ODINANCE ‘ , ‘Mil’ UL"-'r "49 ‘ "am V ‘ K ‘ " at a 1 I I ' oFTHE Lords and Cmmons ‘IN PARLIAMEN T; ‘P0 11 V a _ _# The fafety and defence of the King? V «dam of Erzglmd, and Dominion. A of WA L I 3; A A A8 ‘It was commanded by both the {End Houfcsto ‘be ingroflcd , according to the alterations and amendments; thcfamc having V been fink rcfblvcd tipon the Qgefiion by both A - the {.*cid« Houlizs, ,1.-o"paHe : On.‘ tardy, the 5”“ of this prefent Marc , and“ {E1 to be printed. A u j”a.eBrowne, C/er.‘Parl.__:* London, Printcdfor~Iqfi:pb firm/gait,‘ “:54. 1;, ._.-g. Km. 4% ORDIlA\ilANCiE The Lords and Commons in Par1ia-- mentfot the fafety and <:lefence of‘ the Kingdom 0fEu G L A N», and A ‘Dominion of W_nL E s. ;__""‘ ft.‘ *:' Hcreas there hath been of late amofl: % ~‘” » dangerous and clcljacratc clcfign upon :1‘ ‘i f‘. the Houfgof.Commons, Which we have yufl caulk to bcleevc to bean effe F the bloucly Councells of Papilis, and other ill affefied Pcrlbns, who have already railed a rebellion in the Kingdom of Ireland. And by V reafon of many difcoverics, we cannot but fear theywill proceeckijnoronly to {line up the like 2 rebel- <43 ei'lchcllio.nl and in,fi1rrc6i:ionsin-this Kingdam tzafl Bncgland, but alfo to back them with Forces from abroad. ' C t A i For the fatfetyvytheyrcfote of his Majcflies Per. fon,the Parliament and Kingdom‘, in this time. "‘ofim:minent danger, I A It is %Ordaine«:l by the Lords ‘and Commons now in Parliament aflembled, "rim Heiwjy, Eétl (if Holland, {hall be Lievtemnt of the County C of [Berks : Oliiver, Earl of Bullingbrooke, {hall be C Lievtenant of the.County.of B.-eedfl2r‘d': William, Lordflzcget, H1 all be Licvtenant of the County of fiztckincglzam: 13u:!ly,..tLotd Nor:/2,,fl1al-‘l be Linw- tenantof the County of Cambridgé, and the Iflc; C of El} :]ames, Lard Strange, fhfialltbe Ltevtcnant tof~:thc~County ofbe/?er,tand the County of the 4 City of (be;/Yer : Iolm , Lord 9{al2el'rt:,fl1al! be 1 Lievtcnant of thetCounty. of Cornwall : Willi... am,aLord Gray,~ol" Warkte, {hall be Lievtenant of the County of Cumberland : Iobn, Ezirl of ‘Rut-‘ land, {hall be~Li.evtcnantof the County of ‘Der-t by : William; Earl of Yfitd/ord, (hall be Lievtcnant‘ ;of the Cmmty of Devon, and the County of the City of Exemr; Sig :10/Jfl".'Bf3_7?/<5» ; Knight , Lktlarcg‘ l V C it: A 05-) €hiéF Juflicc calf the’ CommanJPlm, {l1all”l>c‘l~Licv'*? temnlto.F tl1€: lllcmf ‘Pitrbeck, and~.Conflable of ~ Cerf Callie, in the County of Dorflt : Williamzg Earl of Saltflvztry flwll be Lievrenant of the» County of .’i3urfl?, and the Counry and Town. of Pool: Sirl'Henlry.Vz1neSenior, (hall be Licvtew nan: oflthc CountylPalatine of Durbam : Robert’, Earl" of Warz?oz'ck.l flmll be Licvtcnant of thc Coupty of Eflex : Georgy, Lord ‘C/mndoys , {hall be Lxcvtcnant 6f the County of Gloucefler , and tli'c4Ce:>unty of thc~.vCity of Glam:/fer : P’/aili/2, Earl of Ple‘m5ro/it landMomzltgome;;y , {hall be Licvtcu « n2mtoF thcCunt'y of Samlmmptcm, the Towncl :_ and County of 8outbx&mpto)z,and thclfléof Weigiat: l WilIi4m»Ea.rl6 of Salisbury-fliallllbe Licvtcnanc I of the County olf;‘Ha?t/ard :1FMlnc£5 Lord Dzicres ~ {hall be Licvtenant of t:li1cCounty of Hereford: ~ Edward Lord lfimboltan {hall bcc Licvtanantl of thci*CountlyMof Hm1tin_gtan.. : Robert Elarl’ of "Leice/fer, Lord Licvtcnant: of I RELAND 1~fl'l8l‘l A be Lizrvrcnant of the Cotlntypf Iftzzt, and thc-:~ A City; and County of Czmterlaterj: I?I2i‘li/2, Lord Wharton , {hall bclL_ilcvtcnantol’ the County‘ of . Lanca/Zer: Henry , Earl of Stamford, {lmll be l A AA A 3_ 1 ll ~ Li‘€.Vt'(w:-.:-. (6) }heeLi~ehvtenant of the CountyoFLeice/1er:T1"beopbiz’u:, _§E..at_:'10f Lizzcaliz, fhallbc Licvtenant of the Ports " 1(/Iave.n,“and Hqllamlw, ewithin the County of _ Lézzcclrzfind forthe County of the City of Lirzcofn: "Fr~ami5e,e Lord Il7i!lc:z;glvb) oF~*|I’ar/mm , {hall be Lievzenant of the Parts of Lind/£3 , Within the Coeuntyeof Linceln: Henry,Eaxnlof‘H72l&znnd {hall be Lievtenant ofphe County of lvlialdlefix : Hen.- ’ rj, Lord Spencer {hall be Lievcenant of the Conn.» n cy of Nort/mympton: Iolm, Earl of Clare ,_ {hall be Licvtenant of the County of Nattirggbavnn, gmd.the Town and Cou;nty~ef* Netti» lmnz : .11-e 3-erzzaqn,.Ear1of 2\(ortbumI2erl4nd,,Lor high Ad- hhmirall of England, {hall be Licvrcnant‘ of the County ofNortlmmlverlam1 , and Town and County ofeZ\[ezvcafl!e upo.n;.”_Ijme, and Port (bf Bzzrwickz Robert,EarI oFW4r1bickH1aIlbcLiev~ htcnant of the County of Norfolk, and the Coune 4 ty and Ci tyof Norwich: IVtlliam,. Lord Vifcount Say and Seal {hall be Licvtcnant of the County of Oxford 2 David, Earl of Exon {hall be Lievae~ ‘nan: of the County of Ruflarzd : Edward , Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the great Seal of Eng A hland,1ha1_1bc Lievtenancof the County of Salop: A 4 A ' IVtlliam, l l (7) 'W'iIlilam,‘ Marqucllc of Hartford fhall“ be Lic‘vte- namof the-County of Samerfet: Robert, Earl of Ejfex, Lord Chamberlain of his Majcfiics Haul: ‘ hold, Ihallbc Lixivzenant ofthc County of Sm/’»~ ferd , and the Cdursty of tllé City oflLicl;ficld : ‘Iavzes, Earl of Suflolk {hallbc Lievtcnzmt of the County ef Safiblk : Charles , Earl of Netting/zanz lflmllbc Lievcenant’ cf thcCo.unty of Surrey: .Al-,-V Al german,AEarl ,of N¢r£52umlv:erIam!, Lord high Ad-~ 1nirall,;oflllE N ~G,_‘ L, A N 0, {ball be Licv» tcnant of the County loFSu/jex :.‘iR’_obelr¢r, Lordv lffiraokflhall be Lievtcnalnt of the County of War. wick, and “of the City and ‘County of Camentry: Herzov,, Earl of Cxmzlaerland {hall be Licvltenantof A thcCoumy of Weflmérlzmd; ‘Philip, Earl df Pem» 1 Intake and Mazmtagamerj, {hall bc*Licvtcnam:l of A tl1cCountyofIl7ilts: Edward” , Lord Howard‘ of M Efcrigg, {hall be Licvtenam: of the”County of Worcq/fer , and the County ofthe City of Warts» V fler: Dengell Hollis, Efquirc , {hall beLicvtcnam: of the County allnd Citylof fBri/3011 : Rolzertgfi-arlt of Bflex {hall be Licvtenant of the County of York , the County of the City of York, and thc Town and County of Kingflon upon Hull: Phi. A 4 A l V lip, ‘(sj ,el?iip,Lord Herbert {hall be Licvtcnant ef th«e‘Coun}J 4 -tietof Marrmout/2.’ Jégernoon, Earl oFNortl9umber«' hmdlhall be Lievtcnantof the Ifle of /fzzglefley : Philip , Lbrd Herbert [hall be Lievtcnant of the lCout1ty of Ziiec/mock: Ricbarcl, Earl oFCarbery‘e in the Kingdolmof Ireland, {hall be Lievtcnam of the Countyof Cardégdn : Richard , nElarl‘of “Car- berjih the Kingdom of Ireland‘, {hall be Eicvtea mm of the Countie of Carmartbezz , ahd the 4 County of the Bur‘rou‘ghof Carmart/am : P/:ilip,l « Earl ofAPem!broke and?;Mcmnggamyerffl1lall be Lieva tenant of the Eounty (Sf C'am.»mrorz : Qafill, ’ Lord "Newenbam {hall be Lvievtenant of»thc Ceuntie of l.’Den6z;gb : Ba/ill,Loi'r;l'1-\(é'n>ml7czm {ball be Lievl. tenant of ~~the C auntie of Flinn: I~"l:ili;>, Lord Her.- bcrt {hall be Lievtenant»of' 'the~Countic of Gl4mar- gem : ‘Robert, Ea”rloftFfl‘ex’fl1allbcLievrenant of the Countie of *Mozmtgome'ry : Philip, Earl of Pem- broke and eMomztgomery, {la all be Lievtenant of the Counttieloflvlerionetlsr : Edward , Lord Littleton, Countie of Haver/ord Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England , “(hall be Lievtenant of theCountie of Radnor :: Alger» e noon, Earl of Nort/azmzberland, fllallbc Licvtcnant of the Countie of Pembroke , and the Town and And % A ?w ;;m.1rav%era: ; y%n”d% ruff; e€I‘ivci§~4h Eve‘ to afifcmblc and <23 =l;:%t¢%c>g*a*:tI+:c1', aII¢A:1nd_{in ’uIat' h7is MaAjeRic:*f1fl:njes‘xzvirhin fihc [xi-dfeverélg a1‘~a:d%4+;;tzm.y% 5 fpc<5¥Nc*~ :@bt1n’tfic%sI i‘p1”a'cgcsT, “sis well within berries %witb=outg VcVhar_are%'mcct * and fit for.%th‘éi~ Warrc%s,idand<%th*d4mAm trainé, cxerc?i{e;~ ax1v%dAput%*‘i1i~» rcadinéffdg aHd*::tl‘1¢7l‘Ii§afitrt%['1ci1'”:abi1ifiE'$‘Skid fags-i . cultiesvvéllandfuflicicntly from timcto time; to‘ ‘ caufc t,o‘bc4a1‘Lraycd and wcaponcd:;:aand to cake the MuRcr%of them in places mnofi fit ‘f()¢1“?~t1'J:£ !.f put; P0123‘. And the %aForcfaid«He?zry: Earle of Holland; Oliver Earle of»T3ullingbraoke, Il’2lliam Lord. @d~Aget¥,£‘ udley Lord Nortbjames Lord Strange; Iolm Ldtdi 5&0l:w€tPk;’.1f3?liidm*Lord G-my of+W5tfk€aV‘ gazmmxey Of’ §R%vi”tl}31arzcf,‘W'z‘fliam Earle cf Bez§"or%d Iéiajzv ®£:r2k£‘“ Lord xihficfé Iaflcice ofthcAComtmo1A14VP1ca.s , V Am alis‘lvury,' Iiknrj M636 n~i§)1*,% 4 A beftiEaM;'lc*V0f 'Wxtr132i£k,IIG'Aé0r:ge*Lord CI:a¢nd(y:,M1?I»i;' lip” Earlc tiff? ‘Pembraake and»-~AMuntgamAe7*j, Eraiécis Lord .1Daare:*,‘Bdi:mrd.Lord [{3ombol_t:m,VZ{abert Earle ofLcioefler, 9?I2ilip« Lord» AIV7:a%mn, Henry Earle of 3g'nmf&rd;I7qeopbilto’s E2§r%1c4 ‘o fLincolan é,‘Francis?L ordé W£Hou‘gbl2y of .’ParI:2am,A Henry Lord Spencer, film‘ Eat1c“.df€lurc5J¢l£erno0ne Eaflc of Z\;ov*t/ozgtizbérlarzvli» »AW’tflidm1Lofd;Vfifi:oumt Say and Sea1e,7D%a}vid Earlet A of0xon,VEdnrqtd»‘Lord» %4Littleton% Ldrd Keeper 05 B the 4 c: I o) A ' oheg.msc~a1¢ ofE;ggland, wmiamMarquc1rc or Hgrtford, Robert Earle’ of ‘Efirx, ladies Earle of 8i¢flolk,,Cbc1rles oEarle of eNotti22cgb4mo,« Robert Lord §3rooke,o fiezvry Eaorle of Cum5erl.171c1’, ~Et1D2ard Lord A_ .Ho'n2a}“d of E/z’ric-19 ,5@e7zzill Hoflis IZ;f’qui_re$ Q7’/ailip» Lord HerLbert%, o’1{ic/24zrd~,o‘E arlewof Coirlaerfy and $4- -'zil.;Zpl Lortdee NewenI2z.:m‘,*fhauffiverafly and .re'I‘p.e—-n V flivelyhave Power Wirhm the Ieverall and‘«7re—e A L fpefiive Countiessaud Places aforefaid, ‘to nomi- f mateAan& appo7i1a:_H1och Perfoxasyof Qualiric, aS+:::to.s thhemflmllfeemcmeetto be their Dgeputy-Lieou-«-.4 tenants, [0 be approved of by both Houfes of ParIia%mo~eno;.. A o ~ ‘ And that any on’e~ or more of thdféid Ibucpu-go At-ies fo afligned and approved of it: ffico abo{"w“cnce,o orby theComtnahd of‘ the {aid Eférzry Earle of 1 % Hollagzd, Oliver Earle of C73 ufiingbrooke, William Lord M ‘ £i>a‘get 73ndZey*Lord Nortlaflarnes ‘Lord Strange, In/an Lord ‘Roberts, .W1.lli4m Lord Gray of W2zrke,oIolm oE81’1C<."fRtItlz172d, W/illfliam Earle of73e“dfb;-4, Sir Iolm flanks Knight, Lord chififce Iufiice of the Com... rnon”Pleas, William Earle of Sdlislvmjy, Sirflenrj Vane Senior, Robert Earle oFWar1bic/'£rt Earle Lffcefler, ‘P/zilip ‘Lord W/mr--V» ton, fit)‘ M Zifinnjjr Earle of,S£am;’brtrr," '172eo[)_bil1r=sEarllca; bf V L ,‘ Lincolwe, Erancisa Lord W fllouglaby Qffizzrrléam » 13: Lord Spencer’, Iolan Earl of Clare; Qflgerrzoun Earl gof Norrbumlverlanil, W‘4illiam4 zfcountSa} and »3¢nl¢.i)a;-raid Ear1oF:Exon;.Eom24rd LroardLittle;d.ri, Lord Keeper of the gxm (Sf E}gl¢nd,~V‘Il7giZi4;;; Marque {T9 of Hertj‘ord,Q{obeg't Earl offiflexjamzes Earl of Sufolke, C lmrles‘Earl ofNottinglaam, ‘Robert " Lord Bro0k,Henry Earl of rCmnbelrl1dnd,l Edward 1,. Lord Howard ofEffingBam, Dezzzjl”f17alli: Efquiréf _ ' Wailip Lord Herbert, '1{icImrcl Ea rl of Corlaery in the‘ A. l Kingdom of Ireland, and $agillL0.1‘d Newenbam, A owcr and %AuthloritilCtpa.do%} and exc- flaall have [3 74 cuts withinrhc faid {‘evcr‘allanvd refpcétivé Colun. ticsLar1dPlacc;s to them afllgnkcdl as afprclaid 5 all {uch Powers and Aurhoriri'csarbrcfqrc V1nthisaprc- V fem Ordinance conraiI1_cd§l“;r. And lrhér .afOre{aid HenryEarl of Holla2z.1,0li'vér Earl of ~f°Bullz'n‘gbrook_, J ~_WiltiamLord7’ag¢tl,1>ua¢¥1¢ra Lord Wort?» Panzer . Lord Stfmncge, 101272 Lord jT\ob¢rts ,&* Willigwz M1-lcgrd Gray of Warke, Iolm Earl of Rutland, Willganz Earl of Bedford, Tiirfqbn flank; a_KnigAht, IV:lli4m Earl V ' ofSalisl2ur}5 ASVirl.H_‘cfnry ’1’472eSzz7‘riffi05ért4 L%orH$ro‘ok¥; Fzféizrj‘ Bafl of ‘C iu:i2‘6crlzzr1z1,%‘ ~"E8{n’n2rd‘ Lora‘ Hofimrd gof E/fricln, .73e72;{iZl Halli: [Ei"<1L1"§fe '7’/:ilip*Lbrd Zflerlverfi, pf Ccrlznry and Bagjll, ord Nmengzzm, %’fl*fa1l%*,'13fa\}c‘pB,\vci‘*t:> makc~~VC6Ilon cls ,‘” émd Cap... t;afi‘ns, and other‘ 'Ofl3ccr§, and to removc«"ouc» of ‘thc?ir PIa ce§’ ,. and make others from time ro timé, *:~s*4;:h¢y thinMkc“fift.* for that purpofé. % A And the Kid Henfy4‘AAEafIcoffialland, 0livtr%EarIc of But- ljn%cg‘bVrao/<(3, 17illiam Lord Tagezfl, TD'udleyLord North, jai7ife: ‘I.pr%<‘i A tran‘ge,“"¢‘Ipbh Lord Q{o'bert: , TVtllia”t)1 L‘(‘)i'dGrziy'fOf V/’drk;V€;"Iol>z1’Earl of Rutldizd, William Earle of Bccford, Sir _70lmA fiarzki, Knight, Lord -chicf'c%Iufliccof‘ the Commons Pleas, Ffifliam ffizirlc-‘of sazisémgr, S1'rHem»y 1?;mVe33én«ior%”,Rober: Earlc Of Wfirwic/<8“, George Lord Cba2}do}s , ‘Wfilip -Ear%l¢*ofTem6rooke%, Franciy Lord [Dgtcres Edward J;-;Qi%;d‘ yfiz5ot‘t‘o72_, % I_{ pI2ert.% E‘a.flc”cIf Liice/ler, ‘P/511:}; Lord _ 4 03% Lord+VIW;mo;a, Hm zgsfiarin of Shim ‘T/.~eopbilw& Eatld ofLin£alne,F1?dnci: “*L¢rd VViIloug/slay of ‘My; bum, Elenry Lord Spencer, john Earlcof C/are, gef’rr2o9ne' Earle”. of Nartbuanberlznd , VVi1:’iam Lord ’ Vifcunt: SaTy’a"n d""Scé1lh4e, ‘flaw! .E'arIé of0:’cofn,4 Ea’-VA mrci Lord ‘L§ttleto7z;wL0rd%Kc“cpctoft}1e great Sealga dffizzgland", I7Vzlliai11A.Marq1iCfl}!A of Hertfira’, Rr2«- lwert Earlewdf Bffex, Iamés EarlCA Of %S%uflclkTe,C/c>dr2e&f Earle (if Nottinglaari-2; Bévkert .LQr*d~~ firooke, Hasty Earle bf Cwizzlaerland‘ Ec1':bard%Lord4{ Herzlbard of B-a * /zr;cb,Den&2z1Hozzas f~;fquire,'“CPIaiiz'p L,q:d£17er5¢g;,; Richard E"a'rlcofCo'rbery and Mfiagi/1, Lord Nmen-, %am,‘thcir Deputy or Daéputics in their qbféncdg Or by tI1einComtn;_ind, fl1a‘11,zhAavcpo‘wc-:r7to lead,‘ . Cdndufliand Imploy the pcrfons%af0rc‘i’a;id%, .; asp. raycd;,4and~ wcaponcd for the fupptcffion pEV~al1% Rcbellions, Infurrcfiions", and 111vafi()ns’that: may happen Withill the fcverallj~ and ~ rcfprcfiflivq CcT:tmti%es and 1’1acc:s; And [hall fhavc f%urt1m”x power and authoritic , tovlcadv, co11dué't,a..ndT~i;ng.' thcPc:rfons aforcfaid, ‘arrayed a-11d%.w"qap.on4-. ed;as wcll within their faid fcverall and I,¢fpTc-3 o£’civ‘c Counties and Places , as Within any other partofthis Realm of Ezgglzznd , or Dominion of W21;-s,%f"or thc %fupprcfl~1on‘of all Rcbcl%l~ions , In» furrc€l:ions% , axmdlnvafions that may happjcn ac.:+ ” A V B 3 cording’? "Aldertnan, Iolm Warner , Iolm Tom: A , ’(‘l:4,.)H Q _ r eotding as theyrfrom time to time lhall receive _dlilre&iot1sfrom the Lords and Commons affem.-V bled in Tarliament. J A And be it further ordainccl,That Sir Iolm Gaire; Sit Iacob Garret, Knights, and Aldermen, Tbomaa peck»; AIclerman,Sit jam Walla/ion Knight and dermen, Sergeant Major; Gencrall Skippan, or any three or more ofthengtogcthet with Randolph Mamba- ring, \William Gilés, Iolan Fowke; Iames fiance, Frana cis Teak, Samuel Warner, fame: Ruflell , V Natlmneel h VVrz;gl2te,r William Barkley, Alexander Noringtarz, Stephen E/hirick, Oivenl Rom, Citizens of London, or any fix or -more of them ,l lhall have fnch Power and Authoritiewithin the City ofl. ondon and the Liberties thereof,a$ any of the Lieutenants before named, are authorifed to have by this Or- dinance within their laid feverall and relpecftive Countiesahc nomination and appointment of ‘Deputy Lieutenants onelya excepted.) And it is‘ further ordained, that {itch Perlons aslflmll not obey 1n any of the Pren1-ifl"es,. {hall anfyvet their neglefi and contempt as the Lords and Com- monsin arPa1"liatnenttaric way and not oth erwile, . nor lelfewherel.»And that every the Powers grant-=~ ted (L5)3W ‘H Wed as aforc{aid,flaall cominue, untill ‘it {hall Lbcc othcrwifc ordered or declared by both Houfcs of Parliament; and no longer. A % 1 mmmmgmmmmmmmmmmm V FIN IS. mammmmmwxmmmmmmmua