:”;';;.:.f,, % %J”ANuA_A%RY 2.0. Andthe Petition ofthe "s% F -% » .. Ks’; 42,: . §5~§h.§~ x $33 M’, 35- ’g{‘J|~’-S"%."{{'%“*.-(is;f./{§3y?!¥f?y‘“f.§¥‘% I H I S >\;,, V %:;jf‘_;j,;L;» M A 1135 T IES ‘ ‘ [W ’ J - ' bf:/' ': To bothHouf:s ofParl1ament, 3; ~ 2 ”¢4;3¢w¢¢¢m¢ 14-+m+«»-mmmm , 1- - . . 7 4;’ W 1th Hts Ma}c_H1cs Anfwcrglan. 2. 8. ‘ Togcthcr With the Scots Commif§io- ' A ncrs Propofitions for I R E L A N D, “ ;,An<_1.thc rcfolution of both Haufcs A of Parliament therein : [With His Majcfiies Anfwcr thereunto. 37 * .: x.’ ‘ v T a.* i L O N D O N : Printed by R0 1: 2 RT Ban 1: Jan, Printer to thc Kings moi’: Excellent Majcltic : And bythcAffignesof_]'o HN B: I. L. , V .. . I . I ~_ A ~, . \ F v ‘F E E "l 1 .,., vi. 1‘?-‘I ch ‘ '_ ‘ J‘ , , 1- ,-- ,3 ‘ ,, ,~. « I 1.: Vi! -tdvfex‘ :1,‘ 91% 9:: -.(.é‘e\i‘ ~ ‘us-0.. ’.‘» .u§ '. H ‘ “i—M- «w=ozws»~w«¢»ww»:e +%* W % V - wnn..'>‘‘'‘. '. ' ""a’u Ian ":.'lu|‘-H" \,. .\x. an ‘V "I — -om. a . ,1 , . TX bjpx ' . . , : ' ’r, A ’ I ‘.4-1; . . r M E S AGE%: "Sen no bo:th+ Houfmwf fPér1imnil oiigofliéd lay Hisi'I’m'iia-ment, i'l'71"€{]77fQ12.0f€.?d on « + r .4 '5' > “i ajej/Z}; Hi: Mizjfly ~z»vfi'l'l «r=e... _ tum ' (f4{rro)3 % imfflffioc/J’ an £1’;/7x)9er,zL:/.%:z/Mo ogifeeoo/e to.HiJ onor, and t/oofofln zgyof Hi;‘Peo1b/6, H3; ZlJ:zjoflz'e' ée... o o . ingo refohzed oone/y__to_ c/on)!‘ mfg t/sings, tbegrmoting whereof would 4/tortlde fumfmrzentoll Lamas, mm’ endanger the very Fozm ol’zlti071,. upon Jvbzfcfzoz:/ae pm’;/z’/fie H.zpPir2oflé"dnd % wefczre of [fit Too];/e ix omc/.— ' ed on-oz’ "con/lituteo’, :.mo” would now» rzfla at greater and more c/e/L"ru5z‘ive foo/on/the oomweont/oe ronvrmmz’ t‘/so % Suojefz‘ , tbon any of oz‘/Jofl-,’1:):»l2z'(’/.~2 % wow/dfiéom to 53 taken away oyfltcvé .¢ az‘ti.y‘}z5’“ior1. /air’ /Wajo/1%. dot/9' nootdouoo,‘ _ Wt/oat filth“ bmvingxgronted more #3671 ' o ever ing batbgranrteobvifl eivorper-o ‘o_fi22*m2’e I127: Hozfe’ of Commom to 4/.v,{ more :/gm e"v'erSuojer5Z.r lzawmfiod. A zimi flat! they ./hallacguaint h.i.r Maarr je/Zieoavith other particular ground: A i t.heir7)oaht.r and Fear.r,iHe wiiirr . very frtillinglj a1t2}2l}7P\e,rnaect'ie: proe- “ portiona.hZe to thoje Fear; ; For I11; ajefliecalls Cjoalt to 'n2itrtej]?,g that the jarcferfioatiton of the pahli/re,‘ Teacfe ,” t TheLatn>, and the Liherty of the SM hje»c'f,2‘,t it , an jhall time; I he as much Hit ,Majefliiex care and titzelaflrjga/5 0fHi5 Life,or the Lite: ] A of Hixrdeare/t Children. A X _./incl therefore Hit Majzzfiicir. doth conjure H it Hoafla ofCommorz.r, | h} all the 1%}: of Dottie and Favour theyhave received from him this ‘Parliament; TB} their hope: offa» . tareHaj2pinejfl: in hi! Majcyiie, and A in one another; 73} their Love of ‘ffialigion, and the ‘Peace of this _ ‘ % C2. Ifingdom H V (I6) % k Igiigdozn (i~n'w/9i%c/at/9zzt* I1-elgmd ¢~mmos¢ beforgottezt) ‘ 7"/mt t/may W117 1 mt ' be tréznjfarted /Way fen/oaflex and? ' A/ppre/aenflom cfpyfzév/e c/4fnger.r,¢ to-' put tbemfé[17e;r%'0r H z'~.rL Maje/Zz7é,jinta 7 reall'4ndpr‘ef/‘ant in _ 1 6 % A A Tl1at%4rthci*r Pay which wa*s~'ccin‘d%oTccnd- % ~63 unrAofrOn1A‘E*hc eight %of*D”cccmbc'1', be _ A *préFc:11t*‘Iy *ad’Va11'cc'd xfco the “eight «ofh’*Fcbru~ "arry%‘n*exr, agaih{t*wl1icl1'tim*c we are Jcon-3 fidc11t,iwtI1cy fl~1aIl*bc rcaé1“yt‘b_ march. T hat a _rnan*o‘FWar,“0r%fome VM*crchams Ships, be {cut from " Brz'/2301;, ~IVe/Ic/3657373 % -or Dublin, to ‘"L0c‘f/iryan, for ‘a Tafi: Convby a11d%Guard oftl1c%Pafl3gc, ybccauffic thcy be-« ~'i*mg in open “Boats,jmay be fubjcéf to incon'-- =W'ni*cn4ci"csV from 'thCft'5flC“my,% vvhofc*Fn:gats -‘we ‘hcarare .t0W.a1‘dsIthdtc0.afl. ' That the (Endingovcr Of‘t‘hcfc:*1V'n'c'n4*bc without prejudice to th cprocccding ofthc ¢%'Tr%cafy, which We dcfirc ma“ygo on With; 6 cm; etnydclay. ¢%‘Wty?r'rz; 24. Ian. 16 4 r3 % fa 7’vmérofi- ma %(2-I4) mroimzn, that the mrc%ni fimm mans not!) [agree unto weft mrw calm: fcmn acotgtmmmiffinauers. 5®zen,ti)at the iannfc of was agreed) with tbs: Vgoure of ; min: mans unto there aézupoficimts mm the ficots @0111 iflioncts {in chew particular» 1 _.4n. ...._,_,._. ta the Propofition above men»- tioncd, giycn the 2.6.jof]an.% {$41. q V :;pi11ingly can cut to mam all , Wevmpt at Windflor. 1: Maw: having 3 , ’- ufed (y«c;n¢derea’ At/26/: % % ezgbt ‘Propafiziom pm.- fientcd £3 A.t/ac‘ Stats‘ "" ’ Commzfizanerx , datb opafitxons non» pzcfcuwb 4; His VMajePcies Anfwcr onebi A (zz> ortely tbt’ t/aim’, wbic‘/5. Hit Mtjea “ flit dot/mot appra'rc,%t tznaim/fiat/at/J6 Hort/e.r ta takt t/mt Article ttgaintrinto tonjzdertztion 45 4% étyinefleof my V great importance, Ybbicb Hi: Majtflj dattétt may be preejuditizzll‘ tow tlve Cram: ofEnglan d, and tbs /Ervite "intended: And tbe Hdtflrxrdrzfire it, H13” Majtjlie %/Zmllnot 56 tmnvi/-~ [ing to dpfietzk with t/at S cot: Cammijl “ fionerxr, ito /it Wbatjitttk/itéiionfféi can give tbicm £191.-rtin.. as His Majcfli“csrfurthci- Antwan to thcthird Article of the fiid Propofi-.4 i tion-of the Scots Commi{Honcrs,rpI‘ol-»i 4 ‘ A A vcd on thc:*i26. ancfgivcn thct2.7. fof; January. I 64§iatWi11dt[()rs A AFtcr that Hi: Majeflici ‘fiat! V ye/iertiay /Ent opinion concerning rt/ye Article: nvéiclvgtbet i tjotr ‘(z3) Scot: Commzflionort goveA imtottc/2» A ing the prqfl'nt./applies to ée /ént for Ireland , they tltem/elves wait. ool on /:imo,tbez't* o/239*” ‘Errand be. ing the /Itme éttflitéffl’; I/V/sew» upon Ht}: .[Wty'efiz’e tooztgltttit fit. to potfvottdé’ I/.>omo( o/tomato/2 as oHo cottlo’ ) to alto!‘ t/Jo tbird /irtio/o’, bea- ctztyé Ho con€oi19ed~itmig;/at boa. prev ” jttc/ice to t/ye Crown of England t/ye portion/475 nw/Jortoofxpero too long to % re/oto : 47'/aeir W one/Jrmggumettt toot 7% W n:oz‘g/god nwit/42 Himgooing, T/2ot(finco it gmdzxotcgffififl fl[70fl éotb How: oft Tor/iomont, ~tmtI t/.24: the tflrengt/2 of bi: Jwajefliog Argument $)1dJ,ttib?/Z17 t that %e/frticlo implyod too great 4 ‘Tm/Z for‘ c-A/uxi/tktty orcos ) too)?‘ were in ' tgaotl‘/oops, tltat /tit e5M”4- jgfl} éoing tbcir négive King, would I201?‘ » t A (3.4) A not /law; leflé trttfl in tb;ertt»g,3;~3_% ‘gt; .t£wir t.7\(z9t'g/3 boar tttiatt‘. f So’ ’ “ tbatv ttbe. gtefiionw fitting ( mean of Trtu/3, and that lamb Hotfcshfi ‘I3ttrli4mcnt*I)ave«t/aattcg/at fit togrtmt ¥ upon We /Elmo would érted :1 great it tlgauttg/9 :51/fa}_fqfl;y could wt ..;:+ A M tllyttt that .t/nird exfrtitle ‘were ‘drawn Q more jrar ttbc advantage tytbe Crown W qf n gland, then He conceives it it) His Majefiie cttnnatfiztt lvbfllb admit pjft/Mtldwice 0fHif ‘Parliament in tin} particular , xtfiecialb fince Hi; ‘ “ ttjeflit perceivem, that infl/Zing v delamin the txaceflmy fitppfgv at M t an m 9. it I t n A . V "N ‘ ,_ N“ W 1, M ‘_ ‘ ‘A 1‘ ‘ M ‘ 1,‘ ,.,,\ n. ”‘,, ‘ ‘ , \ J” 1,. g ,1!‘ ‘ ' V‘ “ H ' ‘ “ .' “ ‘ . ;‘ : M, \ Q, " "‘ “ ’ ‘V V,‘ A ' ‘ ‘ 1 .. 3‘ ., u '1 M l " ' 1 ‘ G ‘ - 4 I- " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ $5“. “' V‘ I J .‘ 5 ‘m t t, 1, r A r ‘ . ~ ». my . 4 4 . , ‘ “V M .‘ x , \ ‘, ‘ , - , \ w ' u . , i , ‘ 4‘ V 3 ' 12 ’ nu w a 1' M V . ' y ‘ I t V ~ “ v , I . V ‘,