3*‘ ‘ ¢ %PETIT1 7.. _ W 7"/:1ea_[e*vera:[![:27m¢1t’2ie L A 3 1‘ 1" (31; E - $ BURTONE VM.7)RYNNE., S i 9 And of gm 3NATH,,,VVIc1< INS, Servant to the {aid Ni’ Pa y mas .. V70 the ffcmourable ~h0ufc of A ‘W A PA RI. m. MENT. hereto is add’“e**~ the pcssicions <,’;sfl.,.<.§:‘"*~‘ V ’5t:V&1‘a11‘Friends 0f't1:efaid%"1W I’ :4: Y N ’N‘B*, and the [ “ acknowled gmeut pm {crib dm be madebyi " " CJIw'n Bmezz, ant; that refh in the Cathe- drafl Churchifif Ciazejferg and _Town‘:--- , Hall thereof, For vi{1:tjng1r.hcfa'id‘%- 7 T M:-%.P BL 19 NN Em A _ e*2‘:5*'6\‘§; 3%.; ; A IV . . , , T %1 PI1nt&d.M‘it£12€ ‘mercy I 64 I, f » ‘ A . , "ih r-P-w -ve--n ...-.-u | m-—-—. ....«.... ...._,. V ,‘.' ‘_ fig‘ W‘ in’ "' 5‘ "" “‘§.f3 - /33‘ ..'~ fin I.‘-. ‘i. 1\ «:1. (.—‘'F‘.. / , ‘I-f-I-'___ ,1? '.‘!“I.$~'-‘.‘»':“.'!I' ) $3 A ; 31%? ,3 ’ 3 HO N O % A B L E % heKmghts, Ci%t1zensF, "Wand VBj.urge{Tes , r.:(f".t~Iae Commons ’ A Afzoufé 0f%132uj1iament. 4 7793 /Euméle Te tirion gfVVilIiam i 4Prynne, [mt exile, amiclafe "P-rflianca.“ 1'72 the [la ofjerfey. A ‘“ HE V R ' In all huxxnblcncflé flxcwcch, J ~~ M f ‘ " I W ‘ ‘A "Hat yourPetiti4oner,f:hougIm»» % not confcientious to him-~ Afiélfeof any voluntary or ape- parant offence .againfi:‘ thc ' . *Lawes of the _ReaIme% ( t dm ., V, . wh1'Chheeve19 fiudicdto Con-5» 2&4. -formehim!E1f"e) tlarough the malicious praéizifes and perfecutions of Tome Prelam and uC/4m*ch-m‘€7?, "C efpccially the now Arch-Bifbop of Canterbury, and Peter Haj»/inm Daéfar in Divinity) whofe errors and Itmova-t“i-4 scans, COnt1?a1‘y to the Doétriné and Difcipline A of the Chu1‘ch0f' England, and c‘xtravag3n-- ties,‘ in tI1c11ig11C0mn1iifion , andothc1".”Ec- . 2, % \<.tr1<::a nu ‘ H arr“ -W.’-F‘ Q jg CS2; ‘«.J€»;‘ v..,___,,~ 1'1“ F3 (2) 7E.c§~.7ie'fi’ai2icai'%1* flurts , ymnr PrE§¢itiic3I:1e"er%Afo£:“ ’ his mvne re1ie"fc , vbemg there un;x’ufl:1y ~ {pro fee ssu téd (‘izad to 11AismrcAAa1+:.ep0w~er oippu gned) ‘hathi ‘ witlzixmilglit yceres¢ “l9.F.r. pafc, ’11I1C'1fiI'gDflC txvr0:- heavy Ccnfures in the V,S~tarrc—Chamber= FCOUH. I V; ' A A % V The firfhzpén ari Im‘b1‘Ln.at:ion th€_1‘C~(“Xhi“7 bitcd againPc you-1:Pet£tioner,.g.by M. Non‘, ide- ceafcdg t%he7n‘ Avttoumey‘ %Ge1Te%ré11,‘A F0; A.fome»‘V mifco:n~f£_med A p;2flZ1ges?, :.iI?1Ofl’§27I?1.{.iiK§ ”in%%"?~5tI1en1—- felves, and in your-Petiftionersmiie inrention,.. %_ Being‘ for the 11101’: part the words of other ap-v _provedAAuthors,A Vcompyifled in .a.Book‘€affiie led H£1f%rAi om fl’i;.o;, vv’ritt.en% by the ;p€tM1jtiQ11€r5 2- gainfi figsmmcm *In‘cer1ude 3?‘, anc1d1«icen{cffa'3*l&=l75él-a¢f1e1‘5£.y:3-r ¢:o1’i:éc;ceA111n‘a2‘e5 edegraded'frbfmI hiiis eprofefiibheeofetfieeee Eav:;v;: , eavirhereixaz he ieenever‘ :dfi’en’c_1e§i‘?? thee Pi13.1*c>"ty:‘ ?fi:‘hé: IT3";fl*Iaee#3? 1 ‘at? ‘ fweflfizififlér whezce; llé iio f1::fo~n’eo'f£*hiseA yes after«-orrtheef7I3.iHf)rye e€:Im19z‘e—‘r{‘¢'§Iz=::.e&,1%e hée 101’:‘1::he:eo;r'hef:*eai1%@ ,wL21r1jj%c1 h‘ad* 7 hifi$é=efa’ifd_ Lycen Bookes there pub1;keI;jvil§urnti V’befbre’*hies:~face,T duri.ng:;1iis lifffé. ‘A x A A yrthe"ZP1z;n'§3ir.iz:Br¢¥g:ei‘i1s ’airi11‘”®"R~ ci1iifg1*=aeasfi1.1i1ei«gnan- * net"; T aff»é12*e7It'OA’~re1r:1ainé5'a epri~fo"nei1~fV» T"ha;t af _‘erjtehe:f2id <:?e‘nfure‘t<:4:%de»fam§a.a1id3ih-A jutre your ‘P‘e“ti‘t:ifi)neer’ the”I1ii)fe,il71Te weaé chargcjd7 W rongfutlly :inrheweDeee;ree, easseer;¥fueered:foPver—- jury, (thmlgh not ta3’a‘mMy errourxwd IrI;¢0c’d$i0fiI in R"e[,.geio¢r," iVfwp.4tim up- A % M hi; /!J.{_zjefl2'e.t ePrcrag4ti1rP,;e and .;u5,‘e5%; /iiw-zy , aA5ufl£r,2ndj;eext@rtions,inw tlzefihigh Commiffion, A And atfiere Ecclefiafhcall Courts , efixpprelfingg Preaching ,3 —4M1~painffi4/I .;Mini{’cers xvitlzout 3 AA e‘2u"I7e5 Lyceglfirlg 'P.’0pif{2,~Armizzirm, anciotljzee e Erronew 9,! ftp‘. ,, u----v . trsli Et‘roneocns Bookes Againfl the S-abboth, fettizlg n p Altarsl, Images , Ami Cmcifixer , Ren3o'vin‘>g, and *Rayl'ing in Communion Tahiti , andiBow+ ti-n‘:gido~zv11 to them, A1teri«ngetl2eiBiacke of C otn- mono Prayer, the Bookes for the ‘Gzm;:>on=,¢{er« Tresfon , andllatei Pal’: in fome Material/.p3,fIZ1. l "ges in favour of Poperyand Pap;/}.r; Awhich ‘thing, (tllougll very notorious , Aatidtolit-com» A "plainedagainft by this Honourable houfe, in ‘r former and late Parliament s) were yet reputed ;Sc-andalous. And though neither of the {aid Bookes--was _patticularliy chargedl A o~i1yot1rI3'c':~ fitioner, in the {aid information, nor any wit-— i nefle produced to prove him either Authour 3 ‘or difperfer of any ofthem; yet denying your Petitioner liberty rod-raw up hisownee Anfwer, (though once 2. Bariller at Law) when l as his Afligned Counfell refiufed to doe it 5 by l ii clofe ilmprifoning your Petitioner , and his Servant,‘ by debarring him _., ,.-Pen , Al »I"nke ;, ‘and Paper , whereby to Anfi-ver,sot Inflrufl: his Counlell _, fearching his chamber , and taking axtvaly part of his Anfwer there found, “ denying him Accelle to his Counfell , “and conference . with his Co-defendants , eveniati Counlello, 'ttl‘1“ough joyntly charged with him , Rejeéting ‘theCrolTe Bill exhibited by himfot his do» If . fence; threatnineg Maflcr Holt, one or’ your A Petit‘ioners Alifigned Counliell , fem by the then Lard Kerpe to the Titowexgto dtawupyottr Petitioners Anfirve«r,tand commanding him not to ligne it, after it wasengro1_fZ*d’;~Wl1etettpon _ w ii" 4' he ‘ lg iréfiif°e;<:ito fubfcfibex «'55) i ii, contra}:-‘fy to his ipro-i o fj mafeto your Petitioner , and by refufing. to accept your Petitioners Anfwers to tlieefaiid .In.format,-ion, fignedwi-tlliliis: owne,- and Alafler “ AA Tamlim, the other of his Co»u~n~feII»svh-ancis , ;.»1:houg1:r ggtiéndred by your Petitioner , bothatg A-iithe osotaijiehaimber O-fiicc , and i in the open i Court: at*.tEiE healing therfiiid I-nformraxion,’ for A o...defa,u1t 1 of Anfvver ,AA (though mo Anfwers were tzhczreto» tend~red"by- y-uirPetitioner ) was itakeiigiiflré aonfirffo :::2§..1 infi your 13%-‘:titi0!:1ier,i; and he Fheréupon F.Jm”d‘ are fzhaufizmi pourmx;t~t0.I9iJ Maia _y#, Ei!/éagqdj 5;~;;g(mw:z;zed on be 2:}: d7eeée.r,; Mu: illzm it,g¢£a‘hd?difa::.¢m;bred, in~a;mofl Bsarénraux manner >dI1A6_£»th8'ffl1£ZW:2§€;7?i4£?W§€}"0j:hiI» Bdrm , . left afager bi: Zfiéfifcitaifiiomg ,6;1,J:‘Ih",0fi3, Ia; z;1a.e'iz.~.mmLa,€‘ his‘; Ijimring; "9 ll @v‘.‘3§?1ilifa45, _A_d;',udg£'d A : mi péhpetwaflralafiz jmprifimmentz . in £he5C?mZ£:’qf‘C21~ri1a~rvani.~c:2fl:Ie irzw North-wa1e’s,;' _;A.Z\72z_/iy.Dog_»l7aAl.'eii,”. .zzrr.e.rempte from joiir §Pm’tio.. ways: o.1=frier2ld:,.:o .hi,<:?[1i fieritence was undu Iy . ;dKaWn~.iup:is;11dexfifcuutedimion youéri P€t1‘f101‘}flr_, A ,e as -A his ffittomrfieyis iC1»thcof21me_,as he ha.i;ju=1%caufe. That: ;i:mmediate1y aftc%~r it_11eExec1ztion&of the ofiune: fE:ntence,iyouir Petitioner Rent to the-A:ACaid Airch-“biflm+toA‘ defire~ him to relegsfe, or Baile "his; fervant ( whA0wa=si dgctained iclofe; A pxriiibner for=teri:v\r;ccIces*fpzaceiin riiie meffisnge-rs hzmds 3 andtioftz examined and .fol1c1ted« by fairs premie- .iAand .it1‘i£:eatx1ii1Vgs A gauflcffely to:Wacc‘uAfe ”yOu1‘~‘ P..€f.itif (7) Petitiohergagainfi whom they ‘Wanted evidence) that {o he might attend 11im during his fO3_IE3"3 which the {aid J!rchBifbop ‘out of his {Grace and Charitfiutterl refufed: {aying that hee. inc? tended to proceedhgainit his iaid fervant in the High Commixjian, where he hath ever fince vexed, trenfured, and handed him from. Prifon to Pri«. {on , onely for refuting to accufe and ‘betray your Petitioner. A ~ A " That after the {aid heavy {entence , your Pew‘ titioner by anorder in the {aid Court , (byway of addition to the {aid Cen{ure,)was inhibited the ufe of ‘Pen, inke and Paper, and all BOOICIES5 except the Bible, and the Booke of Cotntnon~— V Prayer, andfome few Bookes {or private Dea V Votion, and-before his wounds were perfeétly cured, he wasby ‘order removed from the Tom» b er to Carnarvarz; and {ome ofhis friends in ?C*‘77c_l7er,m?ho vifitedhxm there in his paflage,in the ‘preiénteof his Conduétors, W110 had no Ore tier to-reitraine any perfon from reforting to} him, were for this ver cau{e {ent {or b a Mei: ' finger, to appeare be ore the Lords o the P.ri- vy Coun{ell, and likewiie cited into the High Commiflion at Tar£*e,wher.e they were irnprifo- V ned, and fined, to the mine oftheir eflzates, en» joyned to make a publike .ReMntatiax inrhc " V M Cathedrall Church, and in the Towne~Hal1o{ C/vcfler." The fi1id~Cornmiffioners further dc» Creeing that three piéftures of your petitioners You-nd in Cfiefltfr, rfhould bee publikely "burnt at th€°hig}h Crofié there, which was done aceorf dmgI;r..% i r r to _That e'r1re: yourveticionerifincehiéem Fentehcege» , hath bin. eepublikely r€ViIion they 11*ad“t‘oe y~0urvPet‘-itiorierh; ~ “ Thai: fafter yéuf Petitiroener-A had1contifiu—e¢E*”«e fame ten Weekeéfpaece clofe prii/'Oefl€1"I.n ‘Car.=.éar._ W22, heegwas ahb0ut.et*11-reeeyearese fi1:;ce,by a waif“ tazietfrom the L'OrC1§e”O§'the commie;-11 r1ié;de..it1 the ‘fummef evzicatibn (tA0WI°1~i<:I1’ thee {aid :A'rc:i%I"1"-A-A 4BiefhDp%s handwas‘ fieeffl: fi1b‘f3:fi1b“d) tordered By F way of eE“xei1é_,“%eto ebeeimbi1‘rquecie‘ai1d rranfported with all privacy‘ amoireeoine o:fthe Caflcles “ in"_flj‘e IJeM0fI2rfi:~y,2nd_ His condufiors ethembye¢1m-ge¢g.. : not to admit any per{0n~wel1atf0eve;~, but -i”:h’e:n...e; fi;7eIv.e,s onely, to {peak€‘vVV1t11yOfl*r Pet’itionee1~ in h:isf’p~ “I‘fgee‘e: "\7"é?}rereu_p0e:1 ’aef%e.7t-4 fame ‘injuries 1 % , "1 ‘e1ie’rereceived Me;“G¢rifiir6,t411e Kings. Arm rney. A inthofe parts (who endeavoured erz‘:o‘“ fieze upon V A the furniture of h1'secharnb"'e17 fo*1'11i‘soWne life} V. y—31:>ur Petitio-ner waS’ei‘mbarq%ued_ A» amo11g.4Papifis3 a"'b‘-mifed be fliieeprwraékt ve fl‘eH§ ,full90f % Ieak'Tes§ _ ,. and after fourteeneweekes voy2ge- in tI*1eVVin..f eer efeafon, throughedangerouse flormejs and fea 33, fpoy1eéme§%eeo§5!2is fiyxffea aenedbedding ; ‘ “C93 .. A ‘find thfea'tnin9f often fhip«wrrack to ‘veci at the fai to; £:ri,€”1ied.s fox: . xieceffiriesg O]r.eto,[:§ef i‘t:iQ;i__fif§5zi.;i:"e1’ie§fe;gzznd ~ to 'pe;r-mit him Q 9 13113 {axial ithofe aforenazxied vebedkes, ,iW1t110UJt*giV?i9g any -‘Order for‘ hi‘; diet the re,” . 71¢? §V€-‘id in 3"”? of his ciz1Img,’and eiiiéfki‘ 5" e‘3 ,<~. ,- <1, TO THE " HONOLIRABLE F3 6' The Krnlglltsg Citizlens,oartd V Burgeflesi, of the Commons~ hou{'e‘ofParliament. The btzmHe4Petitia71 of Iohn Baliwiclaefi Doétor in Phyficke,.1atelyretained clofe re Prifonerand cxile,in the Iland. p l of“-3 ’ eléiofi l1umbIy;1hcwcrH, . i ' % l A 4 Hat your Petitioner Having about 3.’ , r 1 lg,’ fixifireares fince let out 2 Booke " ,,’,,.. in latine‘ CaIledE.lend7u:,Re1ii—- '/-‘'f I -'.’r"l a . . an,’ o In cg 0m:iP4pz_/hm, with anAdd1t1on ,;"f" 4 / _ »/ ,._ M .1‘;/'4/,l/-"H 1 l thereu-nto called Flagellum Farm’-: Efifraporurzz L-aitialium , being xhereunto provoked by ‘one Ricbaird .S'hart,_a Papiit that maintained the Popes fupremacy , th‘e..M:1flE'* 9 Haifld Papall Religion 5 In which Booke your ‘;Petitiowner,r(for preventing all misir1terpretati~ ons,~ofh'isp1ous, and good mtentions therein) in his Epiitle to the Reader gifully declared - himfelfe, that your Petitioner -mentor nothing :1» gainfl: fueh Bifhops , as‘ acknowledged their e Authority 'from”Kingsiand Etnperours, yet be» V caufe your Petitionerr ( the better ever to {how the'Papa11ufurpatio1:1 of other Princes) tl1ere«~ ion; onely maintained by way of Argument (as 1 other Orthodox Writers oftlhati Sub jeét ufually ggve done) a parity of the {aid Bifhop of Rome, do B5 o«;m»Aa1‘1 othei‘ Bifhops or P1*esb£t‘E'er§; '”by“fhé word of God , denyzzzg hiseancfi their {,1 premaw ..cy over other Mxniftetse to be by the Divine inftitutxon. ' A “ Thereupona Purfeva.nt‘by Autlwrity from A -the high Commiflion ,C0u1't:., came into your “Petitioners houfe, at Cola/aefm’ in .E[]22x., in his eabfence 5 And the {laid Pulfevant affif’ced_witI'1 the then BayIif‘r"es and Confta‘bleeAoefCo!cim‘.?er aforefaid , Ranfaked his vfizid houfe, together with his Chefizs and Truncks;, and wjfh gieat violence broke ‘open you; Petitioners Study ., wfrich was in his Apo$heCan'eeso Iioufeyand took and ecarreiedjawzgyv divers -«of ycmr oPetitionerrs ?’-Bookes, ‘;/Vfitings‘, ‘Letters; WI1atAe1IE:the Purfevant p1eafed,vvitI1out makfing Offeflitefltif‘ »5on ofthern toyour 1?eti.tiones.r. A A And ‘I133 ,Y~‘i11f¥‘35:i1%ie@¥1§¢omI11t3nia caited; Vdébaiekedto pré&.?h¢» ~tI1¢oxé:i11<3* fefl: meanés ofhis lively éhoodgj ~h~.ié?f17i& Bojoke ordered to be bum: 5 That: h_e;fi;“o111d”"p;.1y ~?vi~ndicating F your Petir.ioners 1’nn0- ~ £cncy'in*th<: matteré for which he vvas mofl: 1111-,» ~ 4V}U«M;Y3: %Ce:.=1fuLredr,. agazforefaid, your Petiti0ner,.,. publifhed in . Pgritntv another ~Bi0o¢ke in ' Latina * %1ntit11led ., Ape/oge$iAaux adwPrefi;le:«~Aé¢g1ic;2}io:' . ,€Xp1‘efling the truth of his p*r0ceedims %and :fpeeces0%%f“I1iVs ‘fagigd cenfuvre. F01’ which 1-ail men- — tiiomtd B-0 okka, and his; ‘B eokeJca;1V1ed the Lem:-3 ' my (notthcn inPrim: ) a11AV'"in‘fdrination was ex»- ’ hibited againfl: % him anti others‘ V it-1"~the Starre; Achambttxf, to ‘which y0uriPetitioners anfiver be.» » ins; d1japvn%'§€“.eng:0[fed,Was onelyv fub fcrwxbed by Tiimfelfe , ‘ becaufe he Acould get no c0unf€2I1*to 4 fét their hands to it 5 your Pet,iti_oner tendred 2 zthe faid anfwcr **fir.£’c at the .5-ta:-c11a%mber Ofl3ce.,x .. 4 A A A A - a-no}; end after in ‘open {Court at the Stareehamher .Ba13 but it wouldnot be accepted, for? Wantof eounflellorsllancls to it, contrary to former Breiidents. Butt the Court of Star-chamber tool“? the {aid information P_ra wrzfqflo , and at cenfured Tamwetitianer 5ooo:‘.’i.fi?!:=eto the King, and to 5: def: pm‘ to fldnd in the Filler , -and M in lavfe hath hi: dearer , fgner in Lancafler-cafiletew:moo« O 0' r». on him with great extremity ,, to the perrll of his life. After all which extremity, your Petitiv-—~ Oner (bywhat order he knowethit not, it being no part of his cenlizre in Star-chamber) was tranfjoorted from the {aid caftle , To the I/And 9f 31/1}, a place for barren , that it affords not A ord1narylneeefl‘arie‘s , where he hath beene in clole duration for three yeares or more, and not fuffered to have‘any of his friends come at him, his (very Wife being prohibited by the Lordsof the couniels order) under paine of itnprifonment, not to let her foot upon any part of the {aid lland , to enquire of his well- fare. So that y‘ourPetitioner hath beene exiled from his wife and divers {mall children 3. yea rs and more, befides the great Iizraights and mife- rieshthich he ihath fu aimed , during the {aid time. All which is contrary to the law of God and trzin , ‘audit the ‘Liberties of a free Subjeét, and totlieutter undoing of your Petitioner, l he Wifié, and children-‘. M therefore pleafe ‘this i Honou table Afkillbxyfi ’ (rs) '.?Af-Tetrthly 5 to tawke thefe prelfifig' i 7grie§a'hCe§ ll of your Petitioner into your confiderationsa A and to afiorclhim fuch reltefeltherein , as in your grave lWifclolmes {hall feengie C onfoe ‘A nant -to Jtufiice and e .u.ity , and to aflignta him for Counfell, Mafier Atkimf, M2zflerLud-— flare), Maffer Tomfiny , Mafiér Gurdan, ‘and liwafler Rzmdzzll, to aflilt him in this hi‘; tomu plaint , and to order that yofir Petitioner may take out Gmtix, fuch Copies of the’ faidi Cenfures, Warrants and Otderss, and other the proceedings, in the {aid léverall Courts as {hall or may any way concerne this his fad, yet: mofl: +jult*4comp1aint , with warrant from this Honourable houfe, to hgjng in his gwitncifc. A ‘ A #yé7il1"'* "?:titi??722er~"Zts in duty ltotfizfi, flgalgmq prayfbr W prqfiaititéit Io HN A. srwztclxel-'3 @@@@%%%%%@%%@@%%i (my. 3&9»; 4 TO, LTHTE? ¢ % 0 NO. »V.R A %AB% :TheKnigbt5. Citizens. k Burgeffes , %of;cfie% Commam». V houfc; of Par-li.amentT~. , 77591 i.eW1eq>et;:;on%Ag,r Henry: F E . Bimzon,‘ /we‘ ‘exife, and dtfg ’}’r,f[02%zgr : V‘ ”i§;C.;sflIeCar)2et5£22theI{e of G_.arnfe_yV. A 1'“ IE1 ‘a{1'hurn51cg:cn::‘rhcwe;:1'3;_. “ & T Hat whereas your Pctitionewr, on’ tiie 5" of No-vemb. I 6 3 6, did%preaci'1 two Sermom in his Owne Parifh C'hurch,%vin 3- Mathew Fricwyg fire;-t, LAam_’a22, for tI1ewl1ic11Lhc<3 waswira H .Decem.5e4r "thenfiext foilowxxig,’ fi1‘m1nonec'i“t<3 4 appears before D. Ducks, one ofthe Commiffig 0n§‘»rS;rfQr“’i:auf¢3.gar, Cbrfigaicbe, 1’ m the: Gaunt? of Middlefex: n?i=*l1e1°e (svitlitlxe Ree» gificr of theVHighCon1n1ifliQ114ACoutr) the £11‘ (1 .D.Dz4f£e téndfed [t‘o“thé"A Petitioner , the Oath Ex Ofiwia , to anfiver to -"&‘.*taine Articles there prefented : which Oa__tl1i*;§1;; Betitioner 1'efu{ing3 ?Q_ {aka 3 W aVppcaI.e fit0%mmA,-E§e 1é1d{Court, unto thqKings Majefty‘ : which appéale the {aid D. Du'*:’i’e did admit, and the 5-521dRqegifler by D. Duck: direétion, didthen 3 and ;§;egg:.cz;gcg _§n writing}, V " ' " ’ % I Nogg»: . A ‘Notvtiizitfiahciing which faid épfjeale, é'fpe3 A“ -eialIHigh'C0mmifli0n Court, was fhortly at:-' A re: called at iVLo’ndo'22,’ Aconfiflzing OF4, 0r_ 3 D94 " &ors,where the’ Paid i Cotnmiflioners‘ proeeecietin iilegally, _' td fi1_fpend the Petitioner‘ in his’ A ah fence gbyimeanes whereof, as t9f=t11ethreatnihe§§,t A of the {aid Commiffioners, hevvas enforced to iceepehis hou fe,-untilfi a S€1ijg€I£fit'dFtAfmB.l",'With divers Purfevants, and ‘Other armed Otficm-s,, zfiifted by 25?!/_derri2a7zV.r1l2iel1, then .S11eififi'eF0~fLong- ' don, befet’th_e Petitioners A‘-I-Iouife, at I It ofthe Cloeke at nightih, ‘and 'v%ié31ent1yeibrokei*'Otpe"n his ; doeres, with Irion Cjrowes, eanctthe’ 1ike,7and.t{ut—-I prifed him in his" houf'e,he making no refifiance at all: where having firft fearcheci his Rudy, and taking away fuch ho-okes as they pleafed , they Carried yourilikrtitioner to prifon, whence, the next dtayheing‘ the ‘fecondwof A1-‘elrr. by a preten- 'ded‘Order from the Lords of the Coun{.?:l1—, hee was conveyed to the F1eet,_ and tI1ete kept airlofe prifoner. A ~ A i A A i A A ' ” A i During which imprifbnment, " an informatiw on was exhibited againii the petitioner, and "0- thers, in his Majeities Court of Star-— Chamber” wherebyhe was charged (liner alias) with tI1e"p1§1h«~ lifhing of acertaine Bookmcontaining; am polag is for an Appeale, with his fetid two’ Serni0’ri~s,' intituled ,‘For God and the Kizggwherein ‘hee tailght Siihjeifits to yeeld all manrier‘0fdue'0he-- thence to their Iawfull King, and‘ 'fepr0ved' all Iawlefe In nbfiétions‘ in Religion. 36¢; Which InfnrIriation;;"the petitionertipon his Oath‘ttn— . « e T 2 ‘C163.’ (*8: fieieeithe Iaandeiof ‘flailsfizaeiiing than efllis _co1m- féfl, agfligned by fpecia 11 Order from ‘thefaid N Ctmrt, —did'pu~t in his anfiver, wherein %I1ee%a.1§. Iedged fiirch thingsoneiy a;s,111s {kid O,111,1f2iI¢ icqnceived to be fmateriall, and pertinent for his: A ’ jnftdefence in publxfhing the {aid booke , but ' idenyed all other matters ingthe £aid,I11forinati~ wen» C011t€.ifl€d5,.WhiCh fiaid Anfwfer, beixngjadzniri, Wad andiirechéiveczli1:i~Cio-urtg1713b }i3€fiti0f1€1i‘ (be-U ing then ' a iclofe prifqnerj not -O3.T%1€1y.2LtfCI1d€d‘ the exhibiting ofglnterxogatories, according to the cufiome of ‘ithat iC,ourt, but withall 5 after fO[ne.u31'1iV.€I'f$1‘1d€13.y9._d.id write unto the Kings A AttOi;1rney~ to; haf£enthemV : but before the ex--A». ami11er%_caVmc3~ th_efpe;fititi_oner Ilcard that his faici“ Anfvver Wasi ifeferred to S. 165% B Tim,/3 072;.Kn1gh13 « L£;2rd_ Chiefe juitiice of rltee iliixjgs Bench :;: w~‘.~iz7r4 Ialirz 1=i:zch,1:i1en e11i<:fe«]u£7eice of, the C0mrI“1Qn..._ pkias, andiwas by them wholy expunged as im- rpertinent and Scandalous‘ (five onely the um: i gui ity) And the Petitioner zznderfiandiggitlge gm,-aw, fvver he waste tmke theJ.iiterrcigatoiriesi was A ‘ f~0i_be1‘e.ckfled as 21 part of laisiianifweriacimitited in, muiertgbut afterwards expunged 28. impertincm; Séjfqandaious (as aforeféid) : {Q as if he flfould then have ‘anfizvered the I:11§erf'O£_>.;ato1fies,I1e{hold Ihérebyfiave affenteditoktiuefaid 26% of the {aide Iudgesgnd [0 to the €O_1'1_dCl'I3I12fi'O3?1 of his can {e i‘ before hearing, Vvherbyi 116 fhouid Iuave céne .tra&6t;e,dihis former (_)a,_‘t~h ,§that his“ {aid An {war was 3 tru<;% Anfwer, and f0 ibould jufilyhave i}:3;l'§>t1,ght.,i1iII}{{i‘;.i‘f€13.I1Ci.€Y the, guiltiof wilfullpere . - Vjuryb (19%) A jury ,,%:m.d 1,1is%ca11f:undcr jL1.flJCC11fi'Iefi€£ 1511351! V very re:.2fOn1:e hefllfimfélfc 11b;%tVbOu’114c8§(Mas1164:: % conceived‘) to anfiv e1: the ImnterrogatO1~ics3A for th;z:¢ 12AiéfaidA mfivcrwvas ro expu%;a%gea,% and the (Na 1:, Gm t't,192ASth<5= fdbii f0 to}4VtIi¢ heéid With?‘ ‘ ‘out tl3eAmai121Q body A (a13d»4that infhci fixdgcs ” mine WO1TdS) aS the MPctfiiti;on ¢r“% "nor in any fort ‘ take oi‘ ackn%ow1edgc% it‘: A ibrjégtlifr i , then the judgés A mlvné ’a”nfwfer ,vas¢ may Mappcarei vup0nRecbrd in the farm: Courts, Nevevrthfiléffea,’ the Court takiilg the fame in-:4 ‘formation PM Wfi'I]0a%. }a’I3d4r¢fufir1gVtO%admif =1, copy o{%:h4e Péti‘tionérs awn true arifirvei-,”Aas% alfo afhisréafons of not anfwering the Interrogato-A ties , both wh,iC11;at his. Cenfurehe tendjred to the CouVrt,defi:ring%rh¢ymight bc%then%andth€re p}1bIikc;:Iy_ %4r€:.éid the 7145 of Tune,‘ ‘l“3.f Cairfali Kegir, , proceeded to Qexlfure, whereby "our’Petitioner was; (Zen furcd $12 4 PM 9f 5 coo. i. tolaiaf Majefij, Ta 5.: deprived of Ecplefiaflicall Mfitnqfice _., ,_dIcgra— d‘cdfromThi: ~Mimfl?eri4lffmz£?izm¢afl6l‘dqgreair 522 Me A Vniverjity, was! ordered to be fi:t;on the Pit’/’mr_y,wi9ere batlvhis‘ care: were to fie cm: of, canfirzed to p:rpe%tual! a -clafé imprifimment in .Lan‘caf’cer Gafile, dehzrred the ’ dccefle of lmwz'fe*o1r any other 3:: 2,0 cama him, but om!/y" M5 ‘_‘Keeper “d:2a“ t?ié““u]kV“¢“oj'%‘yp?’xn€, i224l’e% 3 4nd.’ paper. - WA11*‘which ( except the Fine) A wasA‘cxecutec1? accordingly; And after hisclofié imprifonment%. far twcflycsweekes in the com- mon Gaole in thefa;id “Came; “’he was ( by wh.:2t V cxtrajudiciall orderhe knows not) tranfiaorted by gthc coneluét ofone Brian Bgmfogz appointed v. kg,’ (I25 by‘.‘tg}m; Hiqhtshietiffe of Laneiafier , Who 'd0me’.eA~*A A , H , A A A AA — A _ ‘ ay it therefore pleaiej this Honbrablei your 13etit'io'ner very bafely a'nd‘dec:eitfu1ly,i sf in that his etranfportationt) w-hick was in the I \/Vinterfeafon through dangerous tees; to the appaxant hazzard both of his health and life) to he fa-id Caffle of Garnfiey, vvhere hee hath re- ’ rnaineda clofeptifoner a_nd_ exile almoflzthree whole yearesi, his wife utterly prohibited upon paine efimprifonment to .fet her « foot upon any part of the Hand , where {he mightbut en-~ A quire h®W her husband did, contraryito the Lawes Of Gad and the “I~ibcrt1'esJof.]tAhis K1_'Afig-== A Houfe, to take the.Peti‘tioners fad caufe into A A con fidexfation ', and for the betteAr_manifeIta.. A tidnof his grievaticeitiin this ‘caufe A, tofa‘_f4- - figne him for Counfellj Maflert Seirjéarzt At?- 1 fin: , M4fler'T0mliflI , zzizd Mafler Gwdorz a to Aaflifl him inhis caufe , and to command that ' A he may taike out fuch copies A Grati.f()uti,Qf:’ , the faid tfeivierall Courts as doe or mayton..." “ cerne his fE.1idVcau1'e." 4 “Andydurf Petitioner as in duty bound; ‘ A e Ifhall dailypray for your profperities, A .4; if‘ F ,. (XV- " ,‘()V___V_¢»_.‘ ‘. ‘ W *. » %?~>+;‘.c=a.n:r;n ~ » 5&3»! fin I a-‘ a V . - i MIG .cz;{‘m cg? .o:~» 9:» we 9: 7.5.22 blt7?2r5'l6 VPétitio?2. 01;‘ Naibamzal l'£?’z'c£i;i4g5_ H fisfzuzrzt to Prime, zmd lateprifonerim t/as Whitro-Lion. iL1-';SOU:£_'.k~1'W%l1".k@- EWCJFIhL1XI}i)Iyi31&‘§V‘Zth 3-’ _ . _ V . % ; ~ ;‘_i_/1:‘. -Hat more than 3 years anci a half I vain to Mailer William Prime then prifonzr inthe 'I—;"owc:1*-, pennding the lagff Information againfl; his Iaflér ijfxtfic Sisatr-C11arre.bc:1“,,. %vxras.app»re~I1en- d n "(fed in the nTovve1* b ‘ .21 Mcffcnger, by nafiwaiw (‘rant from the Arc/0171: op ofcanteibury and other A Lords; andb-y hirn determincdn clofé prifoner ___E>yt11e fpace oftenne wcckes 3}‘ that none. could fpeake with 11'7irn~»B11t his nMa,j,efl'.ies Att0_u1_'ney ”?General, 8: Ixisnh/Iajeffies thenn Solicitor, who iexamined him three féverallo tim"esV , upon fécrcts of his {aid Ma{’ce1¢s., sto extort fomc .n.122.t‘tc;r of accufation again€cI1i$ faidV.Miafh2r by Duresi. 4 V A A A An That afier tenne weekes end, 4 your Petitioner n was from that Clofe -cufiogly 1:: Warrant from the Coi1nf5.1ThBO3fd dfélivere over into the Hands of John" Ragga .3 « 3. nM<-:ff'enger attendant 1': or_1$the High Commigion Gaurtn, to be by him: ,o fincc, yonrjPetitioner,bei11gfen. W g1§:1iyjc1~ed to the K<:é.per_ ofthe Gate.-;h.ou{e :.Bnx.t we pg) L the fizid Ragga carryed your Petititaner 11ome"ii'@I' his ovme houfe 5 and there detained ‘him tvva dayes and 22 night , til}. fame @f the Hzgh Cammij-'~ fiouarx had figried :9. warrant for your P'etitio~ne1‘sh Commitznemt to the tcamzzer in Waédflreet ,. whetetohe was carryedby the {aid Ragga, farifi ‘ - charged with 26 fhillings as his Fees due to him for the two dayes and nights he kept you: Petitioner without order. That your Petitioner was after 7ca'IIedbe.- forethe High Cammifiiozzers attL4mbetla, and there tendred the oath {Ex afficiv , to wit, "tota1‘ifvver all {uch Articles as fhould he objeéted againfi: him w.1'th0ut ever -being ipermitted, either to * feeoht hheare*t‘?hetn , though hee"d“e1ted&!:-he fiune. And for his ’refufin'g~ the faid Oath ,%“the Court ‘-tdeélared him pro ‘Ci’-azzfeflo, amdby their tutiani- Ah }tr.t1C_>us c'ehnf‘uttre impohfled a Fine of .1000 lib. on ‘him; good round. coftsoffuite“, ext: ammuni- tated and committed him hacke to remaint‘: ».‘S'm9 jézlva &‘ M34 cufiadia ., and ‘not at any tettnes toyvalkefabroad-with his Keeper; untill other order fhouldbeh takentby theCourt.e One of ~'thettf21ic.lArtic1es’,h( to which hee couid given anfiver) running inrthefe Words. ‘hftem, wetoéiefl -to you Nath. VV.iC-kins , that you know or éetlievehrvthat the letter , which yam Mr- t“f‘iEi'i*t0 _t/4e¢Pr1'nt(:r.5 to 68 fit "the fifff jL8tt6’r 11;- art the Boat: , was aweryt wmpleqt fflletter, and fia Artificially cut, at that «to loeke miite the afie- wfl my, it {tamed a compleat and -perfefi C, 652: - u V .. ‘ twig! €23§ ¢'~'3'M€fl707z€fi63€ fife‘: , and it appeared .2 P apex twig e and rim tamed mother may, ma! :—}:ere.appeared mm Jirmie of mm {or Soin.!dz'er:.~ Am! we regzaire yaw to declareéy vertmmfyaur 0:31}; to yoga? befimom- .1edgednd;£i‘el:zg“e ._., wlaoeeor what ‘way meme: 2}} we Pope: /aeaciim zfaefeéd Lemr erfeale 5. ezzahzrhe or what 5} we Army” ofeaézén or Smzlcléerx 22:2’ Iwlm 5}’ me C P» ‘Am! awetiaerbj the C Jim; reset the . Lamb Gmce ofCat1terbury 2 and by the ‘l”~0‘pe.¢‘el7:.=:zd_ that /we Grate’ 222.24‘ meant? mi that by {he wrxay £fmm.a2%¢S azdzsliew was meant, that /a1Js“GMc‘ee rroezxld be the eemz¢fe= of I/VM'.r« Vi}; ‘thif eI(z;;:gdo;b¢ee;aézozzt:e1’€gé[i.; £10.22, orfome at/oer lzkeemeaning Qr dm.ce,) which as hkewife recited in his Cenfmte in like terms 9 T has your Petitioners Father.was eordered; to fatisfie 22 pound .1; {h'111ii1gs4 pence , for Fees due to the Meffenger, who firfc feifed him M6 I118 e«dIchee4‘ da"y,#,for the ‘I owveeks hedeetained 'himC1oefeePr1iforier;. 5When»hies Fateher:had‘n0»€_ thing totdoe withhim‘, he being another manee Servant.e “* e‘ ~e A V That after~yo1:;n7 Petitioner had lyen almofiz twb year&esir1,theeCout1ter5hewas by ‘the. High Comrniffionerse eordered to be femze’ fro ¢%W2:hiaa6~‘ Cafclein the He of Elie there to_remai'nea clofe Prifoner. Butsby aGeneraILWarrant from the Archbiihop andefomeeother Lords he was re» moved to the Gate-houfe ,, and thence aftee .1 u I fhorteabode there, removed to the Whiee Lion in SouthW9.rke., where he lay alnmfe a yeare,,T and r2411 nnd"Was-tfien from thence Forcedioutr By: the difordered Rout that brakeopen‘rhatrPrifon,:e which tumult -being appenferd-,.. "he“Eh€ra.',|""6Ivel\u:nv«.‘ tn rily rrene!:red"‘himfe1fe~ agaeitlreet, and? thetnree by a Warrant frernr theLordChiefe¢ juitice «.Brnmf£o2z he was rtranfmitted E0 Newgatc,Where.e 7 he lay aboverngeweeks,«etndnhadIyen there Item.’ get, hadtnot he rbyhisrCrOuI1fe1l”mm7e;d hi3 Ma. jcffies judges of ‘the: Kings~~tB“ct"1ch for ‘atfiaéefi. carpm robe Bailed , upon .WhiC,h he wasrwith- out any Wtarranrnt remanded;tothe:VVhinte. Lion inftead~vofbeiangBei1ed whereupon-zhe moved the A fecond time for a H226 emf Cnrpm 5% on which * when he was.broughc tn: the nBarre,he could not be Bailed ‘till after 4.Motioné, and 2. Rules made innthe Cjaufe; r = e That your Petitionrerydnriné {did Iinrprié fonments hath had his Chambersn7d1vers times iearchetd , his Trunks arndBox~est-ihrbken open; his licenced Books and ~1eWfuILpatperrs .takeni- awaygand ‘nevnerr yet could ~h'a§v¢ :th;em rfitrurnedg That yourWPetiriener hathrrmadcfeverall humble add1~efl‘cs by petition ‘.«t0“'the VC0u_nfel1 Tab1e,theHighrCom{miHi0n'COut1‘rt,‘and Arc‘h«- Bifhep forfleliefe. in his inlargemcint ,. er fi1;p- A port, Withtmainrenatnce, but conldtnm: obteine rt their Gracious Anfwers, efpecially the rAre~h-A A Bifhop, in regard he had vowed C as his own e: Honfhold Servants reported)‘ that y0urrPetiti- oner fhould never be releafed asrvlongas be A breathed 9. without he would either fnbmir to» con fef'T:: can conFeflE- fuéh things saswfhould be requixjeyd (ii-" M, him, as, what-his Mr.did,'and What he badehim~ to £10650!‘ to takethe Oathfix Ofiivio. % A1 which "Illegal! Imprifofimencs ofpurpofe _ ~mi~nfoice him mtobetray and a,.ccufe his Inno- me Mr. iagainfi the Laws of God, and the Rea1mc,he‘hu»mb1y~{'ubmits°tQ -thc=g~rave Con- fideration of rt-his»V~Hor10urabIe Houfe , A defiring flab R.c%compcn.ce for his {aid falfi: Imprifon-a meats and Injuries as to your wifdomes {hall fecm moflmem Amd 1116 at; indutyljqund J A % V V fl?1a11everpra.y.} am,-. magmas L %WLc§c:m sl.’ 1 TheKnbighcs. C‘itizens;«a*fid Bu"rge£Tesr,‘“0;f the commons A eHou~fe of ‘1%zfliAmenz.. Wye bz¢m}5Ze Petiiéon bof" Peter b.174m"ce,;b? A V of the City of C lmeficrg Stationery . yoeur~.Petitiener ( thought‘ ‘% ; “ every way conformable to the: Fe Q; _La)w swof this.Realm,and Dofirine; . ,» ~andeircip12ne of the Church of 2.». England, and of apeaceea.b1edif- Pomiofln) about 3.:yea»res fines, forevifi'ti.ng‘Mr@ Pwjflrze in his paflége through C/acflertoethe C a«-» file o£€m~;mrwm,by the confem: ofhis Keepers was by the meanesand~dire&"ion of the Bifhop cf Céqfler Areflede by the Servant of ?\ggeze Eiiwmkard Pmsfuivanc fear the High=-Corniflio- ms at Tcmée, to appeare before them upon- Cibefler Chaire Evening 3 who forced him tab enter into Bond, ‘With Surecies to appeare at e;*’1e¢Co11rt at; .Bz'fldo12:-T laorpe on that day,.,Which. he did accordingly : And on the fame day your .i41?eciei0n§rseWifee was Arr.efied,a.nd carryedeout of ~ (27 3 n? his if-Ioufe by night‘, by a» Warrant from {fin faid Commiffioners to appearnai: .Bifl9nop'~T}J0rpn the next day, being 8o.miles from Clxefier, for A which cwo*Arefisihc was informed to pay} fix: ’ pound to Blmclmm’. A A V in 4' H That your Pecitx i was :eni'orced'to.take an Oath to Anfxve-re fun?- dry originals, andthrce papers of Addininnaiii A-miciesgzo his great vexaxion and nxpencne, be» ingkept: at Turk? in the {aid Pmffnivants i1ouf"e,, for -the {pace of eight weeks, _duringin-which. time,hn=Wa”s confirained tofend down feveraii iCommiflio-ns for“ the Exa»minatinni.of' his Wife-:9 ones: upon liisi Appearance! being unable to Travail, and dangemufly ficin, by meanes of the fright: {he took by the Marin- ivants Arrefcing h¢.r_.,and carrying her awayin Jnhne night, YounPetition€rs I=ioufe5Shoppe,,anoi Study being three times fcarched in the means“ timc,by aWarirantfrnomtheLords.And though nqthing fofferifivc; ’Wa‘s1;11‘;ei«in found *, A, or proved againfi him, but only his vifiting~Mr.APr}mze in,» n,i1ispafi'.'ag_e~ through flaeficr, anditihat with tiin leave ofhis Condufiomts 3, Yet your Petitiormr -.- was by the faidCommniii§enLe1‘"s fined»3no.pnund .to'his M«a3ePcy_., Imprifonedin the Purfuivants I-Ioufe, to whom he payedé. 8.-aha. days i be-«V iides hisdiet,un.ui11fu<:hAtime asihe mould enter into Bond, with Sureties,+ to make fuch 2. pub-i iique acknowlccigcmenti0f‘his pretended of-~ fence,in Vifitiflgi-M1‘.Pr_;wne,b0th in the Camthn» idmllg, and Commnni-iail of €I2e_{im as the {aid f.3nxn£-~ €28) ‘€7am'n1iflioners fhould prefcribeg your Petitio;~ wnerbeinig enforced to paydivers greax: and sunwairramzable Fees“, rboch to the Purfuivants‘, RegiPm1=s,Pto€tors, and other:Officers of the -{aid Court, to the value of 30. pound at the leafs; Andichough nothing was proved againft ihisiwiifeg yet may forced him :0 pay cheChar« iges oftihe Command Coiis of Suit forher. i W That: your Peticionerby. reafoin of his faid V great Oppreflions.and.Expen¢es,i and through the per‘fwa”f~i-on of aha {aid Bi‘fh0pO'f Cl.2e;{i..7r,a ad his Chaincellour, was moii againfl: his Judge-e ment: and. Confcience induced to make an gunjufi A.@know1edgcme-ntiin the {aid iCathe-as dralilbeime a great Aifembly, where the ifazid Bifhop being then .prefen.t , and his Ci1apley‘n Mr. 7‘/swam; Cordell preaching a Sermoin for :that purpiofe ,1 wherein he ‘bitterly inveighed againfi Mr. Prymze and his Felloiw-Afufl-'erers9 wcomiparing chasm to (‘om/9,99 Mimi and Aziirwm. Arm ibecaufe your Petitioner changed one wmcd of the Ackn~owIedgem.e;nt, 1"aying£gm- ymrlgr for wickedly, her: was injoy~ned by the Bifliop the fame dayat Eveningktéo make Pg new Acknowiecigement in the {aid Church before miociier Great Aiiamblyg and after that,to iimake~thefirfi: Acknowlecigement in theCom- mom Halli of Cheflezfl, ‘befmrc the Maior «an& Aldermen , and all comers in 5 And-enforced ‘ him to pay4 pound to ;B!a;zc/imrd for A being yrefent to fee his Acknowledgement made. .Afi:¢fr faefie After which your Petitioner was confl:i*ai3-- ened to payego. pound‘Ato the Arch-Biflxop of Caizterbury, and Smgar~1oaves toghis Servant Mr. Hagford, foreCompofiti_on of his {aid E‘ine of go. pound; fo that by reafon of alt thepre -» miffcs ,your Petitioner hath expended-at: leafil thefmnme of 1oo.pouxid, and fuffeteddamaw gas to the“va1ue of 200. pound in ‘hisTradc-anti - Reputation. Mayit pleafe thie Honourable Ho,11f¢,too rake thefe. .youre ;P¢tit1o4ners Gerievancesoa, V toge,t'hc-r with ';he jvuri£Hi&ion%of the féiid? High-Commifliozl Court into your jufi: and‘ I-lonourabie Confidemtionsg and to afford T yourPetiti.onerfi1chw Relief: for his oloffés o and damages , as the }ufiie:e' and Equity of this ~oCaufe {hall require; ‘ ‘ . And youeor Petitioneit {hall eVe1jpray,eorZ9’c.ee Tflmrmnjurcmu TOTHE l'T’hleKI1ligl“S » Citizens» and 7 Bur efles , ofthe Commons A l A Ajhofufe of ..P£Z7’[1"d79¢673!'. ‘ T HE I-IV MB LE PE T ITION” o F PET 1=.-:3. Lem or-1 oftbe City ofCHEs T EAR, «firmrr, and RICHARD Gomokm of l .C1;»1_13s1f§_R.N:af0Icf;1iCl Gentllcman. , o f A T your Petitioners (though ~ pea'ceab1e,, and conformable to = V _ . the Lawesof the R.ealme,' and Do£’crine,and Difcipline,’ by Law jg‘ efiablifhed in ch-e”Church of Eng- 4 l land) were about three yeares fince (with William Trafford Deceafed) Ar-» zrefied by ‘Roger Blzmckbard, chiefe Purfuivsmc ‘ABLE for the High Commilfionat T92”/ée, (for Vifiting A Mfr. Wflziam Pr_;'nne in hisjou my to Carizaroam fzzfile, which they conceived they might: Lavv-- fully doe, being his friends, and there being no order to the contrary) who upon their {aid Arrefc, wake of each of your Petitioners, A pound a, peeee 3 for his fees 3 and feverall Bondg A et at ) "Bonds of your Petitigjners, for the eaeppear'an‘ee~ Y‘ ‘ at the {aid Hi.gh-;Co:_nmiflion at =T~or/ée, withing. fjlmrt tiI11;C.«aft€¢If§« wuhicheheeygdjd a~ccord&ingIy,A[4 -eaI1d‘W61‘6.C0m-mitE€detO the {aid B/mt/mrdx «$12- ;fi0dy5u'nt:il fuch time as they entred ie~toBonds3. ate fiend to the Order Qfthe fame ”Court’:e A no! uponyczur,Pec.itione.rs appea,-rancegiivers Artim ‘ cles were e»xh'1ei.ted.again.fi them, in the {laid Court:-, and the vificing of the {aid Wzzimz VP?)/mze, they confefled, but denyed ail mifcaw ~riages,or mifdem‘eanors,<:harged againfc qhemg and averted that they accompaniedhim * 0116137 in theeprefcnece of his Keepers. And your P€ti§i0f1€1‘S3 and the {aid Deceafed, were to their grea~t<;ha;-rg,¢ for¢edeet0e:=1tetendat~ mréfe. oneofthcm :2;"ab0V.e 3 ‘Month; and the 0there 3 weekes after they had Anfweres re the fameL Articles, before Sentencegamnd at -1a{’c- they were mnfiraénefl P8:Yr,:%1i§e§-Feefilfilmees 0fT1?9Q¢Ys fer lFcees,eaa;Ixd<:of?cseofe$.uit,»;9;1” bc'2rhfefid¢"s eD0s5’c€>f U1¢4tcrjZ7e4a.’ tvheKi.r; gs .AdvQcé1tVe~ afid§th_6fP1‘0~ flcorseagai :14‘: them,greeeceiving gzzeat fummees: of .m9I1e5g 0e_f?§hhe91.ea; irh~;h~¢e?urfuiVanté Fee 2. :;.am.cret;.1x1t¢c1~4; 4e.4h9u¢eefiXtVpoené efisnd e ryouer; jEe;nitio1i¢r;1’W1G ?3~'¢I'gfJ»=~*%f45 fififid 9OC3‘*§f W rheKizlgsewiefitsa=«:;ane"d4e~a7ou?kemherPeti¢i°n&?f 3O@€€’: 3m.;1,;. e qiezfd 3. r ‘«1f5Qh’ aejflfi A‘ any -o.f :hem.=;~ envioynedeeww alseeaee ac-wk iwhicii bffeéfee eh RV ~vo:;l§¢1§m§efl egg ié%.}é~€géfd;t.h§e 1‘ gm W 33 3%3“‘“ ‘e E, ' 1;-heir ‘-71 (é2J p % their 4conf¢isen ces,and the Lawcs ofthis Rea-1’meT» as they beleeve 1; They werefarced vo [flee in-A to%cther~Com1t»r4ies«, ~21-t1d4 ieave their Wivtes,“ai*1d-AV CAh%i2c!ren ,% Trades , and Pfofe£fion4s 3 ‘; And in their abfénce the Purfi1’iv'ants caf%1:~h?c~fai’i:i Con rt came to than Howafes, With W»ar~r?ancs4,%» o%r‘inAtii»4 I1"1ati0*:ns,' Wh‘i“(‘:h they caufed to be pubiifhed in: your Peti’tionLers‘ Parifh Churches in 7:“*Clacjfe)~ a“f'oré‘(~a'4id’, an»=dg with %A‘Ch‘i-1d ,. did {bone Vafter” mil?- carry. ' ‘ 4’ A A‘ A 4~MA'§% And 370u‘=r'P-eti%tio‘ne rs, and %Wz'%lliam ‘AThyj7f‘&ral5,. t3'fifl'g all rrueanés -for their freedome, coujldnocw prevajflFe5 but A»c»fieir fines ‘were? Eftreated , and their *BoIt1ds~‘1'eturn4ed-% *int~0 the Exch forfeited whereupon at 1a‘Pc,hthat~ti‘ *‘e~y néig‘h*t have‘fome~aeceflE, ar1dfavour, 1:o~Aand with the A l‘X*r‘t"h-’B’ifhop of [‘:z¢ztm*19za2;y%,4who, as they were ’ ff'7bm"_yp,‘ 1*:h:z*:~che}‘ %irr‘Foxrmed* _.,’.’had%on“e_l‘y "pOWC‘I' to re1ievc~the‘m ;, 'I*he“y payd % ~DO&or E2I»Ierrt'c£=%e, one%o£‘t’h¢ vocazes of %cheHigh-;Commi[fion ACou;r%tVat €21»-% %n1‘ig'%%have“4acce&{I¥‘:‘A to his ’*Lo"rdfi1 ip,* 3 5%: “ évérallftimes “ They prefiene *t€d;V:éhis»=Lo7rE:| lhipalfo two ‘Butts~ofthe bet’: ‘”Sac“k'c ,~ and‘ gave one 13. H Ward , once°of his A~ttV:ndants 12”‘ and othc1‘°~Gratui;tiW¢s, 1. to '0... T¢t-hefofhfis Servants, tp*4the value of 20"’-‘ more. A151 wfiitgh *W”ere~- beI%oived~dn ~ the ””1'aid% Arch~% .7B¥ifl;1opL, andfiis *Se’rvafits, by thea’dvice"an~d‘V%di~ Mrelfiion ofthe {aid Dofiorcflferricée : and after the zacccgtancc V thercof,{%«the, {aid Arch Biflwp W86 "equer as A » A % <33“) Wasecontenttoe take ,_ andt did take for yourF7Pe¥ cition ersaned the faid Tmfiarde fines; 24.9"‘ more which they payd ea"ccom':1;ingley, and Wflfflfflfceed 4 to peay4o’f‘-i more for fees in Londoneendoe 3;; Yorke concerning othelfaid. beufienefle ; by which faid expense", troubles, and neegleeéi oi? their owne Oceafionsg ‘your; Petitioners; f'on#e..theiJ: parts, havfi b‘een”'e% “‘edari1oimfieed?’ezb ova =I.o;0o7“' oaalilqthfiir ei’catcs%al*em"ofkcb£reby whofly oruijnecle They" beizxgenfoercedto flee and.w::.inder into fiI:a.ngeo Goontriese:’§oer_*ebouu Ivfoure ‘moezeths.:oegetber : 301371‘ »Peti1d¢ea,Ce,Kt;11i5¢ Honourable Afiém Elie to thke §7<)“1i»r"I’et"it”ione rs difire f- ‘ fed efiateoinco your grave Confiderations , and to weigh their pretended Offences, and their fevere and heavie punifhments toge- A thexgand to afford them fuch Reliefe foer,-the great wrongs done unto them .3, and their . W #9 the‘-’.»f0,FF E 2 Efiaees (24J EPrates: and'Fanii1ies bythc Commiffioricré ‘a‘nAd;’ fl3ccrsi“o4f ‘thafaid fl-Ii‘_’gfi"= COmmi%flit§n;,V: ‘w hohave for; m: and torzaé» t=hcm*= in V*‘t:h¢"i1:* %-EH36 esyasaa f0r€fai‘d;5'iand.% by tEh(5f‘¢"+W 0 are? che»7Aut;hou~rs ofQ]th-'eirA Grievances “anda 4% Opprc‘(fibns,who have made-.a~ prey ofthem §. 1. ‘iby w tzikin gr fiich .1; Gratuities: and fi1mmcs%-:o‘f= vmon%ey‘oE them‘-3 ‘"as’aforcfaid5 ‘when: they or A :f<3xn;e of them wercethc Irxcendiaries oftheir:~ ‘ Troubles’ and V?exa’.tionsM ,; . asud%:the, Authors sf ,.an,d p’roVct1‘*rcrs»oE their foryhcaizic. *punifl1¥s- :ment.<;& ,; as in your gm*-vewwifddméé nun zfeem 'conv§cnien.t; -That fo other his ‘ Maj:-L flies Suhje&s4 for the.. time%"fi1ture ,§ may not; be fc >? %g:a"gev:ogflVy;;%;opp[r:fl‘;d.% a.c:;ma;nsj; p1ca~=:+;; fire‘-.5; flnall pm-ay,‘oZ9'a;; ; ' A I;7:£§MIa7~;2°§7i\%‘“n_.44'G 0x;B.o 3.. N E; - 1‘0-=- , . _. v‘: '1! u 4 h¢1Kh1fgl1t$,C1tIZ+€I3S,Jand BufgefT¢ss.°F the»;C0tnm0ra“s Ho’ia1f¢*éf Fziarlizzvizggg. AZ<7I2e* lmmlzZ¢AVPeti2ZonéCalvin Briienz of the City.of.Cb‘e_[zfm,- H AVT‘“Tyoi:r "Pét?itione»r (“tmmg’h [V -._ 4 -- J’ .., _ H-' ‘G T‘ V, ,‘ ‘ , ,\ ‘ ‘,_.‘ r every Way —conformabl_e: to the; _ ,;.,‘~ ‘ ,LaW8Dfthis,R;.ea1fl1,and Dofirifiei :as2zg14;;dg,’%%aud fiéaceéble, dif-i or‘ ‘N W‘; J n! V», "‘ ‘ r A...‘ - I % . :- “§ii,j)dA.I3.ir¢i;AP1ii1¥:,ML 6f;%Nihe%Church Q3 A \ gofition‘) about 3] 37.§=at¢s finer: , was Arrcfccdr By Kgrbert Blanchard P%urfi°1'1vant for Vthe Highs»? C0niiniffiQfi?€.fé 3?] 3W:k.é.5’#% Whii. t001:fi€r$& home :2 h’€”W.49 rd“ appéar“ed accordineImaud“w”es agéi“i:.e; and feverafl eA”rticies 6xhibit“€<3 ,agaien1Hfim‘e fox é15§¢area‘t the ?¢0ififfififidfi a1"te.??o2r4€ii‘.es;ey theafvrefaidprareendedewehcm, e»té22=Wefraycrsgané1e.Pseperi"t‘ién$ ;svitb*Mr;*I?r as me for przueceariene we cu fl w. fie» .411 Mr- Itzym: ‘be é!rarw;ne’by‘.a4 e (37 3‘ Al1'w’rii'c‘h Iaift p~arc{icu:1a~r$ , *yo1§rIc§;i¢;g d.enycd._., the»ybe1ng but falyfc f;1~r«1~fes_,, -km; %¢Q_n,A % fefl'ed~ch:vifitingA~of the fmi~d%M3:.%‘Prymz;, mam A ’ the mnfem: :of%his Kccpcfis H,, which your i’ .PLCt;i'~. tiaoncr thought: he flight lawfully gdcae 5 j tam being nu Law 03: -Ondcir to the :..C:O_:m:raryA. A ‘ A rs E‘ far A V A M :- \ofed._ofi'&ncc$ s!:lsv,Ii1:'ly~ wirimnt ::a,.:I1:y: Tcfl:1mony;iio~r%AWicnefi'es , vaur Peatsijt-ioner was” Fimcd »5OO.«pDuI1Ad,. a_ndmdcre:d"t0 pay alAl%.(::o&5_% and chaArg£?s:to :?ro<‘3cQrs,4%M~e£Te%I1;ger,s and _A:dvo-~ caces,:w:hich cae 320:1 3;. p%ound,:or”thereabout3~ M forgmur :2l”:c titionem fd1‘A“O;IIEAFW.©.€k amnfly :;, Which. faidilg .“pO11n%dVy.our Psctit=ioncrAA afirum aid: ac... eordingly: wTher.~er:>if;o;ne .9*Jl¢o£hér .:ed fhadn 5..WpouVnd).,.rbeing-%Adirecanmginfc 13$. % A A y,o[ur$ Pe1:it%io;11c1'A was *.;;c;11§QY£If3iur Pfitltiflflfrl» <£111d11“i8 'l:Wi¥Fe?fuing to him by,:.t;hl::l l?pAace £32 AwTh01Aé:monethlmgeiher5 ac.'cx:p,téd~ mfg ‘May’ i t*plfeafé‘:ithi.S;llHolnozzrablc;;Hd1Jf?cto ‘ ll V ;‘a€€hk ,«:i:hi§;' :}rof'm~zb:I§c:5i:il:i0ners"Agfi”eva*hCesfinto. ‘ §?6L31?‘”g’1'a«V7El‘l’ Go‘n_fiAdcllracio.rjs ' c.bg€t hér ffifithl -the jurifdi6ifio'fi»:ofrhe =Cou1*t —i3f*I-lighflom-r A A “=z;1:1i1'fion at r%o1¢“£’e;Awhcre your*P“eti:§z'oce[]' e and Province of Torée. For that Ioozmtoezzezzzced , comforted, and abéetted one W'i1Iiam Prypnc , /aeeretofizre twice oegggfgeoeol in I22: c}1r[aje]i‘ie,f.$;:Co%art ofsmrre» c/mmoer, fofgyzeflzfbing fleditiotu Md-o1fceL2zd4louJ ebookes and 1z'12e[!:.: '1\Qzmel}I , in time.» I waited £170.32./72.713, to hing him into mi: Citie, and attended apnea /dime m: /aixgoing Mt ofzlae -‘Gide. AB} :2./Zwhzlcla mycarm‘-A age and mz'.rde79ze:mon,« I have emdezoioufly and wic--» ezfmzzcla at in me let} ) Wcozmtermnoeel zlsefoyd « Pxy;1n€,e422d0fi€€reéian afififonto zooe M_ojefiie’m:dV zlzfa V. (.413) W ehe Stezte, £22 $heéejz{;’%;:receedi;ege zzgeézefi hi;~e2. Am’ A zherehy 6!’-'_{5'hJ:17.Jé’bi"0fi:9(,9’h.7t efemde/I and reproach * uponthe Caitie; five all which ‘my 'afieme,.r, upenmy gyeefemzll ufvoweri ‘made to the Arxiclexhe imhet he-— A hzzlffe ehjmefied agezrg,/2 mee , I %fl‘ezeza! legelbz aizdjzzfiéz * eezzvieffed 17)’ his Lfl/Dzjefiiesfaid ('o7ee:2zz'_[]50)2er.r:,¢z2ze( ' 53 zhem eazjo)/melzo mezhe this declaration , and ~eze- A h-nowledgement for the fame. ~ I-olee heeshe in the preferzee of meal hthzlr \ Cohgeegxzrien coezfe ff’ e mjfeéd Ojfeezeexa amddeclezre--‘ my heezrzrgforrowfor thefame; exfhel doe axhe foe- givene/le of‘ God, the Chze-reh,thewKi;2g: Mejefiie, « emdthe Stare. Amlfo of the whale Government hath V‘ e Ecelefiaflimll and Tempamll A ofthzix place .- agaihfl " all whom I havefo‘ grievaufljr offended. And in when that thzirmy Confeflionfoe tlaeprefent :5: hezm}, A dedzhem Imezyahtaimee Gmee.hereaftereto perflprme “ what I new rromife, and finde metfeyfbr when z’./re A ffgtfl ;Idefireyozeall eefeyekwith me the Lord: Prayer? 0ur.Father_.,ér%e. Fri N=I‘S.,r 4