A I } l - 1 . ., .... , u , \ . . . -, .. ,.. 3 , “ 4 I u . -5. V, ‘ 9 ‘ v I - / I .‘ \ . r \ \‘W"' \‘ '-’ ."" \ ‘ k‘‘’ ' \ " ~‘ . 'u a"! l u 1 ’~. .”'\ I‘. I l, I 4- ' 9‘ a 1 a '! 1‘ 1 0‘ 3 r‘ " ‘ ‘AIL ¢ .4 I 4 vi ‘a In N ‘.3 C ‘r - ‘u I \. Cy _‘.*¢- \4 I | I \A I _; l , Mr ’ \ 4 ' \ / \ '_ ~ , \ , ' . ' . , I - , ‘ me P.- .~. 1. .&a to :6 M. ,luN,~,w,r«m...%l V l\( . n h thelaclvice of ‘I ‘if. His Privic Counccll. ’ ' , Printer :1 ajefliel»: And H15 164. I. To all His loving Sll1B_iE crs : Publifhed wit LONDON M Printcdl by Ron 2 111' B431: ER to the Kings mofi Excellent M by the Aflignes of J o H N B 1 L 1.. ‘IE \ ‘~15 J 0 § 3%? "'13) if :‘ 2. .43 93 n \I . 4 : . , I l . . ‘u no ..». . , .-..l.. ..l......l .. .- . A ., . L .. . .3 x J .. .. . x . , O » , l , . m .. 7. .. .W..v.»u.v 79.. (1 uVm.$a.@Fr.u%r.»..u$0fa . O %%%%%l#%%%%*%%%#%«%%%%%w%$«¢ n. §¢.' , o 0 #&&%§¢% 0 LA .lv rh. ? 1 ‘L . '- ‘ 4 ‘,. , gun: , 'o- 5'1, ' .':'x* ' ,.~ s}”:»:,0I% ‘u’m’s‘£{'\“."»vi1';“a"' ,.'i'!'£‘.iT.' ;. 1*‘ iv 0 I 9 ,1" «o \ ‘ » ' ,,s ‘.“\ 1 a?"\ awé_”f’.‘-" a \ ,u u 1,. u . A D E? c L AJR lA~.T' To all His loving S u B"j1~: QT s f}: Pulalifhacd v§litla‘thfl‘adyi£:¢_ of .§~I;1j;l Pr-iv’»;c> Cbuxic.c1L "b‘c1c‘ehc‘ Ltbat‘ .. ' mare: Df($flnlmlI§. '4 / I / ///I I I 9/ 1/ ‘ 4OrIr'I ‘ . ’§ {In ’-4’. 79,} -’/4. /. / . I I ‘ II 5’ ,1 I‘ if 1' .l- . I W 1 H ‘ ‘ “ < »: ,» e 11 611* 8 v '* arr r ' l-.. ‘ ’ l V ’ . _ . ' V v " I . ’ l D %tate.oftI)e§Eti1tgDot1t , to putrfls: to any ztpulomeg zitbw fDz.j£Dm: paftl M lpzefent Captions. 3: latmitur. :3 3 . fiannmgall ‘ to twins fim tbepbamrb%aunbt it To new necetraw (moon t1J¢ic$'¢£IDhfcAv=*%;v puliiifl) the mac, foams fatisfactiozzfli of an £Duc Inning @§-:ubjects , nae D¢*”¢ ;i%Fb%°!1n‘bt it A%%vw2Whi¢ W $11? huwof fl>u%r% vim; wit!) fliiiigicia WIT bath tru.ttM15> to no km pamo ‘to goon a ‘mom, tsp which Manx: imt think it Main 2191:: iétiuglp Dignity to nefcmn go any pacmcalavg Ib1)icIjIfl3?§0ntpfiItaim rattle the atfccttons of was meam1‘t*' A Subject?-, liucexmeéacc fotottfcinus’ ti) .£1Dtn:fnAf imp!) upzigbt Sltttztta: ' tiizms sum szmneabouts, arm nneigoof ( fog mbtcy me fgim <5011~ thanks )‘ fozj the ,1Bc_a_c‘¢A%%z?¢ttD fiBapprf>* mac nf %®uv%?3mgnu:m4%, in mijtch the "‘%; tbmnrpwtty am at égmhjcctanana be incIunen,,t1)atk z Ibi£l)f1tlJIllfl).II’t + ijzatt 31 tbat"¢m_1t £Dm:. ntott "mutt »%t.bougbts” ~ mm pub1_iil)ehA to that New ann examination 5 atijouglj mu: malt confetti nac.4cam1nt% bathe Abecp rum» in tbisi cotI1'uttctm:eof time ( Ihbm tIjAeunhappine1TcoftIji5 magnum is fa: uwmaonn gabzuaw there moum be men a zmta §:;i;t‘,¢ of puhlifbing In many iaattticus 1av£,J%fv0mmbicb,m¢ maw, no film- conbcnimccs “map” mruz that mace not mtenncn. ~ 1m.~¢£ba1I in few niozus petite that tbatfpatt oftbc 3I‘2matibe,&1abctcin the wrfaztaacs of this isétugnom . ftflm :11>utA?fitl1* cnteting V to tfic mama , to the hegmuing of tnis j "aaarx ’ (4) ;aaacu'azm~:nt?; are me:-nziumen in fa fmfible mlzeffinztz mttn Atljat [otljwzt 1DI)i5£{) aclmumiengztij the 4 11mm» «gum: 1LanJ§4Vpaifenbp 2Dtit'1I5z&t¢ 2a’mJ'5F&113Dut this 1E5atIia1nettt%5 fog :stI)¢. %§ccm3it17é%n$f* uu%pm%p1e%;% ?f l1)1jf£11‘fm;tTb€i1 away fa? t1)‘u5”t1t'acD; flbat as. use Ilzmenot téfafen to ;pafl‘z~~%am’ ?15i11% pzefmtcti toirils by ;.m: v1aat1t’a¢t1te:%tt; Afn; fen?" tho {(3 dfizfcbmuccs 11t'e1ttiouctu%¢in'itbE %3B»en$:ortf¢rat1ce,%%fo+ "w!¢’1J8tb2!i’0t'bt“t7i ;[%greatet: Examine fog pamng tijofe iflanas tljzrt 2Dm: ‘onm;31icfn‘:.- . ".1§*1.”:0?3;( ‘gc:,:t;t1I%J‘ka11 ‘upon ‘£911; fctilatiozt, ‘anti unnzt&:mntng%‘ the _éeta§¢c%ro%fA was 1m'ngnom)to'babe «ftzeni 911$ ®ubjcc;ts%V'foz%ftb"z »futwcc; fmm tbofe192efmtesA» which mete ~ A * gxiebuus “gt“I'eb!3f1,1§ to tbenuéf .t1).ufc.?!ga§1)£ mm not new pzop.om1ben,mI)tc1)Mt1jm:%c:= fazzJv@c',fi)_a11.a¢s. Jfnbioiatilzz ntaim tam, as me look to bam:%m:% ‘aim fiégljtfi pzefztlfla.$119:.nnuhti1?Et1mt all ®uc1ujo:’ng 9um'.tI;t5. mill i" ,, on tbnfv aifiuemmtgs I1>:t1;.#.:13at.~fu11i gtatimm am: atfzction ,%t1)at..g1qctz memnzn%«9fwmbat tI3¢2:~1J,aWf!>2e um» uunecgtmc tbe.%%tccin¢nt;s mo he ;I1ttp11EiWaf_m1:h to mt,lJ$,I1I44':,; 33.113 poffibly in a pzousi [aunt It9‘f.®l1fb5 1J1¢iTI'11Q~l1121m fl.)i543’\9.%I:ti1)1t( bmélliffi :12time:A£'owcc1mflm1tIjmfiftbfi ackn%omm1;;g¢a'z1€1%t ) %t1J¢P W11 .99?‘ fzffz t3,J€-NJ-35.5533: z’m}Jpcn% §st?t.¥t.i)I1¢?‘? f1wauf1)app1miEc ( ~cmu tI')¢;fe1‘€£fl%fi1:r-: tee:1'mp5)¢ howiza peace %1i3Di1?1¢11%Wa .45 7.15 mt '4 K-5’ )1 not flnz1p£on1pacati1acIp.%intc1‘tazctA Vithciv 3¥‘1¢i£fJbours, but men nftbofe stanza nrI,tic111bercjul1Ip izmountcu —;f»o*2“tt111ate; V % + A was arms ann geatouazsmnicb; make fomc.impzcfl‘in1z“in the maznes ¢fm.uv*1amp1z, me mzfu Mwfuppnfe am» he of two ions 5 eitbeu: foz?4m1tgtnn; oz3L:bzm5#@ than cibill vgmmcas. mm mam*fm Marga on may bap1pbe,not nttew as flucs am ewaw ma.12..he‘&tunancnby the 3315-mift) pmttiz , but as aw ac: cnznpanien may fnmz cmemnuies; at mbicbfome tennev%¢onfcicncc5 ted, any ate, 0; pmettbtn be ftaunaliacn, fogs nt’ any ofljet which babe been arm without: any mail mactant mg, jiniuncttott, %anAD aItaaDpAate,% oz. fpccnitp C) ‘rpccm”tpntaybwcbnIft1)au‘;‘ me% » no%t4fpmk;%& %$ % fioaceming tum may thfmctnuw tlnw ta“ ,, W % :13 mature m: an mazm, sw “ yanwem ftoxn mm: ebfl “ W aw fizuugbt’ up it!‘ ,4 emu :1J2a’£tfl'm: fl~itm;%fi;64l‘i'gifl1¥ non) zl'tanIt’aj¢lJ:: in tbifi £1’ A ‘ W 1:: f0ft‘I'5Lwfl:‘ :1 6. M ;met_ya!mf_( cantztttcm‘€mpIp‘mttIJ tDc*%ztwnctp1eV nfm: etnmaétion) mimnfi pzopoztfon nrf*:‘% timcL‘ama paatw to the ¢mmnatmn“nf grouuus‘ oftflffl fificliwu ,~?££§’“Iiti‘i’£ Diflwflt 7 ftom-that" of aRamc*,%% fitnm‘ utfou1i'o%fum1*farttzfien awn mag, tbatgasgis the mutt “13ttt*;c%%, mm 215 2; flgttcrgj (8) i agtéeablt 1:0; %the§atma 1tafizn‘%f%%‘+n‘f 615nm nfatuyficligion 1to)n=¢*p;actifen in tbe <='CDzt£ttan‘moz1n%: ’3CI)a1:a5me belzebc maczcanmaintaitxtijefamchp unanfintrabie tcafous , ‘In Me hope we l1);0Il1U tyranny ream: (thy tije ct; fufiantVflf 2BIno‘u‘5';i£% it plmfcn“ (Hint: to; caL1I*2IEtstu't1)at%%factificmuan tI)‘éc¢fo;24i;*nntb"i1tg‘canIiz%%fo ‘actmtrw late *?I{1s*as‘~ amf%v‘V2‘fia‘znJpufittou I11hijcI);1na‘y' conttihutz.‘ to the’ an: 1v%aft1¢;teAt1!¢ff1W.ffit'Dzttegngwwznpagaa ‘ V , A El 30." “ ‘J A tto1_t« fffflf it«%Aa‘h;na’n “ ~nemg' “thy: ‘dimly means to,*%n;am Anm1m;$ a ”iJ1Efl.'I'11g tr rants , ann,j tbis ;=h%'ctiu*rt._ V*fmtI1:$ ¢*4”Ij“abc ‘ hem‘ '~»Vcpt-t.Ba,".‘t1i?4¢|".' nnfoztunm, * iftbts ‘flat mom: ::f_%c%% tnnflant pzacttce U1 tell bomto ttpztfft. t. Iv I ( 9 ) in A @111: omit 12tcrun,yam'ng% at wages httmmitljnut otittttattoioafi mud) to the thtntntt of’£I.Dutittatt anénnutpt Ijtt ¢in,&’t§ m t totuInp‘nfl'ih1pt 9 jmt nifitttutts V amtmglt imtt ftltatsg to; matters innifftttnt 7 in ‘ that own nature concerning aaciigir; name u;aI,iutetmtt1ttstto im?‘711um-= ht»: of £IDut lobittg 9ubjétts”,‘ 'iJtt17% matingip cmuprg tmttytnzanntct of flat wttltattttnt. that fume itam may be tttaflé fin the: tttmpttntt of tarmac“ cDttfCitlIl2¢§~ % ftoni J pumay tiwnt, oz pmrttutton tn;=ruc1)' cziztmt mouits,ai1n.itt' fut!) tafts’ mm) by the jutugtmtut ‘ofmnft tntu,ate Ijein fni ht tttattttts imJitftttnt,~ am: of“ fame to be abrututtlp unlamfuu. "2 A 1'5 3 mobtntn. -v--.-»........—.. T’ Q "I0 ) 1¢B.*zmaincn tbfizt % this cafe attemma en; ann%nutfl1¢nmitD that: xtznnerm % tmtpec arm fu:hmii7fin:t,w tbatm L the 7‘t§11fW.‘th3 peace a11Dm1iet%“ nftbc ?Rittgtumt be not,.ht1tutben, the Bee: cmczr an ca:In;1inefi“e %,lJf fl15I0.D5.%f¢€§Jicc DtfcoAuntmanAceb, %z:trJ.ztb¢i 111'-3 W, {ca law, awn Dzbout actioztg £bofc2£ez.«~ Imtm 1@¢t_I'otIfi, was we tbefiva: 1aho.ntets;%tutIJ¢ b1eaen9£,efmmafiam; oz oftbat tinw, be %fc£utba1’n ant Uta: fauna. 3fo2$ me «Mr _ grief of heart . am: mithmtt rm fax upon 2IDuv Vficiffinb £19111? l'"ttI'*~'°' fi¢¥5.Amfqz#tD& 6 1' “D11 ;: 3 10*01Wl301‘ V offnmc arm, m+192iutinnoEflanu.+ pI)I¢f5J11% mmmng ann% 0 malice fiflfl Off: (II) é—maItc¢ maintt tbcpzefe1tt'<1I5m3¢vti3 -meat, againit the 1!.amse&ab1m;en, in fun of renmou agamm £13m: mm’, mm me peace of we’ magnum , that me art many times A%"amAa§en ta vcanfintt by ‘what czfiytg mega tiaingg are few, auh by what «ears they are beam ;:ztunt13eczmee have gmra é « wan“ , 375? me,%%;;I1:zbe % mute ml -none, atm imam» on, an wan ‘jinn: gas Famuv %inmr‘£: hi’ jumce; mm: Ciitttttttw am: fiollititni <15mu:mu,% auutbc an of wax: leamznw Acttnum _ mu,» m mom with an £pceb.agaim1i fucu am: that zthettozs, who ctti)sr~ by mgmng 0; was , DmaAcfuhu1nIy ant: maIi*ctouflp»%nio1atcn the mums; niauvbcn the p‘mccVof atunumn mea1tb;A%,anD,é as mucI)%% as in than ~ ties, "(~,I.2}:) ~ ties, mama tf)¢ new f0:tl11B&fl':0ntIp.a an naljicb that p4caccat1m%% Dappincrre 1'5 foutmch mun cnnftimtfib. %;?3nD%§I3?t Wnnuht tymtlmt all %£Dut Ipbing facts, win he new #_%fmfihle% t1)at.4Atbis - hufie, bituI¢1§tnent¢artn;w;$% is} Wa. fit %znI0;3uccu%noti)ing_bI1t% wnfufton; am if not h%ev2feafomhIv vtlniflaen %an%Dnze;1uem:en+ , Ibit1no;tnneIv%*b¢ a blzmiag m t%bat%nJI)n1fomtAaccq:11;s mona"tionmzintc1tD, but an um fpeakahic fcannall arm .iIIt1>!Ité1ti0¥t3 than "upon the pzofeffion am) ¢33¢1i=~, man of this £33m: §3ingno11t¢ of «Concerning the Qtillill iflihgtttgg V.‘ éinn gifntcreit of an gaubjepts, we {ball men to fay the lea‘: , Aiming match To mew? lalfing onutumts _ of (15) of win:ihgiutely?anbhhhfatht’tl1?‘tare of flux maple , in thofc ntattptcps eplimt iiamcs paifen by fllisthis. aaatltatntnt, which in trutht(mz’th ‘ bevy much“ content to matgelft) me conceive to he to Iatgcannama pic, that new math: [abet mm ham mrplittltleft to mithfoz. : mehunnttflobn men the aaight, amn pzctmccs of flight nae ntpatten ftom in the cnuf¢ntit1g'to the ml; of the 3Itic1tnia1l19at1tammt,* fat the continuance of thifi pztfmt mm iiamtnt , aim in the pzcamblt to the 115111 of atmmage am: aaounnagt“; the matter of mhich'h‘ah1'ng‘thegot 1' 0 rltanp ntrtuthtanccs in late 1931?: Iimnmts , we meet willing to was insane , that no mterefl: of’ £Dmt5 - 6 xnight (I4-M) L might bettcaftet: hztak tgat coma fpggygncc , ahnnhaaatly contmtmg, with an mflutamz (mijichfi Itilifiaioz ) that me Ebonlhbe veaf; yaivcn amnfupplimbp a juft pzupop tam ofconfiDmce,.%%hnunt1g atm D133: view of £13m: people; in %tI)c2Bfl1s%: fo; the taking away ram ¥a:z’+gt) ($9111:-+ % miffifsm arm §:ar~c1)amh£n flnmts, '\¢ am bmemn amnan gmzn% chm; ma all fatisfactionj, that a1lVjealuuficsv arm :am12€1Jm£inn§ of zmaitrapy pm; fates annex: the tfliibfll oz ciécciétiaitia callftatc, mourn eafilp mm been A abannomn , ,efp;w'a11p1hl)w thqz tam an puffiblc haunts. fecmten by. me bifitation of 3 a fimentniali amt; u’ammt.. V % ~%3EI,1¢1'z,anD$I)tber5o£1imitean mm _ fibetatinm fiucration , me new tatbct fbnttin he Mimi) in t1)e'b¢a1tt5 am: affccttafi mm of @111: pvon1e,theui:zanv V ; A tionof:31)ut u an zmt: bo1;I;qt;%(ng, but as we have taken a11%tB¢fzoccaa'n;¢g M ‘ to tmiJct“i:I)”ct't cmmitiou mutt cum: fnztahlc atm I)appp , In the); mm at: may as in a gcatefull am: butifull ms “ %Iatt’mt,bz wavy with cquall tennm: neffe am: a1am’tp,tu amoancc @111: \ aaigbts, am: pzcfetbz uv«i9mmuc,‘ upon mijicb tI)mtc%o1hatfccm:it1> am: bcfi affiftauct. fubfiftamz "fa mutb iaepennfi. mun we will be In cavcfui1,tbat"no pattia tuiat flyatrbc pzefmtcu unto ms ifs; tbc cnmpleatiug ac eftahlifljingwat fecurity, to noijicijmae miirnut with the fame *reantncffc co1xtcflmtzAuv ‘ <’ 16. 3% 4 $5 tljefeeefniutionsbe the etfecte of $11: peefenteato%vmce115,( antume tame. (15011 to emitneffe that they ate :mce, ann tI)zu:aA1I;£Dut memg gab: jectk mayconfinentlp expect the be; enefit or them eftnm 11115 ) ffieetamelp no at toefigue upme t1)€3BuhItkeecan Aaccompanpfuei). aaefnlutinms , amt: we: meet tbeee hegeeat caufe of mu: pitien of any zaeefo us peefeeeen by meta negeees of iaoteous: , men pear: we of mm eeeienplointmt fleece tbifiifiatlatltclttg Qtnn naemuft com feffe , tI)ateJamo1zg&:1*>ue suisfege-.. tunes ,7 me eectsoze it« not the team ’ ’£hateI)a1m’ng not ee4tatneDe%i1e £Dm:; *%eehtee,nee peotecten amputee 19913:: fnn,;1gai1x1t"nJIJ"une.£Dutaaaeliament may mepteb, muting the. whole fin; « e ting _. M... ,_.... ..‘-......,. ~,.,...u . ..‘ ...., . » ‘ 1- Wv <17) ting nfif, ‘mm %l)ahi1‘tg “in an that «time fcarce 1Jouc1)1'afcn‘to iampntazu % att'infm1‘tce of ‘23Dut: fdfitactftiifi hour; but;to4fnch:1bi)iJr meteuttnzt fume eminent flbatact ct Of’ €El?£I’m€L~: tint: } mnottgft at ;peopI$e*,* *tbm: £1)%nuinT fa form bc%"an1r tttifumnet: ftaammg oz jcaioufie "of tDEit‘fiDéIit1? ant upgigbtnc1Ie,% efpeciailp in a tiara mum wt take ali ‘Dl3£al't'tJ‘II§’ tfl Dté A clam “ aim: nae % contcihtm: mt nmtlp tapable of being ifzth¢nihprI)n.: nail £IIB¢n, mm i1t%bnneftIba'p‘c5J 19011! that , if in truth nae‘ bamaficett tttiflakcn in fucD£Dm:’.? election, tljé patticulav 1‘t:aI1bz“no fnmwt am beta: to €115, %~eit1)¢tVhy fi>ur%o1’/an“ obfetbatian ,* az%otb‘c:: cevtai.tt¢‘mfn;a utatinn, then manual1can%e%tnmz%=to%V * ~ (£33 iaubifiia .. _.‘.......-..—-........‘.. .n-.w__...,~ Y\ o............, ..... .. ....... ». -, (I8) ‘qoubiike ilutticc , tmoeo the ammo .offl)ut oifpieafuto. 4 315 not.mitI)t1aamin.go was ,. am: ..ma1iguant {Batty than take heart; H mm hemilling to faocifito the amaze .' own @113 avmfltfio of tI)m't%<$ounmp to £1121’: omn Cioifioc mos moo ambitia o W, anon: robot pzztmcoofoaaelia gion omo fitottfcience foom: 5 ‘iiftljop {ball ouooabout to tomato wan; flea; notation 1’nteooEt,auo to moakext @111; laftfil aoomec auoztutljogity nnfl) @111: gooo §-zmhiects, if. the); [ball go about, by oifcotmtcuaucing the opzofmt ilams, to .1oo1'cn the iioonos of 1 fioommmmt, that a11%o::!% other ant ooufufioo umpo mean in ~upon@1s;*mo ooom non but «Son in. his goon time mxlloéfcooetotboszx A o o unto (I9) % untMtts‘;attnt1)z mtrnoxtt am: £0115 rage of££Duti1a:’gtjm3utt of abatliaa mutt jaw unit!) 6315 in that fuppgtfq {ton ants puutfbntent. 4 t iiaabittg mam rain alttbat net tang, to etpzetft the tltatnttft tutu uptight: mat of £IDut fitttttttiotts tu£Duc L people, mm matte an we can to -' ma: tttftfl: tboft fiutettttutts“, me wmnot but cflnfiilmtlp-thclmlt all fiDul1gDDI) fiubjctti ’mt11 athnomlthge 2IDut {met to be fully tpttfomttn, hot!) in was pail, am) pztfcnt 3Rt1'o1tttt’ntt5,' ti) Dflmbatffi chit? flliflj jilttttitc lltafli‘ bt’ttqutrentof @115 ,t.ta.m1 that tbzttt tqutct am: ‘mofpttttit neptnns nom mijolip upnm. t1jemtfelbt§,Aann is in ‘- tljttc mm unmet , hp“ pezlniugt all nhttatttttt. mm but ttnmtttt to the (20) % flaw ‘, . mI)t‘cIj$% is 1:112 ittI;1tt;ita'ttceVnf c11‘ztp1fu*hfect;‘anntb¢ ouclp fectwitp be can bahz%fn;*I)i§ iLtffvz‘,%* iubzvtie, “ogbértate, am: the mijitfj bemgétkteg lamb oz“ nifefieznnm (unmet mm: fpe'Lc§ott§ fljclbsfoeemt) a great mm:~ fute‘nfinfe1icity,'if not an ‘E'l3l’€{3fi€¢‘t~:«‘ b1e.“co.:‘1:fufimrn1uft lliitijntlt mutt: fem tzpmu‘ thcttt; am we Doubt not it mi11‘betbe1xtot1 accepmblc §I>ecIa«=* mt1’un:a%3%‘otin:g .‘cm1 fnm1i¢4 to ti): ?Lnpa1tieanngoon mffections of ::§n’b‘1’ctt£i;*itbat%foz%‘T£D‘uvpmtrwc are rerotnen inst anew nutptuotu fetbc we flaws war s3c1f,% iautm titaz’iutam went a£gai1tI1AnJi)atoppe«:: fiti01t”TD‘Bb£t ,‘ thong!) mitt) t1)¢‘1)?¢:= gavnofxvurbctzug. % " ~ .; % * fauu’%£Duci)opc‘is,% that am namely an man (21) 3mj11WflWt1§.u§uW¢Et3, mfii.Acmu “ N33 3? Q3011‘ ;l1IlB€!?fi1flflBittg: 4 :inm*tI1mM: mm; mm 2IDm:I . MED CW10fl5fi.m1 M .tI)t«1 fiuhfiietts t'11f..1Ifc1ai11CL‘Il)ilIt7lt'blfI1i! then: » J vtljattlnljfipwifitnrgrs W ~ 0118 £61 W mmwmmm mu. fmmc%pzopie§4fl)at.zm V mtncanfiatbes, tigmtfn me: nutljent ljnmw, um llI%hI0flk‘lmDl51m53 E as 3-vttmm e p1eafeb‘d5on tn1a;_2.uponea€I1s, to mac: 1 unljaappiaelte is ittcteafeia, in that ‘hp nittenepeesvathome In early ea m€m7e§7‘e"‘ have not been appliene ta tbofe growing enas as the eyspectage tioneiaim . neeeifitp etI)eee requires,‘ tfyoagbfoz £Due paw E15119¢’DiDtIp4 V as: the . gceatea a affliefiou it may an the fivft notice acquaint war zaaettasaent of Scotland *( where we then were) 11n’tI)tI)atfiehe11:’on, We quietVittgefl)eit am am: afftttance, arm I gave like fpeenp intimation a1flJ eta eommennation to £1Due aaarliament : here ;efoa£t'nce£Dmt return bt'tD¢t?,1@c V bane . been e fazmatn to ‘; all things mbteianabe been pmpnfen to as to: IDWZD5 fhfitmflfli 9 W10 babe Idtd? ‘ii: A * (233 " .. ‘mm half offmn (by a s333e”f1‘agc% ca @111: ianufc of abzcrfi , ant: cummua % mmten to )9Dt§t_ Viaoufe ~¢nn—ta 1110115 > W taItc+tt11tmV.i1152flJ¢»carc% ta; waif; ¢fp¢enilv% ten tboufann Méfinglia) ifiinlnnticva fez that fevbice ,,,~~if tm mute ‘hf flmmnous Cbali Declare 4 that theymil?11&P,tb¢m;;% Ib1Jfc;;%pat¢; trauma M 8.23426 Cimatzgs a fitatcn %t0.Imb1if1),%13IIte%1m are f9i‘§ W;b%t1bbifpvt¢nit abzoanflhem $I13.!3;m¢a:Vmfl’§fQ¢%%%V0f ;:£nnm:%nm A 1:92 no * fpeenm: aD1)a%ncing%A%of *§-. fig‘ =5 93 £ 4 fl: . f «firntzzmmzzc m31W“0fi»Afi1fi§W'¥2$1Ji5;£w¢A mflzk, mbtteas we f3¢1$l1QI1)1¢UE¢"itf aDi£1J cvmw asainmlxztt p;;m;. ~ 9 A ;impcufab1¢A~tto* gum % . an 2. ;’¢ct£ .~~v ,, «W ‘ ‘ ‘av’ '- ‘ , ‘ ‘V ‘ 1 ~ I ;'Lzct5%nf tbzct4»*£étfn§110fl%5',;;if memo nnt1:otl)z%utmoi1«~i1npln§vAaIl m: pnmwfi ram) am 4 5 Mann mm efffectuail atauza anwazw % mun mt fiiail mm mmum all mun goon fittpiccw ( ‘Bf W % ram: r by 31111106» mmms~ wt ' %rxtotyo£$t1mt&ntitcemn W alum, mm, “mwwwme, am: 1)3€fl'0lI5'C0 Qflfllfmim aaeatzofujat mngnnmmn mum of W mm '3" W mmuwcmwmams my ‘ t:ttéctu;":t‘t1jeic% Vafiwuour % Wm. W W1 ‘W 3?**°"W"°* amaze!) WW9 % theta: (25) A - fljcit fimtitp tn each otbec," m then (if the fins of this flatten babe not pzcpacen an tnchitabte jlnngzla meat fog %usa11)<£5nn will ya: make @115 a caveat auto 2: wioziousmng, aim at jfm am: ilaappy iaeopie, j AFINIS.