H1 S COANCEQNING V His Proceedxngs Wit11MHiS Subjeéts of S c on. A ND, ' % 53366 I17fi"AP6%?Zfi&zrzo7z MM? cm; nmserwick. “ .." C,‘ _} «.1, ‘_ ‘ ' M I =.,, .» IVY ,.~".‘ v u . ,- ‘ H ‘ .- ,. , %‘-yp” vra .\ , . ‘ 0. N, W ‘ ( LoN’D0N,.‘ 1>rintE3 by I'aunMg5I+Iis je{{i»cs»Printer«f'or Scotland; and 1a,* fladgjcr, Printer tothc Prince His Highn;e£Tc¢_~ A A ° Ma; X L. A M I J3 . W eC1a1‘atin, ’ * 1 ;4p1’eafed;LVto jc0ndcI‘cend= .ur:gto, % thé%1a;flfyeare Min the Campc » ’»?-.'I./1:’ tir SL 1bjeé’cs of Sc0t1andj_¢ ~&ven.%%%V%th“en 4‘AWhen Athey vveré in the height of their rebellion, and in the fieldin Arrnes a.- _ ,3! ' %7 W % //3 llfifirfi B€1‘\.V1Ck‘, arid tO_gta.nt ‘A B gainfl: (2,, A gaittft us, had g;iV'en£7t1ch demonfitation t0 the World of Our tinc1in_atio%n to peace, and defitt tofiazttctthe bloat} of A O:-L11‘ people 3 and A to w.:-n—“m.: thtm-to the obediencé which they‘ % ewe tmto Us 3 ~ as théltau1‘I1ifi111dCfPCa:t1dingS‘ t had btt:m:t1ttct'1y taltefl away A (t 38 they were t on Our piai1: ‘) that fi.1ch7 Condit1'ons as. were then agreed upon lxavc beenc really perfo1*1ned‘by them, accordingttotthoic bonds of A11egLtanC€;&t1tie4 ,‘ and ttptomtifi-:in Wbich‘they% Ptmd obliged to Us.” But We have finct: foupd , to our ttxlexprefiible grief; W that Ourttyrincely goodneifi: and“ mildneffe in‘paféit1g by that 0fi"e11cc,hath produced nothing but cxtteatne itugtatitude 3 and—~in- ihflttrablc ittlblencies again{t”"t‘0urbGbvétn-¢ zmtnt Antd fétthcig by fi1’nd1‘y1ibbeHous Pim- pluletég and moft Falié. and fcditioué difcour-— t £Es£Entfro111 Scotland ,‘ and diifabebrfed pu1‘poiEs t 1yl.inthiSA Our K-ingdbmc of England, eibecie ;1uy.i11i0fL11'.,ciCiC-‘ of Londom, that the c;mi‘e% of ‘ thfift’. diib1‘tb$1*sbist ibughtt'to.tbC fI:1ifted0{’ffro1n~ ttthcRcbbe1s4in ScotIand,andt1noPc ttnjufily caPt upon us;Whctf0feW?c.ho1d Out . {aft Mb ound ~:i.ntI1at dufii€‘tX7VhiCh;W,T€ otvc tofGodat1d love to tiIl1‘£bJnQ’1:§l?Qfi1&‘C1’-Gui: hboznourtog }§€‘tsr3111St'br€— V ...... ‘V ‘ A t1‘;1y r:dt.t.~,; ‘ _— M V 3‘ ) tizayed and vilified by l7arz d242dc?etai;?2ed1fi*om tizem /irzce tlve ~“laté Tfrzrfitezzdecrl ‘Ge22emZl[,7%.77zZ>!y, 1% will prefiznfly %i2erz*.4§ffe;*recall mar FZeet,amdretire Our land Farces, mgd Hang/@ 2'efl:I:z¢t;Eo::»to rée made to call pezfims of their % fl7i}95?at7Zél?}g90§=35 Jetaifzed drzdLarz¢1fi‘edAfince‘ the aforeé aid timg; *1);/2e;'€:5).w it nzay czppewe, tI:wit"0.znr1vé22tmféo22 task M27265 , my 220 was T fir i2*2‘va'c‘fi2g cf %0u;_f {Z\7at;ive .K§ngdo%rrze ,¢H or to érzzzovate the ‘Rf3i§',_._2i0?2 and (9; '3)’ ; Wdelezeesg“ Eutmeerb’ t/vemeinteining «W1 W}:-A-e‘* dicetiizgef Ourfifidzdlleet/voribi-e * " eflfld finreetlaegit gberebi it dot}: cleere{y%.dppea;~e,e‘l;;e.: " Wefeneitbezé laewejeer do ‘intend any eltezzztiorze inRe*Zi-« gion_ orLezwes 3‘ we that lzotbflmlée Lnzairetezzjrzed {/%_.€;iz.¢ aflqeir full Izztegritgl , H7e expeff Vtebe%eperfc22'- mdzeqexftigat I_zzen2l»leanelAelutful1%-e'“p£7eei§a.{nc;ee, “fi27:»z'eIa: £5€C0?1_2m€t}9l(})}all and clutifiell flel2j'efi5,£éz7zez’.ezs' Lire their fevemll ?¢etiti0n3;_e.t}aey have often A profefled. ezs We have reegfim to believe etbezt to “our peace.-i e?2leee.nd 1eeil~efi’e5?edfic5jé5?¥e#ei??LI31Wlebefletit/54 r5¥0»:J¢e, efoemeteke God wide’?-World to 'W”€0?'>‘ 7f}2a~t“1vI:¢2t_]73e‘ver calamities Vfleezll enfue by Our. nee- AA ~ efiiteted %cJf”.wefit7:~e e.eI1ej?2le2A2eie5ee of flee}: as all continue in theirfdybbe%diente:cau1;fi:s, is not occa-3 fionedb‘yV's, e but their oume pracuremezzt. A i:e;*Th;¢f5‘3 %LeC<5i1¢1i1=?=0??1%S in ; this Dficiaratione that refejrre to the timepafi, have bccne the moeem of themealready Punfiueflycome plied rwith by11s,eethVat C13uf¢.¢XC¢PF3.?1 iii xvfiich We expreffe, \Weintend:e;det;4o4 haV@.:e:‘ ‘beans at the General} Afiembly at Edin- eburehes which we beingbutanlntention9 *a:rmee1eper£o:n1ea;e we the we? W %iiiré3:t%éd?eb.y th¢¢%eu1d» benno ‘ifaifes upon the perfons hof Our High eTrea'f'1i"re«15 n tyAfo1:Our Perfon§ amongpgeople inragedfd V immediately after O{1r C1"€1fhCI.'@Cy‘fl16V7V*€d;,n. mlthemhjn eheg1j>a.cifica:ion. Bun (me of the =grca:ei’c difi:0u1*agements We had from gei V g thither, was the refu-~ e fmgof fuehhLn:ds;_WVand_fothe1:sof:thate Nati--~ % on hehwhomWe‘eemV% hfdr} A ebfnbé “to =t_0- A Befwick; byxvhich difobeedienceVth ma-« nifefl:1y'edi[7:overeedntheir difirufi of 11s‘hnn:“7~?~22%n3:n it cannot be thought.reafonaB1e , that:\Y/e £ho”u1d‘tmPc iii‘ Peeffén eiviuhchoizezhac die“ firufieci 'L1s,9.f‘ter fo many arguments and4A:£{; filrances of Our goodnefletowards th.e1nA.fh_jn Q A The Articles bf Pacifiéationeagreed uP‘0I;1; were t"h‘e{‘e.n ’ Féreésfic Scntlzmd :9 I7e.c§§5.5¢hd“ecf eamhin 7*"53”’?5" fame éi.‘g5i WW5 ,* fggblzcdtzoneh :3‘ Eeblaration being A agreed“ #9770 h e W5: fig’nedA-the é1:fi>rcfA2;id eclaratiorgandith-6 A At‘ A “ _-A u - “ ‘A . my A-mm .. \ ‘A . — '-,..,,.....‘...‘.. . - « A gun @uZ2licat£on_, foflaone as We flmuldfimd t0Are"c§ei?ve zi2em.A A A A A AtbeCaflles, with the faire 1biAnd3and mean e¥ Atime no izeterrxgptian Tfdde ‘or ’ A AWE voeregrczcioufly _ pleafld to cazgfe A to Ea Are.- fiored Aezif perfws‘ cgoozgis mid jhips; AA¢¥etained and arrefied fince the Nbwméer tloen» lag/3 _afl. A A «¢ _” ? P No Méetirggy, 'TAAAAreeztings, ~Coézfi+lAtcztiom or Con- rantedfiy /1&of‘Q’arlg'czment.- A A112 Form'fiaz.tio7zs fito 3‘ and no farther %§wrkéAr20 g:__“'I~ A TQA rAfl.m' xto‘ éfiiery fine Aof AA Om‘ g9ad$uZy'Aeé¥s Aibeir Zi7berAjtie&, %lzAzrAAzd;, , gaods ,‘ A~4r1dA meamfs ‘_;A§3B?:Aa¢t:jEre%‘:,fie2r ,A~z*Aazk1A.¢:7z14_A(ii*~4 defaizzéd ffoin them By A what- ]¢5Aé3}ié‘}* mam; fizzce tine affé37*ejaAid time. 1« Aon‘-‘ATu1¢AfdayAAthe’ :8; Jung ,~A thofe of Scotland ca;rr’1~é Aeomr Pavilion , a;ndAthere C2 lab- A 0urCaflle-5; A f;Aé7t3_ A [~AAmunAitiAoIzsA gf alljfirts», % A A and Rayaz1Héao‘m, tabe delivered dfler tkefaid Our to depart pzfefezztly-aflér tA1:e deliva-%% A ”j$A:’;zs:u2ie£?‘2 ,1 wrd W23}-mto";AbeAAremAitted ‘to War A 11. IIL Iva A V‘ vocations of any Our Léegés, but jizcla :95 are my-; VI. ‘VILA, ._..m...,,, (1%) Attxtleé flgxiéd b)“rthen:‘1,: who alfo figncd another paper of'ii.1bIfiii?°»i'on to 115, f01l,.0VVCch9 4 % _Q In the Camp,18,. ]u(ne,1639. InVobedience to H122‘ hV%Maje/?ie: Reyall com? mcz__22ds, tfve flmllfi" TI9u7fdczyjzLex;, the 20. this lune , ‘difmz:/jé our Forces, % and inzmediately 'tl2ereczfter deliver H11: Majeflies Gufllex, &:c..and alleverié1alItbingscar2fie our flzlizes like Imm;-= we, zojmmand’ ocliedient fulajgfb- Signed, ‘1W>e'~v¢- fiowglw-I ‘ : "_*/flex") F1e%1der]6?z~;* Lo}:2doz2l.=; V A gAs.Iolv2g[i;au7i. M “ V Thofi or scoaana did Iikexvifé ‘Further promifie and undertake, that Our forefiui Declaratioxa fhould be readand publifhed in their Armyj; which was accordingly done by Lyon King ‘of Armesof on Thurfday the 2.0. ir1 A%the% pr¢fen¢é: of the Earle of Morton, Sir}Bdmm»2d Verney, and Sir%IoImV‘Borougb; Our Commi%4f3»i%oners~-fem thither to“ the%farif1¢ Pérfazrifiéaé: H,:ow4 cheifi‘ A Aniclcs . have bV;eeincjAvMj¢ per—— ~ forged; (<‘3>* fofxfiedtontheit part, com es .-now to- be cot}- fideréd, and%4Wi11taPP€areby thattwhich A V ~ Firfl: Whttfireése ‘We:-"by*;t;Fh§.PPb1i‘33ti011t 05 A thAé” Attiilest bf iiicifitation, Acxpftétcfl that due 151555? b 5~4?*¢1%¢kfi9V591€dgm¢fltAtK5? A01“ 31550? W 3 V ‘ WWFA1? I '7..f~nt~ighAt'." AV”1W‘~‘=.t Witfififfé 5 tHéirTLoyaItjg and of %»Atht;i1:: %tEéiii1§fi11; theHEA~ for R) Vgtewatfind.ft()y2tl1«t~faVouif Q We found on the contrary, the .5» ‘IF .. lifl1inLgt>f it in Athéir Ca1j;1P: Hume was A In ct with a. AProteftat&ic)f13,I'Ei t fdifluonomalsqle t6 Gbfiétnirlfehtg A Our ;5»u?bit€9¢S \’V€1’€Fh€1'¢b.Yfath¢1:¢h9°L"1?=§¢&if? their former tIiiiti11t§us,t.;ft1%;i3.tt grfle tj1&%u.Acedk to tthatttnbediexicie”v§Bi¢h‘:,theyA,Promi{Ed‘. A Secondly, ~th:ey £ourraidthev dy diVer1‘e:3P<5Arces,f T grid have em: fince "heig in Pay.aIn1oPca.H th_fciLr;5QfETc:1ers” ,* in "‘bre2‘.c_:h bf A’t110"i;~‘€: Articles, Contemp‘§6.Of"V‘mE“ :w1;oyav11%%A»g,:chm~i;y, 4ifc§f1trary am A that 0113.‘ ‘Kifgcjlomié vérrcfil’ t“c>‘?:‘”th%é S¢‘%°W1 ‘Q5-*1‘ Siibi , ‘V?Vh¢ Ob‘€~ E0 e?Ci_e% ., %;¢w«*1;i ch tlécfely % "i%nte1itio4n of % ~ Putting % . K: ( Kw ) V» A eFourthly:;* Whereas.it"Waa;“promifed, that «*1. 1 Fofts" Gaflzleegg‘ munirlome, ufhduld be rgaorglgxaeroene fhfou1eef‘en;ditoe receive themrygeyet eefi1111ereP:itL1tion:w4s= T made :accbrd4ing1y%;ff1An?de fo:1"'lth'e Ririzifiéhtiel A .4 onea: Lieth, ‘Wlhiehe ms. with~*eeth‘eeere‘fiEree mittedto Ouripleafure ,_ it Pcai1ds.eeentife1y4A%9.s » itedifd , I thugb1efL:\Yfe¥we‘o£ten cmaxuiedetthee AA A no ‘Meetiengs, Treatineegs, TIes5Vee.Cen7fu1ta— ti0n§,COnVCa3.t%i0iiS1,f ,6): Qcmventicles but ferehelas aeie”A warrante¢l*iy 9:61: of P3."I71i3:II1~(C1;-lt?__. A (and yet :We were V pleafed to give eesthem e wvarrant ;em"efi:1eet’ for the {pace of "Aime monfeth, to cor1fu1t,’:Ldvife,ia11d¢15efo1$ze;i.1pl- 7” V H enfu¢eh.afFaires and bqfineffeeiags concerned the reliefe of their ‘rr1utua1lIe%burthe1W1§s onlyz) Nevertlaelefle eafiee“. that A F expired) ’ * which was 1oneethe"etWenti}eth day of uly 1639. they did, and doe flill continue their unlawfiillwmeeetings and confuleéttions eupan matters‘ of’; State: both i f‘cc1efiaf’cie2;11 Ci”- fill, to T Laws and 0f':;fPara _ M. 4 1iammt4 .,.r,w:&W_3. ‘, - e. .. “he, rvx. ‘iiafn'entv%of L that 1%,1.1_*: expreffc Warrant; In whigh Convehticléé A h%c%}§%«&1a”iIy%vtx}andA %E11dub1e:%fuc1ri ur‘ sub-W je.é3:s;%as1.4do:e?inot?':3;h;ét:e:t1;mo*:«tH€iifi” [xcbelliofis C<:$vena.nt5 aridpti::cnded;.1é{I7é1nb1y =at‘.Gla11-J 9«1'1dl % V to'b“e*~4rA€rIiitt-é eflrto my pleélffine t;0_;b (:2 demo» lifhed for co11t:in1;1ed,,* a:1d~~~We-%~having given "VII. commdandrcijmrt for, ~%.théf ;f’démo1ifl1i,ng;;;Qf thern all 1'aiIE*d’ and ¢"'bui*It7§vi’thF3uE4-:1 Qua W2£1'fant; V3”n~o ob c"diehc<-:Nis% given[tfQ théfafile, but%%th€3?jJ2ite ~:;h"é%f’ofl:e1fing ,di{’cu9rb’AainC”'fé W01: ~;"fh»€.p5€iI§“cc of that Our King-5 dOII1€..*“ " .Scventh1y4A, %;\X/hereaé .Our,g<&:>of, 1 and :9 f%nie;4 that Wherwi <1:?d c;xp:c¢tA no ham ‘W1? and qxxi-s= . K7475 iihfi3¥dA 0f11£>thif1.L difbrebczrs, I13¢¢tingS;3nd“1nléfiiatierxsfif ursubjeaé r;1q§:hV Vevidcntly’Japgfiaiimfiby:h¢%%infi:pp.ona:: b1¥§i¥1f3>1¢fl€i€S as afr_c1a:d&,; up? e%Bs¢1‘Q?n$ L-Q11? High: - r6:@fi1rcrV”dxhe Efiflfl? KWZMI , §fli»Qc#1: ;G£n,cralIy Sir 74’7“=‘~‘ 134»: ilt02z—, Jand I 4 €au_n,; % IEHOLIYS andig@Qd*A$HLb4A%d;§chicc1¢m Iy evince, thatxxoc-hingA x1v32Lfs,;;I;c{[$1~;w»V%int¢:r1dcd then ob cd_icnct% the? ;or$c1.e Ar‘cic1e>s h€1?ct: for%c% wmtc altered afirmclesg, ~ Pafliémcmsfdf :ifi1'¢“$f,A4‘z%sAw:ifl my Wye %%c1ee£c%1yx4"bewev%nce*d by f.=t.'—.hfi A;R.€fi€dfd3$flh ;;and “ A ,‘ y thvéiai 3 ; A "W£r eh%€'ffgYT 1,,,1w;“»”?3 % . I . C»ai‘€ 6-13¢ the Yfcm; aiixd 3/?§3d3i,IZ0g.i1:t.1§3« E A N A iks 8m“§1~'¢” A A : V ’ ownc:.% 3" ‘ I r H“ .' I —, J‘ . ‘cw ’ I. ‘ I . ‘ ‘ ‘ <, M. « “ «I. -I s ', mi‘ 4 3 .+ ‘, n my . A -K‘ ‘ W, “-~- ' u “ " ‘ ‘ m " “ _=..%-L? .‘ the 4fARégifi’er,”gfidi pre fE:Ht§d‘»t5 the A:‘ordsio£ ” the4A1ticIes3 that 4311 M A 4at1»*»7itnprbpcr4’ A be? re A?»ed:?;A ‘ ~on %mo£Vthe*4 Pafliam em 7fubverc%bythc A M So b~y*thc;A6tr cofiéerningtheiCo11Q:ituti»- **‘a;ncient %V*%Coiifi’cit‘u“:;io:1§‘Ai~ tihey wbtilnd t<&c3°rne; they % vurgegi. gndithhrebjz: rt§};a;11‘;%»c€5t*a16:erAzhé fin#s:bf’ AV V Lraboliflaed and “i%rr"21izno‘*t587; ‘whenwall the :V%en1p:otaIti;¢s A -‘of Bc?11e’ficc5« wVere4'gVmh%c~§;4ed “ 2m chef: %i‘C1ergy~mreta§ine‘VV mizgag ~=a,rn ymkem ‘« %4»ay ch4éxfizhéfieikn M >v foMursiInd,fo3rmer:“; P”at1i_”érI1c!xits-5 ~=boj';h tinge %—1ig*im1:;ha’:x‘é%jjE -7iT}‘t&€afEfiJ”l1?* »?to“prc feifve . .~ .. n A and Vmainra'ine? aha: ‘DigAnity‘,6 Honour, and A V‘ 4 «éllf hurc urxfdléizion fhopsg ~*;is’é1I"ecI‘gcdi:(3 be i Pgill in *Par1iah*a cw; ;re13refencéd E33f°aPE6aWS chirdAEf’catc 5 an&4ithe Civifl-power and . H \a"'wr ‘w W-',‘-1""“ 1"‘, _ _ ‘ » ;’ved,‘2:nd agamewixfacafic :as ‘apgca.res< byvthe firfl ' the um ._ vuw~—,v O--mm . was» f*iv”::f’c3’1?4?a“ir1iaxi1entfofdI§';{‘JA.ME t by di4vcr1‘i: A615 of } "I’z£r1iViat‘1i§11t5’x%;/Izzna1587;: 1597. 6»o=.;9.“ By a114:Whmichf, A:%~ai?1d»A divcrfis cx-» V rorshave%canceive%%dtheir Civi«I1:1?oxw¢é1+5md Arr1“<;;ui:‘o‘£" “phmry C1f0i\7£7i1e,%‘ti)¥ béia %¢gn;v~ % ncdin-7 ‘the ijjiaisfitaininé ‘ii érn‘ L;p7ho}dii1g+~%Eof’ the Honour, Dignity angi‘Prixiil¢dges "of: the: three _Efl:at€§. Nay», a'.‘Af‘pVé:cié.11%”A€i:‘ mélde i*n7'thC§»ti ‘I s .P2r11iame%nt V 8;; A deiz [1~"e’di ?T1?eaf(§m5 V:o;i~1711‘;p%u’g11~c4:% the “3uth01"iiy'of the‘-i5Pé;r1ia1Arh ant; arid three ‘ EPcates,orto procure nheinncw,ation%Vof the: m :é°c'sf:of:%Pgglia;m*Vcn%t%,%:;»~iu*::gI“es;:a1g§xré1y‘ap.. % Pcarc,” chcKi.r1gs J?rcccefZVv power ah ‘authority A of the fa me A three? \ Efiatesi, _.or_? a7nAyoFAthe1n and We %Wo:u1d‘ willingly know, how thcy,»or any 0fth.Cm3_; can deny ,< that they .hav;e ibught thf; bjreachf Qf tf1:1iéAA£t,é;nd«ib are guilty of Tre%a-A fan, and liablewto itha .punifhment4%jth%ereo£~ ‘ ; 34 Co%ncc15ni1;1ig theAéfwhiphAthcy~%ca1l:Rc— i?;i[Toty, they do not dfigéiiyithercby feékb A cake 2i\Vaythe.xh.irdEPcatc3, Whicih»~iSTrea~ fE;n_ ,Vas gforefigi-cl; but to énnuil many TOEhC1? Wrmexly made: % fa‘vour4 N 05% Nthc am~farchcr.,cob;arxeL1s,in 3. % ncr :- "V _ V % fincfEéd,%:a;hc1"«cut'=1ls:dfF1:rom all cho11‘épw-fl%% ers CiYji~11%,%a;fi’m:eIs% Cm: W‘ V that Viifii 3 Q omMe;,»afeQ,in*%€n%i?:qxi§ncAc:» % V vvld % ~ T . % . k at % ",5 A r“;i,.mhZ:i:1..:1“ Ehékt is ‘A ranted A .3 A -% wFor the ?f©blfl,iv;i=gn,~ in;hm:am~gtjm A %ac1xvl::asl.e~,; % dcfi1'e*d" ethcn7i%m; Beifpafi in} Par1iam¢Ant;‘ -pmcefifi a_3:IIW'd:fii11i*%§‘ A f0r&W;h:i 6;}: pmitiencd us fiat “£116. A Bdokés: o£Pa1*1i;a1i1cn%, ,i31K¢g¢E’ tie); '§é1Itra:y mth7éL:19at;1fcV0fan ‘bliviongi and to: ' w<£h2ct:“whj§ch% ever heretofore hath bc%en;d€fil3-: % rcliifliakzf :,_5— Vappczams ;‘Che of ’ %4**1irvi§(§i1 in§fi7m0:rIJ5,6;‘+ V A‘ ;_ :3, ~ V’ ” I 2,2‘ ‘.9 <9 ""'§r ._\‘ 3“ -q 1 ‘ i T I f ‘-... -they féeke t,0“jufi‘ifi‘e4dt1M:m1‘clV§£4%in a1‘1M#4%th¢ir V Camps , chegyuzge an 'ficati&om:.V by: i rec % wd¢di%A4V thg; Alimflifiitws bMy¢t:bcAét~o£v P=aci~€icacioig ( is ardainedf cm be fivcxy "‘0ri € ea_r_::~ics5 slands," goaé.ds.,m1d;dmgwaixszharfoever, éa-km and » -'--.q—-up ‘ \+ . «L :2»; and d etaifncdea an We ..,.....——....— U4 e»fin;c:etheaf1;ee a.id‘tirrre,‘t&%ai‘s’ei$namneiy eycet peeerformeed, ." ‘A epan: 05 ‘&s.A&,ic'isanevexr ea; ’ . «And byrhe ab;c.ve{a:u1 a&ofbIi‘viUn, theirA&eeofRe1i€fe,they edepm-t ‘ifhiat e xwrasetcuntdeiiended t0i‘a';t. any! Pcranger A, but fuch -as haveacozr1pecén;L eieioflaiid-.-rent i11iScbtland.t . : A;~.»ThateAAno“Commiféioh roof ufliciary Ao=;' eutenar;rcie.i. ay be gra1I1ted~:but for 3 Ali. e imit”t€'d;ttim‘€; A fIhcy[ protefighkewife igaigrrt‘ creme. deneie‘_ofi’uriiLord. *TrefafurerA,A and Lord? __._u—u-mug IV. V. PriviAeeSea1,becaufe*as theyAa11ed~ge7«thegi3me ii is not warranted bya pofitivc Law. 4 " All which, though theyeare fo eflentially A belongi»r;g,tor11s has their King): that fr the hoof’: pagrt’ they anfwerthcmfelvesg yet We, i hiavetthought it not ur‘1fit;to Agiiveithie world" this ~fatisfa6ti»on concerning them. i A 7iV:Andfirfl forAtheTOoine , It isa preroga.-» A tive rnofl: peculiar to the Crivne, and -none Treafou,; as it is in all Kingdornes. I A A ' In thetiecond and third there Iurketh 3.. great deale of Maiignity "and Poyfon and the‘y~—are inter1_ded meerely againfl the Eng- lifh, Whom they would accornpt {hangers} as appeares V by the exception lately taken: 1 hythole of Edinburgh to thofe ~Eng1if1i fembyllstothe Cafclesof Edinburgh andg E 2 Down» A can cmcddle with it but Our confentj I A Without incurring the puniflunent of High r. H... ; _ nati of % Sta 9 agate» nonfi«é"dmi.tte%1i ,»:;Aa1}; iggimf %Pt‘ivi%Iec:1gies; and «H31» . link 1- Iwv-mnmibme:%% % A ~ Q€11L1£*O£;Eh;&fi'7T 5 his V plvamand tpriemd . A A A ::ich»eres~— f‘0reA% Why: not: L112 Treafi1I:¢r~"V and. Pri7vie;: {S;A€a1c,. a_'saW;c~l=1 as? 4} ~ 7 AA :5; I ey‘ tfillfthfir bfllcfly fimaznd — dingthfi Am; F Paxliamcmr conccrn~ing%fthe'%-.% ’ CiAvil;1 gpvernflienr? T“ naxnéflyj the.‘ cm.: M ~G§1'11'ing§th€? ]udi.caro“ri:e0f rim; Ezxiczh equcry; + <5:;(1)rI~‘-.-;-¢e:%~ W hich %# th ey 1 x&?0L11d;A%.V4ert}3fi>mw "b ;mh%% M th€~v~A%c?c%.cpnc e;erni:11~gVProxi;es» 7? ex :cr:rningfv cdo-:1firati.@m~ of V W ds, G,0V,Ve1?nme11t%a11c}ARcxzeneAAA2% . - Whfin foundzth emthL1s:pertina:ci0L1f: 5 r4eIb1VA€_d fth their*%.infblent%=’i andAu11%ii1~ffi:taB1e..d emanZ"r dc}-= ~ mjaf1d«s~;. %Wherf0'reA" e{df1:"i’fv ' « {aid C.0mmifsiN[onc-:r to prorogatc&t»hé VmgentVuntil1.Ath_e 2. of June next: enfi1ing;and** (_,fincc:*t;he§i v)"”by*AuVr%*9;u:' — charity only‘: 5; %hQ1di;1§”%g‘iMt rf0WW9;y"' ting, that any affent oftheirs But»-~%oB'c:(;I'ii€ficé~ ha.d_.t Ehat F0 propcrlyfb theyfl1ou1d4pre1umc to prc>t“ef??:,$~~¥firi‘~f’ciI:l5; diibh gay. thiS:- our :Roya11.w cotfimfarfd Oiif A {Luther vvilland p1éafi1re4V4Was; xiii 7ijr"f%.id . A Commifsioner fhould A diI7c:h'a;1‘§é4‘ 13 'A doingunder Paine ofTreafon;¢Butiinéaf€ of their%Ob»¢d.ic11c‘e an4d dii {Towing Cd AOL1rAcomm~a1fc1», thci1tWe ‘did >‘1*Equi*r¢’.Ofi'r. - A {aid | COIIi1I1i{§iOn61‘7. to d4éc1are~u;:;.to'%thém“,;4 that We; would not5*¢on1yadmit% to our pr7e_.=e —~ fencef {fi1C11_fi as _;they PM could‘ fend L1nt!()41”*U's'r to 1*epreiEn.t Rzheir ~&efi:*a:=::;5 and" the reatbns of %;1V1em,but W0uidN1ikew*ii'é,%%L as ‘We were al: ,§7s72;yfi1:ae;};)airesl71»1»*the1f , and ' , aV11;;t;h}at had.¢.pa~fl?:d,or.A had bAee_1:;.%d;c;nV nvefiitht «dad i«nAffc1n.b;ljyan"dAPar1ia;‘ ~ einélz, < :‘1fi7'«C.a§fI1i;g'1‘lt' o1*1lyA%¢.~bc more perrfeétl 05 alildpfoccedings , ’ %butTA i*i%k-cvvi5IV3é :.%1;io1W1 of 401.11‘: honour, Sevith him and t?hoiE.0;€0u1”‘=*C0unc§lJ ysz1;a}t!§(>urf 6 xV0u1d’Bé Vbefl:forthep%re1E-rva%- '%andt11c 'hap‘f>yA ac¢o~m- bufimcs. V4 _ A V . i=;Qur afiomm and ‘V lbefing A figni-fi4c%dV to V the Par1ia.menf"by Our %Commii§ionc i‘, was non; ;aA{I 'en7t:ed unto; Without a wI’4110te‘fiati on, '» a. Declaration of th¢Par1ia- . ;rnc;;1t%}:o~ thi$: purfe. A ?2}erea5 John V.-"Earle 9/ Tgaquair — Hi»: Mzjeflies vfammzflioner, 5:>"x1‘/Oi‘??? A I?’ A 4 mflfl A ample Corrjmi/'3?iaan,1'c§c£a&roli72ég ayzzil word lm;72:ingcl(fi‘d ti9}e.A/« fem_i?b£,4ndfitti2gg%ifi ‘?arl“i-anz.e2zTt witbtlzem :2 var. 4 fang tinze for debating med preparing furl: Qdrticle: were to be reprefented in fizce of ‘ParZiament.A,¢ .;lid2m*m take upon: /iim , cmd tI>.atwitf2out%t7ae con; V e21t trf tlm Eflatesf and witlmt any a ?em.‘e on their gzartghlaalaa ve endeavour£d* inaif ti9e}'r proteedings A ta 13?1’$Jg1r€S A~tl2eir lagzaltgy ta the duty to -‘ma ‘ {Gmce,a.s reprefmting H is Majef; §e3f1rrt}li pevzjféizéz I0 to prarogate the @arliamer2t‘ upon a private 1):-arraat _T(33") f7}:0CtWd hy Va fimfle_r irzfomzatiozz aégalz/yl His jg... zes Vpahlwlie Talent mzaler the Great Seale, rape, A ‘212here'hy heeheavily 0/gjfezzels all .2\/_lajg/lies 30055 i Sal}/‘eff: , he and emlan(ger_*5 the peace of the )2;/polg hliizzcgdazaepfor ‘wf2icl2%hl;elaza§l he b’é1bl€»*t0Hh5 Mz;he~ flies aaiinezdireifioiz) and to the ceyfllre the CPa;~ A clam exp2'e[.§£o22s in the flrticlescftiseelafe ?ac{fiea§»- tzea, V (34-) £1“ z?z'on,@*~c.%% % AA And We doe _furtker:zieclare, dict: any V ”‘?rorqga~tion made byt/2e Cammflioners Grace alone, without cozfijzzt oftbe ’ParZicmze'22t, 15} /Jim/elfie or any Comn2%’z'o,=za.=r in /212: rzcmze, wzder the Ouarter Seals’, er by #22 Lamb’ of the Cazmcell, 132120 iaczve no pawer A at aft’ in m;zt%tear'5 of the Qzrliarizerzt durizzg the fit-V ti2zgtl2ereofi.j}2alH9e inefléfizeall and of no fEu*ceLat A % all to A/ainrier’ the Zczwfida’ p2~oceedirggs qftbe Suiajeéfs, and the «fears. t/aereofto be cm;/uralvle 2'22 flzrliament. ._/Ind fitrtiyer We declare; rim: H36 Corizmé/?io22er%*/253 azonzimztiorz of the Articley éy /;»i2?y@{fE*, biz} ‘calling tgget?2e;' tiyg/E’ xfrticles, am’ C0??Z?7Zd?2dii;g tlamz to fit cozztizzually and procéed, ;zotzm'tI2flz:z2zdi7zg “ tlveir daily ‘Pratefiations to the. coz2tm;g15 his keeping fiéequeizt jg/?iom of Cozmcelg am’ Jeter*r22ini;gg caufis in C omzw cell dm+iz2_g; 2?/2e time of flflz”o;z £22 ?3;z;:Iicznze7zt in’: calling dowrze atzzd callizgg up of 2420226} dm*i2g_;g_ the A flflzorz of?arlia-ment, ‘Ms:/pouét co}:/{mt (ftive Eflzztés 4 j% ojf‘?zzr5.«.zz22c22t, zzotzvitbfi‘.222dir2g fix: C’?-z‘;~lio2nzerzt /Mi’ £42/{€22 £122 m*o2Z~€y t0Vt:7:€J'%” C022}/iafc;'atia22j and bad fur?- l::o;€wf to /mvecgivevz flyeir advice fér cl deterzni:2m‘ia;*z Mtz7J‘€?‘r‘:'2*2?Z€?2i‘ ;% bis flequent prar:%gatz'ng4r>ft72e ficlirzg A Lcftke ::«'rZ£.:zz22é?;zz‘, Qzwitlwozat Cmgfivzt oftbe Efiatesjor Arizerztioezixgg £22 £326‘ ASL? of 9’? r01*q_gz;tia22, the co22fi’7zt {zf t/22. Articles 9, altlaozgk it were 53022212} £4/'2eir ad: *53+’?3:*“€ C‘€~*.*1*i‘??m3_! to%.t{.’i:.ve liI2bztties.c2f tlaé‘ Kirggdonzg, % fieedomg » (350 fieedome and cuflome cg’ Rzrliament 5 and tbet tbey A be no preparetiyee,prafiiquesgzor prejudices in time commmg egairy? mgr ow? /?4cc.rflbr:.. @ut beam}? we know tbete tbe eye: of tbe world are upon me, time Declarations bare been made and pubbf/bed egezayt M, €95. tbete our eproceediegs nzezy be mzzde odious ‘tefizcb M know 220: tbe My bow tbefe c0n2memde— ments are procured fiom fit’: Afiaflzjflie , V zzor bew tbey are made knozmze nor intimate to #6‘) amddee as little confider tbat wee are not private Subjeélr, but afitting @arlz'ament;or’z)2bat natione[lp;'ejzecz’ices we Imvefttfldined r be time pefl emif~i}zfi2*m4ti07z, and A eebat is tbe prfint cafeqftbe F.:i2z¢gdome5 We tberea fbreedeclezre, tbczt ‘wlnartfoever by the example of our P7”_€d€Cefl‘0%}’S in like caflav zf necejfity, by Hie ..Mezje.. flies Irzdifbiorp, and by tbe xfrticles of r1’3ac£ficatiee2 wee mggbt doe lawficll rirz fittefigflifi, and which in V-tbis extreme necefiity ‘Deere juflzfiable not onely be- firefi 4 Kgncg, but te tbefizces of ear ./fdifieif/bl: « wee gyet. met cfzmr may} : revere}2dere:gard,’a7ul /awfe--be ble de/ire, to render not onelj all real! a’eman§i‘r.eti«— bans civil! obedience, Vb2etb't0e put fizgwe fi~‘-em me all flneze or” eppeamrzce ofllvbat may ghze E-;7ie Afejeflie "etbeleafldgféozztent , 122eeIm12erefl)lveelf5rtbe pre- ozzelye remake remonflmnee V. to MCzjefl'z'e ‘qf tbe r‘eefon,_A()f0z;eF. propofitienemzd proeeedzeggs in I tlrie’ ~ ‘‘ A A V A F 2 ‘?erlieza M (‘$6.’) L @a2’Zim?1€7it, mic. am! in exyefiatiam of Hi: figggfi e r'et~m*2ze,ofHis hfajefléés cg2uigia%zw Vargfver to it/neir. Imnzbie .R:marzjlra72ce5. V A In this Proteflaation orDec1aratin;:hough «there be a fpgciousw fl‘1€VV5 and Tundry pxfofelé fioqs of obediefice; tto % 11% 9% it is eviidcnt t‘hé.yA&4 ’h3;Ve”.~“-VV1Ound€”éOUt %AuVthority' in the perfon 09 the Earleof Traquait Om: Com»- V%%mii~'siotier5&Wl1o%did nQthing.in that Prom» gationutbyur {'p.~*::cia11 commzmdcment 5 A F3 %an&,% flmt oftbe ‘?arlia2nrnt,fl2aIl be inefleflaall, and _r (384 and thereforei for that they cannot cenfizrei Him,awithout refleéfcion upon Us; And be» fides, it is pofitively aflirmed, that an} flora:-. gariozgz made by the Commyfioner alone, ‘without com- noforce, which neceflarily imglies, that ‘Weei have no power to prorogue, Whereas the contrary is moi’: manifefl: truth.’ And though ' upon Our command there awas afllewt of Prorogation, yet: they continued parcof their Body at Edinburgh, upon pretence of recei- ving Our anfwer to their Remonfirance; Which, if it {hall not be to their liking; they concludewith amcnacingh Proceiiation, that . Itjball be no imputation to them they be com flrained to take fire}: eoafle 4/5 may be/i jécuzfg the glflirke and Iflingdome from the extremitgr acf’wnfi¢~ a7zdmijér3I,r ;h3Viflg firfl: taken God and. Men to witnefle, rim: they will éefiee ofall oat» L rage: and £29/olencier t/mt znayi [wee committed in the A A meanetime, then which nothing can b6 more boldiyandiinibiently fi)ékCfl-3.: Afcerthigthefediiridedimembrirsbf that diPcra 4A‘:.V:a}i%_A¢%f'ati{Z~ faéfory : Which could not be ‘othcrwifen fie. ingtbo_iE Adcmands were for ghedmaflj part fo ccntrjary ’AtoLaw an cl MnW2.r¢hica114 vernmeng thatthey didanfwer »themf;ishre$, asidOur aiafvvcrs to thCm,former1y léfet downs; mor¢p;arti1cu1a:g1ymajmgpea # Concerning 1:11‘ A W¢e3zer_ intended; be.A:.f9 fiec;asTnot bciie :1imir¢dM 4;: A '~;_11b%i‘crLibec1 : bTy:j.\ phe vvhi V.‘ t “ 9 H . fl€€O1:!difi:@1.TS§, . accogdxngfg? F e(4j8;)e“ ‘* according: the Ecclefiafiicall .and Civgli o£exhaeeOur Kin%gdome~; and if they e ..aI:i1ige;he*idio{I: ce paffe‘ ehefe bounds” as it is evident eheyeehave done” W e remaine diflobliged ,e uniefle A they W. “I113 baveeeus onelyobligedi ‘and themfelves left: at all Iibettye tofly at Our Monarchicafl government, Without control] , to wrefl the Scepter out ofOue hand,to rob _ur_Crown of the filiftfi flowers belonging to it, anéi to deflroy ®«ureRega1lpwoWer and authority, as . A manifefily they havee endevoured to {ice their infuflerable intended A6153 and De--: x1i2.£1ds,contr2.tyeto all law‘ and reafbn- A I it befi1rI:"h er objeéted , that they ume this libertyby Aux: M ailovving of the Cove--« niant , ahd commanding Out A former High e Commiféiener the Lord Marq¥uefl7e ~of Ha; miltguing and ether Our fubjec9cs,te fubfeiibe it; the very tea-fly, V That there is a‘ «great differeneebetween ’ the Cdvenant and eBande".eeie{‘ub{€:ribed A Our Comnzandment; rand their eBand .; for eethat V Covenant aiad efvvasx made ’lateFether Kifig of bIefl’edAniem»<51§y,A ;xf2m‘oi§36; %ai1ed% “ fiveareeco it,_ e that they Ollld cw M f117é2ii1dA mt1tua113?:‘”é'I§i{i-%orie ancthrcr , as % flaould ,1 %a%rany made vvichouixc "m-cfo}J:1£*cn: 3 —'and»~by t Q‘%afsifl:w 0ne éno'th¢1-;4~,;v 1:103 cXC¢ptiIig’théKing,‘W_hi¢h‘is inAde*¢d:i*fn€erc% cu%nn1n%g%combinam1oca [again-if the King. *B:¢:...* fi<”:1‘£:%S‘,%T Whcfi ,at}yf have béene reqfiireci to; {i;1"bé§ fc‘5r%i}be%“t}:§ed%C% 0iVc~;1azit;‘ asithed Marquciléf Hamilccun wag and did , and inchac‘A1enIé‘ uvuich heacqlaxjea%»iga%p;::m ;he;i_Pr:ncipa11 A i%;:~t?fi6§I§h4the;: ]€;b'v5¢i1ant& Were la;l1’ro7n.é wit], 1 was ibrsrely Lf:eE%£u‘fe~;ic% ;:&h:fng {filmsA,,_bu?ti;1¥ifl7\?vad‘§d ’as%m'uichia$4%Aiifi3*Eh¢m all L11: gqd,d «1p,bjc&s‘ from ‘fubalcribingk, "1 theirs; ar7:§d$fo*ackndW1e~*ged%AAby.ihémi%Ivcs*é;% whereby '£t..;“4.d'.l§‘§:h' %eMvid@r;:1y 4a;‘pp:caaf€ 5 chm: Awaas%Vn%V 4”é‘1i*g]i 9:‘: : ai*2:x1e:a%‘:o‘%li’¢cu.ire~¢‘( gs? 1a,¢quze:c¢d;s,n;1thAch§(éWur: c:m11and*s.3Vi gm: ma~erj¢§y7 2:3 Mxizjséir waxeV4Bana;; w k4*fefé2p*cV‘? ~$ubje*é*as«Aa;x4%E%2;:¢ mafia: gs"it}i§yT ag“ai<:%:&%£ us: H 5: % for a.:t9easE7 Rebéllian gfiwhielq tmatfi 1eft4¢k1€3§@NO1lFi«F*g%A.t»i:13et}3€}§ 112.xzcw%b%r?0z1gh;::} cm;«paff: £o~4Eha§ Q!-IJFL 3PPE§2ba£iom; .g.£ :1-,A aid C.QY¢na}3L:§’an€g§ .9-W34.» 01’byz,h£:. fion of ;$Am%% Cammifiinér ,% they cm };,aw_¢ fi%()fn‘fQ1id‘.»f‘:;“O@'t%€fl.z&~a»'£i0n to j'11f%’éfifi§e that A ;;o.wA ” p£o£€.¢§:4k§1gs:;e%fldV if-’ Will haiidly appcaxe; c\m;am.§z Me~:1antwa;s 1nadc,;in, 3.1;; c},,3i,,{;;i%,d mw1:1:d~~(65:é¢pt i;£1;Cafcs~of 4Rebe11;¢m" ajndflé Ir«efi:f@m;A%%a§% this iqs) whcrc tghe Hm: @im,;;orW*V11ad4;% not g. n~€g=_3.tiV€ mice, . :*"el§c5ith££: A the; Earle T13. A gagg kfigh 69 i T? L ? 7~'QQ§r 51$ iP€iOn or a,1¢...: %19_wang§;. 911? Ii; 9:5 th¢ “mt”? “b¢"4*3fii¥ awn?» f0£%A th¢i£"4rcb6l1ié«i1s; % 99335594‘! Efihimathfiy dficlfiffipfihafa azpfiallom-g mg $196 {tbe£}“‘ A @103 are tlaefimq ,_ 15e.e: allowed and zzzarrantedf m:hi*ch%c1mfcIy,.evinccs _., cha;V:wha£' th'¢y* bf-£0f€*;.3-fld? of .1 f%1V€3A,.Wi£hmq Warram 311‘0%bcf70rc the%a1I9 mg share; -5 6 9 5-3:: 5“ .2!‘ n,‘.' b)§;:.nh6.Wf§i;Ea,rIc 01?; 'Eraqg:;é.&r;: ~ 1; is kn o%w1e%ageaT ‘” ""«'~*- ~ t ‘N 1ned, A »-céfnmitted before andin tb-cjAfl'et%nb1, and Parliament ,; _\YZee;; cannot fbw; -obiérve anfl A -Maulgilifhi to the wgrld,thatvtheir*ca.1+fiag§: hath 5ecr1?é.inoV1eH‘c exorbitant fincgz shefi Paf1ié- :Jmcnt,& and fines the commingof: their Pe- r1t1mcrs.§h1cher ithflfl; before : ford.A‘with Qut “ ” V3”37V . 4. 63-) A {any Auth9rity.:9r«Qom111ifsi¢z:frorr:us;;h¢}2 cesin f¢v%era.1l* parts of< that‘: nr“=Kingd%o%riwc, _i13,gIC3.§11UfI:ibéI‘S,7VV}'1iC1TI th¢y haV‘c con‘cifi1j. .a11y ;»e:£%§t¢i%@‘1§nd:.tY3ir}§da a§1jd;h4¥¢;%2IéJign:cd ~thct?nja* R,éMhidéi§rouVs<, 1aI:1fid§a day t6 ”e%..i';1fa . rea}. Th¢&?4%~h3VCm14€?E120?¥ifimn§,9§8££ag%quah~ from forrai1_1c"’pa_ItSj, which Athey,%have_,rcgdy AM .SovenraTig.1§1e.§ in Magazine to make iifebf agai1i;f’Fc%I.1”s?their SI; ‘. ‘.‘ « .- M Th y" have of %themIfiEives§ wIé*i};’1jA%;3;x¢s4aL%Vand flimpofitions 0f;te_n rnakrkés ¢i}emryiBfiiy1£1féd upvxa allaandé .7013‘: w;a%CC9rding W‘ to their fcxzc1fa11A. Revcnewcsws gm, bee: lcxziggd u on their "}EPca.tes%.., “"f%b‘1tV $ a5’E€ud°uns Ferréfim ‘ j %Eng1i£1iea thus’: V1 “ Iaur%M4j+eflieéeing:¢be vféfifge emdjiiazffudijl of gffliéied Wimeswafid «States, ‘We }m1?efam2d it “We. 'V cgjfizggv b ('59.) rbflnzy to ‘V/énd tin; ‘Gentleman ‘1\/f*iCo'1Vi1, to re-A Ab prejent unto TonrMajeflz'e tbecandor and ingenuity, as “well of ournftions and proceedmgs, -as of our in» Jtentionsrflsvbicla we dqire to be engraved written to tbe ‘nabole W0rld"fi7itb a beam of-tbe Snnne, as- ‘walla: to ‘Ybnr .Majg/bie. We tberefare mofl humbly bzféecb Ion (Sir) ‘to give— fizitb and credit to bim,n nnclto ail ‘fbzzt beb~flnz[I fix] on our part, tanclnng us and our ajfZ;rires,bez'2«zCg mqfl a[]Z¢red ~’(Sir) map’;- flam‘e equal! to Your wanted clemencie beretqfi)re,ancl fa often fbewecl to_‘tbz'»s’Z\[,ati_on,17bbicb will notyeeld gtbeiglorie to mzy~otberbb‘ébbn§fi)ea?ér to be ieternnll nn, ‘Sir’, '2'bnr1\(IIaj%ie:2n*ojZb'bnrn”ble,b ’mofl obedient, and mofi af- A 5 fi&~i0natefi*rv~ants, Rothes. Montrofé.. 'I.efly. Mar. ' " ‘Montgomery. “ V A V Loudoun. ‘Forreflcr. A .j__._ - New the.{Eaffioncs"to Our~.Govcrnment, 8:. dangers to Out »State,ni'£vvh.i?¢h-vhavc no rc19.~ men at all toRc1igion‘?& Law,but in the via.» A ‘ I :2. lation M nétfifiititéfiusiitd” J V‘ L ‘\ . at the forces Of this %AOtxr Realmciiin ordcg a1idOurS¢1ie intoacondition tofbc ai:S1e(by to {vindicate A Our 1 gfafcty aafndi ho?- 11oza1‘\againPt all thofi; ti1at.~und¢r Preténct of i Rdigiion a.ndLaW , ihave; a1rcatiy‘ri{‘en 9% «oz: {hall i1:if'_ejt afigainfl Us, andi to ipreferve ané keep in iéfetyour good andiloyali1iSt1bjfe:6ts, and totake ca.;1‘C.,thatithcigangrenc bee cut 0%" before iiciifpreadt i.fa;rr;c,i to the cndaiigfiring Of. this Our Kjngdgemei of England. 4 N¢Ve1‘.« theleflé Wee profeifié before God and all the World , that We never did, nor ever will him; M der them from the enjoying ef theirReh'gion and Liberties, according‘ to the Eccléfiaiiicall atnitdCivil1 Lawcs {of that Our Kingdomg ur; “prom-i.f'é and their dea- w. jfiuii and zehgious Princgzilniaflhtancc vvherey. of; if they will yet acknowledge ;theii: i'o1M*-T i mer crimes 8.: _exorbitanci¢s,iand‘ in an hum» bici~«vanciwfi1bn1iI§iVc. manner, Iiket penitcnt Qelinquentsgicxtave spardtii, for iiwhatis ,p"aPc,t anti<;ycc1d.*oBciiibncc€V for A the time to COi11[C§, ‘ht? ’11a11:fii“54‘d Fhatiiiee bee fenfible fires, i‘ubii&ri;b¢tW t;A*them_ié1ves at the Pacifia cation 5 but that We will governs them as 2; A (61 fenfible of l their C.nverfion , then Wee have been of their Rebellion SI; and that We rather defire their Reformation,then their Deftru. étion. A But if they perfill in it -their Rehelliou"s courfcs, and by that which they call the en; * joyingxof their Religion and Liberties accor...» l dingto the Ecclefiailicall and Civill Lawes A of that Kin-gclome, will undetfiand nothing but the trampling of Our Crown and Royal Authoritie under their feet , and the endea-— tvottring to fubvert all Lawesta.nd Religion, as they have done V hitherto r by their procee- dings in fhe Aflembly and Parliament, then We hold Our Sclfob1iged,in dillzharge of that V ~ duty which We owe toetGod_,&:tthe Govern— ” ii mentwhich he hath entrufled to Us, to have ‘ recourlé: to A Our coercive power, to prevent fa manyitnminent dangers as threaten the are neceleitated to , and {hall not undertalee publieke. This W/e take God to vvitnelle We Without extreme forrow‘ andr reluéizat‘ ion. Nevetthelefle tWetruPt that God , whole Vicegerent We are , and by ‘whom alone Kings reigneybeinglikewile aGocl of truth, and “a levere punilher ofa1Ifa.1fla«ood and im-i M pollute; Will no lo11~getlul‘Fer his glory to be A A- t A I 3 defpilecl: nau--£3 ideliailed and profaned in Our‘ perfon , “by . ; grofl'e;Hy'pocrifie,under?the counterfeit habit of Religion, butwill arile and {carter His and Our enemies. And for this noble Eng; liih Nation , Wholeglory it hath beeneto have been governed many hundreds ofiyeers under a Monarchy , We doubt ‘not but the b will, as it becomes loyall and fiaithfull Sub- « jeéts, continue their ah“e&ion to Us and Mo- narehicall government, and not fnfferthe ma iielves’ to be debauched and betrayed into -and Anatchy,by {uch as envie the happinelle they have fo long enjoyedfiand the marifglorious viéfcories which they s have atchieved, under s "" Kingly governmengbut Following the exarn; P Ple offtue Lords ofuur Councel and of Our Servants, will. cheerefully af'sif’c Us in this Ourjull caufe, wherein Our Honour and Safety, together with theirs _, are Io ‘highly’ concerned. Our fubjeéts in Ireland , by their late De-it elaratin in Parliament, have not only given Us a confiderablelupply toward!Durp1=elent Preparations, to reduce Our dilafieéted ub- jeétsin Scotland to their dueobedience , ibut l have humbly offered Us their Perfons and _ell:ates3 (rig ii A efiates, even to the uttermofi of their rabi- lities for Our future I‘upp1y,ina Pztrliameir- tary waygs Our great 0CCafiOfiS(fl10u1d time i dif’rempercontinue)fha11reqgrire. And this they defire may be recorded as an O1"dir:3:nce of Parliament, ‘ in print for a teftimo-nyto all thew odd, and to fucceedincr acres, of their loyalty and afi’e- DD and that it may be publifhed A étionto Us, as it well; delerves. This is 2. fin: A gular comfort to us in the midft ofthefe dia flraétions, and We have no caui7e to cioubt but OurSubje:£’ts oFEng1and,Who are neerer tor the danger, will fhevv the like tendernefie oFOut and their ovvne honour and i‘2‘?.{"€t)i’, which wilihe no lefle contentment to ‘Lism and make 115,215 a Father of Our people, take 4 the fame care of their prefervation and pro,- . fperity,thfat We {hall of Our own. Anti A i 4 this ‘We afiitre them in the word ofa Prince We {hall At ever doe». FINr&