_ MADE BY 3 a '/ A ‘I. % * M: S;uT[Hl%X 1DVI 5; "5‘ a\ V ' 5 % J New Earle of Stragflrd, in the V . Parliament heliicnj at VVcfl- ‘$1 7 minfcer; I 6 2 8. Ex.’ an L‘ . A lig,ment.4 %%%%%%%. ' 5 =.m%©x»em°az=9z»aIeL % LJ amwaxwcafiso % fih [% * Printed f0r%_'-M522 e/I_/Z012, 9/I’/mo ‘ziom. I641; 1- ‘ V ' _ ‘ . ' . *- ' ‘ ,. . ‘ ‘-.'1»_{1‘7 . V“ : ...:" v _ .g_;*’ .; ‘;:,‘ ' V ‘ ' V". 1; _ - A - E . ' . 1-“ ‘it. A ‘ - ’- M ' ::’*~' '1 -- ‘. *»‘."4 _ ‘.7 _ ., I » . .;::L. __ ,1.‘ ,‘:'_;. ‘ . l I‘ 1-‘ ’ ‘ I ' - - .1 ,; j -3 . . > . - . ' u 3”‘ \ V ; , _ ' . O ‘ 5 7} ' )_ . - . T A 1 The..0nc-;«concerm4'ngtheiliberty‘ of the Subje\&.; it / Q The ether tIaé%Priviledge ofthe H011 {es of P‘a‘r—~ ” ‘I I Sm THOMAS WORTHSA SPEECH, xxijd. Martij, 162,7. ' Ay this daycs refolution bee ash-~ ~ % * happy, as I <_:onceiVe the propo- §“~ = fition (which now moiifes mee to tile) is feafonable and nccefliry, for whe- ther we {hall 1o’o’ke upon the King or the people, it did never more behove this great Phyfitizm the Parliament, to, effeét a true confent towards the parties? then now5This debate carryes with im double afpe€l:, to-= wards the Soveraignqtowards the Sub jet}, though both innocent,bot.l1 in juredzboth to; be cured. 1 A In the reprefentation of injuries; (hall! A crave your attention In the Cures; Jfhall ij‘bcfeech your equall cares, and better )?‘udg=- A 3 ments ;. qTn!3?3i”fh*i¥é?1tS J thenhthéh’0fdinarie‘sh of Etr4éce;,v‘itiafé;t1 flockenot fcattered 3 . C 2,), ments (furely in the_gijc;atcPc huimijity , I ’ hefp*e;a§:eJ;t3 rhefgglggéyhwagéfi faa_:¢.’n1arkes f3%%?‘1xg“fia‘:;c>n'- ' h‘ 4' ‘L I; 1/ , _ .. .'~ J‘-(,.-V A‘‘‘'' "J - J‘ ‘ I 4 . I - _ . ~ _ h fhefbiflefiihg Of ‘3'O1"flcl:'i‘er ’§‘,b'}‘7L'i‘ttLit'ehéI1ft‘s, : withcaut le2Lve,‘l1aV<;;be I18, as ifthey could T‘ have perfwaded Chfi fan Princes ( hasy 4 A ‘ ~Wo;;ifi§1 tfisf’ 1*i%“‘t Of 1“4“‘¢P&1i¢%1??€19€é£1e"3.to% h take away by firong hand 5 and t my have ende s : as fan-fe 2s;;wa§ pahflibfihfifor £416} .o5tloé ‘W’ ‘ff “"’h * ‘ _ _.._-;:; .,\_:ir:.‘>?_. . This hath not bcene done by‘ the King h (under thci .P1¢%fi9g fi1ade,éf.W11 Cr n ’ imméea IBfit’1>fY‘ .:‘e - ‘ rénd.edthé‘1Br¢fégétiqé’df%h¢hK' ¢, the Jul’: Centsrs which .hrm.t.': * :h g ' s ‘\ awn. ’_ -_ A. ,'.".'I-..‘. ‘ f}z'~“-I ’eyes,enfércéd.aéiffi1-1531135 §f..LG4',§‘i ._§,-,~‘._."g".-§W:~..é‘iq‘.i‘e wives 3iflé!fghter§b%fo‘rch:éuth :fa;ces‘,bk6ugiht ‘.5 .1 .4. ,. 7 h. , 1' f" .‘-’ .13},-, 9'),-é_,'?Li... rs?‘ '. T’ ' .- 3 the Crowne to greater vva_nt 3 L thg=.n,_ _c;v§;r,11t % wVa[s,by gnt.ic1%pating’th¢ _R’jev:If1uc‘_5 4 ahdréan _t11e’$heph‘c-.ard be thusfmitten ,L ' andhthe ' They -"I. “A. _“:§-"y-'2 .2 3- '- ‘ 1-... .3- ~qu—-v.-.-, r * < 3) t They have intr“oduc;ed:atl Privy Counfell ra-' 7 i vifhing at once the Spheres of all ancient go- vernment, inrprifoning us without Baile or Bond. They have taken‘ from us vvha.-t fhalll fay (trideediwhat have they: .left us) allemcaneof i ifupplying theliing and ingratiating our {elves » with him, taking up the rootest ofall proprie- ty, which if it be mat feafonably ‘I —fet_;-inrmhe eroundby his M.3;j€fii€53133Qd:lVC nun ilavcrillj ‘' _ ’Iteadof;beautY bflldfléfreg. fl % To the making ofthemigxwhole. {hall apply my felfe, and propound a Remedy to. all thele dileafes, by one and the fame thing hath the i King and .Peopl‘ébe'enc hurt .?Ta'nd by the fanfie muft they be cured, A to vindicate what ? i New things .3 No.our ancient, fober,vitall liberties by reinforcing of the ancient Lavves made by our Ance (tors, by letting fuch a Character ~ upon them, as no licentious Spirit {hall dare ht-1‘€3?.fi’¢1,‘ to enter upon Eh€m9 Anni fl,1all,_vyee \ tllir-l1<(‘»'.‘,!I’11.7i‘iiS.;.‘<1, wa.5zfrb breake aP;atliamenrn.‘ISTr3- Our defires are modelt and ju 13:, I fpealce truly ‘both for the intereflz of thC King and People. \ If we enjoy not thofe, it will be zmpoffible to relieve him 5 Therefore let us never feare that nelleg I ' - There{ they_ {hall not been accepted‘ by ‘ his goocia ‘ . new ,. (4) e h Wheretbre {hall difcend to my mo- t tions, which Vconfi-{’ts of foutc partS,tw\o of which have relation to the parfons, two to the propriety of goois, for the ptrfans the ‘ freedoms ef them from i1nprifoning;- Sccandly, ftcim employments abroad, contrary to the ancient Cufifiomesfor out ‘ goods, that no leavics may be made but in Parhament. Secondly, no billctting of Souldiers:It is mofi necefl'ary,that thefebe tefolvcd, that the Subjcéts may be fecured A inboth. A " ” ~ Then for the Manner in the fecond plit ce,it ‘ W111 bee fit to; determme it by ‘a Grand ' Committee- t J . F» ‘ A « J i é§In J I) C 5“) ‘ A «sag @w$aqm»@w $3» Q“ i% ; _$;i i5;1§{ jANN°;T513? _Oo_ many infliga; Kzlgbt wife, RzglJt zrortlyy: tions importune; tI1e%%fequell% sf my %vvordS 5} Fitit, the 1 P‘roce%eding%s. Se-i - co‘nd;ly, the :hone-3 fly of my requeflj for beheldin all » your Viiitehdmeluts ‘ ' .d%y<%i1i*C<5nf:iIta‘:is>ii$’i¥¢¢r=d%a1E rity as ‘eixtremity‘ofj11‘fi‘iée; % B % . . Thxs _. THOMAS crew, f equitie‘ ‘ of you; "'5" ' . _ I . - _.,_ " M *:‘gr;cfund4ed%T[upo%n‘ Difcretioxigaind. E . C 6 ) a . "Thin-‘st Oirder Method J fay of your pro: ceedmgs, together with the importunity ofi'°e-F red of the Subjeft ~in:hand,t have emboldened" me to fO111Cit’C an extention of the late granted; proteiftions in generall. The law f’i11neff'e:anda honefly of the Propofitions.dependst upon: A thefe two particuiayrsg. A V The prcfent Troubles of‘ theparties p‘ro'-- teéieélg having ‘runne themfelves into a further’: and= almofl;_ir1*ecove~rablev hazards, by: prefué mingv upon and feeding" themfelves with the hopes. of at long Continnuing. Par~lia+=-~ ment. IT?.. a Let: the fecond be this Confequencc 5:, That that which is ipreiucliciall to m‘of{,s ught to Minifler matter of advantage to the tefi so Sithi then our interpellationsk and-. difiu*;hances~ amongft our {elves are d‘ifp1ea—'e ting: almofl to all if any benefit may.“ .l:iee~ CQHCCQICLL. i letnitr fall vpon thofe, ‘=for~I_ thinke the breach of our Seflion can befriend?‘ none hautafnch, norfuch neither, but by" meanes of ' the ;g_rantrhefore hand; becaufe itis pro-~ baE£é3F»that his, Majefliei may can re’; .R’en"1ee.-~ tingthis t/‘J/tic/.rk;‘e/2nn_[]e.a. Let thitheralfg as , . ~ . 1-‘ac g rj I J H . . C 7) V A’ I teilch their prefctibed time for libetty'- And t that till then [their protcaions {hall remaigc in is full vcrtuc and authority: as { ifthc Parliament were aau-5 ally fitting. -t u INIS., RARE DA 398 1628 %.S8 1641 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IA E L L S P C R R E R A R E 8 3 1 O 85 fiif\fiIfi\\t;‘jfyfi§mI\§m\\I J, D L u\\Ig\g\;g\g\m\\a\|\\\\|I\