%%@*****¢%***%%***fi%§fi§%%?%%?%**¢* ’'’f ' ‘ "1?’ :7 A Q5 . "”"'7 .‘$"‘V"3 3 A _ -~ our ' - ,. ~_ p. A > E , ~15 3 ,~ ‘ q ' E V * " ' ‘ V‘ "V " ‘; Wk‘, .4 k 4,: ,‘.¢ ’ ., ‘§‘-.~..£.-‘§9.§?.'£.*3- ‘a-.~' ‘Vi I ‘. ' ‘ »‘ *r‘+‘*;~':/-" /?>7.§~a:rs From both H o u s E s of ~" i_ PARLIAME N'1'unto His 1%. A E S T I E , 4* Q § 5 '3-...: tn-qr-. no ' , I +9 vr5"?l- ‘*1?’ .- r\‘_;\i-,1‘;-r;-:1.-|A . ea, ‘O\ (51 , mg ~.~ I .3, . . ‘O-‘(,9 1;‘;-‘ . t\ ¢ _ \ ,' . ' _ fil : _ I‘ ' ' : kt '- ' ’ +°‘¢ 9 "5"'§’ *2?» "" 31*.‘ ‘- by (.‘}~1‘:rv5':.’P\'-‘"1 - . K’ . Concexmnsz; the P RI N c E , v ‘*2.+~r.+ c-.6»;-o -— , ‘°.n>-fig» ~32": ’ ‘ff’ "#93 LL) 0 N 0 °‘3~»'5’o ‘ C 4?”! ) "§‘s“‘ 5} '/5% 3‘ .‘”*fi* 5% ""~‘:, n " *3’ £2;-3 Wnh the A N 5 VV E 11 of H13 +’1t- r-‘+’ .-§"‘td . - n 43 .;g;.» +»s~§‘«‘~‘>.‘£2»:3f:* Majefllc thcrcunto. ?’-.-2;+ "5"*“E‘m -vi;-‘iv ‘Sf’ - . . . -§~*3’* t:,.sg~r3~,,~.~\,_{, Together wxth I-hs Majefhcs Anfwer to the 3%; dcfire of both Honfes concerning .33.. §3;»<:;g,:,=;; the M I I. I T I A. .j~ 3 "‘ .‘ £¢"...::*..‘.§* ‘fix.’ yn ‘- *:§e?‘;_:5w?*$“;g‘~¢?’ {X-gm; (gm m ". --. ha’ a 1' I ‘Q 3 ‘J’ .‘ 1 «:52 .g.a—‘g:s{ ~ gig 43;. 3:‘%‘* t‘.~i-£5 :.'*,«‘-;- XV nwfi LONDON- ..l‘f'»:.~' .733 - ' ‘,§2§f‘°*:;§r‘E-3&3 Prmtcd by R 0 B P. 11 T B A R K 13 R , Printer I'-*~”t"33‘~‘='Z’§ to the King-.n mofl: Excellent eitic : And 4g;;9;«’% > by the: Afligncs of J 0 H N B 1 L L. / :' [A19 ~,a-7‘-«rs r. "n ’{'" "'t'~"""" c A43.:=~*vr;~:.- e> K: _‘..\o,. c ‘>- , 3.w‘~,1 3,933. *3‘ '4'. Eg'_¢.$:"" rah’ " 0 'Vc‘.'.n£'x° ,-'.¢-,:.*.-‘.’~§’:T"';‘.* ‘id Er ..-= .. ~ 7"" -11;;-:5""?-'+?"1*:‘¢='=:7 -'2 r.-"aw:-' '°'=v=»2-33‘-'«=3'-1 ?f=‘~‘§""‘ E‘-‘<3 .-n~:.a3~=:-« f:«'a‘3"~‘=':" 6* §fz;w .=J%*rg§:.s«.;+,* -r,:;Z’3J—.‘§r;£$~.',?r.§'::;‘-*,va’f, V ,.s§i% " J5‘). «:~:».« .c. -s2.c»+ ";%*§‘ ' ' W n .- A . _ . .. ‘_ ._ .,.2. _‘;;,Eg 6.53,; [§.__~, (g_i,“§c_ __(, +3‘ L-€’:’T‘3.£‘.-,..‘."‘.:*?. ,..n.~:‘?+‘.:§ g‘5.,.-.-_>.-3. .4?-.932. M.-,«+~. , :._.3g , c., ,_4:.:=.;.; A ;_:¢,, 22 r _ 1. 9 1 . ~'.-".’ "”" "" ' '1" " """'""" “ “"' ' '5" {Av w'n.sJ\—vhu' 5&3 hi?‘ I-°A:f‘Jv":“c7¥t1c3'?‘o‘*£J:§7‘*154i=£’yau“?"-r.$?J'”“;d"**c33f§«r.‘:i’wz""z:'§‘ '~L‘?7".' -‘:5 ‘"‘~ "' "* "’ ' 9* =59 "/ - .‘r -' . .v .~ «. .:*.:--.~.- * '<:" ' «-" ~ ' ‘-~ ~~ U“~‘¢I'“ 4-'~'3'-:'*M«'.l1.st:-asu.-:c§eL7*zc*CrI3£".7L*{?I3{§z(3£.:o:J§€30“3\et.:“‘IzL3$ " ¥ $90 +vvv¢v<«v$¢$v.taéIi;e iaisgifiiza ~ _ )«z*yc11tc,£bat the %19gmcc may not be‘ cmttobm ,f_IIflm Ham pron-Cou~rt_ ; dfingggbat. fa; were enfitmgA’mafoz:5+ . I‘ \ imp mnccibc slats: Qaafeflicgm ..§egJl11£D ti)%t the 1Ea2;'t§:1:e fl)ou£tng ‘ ’ ampron. ourcnumi 17¢ Itzcs iicturn. % ‘E "7-+ % $1$<‘€t:f,1)¢iLazh~Q13atqué11'e Hart- iéiford» appomtch hp ibi5£@a1’zt’tietu.h1z A '-- (15m3W<:: ” (2) dsotaetnuutnftbc qagmcmnn 311113305- ban of, am: conmtaunen h?13I)€ii9fi..I3a' Iianwnt to A gins l)i§~p3rcf01IaIlattms Dance on tbeiminxe , $5 twna fa tram: nifpnfcn in his health , that» be is not able to attzmzu the minute tn any * other mass. 3. algae the mince his fimnnmii at this tiilfw fl3D’fi!Hampro11—Court may be a caufée to pzomote ’3Iea1m1:.-% fiesauu fears in ttmamrts of 1923 Qljajelties, goon @ub;’ectsg,~ which they concmm.be1:p taecefiarp to aimib. A Die Jovis z4.FcBr. 164.14.‘ Rdcredby the Lords and,Commq.ns Macliic, P1arI4ié1n1c-11It,‘%that‘the Lord H award ofClmr [hall attend upohthé King, t and’ prcfcnt thcfl: Rcafons unto“ his A 10. Bfowne C 16:‘. Parlizzmerz. (His V ~“vV‘I’€"9=“’3-?"W’%%3§“*%9%”%M :25 V 1 W5 % Mi9}@fi1.€ 5” Rcaforis &¢R¢c¢iV¢d=by TW,§a.y M cifific {mm bmhHm¢i%s%Jc911c¢t13i!1g%r$% A V the Prince, hiSC S 35- 3% ma, at‘ )2 A j ‘ % mam Dover, 3E1Jfitt1J£1$3¥33W7?‘?i5 évon fboulfl ficw at A ta1”i1az's flfiaiefiit ~vewr1rxe.Ia of 19:15 laoufes, [atup%~Ai% ¢t¢upun¢5a§ form as lat; waj¢l1ie%;tefoi1aen;uppn R CWWIV D?¢1?A%t0% A1716 %;iat%VG1‘c¢nv*éi9;1v, 19¢ commztnh an A that ffii 4 ‘OI? ‘fi)}fi’I‘I1:§ Vattmn iamt thev¢, ibljttlj ms 3&0 +»%£o;ry 1: mar. **¢ot? ckfirsuit may contrary to W fozntet flntérxg mm.A 4 2.. % tum Bf CD8 QB’t'£t3l'{lWiT£ Hartford, hem Vaazvfon upon whom 192 pzimipailp fig teiizs 4” " W; F “ V. _,. . gig‘ V’ (4-7 mtcsfoztbc «Eats of 19:’; team: ' pr "$01: Wt if that Zlttbifpofition %”4%fl1ouIh babeilaaen, Vs ’. - tout!) no way as tbiztiiatgt , "1°1‘?¢11t9f%IJWt1)fl)0H1D% i)nvchinmz,b %tbe1a,u’~ncc ftom maz't:’ng=upan £91’; Qfiajellie, accoghitag to 19;’; qggm, ;%»mann, aim tD9tefo;e mania Ijarm %.11aMa:1cn.¢r nzeécz; 'I b7‘I‘"« % '3fi:3!ED¢:D if ti)? 'iB;g’uc;%c MOI I£cVi3?I'5 £H9€t-:’cm‘e, %fl‘CC02bingtd¢ii§éi5% appuintnttmt. . % 13+ 3‘3°,flJ¢ 33335 W3 ficalonfies, 1% fllbalefiieitnoms not Ihljat gm. ¢mm: to give, ttu.t.bez'ug able to ram; :£IWf1%DIl1 llllfltt %ouztDs%xI)cy pm, .~‘“5+ 715113 ~iffi1I.P V tufnmtation yam 1399" £1139“ ffithat pnvpo1'z,i19is 9133.4 %W "mph news that the fan 1.: , _ .;.g%I’fl;J:“afl§aéngangn to the potamz, - °P¢5t1)&t the jfcavs am’ altfllflufics T111111 ” be I)ccea1‘m; 5~%°31l5l'l1IIeII unzip mm) mm tn,.jA.13i5-%a’.flu¢5 “M 5“0m,#% fights 33"" 19”‘ .' both HOL1fes%c011Cer.nin:gthe % ; B4. 1% 1 T1» A, - I as sylaayettg baking may iats belt cam mm uniamtftatmingi , A192-I3I3f€D« IRIIDA l30!lft°;.-‘ : v men that which :1 was fzxztiaitxtfvotn bod) ianufes fax the IZ1,Z’fl€tI'3tg oftijz Mdiria, pzcfenteu untm iigmz tum mane an £1D2bi1mnce of a9;aw’a1nmt%, by t} 4‘ It gtfbfng‘ of iatgé ifiiopail ‘aifcut ;. as %i9eM4 canihp meant»: no «its, fog the teafoAmzIJmafa.i tee: mmttimxcu, ft: 192» not!) not cnu—a% mm immfzlf nhiiegen Wbpzazw mow‘ mfg: 1n1a3:2m’1=,u.i;9is Qmfmazt nf%tbeéfe.s~: ‘,[7D’£“t?-E1."Bf;$@?'§»».:IAl’iE!'¥Wfl)$~.;170...j’.£UE.iafltitir-' A ma 0114. ’ both iaoufes to ywinw to £I)e« $915 wJfeftt¢*fi'z_m5 «gtéaiz canrz mi iv epiccfit agaimt the iazeface oz 31 was umatton tfi ti)at£DzDe!t5 mute?) cam: fzflm) a vnta‘;11$naeag;emu;§azm ma;€pa~+; mte‘“*v%4.®e”t'u: z Amman A "mm akgarsmvfg sf’ @msmumm4, f %1:m,%% mgmnfikz-Ea my an cmct of tijenmw @%Aota'2w:~§'eE.:n:..° mi’ fiaéipfitgtfi, 5“3 fi_nt13ce:; afia»a?s‘maf@ fi‘na,w; hp mhzsclj V nas%tta'g7 w;;.:.:x;."p azar~;”:I*..%.: i1%atm_(1nn1m:ag mgmmu amen? mzmrm 3aams5Ltuflmgmrgmfvfi W5 wmmg i:t:g,;@a¢‘tfuuye£uA tam‘ %i:9mua$z of msxns mmtfi, m“u%tI3e fi::mfl)Jm3;p mf3e§ax§m:¢.= nvIm:I)F$btgm% to Yzmbsmrp ;z£1:a%zai:_% mw£*vfl“mam1ug& hemrmz £iy:’@az mm ilats ~‘pmpI‘c%:jw Mmm fag tmt,%fi;mug1);,. i@£:»1ifl‘Ew:¢£fim: u%pmu% we ztfnimwas tén1u%zfihw;m’+ M t *§J7;_3»fI§1‘KI»,*”I7Q an my pammt.%shzmwn?AkV% *0 {mg qia ;Vtm::m§1*c , f ammmt1ymmza,%amm vV“;13 m.:‘zr3~,;.2 to mA mt’r~t;t1*efam¢*f02 tgjz tfm.u2:‘a:=;, lap saw 3:15; (twat! mfmrmx mt’ iimf QBa~= m'ti*ev;sAg1aai9m'a3;t£i:«acsflm‘mm re: QB31?§Y€ ‘on unite ta. he mama , mm A as an utbtts mcfigtw upon that; ibtmfn, am am? %emhet~ uf tt;, * ‘ t:11znA tn%4V1:mtm%e (as fig mu ) the vzyfottfi of tljofa fin:z®¢nt1':;:::jzAzr i’ats4£E)a1¢i1v ban the mp% befaze am I: ¢iJL.u£fl .flveafntti,% may tow % c A45»: % hm 3 .Ié%gfat1p%, inn rpeenap, ‘ W5 ; watetm calls the mianxtgigm on tn mitneflz, thaw: was to fat: from *4 intention 0: tljuugbt at to may { you mhmwcuexcenenm :9-.ur¢ . mania bcmlibzczn than upmnii. mm an bitumen ,f .a1tbougb what iaoufe ban not neltbeten t1ymzAacz fa i9Izfexna~uts ant: otI)€t5(:w1J§‘ L V f QM no c1‘t»oam> away; A If “tWP*m&.’fbeIJ pgobnzatigs wacvggmommeas ncitncc mznmn tn%is+ apmtatm . oz in any *¢T c nobatfncbec , mam he gaiajz % , Vawaev % A ='t mam nnmwajwy A <2) A tIEI'tDl'$$ {M11 Dfittitill tljatfittx? patron swig. 6L'taiz: nanAattp;:Aotbet%4%*mVza¢ mms,%but% %@3i£<%%19%*mfwtIers?~?mozns.f% $1111 j% tijevefnzciais £IBa]'¢I1'Iic‘ Anoubtfiflfltg but fiat’51B;atIiantcnt I1n'l£be {rm Aacm fulinf ¥;':i5'i9naz~ Ifimetbat ‘J31! . not tminergp any t‘ntptxtatin:1*i A be, mil) 0; inntfctcet wme[fi'un§A%’ of?¢aup[ young mm that in i5t'5iEtat‘tt , 0: bpanp Defpmtatci moms uttevcti by ~ut1J¢€5a ,113i)n uugvt nnmme Mwitv them without 191%-=M¢nt%v2iavv2w ifs: t1)cpecrons,%4nn% V uateusmfibc zgtzutcnants of my feneéa1t%(1D§u1ia £195-0fAE11g1Jand anbwalcsg iaifiw arts: thfe ::'sAwcnt1Atentf¢iJ.+ toa1lom»1tbfi «fita \‘ c~mrtnt¢nDatto,n nxuzma wm:¢% % mg rm? ¢!'fi¢,; Elf ‘L9 njdcin anu “W%P03&t!0:11S**;»a§ b1>:attC:iattt % M 1333 _;£t;%l3f‘t1b&~M;i1i:i;1 ,3 J fl£ig4.”;j%a;’2e[t1; «tens b_a,1:o,t; gcantzn : untn~~ ¢!th¢ (9¢3”‘ notimbt conuceimztmt 1't swam» % may Euflmc up 1Bo1ica’c»to am: their afionetunrent in that pa1m’culat;$t1_trs ibis fllaajcme is mlliuEf02ti)mttiJ’tn grant chew of than (that of London mm‘ t2bn%fe other Gtozpflzatzfmas excVept»< Y en) Vfuclj6Eo11tmtflinus% as age lgatbt . mmz4tht§ %%19at1iamcut T130 tome‘ ilnzll iheutmantfi hp igmurg amlaice; Qifiut if t1)at%ponm: he auottijnugm enough, but tbatmoge *fl)ai1.hz thought fit to be gt:an«ntehm there pttffllts» unmet: ._., tl)m;t1pV tljt iimh mix: the cflltunm 1'tfe1;f5% 191$ £11Ba3'eMI‘tteJ bolus it¢teai"uuab1c5 %tbatti)c tmm bzhp4'fomc%itamfitzft batten in%1am1; 1 %mit134:pomw-‘tn tcan.5fet::r;t4mtfljcfe petfonsA,. Amlmfclj M11 Il)t’m11g1'17; ~o,—, ant: mat §z1J"enA;t1)at¢%pommbail V >.bg%,1:u%%anoin :"a11.%futurc Doubts %am;ns queft’ion5%;, i9isV%ajemzA nefntcait . %nuw.*hz~nigcftzn*.i1:to %a11?ztctof.1Bar,a liatmnt. rati)wt1)c%n4 an1.@2bim§nc%£. fg; mat; au%a1a:'s Ioiozng gubgzcts a1m>_ tbmhp pzgttcxaiaclp 1mom5 % / _ ' W‘ Z“ L hfitlj ( mi») nntiawmc tn rommwiwfi‘ they are to ~ ~ : %fm%tb¢(t,% f , 9% that mmz ¢tca1tfl.atztuoz%Wfoz 151’; gang Ipguhjtéctrs unizw ' any atbtttatp nnmtfmm; ’ Qts to tin ttme'n?efi'ccn%:fnzcum tmuan~ce o£,:1;cpu*ancxs £9‘ *it1z%W8¢lIt% cn,i1ai5a1t£ticgihetbtI)t5E2{nfl&vmI,‘ % 3£1)at 1192 ‘ rmtfcm to . 3aVf1nmfofti)e%:jt‘1fiVpenactAbit!) riclfium man we ihams of this iattugtxnm babe platen in mint fm¢Vtbe»mfm1cz of 19213 pmplz, ant} to put it um the ba as of Mutants fun; My imam finite :ti1ne. szum ram 131): » 2 n of this “equdft 19:5 6*’? sum fnJ35 to “femm; watt spam % ffegws am: jcaiaufim, ltljat ’t % ~1mg1)t%A‘nottI)+Afafew *~appwA zfclnzgtu t1)c:mattev of ms allitgrsz rnftI)z2.o.nf ‘januacp, wsmaayfertrz mpctljtljat i:aisd5zacz:1;o:tnm:fince that tiuzc %in%;yte:lning vtd :fn :t1)ziv.‘tm.fivc5 , mm inagmiugto me am tfon5<11nm:tccn:ut1mmeD fm «iatm A ‘_ by mfmt mama tn*bcnIaceMn -tn mtllihboilv Ammeuwnt;¢A%:mrz geatoafits V, atm+n£Eumb%‘tbm1wnt } ‘$15 3 mt I1 ‘ [E mmf mmmztom "V « - ca ~ .._t;W%l'fl1I”lBi%_C0f1$; M gll ibE;,: 5+ _ %% % J 392 no111Jexpzefl'etI)%tomatn§tt)mu;. :4 mmmttififi min: wflizfifiit :‘s%f~ Agfcmn igom4w% s» {am4V%'9m1n;fi‘m,%A%m%*"wfitmh ¢,J ;;tI)at M5 magma <»i)atl) afitennf mm ;Ja.pM;t11aJ;v9mt1&msauna« .4. . M cetmng itbz rMi*1itia gr “§31'ug»}r mun » AL=tlJ’mt Bf A fllmadmm 4; EW ' of fuel) patron asflmwlmbm § b V53 hfi ’ V U5 *mammn mm my ‘ éefitc 2153. Doubts ' ' "WEN _ uy . ” " ‘4V‘imt:‘**%4%but‘ ‘tIJ¢»‘" ” « ‘ "1 ‘ _, ~ , ‘ “ 5 ,- ». N4‘. ,5 w« 4 ‘1, w ‘ 1' % if tt:%Aa3a11appzau%tni%3%is aamzliauwnt, “(M V M %3WWVW¥$1 ti [ to 311% 1311 BAI'9iJ[ffl§>% Tijvf‘ %«&'épiatttax¢ Vififlifi *W9”%%% ‘A 1“Wl?%T 5» » W11‘ % anus; .%:rasm fznuzz fatisfactnzp to‘ tI3£tc=‘.A¢ir:1n9$, iaIiDTti)B" peace%ann mm fa*4¢¢fV%fa11V%9w :%s:a-m 9.“bi¢€t5, than ap “‘$pzopofen hp. Afljts intcrms crr zntnance 5 to Ibijicbg fa; tbcfc ;fitafotw“; 3915 @af¢aiz?ca1umt%tom: EflC;fT;‘fl4 %";i.”K(Vii "{g %fla“ 4 fztnn :mbmas £91’; Qgaajcftic Obs: 1‘et:be5rhptI)e1Bctition of hot!) fioua fz5,p;2fe1tmJ~+ nntoiainx by the «Earl Po’1:cIand;9'A : Thom :1sAHcaIc,' at Qir, foam pecfnughzgginatrmnppnmtma tnznnfte nftt1)tu;1.¢me5 "mm):~1tbc*.~Mi¢: ii»:-ia law fllaayeiiiz eppectetb. that L %?£IJat?fn*fmcf'p1ace5,V aarsagaacuammc agouln cmmme the pat: A fans tbmnf,bemgAa mafia: ten nfihtégmfionuemmmtgw aun% hm! u .9 % 12qfli€ilE’E;~ 7:1: 5) A _ gtea»t4¢2EV % mnn.1aism3amatc% AAtequrtecn;%1ci;at that; that any patrons mljatroemt babe pgefmneb to wmmann the Militia without Iamfull Cuutljozitic , they may be pzuccznen agatnft accozbittg to imam. F I N 1 S5