I§¢¢%$$¢é$¢¥$¢¢%%¢%¢¢$¢&¢¢é$%%%é%¢¢éé%§é¢%%¢%¢%¢¢¢¢$¢é%%¢ééééééé éébl 1 D 1 s C 0v R~S IVE C O N I EC T‘ V‘ E A rpom THE A ~ A.SO NS AT H A "To produce a defired event of the prefcnt AtrO1.1l)l€s0fGREA'I' BRI'I'AlNE:oCli£- fcrcm: from chef: of Lower G E R M A -N 1: E. Confidered in the rnainc pVall‘agcs& that A lécmc parallel , but upon a further furvcy V A A are difcoverecl tea be otherwifh .w......_...-......—.-V BYCmmYBvTEIDowwnNc, L.L. D. Pafior of Hackney. TAO IT. HI s'r.l L13... 1, A * Kara Telmparumfwlirixw, aim‘ fifutireqtm: wlxir, 56° dicqrc 91:42 A finti. V M.lic‘c't‘; qmnda fl\[5.-rm Impcrium, 6“ Liécrmcm, reurlim iaflz. A . cinbilax mg/cuifit. ‘ A A ‘ A l A MI¢§¢§¢¢§¢¢¢$¢¢¢¢¢%%¢¢§¢¢§¢%@¢¢¢%%%¢%%¢ ®**®%¢%%%¢¢é¢¢¢ . .1 0 I’ ' ’ M A ,A¢.1;.-‘fl. L ~ % % #3; ,;~» in P’ L’ V" A "‘ . A «Na 2: Pr§1ntecl*b ll R1 c HA R D H EA RAN E for Arch,» Partfi ge, and are to be fould at Purfl.-_Cwirt_, in the 1 , Old C/mzge. MDACXLI. % A A M A 3 1 A A ‘ A A ¢¢¢¢¢¢®¢w¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢w¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢§$ S552” 5: " 5..., ~ - N - s u w - ~ ' ' \ » ~ --an. . "V, “W .\ K’ ......... ~-.-. 13- '7 4;. ‘*~- Y~!~.~\w»-‘s-;»s~a—-?;qc> an ' A . “-\_‘...~\,\xm!7, ' ‘ "*9 .EF£§iii‘.*:iiiiiiiiiiiiiaaiaaismmiuiu ~/2;: *« ‘ 3, V‘ ‘"’==22e::asa;2az2s:;;2m%a::s==:~ $7 . 9’ \<$'3:- kc ‘ . ‘ u J “ K!/"1 I‘""’ ~ v at .aE!fi*.- it ~‘-“‘:r._.3..‘V ’ .«g,r~.~/= » M. DISCOVRSIVE Conjecfture upon the Reafons that gpmducc a defircd event 01%: V A prefen“t”ti~6ub1%es E5fG1‘cat Britain § different from thofe of Lower Germany. HE Hope - idfiflilfll-v é’civc difccm-- ‘“ ‘ pars , rnay now have at A morc: dcfircd A end , than the $ world ofwifé men could lately bclccvc, Puts us on B ~ % % A beyond (2) beyond our fcarcs to produce ipreg-V-g o nantgroumds , to make good what we have laid in about this bufincfi'c_; 4 asfiit isnow t:r:mf&€tiing'= in happy hands. Which Works (in aIIPoli- cique probability) willgiivc a great advance to his Majgcflics ihonouri and »r<:ncier}Him confidcrablc abroad, anci like Himfclfé at home; the blcf- 4 fed Fountains offuflicc , peace, and plenty; that His ROSES and LILL~ms may not or itrathcirbc blaficd in local, A We doe not adventure to run-up ithisidifcouriicfo highgas the original! cauflzs ro fth ER: itimfiuihlési, fci fineétfthe States A pri_n¢i;pI'¥cs , 4 or vine providence 5 that "I hold-” ham‘ and .hih»woxke.,Whc1=“ci11 i_:;ci;1;i;g1f§c, and~.1ibc§rt~y of Divinmioniiisi as ‘daiim gerous,asdifHcuh:,'an&%ToleaVciit to ‘ itimc, hand thofcivhatihwalibc rxuflscd to daaaw up. and Commcintary thcfé * vthrcci yeasts afihircs iii ax‘1PIcii“oiica1I ihiflxy, for his Majcfiiies h onourand ufé r (3%) ‘ «therflelg fétled into a folemne War) that Wee had great ground to feare the firms: ufe hethTi'n the State Ecclefiafliquc, 'andCitvi11 : and I cannot but COE- clue it the choilleft piece in a pram étique way, that hath ever pafled the Preffe W, fince the Sword»-man devi- fed Prin.ting,orthe Gown--man cem- jured up Gunning, 3 f L M It is not to bee "deny ed ,~ but that there his {'0 much fimilitude betwixt thcie Brittiflt troubles, and the be- ginnings ef the Ptirtee anti florms of A .ereRtevirmceer, er(be:forc they quell Ca1a1%mities,had not God grati» VA ouI}yfupp1iedhisMa.jePcy with thefe pre ent flounfels. Yet now We be- ICCVC: that not onlyout of a fond fa-« cilitie, hccaufewe vwifh it» that there is no fuch rcaf'ontoflxt*the%1'ame infe- licity, as a fatall period, the rerncdie being proper , powerful}, and ‘n(9t'. Pofl/mmumr Now to make this Come hot to honefl hearts , with h great and growinBg comfort; Let us 2 Pancerol. de Reb. Invent. t 122. confider ccmfidcr the occafions that V cafi C116/L0VV¥.CQLIfltfi€S5.iI1tO;..CiOI1fi1fi011 , i and allow ' how farwe are gone in thoifé vvayes, -and then truly take up, and {he with what variety of better circum{’canccsw~we may qtsialificiiiour feares , and quicken OL11f[hPiCS ofa. more happy event. ‘ ‘ My dcfigne is but to pointat thofé piafliages that may bf: difisovercdina iTmnfi7t,without pretcndiingcoircach the rcafbn cf State in the non-coma amunicablc iconvcyainiccs and L ncgo- itiations ofcithcr fidc ;;~ filppofing A g them filndamcmally offarce topm» % i duct 9. diifferenicc falling vvithi my ii priopofirll. "Before We pitch any par- Eicularaithcgenerall confidcmtion of thecurléd conféqiuenceis, ofnhe Bel»- giquciwnfufionsi, mufl necdsworkc flronglywich all will: micni,cffi>c::ia1Iy upon his iMajcPcy ,% whovis highI’icf’cg inte1:cf’ccda caufmgi him re icafl: his provident cyeupon the feat ofthofé ig civill cruell Wars , as ancxamplc of A " i i caution; 1‘ m caution ; ass. Rocks covered 1 with thtremaincs ofla. Wrcckcd Spaniflx Carralclgfleatilng about it, ‘ finking a Whole Navy, to Cave that V which was Iéarccly conficlcrablel, if wife men hadlhadthcva1u’ing oflitl » who " uféto rtuleby rcmiltting , wh:ct1Sub.. jcéts _ cannot obey with Ii1bfiPting§ Alas, that poore patch and [fact oflais patrimony is at rned;;into.a Common Golgotha, totbury all Spanifh grtatta ~c{fe70f Stage to graft a new Mmnfarchy upl- om and all this by Evcc1,eliaPti¢alll Or--g dcr, andfollémncPtr0cef§iQn,«tas ~thc)t are the “I~Ierau1ld‘s;_ and t Mal.’tcrs5%tofl1i,§ Cercmonies.This wcrcltemcnugh (toolelcarclytbought )~tfo1*Tusttoll:ecrfi another ljléomafit *3 and.riottetiwf tttuflr» fl1"iftingSar1ds , Wlth Caelar, and all ourfrtunes. A F : 5But téo mm: cl<:>fZ=~ t”@lt1,:;lfl'.b;aI:3¢",b“l'1yf fineflcs tlibfirflz cnli.€rati wflmllplroptofc inthis twwrlkc ‘is thc .5 V V *Tim¢’T A % 4 7 l?tmlt”!w¢y;Which A cvcr‘y*Spring is ill Phyfick for an old: 4 V Strad Bell. I..ib.z 2, dc Belg. (6) % n "T Time and Manner of the rifing of theft‘ Troubles in bah States. N OW‘ though V%‘Be!gin began? firfi to feels thcf§:”'groWing Dificmpers ,' upon King PZ2z_'Jz'p thcSecond his perionall ¢ taking 1?oflEf§i%om%% of that cWcrne- % 5 ment, by fo1cm&ne%invcf’citurc upon his fét‘JhcrA%C/aazrles the HF: his Rcfigna.-4 don :an d the Frcfent Tmublcs of Scatland“ fi4r‘£?cfi %appcar¢d.u{.1p0n his Ma“‘°‘~‘ makingvhisw Royall rcfidcnce and4A&%;ual1.aflurhption in his filcred AA AInaugurA1atiofiW;.yct.%this holds but 4 _ » Iightlygwithwifé mcn;cith4crin rpm A rals om%%A”Po1itiquts,L% re produce: the famccvcngif duly confidcrcd. For indeed: thcre% is 4;: Vafl: and operative difhncc, in the xconcurrem: Vcircmmw A ffanccsfthcirroyall jémrnics ;bc-‘- cauxe K;P/2iIz"”p came int0BeZ’géd;nm as;A 4 K.dfErigIand, but K. in England, at onely theQy_ce11es husband (as hec wmplained tgdhis “ Father, that the Englifli ealled him? vvhisgh was one al‘gument,to9 ‘btaine a refignatien of [omc- 1~ ( 7 ) Fornthing) who dying in his abfcnccg. he remained nelythc bare Dominw, hr10t%Rwc Bclgfgs , and facing all his mhcr Dominions ,- bath hcreditaéry, and Feudahllk pafl and poffefl in a %me>naArchiq%Auewaysthistcmpcrofgo; :vcrnmcnc, in his %oth€r‘t¢rrit,ori.cs3 tempted him to cry Conc1ufiVons— 3:4 againfcwhis truihevc-n% to troublcfihofc prgovin’ccs; ané his own: confcicnce, attempting to A wtur r1e thsrm 3:11»- to 3. towhisj oath mfoJ%1a.telytakcri which dcfir"etho~uAgh 3 W Cbarlek the fiffthhé1diI1hi;s?Igic$a;rc§ yet. ‘ his’ W?e11?'r=mPcr~cd hea>Vd%%,L11¢M1d% him Om d»1:~i’v*i7n git to a :p9int‘}..~ KWn%0i7‘L.v-i g % fi111.Wéll, how 1:1 is wou1awo:kc, , M flbeix:g aIvvaye‘S%11hdcr£E4vg%ra1l'ALords ~%-md LaW¢5;’PitCh{€?1im0~ P~r:0v¢im¢$. ;Pa.rt\i:c1.,,11a1W1f%1?%r€>cCIcfS,: whdw had A mam mm amecr%cs;muzmWpm~ _% r«zt15.§'w cf e:GiaU.4 bfifi ‘ .’thdm:4:F1andc%rs p y was but latcly ~¢01d11Mie1in,s1xuifhc 5)’ rmch Kigg'Fr4nci.§ the fii~&~,i “up- 4.un,cq;ua,l1. eatygkvh €11 C/94X%1?1es V % had A Lud.Guic. A Comment. ; de Belgi, 1' 5'54- C.1.2%. Sleid. dercb,. %% I1Iu1h:.Ga1»... % Grot. Apol’. i hadhim prifoncr at Madrid :a1:1d fo this could mat come well from W/Jz'1z'_p 1%: mva, ~1¢z¢m2ztis <33’ qudflP?&C4fi0 D01- mz'm;.Th11sVvas hisway. When afls ' his Maje{’ty came into Scotland {blc *~ andfixprcmel’otcntate,,ofa11Btrittifh Domiinions , not to turns a. ~Repub~ liquc, or an Artifiocracig into aMo.. fnarchy, but tookc folemnc pefléfsicn “ofan uA’nque{’t1on'cd'Crown'c‘,and his Nobles dfEng1ia.n<1 Wcrctvvclcomt: A Witngfiégand Attendants of this mi... all Work¢,without antyintctruptiotn from anyfi1PP°f‘“””t¢r~Regmv»v, or rctcnfions of diminufiont Vwhatfo-. cm. Sothatthc %natur)c ofjthe b1ifi-- ncfléand the ends of the Princes bac- ding ft» diirers,mu&nccdsproduccVa» rious events; and it weret.a ~wond¢r A inttgovcmment if theyfhojulwd not; 4 ciibccially ifitn the ntxtplacc you cone- fidcr the proceedings ifllting from thefc Royall Prcfcnccs, and you will find: them conclufivc For his"Majc—— Ptics hoznorgtndt the Publiguctpeace. % A ~ Ivvill I w I v.vvi1l% not , i but flicre w°asf% ‘ ’ I‘omcthin*grQppfEjd , ?%%m&pu: on 4t:l1a*t~~ in» go@‘d”% chgwmay li’ttlé—«thankcS%for thei=r~P2incs;wh~ich?’ ir'.~1theLS»tat~c~Ecd1cfia.Pciquc drive to . but?tBa't%jMwas*‘ rm his Majcég‘ % f¥ic§4‘?defign_c3 *Bt1”t*aj[s“it: was %rcp7rc{Ent-A cdrwihim *‘as?a N*ationa11q7u~¢flion, co b«e:ée~ermined4by hiswirdomc. But ‘ the cfucfiiod; 5* and v'vasV i»nAah‘e;Worke 3511:: ~ic’in~ 2 V andtakvqnfiihbothStatcés; was about fqurtc-ciric ~iB&{h¢ps ;,V V itfl thcir-Gaa-4 :io»£m‘,‘»c«hc affnexac, 9wirh~Rcga11i 1£mita:i25»i1s";andwhc ‘other >09 1a’m1; véith» mici'gati1%rg; variations}; the Ihquifitio”n~’ to execute": the one, ma%ch¢High§TCamma&+ian uh; other; ~ B)f1t‘im Fard%iHE-fincwwaics. P/vilipi did%zcreé7e%¥de;a4oj*§a :4 Bifhopsaoutof Abbots ruins 3;revcnues,amdi in aRc- PflElik’€a.3g§iflflC an cxprcf§privi1c§:lg¢ in terVm_es%A ‘with ;hc{5ci1ndavl?1?~ofthe~ Nobflityu who W311 urrd?crflood~, AC é that %Mcucran.hifl:.. ‘ A Bclg.li.2. %1ib;33. Thuanus hifl. uA<>w “ un----— ”, V‘ ’ thatf0:Cwtious‘$a,Priflcc ¥V0u1d~nc— vm: F01 PAr0Y91s¢ fu¢hJ€31911s¢P¢¢r¢s biltth at csmccived the Cicatingkflf thefcikwé AMin"if’rM3r$~ % ar1+ A %%a.fTurt=d1~ meaim ?‘tf9ti<*- Athcm ":fli5rt“> .and4fi1cm: * 3-‘A 35:VQY¢f.4-:4; . . cv;¥rJtfi«%r¢ds4.<=cau1?2%~’P/rilip Was.2tQdds,%at1<1¢3iQ~us.:<9:thcPopc% A 4 p1c$ %: to,.h¢bdI¢cved,;%¢thar Toma? gm’-It %rr%att¢rS W€T¢ topbc ma- naged bythis new d¢ngi.nc, procuréd ‘ With%“f9%:m¢1¢b;ca¢1?¢ andifiwra tbothfqfi time and riea%furcL, gwithffichadafla <55 reptitafion and§dangcr~ of rc-- A bellionz A ,., W ,,..._,,.,,,.. ‘M... ....v,. .‘ M ...1 L» ‘~.~.u..<-. -.r wu- tL¢m§) . P{9ilzf_;2‘%?mai~§itai:riingz .vh;f?:~* :ri’n0’ dcrnc b_cl;li0~n.,§ and ;t1‘i_c:% { S;t:a_;:;es% being ntfo % f'fl¢}¢P}E;*:a“§ itofi?uFt“'éV1:”the“ ::fi1Pplafit%cd by in Lcunning: .m.c‘onf¢u¢rxt ~[of~a; pernicious” a’§n"’d t;np1ea*fin.g re; % fidcnt .c,.Quléi nocbut f’cir1tc;% New A % M Vc1Vcs§to%;~ee c:I¢ cimim Ififanmy Avchafigfinthb %£fa{7c% ;; for it is one ;‘ u. gghixglgxq §;reé’r: .Bifl1‘o ;Vthcr:- _-by 1a}r»i%rj1g%thc.foundation, for ictling ¢,€>»;f:;1;F%;éft.i<%'®9n§;, , gind Ih a.kin~g:; Jizhlc 1:n:‘c;- % :1151it@%Q0W€rr;r£mnt;A;by:m%ix%ing% infh-ug. ‘ 1 '5 ‘iv, f},‘ j ,, aé? % ,% % as dc§1§‘c;1daTn%t;sLat a,bfo.1utc‘ d.c.v~j;>tion ._; o11¢A§hir3; ( I fay to; 7” crc<5M:%4¢ ;a,:n_athAcr%t%vZprotcéF olde 1 .?‘EapifGQPa11V~3¢«ciS~ 4rcpr»efcnc”edz¢sno*;hi§ Majcfly%és” a néccflhry ,: kankziéxitg Vfi1~114 State "111 than %kii1gdo£rie: ; A: and th¢£:rMIm¢rO#f?wm:pofing tbti qitmfiié w % ‘ 5"?’ E: «rev 3 ,x » A1 ‘ . fl » * ' - ‘M ‘ L J‘ 2 J, v / Prclatcss bcyiond *31L‘§l:,I‘”I103car2Lti0nfi:a his €i3£«y:”; rc1;i§E1qi1i{hi1%1g 4;£+‘hiCif,~€j¢ 35* A A ngt {’§ag;3;di iat;h::th’¢ P1i§f§:t Stat: a»¢air¢s..:V£o¢x%ebopg1a * ‘ C 2. “ ‘ "'*‘ ‘"3 ‘ x ¥s mi‘ A much « ‘- -2-534...: ; Inchoavere 2 fibx armum V M ultxmum, , Reifgub. pron % % Pe % upre... V VA mum, Tacit, A 5 hi1’c.lib.I . W9 munch‘ fa‘ them, wet he willw AV um -dhis‘%;Sm«t»c;w . Am: or,rtth?e ::Ecc@1§;ef1;ai%i;c:i1;i.in wcnid egaiéls‘. «&%sob;1m §P*:ohft:iq§uc rpo"fsVibi1i1ty : » ; may *hVo;pe# a *com<:f'»oxn“*dJenc‘A%. Went tovthc jcdbl :2d::ifl'e1~en<:»é;z Ufichefé }arAwccings*; ; ;*;A:i.a df n70wi7V; Wm ;hav?¢fé¢:ri wa :i1i3f’f'cf3i- " rmdc idhfignc ymd m}%e?%~mr4ai 11¢ flmeavncsvnro Awmpafffc in Vin i.th§c% «next %4p1m:‘e:::1*ct drfith gin «hows WW A * ~Aairc:':iS O V _ % In *zh¢ird%wVafitrs”Ve‘? 4 % A - ~ A r:tfu.rtIi’9i::*vedé wthflfir *:«u‘wne‘& upmn egrémnbléz 85 g tdmes£7Ni0w 4%y*oi1»*fl1aiIAl findcfPbilip «Fccond , For axzchic... .-. V 2 % 4 % %%‘2,»wmhm-u«fl V vimg Dfihfis m1d%£o:mmamcd»,%~¢hoE 9 hiimMfcs‘"i‘“ A V on A%rab¢far1umdqoniiirrions an: -tram” Vubcms the }%lcéa»cl*r¢r thcfi: %AMiniflcrso%cf‘p¢Vci:a*1éy:atth:*e%*firi?c. Foi~ » was F$c¢av%crIé%vvm-kc. W, by :3C%}Ja2mles ,‘ taakcn ?§'or an fin gag. A ; ambi-.,, . wmxld émiflb nflaairs <‘3? 4 . nnibit“iGus.PitwCc of ’ § gfPi;rifi M A; A ttimbcri Abuttiist Aufh-ianVA 1Eaglc:,M ptfopnféd glloriaou-S A objvcffcé A tn ‘ theft AHaw4rpicsA,as&1caafE:d ‘hi.sey»cs, and: cared not, ;if%%it A lbu1§nt% chcirdfcarhcrs. garet;%0f7Pa:rrm5 ; deravcrixaof Bclgi 13 pr;apof*waies of 1 Anzturej; fwomrdcd ansdfict; by cnds nldiy; 3br4ok::.:thmuJg?h all héér p.1:"omAi”Fcs. and protcflcations wmughat 05V3fld€fi;r€5» anddc~ ”fi7gVfiAcs , he had ovcreafitd inthc pro- dpbfall ' \ ‘ I H \ ‘Hr: v 4- ~ ;,_»-wynmwwxp v I ‘ r---- ‘ ' ''""-'“''*"'"'7' A 4 . »-4...-hm‘ ‘M ‘ “E - v w , N ‘ . - ‘ - r * ‘ .“ V1 , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ V '1 pofill ofthcgprojcfi” o'F%fou1‘tc“etP1:11 eW ' Ei{hop*s, fuppQrtcfd* Wiy:‘h« tht‘An (:w Ifr1quifition"and4, Canon L: hee VVOUICIIICVCI‘ have fiit- h~i‘mfclfE to makcg0od5h”i4s m%if’c:zkc4by Ibmuclfi mi£ehie~ffes C%7?ivi1I*w:1r, ifxing P/!i1ij5TH2d:t1pE.4 ‘put himon, to~ affirfc ,h~isfraud‘* by forc«e,.in the pmiiai-£aA«“‘ u fla&i~£’:i%»ng»«inee;:ef£s, ‘andcrfi ing a11*0P‘P0fiEc5‘5Y’Go/mbifiztrdfi’ thcfc Dominatiimm‘ Provg/E5r::(31s%4 T42- Alva his*A1*my(asjyouV find thcfé tiwo ’ ma: . A om, Arms; ahd (Ecxgurs A%_; WhUfEAmi;L- firoccpdcdflgiinfl: the L:f1vv”0F 9‘ cm, Ticatics, 1"acifii:ztions,~ hi1d%V ‘ J /véa‘ In ‘ «V 3 ‘ n \ Treachery undcrth;-m,h ad in rr:af'on re (gimwhich V%Kin*gP%Jilz‘pfEl&orn crrcfd) difEzrd?cdJ as dcfirufliwt diPcutbtrs,fifthcy had%nAot: bin“ fiiAtE1c&F1 vv3tought«4d," and upon %met‘:rc motion A 4 Ed’: warranted; for their humorous um1crtaki*n;gs~ without doubt this A Prclate, thc~*ch%icf‘e Augur ofAu&1-ian Vq Tyrannic, that had more of £116 i-- Avincr, ‘A A_ 44 .,..,A x «.>» A, viner tha.nVthcADivii1e in,hi*mV,~%,;had bcenfoone baAniIht as a mifehievdus State-iMoutatebankc,% andnot;bccnc truf’ccdas a faithfull F wcialis, if there .hadnotbecnc[‘oAme difordcrs to bee agfied InA Oralim: ad} Spimtualim, there» by to fcrjvre his-~Ma_f’cers Temporall turnc, %~E1£Ewo»ulsd Pbilgp never have withflzedf f‘omaAny Complaints of whole State; ,~. V4vVai4§11;t?hc4«v aggrava- tifig Icttcrs of hAumb1c«InfbrmAation¢ fr9mth%; 5 A ’a.inf—’c 3:his_Aodiousinflzrumcnt , 1:hac.% E‘ 9 %"i or die PriAnce;o£+orangeJ (whm the cunr1$i»1;1g%%P1‘e1atc called Tacimrfms) fhouldszfeo fi>c§k out, tofuch a:I’rinca,; andycc Philip owne him, furcdthcrc was more in it than cverAI'ZuJv%da.y,~ or ca%ncndu1f,a: cfpccially when the Govcmeflk wife fif-’ccr, fignificd fhc fitmcaand dcfircd his difplaging 5 yea 4 andibme of the Nubjlity Qf Spain gt htflfigthfit ; Acme n0x:Aofth%c;C-'@binct :Gpuxmc1,fu11y? WG- tcdtodifp1aocl;1im% 0n1y;4lM.I’ti1Ck V I j bolvnl @‘ ‘ fltyzg aw % Strada 11.2. I‘ L D V CIOFC .V,(‘a ro ;h1at7asIlhccAd%idwifih " %%e1ofcA? c:ohisEcc1éfia&iquc friéndzarid . Whmbylmivé1?fZ1Ilhatrcdheetbegaxfx to tot’t:r4,thekin4g not‘t:hen remit: «hiwm to%th~c%fl:ar:e%i‘, fdrthc criall of his Pféccndedintegricy ;'onc1y cafia jcaa 1o"u%s~eye up1ofihim‘,*‘not as an: grofly e;vi1r1a;»but as too gfcagtod alc,ab1b> lucé: , andfémwlmifiémg %info1eric a%nIn"4- % Aftrum cut‘; Jfufircméfin and pfing hi”: %wnct%dftip%rV‘4~ c «itics Vcclipféd byhis 17' fie“etc**,4*I'o“ % *hi’%gi>g»ad?Véncing‘: , was ~.:*::@b” I%‘V;>"ak®éA“1oWer,% ma :b,évwr1d,s‘ eflccmc 3 tWI’Oit‘fhatTHcé'h£ic14V3n}’ d‘ifiJ0fition of d:m;i~n;g%im&u1gcnc€§@beyond rfeafon of flzatc; ravA‘eA%rdn”c2‘e%I§is ofliée >’ér‘e>i-der, baimg he tdiételvy % up~dn h3rH,mi1gh%9z roA%cky%%wérk,cuc,m1¢ Aafpwutrpbft tb§»rcak»e::h:im,or that hgc » mczcfed into aeiédition, '1‘. =.,k~— A -. -~V:4 ' , , _ ‘. _ ‘ 4‘ ; _ , _ ‘ V A _ A”! ./ = (19) by Feekingco hamper 84 halter‘ dwm with lncauifititpn. “Sum the mofiths King adli izrkt Aih.n4“himw , Awas ay bufic‘ bldn%e“fs%to Aovcr»%7&;_1:a t11icdbiJ.fine{Tc; as Whé hcwashisVik:c«-Roy,oFNap1es, ht grgihltly fel fofil VVi~1?hthc‘fBifl1p, pmflhflédhis t¢c:rx1poir}a11s,?a;nd'caf’cA him { inm“pri*fom.%Wifc 3Princ1cAs‘17ongxclifl1 not"t"hofe Miniflers, that wi1l’nceds Wbcnoxmely executioncrs , but Au- thmés if =cIi;r 7Maf’cei.'s Cout1fi:ls5 be. ingxh V " A 71-94 n*mils V W:i«rh%t11cir&0WncV wits ;and infl:ru-- mems mufl ktmwnoorc of bufi-A ncffcfimn they think good to reveal, A celimcially bcfi1d14~as%wil;nt en... durcthcli % rightly concluding, that all openings V are weakcnings IE: much , Philip did Q both in buildings and infibufincffgas Well in Eafiions as in .F:ub%rickcs V chcitc Fofc this Prclatc bging ¢p“1:ivyV ta. A change his fmtunc by diI7~favour,lcfl: he flxould chan4gc‘hi%;s: faith "tiohis 15:115- advantage; boldingmis f31fC.9P1:iIl€i1r ~~ V- D21 p1c,~ e1y,Vnm: to f Strada Ii.5. J It Thuanus A V 1ib.;,o. A $ $ cw) th*e gnewt ,e pie , not to permit the mofl: pernici- ‘ ouse Minifier to finkce or fuffcr 54 and thercfdre gave an 'expt:_cfl'e to the Go- verneffi-':e,¢A% that fhee fhoueld never [call an univcrfilll Aflembly. of the States’; e ande ,v€7hen,e upfn an.exigcnt,: by pri-— e A vQtei11Pcru<5’cipn - flzee afl‘emb1edaeeSe- rifiteait was with a dcfigne to diflblvee it 5% being not intencfed (0 much to haezve theiz advice and a.{§ifiance, but to*f'ee1é:eheirPulFe,andfindebytheir; affifiiome, whether thee:Vvn.NoWewhat’ eAn.eeAcHéde.;ilI etIiisa:fl1eifiing;, zfllufflingj izf thé“’.»He"5iling A had rb“ech*.~nfaire , fine aboéwhic2aatd;::eiusethe.,evieW tmfche eb 03-44% 4 dy ofthe‘C“é1nce1Io%fStafi-e. Ahdmaf A hiseMaivffli % I F A nqeceding ‘‘’fd_H&?Wc?1' ; “though i % <21) :cncc.i1mt¢&iwifihéeefiiioo . '1 lenture '5‘ whofi: poweri:-Fwviferf, .:y*et: worfer 4 men 5 Iefuiccd, S7tatifls,.i have abufiad. to doe more mifchiefcthnan they ever meant. Bun further letiuns confidm how ?’PlJi”lip deaitiiwith his tL though more might ebe {kid in ex- Mcufc of our Ecclefiafiicall inflru-» ments, being not beaten to bufineflic ofState, to confider coafequences in longvvinded workes, good only at quicke turnes, hints, fits, Parts, and onieits 0f3€ti01'lSi: out of ambition, envy, and humorous intercfls, being fubtiic, yet flaallow , concealing a bottom: ernot worth the owning is Wahting both patieonce 3 ‘and experi- ' H ficond Minifler , the great Duke of wAlva ;.s and fee his Majefiies »car.riages towardskhe like man,ofpmodigious iipridevandypartis. When.Pbi1ipca11cd * Alva our ofltalya into Belgia , having inminde eitherato goe himfclfe 3 or -+ imake good~ the pacificétion 3 and ipretendeedo only the ediflempcr of a D ; _ tcrtian t.ctrtia:n Ague , as ‘a fit c1i%3rer1:i:ve, to de- haxfl 3 Wuld be takcnfor a. cutting =Cor4rafivc, and breed ill blood fYc: % Ase;-ad; 1i,5_ ¢ 'A1\A/1cccran,hifii.%A M 5 Am. ,4» A 7 ¢e11-niab1e~an~s:painc upon $2. Prgivmcc Altcm. of himwnc,brakc throug;hLé1l, A ondudcd M9011 h%s%adviccawid1 A cour1T?1wV'cl1f Wws4 . M D , ‘AW (4 V “ A ‘_ ‘AA A .A ‘ AN A AA A r-{A AA 5 AAAAAA AAA AAA AyA J ¢ A My AA A mke.§Ag:heIE&4 hints fiom the ends, A :fim: Awould have ufid him amen: A to thc‘cw:m ofhis%%.hap‘af py ,=j:onIy 4havcm1clc A is rclégatiwan and A fairgc V cdnfinmnmt Confinawe A of him ‘to Vzcda, five and twémy A pcrelcda com, i~1cs fromi:,as arcfcrvationd.t0~d his iC°“°‘*“ '51“ ‘ “ owncA ufc ,, till time, and occ:tfion Poreog 2 A I.fiorza.1i.3. ca‘l1%homc,and I10 néighm bouruf_chim.Vinthc interim; noncr- rivall _r_.._,.,_,, my 4hisT RoAy';a1l. pr:¢fEa:t1ce ; % a:ho~ugh‘ he 4 %afi4‘urcd by gaod‘hmds,:hmn % Ernplaflcr _app1ycd A by Vaany Anthea: 3; B.V0yal%1; 1;o;makb ,gwb%g»d;Aall«hAi»fis f A the rival! envy him’ for favour 'oBta@incd ‘ u" on fuclr foul: , and f'ata1Iui1dcr.;. takings. Sure had he not performed the maincs Ex pmfcripto Rage}, P/2i#V lip would have laid a damningwca portzcion upon him 5 er at;1cafiha«v‘E left him 7ata. loflé , mdyricxi/er have called him Imm‘re>, to paffc with %anA Am-my mm Portugal1%, fetting him at lV.ib~¢r;ty4, to chaine‘ thcm'fl;1‘6rt.% I r1-~ Vccd his i1lVférvicc,whcn a11was~‘~»pa£» awning“ , ‘er not openly c,1c{crt:ing_‘o~f’ himgfomuic turned the work: of W21; from a defcnfivé . %mofl7.:nfivc:< A .oh7th¢‘StVatCSVp1rVt; and itigilikcly 12» to continue ,% being cafl: inJ:0fi1«.:h -way offubfiffing that whack Mk ‘ nu: oféhc’orm:c in[ ‘ :Meterar:.1i}I ., a’ *m;amy?.£hisAMi~ni£hcrs;, 1;.;m;g,;,{;;4;‘;,;,4% M»élVz«;c‘i*&0ri*z'z:A,V» : 4‘5z&2maav ,(asw23limx«4érrEwgV;A m@:W};tmmal<:€zthi$mah1?f‘afi:;§w” gzI3cg;1a;ym1ov~ine W hau:§rim¢cipl:e?s' mx-2A §§—;f%i tsémii "Bm%éfi’firmmobv:éra% 4 wwvnn+ ;;§f;a:Qn;d%3an"g1?Am4fizppon:V; nfixgh rk«i'ndc*oE %firaum:nn”&s 2» mi: Zr b'w®p“a;«1ifl=;1v Q *2 \~,~««'§§a~ 52:22‘:-v~=“~:—— ~ A‘ , % 0 ?“¢ t:»1A¢:rha:~kin&g%'h»ih1%1{bPfé.§@218 o"'fi"the%~h~¢4» 4 ¢ 1;;jyjwI:i«¢3aguA¢:~cmc11jd’cd4 ih”nhe*Cdu$nccl%r flI§4t,Mpw;i%h&$AaWhefio Iitficri-rig: 3 M J; H Em: A 1? *@frd.w:I1?d*;a: fi&;1m Mw:I%I»ét1vchy gxtmnw M A h¢w;bdg°nvw mécucca ch7c ;:§*omov mm m M -v u an fiinwfll ..gmn.»..» mmqw M wry -3.» mm -,,..r_u M‘ M 4,» A ,, .., £oncingV~by~%aI ‘ ms he aimcdf4%* cxr;b»1%a“%‘cei;L*§:;é>»xi Psi this work; he Wa7S"‘mVH4aVc;VfAMAin%i~f’ééLf§~ < 3‘e1i§Ofi:1ei3‘g"I:f‘i. ban lAI§@ pisfiéy‘, M ” ° pVem«m§¢ w%aa%esvw@;?+R§%aj‘w&a g” %(3vQim€ncy~.—. egnd»*%own*1?ei¢§w§: ; aw»r';§a*g 1»/2zzmA~« Pan yhaan coufi~ré1~§? iwra ‘ .m..mme:.‘ “W: E 2 Thuan. Ii .2 3.1- 4 ‘ u 3 ,1 ;, Ln,eit h:crVs‘%waS A it 3 Pa[Ta1g¢A of,pit:_y%, 4buc”Po%1xcy;, “V that Rcpraefent. . ’ca»6- , ‘ tgc, and up marry her ,“ and _all._ §w_o u1 not in any dACafE%;fl1c%%Wcrc%re‘é A4.‘ljF‘1fancis" the =fEc_0nd%¢ had fiobtaincd _ ’i%¢cnA€ ¢n./ext ‘ " [ §y11¢i~r¢$‘= #9 5. rgandzhcc was r AWiI‘¢rVt119-I,H?&0+~1‘¢t%I'Oi cmifiddcrablc a ,KiMingdom¢ (.th;1t% modcratcth Chri- Qfhat ro%‘;‘=taurné a zmds 41cmcdig,re‘1?. M1 “ ‘ \ '“’ ‘,“‘ “ ’ Q 1 7» ;i"c¢4Aiof,?3ln VE%cc1cfi*afliu*c fffi v_ lun crc,fi1«Ied~his hcad4and%hand:§ _fu1l%ofblo4odyfbufincH'c;# asfiic how ‘ A ii1"%th%¢1E%9@£cyA#Rr£>vinccs:55wliat wgtics hewcnt4to‘~cxtirp2ite. the Pro»-» _;¢flanc$oFFrancc. Infiancc thein» io»%fBaM ‘iot:1,~% wthcn Alvawcm % romjrnc; ’"31tt£4nd%ing.{ his Qu acne; togivc lfi:hC~F1‘;CWn(‘3h King andrvtheir ;.,,;;_37_%-—J4“A _MQ1:hg1jgKatbaninedeMcdicésa%meet;. rnadehim.+fI1_€d1atcA.,d%for Chlgzcnc Elz'—- r%.nQvVcd,V bCCaufC«th¢ French Kings, V h¢;oIE.tc1catatA'Coun« : ing; % J (29) ing ; whenfilva had Plenaimanddtae ii Philippa; to communicate in Arca- no 5 andall Wascovered and co1ou- red vvithhisptefenting hisvMajefi;y[ withtheorder ofthegolden Fleece; , iwhen the maine» dcfigne i?*VV9.s the t A propofing ofa plot for the .Pm*{fi4n Mz:mtim,inimitation of the Sicilian‘ V6fi7c’J’I"S._;7rf which hee delivered as: a _ V «Mailer» piece from King Philip, who i communicated ittothe "P ope~Grego—- (ythe thirttccnth,itobeg attnediflin on for acurfed Conlloitacy go , for which invention; or rather im’itati.— on of his préideceffont Peter ofArra- gon , ~‘Pbz'lz'p well merited tothavc his name written in Ruhricks, in the Gregorian 'Ka1e~nder , Sgylo nova nfor- tmatoa not as a Saint :~bL1tif'ang¢uinary hater oftcformativon. A Yea» further, A it may bee Phyficaltly conjeétured ;. that the {nine blo odibegat thatticruicll“ e Couniiclltri which put him upon de‘-I « liberation ,4 againfi:toiaiSoOWinCt«1369? blood, Charles his bravci €1de{°tSon » A E"; who i 10.}! aptifla. if Hadrian. - ‘ apud Thmn.i i ii %-1i.37. A ; “ A Fazellusde t i 1-ebuts Siculis ’ li.8.D€C.2. C A Pet %M3.t,'hiR. ‘ paci;:;1i.6. A Vnar.:r4.¢ Idem nar.I6. V "Mariana. de 1 W % "103 yerros del ‘p 0"Y;ierV;‘de_;,: xff ; A Aos:fI.e:fuir.Ih“i j % ‘Cap ,. 3.3? ‘ Hifpaniam . ‘pari juffiifia ¢ contxnuxt, V major priva-- V ; to vifus dum lprivatus fuit, ; "8: omnium fonfenfu ca... yaximperii % % hifi imperafl V‘ fer, Tacit. ‘ rhiPc.'I. (_3k°) » out thcywm lay downc1;Vein&%dh%¢figne% M; of who upcrx S3f>ahifh%‘réa4VfbnbFAxSca,:e,z Mid new c:>t~hre4r ‘gmun*dA%rendcred," B1,1;E; fears of his Rcli gio-n, ;mL1f’cd*ie, a‘ncI ‘ have only the f2a.vdur~:~ to A-chufc 4 his death? Yea j thiis ’ £ Vp clitique? z’eale 4 wo1*k¢d? i.:to;the;1 Iafl: *gaf‘pevvit4h him 3" as thatsfr cc‘ Jf3.itfhfu1lW Author ” tveflgifiag 01:11 , P*/2.?lz'ppz4m mmam agmétem, filio fi¢Vo»;.[ummv .;azrdorz-,.; séeflumf in f-Jim-Agtj,go‘,s*‘A A oomm*md&/]”e=A, ;;:_;2§nd.nm4 make in i"rnf>.o@{i fible evqrs 3éto% Limsete in medi*um« Waits ofi7xic3dcr2ition,heL. +made%.c~ho.j[‘e,‘ ofiitha, AIcfmim§§ gfotigai hm «admf'aicmiousa: CafuaiflfliwhiiczlrmmningA;’~'m‘1f’c:fl‘.<:ir‘s* 4 ha*m’c~p»@%f%d éaiflamma niriintimlag according.» to the compaffc {of phcirz G}an"d»izing4y MaPce.1‘s“ H confE:i»cncc.5 eraflé a4t‘7o4%{4*;th:c2+;i¥§I.11gjfin o F; $3.112: Chni;f:$i:€Ii%4 dame 5;, §1éiH:mh;e4 ga‘;:so?~*?f afhumame fag, cimy : hi:-c%Wth’©y:ik cepe:a4§ w4.“f&wrc~7 «.1 ‘RX ‘ ‘jag ‘ fc‘1‘vcd3,%AIg¢ter arbzzrmdominatibmk. ; 50%: tha%t4al:1;*rtwh§$ Wgrkfl mwfcmhé; J 1 pbi%z2pz%am M ;:1;*umc{1?or»s;a,,—;=;:11se1dgtg: mo Rand‘ yw the+inMin%irLersgwiché. V cafeairgeirmiriftz:”<)fJ3omin£on5*: ¥.Anc9nio pc..‘i - am ww1::4c‘on«td'mt. Vbe9qfl’énaea'thmoto¢ri.w » 4%r1fi;,c&e?c:1 i%411:4C-nun fE11o4rs;t%ba.fo;..’ w§himhat% h*urno1i1r&,rcigm:th , “thvcj'f cm-.33. mufib'c Ufljllflig ¢i:E.i‘t% befoflraking » A and fliallvhaveuAfé:ofI‘uch« i1AVf1A..4 % % f.’c,L3»um~¢ntsxtAhatth«ey datrgemot Are mb‘ve“* b Wiibyz I‘u é:l%A*d%cgm:u inc’/§. A érms dératc Princc.wh0 hath nofilch féra xg2ce,anc1AA% ;Mim Pr: rs ‘Kbu1'I1C§fl0t' i7W.ith~ A ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \ I ‘ V‘ " ‘ ‘' 1|, w . “ fl “ V ‘ I ‘ 1 ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Y . u ‘ g‘ ) ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘J "2 ‘ ‘ ‘ N - M _‘ _V In ‘ ;. ‘ I 1'ez.par; 2. L 7 bIac§k%31T@cfleLts ,wu[<) »1vn%al§7e,%%4thei'n3fc1v4tis: A dc;arc;a“nd%o§srerge:‘1wehim wiEh£~ 3 1 hm%?oAm:,,% :faf‘tf”ty,v Iran {can dam: j‘ufi‘ifce5 % lemhes «:f511%b1Vi“q%1ie §tri;ra’11 ;: b’ei1:.rg ~~n;o7tI {qr scvér , = fog Witfidfif ‘Psccfj se 4,:to ru~ixl1;c¢ them ind Azi 1: mmnmt; ~ :5 crtriou S3 v ~ 4 5’ fsiimtcd :;eit;%lmci* 3:0 7Rrotec€t: ‘them-* Simecwf a§dV%ifiAng»AtW%bfl‘Wa§i*c*s20?: 4A"C1e:-:<« be CIem.Ii. muncygraa vertuemfi»as.muqhJpn*1{mjfin gz-wép-A5~ E H asgpiiety iii A *?%§f¢wFnn:§mh? %:«t‘Imfi% % 4 fwéetning,wi‘th m%i§xing%S4lut?azrw§fe; A rz2e7iim2r.r;2‘“s.¢%. Yca,'jvvli@1*mhcAdis*md{’cij;u:-I ‘ Ia «dicziwmm 4 A guy W zigfira 3 :.; hr; 573%; s;Ai~* tbrwh a$@HaE13»Ui*3Tffl ih'a%§dfim®iin1*Es fm. M EL T gtimwm£m%7'icz;m¥fwg*em¢5vf£.occiz1a;ée 5.. imp-AA9~L by‘! I ..uM|'I»w~>mmn ‘ ‘. «cfi>cc*a1A1y rcgulluris U on¢2l ‘ Decius dc I A (22) g ofpccially fi1chasarcb1ood~thirPcy,& dcccitfull men, who fhouldhi not live . ’o1‘.'1th21fc"thcir{daics: ./Jtrocium mi- mflri , Ciontrivchrs of iimifbhicfc hand», miféry , whom no neccfsityo, or Ptraights ofStatc can excu[E:.Forthere are F crda,f‘a}[£z, (9 flqgiitiq/21 3 gm; P4. trz'.c iqaidem emf}: fétcimda nanfunt 3 cfpccially being waits iagainfi their. o King and Qountrcy upon a true .in-4» tcrprctation a« and a ncccfiity ofthcir” ownc procuring» to the States undo- ' ing , A by““thcir making’; itghcoworfli of that: which at the "bcfi was nobet-A *. tcr than nought; havincr concludcd A i D it good counféll to ho “mg both king- idomcsfnccrc to ruin: ,githa_t they might rule thé with more cafE:,Whcn i thcyarc poor: & paféivcsa moi} cm-a A t foundingcourfc in a‘frcc iMonairchy. “ And let no obnoxious difiurbcr. thathopcd to cfitapcgina Imokco,‘ A think»: to flop; or ‘divert this Pre- V gféntichourféitforithc common good againfi the common ctfcmics 5 by o imaking .41.. u 9:.‘ making’ ‘itr7i a. 7 quePcionV“ Whether 1' * Prisirnm fhflulci Puffer Miniflzers, ofhisw+ ownc.¢ma:kii1g , bee puliqucljn pug nj1ht:f7oxi1IVAcxccutio4n oftheiri c>»flice, xwho Welsé nvrmzhc and bro ugh: V ‘in ‘a:~s> fc='c(3n"dary= afuwbms Md ~fi2t_g“1i«cs3tc>‘ make »a—n¢d_ raifé aflfeirtt-1n%c y 9; V‘Fa€€ion, as men bred, and fcdfor any fcrvicc :«I~V4a%nd if wal King %%~m11d Tchuife any eupn his 4owne %judgement;V Afhde may “ aman %(and aboveA13hicwv1b£afé’Afla;xs; of~flatc5e;.-J-. W mg» Jliairits V'~°g~raci@us5Ra1nAefl7t: ’ b»emken%o@f fi~om~chc iécmicy %pc6tiVngmen,Vfo*bad as fbc‘ dqanfl it mayVbcA they werg4muth% batter % when thci:%Ptrinoc ’fi1*Pcp%itched4Aupon 1fihcm , before the pofl7c‘1S:ion% ofpow» er, and Tecret praflztié vvitzh vjworfer' men J, rcmlerc%d them asibadg or d1» Ac ovcrcdl their ~dif‘p0fit%i0n% We that nothing ofmq mcntwcarn be salleaged again{”cVh4isMajé[‘”:ies Way Q*vf1e2;vi:n*g A them‘ 1'30 his filrcmc S*‘cfnatVe,?rbm—n%g he doth nA0td¢1ivcr%them%as*4dcv0ted 4 to d{efh*ué’cion up nhiws own private A P 3A 4V5cnds, A Cam anella A " V in At e1fino trxumphato, % .cap.6. ~0fC , *. j [661 animo .in--- 5 I verecundi, { Salufl. %AI"£onfi1sde if V V Azevedo de A fyndicatori» 5! bus Hifyanim-§ 5 %K.12mm' his V {peach in %”I>ar1iamenc¢ : Specs 8: firm... r mia. in ambi... guo : certa A . uncra 8: In... ans .4 Tacitus hifi:.61 . \- W‘ ‘ ._.:mp-rm ' ‘ « mm ram ~3- ‘ ‘ V , WWW . ,, o. ‘ ‘ “ M ‘ *3 ,4 5%¢4cfi1:d;s,- in‘tcrcPc"4s‘., ;Mo§r difaH'eA6fi~.ons; but hachovvncd them more, and longer thgnfuch a good Maflcrfi) free fi'om :h~ciV1fgu%i1t,needcd» c_v:e’r to havc donci it xxrag mecrc ncccfsity ofS:atc,;pro» adixcéd by their Counféll, phat. cauféd his goodneffc to, fi1f:_uc&’%thcit bad vIErs{”Aiccg 4 A A V \ t A;.nd%{i1rc I am,t;hc[Awant of this are openc’d ,% and fat; upon them as Pefls and Vipers, pcrfidiqus enemies bftmankw c» kw[& as is; 9 upw Ihould not Procccd,mL1chdifl1onor, V and morcjdangcrwu1d’arifE:01~1tof Vnpw, w%hcnAthic eyes of all the worl{dA »re1igio:u;sscr¢ca.~.£urc, t=rk::ing a Church ,4 and State; ‘ Aifnow Iufficc it 2: if W: {ho1,1%ldnMoW unAdAc1jgO€:t1§}|¢ Worfl: of(3ovcxm5ncm: Civill War) imdcrthc bcfl: ofl’ rinc¢s,ic were the dcptzb Ofmiflféry 5VWhi:ch God and V man foVrbid5and this courfc is chc$on~ lywaytoprevcntit. “ RcWar.d.s and gumfhincnts hold : M ' up upall ration-aillk ondérs?,.4%a"nd é%r‘ati*-w one, and have immediate uen¢e*V "upon-the well-ffandi~=_ng. %o‘fzScate_ :27: now ifuhewcrafi fmcrn _fhouldnoc W onlyhavc AirnmLmities;&i%mpu~nicics;5 were pun'1fl1m‘cn,t unjuftly cd upon the befi 5,» bu‘: much} Ln?roAfc' provokieng, when»they rcape and: rc:%-M ccive the chic Ecfc rcvvards, and= have: the W favour choitgh; they vvant; the‘ f&'ith*ffl1flCfi‘C,‘>r—‘0 difh~i4butct:h%c 1‘rcfl; 3 . " A» Well it were if1?uch.m4cn as: l_i:vc agaifnfi the; 111168,; and maximcs of %Vmans,wc11-inning, that make jMono..- policsf, andrfo fizarcity; of nccefllxry cOmmo»dicic5; W :h»ic*G 2%“ ‘Of?’ f cure hath, madae~_.common« 5% .fl1Auié}+ A not b%¢pc4rmittcdr4 to3,,poflEfl’é% fa prti:-» can in ehc~c5art'h=, at to bnw*>t‘he¢si:n44 the 4 irmmem,d;iad~: a mu 4 xvm - tcr, as th D13: %nvhar;-"flop,:tur%ne.,;:mt'i cor... rupt th c courffiof the Poumyzainfiz his MajcfiicsVhi2-z11=\wics~ %wE¢»IL1fiiACc?= anci Y‘.L«’i;&W fififtflan fink mthc 3 Dd? W A fervAc9»J#chc_5%,S¢a,, é;and.»%y€c.,Vnrm1bicall A A 1* ' ‘A T ‘ VT1n;iVoMnsA‘%5»dtha;tthaw Wifl ba may ”timh¢4scmoL1 7t0~“6xei1§Ci“I‘€ ryall cA1crmci1ey 4zvva’rd”s ?thc‘ni ,; whcn the State is life, andflrongcfi *" humourspurged; Tlwniu ill A be: ¢ _ ~nccef§31tat%e«d2wwork ,% g;hcfl:fihwanity, wbcn*th4«erc is 3 .nacu;raI1;: J; U refining, ;fc':rv¢hsis.Majc{’¢ics% 4 true ‘témpgrxe held,» betwixt formall .........—-.—.-—- diffenéi—i}§eTQ1:%&i?MotIarC11yd‘§(s Where Q ; Councellsmfcet‘, in onc[¢head , hath 7 "-* 14;?) refining:3'1‘€?«H*rE'F0rif1ifi+g , andutter; ruin”c,i%ofC1¢’(Er*ii‘6Vi%tg Oh ;how .m;uchho.nour,amd com-E fort Well und¢r1aid',:tJvh'ich cnemiss 9 V;2szoAu1d;i;Venvy5»bL1t * c0%u:1?.flAO.t hinder; vw:oi;11d‘;:c,o?1*13e“ m;-his: éMaj€fli¢ ,4 ifuc oift11?'éfc&¢Atrs$;u;b1e»s 5:an%s:1%:.A:tVraile1s pf“ his three I§i:1gdomcsawith falgfecoficep tions and monficrs , adeliverance gwV0%bt;t?in€d Y %én~un%ivcrIEI11 réfc%rm;¢ati<2;1i;Silréw (wfith GbdS%b1¢F~ firi azrg; M 9 A So that wéighwe11,*a1idwixidc % up all theft particulars, and confidcr wit1m~1;4;g_p1ac% temper Vof _ch_c State , upCivi1l more abfmitéddvantfige to conhp ofe and »contr%u1q%A¢ fa.&§i‘Q11f*, then any Arifiocracy ,4 % if mix: of Gcrmanes, a.hV=%:*iSpaniards , that could never fa;117;aAinto¢a Leagudc-,bi1~t" only a Truce Afar Trafiiqucfl; and lay no that the univcrfixll loves of his % A %Wazrramoud , Ade foedcrib. \ Hm. 1 V Optand: A fun: iaudan- dis gmciorz. Weston. ad. V Regem é Scar. sis. rldueem. A WWM . .._._..Wfifi dent: of his abfblutc Iufiiccr, and the prcfiznt concurring of all the three Statcsrto Fcrvc him upon new en- A clearing obligations. , and then you cannotbut concludc the lad’: event that ever was expcftcd of IE) difficult - 4 and‘ dangerous a diflurbancc. Simm Rcspulv: cart? in l7om'LhPrincz".. pirfinum tacidit «.V:: 5 Is. 1: 5 c A fiib Arm u 510% Chas Ann, Majcfliés Royall pcrfhn; the corrfi-.