%w%%%¢%g§g%%%%%%%%% *3‘:- gb W HI . “ MAJESTIES A NSVVEVR T0.”‘+thc” Eff‘. I‘ 1' m Nf ac- comp._ani'c":d tl1é7DI~:%c L A R ‘A I o N of thcAHoufc&of’C 0 M M 9*}! s : C/2 Prcfénycd tQ.I-Iim; at fliamptazigfcourt , thcfirfl:vo'f» Deccmbm L6 4:%~1%. ,9-Ia‘. g L O N D O N: 7 Printed by R o B a R 1- B A n 1: n 1, Printcrto the Kings mofl Excellent Maje-(fie: And by the Afligncts of] 0 H 2-! B1 Ln. MDCXLL %®%w%%%%@%%» { <%% *% .5 1 '-.r F?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% : I I D "' Y I .. 1 V .’;_ “:4 R F I \\f;.l‘« iii ‘J.’ >V-‘r'.‘.?.0E .;1"i ':u\.:‘.'-"‘*\:f-'.-.-7"‘ . . . ,.. lulu" ‘ »"..,l;!I!.,‘ ' ‘ I.L;( ‘I ; ;§ VI] I\_-_ .'l\ 4.‘ \‘v-:‘_‘:E‘ ‘.\\\_“ 1’ V, \ \\'‘~ . ‘I :l\\‘ ~\__ « '(‘«‘-“ .\‘ ‘ ’. \\\A\H:.:\‘ ‘d .'1‘«",‘u'," .1” ~. “nu” (J ' ‘ 0 * ' '«:~—+ Wr ‘ ‘ E: '\‘.‘.‘.‘.'/‘V/l\‘\ ?’ok-. ‘;- 3‘w?Ah‘.nLlIAaxJ.\x\&§§.~;.__ /y‘ D A T .' I -- I, II/, 1/’ "4 ‘ .‘ , ! ’ /'1 ‘, 1}‘ I, ' "4 7’ ’ '4',’ _ |w“ ‘ ‘///‘ K1‘,/I,‘ wr e % J .1» 3 35- &~ M9 «av I ‘(I3 5 Hits L AN svv ER Te the ; P 4.1: r If 17 on whiéh ac-* compan1cdthcD nc %'L4A x A ‘I’ IO N % ‘Prcfimted ta:I1Tim Hampton- Court, A11’ Dccgmb‘. 6 4. A kg, H & % E received ’ fromfsyxu foon after ' ' Our return out of ? A Scotland, at Iongl’-¢ti.— Vtion, confifhng -of A many defires, of great moment, togeth cr with a De.- clarationdof a very u11ufua1lAnaturc A2. annex. %%%§%§sg%%% vi‘ 1?‘~(.‘M!h V final‘ M : ‘ .‘,,.7{""? ‘ . _ f - \ A ‘*7! " 1‘;.x ;w élffl 1»? - V. .% -is V . ‘flax " . '0'» f \ n ‘c U3’ .1‘ ‘. V? ‘N 7. ‘ ' ' O fl -. MA JES T 11:5 Ci-J u v 4'_ a11i?1IéX7éfde*i:he1"é'ui1to7' , .7" V ‘ - Ice Tome time to CO1‘lfifd er of it“, afé fequence “, bej11g,_*,éconfi&ei1t, "thiat ):oL;1~o_owy11?_r¢§a.fo11Z;4,i}d;*ega1‘c1go L15, ' 11 by Om Qomptpolle-r §'§® that pur.-. pofe 5 wotild hive ‘ ref:’i:1*ai11%ed you fi*®LT;1i»‘tE16‘ pubolifliimg it, ;r/will ftia<':I1 tivne asmyon:efl1:o<"1.n‘ldsel1amo<‘rer<;eizved % ..jVVe mufl:~ let‘ A you know‘ théit Our 1]HSK€I~%‘it0,f "2 ’‘£V‘'*.BT11V17 ,‘ '1Ifi;iC11 again{r’c «; ~ea§pe%!%étio‘ra1,1 fin ding the con.trary_, thatothef—.1idA DeAec]_a,~ V ration is; already abroad in Prfiljt, by di1*eeftio~fis fi‘o1h your Houfee, as app"ea1’"s i,“t‘11e o ‘prmted " Cop” . ‘ 5 VVe are veryfe11fible>of the difreo- fpefiif. I&\Iioti\>vit1:1f’cet11c"ling,oeit is Our Intention , tlm i1ofaili”nge' on your A Part, part, .flqaIL%1na*ke~I<,I5s‘£a;1~Ii§r®irrs; g!’ a1lid»%t1ej~i7é.‘t1sf7aé’t1onV% cmhc dc; fikresu of”~u1j_pe'o13:1é:: f,“ % 111% ‘a n'*1’en~tary 1*; f ) flnd¥?H;h,ETéf6féV9,. VV % 12: nd you ‘Vthi’s Anhver A yuaf Petitibviigrgferying poi Ue é:1é.1*ad“on’?‘, “ VVB tl*1i111€71inp2tr‘11amer1té1ry,“ghd flmall imke {ae©‘urfe— fQf”<=*1'% 3V‘V‘¢‘W1t‘.¢1. " fi‘an3d tghmm T‘, ‘ 1%a>2g*A{ec!zz}i%z! '”“"£”4W*. P4“? V615%1i’,€fi’I?%%5??%.?/93 v€W;;e?tt .3‘ 0 f0w?W5¢t¢P‘4r:xL a5 matte ‘ta 0 ur Trivia %C’&urm.$»Zl;%' % ‘:5tJH“‘""':11"1’1Hc:r. V A;- anal and te ot/yer Implojment: cyctru/l,cmJ eneeffl} to and Our Children ; Of En eeewour: to "owe among the ‘Pea- file fqlflae fijan ex]: and imputeztiom, to 5./emf/7) and dtflgrace the ‘Proceed- ing: tbe T4rlz}mz.ent : All , or atlyofiwhich, did 6 know Of; VVé vfhouldbe as ready to reme» ely and p111r_1if%hM%%, as you to com plain 0f?eg’Thatf11%?1’:raeY€rs of Your 1’ 6- titféh arc *ounded upQn1"uchPrc- eemiffcs% eemufi: in noeweifc ad.- mit: ; ye t rfotwithfianding are pleafedre to give thisAnRver to To the fi1‘{’c'A¢onccr11ingRcligi» on, confiefh'ng.oFfcv”eralle branches, VVC I-a)r,Mthat fbrthc prcferving the Peace é1nd_Saféty of the Kingdom Rom Ihé Qcfigncstof the Popifh ~ 4 % A p-attic, C) partiet, VVI: have, ‘anti W111‘ fhll concur with all the jufi defires of Our people in a Parliamentaric Way; That for the depriving of V the Biilxops of their Votesin Par» liament , VV-re wpulcl have you ccmnfieclexgi that their rightis round.-% the ingdom, and conflituttionofi’ Pafliament' ,- i This VVe Vivduld have you confideiggbuet fimce you eléfire Our colicurreneehereitn inia Parliamentary‘ way,VVe will give aoafiirther anfwer at thiS;ti1ne. : Asforitlie abrid‘ging—ofthc*iinor¥ dinatcipbwen of tl1eC’lcr.gy, VVe conceive that the takin ’ **a:way7"ofi 9? the high: Commifsion oL1i't“l1at‘l1 A well moderated? that ,;:but ‘if: there ‘ wntinuac any Ufunpatiens‘ ,1: er Ex.-by ed ugon thee fundame mall aw of: 1(6) ; in that :JL1«1‘1'».f'di<5’ci94.as;, ;€1;rngI:;e1th¢.:r11aW+= m91:j%will 0 EL «-3»- ("D "'3 :‘’‘t, ' “.4 W 0 V .al 0 »%1Tsrot¢¢‘:z« %thje1n:;_g%4¢ efi fileilsz %;*W£51?r1;ipti@ia (as: y@%i1"£k£1:c th€IT:.1)' llikéligion iii C hur%ch..go... Yfijraarmcixi tin Di£¢£p14i%:i and $116‘ :rein.ov:ifi"g” i1%1ae@§fléry vC.€rfem.dn<1es%a§ ,VV‘€a1iCQ‘1l‘1£(li€nC€S V. ymlght ch€E11ie aité T11at:,fQra11:$r;A$illé— . ga1lIen1110vam§o‘ns ’w11i¢11 zrmayabaxrie ~cr‘.epi;,in; zflxalfl zwillixfglyrémfi» y.cu;1~ in .t;he rc1i:1q>;sraJl%A0f~tla.,c TI7IiVaét if Om aI"’:az%l%ia121:ies11twzf?~1rxa411z*a:dim:i%feV;I::Is "A.l:0%*cfa1l»" #“‘N¢a%tib1iaH v?Sy1nbd:;*"7'*whic11 »iai%ajr‘cxanii1i;e% fuch C c%rcm"®—— 2: .1n1v¢s;m.s:g;:vc7 :j”u£‘c df oflfrcmmo ;?anj”r,MA~~ é flnallé xa1<<:»aiTi*%Ti1nE%of~donfi» I1,“ . ék at xagivpadué1Iafcisffl&io1?x*n11emi1m§!§But . F‘ ._ “‘~i“ 19"‘ V R ; g ; E ' ‘‘‘MWrI.g ; ' A I I ‘ my ’ ‘- ‘ . ‘ I I ‘ I , »<7:Di%,; V376 Y<*?.1’Y ms 1a¢a1~:Ai1a;+ fi‘!¢hag9n§.1=a§1,1~tali“e~. J natlfig the F0kfeiit6d5La»1‘" ‘ixds’ "tI313¢1‘..~3A»_1*c*."0*i‘*:, to procecc1V£m %;m§:#rm’L:tVIa éa1*’e~ ,a11CUOV£I,;Arrd.{ik@Wi1% flit» my be Ia Refolurriun very :5 take , bm; whec11e:-"i:be¢1%a#fo:1aLb1e to declare. Refolucftian ©f;gEliét4 ”itu1“c3 7beF01*c¢.~the ‘€Fy’é1itS* % {$611, that VVE 1r1uc:hcitoWLib»‘t~o£ Hewzfmexrcr g ~ €_'éi1:11}<)“E 5:1: « ,j51‘1+:X$111iEf:% A c:§h.is¢a1=a aaidwya:1r% che€1<—~ % 7' I M f ‘J ji ‘ “"“. *c1i;e~é1ffi.fi1~,i~z1’<>%&¥c¥E£Ei81’1; ~mr&1§e pfief§aj% 11*‘ 8f‘£%1‘.iE’%?R%1fi‘€{ *f0‘fi ;~’fiI5b§,1 the fp ¥e‘H‘é:&‘ti&5g-‘M eflgfagée 5fl’iE;liE Pfb?§H§1{ %‘e£ai@aa»; gay: ,1 %N~ms1s kg 8% péfi ci§q14 MIPS ‘c5‘F5H1f§’¥<‘£’ig$§E{‘E>”’fi’n was 'iii‘r“5E”§1‘V*é‘5l4Ti'i§1 ?H&f‘ fl54‘V’Vg ca 11 not lafif *&f1i“iiiI3‘é’i’i“§'735(i’1‘f thereixl, a11d%fl'1aH defire ydffito ]fi‘aa11¢%Y9L1z*C.ou1:%c¢ls%, %.a11%d;§9,»giy.6 Tuch eXp~ecL?ti0n to the Wo1*k,astl1e nature t11er§;'Qf; §r1fdI;{tl?fieprefTu1*esi11 point of thne requires, and VVh€1‘€» of you are put in minds by the daily inf“olenc”e and" i1‘1C1“€a{C of thofe Rebels. For Co11cIufion , your pronlifc , . O to apply yom {elves to fuchcourx A B 3+ fes % ‘(I20 . fes’. asrmv fPP° 1‘~¢ 0ur%_R9,Ya11 .r~E:9£%t§ W¥?11:H91?°Pf,%11dP1?*?"'Y at I1pmc§n¢an,dw1th Pgwcr and Rep 11.. :a;i¢ngb%r¢aa%, tuna We W’ ,; bait Pnéiniféi 0ur§%5€1€» both Your Lo>*é1iiés MA fF¢&i~ ,..9n‘s and_.ft1fo fqr What have #111 My aclding unto for the comfort and I v,‘ ‘, ‘ ,‘..~- ‘ I « .. l. ‘. .. a My 41 . J .4. N Na, ,1,1app;ncffc,Q,fw.%Q,ur peop ,e,,_. VA A ,5 g .‘ WM“ I . mu. J3 ‘ ma ‘ -z ,1 H ‘.3 ‘ - -« ‘ ‘ u ‘M .44 W; . . ‘\ - . .| _‘ ‘ | u . .— W «‘aa ‘ .- ‘ " .w X ‘ ' ‘ 5' “ H y \_ ‘, ‘ I‘ '. ‘ “" a ‘ ‘ 1 ‘H