. . ——4--A-A-«— .__.._....d . ‘ ' '“- \ up). ‘ V V ‘ ‘ . v , ‘ _ Jr. _ _‘ V. Nut‘ J 5 ‘ 2 q . ‘-V; l _ \ _ \ I; ‘ V‘ .‘ _ ‘ - _ , ‘ . . “ ‘ - mg, *3‘: A -. V. ‘MW. ‘:.- . ...m- » ‘ ,‘~.‘.,,. ,-. -v ‘ ‘ - m m:~ ‘I .U’4\~v - ' w ‘M: ‘ “ V‘ ‘ I‘ “ I ‘ ‘ ‘ "I ‘L “ ‘Ix-‘M. \ :' ' -- * I‘‘.;‘'‘f- "' "'- Q -4 -4.‘ v . , ‘ J ‘ 74 ~« R E 1 \ 4 ~. 1 4 “ ” .> ’ V é ' ‘ by ,5 .,. A ’.)\1 ‘ on, b} ” Th€H€;~1ds0§‘ all th€%?ro-- % cafcdfzags‘ iQ;PAaLIAMaNr. E1*omthc 7, §0fFe:érzm2gy, tofhe 14.,“ of V the fa1:nc:%,.. 1641, 3 Concernxng-¢t}1e» mac % {ayres ofthis Statgavnd gfiome. « M: vvicxwiérome R emar1<};1ble paqages;’.¢bu.cx1:%ng the Lord ‘2’étcr.f,¢4 .-nu... ?€§9EE??f9¥% ..I°‘*NTVH0AM»As: AI»6rfi~i‘?¥-;: \3 A 1 V 'r7“"~'““‘7~’ *' 3- ' ’~-‘.2‘V'-:»»‘r.-X. ‘ ._Fr0m £316; 7. OfFc5. Us v:%‘.?;m 34%‘: 9~€:”:3»z-ea ::m:,.z~, A » unday the A Lei’ .. 5" i%: 4.17;? L3ffLe;~«s%:;~._{ ‘ ‘ ;, " mom they imr %2¥§:a:§re.-e 1.‘;-:~,w WT; W A A fppsady Ending of :2 :=.;a: .3z;:»:u ;»‘w*e:2.;:;.£;. dnvcrs Letters beam‘; mad m the H-oath i:;m;wn’£n9; ,§;;:.~‘ixi1¢ the I—Io1_i1§: ot"Coimmn;_ they received a Pea itit':iiot*i,fi‘%t):12 ti“;ei‘Cn§gi1ts and C-Ftztttry of xi-1c.C0un=:y 0FKwr,and 211113 ;1n(){i3'Qr‘Ofiii3&3f: U3 C:0’.ii1C}»’,bGiingd‘311V€f{:‘ aiio to the 7% .Lo:*ds to; itiu-: f.:li"f1¢,‘Cd3?L.\E':?t,v €XPi'CiTI!’1g_ti1¢.YCifl their great joy and V: rim;1‘:;;;i*'E?;tT‘int2{{$2 ihtttiuiaihttppy‘ r:on:urten—:e ofboth Houiizs, in iiipaifi«n=§;ti1‘:~Bfiil F0:-'~ti1+3tputtt1i3g dowhe the"'\7'otes offiiihops in L \ . ; tht:iHo:.1(?.: tfl3*e;«::_t=t:is and Qth;-‘:tp-.trtict1Iers [ii-131'&‘I‘l'COI-1'{;1iif]t“d This dayalfo Sit: George 5_?f2~'t’7zt1t703't13 was btowght to thehtoufe A :“E;)S;'I1g.3I‘}y actruiiad the west’, 3 bsfo-re, and :1 charge of tniidentem. ii tnotwasitetd 9.g1in(H-aim, and adiy appointed For his ani”WEr‘ -mto 1t. ‘ ‘ 7 A 7 N This d.tyi£iI1‘() tiicte was tmotiieri A ‘Petition delivered into the '1§3()L1i~\"'3 by rmny? C'1'othiets,i in the Countie of S’i,'3EfO1kC,d€C1I:1rfl3g thegteat decay of that '1‘-:ading.which they conzreive;is.'occa{io~ :*n‘ed through the theawant ofdue: execution OFIL1iHCCRg..1l'V["lH2 dew Iinquents, and other greivantcs tht:te1'm expreflbdg andafmt V gteat debate thereupqrrhgtci, A it was agreed upon by the houfe £_ImI:iVVithe3.Il‘ expedition "th.1tmight bee, deli.nqu::nts_ hothttin M.ChutCl1, and State,.fl1ou1d be: proceeded ag-.1ini’t, and f(“)1.'t[1‘WiCll‘% «bee btotlgiut to ttyall. t This city liltszxviiéthéy recciveciiothewr Letters frontjreitmd, “ffor m'<)ré (ii pi'ply’,VV'h1'c.'h ofnetctiitjrtliej cxpeét, rilfe the King- ddlY1C’..WfUb.E“1’ii1IIIC1[€d, that Sir“ Simon ffarcourt with his iinztll A Forces h17ilTh_V'c1ll"o'1II1.fY.[y»refifliedzthe Rebels, iandvput many} ofthem S tine whole Province, and mui of neceifity ye-e3d,withc'mt prefent ail?) exp dtlylyi 3. Sztottlt utidtn-_ the Célmmnci eaF'C'Jenem11Le-flay; i i A " V ‘A ‘V i V A A A Wedztefdayi tho: 9 . ofFeé*. 1621}: .; 4-iif‘T11i,$ 433’ fihbifl Th? 11®i1f60FC®mmOnsiwas a com-- jaiaitzt mad‘: 4again“Ft one Mr.J”./Mmf‘ry,i ¢;n¢ ‘gfthg Kings to Right, yet notvvitnfiandiin Dublin is by them b3Q6g€‘dt,W1E%iI1 ”Béci..ch"amb::r, tvi?.‘.£mz ‘mm %Pjmn~ an¢;1;*M4t,‘, C359]: 53 um «thfiytvete the Authors atgd ptocurcrs, of the A_cciufa,~ V tion iiririon"0fiiii'.gi’r rmrorr ofrhe are V/'Vorri1y‘M'errrbers"cSf the§+Iou*fe~ofCommo:s,*viz,. The Lorri rKI"??350./£9-‘Y5 Sir x1r'tlm.;* 'H2g/Zerfgga Mr, Pjm, Mr. I-Izzmlvrierz, Mp, £19111‘ c, Mr. S tfvivdei, 3:-mrr«.:1~ great debate riaereuipem they were ordered to be (em: {or as D~eimqrrents. This d.2ya1f0 they: fare in cenfuirari~r2n a_n.dVrde‘bate eozraternimg the '£)'?'C@31’-9.! ion and frrrniiflrirxg offiiieer to be fent with all {peed that converrierrriy‘mightrbeeiriifer rArgiere,and fitting iiorrgin debate concerning; thevfame, they Corzciudeei mt fully thereof, but referred the con» fidereri.0nand‘c~=-for the purring"ir3' Orderiirthe Lfifilifiin ofthis eI{ing_dom‘e,’, anal p‘L1*.:l’iD£g the fame into 214 pofiure of war-re for the? defence anri fhfety thereof. ~ 4 This day notice was giventoriie ”i1ou{'eof%Com-« nlonsfihatrhe Qi1e4enesj.Mej;e{i‘y was defi some to got’: for mmce, and 4 thehou fc falling into *.3.'i'feri"®us debate and crmfiderarion thereupon, -and willing ;to'j~oyne* Witiz he-‘§M1i¢f*i¢Sid¢fiF€» W %i"*=11'4‘?’€i€¢>1“.€**.‘WHY‘ V r A . A 5 thlfier etiatngagrcctme to »thelprocecdings of Parl€unie.nt,; and tending to the fa fetyiaind fecutxty of his Majefiy‘land his . Kingdom , alter longclebate «concerning the fame they conli:-nted toher mtlcndedllourney. A " ceming Printing, divers Ptinteté. to anfwcr for their . printing the we-ckely proceedings and pallizges of Party This da, alfe therctcame before the Committee com I ligament, and all other proCeedings,whereat it was or? . tiered that they fhould have each ofthcm” anlorder 4- , gainft future printing of the fame, or any other thing lwithout Licence, but by reafoia‘ ofbthet alfaircs, they appoynted them to attend on Munday following cone Cetning that bufitaefle. A ' This tiny alfo there was :1 Petition delivetecl in the houleof Commons, by the Gentry of VV2!‘WiCi{lLi1irC;. which concetmdffiflaops, and after great de‘hate”thcrc- . upon, it was layci zhde till another day for f“ur'L—hcr'VC®[1‘ fxdetation thereof. V l 4 . ~ ‘ Frxkmy I I .1326. I 64 I - » A This day the Queenes Majclty fer forward on her i Ioumey t0lY31‘dSDOfL’Cf from g‘reenwit5,beingl attended; and accompanied with divers Lords at1dGcmtIemen. In the lzoufe of Commtms this day they flare V ‘dgaoine ifildebatei" concemingthe Jrifih affaircs, fprtlze fpeecly trahfpoitting of more fupplycs oEAyde, ism fr!/Med, they :11 F0 {are inldebatc of the Bill for the t_ak--7 ingaway {Elf thevotes lo“iP(3pilhLords, and their platens in the Hobie of Pecres, and vpon the Bill for diflarming of Papillls, V and vpon lome new IJc§tCrs trecieived A from j"5‘Z4”3{a ”im[3‘OFtilIlg the great neccflitywoflmote Ayele. , " A « This cialyiallb they ‘(ate in debate,’ ccmcetningdivers Gentlemen iinlfeverall Counties‘ of this Kingclome, that have rqftzfgkd to take the late Prote-lilflatxong Aaqdfi V 3:ft€‘r.f.on1e- «debate theréiu‘p0n”, they were Voted to belA fiafioeeeded againfi as dcljqgtiemtst “ 5.z:z:rai;¢}9 the '1 :2. . I 6.41. }'n the Houfc of‘ Commons Was: anotlwcf Petitioxu delivered bythe Gentry of‘ W';¢mar2ic‘&;-lhlrc, tl1e1“€§n m‘rnel’rlyl dCfii"1.l'lg an anfwer ofcheir l’eu'_u’on preferred thlelThx1rl21;ay-before, and upon debate thcreupon laacl, 1:: was agreed they lihould have anfwer on Monday next; This day alfo was delivered a Pétition by the Kofghcs and Gentry ofzho County of Lmfigr, declaring‘ their znanilolé? grtevances for want ofdue execution ofjnflicfz :zg:un_{’c I)elm.... guems, defirmg they znigla: be f'p-oociily iprosceded agaxlnlh, and bmugllt to zryall, thar: the Popifh Lords rnfghtt be xrerno-no wed, from havxnglvoyce or place in the Houfc ol~'Peeres, and owe chem perticulers thercln contained. . . V This day allowas another Petition delivered‘ agaznll a Mi-— wlllcr in Tcrkeflrire, For that 1' no -.2 Sermon preached by him.he aflirmed apd ma!}m:.;,1incd the Communion "Tabla-: [O an Altair”, andthztc n: was nec£:fl31ryin‘due obedzciqce and. reversrznce to Chtifl’ and hzs Ord1n;mce_., to bow and kneale-at the fauna: in time ofrcccivimg the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, upon which afierfome dcgbate thereupomlit ms‘ ordered hcc {hould ‘no fan: for as a Dcrlmquemr. q A A A * This day alfo 21 Petition was read from‘ Sir Eclnvard .2.-triaag a Memberloftllu: Houfc lately committed to no '17'ower;. wherein he humbly fubmirrcd, himfclfe to :*~—so §'udgcment and ccnfurc oE}tl1e H-on fc, an&il2-ftcfrlca~o “ 5:5 thereof, and debate concerning thif: fame, them obta- l;vX'3g"}1£TC3't*diVifiQH in” the Houfc about it, A but Could ;Z”HXl’€*”:I azsgrcc tl1creupon,l{omc moving heel might for ever‘ lac difabledl from being 2 Member ofche Hou~~l‘e, ando-P them" for the refloration to the Houfclagaincg itwas re»-W fcrzcd ‘Io anolflaer clayforvconclufion thereof» _ There was alfo a complaint mad: againf‘: divers Mei’-A fengcrs prctcnding thcmfeltvcls to be Mcifcngers ofthe ov1’l'»Er,for thedifcoicring_andgapprchcndiog of Papifis~ M 4 Rccufannsl "Recu‘£.mts zvhiciz Z:22"@m:—~x;1&es3 and for tI1ci;2.r:-9.2 &ii”CLmrgcd and cc::.::m.i*w::1%c«::~min'{ajaw ffu"§.{ti/£3. from ’3;i§ t}i§;‘.y day ’:;c:‘!b"2'c: t_011rv‘§1ing me1'¢;3'€'T§gn’a;§iQi3ofS‘;.iI‘*10f5fl:%~Bw"%?;?, I‘:is% plafeofé Ev:*‘ing‘Licvt:1an:$‘ of Stine Zfewcr ,' kmdvi ‘for U ‘ Euttixw in VASirfo-/:22 €70;fii~B (‘ff Cam ”migh»fi have jufl: caufr: to com ply ?;%<~:'it‘I2, ';.*¢E::::‘:*s:éa4;'}:i:;:V:z th;:&Lorc1s%‘} "r‘e»me~’I Ho11z‘s;%aM.emb:er 9?‘ thmflmife V oV£C%0mm0usa Licvwna~n—t for«Br*fié:1é%%aiam1%~Jei’i»f«:r'sA4br1a‘crs” : nominated, H but the day%.be~1ng *fp;em:v 41§hcyV adjroumccl ~: their HOME; till Manda y ‘merging. F I I %S,,JA