%§’: % J % MAJESTIES *3 1?%€5L“?‘R17'’05‘C 1; ‘art? lbcflii ‘;l~g> It 31;; S C”: Parha>mcns%;J * % ,%¢:.".%4’¢Arcco1n» ; . xefezariécm of all §* } % I*1isiP¢v.3Bg4$lIM¢fl?S’}- ‘§¢:._‘T**fm‘¢ Him at .t_ ‘ L, ' ~.‘ ‘ - r, . “ , { .’ _. ‘_ 1,3. { /‘*1’ I ‘; - ._ M1,.‘ ~ ‘ . r If '.."‘* I‘ . -u ‘ ‘I . > ‘ vr . , ‘ u. ' " mi’ Qh“~'he~ ‘ ‘ ‘A ‘* J A . I -v p ‘ ' , .. r I Y ‘ ‘ Y -Q. » ‘ ‘ .1 - - u *g w , _ .r N . ; A _.- I’ In _ mnw -my “ mm. -inf ‘* W ‘ " “ w 64. I . ‘ “um ‘ -w wall’ ‘Jr M-may-mw .‘ I ‘ ‘ ,9 - u ‘_ _. .r«,..‘ , . ‘ . « ‘ ‘ / N I» am, wt: *— .1 ‘ ‘ W ‘ , " ‘ a up , ‘ % . , ., 3.. % u “ ‘ _r __>.‘n‘ ‘,1... ‘<* ‘ ‘ .’-‘kn, ‘. ' *“ I ‘ ‘_ ‘qt ._, H ‘ .1y_4 “ H ‘M ‘ 'yr 4. 4*‘ I '- " L OND ON: 9 5” Prinmdby R o B I It 1' Bu. 1: n ,»Px1’ntcr - - ~: to thic Kings 1110!} Excclknt Majcftic: And~ , by the Afligncs of J V ‘ 4:,-' .. o _ _u, ,_ 1», ‘- i“~;*=:i , ./‘ O‘-1"'|‘I‘,-y a .a- ‘ - --:- ‘.' l._,..._,....:... . __ _' --~.r1'<‘..'.'- YE: . ' . ,. . 9,... ‘-—_. —. II. __ _. -'.:_‘.:;M2-..z3o-.1. . ' “ ‘ 7 ¥‘ ‘ '... E I.’ . e‘-.r=-«}*;.2§‘=3~t"-,-~. @225?‘ if ‘I 3 hm‘ ‘ ‘. . rr /« . ~“ V. ‘:4 \\~.m.. F?"- _ pg" ( . - ‘\ \ 9 «A a ,u e" » ~. M“ -“»41“ ’n, V \. '2 ‘ \ .. . , -. - . q . . ‘ n ‘_ am 5. Maj efcies V %ec1ararion to’both*Houfcs ofParIi¢am“ént,_4 (VVhich He elikcwifei retain» n1.ends%to the» confidération of . all-?H.i$ 1ovi~11g-Suvbjcéts) 1'n.AI1v. W at .%C6W-'fl7dr»@t the riinth op March ,_ 1%V‘6;+I%;%V%{ gum ¢uam,.: - w ; mew nzeren:en%%to ms . /M ’/.22-A ,, -1 ,‘ 1; /1 I ‘ V ,1 I ‘ ,_z , 5 I $ fVLvc’r%t;oTfiaepraifinteditfiflifil % M ‘N¢w;markc‘c ,“ fffl-IR? , both £Duc mums of //z19at1i~an1zut:,. be of 4&3» ft: ugeanamtt, it‘ “(PM 0f 11311“? we sweeten (aftet In many zctsw % of qscacc arm jfabnuc to 210m: : qazoplt ) annmtc cppzzttion: mt 7 In ntfimnt mm V ma 11% suastto, W5» W mc11taBc*»aw:n" iong‘ it Via? J 931? ‘at!!!’ » “Em.‘!¢[f9Qffl?i@ wafcicnw twnm ana fugbniien Q15 with a .fmcnL‘ an @111: unalmablc :2lffcctton%%.*tn £Dut19copIcVmcbaiI'wmitIg m££,~ to fnmazcffc i%m*om which ntfgbt well enough becomz 3115 ,; npaaafucu anflnbitation, " % % % ammo ' enwm 21m « mm%% 4 bbc,:fi13fi‘»9f4WbiB "’flBfl«11BtIj” at Th cobavlds , mbitb .A 331321 gimq iuit mate of rogcom to flnuc mtbmtfi. mbofuem hanks om sumac @ub1'ect_s*, What!) that mam: C was in cficcfi tfi @115», itbat if we mman not invn 1J,$b€mL ( I'M W which m nmmn mfgm mom {Jlfijfmfs Wit! It " W H." ;.. ‘ ‘ A my , annimpotert , m 5 21:10 4 imngnnm) twp Ibnwmmam . maple) mat nntt%:£.~; (3) Awnat mow! mane» mu: be in. % me am mac cnmuca A . mm» nua; was «of :msaawce.«% we ate tom of bom%1ttt1e balm war? moths V at: me to be with $90“; thong!) corncacconmpanten may % aI1‘t1)emctian5of 37.91:: ant amuse; (mum that is mum fez actions mi accompany t1)cm)m ma cannot but mfabfim %tD¢~ Dabigmfi; fifli’. mnmccll oz dtoattceéllozfi about W3,’ mV3£Dut.BnonM e, as at: mentmm$ en, ann. if any % acpm nifcobc1cen,% we ma: Icahn tum to ‘D5’? wicnlfittzy =aunV 3 J meat of .%%.mrtia:.. mmti: .% t?tz%mcauettm¢,me cnuln; t A;,amn%mnnentatc cm-..«:»w tious Eibijrtb xamwamm, 2? arm mm cum mumnttg!)t%nothcfavougIJ»-.‘~ ' ..m‘b 3 ’ that common Atttlcfiof wt munccia ~ % anb scam. awaumntnmwgimmcfiagc W E I'M, hlocomfz» CAO remon,ann321)u:refb1ut:inneomncuc mitij mittéa atliat-amt in attflnntfiq oz 31111 ffiDDIEfi§0;“ "3? _.190D¢W 5 11315 can 1211?" III): _ , % 119 D8138 ;,§lI:€&D1’= cxpzcflhiing ®nt«E>¢£1&mtimt to all 2IDm: Iobing4§ubject~5%, pub1ifl3ciJin~ 3Ianuavv%1a£t.b2tbwh)Jicc cf mt 1aujntc%*a:¢a;uce111,Vm 11aI)zfci);%%nac neabuzwmto~ntahc as finely a (2501:: fclfion of mm éelf , in this pm'ut,V as memes: able, beingmoft alfnrm tb«1ftD¢C0flftfi1i€«» 1mactrec§.%of% % 3uf9~~1J3flJ%hm3 fl)¢mm'—‘* to . flan fl) 9't9f93E‘; nae» IftI'»IIe¢rva%4 expect a n£eIh'nt_o1_ty,ann ztcknnma 1engz,mmt.»of fact) 2Dur .Z_ea1aun* 3@iettz,< than t1)nfc“<£Eppze£t’ions%n3a: ,‘ ‘ u : 51393 pu)pa’gatio1zaf%%it mcetnaitb. mtbf :.~3IDeclaratio1t‘,% puff; ,. any ncfignc of aIfimiug%~£c1igt'n1t in: this 3Ri21gnu:%1:. 2{nDmeAna( out of the. iztm3ccnci£ 9091 )mm;, : billat 'fl)£ gungwnzmts of ‘£92212-;s b_c.n.1nap be mautifeficn upon .tbofc, Ibho yam Dzbav any fuel) EDt1'i§1Q.1{;.; tpthmof.’ % tag in; tbt ééeutsgaaublesg me ban, D3211 tboug1)t»t1)at%tnofcanba1p: pg? Differences ban men §m;ap:% up%‘AI§n . . petpetuall ‘ftm1cc,, ~11? ti): W-‘of ®blihfan,ml)tci) mingfolemnl pa& in 1:1): qaacuammts of both W %A %tng-% Dams, maps ®ut:1matn fmm any. own imply that to fl)¢Ibu@111?; meat Biflfiie foz tebmmgtI)cmcmo-4 Slim: 3RchVc1Iifiu~tuAIr§1;ind, (rafi ~omous to all tmtftians) fccms Am; babe hem fcamcn arm mflfiltaincninx England? at to Ijabcany countmanccV from I)mcc.,«1l9c cenjutc «.bot1) £Dtn:L ®~wto«°fA tam iaoufcsnf aesacuaxmncg am: aI1~£Dm; mum ~hfiubicctsmnatfoe1m:,to%ufcr all t‘ 1e~n:caus to «ntfcnbeta~1mA fitmc fact) but, that 932: may Vjumtin j tljemoft c):e11:p1atp'~~hzugeance upon thztltvtmt can be i!1Ia2rfn€h:A:4 fiat. % ~ 119: mnfltljinh £9111: £2115 ~1)fg1)Ig~¢ann ; taufleflv in1’uret-In Wt ficvtttatu: on, if atw .fl*cclatation53§tbw0n, 02.1 §Lctt at :15, any 7 ~ ( 6) .» . A W faflmfi» “W W?» vxnv Tric'f’r"ramV \XZhitc:ombc,D~f WA flgttcc fvom ;¢IJtt1;tt' Rafeme %;a‘%t hc “ %ccliefiuttwetiinIre1and.a1at1taenJ%% a1tv$%1¢&I°ufi¢a ozzngan ms » n A I \ :-up v:1*c:ntmix; , fifllmftfi illzmcfia 3:12; ann aifzcm xx, 11.9111 emucrw £3 {at 1:13. ,mmc.cItannm ,% mate znaus armm$ mmmzsam capable of gtéat anmnmge, fish? naming mu alts nifcmzvfes to “y H “ me, ammo F ..,, ., 5“ r ‘ ‘ that % he was mg; .1!9D0m % am, fax, t} mam . W < A m r x, taamta “fie tam - tr r. I ' .. ” % nminm that ~atc:(itt V V” %1stm£t}tnmc aawmtmk 1 msmm a (twist 0- "- nu‘ - I K V .‘ H t u ‘ ‘.‘ ‘ E . H" B M. % %A mccompt a1r.. mleebzn, ta pazfe jfm.£ 1m,n:% nz¢mc% ¢f¢ni'mE t11¢.fufEs;vm?ng%o : £3?‘ 39&0Wfl3 It flab? int ?&51r7fij% U 33%: % (7) Qiccontpfii tn: Qfltltigbtp dfiofi fa: ‘any A zwgiect of £IDut Duty, 0; that pzzfet,-.« am; the naanifoin attempts tom: Hoke was 1ate2{rmp,ann tijz many of the Scots , amn$to mire ajfaction in tigz cfllitp cf London, mm other parts of the imaagnnxit 5 35 it be Yam, a5_I:eiatmgm W15, mecammt mm); out gveat innigwatinn, fuflfizt EIDKIL’, $21!? to he tepzoacben, tuM1)a4be:ms= tznnwthe lzatt jfozce oz tljzeatnmg tn ®uv aaarliaxmnt ; as the being pzibie to we bzwggingupnf the firs nzic mouth tmplp : whereas we call (25033 to mitnrzffc, mm: ham aw fad) t1)m1gi3t»,n; mm of any fun!) mfulmztinn cmmcemmg @111: ‘late mm mic. 1‘ “f Jim ma g.m:’£z'nz.u fl)e11ien to mm by <£aptamLc;.::.z, v?»mfiJeum1tc111hev the femw, mm the oqcafmn of mat «z£‘onfermce : mutant, Lcga being» may some out of the flugtb , A anbi repairing €35 i1t‘Whitchal1,m9 33$: 2% Iii] :18) m mm bf the fiate"mf‘ @113 7§tmy,I‘ aim (aim %£”t:r:.m t:m;t:m nmm sf :1: ):; ~‘ he ‘€IL%.ai$,**1Yi)atti3e flminzrxaaaamm’ ; mm £flD‘fiz‘cct5 of we fitauée ban 3 zxmmc tn pttmioat the amvlianwttt, as sums of mm: people hm none, mm Chaim ms’ the may of a. amine: i mam, mhiciJ me ceangpmn fizmmg it to : be my humble, nefwmg the aaarltaa aynamt i’m’gh$ vaccine rm mterttzptioau A in we fitfBmIi°it!'0§E of the (wars?) mm firm, tn tijc xaznmil sf mater: E:liza‘ac~tl‘n DEWEGS; 1139 11335 him, IEMA {am no f‘)amu in it: miaweupozt he ran: piicb, fibat be bemnm an t1ae“:®ifz‘:; cars of the Erna}? mama like tgomiy l)etiJou.g1)t Q11: J21cob.A{hlcy 111011.13 he tmmtiung to figm it, out of fem: that it 1K1fgI)t'DiTpiB€£i'€ ’«I£i.§. we then ream tm wtztion ohm: agmzxz, mm mm obfmomg nutmeg in nmter 0; mm mm csmccmm imam pmffzhlp give 111.17: tame sf mfrftmt’, was hem: it tn ijim again, mimg him Q5333 W113 @133 Jacob Aihlcy, fD@m3}8f*$ : faitéiffamim fmiffazctimame ban nszitwu C. R{u{3: . on in to teftific :1Dm:V apmobatiozr; man we mm) that the imtittmt % might be few emu publifbzn ,mm mm ma harem: it mm appear no 4 Ivzmgemuznuc, mm. a ma gmmm fog ‘ttjjc watt izaiaufie , oz nzufappgebena no V M A u. jfm fifiafiet Jcrmyn , it is mm "lnmmn that he was guns from - V hiurlaail befoze we recmaen the mm: mm nf anti) iaaufes fa; tbs ttefiraint M’ flDm: ferbamts, meitbet wmmein be tljifljemaz paffrzn aim by my mac: fl ftimt gmzmzh by 6335 afm that mm. am the bzead) sf ammilenge in we mcuumun of me am Kymbol; ton am: the am Qlfitmberfi of tije‘ {genre of tétmnmmaw , ma tljaugmit we ham gmm an ample fatisfaction Lin fiur fikbsvmi %cmge5 to that ipmfpafe, that it thumb be no maze: épzefiw agamft Ms, being cmnfimzmf the bgm-mi) uf imibiiengc ban been greatm: mean um) been ebea:.m%fm2 ‘ 24 V (I0 7 ofi'¢te1J,.£1Duc aclmomiengcztmtt mm nzetcactatinn I)at1)beeugreatet“tI)cau cbetimng had) ginm , %hefx’ne5 the not cmtitining 1)oIbt112m1> nf Que . aagtnilenges have hmaizmahw am has % fame mm hiimicatintm of the ua)cv;4 mun éthercfnz an Ijoplznrwutt mm mm carnal} motzflatton tn 2Dm: my Twat to pout £Dw“et¢co1mrz1ing the Mi1icia,mou1n fa: fax ham fa£iffi:eIJ pm: of £Dm: intentions then, that you mania no 111032 have mt;zrtaitmJ any t’magmat%inn of smpotbet new M1'xTgnc%tI)eu n3VctI)evceppzAe[fen., ~ % V . 2'5ut why the Izfliug nf fa many flDi‘ficea:s , anncntettaining them at Wliitchall month he nzifcuniitruen, me taunt!) mavbcll, when it is natoziauf; ~ pi}? imnmtgthe tumults at W/cf}mil1;1’ccr ID are f a great, arm top+csNL1nriofoi1is~ $!'i~:z33~ the kings Bf France En. Spainc tn?» Em, mfvoa11.miJatpcrfim§ fad) Enfi. fnm1atim§=co111etn pun, mljtmotlje atwcmt. annteputatinnjtsfmcij patrons mhz beemfiftm % amt: cp£un1imh,.ma»e* kmanmm, but are cunfmmt, no fins. J ¢ Em fijaztafc mm m fiat ¥£§m§mmn5 aa2u1mccm,.%t'i;zw we ‘am is mf1Jemt&:%. (I2) %f:I,2fufc:1fz*1zffe , to entertain fut!) §De== fzgzucmas mmtin not ouelpbuaty t1)A*'§ :®uvf2‘ét:’:tgbet1t fIIfIIDU91lDiffl"c1Ctf:: on man tm’ne, 1mt21Duvon.m jfzzmze am 19ni7i'+etitizi21 pecpetuail fcozau mm mfamxp, fismb tijctzfozz me comb i)$£?3E113m)£fi, was in matters of to bfgfi mm tanner: a nature C mime: Jibz’ti1ti)e:xu‘m3cs nf 9Dm: goon éauijs jccts mm": mains be ftattleh) alityje‘ rw;c.{‘L”*'m:v;s3 new‘: 173 pmfm mm cram, fimt uzztmxg nugiyt lhtli with than mzftiycemicttnzutxpozu em, flaw: you tbnugijt fit to pubahfh it at am. mm l)¢1bm§g:ze‘$umaittI)us plain: 139 mm fmly mafia you by map uf_ zmrmcr tn the particulaw grnutwei of pom’ jfsats , mt 1313139 (upnmja Due t.m<::1.1”m czcatimu mm llazighiltg butt) tn.,:.« ;;m)m:)pou nnfl mtfémn the Gfitfilmilfi tn be%ot'tm.t1nAoa112a1ttu hzgtt, mg flanges: ta mmizme a a11ifu1weri'i*zmn~:= iug bztiemct mg, 02. fugue you to apply yam: i"'a::i’§;aw to !:1)€nfc of any other gmh.m tim Inlgaw we ¥I.am zggtll ~ % gt m. (3)7 gmzmnim tbs: nuy‘cne‘a1mapes mmmu;a1we~ the mgzeamvz ‘nf 233m: % 031321 poet, asuucycpcct If flyafi be 11324 tu1zof:xc%®uh;’ms sbmicrtce. % @um:m;ni1ug :®m: jfeats mm gm: inufics , name ijamm intmttfnu M accufmg ymt, fa are we fmte am mums fpmzm by M5 (on the mmga) at Tbeobalds 1111'“ {WW8 fi)&t gII$€l‘:+" pzctatinu. %e faih fa; @131: fiacfis heme n ecz:g>nuA,mc Im’fi)t it tnigbtbs In Me arm i9o1untxr2*»b1c,t1)at me 11373 no caulk ~to.abi‘mt 2’1Dur felf from Wlairc-Hall , sum hams tnis can Isa ax bgeacij of amuniiehgz of aaavltautcgzt Vmmmnnt utmerfizmn. we cxplams 21: 211311: meanmg ms1Duc zmrmw at New-Mar1