u “;_.. V‘ the Houfe "of Comma A A V 1735.7. :1 6 4 ufconcerningthc Speech lately {pokcn by M. P Y M. With the H0111” e of Ccjm In ans “humble Anfwcgin defence t-rthécmofi ‘Read and by Votc u,ponAt“he %efii@n afl"er2t.cd unto, 71725.8. I 041. MLONDON, i?¥int€s!f¢¥1G¢/7*‘ Pram 641° ‘I . ;"‘ ‘ N 1’ “W M His la;i*efii€s Meeifage, to W A 4 ‘ f‘lODT€l Of C0n1fr10n$o A "A l ' l V ‘February 7. 1641. 4 M " i " "" Majcejlie taking notice ofra SpeeCl9,ip}*e¥ A "W w tending in the Title to have lain dellvea K. "1 7 red by Mr. Pym in a ‘Confeflmce , and ’ printed by Oreler oftlae Pfoufe cfCom.- mom, in wlaic/2 it is ezffirmecl, That /Ema etl::e_[-lop upon the Wort: again_[i all Irifh Wezpl/ls by klmtla Houfies, many of tlpelclaiefcommandere, now in the lame? of the (1@l2el.s,el.m'»vee~’l2in fuflerecl tr) 12:11]} A la} his ‘Majeflies ima mediate I_l7arrm1te 5 Jud being very clermyin of having . 1/fled extreamC4‘u time in tlzecgmntirecg qf ‘lfivfip arts in» toIré1and5 S0 tlmt He conceive: , either this ‘Paper A not to have Z21}: /9 delivered and printed as it preteizlds, or elais Hot/é to have received “ /ome mzf.irz/ormetlerz; Z5171": Majqlie ‘would be rejelvewl , W/eetlver tlsis Speed: ‘were/0 delivered zzzml Qbrhzted, meal if it were, woulei have this Eloy/e to review e.apmz"Tm’2ae Informal- tienstlmtparticuler waxagrozangrleel ,% tlmzt eitléer elm: may be fimnd upon! Vfivflxllllllllfllibfl to Time lvin fizlfé, _~. _. -‘ 2 A Vmzd (.2) A ‘ g mwmrb tfiisf Hon/e M-4jeffie~. injured éy Or that His fivfczjqfle ni£_ty4k120w‘Lbj‘»12l>atAfmeamf,a72d& Ml)/V wlncye HisV g/fzztfaorzfiei I:F;cz1-ti; 19221 [d b]ig%/;~[y Q5“, fed, as to be made to co}«2duce to tire‘ aflg/fazzce of that Rebellion, ml9:icl:a 4 fix muclzdetc2fl‘sVa}1dVa7wl tiaatifiewwyfée ‘znfz/elfl fully ¢zz«i2zdicated fram afl refieéliom.tbezeafi/nflpitimzqf that kinda. gT11?e1hum*b:1;e¢I\n+‘ 1”" O‘? [ ofC0mmCAn3 h1sl\/1 aim: A" ;~”« '7, AOurMajEfl:iés n1.c:s‘%Io;ya3;’1IT and f;.i tHI. «W. ~ A 3; fL111V~ub1eé1s%, rh¢Cornrm>w+$ < 1 flembifidi»nA»P4171iemnfa fir ' %k_cn" imo';hr:.ir A fc.riofius 4Vco;n.fid:m:ati.« " on ,,¢.thc4 mcmgc mceivsad %:L;ft1om" A your Majcfcy ,the févcnth mE&.th1i$,i{3 p(3»I1§“..fE£7~l°Fflé1Vu}?,3 and do«ackmw%W1edgc» tha%cth¢ *3%P€cc11%%»t*%fi=f%?»in nncncioncdktobvc deA1iVv,m:cd l2ydH%.M.?‘f*ym%,i:na COI1-- % fcren Ce,Was pxintéd byAthei r & that What ~ was rherwin xdclimd,Wamg=t¢ca1?1€wk t1?~?f?%1s:A¢ ofihe Elvufe,Andwtoummg-“mt:@afi‘ag¢%iwh€t¢iii iris aFF1rm'ed,,;t,hat%fin:ce4 the Mflcpfizxonv rho: PQr*c§ ¢PapiI?cs¢ bY.b0§h Hwuf¢S;w%1I1@+nY95 A31‘ * “ am -41 M1, “‘ _ ‘. J ‘-1;’. .“ . v, ... ,. ~ "‘ w,‘v_" . ‘ ~33,» " ~.‘i--w “‘ ‘ ‘f\1‘i*.‘.-.',‘ }:““‘«i-‘;:\ :»'*“:“~““*."p".°‘I “’”9‘n.‘;|‘-;I“::i"l’.r:"| ‘."hr;“" “ 6 2"’ *. , . ~ 1 ' 1 . “ ' “ ' "-1 " :( 4 ) V " yrs, ;j1doW%i;jt7he head of the ‘u iefiic:s i¢mmediarcAWaf%f%nt» %rhey Prcfént your A%wi:t%hthisthVcirV%humbI3€aflTW¢r-L Concerning {éverallV#p”erf and odmPa;. pifls) which have obtained ‘your Alvlajcffiesim. mediate%»Warrant5V 501 th»€i3' d;A~VP3fl3‘%“g Mi-‘3“F?&A.;s7?¢?34?165; % fmce :he0‘;~der ofreflrainc ofboch Honifégfame .ofv{?hich (as they Have bin enformed) fincc their comming into Ir eVZ&nd5havc%}"oy%ncd With the Re... bcls, and becn Qomfiundcrswam°ng1*%thcm»and fame others have b“ecn fléayedgand arcyVetin«1¢31,fé A ci11’v°<1y;Pv?-arrictlhrly W: Lord ‘3?%5"»3¥idf9Uvfc ”ot1ie1fperfons idn‘j1ii*s%"%compéhy ,A Whereo€4on‘;c ‘xrh buglir tofi bé7a33VPriéfl_t,ofié'C61b‘n§l!fff3uflér;b1fo~; their to ithe Lord Mingarat ,VVnoW%““ irx_Rcbt:llion,' and si%rGeorge Hamiltazg all wHich$a¢rc paPias~; 7afni§$th"ér is ‘is ~re4pofféd_ )#&‘béifii:1gV F611 :16 \ ¢;the‘ LordZ\[pter5fieZd,Who§f¢ 'fathéf,aAnd:b:*C)tI1c1‘; are both in Rebellion : the A particular n2:‘mes“of' Orb ers*We havenot;~y6t«'r¢ceivéd_4, butjd cub: btifupotz éxarfi’ination,& ~they~m3.1y be%dif’co¢veféc?;”A % ’” " j yoL1r%yMaj_cP:ies%% gnofli f:aithfi1’1I’% 8t‘1’bjeA€t"*s % %%:a%:ci‘ forty 3 ‘the’ C*a~uz=i;ni which <5» Which your Miajefly hnth ttfed, hath been {'0 iii t fecondeel with the diligence and faithfulnefli: of your Miniflcrs, and that your Royall Authority A it fhould be 1?: highly abuied, Although, as itwas I exprePt in that fpeiecheooby Mr. *f’ym , wee believe e t It was by the procurement of fome evi1lInPctu- ' ments 1:00 neer your Royal pcrf'on,withoutyour Majefiies knovttled e, anciintention ,-,-And Wee befeech your Majefy totakc fuch hcourfe , that not onlyfiyour Honour may be vindicated for the time pait, but your Kingdorne may be {ecu- A V] red from the like mifchiefe for the time to come, H72 G7{§*dd an by rt/ote upon the Qeflioniajjenteclt I 3 Pi. N3,