gm 3%- fig Of the Lords and Commons £3 3% to His MajcPci»c.Fcbr.z. 1641. A A % Bag E W/zth H13 M%%a}e{‘c1cs graczous Anfwer: *6-61 AI-fo His Maj'cHies confcntfdrthe Princeffn 5”“ -W3-Q ARIES g%%o»1n.g to HOLLAND, and 3% gfé Her Ma} «*:fi:ic to acconupaxuy Her. gig: Together wnh I-Icr Majcfhcs Anfwer to a 533; mg Mefihge of both Houfes.» gm». was 3% «:06 V; ~«:»,g...: 3% «me A L O‘ N D‘ O N A Em-~ ‘fig . . . M = ‘ ‘M v é iM 3% Pnnrcd by R 0 n» E 3. “r B A xx K 1:: 3,, P1'1mr:rM _ Z to the Kings moi’: AExcr:11ent Majcfiie : And * by the Affignes of] 0 H N B»: L 1... A M D C :2: L L z~2§_;“3$f %%%%%%%%$%%%%g%§%%§%%§%%%%%%%% j % 4" .4 ‘ V: V A % V _ “.,»:;kg‘%‘,;‘? §‘§é%%W*3<§§“é%$5%é é .°*§%é%‘§:%%>°§‘é;é:;%? T THE KI Mosrexceuesxgaf MAJE STIE, "Ihc%humblc: Petition of the L 0 R D S and C o M M o N s affcmblcd in A %P A”R1-I AM VEV19T~ '3‘ A % ~ He Frefc11*tfEv1ls " g v% Ca am icies vvhe1~wic1a ¢514’o/Zgr4ciom%Sover‘ “ F I <*“m ofi % tnlfelfibljr man gle dg, tjlm ‘ 1'1*n111in emit%" gélffi W11i€:1<17Tg *thI‘€i£MltCl1 YW0i1r Perfon , and all your JP Imxre <:aufed ¢ 1154 youvmofif A3 fa.ith.. your Kingdoms aye % va5r€§»,aaam.»%$ A A , ‘ A _ ‘ ‘ ‘ -. ‘ 7 I . I. ‘_-,: 1' ‘_"',, —- A V " ‘.31 .‘ ~ “ .‘-L. ,. N. M V‘ V! . M V I - ‘ ' If “ F, 3” ‘,‘M;‘‘.. “W i __.‘w ,, Q‘/2“ _ ;«‘¢V J‘ . “ - ‘ - ° ~ '2 ‘ " ‘ ‘ ' "k - ‘ v~ . _V ‘_ " ‘ up . V N “ L “ '_ 9. .. 1 ‘ “ 1 . W , ‘am t E‘ l ‘ V V ‘ o to mte ta »~‘ 9; «A k‘ % v 4 n. ‘ “ A all ,, . .»w *4 fl'” ‘Hy ,.'A. "‘«~ 1. V 7 1- M . ‘ 1 % ii1,Aa~z1%d V3’ifl7i % “E n+~»— 1’ 1‘0P0E£1 Emu 110t10€ijg fince 1‘ 3«"5*%"5H5*’T¢”“—iI?0 %T1.‘ i3:3§?517§%%;ii%itO ow '1noPc Ie1=i%*%1§ $:::é§yb§1:fi'fié§~$ti -». n - , R I W ) ~. We Hakfe .11-scriived A %.~0»~ ya‘ mi ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ .‘ . J > ‘V . » rv, . u '~ “ ::,y _. M ‘*1 J ‘VJ W “J, *x‘sM_M£‘_ I “ , ‘..,« ~.. ‘ ' m u, fl 7 ‘W “ V‘ 5 lg ‘ ‘ ‘ii’ -"9; W f, ‘ \ I y] - "5' ‘ I ' mu *5 n y ‘ ‘ , , . ,“ ' ' ‘ 9 ‘ ‘I 3, h, as, 1 4 I 3» ‘ H gr ,, i‘ » N 1:‘ A ~ ‘ . ‘mu 1 :~ 4‘ ‘ "W - “"1, ' \*-\ ‘ K ~” " 5 ‘ ‘ ~ J” "‘ or , W.“ /Y .5, ‘ ‘ 1: .. _ 1 , M. _ W "2 “ _, ‘ \ ‘ r L , 73 ‘- 2 ‘CW ‘gt U‘ V ‘ A ‘:45 ax ii ‘ «W m ‘ ' . 4.. V.’ a‘ I v. v * ¢ , _ k 0 :4) :1 v. «H x_ . g u Y . « xiv‘ * ‘\ *‘a' I F‘ . ‘ ‘wk “ ‘ - " H ‘ M 3“ I‘. _ _f' M ‘ ‘- » ‘ ‘ m f? A ' ” ‘ M ‘ ‘V2 ‘C? ,., .,..'z ‘ W. J... . WV u 0 , ‘ w» ‘ W‘ M. 4“ " y“ _ V, I ~.. cl,‘ mu - V‘ ‘ ‘ 5 1 ‘ . 1" * ,‘ , “ H 2 ‘ f H '}t ‘ "n '‘/‘< .' 7. I \ ‘~"" ' V‘ ‘ “ 3... my .... v “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . ' | it ' is U , _‘ - 4“ ‘ ‘ x V A ‘W: L ‘ _ H ‘ 11,? E79 . w ‘, ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ; , 3. M ~ ‘ M v.» ~ "" . M 7 w 11% '16 Q = » mm» ‘"311 ~ » M as I ‘ “ _ - . 4 M1 V“ ” ‘H A 111ifCI1i<::VQL1s»» % , ot:.;Ii:1”éA:1*:.,,o toFoof1tfESv;;& :$1Td;: —~uhoa ”’w1m?1¢; Z 11:51 mdrf ~fi:“g¢l1:, B” It‘ my 9255'h;<:$‘1§Lif;E$;;*f:(3fi.%o,;oo:£~j3j*g;f... ‘J.’ . M p _ “ v 7*‘ f . 3. 47:’ ;‘ ‘ ' owo1u*o'“ao1"q 5 *oo@1u;fi:¢?s mio;otl;u;c:“? . ~ _ V 4;‘ v’ " ‘ I Y’, J"‘ ‘ I """‘ ‘ “ «WI-.l._ ‘ v “ I‘. V‘ -‘ ‘ '5“ ; av v: ‘I’, , ‘ 7 f .v -“ . ‘ ’_. ' ‘ “J: I. ..-W old; be pit: aprfzr a ". I I ‘ r ‘V, q 1 ‘ I " ‘, "H .n 1.19 ‘.y I 7' u A rem w;w 4 - ~ put the’: Tower of London, aooifl M ‘:0 w - , ‘ ‘ ' I H‘ " ‘ .., K1 ‘. , \ at A} V o 4% 1{®1W.%» €fs£~" 3 lflflbe? m;’Cbmm;§:13od {nova}; . ::wh;i3c}L*i c1&my: aflmflfjgrkhggfiffi felvés xvxfl boa I“1opefL1ller1tra1a‘{:&§ into thofe V Courfes , A whi¢h A ClI]1"OL1g11‘GO&S blcfsing) fhallbe %‘ i9»’fiE‘;-a:7@%«u1allf‘o1“' the removing all u &1&€I'1CC mud lfliflapprcljgljfifion A betwixt your Majeflie and your P 6019163 l T (4) . lPe0"ple,lla11-cl £orlE£tab1il11ingand “E1f1la1‘ging the P10110111" l, ‘Grelati-» Illefllc, andPoxvle1~~f~you1~ Majeé fiicla11VdRoyallPoflzemty, and {hr the feflorxng and confirming the Peace and Hépgpineflc of yofilu lolyall "Subj:e>d’cs in all yourl olmi—;- l . ; A11dltol'tl1:is.loL1rmo~Pc 11eceflE4;1~y P‘etiti~on} ,; fl-,;:\V‘VlC‘:f,1.114.;‘al‘lll ex... ]9¢L¢l‘i?l } l~*a,}'..i*;V;u;gi1teto CO§I.1d':fgl1€"fP1i\;' « n i H‘: In em 1 afierrwm; .rai‘tT¢r. % SW“ ;dtatIre'rerb‘5r &e*cldred your ¢ l\/lajefiiesyinterition to proceed (7) \‘ nifl1me11f,4nifgui1ty:;, ‘of ”c1it""c1i%a1tg}cf3d A fionn {(3 heavy‘ %a11«;AccL1‘fat1Tonf, A ‘if n innocent ::A11dn nwvhexfas I‘y~'o:§111" §N1ajefi:ic ms ‘gracioufly A Aplfeafed 1'11 flnfwvcninto tlrat P etfit1no‘11,n t ex- "the agate of preflae» » gged I.*;.1'}3pr®bati(A5%11" VA ufes for?t11”e gaéédy prdceeding againflt V thf: erfons in that Pcttxtion 111é11t;£- oncd 5" yet your M.‘ajvefl:ic.gaVc;n n0thnCf_ I‘ati”sf‘a6’cifo11 ion tI1<=:1"1*” dfiefire t11e11*tI1is3nT11atyourMé}effi.e“%11€.ld it .11e~cef~faryn; 1’¢fi:i7a.*n ne~nnn nnmifhlké fhould : b1?écdI"1f1o‘re ndalayés; A%t*I1"a"t % {_%}1oun=l~d:m ;c&r;eILvéd "fW11Ct‘11i€i’n Your: VnMnajé 7:. “gem *;n13é.Qii11@:.,n *:i1f1“ refpA€éb:‘.iif*' #ceed@«.igaii1& tlrern impefglclwgfég IfI1€11t* r in that: Parlxament 0€1*'“*tC)7 B; be: (8) A A 4 A %%at. Mme rt}? tin" prafem In." A ad1C§fA111*caiAt%~at4:th~c C m.mo11%Law,in % ch 003466 ofxeir ~ t~€%ufuai1 ‘Way ,' or fto have Your Er 5+ and .”WEi ;:findi;ng mu that Vmheraewis%m=Lega11Jan I .t°flT€L;I'it3 W 1% 4 A CiE{Cd~1lA1T “1a~g- fir 3 it; 1:l:::ey:% FE Jiiiifi 13i;xn&¢t?r.A';%; die f bmricn A of ti*1tat 1'1igh.C1’1 3;-rgc %th:ink V it :0wr 1<;1c{e; z-again? to V bssfcefc 11 your a j‘ _ «‘1j§£’cie:E.o give. ;dire‘ W. S b ‘) U‘ ‘ ‘Jh ‘W '1‘ fly” ” M . .. . , ‘ ‘ ., ‘ _ . ‘ 4 I I “ 4; ' “ ‘ ' J‘ -' ‘H " - " -, 1;,‘ 4, uh L. ‘ 9 . Lu“ 1- 5» i N »- .‘t '1, ~ .. n M" I "j“!,'\ ' ' ‘J N ' '"‘;q'e“‘l".3»'y '1'", "m ‘V ‘ _‘e, \‘ -‘. _. fi!¢~ m, ‘I 53%;’ . ' ’ ‘ _ \“\ ‘ “a “'5, “O ‘ “ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘U .>I ‘ W‘ ‘ H? "3 6 ‘I7 "m ’,‘L' ,‘~“”l . .\ L_. ,‘, ‘ V I ‘ ..“ ' W . ~_ H ‘ 1 § A Mc£:I3‘§°0f N In 4' 1; ~ M 5 g. . ‘ , _ ” M . : “MD 5i90ufc£‘L¢%f V‘ 4 %1ta:mmt tip cnema%oe Ncwporra1tn% we mun scynm,L 4 :‘:5beétt ..,;.~I/aw V W A. ri‘ ,\ at ‘em «a “ W. gqzzzrail tcpozt of em 2£ccufatin1z”"’€zz‘tmtnzn agatnft (5 3 Ijmt, ma: tI)zrema§ ame éttgmmtnt r‘ ‘‘‘w‘ “V I M r.;‘-,* ’ “flyli 'P‘ ‘V. A v ‘ 1:3 cm W M to,”a1m%m V I V "fer a , W ‘ I? W. §‘?¥1:Ct?¥;¥DA¢i%:2(ctin.i1£%:Aanjf .a7tig7 Afitlty V an :52 mzrtrje ucn:1cfi1h1b61i¢itig airmen A _;£;lj'c::%hzIeefi’atfie1iin3oz¢i W2?zwamfp¢tfian«u;io1tiabe?cgihijfi baifi kfiété‘ A fpww. rag‘ ff+19.%at1iamtnt%, [*%ann%%fbaH at; Aau t;;w:§*:mru; Va bapp12~ txzma %%z:nz'hg€ between tff£3é§in‘E.Tfit1nIia“f§peIoTp1, M‘ ‘ ‘. “; vw .‘ ," I ‘ N‘ M . " . .n:~ A\_ 1,, , ‘i a» . » _£=