THE I V D G E S 1VDGEMENT. A Speéch, penned in the beginning of’ the Pa_rliamc1Ji;t againfl the I u D G E 5'. Per ignomm quendaéimf 1 ‘H V’ ‘x ‘ 5 \ [C ‘ "4 V‘ ' n r , \ W at ,. . . r _ ._ 4‘ . w '1 r ‘V A 4 Q\\‘;,4‘,'\;, h A X I ‘,.si"« W A Aeuuste E s per Ignomm guendam. W V f.pMrh_.. Sfeaker, V . pp p "1' “ware ¢:uRom’e emengflflthe Romans ‘(whowby their power they once ‘gave lawes , to by the happy fuecdfe Dfthcif long‘ flourifhin Governmrnmnight theyfwell give examples to all t e wotldfihat in their Senate: the yeungefi men (puke firft : partly that they tnitght not have their weaker notions anticipated by the morelmowing Senators: And partly for that the Senate might not bee diverted from the mature reiovlution ofzthe more ancient by the interpofitians of the younger men; frheygatratl free States ever dlowing free members :9 pex-- rpreffe thettiielvrs accotdin to tbtir itveral cIpacitiee.And mg thinks fwtts a happy ethod.So your opnions end in: hclinatiena of the Aflettibhly heiugrdifcoverd andripened to etrefolufionb futhh gradations ,; the lentenee of ,rherS’agu tr: founded up udgemenr§, notprerigns, their wifcdomeam} gravity put a Iealonable Ptrxod to others , petheps other-g wife »cnd1-em: difcourfcl. ".‘ gtheirprefidcpg cpcoerages me. (yvho work may.) ta ;b;¢akp mg 195 :~:__ hhrldremcan lay the1r‘fingerscstt_ the lore, point out thelltrpglnc “Infant Graduates 1npI’»Ivlla~ V ent mhygtoane out the %{”ievtances of g dr1‘ta_fed Corne- .tn:1on-Jwcalth, but they run A be Do_&ors In the Aktthof go; ,,ye;-nmcnt that can apply apt remedtes to ‘recover 15- « It ‘. 1 t ‘ r ‘ W; ‘ V r ‘ \ . . “ ‘_ 15 . . ‘ W a - an _ r A ‘ I x " " 4 ‘ A M! “ 1 u . ‘ w t Mrrfiycd/Qtfi,r Ancienttmd app oved hath bcen.th_at pg:-‘ * an mllel or Ah the body politique truth the Body natutallr "Tie the part of the Patir :22‘ in either difiggapergg , to im- . ..... A 2 . Pm wud -part freely chei_r‘grieFca the Phyficignswpf the bqdyof =1tfle,if’thI‘:)* cxpeéta cu-mé ‘ V 7 ’ A " AA i )1 This CQIHTHOHMVVEQ1-I~hA is (or {}1niuidbe)Bg1eetpne body!” This horzfwhc great Phyfician of alfbur tnalaaies , and alas Mr. .S;n:;:Q:s~ , «pf what: affliéicd p.xrc‘1%halI wee poorc Patienfis Cvmpmge firitjf O; WaCiA}‘£l‘t'\.1‘DiE' Wiliar 11111169: not cotnpléine 3 v ; 5'; V A .e M Are we not ha:-art-%fi«..k 3.1: ?.h£l.‘C ix; us that which God requires, unity, 'puriC‘w,‘ aflxcffirkgciiariry of heart»« P Nay is notflcligion ,(rbe tom: of this body) 19 §ni}fcrab1gd§‘fira~ flcdgthat I Ipeafle it with re1"‘r<$'l1r’c>Vf héaft, "fis :5 be feared there is more c-:onFi1fio;r.m;9fL*R¢:;lig‘om axncaungii} as , than phase was of tongue; at the. lubveriion of Babel]: And is it not fl‘-cu high tiznu that£=r1hnd one anperberghac we wet: reduced one Fzitmcqzar (§‘6x$'¢rn9:ncfnt .5’ “Sir; I: the bemfirv’/sole"; f,T”H€"{tVit “of‘G“q‘vcr_nmente and Iuflice, the Founrai7n,r:f”ror:1fwh£>{ee ‘fwcct in Mcncefiegll the in€eriour~mAcmbcrs 057chiS“jb0Jy‘{1)<;>uM receive bmh yigonr and Lmotionefhlay ghath nm: rgtficra general! :'ppop1g.x¥g%,ot: %%I’7a‘l'fie%, Taken; [of fhaken all mir’nwm‘{aers% 3,] %M.e¢ x1;5f fame dead M? O;:§més buried q»rick.- “? Some di{mcxn'.1red;.e all dif- mjdered4by the diver. {ir;>nAof the czjurfc 0f Iu{UCc,. Isrcbc Liver (Nxturcs c,xcht*qu%cr) ‘open’; from whofc Wee difh-iburion each fimbe .may r'eqe'ivé ‘*hi*s‘ wrnfpcr” N11-'~ ;i‘igx1en§‘a{6ree ra‘t~!fi"er~‘i§§ i;1'£whWoflye"gfI$[}rL}<3d %_k 5” *0.3r ra- peértyehgkcn mam ué“ '52:; Wthareicf mag» ;3r§bpfcr¢!y'b’c’ ‘Md «SF etr§," Si’? mm M» 1/bbér f:1r:_?z3'4g7»1tra1 : "our ‘fgnccficprs A dmnke ‘t’?Ev¢‘j:i‘y‘(;‘é’o'f"*”Ehcir*ow%se ‘V~incs,r¢apL'c and c~ }1t¢,;c%h'c {min 0''!" ‘1*h*i'V°‘V"? ~’*?"V¢f*=’B5'¢‘I1<’W‘f'1¢~1*¢50r*¢Wt59PW§,¥" ;£..1'rW 15¢’ Fm‘-rowrehe'9éas~*,’r«i$’biiii&f Sh1;§.*z ‘S? we tabcfiujrehaciwbur hfélives bur~%rd*f&cd éiccreflibns dfNafi1re,'t%bifigs mwncugs OutMOfth6:‘:_,{fuinC8 of the natural] membere}z1»!ari5palij?:, * A sir;:mtea+¢«‘Mm*m: ¢)im1iu;rcligim1,j'ufli(:e,g,rdpert:y,; -the hmcg ‘th:r*h*e:rEL the Livcft‘ at this gircai: body, and ;we gflfigi7¢rtd,tm'~oUflru&’cd,can rhei‘Iubi:aIdiria‘te ~’p:x'rtsbeb e’:.-? c V “lay opc1nevcry'pzrric1-zlar grievance were to driivclhn intb ' V dgfpaireofcure :‘ In to rcac‘AAcon£ufidn’v§rhcr¢ to béginm firmrequirés ho: much "cilfe ‘care then wha? to‘ai3Af2!y, 13 an H Sir,t:hetru”ch _is,;:ll ii (0 Farm1’tVof"fra£ne , “ ¢'that’to ~ A Thcflopo A :;prpgrict%y~ix2 oufm{’catc4s, will 1Sp«c;alm;:i1~fikn"ow*Itis:%a«~p1aufibi§"T mUtion2td'bcg’in with Leta .ti9g§€3§D ds Whmfc: igihgtdcr fix ii .:M-ha ;Px;cfl§s ti3:at«1npves w_zth Iuchj ndvfimflagcp: thmhc 13$ Ip1Mm:xf1L> yman4.u7_1al "ga11.j1eff13a 3;‘ mm 3 wk‘!- I‘)g4g;g;;;‘;qymi1;gvm~;;almqf~I€5 prqfimtrc¢;.Kc.l Lggpn imfsorc gm: zgw he 2&1 inns”; incl» i:(1¢¢fl¢i;,§,c1;-ct ac: .'dL1W:I}§§53,sAQ0- Vb:%%anm:.ncmdx;§w::wih&rcV thny,;mac«i:n ca:-= qufll danger : Bucin cure of tljm body pohtiquc qr naturaflwce mu ft {Li R 1, prdfcr«t\c; ti'1¢*£¥Iifl.’& Aprcmfigicxigcnts . V 4 Ph y fic“igns,k2;ow Em: gleanmz#pcims,wDrép{iés,and fixAoh1ingr4inV’g d5’W1¢;aL:;s, ar}_¢,;11éxrc n“‘m r1ca‘I1iynp.-rx: tiixzfi mlrmb dy=r‘c rm m flighc*cxtcr;- natal &wc‘>uTi‘3d&.;= yct +iF'Ath;¢ lafi %vd:in<:~bc wtuh‘ thcy"mufi*ncg1c& their ggrgarcr uc;urc4s:tuA (‘mp thittis %whici'§ifAnAcg1cfir:d Anmfl nude exh‘aufk_ the Pcuckc M%ofAAx13WI‘¢', and product a d*i{;1z1iZ.z1c4Ai.un or‘Irh£.r w%lm1c man; A AI”)c{i;€hc;n frpm rim duties <:.>!%’<:nir Rciiginn is afCcmlv.mpitim1 tq ax1ySt:,acc:,; ,nV<,ra%; fgymld ar.igm fis; :.fir*mi:: ;’th‘u:*B :~i’x4j§jt)t4l*‘aid in Ch vii}; A T1‘ 11;: gl.:.n‘«i~:i11%(A.>FJ' Mid: «':«~.;icI1_c= VaV«l)r:}dgc%met1r o%fA2;Wr I ib-€st:i‘¢"s , an ‘obfimfiion as n2vx1dx:rs the %Cc;um*n‘c>4nA~ wgmnds f.ll(«)l1§”pr()p¢fFY lam; uutgtlmy%lifmb‘Anod at the A4 eopla, A , l‘h¢tcF0rt113ltiu:n of C3hL1Lr'ch': mwdnn mam xmmfls ncce{§’ariiy~l:>ec ;wonkc of ,~mm;:h: Ii I314: 1md+£.7i§rc;>%:i i,;»>::r am nkc (.1: ‘thin: W Cltiitafc iw not dcipcifuc 4; Awfpfcaggzzc onc%(?!!d: Iv‘m&wfir'zxe in§ d’)2.a?:C ljrifla,» immiwt all ac nowlcdgc mad prvfblfo an: C9'*]]7»:::£’. M rm dificrcncciisf‘*o~ru;¥y me moda,wcvAAarybur%i%;1 *'.";en‘*cmonxc:s,” IO’ rcducewhibh (it: 1116 Primi- tive pr’aé1ic¢.xnuIt be a w,mtkc uf ;-gréat ciebarc;.Ais«noc aAwo:ke¢toT”r Us alr.r:.’Ia fpc%‘np:V:r:a. T?Ah;iawiI%%rhar w:im:*which hath b¢*em:{b dstc-macuzfitomncxhzniflz ,« ghan t0"<:rve"c>u“rbeing , wow muff dcnrubwclcilg: Tfirfkaftap thiS'nurrcm*: T‘~ncvx:icct1%af%L{ulcs tolivc by, whcn wc are fur: to1i'vc=‘A A A A 4 A A w;calch ‘ Lcp7‘o‘1«t& »; Album {be A ,.t;Iu(1%it;.c mn ,%ym %iAni£z.‘r.e&%‘bL1r pmiculgxrm °Tz§r~tir;4€, ¢ ‘ ;«W__,:;1‘«/,I‘.f~¢’ .$pg4g2;¢r,» he mat well wcig11As_: th§§;1i:~n1¢xAwmd pfoprmjr,~* qr ‘A ; fixxgifi 1: M a 1ar,q,em?<'rcA£it‘ ‘; Th“? 2;é&’- the: that have in cktw this b1ood.havc?~bcch¢ %.Exm";A+,‘ Rm:-3.ral;-um‘, ;La%.pv:.:; Iaizpa/itianx, /I/Ianopolwx, Mz“fiitar]" *1“)-3x‘tr%=,A~Sbip--moztgj, {cjum main}: télixér) all Mw hidh ipping from one=rbmfAc. A %% . A A And is in [wt higlm time In gr.L1bup;hat ruotmhht brings forth ‘ Inch fruit Shalg wcc firfl Hand ‘to leap the branches one 4«by%on*c. A 3 whet; E .» 354: when iwrc lI@‘3YI3(!jOWHé“Wi£hf1ll*1'fiI once’ I ? thacrd» Mi“r¢&A fan avxllxu-cc.A t hat bringa forth rbadsfruit fluztlli bcginna at thclamhr bough, and fa lop, downwards ,~, isin damgér to fall himfifclficbé-;; £on:cV the ;]"mc.falia.~; =1‘-hi infer lpécdicr. wry ‘to; bpgin IMli¢Iwc1rcy amcharc-»wixb :£ubmifiibn::n'o hcmtcrjudgcmems 4wam.14};:.nayu.¢ thc‘flx‘if"""‘f‘ ; T fa‘ : J Thcrootcof moftof ouraprclcm: mifichicfcs, and tbuhincéf wan .poRc_rity..dop,«Lhold, Ambcwrhac extra 1' udiciall (Iu dgcimcm: I cannutffaygbuc rathcr) doama delivered by all thc Iudgcs i'indct~ their hands 1‘,‘0u‘t““.D*£' 0u.wt"'yc: reccordEd% in all Courts? *w*rhe mu. vcrfion of allourfundzimentallv Lawcs, Lib}:-rtica, and Annihila-» xirm, iinot Con fitcarion of our eftatcs. That in cafe of danger, thc“I(A;i*rxg may impofe upon his Subjcfis , and that he is the Sole Judge: of cm: dangcrgncccffic y and proportion%, whkhm briefc, is :0 mléc wh»it,whcu,;and w‘ncrc%hvcvé»iI!A;’ which though délivmd inithacx timcLof«ag.rabious and merciful! Priucc , who we hope mllj not w.-rcflz it bcycmd aunsabilitics , fiyet1cf':% to the inrcrprcta.‘ tionmf A fukcccndingg grant, ifcvcr thi+sNatmn bclb unfommarc to-faaflVihmnheJmnt1s,<)Uuch*é it is d>R<;omd* wherein uverymmu ‘aywrcad himfclfe a flswc~th£M§c::ds1~ mhaving nothing =11: can cafl his cnwlncfilt profliizuwjto the.'wiil ofanorhcr.-j A A A 6 ' II " ¢ 7 Awhat no due in fuch a cafr: wefiarc no; to fcck? for prcfidcntsmur ‘H01I0L1l'13:bl¢ ,Anccfl;oAz'5 taught us in the jufl and cxrvmplar puni{h-- mcnts ofhhicfc Iuflicc , ‘rrgfilm and his Compficca ¥(fbr4 egivin » VtflhL¢:ir. .ludgcmamomut uf ‘I¥amliAaAm‘cm , r- ugainfl‘ the M cflabliihcd 31.2 was 0f”Par1l'Am¢D,I‘) how Au.-ndAcr:1acy4wm or us, how careful! we ought to be to coucinucinhbfc Lawns, mprcfcrvc thcvlibttty 1 of our Pcflcrity; 6 “lam far fmm malvigning»theprrfan»;“‘V.gloi'ii1?my%Ahcérr wmn ,thc execution of any mam; tmt.mrca1m:ly’m;fhI;llLbc an lu*{’cic¢wcIl %% bccomming this Houfk;-, to lay their heads at his Majcflzics I116!‘-6 cy, Avqho had laid, L13 lmdcrvhis. Fact ,*r whrrhad mad”: 116 bit: Te- 4 nants at will ofour Liberties anc1"%E£’catc3”.ra§ A A A VV W A_,_ d=§ho11g.[1 I guamm: bus'1app,;j¢wraf:McI¢y$; ”<'na“a*«grw? Wfittzc Min 31% Pfinqé, ~ye;;;Iwh¢ar.:ily .;;5my it may prnvc: a%;l%m*fidA¢m fiimfc ancfqfcfull cg t”b,i$y£)ppre{~Icd %Scatc.A%n% that af Iuflicm. ‘ A A A ,.% ,&gv1__x,, Sg:4§er,j.b!a{hzd~may that conguc4bc Mtharfilhflwn r.‘h6‘l¢%Ifl Hfgrcc Ef0§,3~9!a%‘;f§QIi1 thi:fi“r'.Gx,¢V)t.y m'bo!uHa1aym- dam ~oWP£— ;;§1,t’;5sAn;?;y.;yg;q1,*q3ga“j,ngthc £mv:¥mp1enmof1'uha&t *ewr~bldlltd.‘ncvcr V‘ ’ wz%;;v,.>,c.g:,; a;W:l> 1:: ‘ficzsr flm‘ou3d%e J}:A‘"}aa»mr?£ ” j‘f”%S people : "éf l’i”1dUinA¢*A%Al19 "ii £‘I9miq#a’d‘tJ:x§2;1dI?xhb»fli1Eof’1{m’” £f‘r4tJ)¢‘PaWk Y}-{Oman . A ‘ M 4 3 10“ d th3.3§‘i2”%;§1’;§'¢£i5fii3?:i’§‘2%§‘l7.94Zfz°«‘7Zf‘‘3$3‘‘°‘‘33*?F’??? 5'“ M‘ Lat :10 rm’1n’ zfvizvkc to c2’£z»v7:t)z;'x ;’::n7:xJr2.:w:::/U ‘Hm? pay/onI'7:'gr r"I2cAc/ramjfrcazewm of Mr A ~~‘!v:31;¢ 5'» ‘#1? 41],: ya/Yaw ” 5] /.715‘ /1-134;;/kz’i:'J ?:«2z‘c=r;m rim: if am» In v‘ . V I‘ ‘:1 U’ Jag‘ mwfiwwl af ”""*'5'F4 Pf???/7556 A5c'£‘4:f;¢::’(' 1?«’,£‘;Jfl:‘J"€' 7H.:''‘:: 79 lg ' ‘J INK! 7:: Vt/Mytfom €0r:fl¢I’c'}st I/be ]\"z':«zg,u°t.//’ kwuvrx 1},” 15,5’ }Z¢#-rA?{{/if/fr my 5‘ Ari/cqrarfw‘: t”/mt ’}Jt} ,r,l».»,»"[2*-,_«,»l€f#‘*«.~’,»,4‘1’,‘,. % ;.&¢A,,r¢; I” ‘fisfefl ‘fa fly.“ ‘if 0”’ ’ 3 hfiP*pyaflu'r2n;?'e (‘if in¢t£rsr’i;,»r2:jL>';f:r;* aact;:::’€:U“ ” «A = I:.0yaIt‘y"I‘1Vatf1”atlfifl wc)nI"1imm tr!V3c3¢rAff‘”é*mf%1!ctM%% Flt,” ~‘A V fa): an:l‘c”crta:'nIy(a1lcsurI’rcflm4:~s wc!Hvc§v.b dbl ‘Y A1» Mpwmca pail) it wiI1bc“fi:>unA! t!":efn'»"{1iveI¥V*sV ah: éfiofriflx‘-"(?”{¥‘r‘~: Y$m”cs~lafl‘: A hashoutdonct¥1caflivcd'xtyAc>lalhéiwwhwKs ” %1:'? ‘Q "'61 mgwmtm’ In th mfarm-er i//cfVIA2M' ~ ‘fx1r£%};¢iz 7» *', Ag. 3 {m(."m‘ Amhwpaw i‘ayA,AFz'a’c-lxtcrfccimmi5.1;’gvaicflinz: lgyfxhlalpgmly Thcfi finch our Ruyall I;c:>rdl1:~uIiiri mcrc y\A*i.{”M I {)1 mt c*.c7~'»u’)c,butirihiS%Iu{¥icC11tVxviIl1%c’!*“" ‘V? W“ uh" cFVn‘m*u§ 7"0 "Mi’t‘ doctt ;r;c"' .:*7*c'" ELI“ *;'?hcA*‘t;1‘I{ A‘!%§‘<~‘>‘E(‘;!m'c;‘ “p‘:‘()%Ig'§:A’ 1'” “mid? V51?! A: céwil hm tu‘}f::z?;i za;"e~iml1i Law:§V?*s‘3rée3a3§é;’an0n1:r :a:raazay'db;1o1cua—as, :hc“propri:~¢y <5f(~>m‘rAA€3¥%”atc'.:s A.xi*;:*..~ red .51.. 11' "' ' % , A ‘H 31.1 ‘c>w*nV" b’ AA; A ‘If 9 V” A Q’ ”* B:;*iC1*u:f igohrt 1&5 ‘hi? C ul:"n::;:Fry'ml1d Om: pmmw“ . ‘t .A«A,3(.,n ,,rop;;:y A I1Jm.~~:’aa¢zL§ab%’ ’»~““ 51%? ’ ‘}’’%’’"°“’’ W ?.0’1’X”::r“‘r:F;#‘AVV'&c!~‘J£?!.4r 5 L 1. we V . “Wm Rggflw MAAAS;baéw~,rhc*rxxmfiéas01 wzaumtarc m‘0*'c>fl ii} Acrm" Av A; u % rovewmee .:-~; »bc>~ a-mn:a~a : “ V? A W3‘? ‘£12’.-v EXE1‘?;*:;ii?:f111:1LI;§f§<'M r A £7:'lr¥m:‘m‘1t TC Wmwmrmgfiqi Sérrsi imd *{LiJL;A-‘Mfc*i‘.:,‘x'«E?&’f{s 9! ‘“th¢:c; ¢{x“c C+:m*”:;ca1.!b?}r5’h~“3“! C1: h*;:'.1x::‘\‘}I£r":‘tti:‘C0;‘“£‘1l&1;) At£5'il‘7¢cira"ct;n i;1di*~n§Etl: gust)‘: FIXER grgpflgn’ en? i‘7IhC?3"'}.*’i1c‘tI1cr M152‘ 4}}»x’A ¥c:11mp’01frt 1?’ “I an PW”? dwa_rf., 3 ,~M__~ .7” _ A .m_~§_4n_f 1T{?{>&,ff.'p9'('IE Zcrcolflfiw ""‘~ '~*P,4.C-g-&3¢8gf31n!.’c 31;: guxicy :, arfd thcnfvrwu Law , Fgag fyffxtxm