A N s;;w E R THE EARLE OF CONCLUSION. ‘Tb! 13. ofeflfrill, 16;, I; ' *" ‘ .M"" ‘ . w~**"* ' \ ‘ ‘""""“""“"""””"“'""' W“ -a..«---- » V‘ fifiw rrznsed in am We 1% m@m%mm@_m%«w% Am cv 4 fp- fig":-h‘1‘(’a‘ % . $7. 1 . %‘e ‘ O %:«»z%murLvr4wirarm~a»;» , V f the»%_?‘ubverfi’o1'1 of A th€f.»'fI;1fid£¥I‘T1€1‘it&1S‘Of?‘ E..Fait1a be Hcreific, why: not as well the fub-' X _% yerfiOn.Aqft11e fundaméntal Lavvs,Trezi fox}? =.ShaL1~’1.fbe Treai{O=n to defl:r.0y the Kings M i—- .1_1ifter.?+Aa.f1dfha11~that‘ be none tliaf jdcfiroyes his pr0,tcé’cor?AFQrV the Law protcétstluc King , afiivell as the King the'Lavvesj:and%if 3L awcs%»d‘id not fubfidiatc Pfixnceé, Kingdqms would totter as fouxldationlcflé :: nayltheyi arc i-11;;ic:<:.<:l.<, the vgiry ihb fiyfterrce of % Ki.11gs‘.+ Lg31:~_§~~,i_t: fupp0fed,:Lthé11g11 not» raxmtcd, I Jtiagtqrgéa one pza-~1:ti¢:'u!;Ia;r4.‘ make it Trc-a0n,Vmay M tlgzgfc 3_l1__a Lght; 3 Que ~3g’;rdind}co§Vf poyébp. is. nbt z;1y;_);:ta.tl5~,b11t44¢rna.11y ré)g;et1"1er*arc; Exp0rt9.t1- 0lr1%0'%f %S,hc€2pe“f6).r% Oncci iS_b1.1t.‘ ‘3. A T1‘e{pafi‘c, but ,mg%~kgn2iny;:.ia11d ,fu£:r:mH‘ma-2»? ”£ir1gxm1nt*‘~it Sta» %«.‘..,%ed._ 9, 1§c%o_x1'djaimc4is,Pe10ny,by ‘Staitulte; ARA¢- v I is fi;1‘fli' ~95, t‘h¢ ,Oy&§h isupritmace; _ -Paa11'tI%tCiS notgca p.L_ta:l15 but:~refL1's’d¢ awgaixiég T1:e‘a4{®n.~*% And to mi; zweiake .underfia11-%« » d jpg,.;ny4Lords, this %c}e¢n1y.fi1emcs;.tHe¢ mind‘; % 04,f~j:%11c; ,L:1W»:_, K)“I7lC.1.1153623'qfT‘V3Vlhg"";t1m‘§ Lavv.’,_;. may -be tbllfz (Out 0 f71‘a£11ti<:fl'e;0ut otTtitI1r£1s1Ce; 7’ «bar 3,‘ ‘perpetuated praétfific, A fheweg a prepen’-V 2- . “ fed '- :1" .. C2) fed malice, and murther thus a&edl by the ,1 0. H. y. in Irelaw, is Tteafon. _ A Be it there be noltature or Common-Law in expreffe to make it (0, yet neceffitry infe- rences, if they be not certainties, are next them; and if" the deputed Jud e o«tVGover— nour hath power in threibufine e of the Sub- tp jeét, to make the {way arbitrarynvhere Law ‘ is pofitive, I know not but he: may doethe fame in thebufinefie ofthe Soveraigne 5 To it i may come. to pull the Soveraignt _from the Prince, and place it on his fub rtute, and whether this be frealon or no,I» leave to your Lordfhipsconfideration. W "T15 true, dc nan tpparentrbm, 6’ non €961:/fflI!~ « tiéus, eulem cflpkatioa But my Lords, to make this Treafon, is not unapparcnt: a partial! eyewill not find it, but he that lookes,lI2moitu fcrio, may fee even the Triple Gerion of Trea-i fon in it, for it cannot be but there is L44 Rwpub. Lcjx /Ltaicflas”, the Common-wealth is op refled, the Lawes are fuppreft the Prince is cand:t=l’cl in at}, and ii: jeétecl by lconfée qucmeersto his Denious determinations: and rth€1‘Cl7O.1‘CIfi13ll without admiration tell on where this fire hath Iayen thofe hundre of cares he fpeakcth of, even (my Lord s) in the honeficr behaviour of other Miniflers of State, (3) _. ,.. State; who" have not beeneLir}jur_ious'agaInl1 "the Lawes ;, andthcre {till had 1t becne buried, A if his owne nefarious aétinns “ had not um-em-_ »-bred it , and fucfd it a new. A Nor can your Scntencé be beforo Vi omuI- gation ,[ finte “even your renowned rogeni. do tom h wit already. declared it Trcafon; though not by 9. partiCt_;1alrStatutell'in ltermcs : yet by 2 défnflnfirativc praétice , which ifdlhis Lord- fhilp wouldlonot have! béenc: willinily blind, Q lhadbeene‘ Buoy enough to kelepc: lm from that Anchor ofus all is which now mull either d hurt: it (Elli: , or elfe {put him,’ the =Parliament. Wholfc l:l Courfcs left "upon: Record canlnotbe taken lfot under watéf ’workk:ls;, é fo tha t ‘avcry cafic ‘honefiy and ‘common Ihorallity (,with- out Rcvclat ion ) o_mi'glit have iervld as the red Crolfe and the,Bill, to havetwatnTd% him this lime of Le icide. » 1512.: g ll as &.hard* la: ’ his Lordfixidp that d on have regard to your felves , for 1% upon im (by wllofc authority, TP_ceres {hall 13:: fentenc'd to bcfhot', Noble cutb'd ficcoopd up, Lavves fubvel-ted, Freehold dilpofed 4 of out of the Courts , dGra.nts under the Royal! Scale extrajudicially difanIl'd and what may be profit of, Monopoliid )you—fctnot Ionic o everlafiing Charaficrato deter thclikc frog;-F .43 .}bfi§e:.,;9:;z4t;te:t1‘1;1%3“:t:s.,‘: knO%WZ1wtbut t3Eaan:e*xt."»Céi).ni3- men :m"ay: %fi1bj;ug‘a.tc A ,;‘zcJu.r* ,d£ea.‘te£k‘ ,;frcedo&ncs;13 é 3.1-‘yd,.a asLrem1edg°:1cflE.-you any 4 them cam pI;;1?%inc5 « “as thofe who now d.o~<: Ii1ffi':;3: 57 andlmr-e11bfayei; ..ibu‘fl€i"af;r(:dréfl§". , My 1:'7d’Sru't1“dPJ11T favour ,~,-y;om% ph9I'Q\/?'idé'I'1'C”C may g~‘hm~:: if’1t1%caCl1V%buAt to ‘ burni1;g'of°V Bo;okes::»a fire: of,-dead‘ }‘1€aW€$ W111 be. too, wiéakd a.fuc:1I for;a%w;;r.1.1jng Beacon : :Iiv“inA ,,1"1;.r,11(;5r~1fi1;r<;1}:é%v fexemp..Iafy.,~ w%il1? afi()Trd:a ?Tal-'k4:r 7 flame , a1id»,A rf‘i)1I\;fdrt3;J?1?r%_th£iaf;"C£% , = 9?iii1flan@mdn'all¢;;I1b'i%i"kI1'@xi;{J:::fi13i~af?Go) ver~n;mi§nt:.n;i;—b‘y1fly"i»13g *4gf£1}:6:~r&plA1'«»a:t’1jm: L~éxii;h§B;d;2znd‘byJ1; ‘(though fllim; iE5r“7'IIJhifiy_' :;é?RC’Q¢§_rdS«;"-2 j',Th4'3* ' "milm¢)n&\’!I;e'a}at¢§1a”; hész}mciwtVh€i‘~?f¢~§i€r z:'hc:zn_1'cs1;’ mdr if £1163? yvlmrkcx n'i®wv:bwu'?.a:zm€‘-Mltcd *«?‘o.pc1-aw ‘ A ti20;”:L ‘A ms) fiOfl>= hqpmit; .E54a:d yébztfiélevg any ft) boldibrdw ,lflia:ll~Hcfi>erat#lylag§i>im:*adxren*-l w LU-1l1‘?t?»t’[0 awaken fl1e‘m': And ifwhislMLOrdffll1ip.,l3"el*m<5Dt madliélalf A tcfidcntt for puniflxment J l§1u:"’" we: may: éprove a l Prefidentvfor ‘ e:5_m'l1jnp'lx‘f:'l¥,f*'itl(,> "~ari?i17s1a“tef o~t,l1erslQfa,Vafro1is arid:'p1'efI1rnlf7£)’rali~mév,to take up the fame way from a pleafurable bow fame, to dbwlmebothgwxobllesgl ’ia’hd'“w:~hellbn1- lmoln 5, ‘inton a ;Srz2arc: 3:9 flglc‘a§'mlaMity your- L;;0rcl.~(hi:psl' rlleuiityg Rb“ ll.l1i31o.‘»~'1»-Y,“ -5 may 1n,dulgenc:e; *wbumcl.7a future 1ir11?ilI;ti¥m”cllé.“‘l~ effjfzs manly €r1mcs'wI1iCl1lyc>u 11ave~h’ea?%.rdffi11ly tppo-v A 0 Y vgql%,‘_v;vi~llw imlniqrtlalfl1ze:ym1r’PE€1thgl3?lfcirlalintleé ble Iuflice. T11¢1eamm .wOr“atlm=ilIi"a‘s.{anticnxl. told us, §:ha.tl Nozzpote/lcuiquam maledcl Rfguz, A mmmri, jufla‘“e;fi‘¢?cmzfiz, nd ufioughlir be éhmt Legs: , Hoc va/amt; incafiirztem eflia Civium C07zju.*zE?ia2zem , qua»; qui dirimunt , ea: mart: ,‘ exilio , pimrultls‘ , ddpmo, cberceflt. Thus every man will know what channell to fizcerc in , wlnzmrolks .10 lavoydp, .w hat he is. not “ting fuchl paines. __ ' A Thus mcnofhoncft wifedome, will be cau-v tious of keeping in the plaine réde of the 0 doe, what he 15 not to flay forlfeare of 11166- Law, and nevef luiizamzl (l:»)rii“‘-crofli nwglthr0U.%l1 untro-5 Vere wit canlnmllm,ufifiighEé01:1s'5l3*Fdr