3: ~s,,'- 313; ii. 303 M- 03;- I "' sxfi W; V V 5 0.5 UM: i€v€-:- 1:16 H63. rail Pmcéedings cmd p*a{f3.g¢s~ in both I+Ioufcs0F£?«mLIAMEr~:~r, {rmn die to. ¢;f'}‘fl?3fi4?:V' to the 1 7 ofrhc: fcmcre. 16421.: €m:1.::c:rning-zhc grcar and w%aig_flhry Affimcs of th:Es~*~» State and Iiinggdonug andalfo of A jrcidnd. % B )1 a [7erfe£‘.}€‘ Co‘Dz'e. Lbndgn, Pr j;—1tcd. for Q2: 2.2 Tao M .0534} I 541;” v : . u .,.- ; up-.4 ,,. .9! " ‘W-.‘ i E _. 1“ ’ av ‘ my» - ‘K HIE‘ w ..-‘ _ .. ' ‘ F . “fir V ‘ ‘ B ‘ $9 ‘ k { k ' ME. t . 1-“ V ‘ '5 N '» V '7 ,- ' 0.... ‘F, "_ ‘ Occurrences, 7 Fitorii tfiaxo. of]m. to the‘! ;:'.oftl9efam¢, _5. 4._[.‘_ I Pom girlinéday the x o.oFl.s;:.theCo;;zmirrE: oFLordsmet atGrac5er':/J41/,8£i§1te about thelriflx affi1ires,Lcttcrsbc- ing come from j’reI,zmi ofthe befieging of Trcdagb by the Rebelsfiz Eh;1t‘D:4.-L-t/I’): expc&cd%dt.u }y to -be tttitbeleztg _ gurednfhfi {Etid Letters iIati~m:1tti1g that Col. H arcanrt: Regimuent coufifiing of; xoowvas landed with goo horfjs, anda dzfitc gezaf - the rcfiduc ofthe ayd to be hafined. A /N The. ‘f ammirtee ofaihci-Iouiie Ofx.-O11’~1I.'110fiS fine abofittthe Petiribn dchvered by DI't,I’Iz'J1to}2 to the Innes’ ‘ofCourt for t[1e1rAhands-ma t behaifc C)f‘th€B1'U)Ops5tht:y Ii kewifc {Cate '.1bOUE,tIh_Q,.bij€&Ch of Dar». liarncnt P1'iviledges;AnCI Setjeant Fm;-sci:,Sir VVil.~Killegr:_7 and Sir Tl.va;Plm2mz'xzg ;1ppe:.ting by Order werecXRm1"ned,touchfz1g then: authomlty for what they did for the tieagng L1;f)dtht3Stfldl€s'&.'. papersoftlw Pa:-I1axnenttMembe1~s and the: ~::t1.1n oFt:hten:%pe1'~ ions , A And they weré nppoxnted to hem r;>.1d.m:+“H'e whentcevér" the Hou{i=.s Chould cnal ton: thexn, A ‘ A V * . This day his M;~.j‘eH.ies anfwer to the City P<'?E£tfOn.fOf tPatrItr'1— A rnentPriv11edges,and m behalfe: Offti}C3.“a.CCL11GdN1C‘n‘1bC‘1T5:V‘J3S}D).1b_‘r- A Iiflxedtin prinr.,his Majcfly likewilize upon t£1e7.:uP.e:;izt;fta:=zt0fz‘ both PI-Iou{'es, referred the djflfemtztces béiweeut.:~tth°ifntilitife anti t11ct::%'i‘;1id accuiéd Membczrs to’ 6. I.0::cis on his pljlrrfa viz. that Lord iileeper, " Ma rq ueffe .I~I‘crrf2rd.t%l1e E .11‘1€ S O F E/]2w, P dmém/1;, EIolz’m«id,€5c-kt tbs: I.ort*1.SDz;-,t11<2 H0115: <~f;f'Comm‘Ons being;-»ro*ch<'>ofi: an eq~1ml~1 num~ bet to [W/3¢"n to weigh anddetcx-mi 11:37:EhC’X.'€f0Ea.T.h€1Kfi7Ig‘v¥i1]Et‘G1]p9- on imrnecliazrely dxfitrhargcd ‘the Cteurtttof tmlfl.i2“tI:f'7"£7iz:¢Yh2:z1l,:;I"I§,d ’ that .1f"t.<=:rnoonc2 hi I‘I1f31f‘3.,th¢3 Queemand tRt"75ya11t<)fl’1'pri flg'vW&IlE out of'T0wn<=:~to Alfazmptrm Courrnrt ‘ V A ‘ ’ Mt Thi s Evening was o:rdr.?r given for Pcriéf »v:xtch’;'n-theT Iibsrtyt at" ;Veflm£2z/fm the Houflmolderw being tcomm:mded‘t ‘p€If[€)£_l3lL’1yt .tt)_ ‘-‘-ttsincl. V ‘V 4 T t * ' ‘ % '3 ,7? T1! c?fla’4$ % (M V 9"! rt . “"3 r» a; “‘ /"W V 1 , /1, If :4 v g“-‘ ‘y I 4,“;/‘ was , ‘°hw.-av’ ‘”~,4,.\»o9’7 ‘1»¢;,,hm,.n’ ; Vcfdsgyv morning thc"Lto.rds Comm.-'m~a met j.tgafn.:tat' Gm. “ -»c§m4Ht:t1I, and having iittcsrtbnzc tz'tz1ac:tbc1t;tt the jrifhtaffiupcg atzi theta’: D.;ft1'd,catne to their I-Iotiié. at i¢«’q,/22223:»/far, as btefbre appointcsti abotxt two ofthtz clocks. ".I‘heCon1 ttittee ot"t!1eCm.n;n é.*'>r1»i theta tj3eetz'ns.,: .Lc't’ters were roduq-id, V‘J-11.CJ'i1 Feetxacd to d.g'£E~<7vct‘ a Ctonifijrtzcy aMg;2!'n£1the Members‘ and thcC1t39; i"-Id 1‘)e1V;711g ibmeti»tt1»e'cot1{idet&2d'thcreoE; thfiyflmfldc21-P,fOtC{f;iti\?!2 agtirzit iitch thoughts 5 Likewifia 21 Ra;-.. pbtctbeing nmdétfmt fottiefltmcs St otfhetI;unmunfta’onwas late- _1iytde'li‘i?ered 813 ctmied out of £hf3T0\—V¢3F,th€'},I 0!‘dx3%1'Cd£ we Liév- temmtifhould have nottcc to appetue the ncxt tnott1ingVAs%t3fg:‘v_e an atcotirit thereof‘. , Abo‘ut‘Wone of théclock ::nt;itt{1«': ref’: tookc water at the ;;;.,(2ranes to COI1‘l€‘_tO VVeitm1nf’rer,many long B0; [(33 _m3.gd my; 1, fiéamen, and divers eeceéé O£'.O1'Cifl.1flC(’;['l1c3r¢Ifl attendtng them .‘a"s’aguar’d, lI}:evv1fe{0rn'3 6.. or 8; City Cornpanies came by land» horllz vndet his comm;1n:?,'rt1d rm he repor:'ed%he1‘1c ’fb,trMtth'e'{étfZ:'ttyt of thetHt>'ufl:’s+md tMembsrs.t A A H j t‘ _The Lt3_t%q1;_b¢ttzg -tmet II1t“t:h€11‘I’10j'.1‘i‘C€ flzte fome while about thd ]rt{I1"afFa1rcs,~and upon it —Mei'hge ftotn the £20111’: oi-7 (t.om:a=tons they ent1‘"(?C!'IntO the confitletation ot"ParJi:.n1ent Priviledges, as h'kew1f::M ofthte flecgefiity ofa Qua rd. ..-- i " V ‘ »T,heHQui7::‘ of >C0mm0ns uponttheir mecttT:1g"recciv:%d' ‘aRep ort, '_th£t'C0I';I;z11¢‘:f;;a5~./..was about Ir\»W;/fa»: on 7"‘/.nmz.:v vvithj; or goo ) V _ _ V . _ W _ _ Idootm *1 ob m‘en*more at hm commnndpf xvlmI,1 .1<:qn;.'nnt1ng £1361.» otd: -cnere\gvith.thcyt.appofnted :1 feieét%Co:rm«;imc»:tfbrtl1e further ex-ac. tninafietrtheréot. t ; I T A Tfmy‘ then enttcd mm ttonfidém-tion ofa gmrds nece{1Ity,otde... ring; 2.Cempanies "fh ouidtdaily attend th<:I-Ioufiz fbt that {E-:rvt'r:c. J ilfkewffe th.’*y éntred into deb.=tt;1rz§!zt,+:z’i,tand t-e.;.. ‘cei1zec_;if:tn1‘werQs; to their c_tm”tenr; And 6 .‘0Fthe chi efisfi ot”'t1i§ ,_rqde ' to hisVMaj¢_fl_y with gt gate ‘1’w’vn-:'tzef2,~~, but yet rVet11rtied,4’9‘fI_”l1efC: W,~:§'f1i1<;;»3ai12: PL t1't;0_}'*z‘ elfvercd by“ t he ‘then :v¢‘“f:~t:o¢ fame a‘P3f1:_t.iczTfg(;It;lfV“€1j€_L1' tbs": It bdfility-* of mgng their affeehon to the I-Iou£c:~';, a rezlllnvctatfoki of Poptfh 0 .-tenets and Schifines_, “ defite their A1/C~3tv1Ces% AIh:gi1Mt‘be aec“cep_ted% -was a’§1m§da’V',V£‘iiCh W3$ V.C1‘Y gfatéfiwfi %?.¢¢’€1?t¢d-‘% W A ‘ Ednefdny morning thefmzmitreg con*:ern1'n'gAjCoI. Ltgxrff. ford metin theCoutt c>.f’t’Yatds,divetsI(§ngflon men he». ingexammed thereupon and veftihed the Report; And upon the Hottfes meetjtjg ittfeing reported that the Lord GeargeeDig6yhzr.d joyzuecj with theo1;z1.:1Col.AMte{33gewas lent to the Lords to de... fire t1§»ei3v‘m’ghtt both be fent tot,whe1-eupon Order iffized to ;th;‘u; pug ogxbut theyf were not to be heard of at thetr Lodg!r2gs;{X£fQ th"’e% A icvttentmt of the Tower denymg to come upon thefieouie of Céinmons Order, excufing" hnnfelfe by Letters Eh‘:-o1t%h1'.% M‘;4;el’tl"r ad commanded him not to abient hischarge withottt Cotsnter; A Wraidnd from him, they fent aMeflE2ge to the Lords to defire they would be pleaded to fentt For him, to lhew his authority. t The Lords thercu on {cut for him, and the L_ICVtC'fl.2.n£ fluewged the Mefienger histommand from the King. wifhjng him to read it, and after his reading of 1' t, he Coppied out, and after his‘com1p'a» 4 ring it With the Or1gina1I,hc fen: (.,flpt3l‘l-1 Gqrzixéy with “the Ma; {anger to Attefl it .; The Lords thereupon takrfn_;j; the Atteflation read it=& tpheno. entred into confiderata on o?”hi s den yzrall to cotoe, ballancin’ “his authorii y and the Hoofes, :.nt[i aftet £_b:~'IlKfT.l’,);(T).u!,‘_'E5‘ t {pent i_n:- ebéte thereof; they voted hjm to be mm; for [he daygtus‘ .1 Delmquent to zmlnvert the {Ind tomzet :71 pt. L1 Itew-J f.;-;- this datyRepor:‘p,-emg made to IheLords 4.. D:m.&t'rl;(,_e fl‘1ipsVI:zdt:i‘1yV'iI;h Ammunition be1'ng boundfor mlmzd, we.e‘d;-iven 1: on the ‘A ‘Coalhthey imvnedéxlttly lent o'11tOrders[l;o;.!1 to theLor Admi- rail and “Lord VVM-:1*lc21 of the Cmqu:-:« /"|OL’tS’ for t! f'i-aye? ofthem. ‘I. hefioufe ofCommons be-mg met t£2CC§f1:[C’i.”€t Report from the e t V " ’ 3 t (fer);-; I;opmm:: eotfxgerningvtlie éefiioae eF_'tha I.o:d”‘Dxgé] Chis. ffvjéjfgrd who had rem oved th'€1fStat10nS. and were ab out!’/' ‘{ar,\and with‘aMe{}-‘age I0 the“L0rds. they moved,thar.htheSh“er1fis _do£.s';;m7y,e, Béxbu/Eire, and Tfampjkinre nfight have notgcc tozvapp;-ea hiend themgwhichxvas preienclytpur in exec1_1::'on.'eL1' kcwjie up- am Report that hisMa'je1{y was going tquvardhs.VVaod[fakk,wl1eAgc: }é'c'hp”u:po[ed to 1eave%§hee.;111ee1x and P1-1nce;ax1d«theq mtehded to gut: towards. fljortfmofutla Vpon a Meifage IQ the L9rdS’fh€.Y moved, thm‘: not one} y,_the Lievtehnant’oF ever-y Cotmtyfhouljd Have” Ohréi‘er"ro‘Pcand.on their guards and doe noth.=ng xvfclzogc confirm: ofboth§King and 'Par!nzm-‘mt, but alfb that the (3 overndrs of 1Port_fi25oI«itl3, Hull,and otherPort Town",‘_}>.ould neither 1'ece:'v¢ :26: de;.iver as1y,e1mmunit1<'>11,or yeeld other ;1H§Pcan ‘.6’ without the :’like joyne confen: which was aflcntcd Lo; and Oxders prefendy }‘:fl"LI¢dto that Pur ppfe. A. .% A ‘ V , A ' The Hou Fe o£ZC o1nu'1ons.1ikew1Te exxtred 1' mo eonfidemtgfozx of-' Mi‘. Arfzmzies dr;iwin9,upethe‘Aru'c1es of'H1gh T‘ref1£bn’hag:.pThfi— their Membe:-‘sh. And therelzpon {eat a Mefllzge to the .Lords to .fl?eH1~eteh;1c Mr. h/1'r;x4;"nqy might: be called to anfwer to certain Im- Ierrogacoriei, Qrde: z'{fi1ing.wnheceL1pon«xhac he flxould Be. ready the glexth.d3i’y._tO-Ehlit. P'urpoIe. A , » A ‘ ' I A % :4 This day was a Frcfic/J Géoke (as {i1ppo£E:d)b1‘o11ght f)e."C>re the I301-dsh,ee who had v"ndeL-taken to’ poyfo-n divers or beam Houfes air an intended F eat} they were to be invited to the Earie CF Lei»- ’ ceflm and bthers. and upon exami.mr.ion wamlent to“. Nemte ‘ht here to ’a;1‘fi.v"erei r. V . k V h 357”) II‘.’.:"{f‘Tf_'-"._./:?-.VA'¢’ '2/5.7‘? /at: 1‘/.u'.s:h 22/;r{/sri‘. . ’ _._Hi:rfdc1}v 21"’ (‘bmm/rm» 6f'bO1;h Houfes met: in the pairjrcici ’ . Chamber, about thefrif/a ahff';i1'x'es,edeb;1t:':1g Upon‘; P;-oVjfi.. *dI1OF‘Br€1d21nd 011116? Vi'~’~5hIi1L; tohee tnmiported for-the Azjmy hippengied For Irel.>ma', and the.quan:{ty‘rhe1-cog bu; not fully drg... te,:frm‘ned thereof‘. e . V AI_I3':he Lord: I-Ioufe being cor-npleat, the I..1'evnenLu.1t‘oFh the ‘Tamrxyzlag brought as a ‘Z93/,m$A.7:m:;, andafcet. cxarrzi,r:ation atom-~ eerning his cgntempr, my Lord bf 1\J'cwparz was his Bayle h £51- aeppeamn-:e wheh the Hou{i*s_fl1011I;Ie'0n1ma1n:iit, he returned to -hif; charge, A M A % _ 1 A A ” Alfo this day, at a- L”-‘wfi=rcnc: of bot11.I-Io'x1fe:é, M1'.;:Irfx4r:éey an» fwered fiyercd to all the objcérions arid oA*rriclcs‘:igainfHiimy‘(Ewe ma whichhe dcfired 1bm‘er‘cfpir [0 zinfwerir. V! % A r This day,uponra*MefI';zge fromtiac I-ioufe of Commons iffized an O~2der-»t:h;i'r- the I 2, Bifhopsraccufedof T1-eafbn, {hould be A brought to their Tryall on Jmmda} '_foIlowinyg.be1'ng;he<:1 7.“ day‘ ofthe monech. y. V A V The €?mmz:rm: concerning Lm1Jfi2r¢2',8£.C.ymetfn-the morning for to enquire further thereof : And the Spealggr being rcomg, rhcy enrrcd into debate for the haflning the Irgf/7 ayd ; '"-Likev.v1T¢ conc_emi‘ng the Privilcdges of P4rl:'m:cnt;Si’r WiTli4m”Ki11egfe},y'» anzisir ‘T/Jame: Flemming, attending by Comma-pd. _ '7RIDAY- The Lords upon their meetrug, reccivcdfla A Mcfifigc from hrs Maiefiy by my.Lorclh Iyieepezi, as an additionall ‘to frisr anfwotj 0fBt¢cKyi~§_g7g;¢m [bray Petition at Wz.>2c_r’]‘or,on r1':oWedr.c (day before :yby v(rh% l1crcx.p1'ciTo.~s his om‘-are fidelity to rhoupholding o£Par- ] iameynt PIi%’i1€dS5CS,fi®r hadynoy intcurirn to vyioylate them » by is afcriiarion or the Lc-rd Ix’zm&cI;m, and thc ref}, that if any doubt remained there-1'n,he would clcerthcm,” and defired they would lay by all Jcaloufiesyof him, and afyply thenufelvcs to the publiqur, and prefling afl°aircs,y cfprtcialyly rhofc of Iv-e/gm:/,~ or to that effcéhxvhicll was Wac<.}uaimt<;‘dt1f1é “Commons 4 by a Meffage, and read to tlaénr. 4 h A ’ They 1ikevvifc1fI1t_c upon the BiI1‘foryprcffi_‘ng of Marti-5 f nets, and thc-Bi1lA for f2ndin_q;Flccts to Argifreg and the nag-»row%Seays, formerly {ant up bythe Commons, * and yonceyrc»2td,:2x:xd thcywerc road againc. _ or A ‘Thcr*Hous{'ev of Commons i:».re about the breach “of P;.u~1ia1nent l3»riv_iledg<:s., Mr. ‘I'M and therefi making r Spbcclres and Prore’ftarions« of their oRvne' Innoccocics am-ii Jntcfgririycs, ar1jd‘wpon»r1ic receipt of thath/Ieffigc from the Kmg I:um—mgfom~crw11rlc debated thcrcof,thcy " A intended A .w«=amverege to the mag, W cm; iixz-tt1e.t1=»‘eia~ ” ft-dt. Mem.bers. l1ad,Prote1Red in erheir <3-mqei hzfhafl Festafld deified t”j._:3;.irt th5ei7i' :l€Cui‘Cf3,‘3 find i=t:hi1 ti they W r:_11iig1"3i:" .i’iin'?‘ dii£at¢&'tIa¢'fli‘f€.!Ves')'.',mOVi§}§)¢::_,,tineA Lzotdstn jcaynewkth, them in Petitioning his Majefty to declate 'him.f‘e1fe. tZ:tere—inby fame {11.ort7time,.whieh the Lords ~tQ‘ehei_fome.. tim"e*’to henzidet of. ' A ‘ ‘ t ’ A i V{RD'AY« 1 Commieteeei:-eofi‘hoth eHbti-1 fes EI"1e£'.“‘ ‘ ii:ir1t~1e—themorningebotxt the Irifh afftites, }c0nclu]dingg of what} qutatztiry of A ‘pr«3vi~fi on, fihouldi be few: for» J.7'TB[di3?d_-- ' T A A W Andthe eLprdsiH.ot1fe bei1'.xg. met , the B i»-E13 Concer-'*-7 tir;1g~thc,}'*‘leets, and for Marrihers , were read agaihe anci by A.ueh0z‘icy given from his Miiajafiy they~p;tfi‘ed'ia the; ptjcfence of both Heufee. V _ f. ow" fThe Houfe of Commons fate againe abput their ace-7 "cuffed Members, and {em aMe’{{‘ai7ge tothe Lbrds to ijoyxzew with them to move_hisMaje fly to declare himfeife thet- inby T hnrfday fofleavihg, which though the Lords at: this time w~a.s very {hart , yet they afliented tl'1eteto,and,. di:ve1:s Lords; were appointed to. that putpme. ' ‘They then f1t"’c about the acct: fed Biiflmpsfieport be»; ing made that the Bifhop of flurefiwe was Dead xfirace - A his reftraint, and after fume debate thereupon, they fctxe a-Mefi:;gc to the Lords, to haflen their commmg to try» all ,i the Lards affenting Munday next: for it , and. O!.‘dt'3t“ prefently yffixcd to that purpofe to»g1-ve them‘ notice . . thereof- They Iikewife tnezvcd the Lmiis for the meeting of the Committee appeainted touching their accufedb/{em-4' hers, which the Lords took time» till Munday to catnfir-= — diet of. K i F1 N1 54 _