Am h A L E A V N1 N E - ' % x % N am" ‘ A Kw N G s Arnwfi F..xcLeHcm MA A E E g» T HEW ; A hu1"11b1y%prefenAte& to the 0n01*aHé,f% of Commons, ffoqm“ their §n7c‘oumgcmc:‘§%m;V to the pVerf3.u€fionflof ihatgood works of Peace A ’ mm’ V'm”m in t.€rM?IbwcZr Md Siam. V A 1 ’ 8. Gent. % ‘_..............-w E 0 CL E s. .1o;,;%m, 1:3». A V y1”'Wm Tw ’4V€ éetter than 02% eéecauflewt/27ey4 ham 4 good rgmrdifaae AA t/ml? laémar. ' PW _., we me am’ lz1m»;,,«7 %;»£fil';Vfi>£law4, Jzgt we M Mm Nmt} is aL'am° wiél’1Véx%w;VI‘éeflzlletlJ5farZiMé%?zf‘67}éVt§t mwtlaer ;t;a§Vh¢:‘VZp Mm zasp... ;x§g*az'ne., ifttw lie finger/acr, tlvemv&a%*e,zkaey}i2e4te, A5:s£?t bA0é?0’ Mrs W%@~«= A V tirmfiildcard is‘ not eafily érd-kei«%;*44%‘<4 i ‘ % Aw! éfmaze premile againfl éjm., m2'o W mwme azlwee E‘ . ,: M ~ A jljallmitirfland /51' m 5 Mai” % .., «.»—u-an -aw aw- Primted in the Yam, 1%V1; 6 4. x ... PEACEAND VNITIE. n edicémd to the K I Na 5 rnofl JfE;xce11%e*‘m M-A17 E4 s T 1 2.. am; % “ J Efidcésfmyw .f”:m:oweS (whiiysh preffed me the tro'ublc‘sA and griefc that fell upozi me-forgthc lamcntablc breaches in the Church and State, and for your facregl 1. ‘ d4 hozgcfull ofiifpging, fi11e‘d.7up my fox-..‘. 7 a 1 ‘ I. 1 ‘ ‘. Majcflie an A VcryVfore,a«nd rc1nait1eth~fiifl upon me) .' rowcs ’: and in my .th4ou‘ghcs7 I was grieved that % % chofc fares and %d%eFQ1ations fallout in your dayes, A" I,c:(>nFeflk*,c11;g1ritir:T.figfpcéis not,and the befl minds thjn1c,5,ih;&‘.1ga£t h£w1(}'I?F$~a“t1ii the frecria mauis from A vicc;in.i%l1ir;){¢;1Fé,Vf _tl:ic5;;4x‘;1fifc)re charitabkfhér is of 0;. thers andéthisis that which hath proved ( fan ' A 2. A4 . Vmmfly) ‘ I _ andyyfo k‘ncwt§ yQuyb§cu;E11than your felfe, llath A 3.yx114ér§:'t"f‘he1pé-ry$} M A }fy;0u'r'MyajcIfic= flmlly 'I‘g0t"on'e1yylofc4 tyhcifa € V M ‘ M ) ’ mm~1y) “ypI'CjL'1diC ihaly! :‘ to y your «yMaj;c~ y A A your Majdiie? ybccn ytlxe fix {E , or :12: half, that “had -‘A bccn miflcd;,. mzy may from ycgmfiburyiwich fihfic; they ti'ayv%iling as it‘werawiLrfiyych"i1dé5§'* and V ' < that t_h..':-it which they tyravzzzlyed mthall might not appcarcé an ii z3git;imate,E;1:t rcmaincinnoycentyjtghe% oriely wife‘God, fen; as is }w’cré an Angelfunto yam, C I means your 1ate%I3¢etirioncr5 at 2fork)toL1ec you Re, th;z.t lik<:y1}M4rie, they beying‘t:onr*'rayr$tc'd*un«.. * to yot.xy'i*1;1 love, they ljavyc.;nQr aJ§»y}rc:?t; dcfilcd their 1n..zrriag.c b:':d,4 but remainelikc“ Mm": ffiithfull to their h:~ad and Sovcraigne. Andyour Majczfiie }‘13\'ifxg.b€(‘nC yf0rmAc:1‘y}y feduced ,fal{‘c?yyoypinj5- ons‘ f1‘0m0'zhBrS.again"fl them, Ihopeyrou will c'éi:~:s , y<.>m' Wfviajeitieytlmought to have dé-alt-w.ith A nuw 156% 1'édLiCed”Lmt0* th%€m(and by then1)ybyWgme A pcrfxvafibns , andic.haz: you may be fo, the onely wife .G'z.)d, that gave‘ your Majcflie you:1jAybcinga_ i with yourM,:1jeflyie as hédid with Jjgggm ~;n>y;para di'ce,fa_ndy fa ha?'h"y‘provide7dy "your: meet ‘*helper; _ whenwith A'd4m“you thought: "13oVneéd*”0f’ it, ’fi‘é5t _ fifyfircdyyir andy‘y0tir M5*i?‘“€ ye*c~lding as «Wm L in fp2i,1' % s we bc»ccme%y:a great ~‘gawihe‘r AA; +Fé‘r, whd A y mayy :j:rfl*‘u0'.:rs*‘ rib "for’tbr_nake‘ A V ’ may be Well ‘l‘}7a"fiCCll,l-bl}! yq1:wllil:l‘g;iiIie” toJy‘om:l‘l Elle’, :amd}':it:ur poilcritic, am‘E§et§hcrllpcr, thatllwlill ? . imleavour lyyfill lawlull‘ xmszns to wife you dF9n1la.ll my btizplens, that -otlhcrwilc nl1l‘igl1tl1av‘ci*‘llaine .1m~a-, A vie’ upon you D‘ and this helper is many members‘ <3fnl1;1t lmcly whereof your Majcflic is be£:omlie“thc<* llmacl , and ccmfidcringltlieir pai-nes and labour in l0v:.:,; you flaould doc: them inj%ufl;icclif’yOu fhcbulé V ‘l‘uPfE3r auym acculc >thcm. 1'i‘ho~pe there ‘is n0nel"(oxf"‘;l will bclm:mc)l mare-‘ylou(»ifncare yéuyctdwarcs not") . to ingroflézlyour favo.urs.lanyn1—ore to. thelir owns advantzzgcfi x'vl+zc1*lebylycmr~:glq@d "Subjefis may»bc~ A bereaved tihofi: bcsncfirs "tllil-:E§Otlgll'1t WM rm;t‘A be corm2ntc:d_ to fpzxrc;-2 3;. Tp3;rtV.,4tA<);f%m'c:% thfircfi: b.eimg; dcrnc, it VVEH pmwzz 1‘w‘f=:.zj7e»%;f.’ti*Ar:A:7Aats% ¢m:1n4§bx%:abl¢.w and—V*4we1com<: aw ,’F..;méwz7a::A wa:s“inm Iflvsaakf ~tetn;:5: ;and. the Text féitin, A 1i2MA_!fiz;aA¢t,‘i’érazz€g)2~£:t her irztfaw .ézaAMoM2er Sam/75 teary Vttzr2d?wt4~a@k1€a“/zcam azzd/im éemme /72; .m'f3,. zzrscibe [awed A V flaw,,_§""*T~ ,.;M;:wm:‘:' :émfartiezz[;;§y’z‘¢x hm M°.“atZ_zer5%dmt£r.w%. This» happicrm1z:c%:hw2 bming‘ n;1aVde,irwrou1d nah oncrl r£freflu«yourpe0plc; but nlakr: glad yom*%11Jeart4 in r.&mc;4of I-Lures and dangers. It is true, thEr€‘.31-’fi:% mzmy.zi1.a~z have 4ba1voAAugE*z%&rA4}nouuar MVajc3fi£c:,1n_::o miauw bl£a;ando, thanwavcsr divided in your hezmtie unkind» neffe, fo (hall you meet in the Endfifld never part 5 Barbe like R4053/Z and Leak, which two built ‘up thfi houfo OfIfi'zz61. Youarc now in thcway, and" A it is faid, Gm. 24. ~27. T541: whilff tbeférwmt of ,1... éralmm may in the «my, God élefld [aim ;the fame V A God blefil-2+ you; and for youxcomfort and ingow. rflgfiffififlt kn0W,by to much {ball you grow 2:0 perm‘ V fcétioza, by how much you draw ooaro toooitie; o A I confeflé, had tl1oABa1a4cé.ef and Emflozmx of our V t:ime.s,be6n fo will as thssy Wou§«:.i have been, aod A Vintended to have been, the world E-mi boon over- run wnch ovill, but Foch is the wifdome of Go D, that oftwtimos he hides from zzviil moo tbofmimsro H and fsafons that might‘ prove prejudicial} to hia, eopic : to when Sam! fought for David. Iizio Erruga, » flgfives a man over to the fin in the 26’: 5 an oj‘‘" ‘ H" “ W B ‘ .\ ' the good Godmifgght hovo d:::i%;roycc3 theB4[zmm5 and wicked S/ml: of our times, but m:::::of; etiooos he wi11not,For God hath fomorhing more for them E0 doc; and it is not [0 much glory to G»:::»d to mks away wicked men, as to L1fc2otE':r:ir evjil to his owns holy purpofes, and gaincth many times morcoglo- ry by working good by will inf’crumcn“ts, othzm by deflroying ofrhcm prefently in ‘their wicket! pa 1:... pofes : and this ufe I make of it, thaxit fuflicecha 4 00d man, that he refiflzeth tho evill aétioos ofthc wicked, whilft they love their perform. I confeffe, our Balaams, and our Sawl.r,o hadgonowory fame, but inofimc things God pormits inoiodigoatiooo, not for that he gives leave tothe 3.61:5. but that 13:: d yet tins Puff-‘eraoce (Io) A fufiérance implyeé notfavoq; but judgement, amd God is contemrcd the deni2iflfl1ouldw*inne him» fclfe creditflomnetimes) wherehe means to judge. I confeifeg our Szml: and 0llf,Brl1MmJ' » like SW74; truficd in their flrength, but like Sifem many of them run s.w'ay, yet in fpight ofthefim 2113 the Load hath made aofi3a‘fbB2%1ble and hopefuli opmvicion for his peopie ;,£,1nd%‘OVth&r pmpofc the wife God {in A .fpigI1:.: ofowr Saw’.-;) have brought your Mz1j€:fli:: and Commom together. Itis mo true, by tho means of our SW15, }?3u1“Ma,jcfii€ bece11”n€:t0oy0ur A Commons, as (hf: Angel was to Gm’ea:¢, and fo” madeothem afinid, but like the Ang<::} that madro Gideon afraid, your Majefizc ir1satI11~et:.n’nc—:ci to their ‘V comfort 5 and as God,as he u£‘m:l1,wi1c1*e11<: loves, L A ,&he4 in: ployesgand like C mm him felfzigyoax are now willing to enjoy‘ them by a. willing comrafls, and not by aravifhment 5 land by this, meancs you ap. Apeareo now to your people; like Mafis, vvhohad moreglory by {us va'ie,than by his face; and I done not doubt , but whenoall things flmli be made ma-- nifi-:fi,but_that on: faithful! David, willbe in mom“ account with your Majcflicr, than either theSzzztl.$ _rB4laam.r whatfoever; "IE is. true,oby- the meanes ofogr S.%%rcfigne.€, to wimm the? afif°e61%iomof%12isw0P1€Ab¥his iiI6i%ic¢ in gmrn» % men: cxuwamg that Iyihalifififirfi ;.< fofhis A EaVfi€‘fii¢,:_) is bmzvthis,‘ thatym2rvS‘ovexaiguc whiah A ES becjoz*m yam: hgad}, being {M105 ca:§.e.v_ and §t;mu«-A ‘ b1‘es,#'tB'at youwlauldmakc magma j€.3-fig TfQ;+.;;§m3 that {notwithfitanciing your care in removing fame ‘ that are abcmt him) if them {hozqéid mu rmnaim any about him, thatfimuid gm about to trouble him? againe the thoughas of you when he wakeg may make him lye do wne againeg and take smmher mpg. V And the dmmg; nfthis far hmgwxil bring him mm Mamb to Elimfi anti yen will baztome as fweet and pieafant to the Church,and_fithe three Kmg7domes,, as the tree that God {hewed to Mafisfiwhich when he caifi ink the wacersgthe wamrs‘:‘were:%m ads fwa*e7t) V (which famerly ware butter ) am than {hall the A Church sf God fing the fang ofmfes, Exod. :5. Iknow that thankfuincflé and Rove, can éoe more A with good men, thar1)meri§<“A**0r necc.ffiti£:;, and me--V thinkes, I fee y0u‘iil<“e am Smriour; Wm thirfied 2 V aftexttht faivaticm af mankinde, and? E beiecve it % I was not fo much out of drineffc as our oflove gs Gosyou and dos F0 likcwiib, knowing, that mo-» daft beginnings, and hopefull procegdgngsfimagikgs 5? findings- & And for your comfort know, that Gad whofe battcls you fight, will provide adue AA ‘. h. % _ ‘A Bra” .. ‘ * \ ‘A gaff . _ _ .353‘-:%».« V ="§a5md];fo; I c0mme5£zd4thééf V jté d@&,£w>£1£$4wi£*»% 555$ m£;g§"M A A (1% 9 « 4% W ‘~4J««A%wfiTiva%7i*<.i;~»4éf** 0ur4%pé;rience: and ff0r:;fhy’A%pwn¢‘Vpart; 4 Mal"! d0“€'WithdY0U AAa%3 .7?P¢5ddid With%»11f§f"$&?;;gfcl;;4%4 Awfiilfl he wu%{‘ed'*~~i§ ,%%%truflcd to arid A W a.pp;oi*nted timgfy f”m“~%'thekw&ccompRifl1ing of thofe things, tha_ck¢fin- A Vand E o:zmueo1rz+ fwm? b}eWi~Iiing4 to w’ai¢: the Em wmsémrth “ the ggmiod ;of%Chm‘ch, _ ?%iflg0f34!Wm ?1_mto% y0?u,:A.;E*.cw’m 9. 1A:m_Wf%4fij&£v£3f My mam Lde‘vim:gw0r%£?22¢:2?i£a7_g£1 marawzfflgme M Ma ggzwe-mm WW-w~ mr~mWa;,&; T 4 {zrmm 4 gfizsv Mam 13° W wazrfiefi mama“ ~