W g"‘f“"" ““>r"—""‘-' aaaagaaaaaaasggaaaaagaaaaaaaaaagaaaa A PROPOSITION o R an/_r E s s A g Sent the g1, of Dcc»ncmAb.nI-i6 4. 7. to His 1\/1AjEsT1E , Bjt/aclrlotyreof C 0 M M ON 5, for a G u,A R D.. Together with His Maj cPcics gra- cious A N s W 2 R thcrcunto. L O N D O N : Printed by R o 3 1-: K 1' B A n zc 2 2., Printer z to the Kings mofi Excellent Majcflic : And by tI1€AH§gnCs0f] o H N B 1 L L. %MDCXLL 939' ‘$339 n V) \ -4"’ gagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggfig %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%§%%§ -rum.“ vk Y" 3.1} of December 1 6 4 1, toHisMAj E 3 TI 12, By Houfc of Commons, 3 V gmciom 'S0veraz;gnm;e EB are fent by tfie” Bur efles.of the houfe of “* ommous , yours ftlil and loyall Sub j eéts (w.I1o;~ are read totla .. down their lives: e Y and fortunesee, and {pend the lafb §f‘r+oB_ pf tllgigj blood to V {nairntaim 3r;;o1m:* A 31}. \ Knights,Citizens,and -Jyourll Crown and Royallll Perfou :ing1*eau1clTea11d glory‘, and do by us ‘call: themfelves down at your Royall feet) to prefeut unto your llvliwajelltie their humble defires up»- on ytheifgreat ap plrel'1e1iiio1:1sy, jufc fears of rnifizlmievous clefigues and praéfifesltoruine and clefltroy them. There have been feverall ‘. attempts heretofore to lhring clez fifrué’cion upon their Whole Body at once, ahcl threats "a11cl#111e11.2a}:s~:s oagainPcparticular perfons. There IS a mlalignaynkt party bitterly inve.-«5 nomeld againft them , dayly gay thermg Pcrength and conhclence, anclimw come to fucl1ll1eigll1t has of your Subjects, in the face, auél they have given b(_l)lCll11€lT€§.tO fome to irnbrue their llandsin the blood at at me doms of the Pamenenc and at your IV1a}e{’c1es own gates, and have given out i11fo~1ent and me1iaci11g fpeec-hes againPc theWPar;; lia111ente1t"felE This caufeth great diP¢crac'ti‘o11se among the people in generall, and much fear arid appre; henfion in the Houfe 0f‘C0fn... moms 4; T113: they conceeive tliey‘ camflotee Wifh H16" faFet1'e'of their perfcms: upon which the; fafetie and pfeeacee ofthe Whole Kingdom doth now de aend) fit 'aneylon.ge.1*e u11armed"2u1 unguarded,’ as they are. They have tlaere fore Vthefr ‘fire coufie tmtgy your‘ ‘Majefiie ,f r.r’1fE_‘ heu§mb1eybefeech'iin*g you’, that in n1a‘yI’ca11d with yfour’ gobd liki11g,i. if the providcefor their “own fafe; tlf’ p‘. y \ (4) tie, :wl1icl1ltl1<:"very law of ~ ture-.a11d R.eafon doth allow 1111.; to nlicsm; ‘It is their humblcf dc.-ll fireltI1at they‘ mayhave la Gilard utlof the ‘City loF,,Lom‘la22, com.- mandcd byrhc» Earle of E/]Z'x,l Lord Cl1amberlai11.of your Ma.- jofiies Houlhokl., of Whole fide» litie to your Majcfiie a11cl»r»tl1e C0mfno11ewcaltl1,they‘ ll1avehad long l".C)(__,pC1?1.;C1:1zCC.’ By this your Majcfiies Gracc.a11.d~Favour, -you will removc”f'l1eir fears, fill «them with mrnfort ,a.nd~afl‘uran»cc., axmd inablc ‘ftlalcm to {ervc your Ma» je{’cici1LIuc11a“mva;t, as {hall ren» cler; yfiour Majefiic and your G0; ver11mentl ha py and glorious. “And ltothis t ey do mofl: hum- ‘ bl)’. ’ V " =fjC‘:2')~ défir%¢ Your Mi¢1°Cf€S~ graci«-3% . olifg Aatlvdfpcecly AI1 fWer;h becaufe fafetiei, and thé f-3 f@ti€3.0‘f‘w£ 1w1¢Ki=1gdomdcpends%u on wdlnot AA ' %anyc1e;lay.v V _ . '35:’-f‘ ‘I I . m ‘ — ‘ '. my :0’ ‘ f’‘ I; ' " .,,,‘,..-nu‘ . 37.‘ ' . ' lo I _. a-2;,‘ I v ‘ .' ‘II-'s'¢..':-_'(s ‘. -‘t ."_‘,".'-" ‘ 'z.J..‘ ' 1 n I s ‘$5--* sizittu.‘ .-.-.3:-Hm. am. u.:aat.".g_ Tao T A km t1«;«:*1afi D mbext paPr.% ~ ‘ ,r;he‘%H”0ufé‘d5C¢mm°“53 3 ;I:$~%R%.%I>i% % u 1* “ ‘ I In. I 9,‘ O A _ ‘ /1-’, In ' ’/.9" *, IIO*’* - o‘ . v4 ‘ K ,4 .“ u .7 I’ I . I ‘I. /1 ‘ ‘Is. :7 .4, I 4», I ’ ’ confidéiration, and trubr % with great gricf0f}5eart ($174? after “:2 nu"/20/e year; fitting of At/vi: ‘I’atrYi.4; efl‘1;1g¢,r—’0r~P»1*cpofirit2m A f"“:'[’3"“»~ JF’""w’%”?’.%A4'"",;‘:.?>?:i VAAiW¢b.ifl§%J9“T%Ad? 2. ment, ment,j"% wberein you /we oémined l'b0[é!i‘£1iflg$=_,.fbrtb6bdjfipinfi mg, % % I ‘f/‘O 5u%éJ‘€5’~?a44i,'?0+4ge wwveu«»lI%> 1'3/Wlréa mg #1 %‘1?mce“aznaf~mzn. ‘Ir I," will mm [Mm x and «fowl» ‘gr2zCe,”42}d4~% éEZz3rt to 0147" TZ9=e0]7[é -_.,g Wfimle fen» V 'l.9.f”fl9~‘3 73%?“/I’f344n‘c11AZ7e4z?: flill prevalent amongfifiyou, ,m~0_i,m{m.€ .)’0_:% £0 den‘/ztref t/aemmzto ‘(J43 .. in /by ‘.535 4 Wzezzfitre ;»%Ia$’*,,)?0zfetht.t').9;ecz'0}zezz5 I/5z5%z‘zme.% % % % 5 » A We me»%«m>zgzz’g¢;omm:» A 97’f""”“9"’/[J‘0“’ PW/Wfianw, M W We 4'0 ‘Prote/f Wm /71mz;z/wt gem’ M M w/yam fW”e Fmu/Z*é'e2tcc6mm?:{ . «Ha fivr 5/9,0/é,122£2om'A?}§»eb;1iZ2..int2jz»y%;i aim 0m mm mm’ ‘Prote'Efz7m )% :55; A dryifizzazir/eafigéfc , ar*~éé!iq;¢j" 9;‘? Me 4 3) - theleez/5' do/z“gneindnye,oI/"t'o%'/ence, ~ e-itlaer~o]%rmerly ,* oroae t/ozlse timeo, again/Z‘yooM,%We would pmflzeoetbeon A k to “ condigne? punijfinzent , wit/9 ‘t/9e .jZtme}/emerijw; zzneldeee/emu; it/me We wonldbdo thegreote/éegeteemjottup... on Ou're»Crown; : WVVe /Qoowuotlae ‘ofutjofftkot plate o where Cjool /not/ofet ‘U: , t/oe ‘Protea- ~E¥éon V V e owe to all 0ureLoyezZ1-Sufi- “ jeelr, emdemo/i particularlytoyou, eezlleoito 0ozrSem7ice by Our VVrit5; c/Ind VVe do ingezge unto you /5... _ lermf»b' We ieom’ of 4 Kin T/W ibefecurity ofezll rmd every one H *4 you from ‘violence, ie,eemo1j5ezll A A ever be 4/3 mete/9 iiaozi‘ Core , 1.?/nee . Trejezrmtion of ‘U5 and Our C/vie!» A A droefifla 73 one