A “ CON 51> IRA CIE D1 3 C 0 V ER E D: R E 1» - T .. «.3-...-mu. . H... «can pl -~.._~.,..,,,_ OR.TI-IE V Of‘9;CoMMIT1-ma: to the Houfe of 5» Com%m’on.s in Parliament, of the Exanlixm-~ [ion of divers of the C‘a%nj]2irzzwr: and Oth(‘.%1‘SiI1 the late Trcafon, itmt » the 117.15’ 1.64.1. 1 Cbncerning the Towr. 2Q IAV/aereizz tbe French are concerned in % t/aid C'o:{fl2iracie...»._ % 3. pmvo/{ing we Army againfltbcg ~ Parliament 12} falfé ‘Reports, *”§.$.§§§'W"3 % Wé “"\wr an.--......‘__,.,........ ,............. .. Prirucd in thc years, l~-64:1. % ‘ 03¢; % Thfi Report ofthe Comm23+:2‘e.é~ té§i?H€ “P'T*ou“fc 30? A °f4fMfi=n%»a»E¥«t«km¢£~C3d1@£?1i1fai.&é‘2rl*: on " t iérié in thejatg flung W%;I>7!h.%:;%;L643. _-—..__ 173 BY?“ §~ Mada -«-_R:$pQ'flr ztirxxrhfl Houfé 0fC 0‘ M M 0 N s ofihyfi, *,VHeads.. i . *20€’?f“”;eetbéA?7¢Ww?~~ . A A,3«-‘#4 315% ”a¢~_‘[9_~j¢ 5W.6fiWzK&«A%‘6mraMe&tiniV, fi2e“cafijj)irncicfin am Pf 1%*:a‘v0'9vi?2g%I«5w ~v*¥rmy¢Lagnii¢fl:¢fi¢* 6} falfe Rffaffs. A 2 Cap: $§’"3l“3>H£n V %o:-.M:_M4»1o¢. H ,1“, % ‘M x 919 % AU *3») xx,‘ ' xr2tt1c."‘~;;cd mxzx thammw a. 1;. 4, y. 1. - ...,, x .. A,’ - . M M a; A“’éé5'nei=¥ "b{rifis‘fi“€%5'?>«::z21¢ii?:£t‘4?5Ié'fe¢ij()fteda W V_ ‘ who dcpoféd that the Earle of A Stzrafiards e:-3» fc-ape was praflciféd. A _ ‘y _ Then the L_1eL1ti§iia§1t Qfvtlxc Owgrs fxaggy W 21% %rc*p<13n\”~ccL +*f3§re§A ¢lc“"<=:‘1~i:_l$"$”', that the Ez‘1_“r}c:A0$‘~.5‘?"‘~4fl°Kfi1 J~¢:n dc1V®ured an Efcape, ”"Jpfomiqfi‘xfig*%‘ 5 6 do 0 I. to marry his Son to his Daughter, AA and to have nggdté her one of the greatcft. Marriages inth:c%I{ing-—» ‘ifimféfig M . T V Ibnel-51 MBA‘//474$‘ €x1sm‘¢ziI4tto}3 was gcportgd by sir»p;JA;zz;p:Astapzmzz, which {hcW“c:sfi‘hat: C aptaine‘ Ci2x'a/{6} ‘ Had v%b‘mught' ddvmc: to” trim ArmyVn1afiy infiru‘&iahs.‘ 9 V, V 4 And that C<::>“léxmll~ %Gart'@ flmuld bee Lieutenant Gen¢I‘311 ofthe Army, and that Prince, and tlifis Lord ofNeuvmfil¢% meg”, t4hicmi_1inA ‘ingam]b?iW3 [wjchbtlé t V Hnrfe;V~ < A M ’ P5 - % All which propafitions cafmc fr H 9731')’ 1¢"?”5??A , ~a»t)é'I wefb %difpeii§Ed‘b Sér-» jc:Eaxit% Mztjmr Walliryahd ’C3AVaf$t;2,ii:ic CI; dlejn. A Serjeant Major Walla’: uponi1;1g.,ggxa:mi; n:irio17J;fi1y%e$ that the Fr¢nchAW0ifl”cI aflfiiflg V cnem*¢ capzayine *%?’:kWs M thcml’ arf1d~tl1e1lCletgie irmtiild at their owhe e A cl1atgh,fehd";I.eo‘o ho1'lc;‘:. A - : Cdlonelll tGt:WI¢g‘upo11lalis “Elxanginatiou _fayes,he xvastyed up by. an Oath of fectecy, and therefore durft next anfwet to all the In» e tertogatorlesgwhlicllz Q‘&tl1i]l1€»f3itl1 was given him by M .Piérc} in his Chamben at W72Iite—. Hall,in lplrefence of Mr- Wilmer, C olonell lxlflaéxqrn/aam,Captalne P0//am’, and otbersy, who {aid they hadall of them taken this {A 0ath,and that he was the lafi of the compa« ny that was to take it. % Mifirclfc P lzamxve/1, fayes that a I~'tench~ twang, Carver to the ggew%gr,tbrought Armes ‘ ‘to her houfe,and defired her to kecpe them, for that the houfe of C ommons had made an cirdenthat no Papifls fhauld havcAtmes in their cufiodygnd then fetched them back a aim. about the time the Earle of Strflfif fggrds cfcape was prtzzflifed. There was alfo a report uf a Letter froth A Mr.} ermingto Mr. Mazmtagua, which Wat intercepted, wherein he writ» that: he hmpecl that the hotfe Leeches would l3£‘€T:: fl:at’ve<:§; for want offood: A t A f A, Alfo,ofanether Letter from Mr. tangy; to, -Maficr 1’ ermiiz, Wl1lCl~1 ll*1f§:W€€El3lil2i%$f‘f§;’ D expcflecl the Lord at Strajfiwd flwrtly 7 them. Q’ r\, “/7-7 Nil .._*‘l.,_J! 5. W E pure Mia: Blwd"A:.,uponh19:%%. .... OI-'13 faith: that ‘H I gxfizvimznhis; Va 4 44 An’f\t§96::t$ 3 VI3;:i$efi no the‘: Bxihmp of one*‘ A A , . :‘an¢ofiAvw9%$*V~Ei’*z' Cjimlgeaflfl 111 rccommenia 1 .. $11779