’mda.9: xgjams r'a'&i‘t'e‘$t5 ii ions; That in purfuatxcc pf: flxpfc his ttaitcrous and wickcdApurpo~f&,'{Hb &%d in the third and f;@u~I1.»y¢ar%joE»g« A is aj Aicsurgigac 0;} A g f ' A nufiéa o‘§;*th‘c A m houfc of Par1iamcnt,.,6,.4‘cs>ncra othc come A mands ofthc hoL2T'c:%th3n’9F3{i”cm led, and fit-9 tiI§g,:di3§ni€d and hiyérqdthgfrcadingpféf , th"ingcs*gyhiéIi the Ta1d”'I§ofi.fE of’ C “ “mm6ns’ r1cc;”u’i"1:c°Eiii*to'b_;cw:9ez§d t'<;n';;h§: faifctg and Ki11gc{omc, 4__r}d'pr¢fcrvat:iO1§of't afrc -1- gib1.1“‘bft.his ;1§éa111*r;¢ am (1-iE1‘F*c§jVr;f1§13f:i14 Ebb mcmb‘c11g of tT;s1<:>»1iC5uI'e{'F;’$cV2iI§3:*§’ ifind +{7aid a,nd.goc aw;1¢y,V, andfaid ngthin fhouldbcd. And gocawy ',and"*d_tH* c cbyeando- 4 A» XI‘ that a£;m3v aid«~~éA@£(o'r«a€‘c_ig¢s,~ to¢1naiiq- irainé and confirrnc _tHC1fI1id Vélfdifiwiind did i 'thcn& there being iiaffifiant€9:tb¢,iJlJf’CiC¢[::fl i Ey1‘e,advifc‘thcr¢fufa1lofthetraverfc_,0{icr€d iibyii*adj'ommcnf)thc~faid:I011?! iLordfiir;::Al.x*'tl1<;-”'n V M.» i§5’?‘5*179?“‘Y3?’“‘l’1”“‘“7¥¢‘WW?%z3P¥‘ "oinqly A»x!nrhat*:%*;¥€§¥~1 « ',wflmogri¢§r'xy¢arba11y rggfilgg-3 waaah wmce Mdiurocanawngty. A I M- ¢ f13ig?daiv§&t&mifiifizrh*i9q \‘ % ,' rd‘Hié‘M~aj¢fli$?li@n% rp ‘ %~4%$accmdingA~%m :h¢Laiw"s* 4 ” f amw A R£flm,pqgtn;- ?«r_c_;’&*i‘1ti~4'?’¢pit*ii“<1>1§1*id?i9.§wwm&h,firvih¢nj&hc;%3 1f§:f§¥yg3&c.=*;;6&3§:did4fu1>fcri%nc‘bis mm: £6 flfirifr bv‘wcrFwéfi*ons»rhrms. ?:V1%r-)d‘f.'a4lfc” *d*id%Vifb1lihiug§‘;~"$qL»gfp§qg¢ 'Sir'IriI}gfzLA¢Rrziv3fla»l§Kmigiir,thcuand“n,dW» Léfiiéfi 1L¥T*.i0c‘ff5?i‘71"é‘**I*rd«;«35ir3*55¢1"!'&.‘r«¢J>H4- *-Am c11icWow ms%%mms Com-t fol’ ”ExCI1"t.‘c}p¢1‘ ,* ‘Sir ,um4»;d“:ua:;q» i ‘ bi§EVt.:.”latc[§)nE ft) QF*hi$VM’%~ flies? "C3g1u‘&*r‘««Aé>f=?@‘To‘t£1ti1iah - aperty, and contraty to former refolutions in "Parliament,_ and. to the petition of right: which faid‘ --refolutions and petition of right, were well knownc to him and‘ refolved .-and ..cna€t'e'cl, in ¢Parliament when he was Speaker «ofthceommonsr houfc offlatliamcntv. ‘VIII. Thathe being ’Lotd;chiCfc Jufhice of the ~‘Court of Common Pleas, didtal