A N S WE R 'f‘O THE LORD. 731973 185' S§eechinth¢$ Houfe of Com»: oNs; To the Bill df.Attainder of the % Earle of Stmflord, the 2,143 of April]. 1641. WrittAen by occafiO1i 0f. the firfl: ‘ lifhing of of his Lordfhips,_ % Andn9kWgriL&dinVrcgard of A A 4pf'1htmg_oF that Spec:/2. . y’%§?e-I Printed in the yearei 5641:” V H) W A ‘u ‘ E9 +_ , 5 - T0Ith@L0t%d$i ours '7!" the VB1il1 off Attaindeif;¢bf:%“a:hc.: 4bf'}!priIl'. If- '1 fibmmcws. A { i.ntcre&A:which ever 09d‘? Limit’ flfubjcfi bath in the aégogs 4 df A .theAAI§ingand3Statc,is fufficicnt '“ f .to defend himfrom ‘ the impt1‘~ ' ration pf being a bufie body" %.—- ~ A V W W. M % VUi¢'0~'?"f mem.~mm;~¢. % % .% Nd f¢";vic¢ sac avaring tpgmvchlmfité. tis .if_o%n% imthofg fcrup*1cs~%-,»¢ %Wh1Ch=madeAh‘1m~ c1ifiéEfrQm:hisV:fomcrfdlfcz,;havoVmov€_§m¢“t6* inm awexamination , pf thm % xrwdsifif thatchmgcwhichfl slmrdflxyhath y:larccim his fpc¢a5h'hoV.t11o«B1Il++o£ Arbamdcm ofthc Lam gwrda :m».ewarcbugw°+ = as l7ie:5Seech in I i ' I " V a. -. ~ » ii? (fir The firfl and marine is the faylingof that in ,_ ‘M .. . ‘\ .} ',9r°¢Qu" ffihffifhéft *7‘? J 'fl‘9“1d aifmfcd bf 4'T15caf<3n;WhiChr4W353 hri5rard“§ifi%fl8 the Kipge_to: imployg the A »Arrr}“y r. Qfrir.r1Irel4M~.;.§0 2 reduce Englméd. For admittingerrthe circumflances of Mafier Secretat‘y‘V.me:, three feveralrl examinations at the Preparatory Committee, to be therrfamq his ”L0i'dWPr.“ath r¢Porrt¢d-,;ry¢= WhY“h°Y flaould prcv9¢i1€%«‘i’($=rfih‘ch ‘wit ta}/;~1.t>‘ rdR$ip,,as»9!A‘;‘*3£Ibrk to an utter overthrow of his evidence, as unto the Army of “Ireland .- I muff confefTe,I there- fore cannmcomp rehegxdg becaufe all his Lord-— {hi p d 0th, or wo,u1ny«wir -” Q‘4-I;:Ehi$ Eorrainc h€1*nc;:a%1tho!»h%h% w[ithA‘i?1t1fi%fik%% 5. na».;»fimg1e% tc£timony- can b¢‘d£§.mngaé£g- h.1s~11ad;n0&;;bceneI fixeaamr;sh9ugb¢£3ggba§;_a; fi33fi,:Cl3P:@£€:§*§7hQ.;£am%t£§5fig’fit?“1a§’?‘§ ner«withfi.anding%himat4a«tic2.nJ§%k4n~g:#?W99 firmi;ng«,cirCumi.tar1c:¢&fiCm*!:\W11Qut»eu ‘ ,-. 5‘ .‘.«‘.“~‘. I. A %mb1y;12.¢£ce§.b4.:r1~‘%%*’ L,0rd‘;Pi 5 %, w¢1i8¢%I. x *1: ' ‘ ,... ~ m ‘I 4' m.- u.» -1; Bathigg;n9b1§ :%ane1m_£3;ka;mia«s1 n<;«:1&n»'e~,rz9k2iz4.;z/I arm»: ., *"gmd W4: (cfufcd V ,’ V-and ‘fl:o:2:ld~ V63 aiqkaittcdg bMl2;*':1m”6 mflzgwwaagr A“mzd>:£atéae “Armyin.aIre1an4'; i1B31‘7‘fwhit:2:1ccj4;l* wafifhére: co“makc1fd great a Mutter of‘ tjhingé dome; iii: 4E«ng§land for the am qlgituitigof his M”aj”cflie7with God,':1ndn1;m ;,t"o‘I+ mfidsrh¢<¢mPloyimg%%o£xnc Inirh Ar.my”s rorrw me an bfflédglhpa M: A 1431‘-Mit\d«vthcgu.h‘.thE*.‘ dabatc. ’<:af7"t11Aa+trd Wasiidondernixg a wva‘rrc::3,vi¥h.~§"cotland§\y&txtham t1_Hbarl¢A«.muft n¢fc;ds'Vbri11g=V>in3~Aa fccond ,*vifi@i1oW % =?arIimi€nn‘hawiV V mo fupcp?myAhis‘Ma}diic;a's‘thsa;*£.oxd~k An Jiwickadlwrflaumdc "3 : vi 9;...;~ : . WW‘ ;: ‘M ;; _ ---czmfiuif iheVJL‘&d3B;1¢1wvouecitlj*¥t%wmE& lmtrtwblflgfiovssfidxa tSe"érQua#y : métfimflawcin Abba (flEfln6Fafifl'6[&§§i;~yfgh&fi*LoAi‘d£H¢ ~1?.cgfi1y:%msas°€¢ sbApr9fwutvMéac§Wni°n§& '1!‘ V d: lam; hozihfcmfif ( 3) A the Lord«:StrgfiEq22:a';4ofe highe?Tfloarf'on;§:‘-eiizirh much eafne[h1eI‘Ie'e',I fmmndi ‘ " 911 a eBaf;iS that might few eztfi1_yefai~ief';e: azidéwhich t’h¢;Wa‘4veri~t1gLof. Mr.3A*S‘¢crmeca.r~.y i1'71:hei$;et£‘eJ I eheehad can fe;’$oe:‘efea1:e.r.§l Pis51i=9vow¢th ithiaf tiic ' £9{!§Sl?E§§i0£! 1‘ h‘ 1‘ (xv ' -Ednfidcratiod of his poiteritia didfi6E..‘.h°1d‘.thé Lord Stmfi‘-brd llimfclfc from hbccomming the grand,/Ltpoffate to the Common-mzalth, vainly . int ,a“p;’nio;;;, {mt hy flailing flow them to prac‘?ifc$f~,,h;¢4 high, ti’ tjramzicall, Many fichjeéi evermntured 02¢, \ and fachm maalchim the 2920]} dmgermj: Miniffer, 4 V the irzjitpportahle to flee fiahjefi‘: hthazt can he: Chamflercd-5 I know not why his Lordflaip ‘ Ihould eflcemc it ('0 furc a prgfcrvative agaiafl; the Trcafon he hath hfuffcrcd fin‘-.. I ~ [had a11noftfaidjuftly,and fohdorh his Lcrd.h fhip; For he doth not fit}, hut the Lord Strgfhrd was worthy to dye, and perhaps warthier than mm] A A 4 T mytor. He doth hat fly hut hzlt wards, carmfé/1.7,“ and a&'iom,h4m. hem: proved taheflwh 4:‘ may dig refi the Kingma’ Parliament to caiati‘, that the like " flm/1. he Treafim fir the fittura-, hm only pmyeth God to keeps him from giving judgement of death on any dun, or af rum: to has innocent paflerity upon 4 Law ma:h’e4Po[’ccriori.h So that if his Lordfllip V maybcfrccd frormhishhfcruhplc hCon’{E:icn4cc~,h h A hthcrcishhopethathccgmay chahgehis Qpinibfiy h V ‘and babrougl1t.a.Pahfieriori,to hdcclarehhisagxrces. « ingfiin judgement with himfclf,and,the;Af@ much g=1:oater»partof the I-«Ioufc of Commons. And hthathl {hall now hope to docby-fhcwing him i Vfihkhfiqihfitbhioynt fallacy ~in*thc fecond, andlaft ~gfoimd offhié Argument. h A V I »Thc_f2g1Iacy.lycthin this, that his Lordrxaip % A doth dxvxdc thofc thins in his ‘_CQfl[-id@l'3,d0ii :, é!!d‘i*!d.¢ingfi1isrvW1. h gnecds or V — (:7: e 4 needsbe wifcfthen the State, and Lawes bee ‘liveth under,which no manought to be,unleIfc theythwart the Law of God. Thishec doth where he faith; There it in Parliament 4 double power of lzfl. and death hy Bifl, .1 3'-'udz'tcz'al! power, and a Legaylatim, that the omafioreof the one i; wk“ 13.: legally juff, of the other what it prudential! ;, and palitzqwely fit for the good and prefénvation of the V _e whole, hot the]? may not he conflmndcd in judgement, we may not pzece up wamoflegallity with prudential A fimf/'~"=~ And truly if his Lotdfh/in had but added ii rthefcwords, Except fimoc Ca not yet wholly omit-a ted, ornot yet ficjfioiently doc area’, come to be judged e in Parliament. 1 fhould have fully aflented to his whole difcourfe in this point 5 But in either of thofe Cafes to deny unto that reprefentativc Body,thc High t Court of the Kingdqome a liber- ty to doe any thing not unjuit in it felFe(though not as yet legally declared to bee jufl) for the prefervation of that greater body it reprefents,' when according to the fincere,and dif p ; flionate: judgement of P . A _ t amitRAeltiey,»«itmeaonnot be fufii 'ently fecured by Lawes already made, «is neither agreeable to the Law of Nature, not A nf the Land,nor of God, not to a rule of his I?‘ e eLordfl_1ips owne. Not to the law of Nature, which,in any cafe wherethe fafety of the whole commeth into .qucPtion_, doth not bind it felie from ordering, in the great world, that light things” {hallo dc- " ' _ . C A A - fcend, ( I8“) ‘I fccnd eheavy afcend. In the little, that the whole‘ man upon confulcation fllallh»-zconfent to the cmting off, of.aigangren‘d hand, or foot, ‘=. though the.fo1'm_er bee contrary :60 that (home- mom Law, whereby elementa I1 bodyesieare ‘gay- verned in their motions; And [h€’la~tt(f1‘: againfle that diéiatieeof Nature, ,WhICh 1.I1C1l“n€fi1=C;iaCh- T member tohave a compaflionatecare ofche pre- fervarion of another fo flrongly, ‘that except in a like cafe, no . paijt, 1101: the rd’: of the whoiev may, norhcan cpnfent to fuch a m;Utif1a;tiQII-... Notto the Law of the Land, For iiniitiha-t very. ‘ Statute of 2 5. Edm.3.C:zp.z..Whe1‘eby Treafonsi " were firfii. declared, there» is ‘a‘ paffaghc iWhich= J dothquire overthroiw his Lordihips difl:in&ion,% and rules fquared to his prefem: purpofe, as is V yet plainer by divers fubfcqiuent fiatutes if I um i derfiand Engliflgaxad there be no more but that, and a little right reafon requifire to underfland» Statute law, as where ought to bee. ; I will here- nranfcribe the feverall»: paffages, .wherein 1, ob«-. fervegthiat fome or an of the latter Statutes dare ,repealed,bur that is not materiall to the purpofe _for:which _Icite them. Vv 25 .Ed..[3'. C4174. Ami beam]? tlmt many at/were ililre Cafi: of treafén may lutppm in time to come, we/nick 4 man canffiot t/Jinke nor declare at htbziri prefmt time It :E5'.«zo'w$the trea. fon for which bee hath fuffered, but‘muPt needs ;knOWh, Thatias the fafety of the people is the fupreme Law, Io the attempting tointroduce any new forme of government, Without their «confents , efpecxally an Arbitrary s and'I‘ y ran; inicall one, i is the great:-fl wrong can be done‘ and the highcft Treafon can bee committedua. ,,gain& a State. a And rare 5%? Wm Weézwérib who (as the W N V L9???‘ A’(25) \ e y Loyd Digby himfelfe h_hatby notefi in his Foxefiid fpeegh for the eTr:cnm'a..1l Pa‘rham¢nty).yWasetI;e,, man that w11i1omeinythe,y Houfccf ecemmensy firfi moved. Fqrthe‘infert.in gof thatclélufe. itaithse Petition y()efRighc(Andyt/Jgttejromf (flit RZW4 " éec al_/égracimfly plcafid, fi§r~tbefi¢rt£_z:”r qamfiryyagg flcféty of your people to dcclarcyour R._!2)';4/7 975/1 4194’ A ~ glcafitre, that in tin: t/avings afircfitid aflypar oflicers, sma/Mimfier: jbaflfiréue yomyapcording ta tlze Lame: 4ndSt.4tutye:_cy‘ ' tbs’: Iiealme, 44 they tamer the bommr ofyour .R{a}efizee,~4flde‘epro/jzerztfy aft/m:~Kzng_clo‘me) was not xgnorant of the gteatnefle of th1Se.0fe_- fence: If the”?Lord Iflntwérth/2, and the Ldrd Strafibrd were, as-indeed a manymay welltlminke they were, thatein their Story {hall ‘h¢l'Ca[€[Cr obfervc ,; that they no fooner were admitted £9 thcehyonqur 9f being in the munberof hisMas— jcfties e0ffi£€r5 and-~MiniR_ers‘e,‘ebut they M A and foacoutiniucd tobec thcgrcat xzranfgre cars andyeviolaters of all the heads of the fame 1";_cti_— A‘ lii(;)l;1Of1_Right,, in the Kingdom.€S..0f Englezmt 01‘ Ireland, and of molt ofthcyq.imb_Q: A VI eannot‘0bfeyrvc any thing more 15”. e%yL:erd Dig5i6s.fp€¢§h,th%; without wrong to his anger» men: may be thought poyhavey becne a grqundof [9 folcmnfi Protcflation, that hisvpfe mm: net“ pp thc tfilsiys away ef the Lem: :a$f£4fi?rJf 1%: £139.; .1 V 313% ebfetxxed #twv<{py*2pa:fIag;c§;wlaie1i give a hctlelight, .howyhe1s.i,.udgemm: , (fa 1€!¢?sfe£9/th€;¥§hiIIg$,.§é.mc to bce.c‘*e.rnu§mis1 T _ ya, 3' 1|’: . ;_fiy:‘.y:" *1-’_y we. Q4 -2» y Al %V(26) i A 3 “the am is in» ungroundeéIxé~}5pf€11eh~1'ion;? that wither t/2: Lardmor the VKing"?tv0a{Il.‘a6dz{: % pafi . fi:d- the Bill, and confcqwemly, ‘t/zatxtlze pzyfing‘ tyf 1: in the Ho): fin f Common: would =lve~. can qfgrw 49- i ev}flo'mVin I/fe S-_t4t¢_=. F.0r~%tI‘1§1f.e is n59 «paflion doth’ » mu71_t’ipIy;faflcr,’ or ‘which‘1‘n‘ fho‘1:tcr‘r.timc raifea q then-groundle{Tcfca;r~c»« 4 grcatcf mifl in 7rhcn)in’d. of *’a=‘wifc main: A The fccond%is; His Lordfhitps ~ having L1‘ pph= A this oecafiog mm‘/25 i'm.julcated3ta‘« /iglyxaiwng rorzfii-9 awe, t}%J,f€“}J1£'2:g'/it-(1)1761, iveig/at of 1% Crime of aa7é1n¢'it;*- ting rfiurtbgr wit/T2 t/ae _/W0rd»'0_f‘§_If{/[£685 But for ought appcaresin h1s”Spcetl1,TI1a?ving quic‘c'--for-s ‘ gVo;%ten~to put ; A“in’a due ‘Cquntcrpoyfc th”cr’ciun-3 A“to4,¥'roma «nolkifc fer1ous¢do'nfidc’ration‘ of that faying of the Wife A man;“Hee 1/74: jz2flg'fietfJ :15: J ‘wicked, dfidi/I196 tnbat comlmnet/J5 t/ac 3 'Ervm~ 1/ujboz/2 areiabaminatim to we Lord". And "thé prcé-=7 (idem made upon'K*i~ng ‘.A/246 “r°cco?rded+ in -t’h£:fc" words ’; Béawfi tbou éafl [at go: "out ‘oft/5} ‘ *h}zna’y ‘ax mmV:avl:om.I-uppoiutiéd mater dg{lr:tIc‘?ioia,»t&y§~l1;f'¢:‘; V % T flmll gee fir /:13: lzfi. . .; whcfcin notw~ithfla’ndi_ngI*wo1;1d ‘not be To undcrflood5as1f1%If “vvhp am a ‘pi-aware‘ '£?¢d’n~;>id~ take ‘upon me to_ judge of {he f”_,I;o‘rd .§'thi]jf°orql.‘¢T ' flaufc. F013asIdcclarcdatftfiéb;‘gi~nning, intentionchroughout»hath“1geéneiénl to}v«indi+ cafe the p;1b1il§jc pmccédings «’fxjdt;”i’fc nTdA'9;ll,‘1a’t1cIA4 to clcare théw Lprd“~%‘%1W§5y7I from I“iisA‘?f‘c1‘fiples;’ IIIIC figlt ofiwhich ;now- “I J13},V'é~ done with "-Whc ;z;@§!°sl3as bcéamc me» like!!! hcnscforth With‘ <27) atquanimity ex :6’: to” fee what grounds there 4 was of the Lot Stmfimis hopes, that hee may hereafter appeare leffe guilty of the death he: died, then as yet. he doth tome. be And though in the later Ihave ufed neecffa-i ryfreedome in exprefling my prefent conceits of the Bord 1)ig£ye.c.Rea{'ons, er I‘ referve a thought that the weakncffe may eein myaiown». 1 und.erfla,nding, and that‘ though of myrfelfei I. am not,” yet by his Lordfhip Imay be made. capable of them, being one that hath... his eminent abilities in no: lefle. admiration thcnany other whatfoevet. “M