aaaaaaggazaaaaaazagaaayv ~T_§— we yggzaa‘fiaagzaaasgaaaaaaaaaaaz A PIE 2-} The Pctltlon Of Both Ho 1113 2 s of % PARL{AMENT, } @Cance,rning'tbe Militia, 6:0. 4 Prcfcntcd to -‘His N1 A j E s T 1 .3 at % T/Jeolzalds, 1%“%M4rtii, I 6 41. VVith His L4Af'j1+:s.r%1 E s A N s W 1: R thereunto. LONDON: mama V Primed by R01: .1_u -r B.A.x—éI:*l!m,"%'1’rit1tcr ‘ to the Kings mofl Excellent Majcfiic : And by the A{EgnesVof';] 0 I‘! n B 1.:-.An.. “W3 %%%%%%$$ i and Coommonfs in? Pa-rliamcnt, “Z do findcthcirijufl apprchcnfi- onsf’df forrow and fear, in re- .;f. fpc-€f”of the publxkcodangcrs '3'/4 C e.-fi"a,,,,: ando_mi{cr1csliI<@‘Uto fall upon Your 'Maieflie and the Kingdom, j to bcjmuch increafcd,upon there‘- oocéif ’o7f‘ oYour%~ou né:#pc&cd od‘e11yal*lo: of A gotheiro moon olaunhblé and incceflhry Pctoitionox; vco‘ thc ‘Mi/iii: of the Kingdom 5 to ;c f'pccia31y. gmt:- ving, tha'c'*wir:k9cd andmifchicVous>;Coun"{cIlots flmuld fiill“ have that power * wfitho Your! Mait- flic, as in this* time of im‘mincm and approach- Majcflics: I lo”yhl1o and ing'Ruinc , rather toi_nclinc’"Your Rtfolutions to K that w-hich" J askcm:~iie1ggian,#andap£rh::p:aec%ma infeas- inf Year $c5I*f, and Your ,Kii1gd om,=then «t¢o'—ths:::d%u-» « %mi£uf1%a.nd faith~Eu1l%ConnfcllLc>:f Your Par1iainen;t- Whacfere t7heyare eaufotccd in‘=a‘11?humi1i-ty to J l’rot‘cfl,,That,if%Yo1nr_Majcfiic (hall. pcrfifi in that é1dé§fia1l',* ~€ht’fia:n-g€§=‘s%:an3 diiffiend-perés King. d0ifi":i§I'€‘f&Qh,_; 13SWi,1l gndure;zn0':le-qgcridfilayg : Bu: unlc-fTcYou%,fl1a1l b¢.ag=raci‘¢)‘ufly~%plca{% d to affure- :hemby'th'éTc Mc"fIErigcrs, that'Yo’u will fpecdily a.pply%;v_¥*opr;R;Qy j»A:fT_c-m{*.to §¢hEV;»(a£‘isfaéti-pn of. % their fo rm lcrgdcfiré 3,, they '{11i1l} be Enforced, for die fafety o’f'Y'ouri\?1z'rjcfi“i‘c 2indYour Kingdoms, to..- difpofc ofxhc Milma byxhe Aucbpfigy of both Ho%ufcs ;'ii1 7 f1i‘th¥%irta§nm‘c’4r%%11s;1%ratla been pro'p.ound- Ted You :;Majc£tiic..:,;&ad=;theéygmfiflvt Ice ido-1lt:z1;c--% :cso1:d‘ing=1.:y£... .. ” : 5 V . _ Thrzy 7?fi‘k%ewis§: .m;e:£t huinifiy ‘b‘¢f€€C.h you r - Méajefizi.e¢:aLb:1‘§evc,‘ LT.h‘at } (hi: da%n%gcmus::md .dc- V fgémnarc *D“ci'f§gn€, .«,' ;pc>n;¢2iaac {;I~%Vio'u*fe efu \, ommons, ‘mmcinvncd in :;their PJrear1:;fi;a1;::,» ‘W335 amt %in«fc:r:ted xzixh an v‘i.fl?I¢3»‘m%'t0in~a‘BO xciawfi c.V3€afl Mp er-{Ion upcm A 'Y:Cm:r: Majcfiic, %huz%-:tlmEjciI1 $3633! ;m:»f3€€?cx¢d Aiupon '-that t;1aii‘gr1a,£t«cn % .ex,p¢r5i- as-11;’-E, .;m.d from ;w'h7icih :t~h;:y can mvc1_~bc.v!ccur¢, % >m'uVlcIT$’1Y£3;k1,r%Ma;jeffic mizll be .,:p:1cia.Ccd to pm from Ron ‘t.hoEc&‘wi<:lk*ed% ":1 ml ‘uAm;fait.hfu'fl 7 C3o¢.unf«i1%%iors, rwh-0 ~imerp0{fc ~;ch;eiar own;pt and m31ic.i,o:us ~D“.2figincs sbfltwixt. % Your §Ma j<:fi~iz:.s G0 odxxcffc and , Vflfidzam gamdn « t~h-:- pfmfpcriyty :an.d aC0nt€?1.tmcn E ~ g3u:;¢~SLc1f,$%:ami.;of4,Y;c>ut vp ¢o9»1e-; And that for italic i i l 1wo"f'°fli¢ f‘-g,1“E°‘W_l¥« an em,*rmalmrml o$"%¥dur.lPfl hp n wmidlawmfotré in r r aw and < '-tlae‘WtfTli€l:menj:;l'fl;flfi"~‘imt mp pp "1 it any mm self t7~o‘an?ypitl1¢?r'em?t>“rer* ptms:-y Majc. {lie mmafneedsn of great d:1nlgerr»Md1diflira&'i*p‘ng "V '1 hat Your Mi:i;«en2ie»wr1.1irlik-ctwire be gracioufly plegn-led“to conritiiuedireii?-rince his Highnefle in thefe parts at 8“ James, or anyother of Your hou- I es neer Landon, whereby the defignes which the enemies of the Religion and Pence of this King- dom may have upon his Perlon, and the jea- loufies and feares of Your peoplemay be pref .‘VC‘~nte ; ‘ I « f, . .lAnnd .they.rbeIec:c.h Y.m_1r.Majefl.ic to be infor- e F bylthem , Thznci iLa~wsf:of1:hc dom; the power of railing, ordering‘, and clifpo- fingof the "Militia, within any C'i:ti:3, Town, or other place, cannot be granted to any COl‘pOI‘3tl- pm byflharter, or orherwife, withoutjtl;]e auIt]ho—- “"r'i»rie and confent of Parliiament: An t at: ofe parts of the Kingdom which have put them-- i felvesl in a pofltire of defence againfl the comnton danger, have therein done nothing iutficfcprditng—rarioi1pan.d d—iresS’ci<_an:.of it it A on» es, ‘-a-ncl swmci wiser-}n»fi#i'fial>l£~by~«thc I;2: t1ais% Mcfl»"agca4 that Iknow n%oc‘what: I to;.Ar1_fwcr:% You Tpcak off Jc a-’- " loufics and .,,Fcar,s4 y?o'ur; Whether I may not likcvvifc be diflurbcd“ with Fears andjcaloufics : And ifTo,I affurc { you this Mcfligc hath nothing Icffancd A them. _ A Pore%thc;M 1:”: T1 117, I thought f much of it before I fen: that Knfwcr, and am j much affurcd ~‘ that Anfwcr ig. agreeable‘ mi L wa*tau£%%"*:o a (vi) ,1, “ 1 Ir J . W 4 ‘ V ‘ 1 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ I ‘ “ ' r u v . _ ‘- ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ . N ‘ V , ‘H ‘ r _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘v ‘ ‘ ' *‘ .‘l‘C.‘ _ -' r ‘ W , . m N . 'V_ , “ ".‘ ‘ x s ‘.‘ w ‘ ‘ c .A - : . , ‘ . ~‘ .1 ‘ 1 . * , ., - .- " ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ m . A \_ ‘ .. as A ".. V, I. . . 3 ‘ ‘ “ ‘ . . ‘ m ', ‘ V ‘ ' ‘ Na‘ 5. ‘ ‘ I 14 r . ‘ { , \ Amt » A For my Son ,1” V‘ _ _ Fathc.r;.*%!1<1M =