Mr WMS was ‘ ' ‘ to F’; ‘V H ‘ ,. ‘ I‘ ‘I. “ PARLIAMENT 11 P ON‘ The ccufation and Impeachment W 1L1.:A°$4 mu A%rcVh—Bifl1op%ofCantcr£wu§y,up§:>n high Trcafon Declaring his wicked proceedings, gnaw A 1orbitam: power, A bth in Clsum-is and A A ammaizamealtfi. ‘ Printéd in%thVc Ycarg, T x 4.41. (15 IN PARLIAMENT. Vpmzthc Accufation and % ‘1mpcachmencV¢rw1LLIAM L 4 U D < Arch.—-Bifhop%.of C422-A‘ ‘,€V5fi7j!,‘ofhighTrcafon“. Q .,.I.‘ *3 r. Speaker}; thegewhathcegqc :. ;%%prefentcd%t’ort1ac Htlaufea 2 f e v rI1%QPé‘%Afait‘h‘fft’}¢14‘1"1% ari‘¢}1‘%~‘4éXa Ii%D%s A » J .1 ycgfierday , 't§Jgether_4'Mw;1th \ the opini7o'n— o:’f'thc"%V?%Cgmy§¢z it? can, A that were “ %imp!:9yed*in that fcififice. A S V A .‘ That theycgnceivedl it fit; * fi1f1iopA0f (472tgaréz;:%j ,{hou1d*bc=:e Vfeq‘;1e- : re&_.% A‘ * A L A 2. Imufi A nee wmnmc pounder m A have ferve&‘Aj'aSi 4Appr_entifiés,vrce»ailIgnow: \« % } iantraw 4 ao:w1ch* tfiemfari%thcj"Lri@E:§cps~L, putting: ‘V " them to pay ’Fit1Es , «ar;d_% .%fcc and fifarmca; ‘IF Réhts %tGi1‘féth¢ir Trades; :~ w W A 4 }Cer ‘3i3~1Y%.Mr '.Sl333Mk‘313 he mlght \ raée in thé'%x-‘i1"it 5 "Athen“7tI1us flxarkinj : a7t1c1j‘iVi'ékAning the %To‘5z:ctca«i11t3p. f;7ieht"h:ié' ?ti%m£:Vbe;fer% ( Aanirl mQr«;nz"- fmhis . f ' W p¢‘ékef54%wc»:fl*I_§»know{ ‘éhar.ged‘{vVwitha‘li iheemin.this;Haou;fe;g J C firaes ‘Mafia d2ira‘g¢1*cm§ conzfeqqencc, AA df TfénTcendcnt imture , no yleffe fubx%e1?fioxa‘%*Mof theJ%‘ ‘Gevv‘ern£2ae;Jm:é af K~in%gHé4me5i;mi¥:%t11c‘filteratian e;£t;:!a:eF%¥ téfizvit "R‘é1ig'ibh, and this ‘:11: uzpogi A bare: ~informationVaneIy,rhut%muchAw0f in befare ‘a1rc.ae1Y»VA uypmcleera %and:v fgéfi _rfl_d¢efe§57V‘anc’£&-there is f'carC¢;*f3I%Y?4 Bufii AnéflégGrievance£,Or4Complaints; befo:¢AAu§in,thyis%"p1%ac%e5 whercin me doe A not find him intermingled, and as iC;W%€I¢»~ t§vjfiedj:into€%¢it4?,% likeaj: bufic, f2lIj1:£1;%%%aA:I1grA}t ; V4hAis%fting %tjh%e'tafyled. Qve;y_ 3 V Wee havc vtfiié day heafd the repqrt of the Conference‘ yeflerdasaa and in it the ACCH fat‘i}:51js 7wHi@hl» the "Lima tt,z',fl2 Natidli % .kathchaigcd;.him~Wf;ha1l%5f%AJncl@vw¢% dtbcall W knew; has is‘~g’tI?£It3I“‘ ofxanha‘ .£“ameg( if nat more) in this Kingdaéme. % Mr. f '2’) Mr: Speaker, lieé Hath beeneand is, the com A lmonl.Enc;mly to all goodneflé Aandl good men, aml it is not fafe,_ tha fuch Ail Vipfir: flwuld bcf: ngcrz A his Majefhes perfm, Aw, di£tillAhis pAoyfon _iatt A his-; Sacred cares ,‘ 1301-A is it A fafc M for the Cammagze. wealtfr, that -hee1‘hould “lit in foemincnta place of Gove:rnment,,bcing thus acculéd, A wee know 1‘ AA whatwc ld"id.A1‘n the Earle Stmfiaralf cafl; lThi's man is the corrupt Fountaine thathath in- ” feélzecl all the flrea mes, and till the fountaine be A A purged, Wee‘ tanner Mexpeéi: to have any cleere Aifihannelsl. iflmll be boldgtherefore-A to ofi’er.lmy ‘j opinion,Aand]ifI;errc,it~isthe cérrov:1r=ofmy judge-A merit,‘ and not my Wantlof zeale :and‘ aifefiion‘ to 1 A the publike good .‘»A 4 A I concécxvé it mofl: nccclT22‘ryla11dVllfit, A that we;e: A lhould now take) up‘ a A lR‘e{“olution A doe ‘fon:1lAe:i-§~ what, roflrike whim the Iron is hm: Andgec “to the A Lords 9 in the name? ofthe C.ommons ~ 0‘fthislHoulr:,and in the nameAAO_fthe'.CA0n1;~. mnsof evvglflizd and no accurelhim ofhigh Trcalfon, and mfldélfire their L01-dfhi ps; his pier-4; fan maybe &queAf’cred, and thatl~inllconvenient:Al.‘ l V time" they may bringup'thc A C1Wg6- A 51 IS;