V 14.-awe orc1ueA§;os¢%»d H ‘ _ ‘ _ ‘SW’ U V, “ u ‘, ‘ . . “ ._:‘ .‘ .‘ . ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘u-L‘ . .. V .__ ‘ ‘ F _ . ., . ‘ a a. I ‘ _ ' : _ a -~ ‘ V ‘ ‘ I _ V‘ ‘; - 1 v ‘ ‘ t:~umu1t12~us%.Sirits3. A A W M g#t¢§h;5:4" 4‘u%%1*ricfl%:%in,handgA pref‘-'3 Q fcd by Adivers xyéighty.zmdfcolafidcrable A A V A Ar‘eafoAns ofiercdtotheir fcrriusaa A ATthougI1ts.e.T‘ I4! ,~.»- ; g“ gm iPc1+cflAed_%AAProte&ants AA A V A J’rel.0N;.’ Egmtcé for Ciwgaf Tlzgw - A A m%££%£r~*% , RM.$+gx%M:naac; « A eiiaganaem-1ae1%‘:a%uA1; unto thapeo p;IieV of Lw':dEn,LLto forbeaVre~"thei%I? diforu A firlyfiiettingsvat We leafft-11ey4p%rAoVve ww % th:edi£t*urbance.inf:heg%r¢Var.*4 u~%x~nefl&inhandg Pffifi‘, meliefc of they 6 -v'£ . A‘ v’ " ‘ Vi '“ ‘ - 5 . n ,, ‘ . x ' ' ru 1‘Iiu1t£u~us- IS‘17~rits3. % C hri:fiia1i~erdvi.ca°~ Af A fled by divers Atyéighgp:mflZ"confiderab1e % A V A Areafons ofiercd tothein: fcriusé Tthouglum‘ r ” x‘ , 3“ ‘ 1; . ‘ ' “L;-I Ireland an for a puhlikfi ’fHfi’;{h’ai.,t_ :mQayv, I A all j»-oync in~,,h31TY ftlpplitavfolls; * M M G-adfmJrhem.;.s s , gfl A am,“ amrinifcer A V 10% Gods VVOrdQ A 11 Afiffldj‘ t& 36 %qui£f;’£tZ"id‘ib=*a’oéy&nr @vfiW;"5uflri:fle. :I%%%7FhefI§4i;I1%"t;’A r.%02~tD0N;’ Printed for marge Tlzew W %W 1€4;»~ -I ‘ n " ‘ ‘ . -' I ' ‘ . 1 r , ‘ "-4 -‘ ‘ _ "M , . X 1” 4. V V ‘»_ ' _,s I” V.» ‘ ‘ . ‘ " 1. ' ' ' ‘ . U. ‘V .. . ‘ ... 4, _. I ) ‘I "' Wu - \ . ‘ “ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 3 3' ‘ ‘ ' ‘. ' . ‘\ ‘ ‘ rm _‘ Q Q. - , ’ ‘ is ‘. ‘co ii“ ‘ ’. _ V.-’ “ ‘ * " ‘ ‘v N’ " I‘: ‘ ‘ I . - . ‘ 3 A , 54. ‘ M “‘ '- ‘ '- .1" ‘ ~ “ ' 4, ’ ‘ * ‘ ‘ " .. x“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ “ V‘ - . ' ‘ ‘ , ‘ _ V ‘ .m.. . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,r ” N . “ ':., ‘ ww gr r “ 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ . , _ M c. wt’ “‘ of ‘ ‘ J W ‘ J ‘ , m ‘ ‘ .-,. . - ., . w_ r -. ,¥- ~'e .‘ ‘ .. , H M 2': ' ‘ “ \ ‘-»wir‘v ‘lwfi ' " “ “ ‘ ‘ ' ; ‘ ,‘ , * 4 \ . amic fr tu--’ ..... om!‘ %¢ing“aI1 »€a”rI‘-Wa“dChFif*im?3V*1 xizia-e~1mt<:§”th¢e peAoP1¢¢£Lm1gn,:¢ fc5rbca”r‘¢ 4t11¢irVdifordcr1y A matings at ’ ¢ W‘fl”‘”5’.’fl?" cmcfcs. Ifrheygoc upordcr1y,4%andV A : firmclya the)’ %mayycc1ad%»£hg1reran&{up- p01;tanc:unfib;man$y. Iftgheyfaile C337 tfxifcarry ,they A doc not oncly break: Vthctnfclvcs 3:o pc:'cccsAw.inh their.‘ : , B1e1fin‘gs ibrthemoitparc ," i£_‘u1?-lhappixyi “ thcy difolvcinto great Curfesor miil wéight, but do: ailfo Crufh axztd grind thofgthat are ungc »é"”o nfix.-ficih. In , N‘, M dcr thh rm?» =1fh¢*1t<3r:32f1ccf¥== with a- The work¢whfchA‘ is nowin hand. in thc.P4arlia5 ‘men: Imay. tr1:c1y~%IéyVitisVa%rciatworkég various a11ddiverf&¢'efpe&sfi.: A r¢ac:c%;s%,{;gw3¢fi;m;fi_$ W1? thfihédy that [f"wéy$&it5t I :2: very dpQi_‘:whem0E n‘eedeéBd4é%%a¢%ivtajér:d GanAh=i‘r%i15?I%1°aV¢3A irr:r;c1fic:x1s.%Af¥rhe:s:ery name%mdVf0Und of A mgm: givcsg_ravityand Weight untogthe ai§c,me tllinks A wAth‘atV3:arriesit,,%and4hatIa a»:1'fa“c€i‘nbsnth Charm ’Gr"¢atiti*S in x:c%gar;c‘fof]thcirfcc>pe a'ndaime» fclfc rhmrslgh th€%;AWh91%H¢rizoh5 f3‘n“;d1ia?1$;i»£ivi}3Iiriféfifand 6? "IE6 ¢ Aernporall fpiritual 14go6dof1nan§‘*Mi%I1ibnS 8: Myriad s ofpeople, who muff either ftand or fallby thc..'fq§C€flE"fQf‘11TIi{Cfi"'? 1Eiag”c?o‘ffheiL‘ among; % ‘A‘hd g;c’a:4di:%is token cduhtér in tmprotuflngoFt'hac”gd6 1». W ~ A ” “ ’ * a*imMi=:%lat;# VA éAS0‘th”at=h€f=is‘M16666.aIgreatLa¢c£inn%tIIar§c>nQ5 findis ..m§¢Iy§I ‘jO givc %ovc1-and_A¢%onc'Iudc.either[%incxa Gfdifigw’ jh9PPi9¢fl;’ «or ¢?<¢¢“i“V¢. !niifé:‘y r=fp$cc.ia1”1Y” I A a’s%ch1c~Acafcn©W%fiarras withJ usg, “Wee Acan*hagd1y%fina" *1-for any1n£at1+cA¢x e&ation"”.¢ A -And therfdrc 1t“”1nj * (5 (B Q.- ('5 US 4 3 "<1 E3‘; "'4 ('5 O ‘:3 3’ 5‘ 1'9 fis flito défires and en‘davbt1r%*inV$fiVzhait Whweniay, theii: % iryma3>*‘proceéVdé iofderli jand';f:1tcr¢¢i%e;prcifpmaufisfa a11m*c1f¢ga;;d%wpeas:iaa1a::5% Whiéfithi§Ioya11vcfiHI0r%navicxmyfplity uwnunro T - ~ ' A A Th1“§ ' Q4 2 E % » mmaere"iabo11 c:t1‘Iifp‘“14 A 15 A \i the*€1"fe€5§A%5; ‘V 1 H , ~ _ v M é ' é ' J“ ‘T é 1 '{,V*.,;,‘_;s ;>?.£- V.» WY! ,‘h;;_ ~ ; V’ 9. V‘, 5 ¢ M Various, and un1Ik.§,andfi0ta W%Y?%S‘.anfiv.era»ble*untoA ° 3-whc unitedinrc:tcibns', %b.uf;%t<>A%‘=n:e*orms*%* Q ~ '3 u%ds¢.¢!¢Ht§=;3fidVaEaf=Cxes,¢19; $1539 d;j.pL1:fpof¢,LLf. r 9 AA A A Tklléffi 3333. Ciifisj jl3r;(fliaf¢3I1d¢§1iVi%1AéV‘I ?A%"*dtHé’Y *dfV,érflYi'¢‘,Eb fiCé\lVf¢gfiafl Zbqgm ma mbper for» the c%>;xn:»=~i4fiI;:1g“:<>“fit!1<>If-=4 géiaé‘ I Iralljaymes \ ~a1»v:ay€s j , ‘*fm?f"€*iIflc% ‘@166 rfrefé*isT.f*ome*go"ad.v1"0fi flirt. fih :;m Whit-h ‘ I'M“ F ‘ V Q0. 3 , ‘T I ‘o,‘ ‘wot ; .2 v 4 Iv ‘N ‘an I’ W ‘=‘ ‘33;T*°”?ei1”"t13¢i9“t’?F?1?:. Qmlfiéfi 9fé¥P1°*‘5¢ 4 ~1m<=11I:.+.» graves fi1a*H§Wétixii¢§ %S*i:1ii11;‘L§§’W §?«:gz:¢%:;sf;.... " w%@rfigww“vfl%hym»yw,p$fiwmg%5,»»gmya¢ t% :Mr13£§;9;;§.‘.A%%A~. A V i % T I «v 3?" " 3~ ‘ , g “M; ‘M’ -“v +» %H.}.%»w%A%%,®J,qrmWu3¢W®MmMNukyg§ygyQ f;Q 1ATgh"e%th1r ;Fdr?¥:” f*Er1‘9ursA@r ‘f’=tI11!1s;S¥vh%¢r¢bygreav% % i1:$ we svanrofclzxexam. «lg 7'44: .' I _., ”(3i‘T‘l:%, {5‘3§t:izi* rm» fi€ffi94fi%&ii*?¥%ifi ¢Vt9A”é%a.rry i=¢,,th:r”eu «%h'mr0+$V1ac%Bz;:!..mM%amd;"4%t1’ U “ k .~ H ‘:1’ 1 A. Awe?! €‘3;i.¢»§ :€€af1§wfi1:?%t rah: 1é>rriAr@£i::1:c*:aic?re:%y“ ‘ ~ I . 4- V 4. ‘ , ~‘ ‘ ‘yr ‘*5 U~}'.u>"""7, ma .«. Iaft 3 Ihét ,» “mo défiafifinfihen rhcfe is VI 435 $3 fL1ri0u%fl%y,1is%o+w i*¢¥€l*Pfi%fdY¢5t1;ii§§§%WI1€f'TP¢¢[d‘§é%i’ W¢11“W%ig5¢%% but is athomc much‘fef»rc;corwimpe» t1#“Mi&%ris;4 And; the pa; »%%?‘:¢:?31%‘ A E A df 4o: the bu£inegre,4~roi %rVas~ rJha:‘:% f€ardIna11.vrr:uc$a:Iiufirc¢a ”'m?*£?°ran C¢:+%11‘£i%C¢ gm? x1s%*artm;§:%E1¢ani1%ss1?=€s‘is .‘¢‘E"§~v‘>“ H A I~ ‘ V 4. \_ \ W K ~uzponAthe‘right;¢nd3PwdEnée&i.:e@cs;fi§;tbtI%§c* of the right n11eane§A'A%,A:AA%lI-*3r4tEt”u%d.C4kéépcsjf fimfij A g A ifhing in motion, TcnipA¢rTanCe4fi‘AOT1’i A¢3=?%€t£<:iedifin‘g * ‘orovcrturn1n%git.« A V A ” A For thcfitwo,f0r1n€rT~o’¥f1iAAh’VfcAb‘frors“§;s cdn‘.tEffa7éth’ the gr¢aw=~workeA in‘hand,A 1iopAc thef¢AIw¢d¢{ aagucs =o_r flaivcrifrxgs ifnthcy St§t€S'fO91j f1;hcm.,§ of ;tt~IcaI}: if tlaerhbeeany groufié?“f*oiur fcaée§VAth¢r{cgin’,‘* ;I,hqVp:¢K Godwillbcthc phy1i~szan%A .1 w«e11a~.%é‘ had1M:£ap‘é*naagiyA good e”fx§3erienccAs bpfih of ti-1e iAnt::grit;y an dWi{€domc"‘ ofthe Pa;-}iaxn.cnt, that may kc gpe usfrom btingoV*¢xf:- A car%¢fu11AfbnA1wenti!YgA i§Iaiftfil€cs"AA AeitwFr¢rAAinA*~f’ri‘¢élidé-‘c51f* A grc:1wfi of % pravcrd; A A A 1 T flgady ;uponAthAe one, and th5cirAipr1xd‘¢ntcAA Agu'ideA ' than ‘EH i4iAthcotbc%r_: ycrt IAwiflwth5=Yti1aY fA¢f?’1¢1*?¥‘°é1?t00f1i~%1¢;t$% they are? mam? A lan%cEA~t~!‘rc?&*gf;v4ate g:1AWc‘I ¢sOf ¢c)¢rAz;p;ptj§o"i'i_;fi: A Wm ‘ ‘W A AIn#yAAprodtn.c.¢}cv°ii13A‘ br1*ihdAcr ificrd; AVcvc£z xn t.z11=*1'es,AVif’° 4GA*@d* Ab c+-m1o2ti*Ar1-1%@c3aera"%u0u%%r 0% eir v ‘r. «u1?xcref0éreAcvet:i‘Aifl ou-é‘AA"A'j’o‘yntjAd';<5p ’ezr;da;j1V¢V§;‘¢A:1”i?iW_ A 0% upwn11im« «it is the:ge1aeAfra;11AvaI ~1;me:I:&%uwn~h«g£, ‘A; 3} 3? . M’ G od h:1th;tii‘I;1e‘*1'yitaké§i?t$fig1s*;§fi L}£:Awrmg,Vithar:.th¢t€h:1FdiAe11*6fmAcm2re*%%dt‘cei‘¢z;*fqfl’ qAp ot::“ ¢0“‘1W”i11i“A§*F?‘1*<=fl"¢T‘1””0*r?%.%% ” V aamfci; every A inAAthcdaefigmcfo“ru A fl‘#tt:Mmga;:fl.5 A I %iPr;:the~tA A d;wMreAis A62aeIy A1: h ;°'%1'i*<*¢‘A;, dmarclygiwith; A12f1'ci.sl:];,is:.1:;d¢m+Lach.g; %«i:'e.:i1iz2E:¢:a; twheJ:«%i3n4~:%2zsW'¢4;C&,ha:r~c11:@ é11ri;%I£-ix‘}gd0ifi1c\: 3:)1é”i5”é19e%»?~?1<:? »§0§T43éi§€‘%1§?AI2,%5afl£! ¢:v¢%ry:I?:iaxat:¢ha,ay givAc%;%»ad~:*»_;; ; i,f‘ag%ry%oAff:adave:z*£3m;c:<§nim1m:_§m;. eé=¢é:<&¢3%;1“z1§é¢v1:P Qiflvzlzfi m:1“i:"tr:~.-,‘.c*é fi~xhw i§£:;7£"Wvi??1a°i1»§s% 115$??? is;n@»:pa;%x::y:ai?Awi;£%domeJ.;;~rw:meA; 12;c<:€fWxéksWs.¢zia;=»£§¥ea1$wmy:m*¢fié:~5;Vamrinrthisi C353§?3~d;€’sIL§+§=1:§¥T‘5‘Q*b?@fRfi:€§15?;7*3i?§.7'¢31T‘1T33?5 ii1V?Athis;~ mééfftn;€i’¢:I;yAy0fwf %s L1Tr1:A.o1Ir%pi'?«?-‘«y¢.;=s%4»a‘1fic‘c fu?pp1iAcaci4. Cz7fi:S;%Z§1:1”£f£5L‘3¢5-as $?V1¥¢n.~t;1ae, fi.:3-'=¢< of Qada wrar%hrvvas.Ai,bro«~r va9P9§éf%21ii"iy“%;¢F%%is5¥:i6n+ aPp1icati#an.¢:k4aaybk imam: 1.1 imam? A “ Qgfiwiargltgiéé. ;m%j;%j;‘27d%,¢'¢;~$: % %€??5$4.%‘4M :}?t4fi%;‘ire“tlze£ezmf-” fifz5Mlt4r3_ } ff? %Verrf3f~‘=t3f~ Sim? A f9r¢*4;ough:a mew rm na€1y~%vad1ni:t _ % aa.¢2nfld¢ratc?pro.c@aédirPs;%but % And.A4: ‘ % though :he+A\%curreac qfathc ufine1re4may*%bccjfamm. J :13'ing»floiver;.v§h¢i1%Ap::rhapsV%thAetoo.fpcedy[expe6taci’..:#, 5 om;Qffo;;1c~tI1a4t;v~A_d4d9e HAQE Io well cmlfidcr the grcatn§:sA A AA Q1‘ the body,vv$(hichV.cc211?mon1y moves .n1m:eflovviy, ifi‘ fem-Ir%c1Y=;;% th¢AA%%eigh“4 ¢fvtLh%¢.bHrthc%nan%dfhev % thcm%=vVV:JWhi¢hVma7~¢AWcfi%L ll f9;r15id;th¢a:at0;4maI bring~%a¢corr:1:sTA andVop?Ontnni*ti¢%;¢ T9’g¢the;£%:%I1id>~3toavyd:~pr¢¢ipitan¢Ya and»ApreV¢n+r the: % v€rwe%:‘0Fr¢Pe»rirancc;% Whichdivi&d+cs‘it .f¢1f¢ibe—V%”A% &.W¢¢n¢%_Glery arid4AVAIgn%@Am%£Ani%im;~th¢J%Work§ i 4 mypra3zer,and%%th»¢Ar¢f01"a+m¥hop£s*d:;:thatthi$ V A A n~aitmid;”{-of th¢i,’7*9;a “ if W3€%%‘4:‘b€3»f‘ ’~mt:t¢d°1’% i¥11P?1ti€#11f:I1‘3Y%A’ ‘ A‘ PFW1ike~:th¢»:ccmtagidnz;0f«F45iI£f~*;Mflw¥im#$i%{%%$h¢"=d§%~ AA _ xwnaeerav *:r[c«azra¢:¢;<;y*q-trmz/1:23»:Arspérzm; A v§i?iz‘é, ihdtharitimivAfléffiwetwm»*%f°rfM=9f$ of’ 4»him%by the “WW”? *1‘at’013 W#3+*¢’”?"””5iS ‘ewnafiazzyf "“7"_g/t’-iWN6’77¢~%A‘ AA A V A «;No7¢pa;ze£»4t Ciiifzf <7"!£7t?307’£’.AAI we fifnmzz, ».Erg¢M4“6Aw4g2%2/we warm 610??“ ‘W’: A “ _ A A Give me leave totranflatc itVtIixA.zs “ flxaegaod man d1d to usrVc1’core% 4 A E, A7 The Gomtnonwcalthg necreAl¢fl%%Ab¢fdféAA A AA A BY Wife dwelayanmr takifigfiafé * *0Fevery Rum0ura‘fie%did hem‘ % A "Butinhisheartjprefi'rring ftifi A A T A % % 3 ~‘HisanatncthengIorious%v:}¢IIAfnay b¢::"_ A A A_ J A‘ A VV_ith usfitid with‘poflériVtie.. C A ;.,, L ‘ 4 Juam ‘ A*A7gCibd¢aii A * ‘#3tf'éfi”fiéAfé’t1?i$AE1¢g?"Ii£¥fé"fhi?S5 ; was. With.hixn, Io It:u&wc“V:haxz%aIl¢has%e ‘I A IfG0dpIVcafetO cAo%mpa;3A;‘tH€fofhatthey:11aybcAVfié4£ ‘ %fIzmo,as he was uriitedgin their Iudgenments and‘affcé‘ci-t % ”%V%=ons,.andPreferr¢ WtW11‘1"1*"9“5¥§11‘1?0W11I'S andm‘0ti« A“b6F0f€V .Wh‘iACh is Ag°0Adm%%51116M‘AAA%h€31thfW1A'4‘£0 V f*“Chu1‘chandSta;t€. %Itrui’ctfiehthedé1"Aaj7Wi11.b*AéftfI;- A A A A iyrwmpenfedizx thfi happie fPC¢€fT6;A and <=r;°W“€d ~ 'c0n¢1ufi0%n=%.that Vitwifl 3PP”¢3’¢‘n°t to ,h3V6*5‘=¢fl¢ 3 ,putting0fFbf?the%btlfin€fl¢a ,1?ut~—ap:e%v¢ntion of T6- ?AmVez'i4ty;, "whVich 4fr§me%Vmenoftj%timesA‘mcre$w<5rke4tO V f. ~ _ 731ndoc,"th€nthéy A had Aatp due in Athc” begin’nit1g,M and ;_ % ‘Ciifis thexn backefby%thcirf£§eed%e more jigexmthe g 1:e§a3 R.‘ %:ei’cfofrn<=I¥?:ofrh¢ir 5; The %thatVrii_d¢¢t0<> far £n%2!d%*V,113Vih®5 agt;¢?tT¢1i’r¥ t°‘%°¢=%9bm€ m»any%t1”w9s~Am¢rt ‘ F‘-*-M-‘;#.4‘AA‘AA d_‘ . p ‘ -.—-...-J A" ‘V . I AA” ‘ A A ‘fin; Q swag; Tamggzmaag 4 A A Azi sa§ergaA1nAeisAbut%the Fecondpartofwifedd2h5«;.% ‘ AAand%gAr9V¢S mgr: fifflfsv F“?-1 Aof’ diffic.u1ty% %and« hazard‘, and therefore 2: ;e fafefi way is, to take tififie and ageii. ibera:ion,whm%t§?cemayhwe in we %pA1ay”theA tbregame ~ well, Ieafi our1wgIigA¢11t 11966-dc leave? nsA roreme&i1e£i“e ermrs, Abr AaAt§1«le‘aft noft ACA-b}:rfgi‘o}6“ wiWths:>ut%=fm1ie dif-2«~A ‘ credit. A I A AA And.sme13zAu1:e smzeishere1:>grea:,%and1merym:e A bf" us fo.mu_c1;;afhéréj;in it,asAco;1ag1~;:h€n5iflg Religié, ‘ Peace;H0n~¢TPeci- =~'11yt0é*%d3«refT¢A:mYAAi¢A1f¢~AI-Into Ayouratw'¢hiSA times V=md%to¢ ‘ ’ 7fiéfeAsch—y,guin 1436 I1aArTI1e'ACf)Afei§Gi3€1 a% 3ndA‘fbr&:he‘ merfiies; A ” A.AofA—C%*rifi AIeIixs;%;thac"y;c%uAw0u1H notwanyAumfeaf‘o11~”k "IA 4ib1€% ?~r€fl?3 Tiiiniilt‘~1??11*‘?AAf0?1?A¢itati0!IS;A0fAthe% T:AV15ufifi9fl3inL h§1idS.A%%¢"%E‘¢mR“15¢"difi“£b313¢*¢"*?§3:hi5%* ‘I5mApp'ie ¢0nj#un<§iure%, eb11VttIiatV it mayfieehpermifieehiae V glide mi fmoothjly and ’ca‘lmeIy and ~pea.”ceabIy;as is e A mofi correfpondentuntzo thofepcaceab1een‘ds,whjc[:; ziuey deriveeagnor incmruptingthat grc£1Atafi"cn1bIy, %cie,.. u ether by Vsany uncivill or difcexnpered concourf¢5s <31? by? any mdeorimxnodefc c1at4n0L1rsand that» f'0r>thef:: reafons,eWhich Ifhall here prefem: untoyou,drawne A from the confidcrationof the 11atureD1(jthc_ A A bllfillg-{T35 fecondly, from ‘ thee, di{'ferez1t4confiitu« M A tion of ycmrefelves and t11at‘great.eebodyr, an¢a osm¢e _e eliffierent intent, th7at‘”is betawiiset you in the matrerg; 7 A .Thi1'dIY3 fromthe great and gencrallconcernement, V A not Oncly «sf your {c1VJCS;A butofthe whole Church and - 4 IA Ki11g:?0xnc,- That; I fay not of Chrifiendomc .f;nde4thA!c- % ;V4_vvhe}e world therein; F_o’1JrthIy.,fi-mn the gr'cat%ixn%pu- tations, and intollerable prejudiccsthat {ucAhA"p1‘0Cee« %% dings'efyoursmay,1cem tola ujpiontlue }I3.ar1iaz11ent. eFifi=1y= mm?h¢%"€‘*‘i‘13P°d1“?¢‘“5 and difiraifiionse that 37°“ maycr°e*¢A¢mJt0“~the carriag~¢*~of‘Ath:ir dc:Ai fign‘es.ee A A AA “ AA ” A * ~ And lafily, flom thegreafi derogation the: this may %% eaufe both in our owneandr after times, from the vaii. dity Of $11017‘-7 S0074 LaW€S5Whi¢hrh¢Y fli311’%}UGWe1iwk€s’: « and thetog) too femblablc.cxcufes,‘th:1tyeou:ni1ayfifir. 1 A nifh illminded people withall; to a:co1ourab1e under: 4 :; prifing therwf, zmd ajfl1bfir%a6tione.o£& 0B‘edience [from=; A them- A P 3 The nature 10f the workegwhxch 1s_%aewoAr1echaue found»i":crue'i_ ‘ A :; AA through Gods miracuhius AmAcrCy,J ft? m6ti%1‘I1¢;,~!t1'i;s,.t?§ AA ‘ unionhathbeeneexfayfcd Q,m: ofthec M zeulrands«iv1fi°1112e£€e1¢freaAY6t:fu9h“e€=*~¢¢«1s e.We=’ A 9-» pm-an. .n..1;y‘ Iona: am. A 'BA_3:e A.1r;;;e;;;*,g‘;*ee" 4 Phezziaé Aandfuch egctraordinaify reu1Au;gank §}e4Agg'5§§;% L A proper _fcAal¢sfc>1: usto mLeafi%11*e% ourprocigedings by," A A A .Ru1esandAaL6’:1onsAmuf’c b4eccoI1c6ted-froxn -thofgtgx. ‘ A A*r2?z*2?”Spzrzr::V% perimmts; whichare 4d.éz.iIyAat1Ad»fi~eq11en:‘,nQg from g ‘wonders ,7?and -1'fliY3C1cSaAAW.hiCh %:1rfe:fc1dome fecne.” AA AA , Surgeons thiVnIPé ware concA1u‘fions , tout df themoi’:co;1t1'adi:?cQryp1'emi1Es. _M But yet thofe Ame and fiupendicus Axvorkes of his, are use Awarramfor A ‘ A Austo prc.fczfi}>:2 1:0 Ah.£mfiiI1.tc5.bJ:i;1"g< topaffc fuchfiranfg Aécofivérfibnsg 4 7 A A A “AA A to ‘the AA%2bAQlV1ifl1ing“Of th0AfA¢ Ac/1‘ArOArs% Aand A iviccs, xvhi ch 4_.throughthema1iicc ofthieDeui1Iandhisiufirumczzts A arc; of -lat§:tAcrc%pt fit1%t0V Athfi hgrcll A5A {D it abhwa11;¢AAIjy*,'weAg4[hzxl{fi1jde‘th»aVtthough rheyAhad_a§;1caf%: A _ was my‘ d:€FicaIties:AtAo with. asAthefiaAt11me A;]A A0fa71A%A%t§h<§f€ W.A€€A <33Ai4f1A%.AA‘A~*i<‘t3A$;iAéATA7V*A€‘A<‘3*?3AAAim3§ine c:mA* ma‘k.€AHpi “ 2 agaéhflAflitfbufi¢:i€%fi‘?%:AAirif?A‘f“h433.1n&§[=3_VY€t»th_§yw%n1AAad¢ A, A A t;imuA1wAo%t1s3%*r 'eiieI¢nt%Praé*if€sW the AA ‘ A % _M.~: ‘ ' . second1y5Aas:c is’Aa“w0rkcAA§friight€ou‘fnes; a<:reaea ” Are:aAdyAAd€¢1ar¢r3AAth@irzeét1e4:L% " A V5P?5*i’f§_:\ 1 A *€13Ii1%0ur§,1‘° d?¥11‘3€*“04¥?r5a*Tm¢°W31nAP~Ar“ 4 ? fuokus cafIi3E5AAA9g?ih&A‘G9Wm3:0¥f5~ Th0"‘%h’:‘h€¥ L . found rbemztoo t1nrra€*rbI¢»aA éudfarAr¢Vfron1 admit-A rancfiofihat en=<=r1?tizcA th¢3%7*eréArcnded4”AThey-w=oun«A ” V ' tredifldfid WiAth:1nu%¢hVi<>1énc<:3=2nd:¥%di*?dns'Ar4 maWrdA 9 ccmfluic-nccs., and arm ptic>11s,A of the peo‘plLcA, thay hadga, A A to; docA4w%;c114, A breakingoutA_t;pon:th¢m‘_1ikcA VEOWTIC IF A _Af’£O1‘m~cS,.Qrthcfiuilruglly fLI*.r;.g§3 Q.£z;l1ce;§Arag¢dA%~A £§m:fl;§; A; V 4; A11youVmay:{eAe4:n:heAas%o£:11; holy A§V‘¢7{H¢s,§AbuVt%w'AA A MA fqmhemfélvfistheyraifed nor;1c,butIeadingon4thewo1'k:;%%, ‘ \ withei. CuaI111€~fif¢31n£A,‘A;andAwWif:h“aA pi¢accAaib‘1.egnd um A A Am.i11A<>.r1atezeafctprevailedsfoiAfaArrcVV%asro downa;%% A %bqfoAr eVt4h_Vcn‘ atl1;:%unrul1y< 0p' pafiitions thby fcmndr 1AVtl1cir-evvay. ‘ And‘AmaAkeitappea;e ~%uI1t;Ot11€%‘W%0nd€rO£'% ’ . thé‘wor1d,;that‘ God {weth not by {word or {in c~:arc,bul:‘ bya fecréti.-mdalmofkunperceivcd0p«:=3ratio1;,.and&thatv A v11:faftAand%~fli11A ~roiaVcf€xvh¢x¢inA.%G.dwsswasixmrc p7o¥xvcrful1:thcVnw the 4ivioIéntA wi21ds;Thényrabflain6AVasAf0m@Ama¥i% Apérhaps;1'QbAje6’c either fovjz_:flW‘antVVA~ofioppbfitioh or A A through any defe€’c:ofCL11rif’cian 2: mic, or ofaparty to A A .cguntcnanccaTumAult:0ppofi_tiontheyhad.,cnoughA ; A *°AP‘°V*0k6~¢%hVen1a~sAis W¢1”l"knoWnc4, andAW6e AIW6 31-* = ’ ‘« .,Zl3S_”‘y'O1J1"S a€ h0tt¥3fl55&%i£ % wfizefpcake pibus Z€a1eV'5*Aishmzafparkc;untot:hcix:A "flamegyouwinay az;dAd0(I dosubt) exceed in intemperatm V A h¢arr* ¢s;ButdivinéAzea1c,; itgisa? be:-1i_ ne%Afiame,cvCrAaCé-iA4 A , cgmpanicdwithhumility;af1dichar.ity,1;hAatAaAFBaV¢i‘g3AA‘V A difeafe,tb.Aisahca1thFu11Avigc:£L1r ofthc s%ouIe,and%inthis: A‘ ”I‘dareAbe boldcofay, they W[erc.a*sw farre%V~*fibLe'$z§3nd tha»«L A ¢EQ€§9fY0Uaa3t11€»SAunneac xxaoncA%A*bcy‘ond¢ all +1.§””'W“%'A ¢ V .%WTf M W ff WW 5. ; A W A 5’{?{°7z< A A .'wc5’t1¥diwa1lmsGo‘d;unt0V that P“fiP01A5?VAs .n9rJanymgoodi:pxoe A £potVtrion;thatthAeybcarc:Aunto phatixffug,-.wl110hwe.¢A ,nc{’cly hopcto be happyan. V A w . A Addeunto;.this,th;z;ritisa works of McdAiciAneA,A’ bi: ~A}A1¢%aligg,inOtAoFAdefiru4&io13., or A Adiflblu-t1AOn, thefc two make up but one and ~thc'{a!1A1:e, A A VA «:aAnddifFerAnoAfuther then ‘theA..iextcmaHV%Ap;3r1;5 or%AA;m,m. .A 4 . A :1 0Tf?n¢;A rtbfi ~~1a»exs«fromA ¢theA.in_warddnfpjti¢%’ fame Amfang d*as: the out:wA3rdA +pa¥rtsjarc ffc>1:»thaT.~:~Aseiti- AA ,‘, éand» thiebo dyf0'1* the 'fO1.1I(A2,‘“fO the Outward flame AA afiAhc;§o.Vgnrne.n~wca1thA,is for the Church 01j3fpil‘iCl:1fi1. .A A A J’ *1-zgand astliécxmaflémlan1amiging:%_Afche:”b6dy.AA,;.isAto 5*VAi“’m‘+m0h—Wca1A»th,wh»ich is: thcLO’my'5J%i3?ai:mgA A Hut. A A V ZAnd ' Athcxefo1:c¥t=he&-Atwo~ A Amufk .rno£A-be; fépaw A d«tooA fags,‘ f A.””abody~+*é§f§hiisAkVinB;?‘*Hea§th¢"r={~fl:ar€s[ fatin gzat; F €‘aA_7d Cércidkég Avo;id;5f1 9:11 inward 1Vi~fe.%_§%:A.;vv*”E~rE2 AA .. wAa.. .A "Vn.A ' "*».,«wA ~ V , ‘ naipallyta 4azagmoximcsfitheVfouleggfcmhe w‘ A . .A....--.. A A A A I ~«myfo'f ‘Chri;ii:1;s;in»yQ;uAr;lm~l.y§a%m7%1i;€S,;Aé i3::l1.—.d 4 .!?_11}i$;;&§ AA A ‘~'h€4C" fpeakcth,zuIAd ;b¢ ;A3:3ei ‘ V flare is amEc1*éfia;fii¢a1ih¢4dAy.’ % ~ M :;S:oLinc%%con<:1u fionis.wil.fo1l’QW u«pA0m‘ thi;s;~t11l:‘z%:%Az11igl;1’tper... Aj A 4 U z:1ifc&o,vc1j%;fome Parakagi fiz.:csAA?i:m1e %;~:dig%;agy: u bftliéfeAtim5csA:,V~but1“I~purfi16“§hc;bufi%ncffcI- A A fl 3 ;*h:wEe4”iiff'h3n‘d%.*». J? ‘ Q A > ~ + A ' % ‘AA'C2‘rGh4fw&f§r..ftam#!I#00! ‘ A :7'ir3*- A sarriagés in the Qhufch ancuthe4ca1if¢§”6?jt1ac“iniI'caxri~4;A; A again the oxilmgozt-¥weaIth,at1—Adthc. ’dif%émpetsofth_é ’ Comxnon-wcalth’br3hg forthdiFéafefs‘ofthc Church~,-; A %% And to fpcake ttucly ?Ido'em‘.ore then ,d.o_ubt,that for ¢ v¢1;,¢pT:cfe;g14t«$¥€¢ tare mder _aAfl1rcW&d%COAmfiliCa~tion of A A ’ BE1€1'ctW€:>1<1hds of diskea£'cs :thereforc it is time‘ t:o‘Iooke after ¢thcPhi£'itian;,andA who Ais that:'it wilI1bec4.f{Wq:,.‘th: A theknowing. T he Arc Ilctrés or princifzzll *vs'hofE, - % ppvg'6IT311dski1I»%: onelythc cure Iyctht; A it is rfl.C5,H€ A Bub? Qod alongundcr him in the Minifleriailworkcs both. Magifiraftcs and%Minifiers; Soméo£«t hc{§:a1:c_[mQre for A A 9?i;tA%V%E£1;applicationsaanddbmeforinward;Ae>fthcAfoI:- ’ mtf ~§Q.rt% there are theMaggifli'2tes5efpc.cia1ly..th¢~King,3 ' VA A Aongasa Gqlgzzfifmy mcmory”doth not: fa’ilcmee){E1ith of :1 Phyfirion, that Medicu;«d:bctA W2, mzxqmm Imptraitor,-,foi Inlay fay ongthc contrary” 5; ghat Imperatar :gd:b;.t-t eyfé . x4pqa4pz4A:gediM %Kin*g.ama A5;:A;%ciVdd;be4limgA tian VA (;u.nder him “) the Jfi1bordin%ate ‘Governoursfl V A A fpr ortiinary and particular cures_,‘ofkn0?Wnf and Come “ mondifeafes, the Miniflcrs thcyarc for inwardflgzpplia catinsgvihe Parliamcn.t~ i$thatf"g§¢,3¢t AC011A¢dge offtatcPh&yfitians,- aflhmbled “under his4M%;dgv A . ieftyiito Aconfidcr. ofpublikc axid extraardinary Acvills,» whicharcnot fo fafcly to be committed to thcAski1l ‘ A offaithofp3rti~cu1arAMcn. é1ndw%~iths=y;ar%c toA4¢1i.t”c5§ve«% [ S: Q % _ aw «a " 2: A%m1vmefe+~Aasb7A the ‘gfgam firfidfr extrar.diifi¢a 2M4 ism-ch, Ao£wAhcAmA£Aur A Adm: ‘IF. A“Gad;:%Awée4:%hévp Ar-forcheiwre,AAé:H»afi;rhg:AAod; A 4A‘x:lcsAe:e@ivjev%Ai:*a711 élyfi and :witVh.‘;o AintAeAr£éept;A‘ 4 fr@‘=m éhie Sofuk %v,,‘;mc.iA ,wth‘e‘:.7fiOfit€'._‘y&dd irtxm ..‘l v w p A A < A4 ",.. . ?iadicmés,thaAt~theAyare :6 Aa&»pp1yl,‘2y:e w.hoI;iA4 Tome and‘-Agoad Lawc:sA,for-qzwdfi U1/[es{ie4mé7¢t;¢7§?122b*)?6i{:£:“£f A A A o%yuAfeéFih is A rk€;ft»» piézejiarzz jh:z£rdm‘g&r%i?§§ ‘t-éhiei 4ACivi§1La*gv;:§ A . g % éAzii;eim%e;;ot:hzz%zfiihAa+,ie imchrs reFpeA&§és?itfit@1::’ifcth‘int11§:*t§i gm; %coA1:r¢age,freAedome frAomV%~Apaifl}m1a, So 1:: coAn‘cc. yous; % mar to‘«'_dA;-:{m“ éagxic; {if-Ives e7t1‘y,r wlgeghyAQL1:;~11éck~om::;a y;m:.fcwes.t»=¢AA;pat1&n:ts;%,a: *fAA%c&§:fefleAI:zmb i | s if‘p“w¢ut§»4%the%vefA — ‘W3! A %~§?%#AV4I£1a1fl’¢i¥amsé5 fiana 4 bay,“ xufinot trbu”inA%?Ehcwo>zke, %;ifym'1 iéan fay%a~ny-thi4ng*,that 4 gi?fi;eii7g’htr~uht0 «the? Izhyfieiaiyfar cfic7mcrecI¢%ap4¢* % p*eéac€aM53z‘:§ wi11Ay’eel%éito AadVn1ini7fier Eve-5» nhifatsvzithfirrzhépatiemz longs for, or the flan; duzi-s%Aita:Il£b«A6<1§fl1al1try.many~cxpcrimen_ts3? b; Lit A hea1eW1 M V +AndATgii%V afiee;lea¢ew1mre%toAadvifevyou rhuc.y¢u'b*e‘i; ; _ notTrteo¢ai;:-156%Empifirtall rareciprs, Ath»a:»%§have ‘had; A ‘ fqAAmc~f ¢téfi“¢5~}in’%o‘ fir?Aodiésgafhefvavigms«2t:u?ffémes,qr.~ % dA bfrhdfi ~ 1 AA V nu‘ ‘ M4 V.-cu-Jana» u-..... :2:_‘..a.-a 0,, L ‘aw ‘ . A A «M N A A A and re cntcs ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ Ma” ‘ “a.- u '-A '31.; M A i AM . é -:.,....- .M ......._........-_ «g.«»g~A é - 1...-~~._"_ __._ """‘i‘"A »—-._. ‘ ‘CJVV r1xHm‘:" c . A:».x:.:u».;...~...,pu.,,,,.M 1., .\...~-.. W ......,... A A971Z»?-iE'AEA;zr#fic_}?$r'%9"5?5fl#?iz2&asV4Sfibififitfl, A L A A ‘ e&iw“vEes»~h¢%e*in%fthia tiaargrc T V kirxd A0;f79{r°fAc:*rt’~tiic9,%% 7’éit?1éjé:.§m:‘A agar “]f_j’réAAAlA;A3~i* dagxiee; ‘ haw: in otlic~r§‘E~%%c1Sxtig’gfibfgrwd-i?df"?Phy~fi>r;ali*fi1flp1¢s:. J A A pray y Em lJeajv~e;the* Pi‘hyfi%tiaAns~i%=téf3*th;=;ir‘"VoWfiE~Wf¢ri§c;g§1d~ A 43¢ in di‘fiarb‘eit&a~e;fi m:@:aus €;1iia(§¥i*‘i.=‘A A youa paa1_a:es,4 but ma diffx*I‘é * * <’Ef%~t1*xeni»aI@”ne»thefi1 ~.-ma t19f@i%:%5EaIi*eA4AtI2"”Aer3*ia no’-Jo~ngcra:% (witm> pfiiy'yc§g1AA2d£n'*iii*iP€€r~‘th~~i«§§Wtfféfhat‘)~§’iitI1»éa*3v5e . ; :=rsei*a-*%s4<;1«1~%maA%%éareda é;fiEt*to em ‘ 3 A Lamy, Ais;Aa workcofrcparati ' ‘Y \ « 1.» % V“ §IQ.GFGOa.5 ‘ V¢c>“?b.é heard, but all t11i~n~gs were A tOAAbC¢ doiae?# mUA1t7"fG5H~€Af€'AAinvt1’Ii5;I'§lpai1‘€ 0f’Atl1€:AA;.» 9 all/~ A “A L A A V M Ufa A At; %inCaAeac>1.w,zi ::fi¢zgm’;z°:i¢:a1i5taA A J éf&i1yf@ur;y4ifc3fes,.iM<:I% 1:9 I i afiiié y@wr#bpd%yA.% J ’ J V 0&1 of th e%h,O*151»f’c%’%4’VA£3**-A_ ~ if A V V V “A x X ”a‘r’i€I‘*'A’t‘};}Ver§fb1‘”¢£~A Tthcf; A * re of .. A ~o . . 3. Y Wflvne%wirhv¢At:; ‘**3~‘“\i*e; ‘ PirkcAca«rAri»"edv~upo1i:ABcaff§§.4BU%tAAbyA‘ n1*é1iA,A:WrhichAmccA‘ _ A rhinkessmay intima.te;Ath11S»~gnuchfi»u~ntca 1v1;s‘, that h: A have VV1*r.m=tter«~s the hufChA€mm§A1 ~a9~‘g}é§i%A%:n~0t by. as A and unr+u#1yaffe.t:13 You r»;g1;c4 i;:;y:€5~1trpri'Vavt?ét ag:zd;n€¢h311iGal1 miazésswhich is ybL1r.:epropTéi“f%a%tion;;:0i:V.CR1$1ing,arid you fnaydoc4W¢11r % *t‘o::c:;oz:Iid»:r,whcther :d0¢]W‘¢11 to neg~1c¢5tthat.Vbt1fi,n ncxiz-:.godhach y<>u%'aboutm méddlc wirhgdzah: 5r“ that they are aqfwcrcable to ,thcgrea.t od fox: j V allerrours and; mAifprifi9ns% t;bcrcin.»~:and.4 mufl: .,.go§<=,a+-; 4 A L % £ix:hcxwithrAyth;c3191:? flram$ofir--f¥our % 9%crwfitAt4¢thAcrd withthemA—of their happy dc: fignes, y:Q,1:¢apc the A harvcft ofthatgood j % ftecfhwhich =hey.fl1:i11%foW,.to gather‘rhc_frtIirofthoI?: A wh:ofi®m=P1ants,*whichrhcy.A{hallplantinthc garden A ” ofche wCommoIM1+wcalth,A A which I wifh mayprovc una- cvcry Qncofwilsgas the GarcIcn,I ,or paradilc of God, Cilriingforth Unto%y0u; thttm ortall fruit of the tree % of b0th 'fi'OIm C‘m'£‘3°f: thc Omor fword4%Aofthc other, to th E c ter- néllacomfmt05111)'OWrAV+iq&I;I¢5a.Ibthismovckyou not to giV€'0Ver Y.0:11r%A‘ur1<1.ui%c:t.; ;r;r9.tion$4%,%give me 1eav‘e% to‘ 4mind.¥0u Offihfir .I‘ho.peVAthis W“ A “ AAfci'b2¢xmej*9f'193i))z!}Z;}#bwx.@.z’i=iI.s'.' «-21 y tkieAf‘A’?¢.¥iT\:,r~AAVm‘d\ vqegmafdwdfif chfiiratia A - A A Féffiihatiods tc§AAC1h‘¢1\ii¢AAA A ®** I_1m.enic-a¥.1AA niént,that‘m?92y’A7AxenA:fi5untié=.iAr1€§;@f?tAri1:tab%3?an~;;I:A44AP;gAgcA¢:AA } A f A AA mgerhcn w3:h;Atiz:slAipeA Ammo ’;. Y’ 'Zfiv' i £_t « A _;iI”f'I1E1~1(':é."frrL‘iA’i5tfiu?;AlA-"QM. :;th;c.:.: “Barren; %an;d.:th»ir{igy. places *iith*w¢‘or1d:A%i;IAA tff=‘Y£“If>1AA11Ab€€fafi$‘ n1ittc_:d AthcirvA»c‘A:1.u«f‘&c»‘m; A A” %_ =' iméh f,w‘l1p!I12thc‘y’T?ha“$f€A mac tAh‘cirA;? A-A~I:A"*3mt«d; bu» AV '".‘,j.],£3ar.,S;?§AaI£;1d" proxies % mrhe AAmam:ging*~0ftAhAi§;greatw*orlec.~:A.,4AAAAqd A A A Agavethemthis:poWcrWA!r&¢Ly5ffO-;th§:yA1:335; A Aacf; {H Ath;1éit;:Arrx9;5y:be'c frcé clyg¢?E¢IL*¢f:fl”$:VdA;A Aji A ~ A AA A tIaA?ey,* AhaAx*e: -~‘o;;con1znitt:.€dV;¢i&§e :.qn;ArzaaA3z4 5% A fw inAzhc%;eartapps*a1*as2<:e sharAisAfiT:= 1“ ‘ _ I :m>19=tAh%¢;11-« A V% A_~&cA.in:;thAc:%:»f<@”DiL; zpmationsftF1ac;‘thefi:.pmeéédirwgs A A: \\ ~“-YWSAnr%ayg£¢§me% to~AAlay%.1jipA@n >:t:A « :6 ,m. :.; he 1 A A . ~A. .3‘ ‘ ‘I \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘A >, “~;4 ‘ yg ‘ Q‘; , v ‘ A_,a \‘,r um ‘I ‘- ‘- ‘-7 ‘ %1s~%o&he %“fpgirArs :"3»imU-{HQ RWY **7°1':s*AiI1‘Amh6 Pri¢é~an.d mlléue tire h0rfe ‘ A ¢§rfA::®_e:-3 mlrip: %:onAAm;%e; w=@:yc%¢;%®f2«:V1: M H; W i“$fi«sh=avAé memfaziatxs é fore maria V"§t2.?1E3e:Aiitf”omAAd%i%Fgrac¢~to "baai11v4itcd-A%tono?0£§én ¢ i;§*°i-V1?‘-E‘? d“‘%iA*‘=5‘*"«‘7EfP‘5"3}i?‘*11Yiffihfirfibwfik Ch? :1.5:flP€ :v1biéfiE%é (:‘3>17f2‘-}'1hf‘C’c%%»'1'$1‘«aa‘fi, rtAdmh;ng;;4;Q:qJ:y i;;1;¢;;;m¢ A _ “ V AAareAa¢re::aaeAd"wirhAx A A me o£c1a.;Apra*:re¢by»akinggawnyxche gxim%rhan ‘M. A ¢ "’ ‘A AC! V ’ o%pp‘Gnmm“itiz€s,::Af “which: jb .;:;=lng;1m... %% _ ;, A A‘ Whiich;r1Ety“ A M., ., ‘ N My .. 1? i11ak4ifig‘‘it«fcé;11c flavifh. tr ~%~< 2 A z A an ' 7 t'@9th5f45f:f§5W*°AflTi’0Afls£ w [.3 ;::¢ ‘I’. % H Hg: q,.',;,‘~.J:~, fic.to*b=AAe’:¢: rdA'0AI1ef,A ;i1n»dAA to Lfity %"°7tlW“€“**V§F .”1Tlr<5t1~0I1£ IQ b‘E;{ettf1'§§Rard?%.V: :.;:;:'A L; A: ‘ Mn V? A EWé4o'mi@fflr=Agcxaxsnvhiéh "f7re‘%”d€§mic’4%;o$f her;PérformanAccs,5a;nAd di£HO!f}iT£lg§ the A " mvA ,e » rm: ~'Cé)m%céi*{c L Vic:1;;m@gA£or% u4A~to%Jfo114oyv%Ayw1; :radsA$€AtaIIimg:‘sx:which A A V‘ is ffiekjflfipcs ;wTa*iChv: GOd%?hatjh, fcétit Aafboi1t,At~I'i’en %tm;H§8c tfi315th€%r§*%Ai11_A‘y?A0uwnme%Vc§fiT;ry-méem sfinggat wwe£tm§1u{tc~re AI§yiab:¢A moréAi:n%:uIA1i§:V@;m;;%:3;ut A ~rI;:pmyA¢youAbecjt:exgagr rfca£:wE:he2*1?ar1ia;2i1AcnAz — xrif : yet: in%lt1aA¢%fifth Fp%la7ce,"Le c :%gneeagI«;fedyoé: A *i1%5the?Fé?*’I?"§<1*ié:inAAh%f1<1i35t A ; - ~'A Fright di”fi30 Tume:i1sA§:oI;1fid6r EhfeAfixrafi§:V%~41~afk+p1a9eAt0 .P’1."?~’f¢if_1;t:11I11¢0‘ you 4 A n,%AAand t0d‘e1ira_c, ' t9.beA;fc:ri9uflywwxrclo, that yau 4d9c%%nor ¢fier— ;A;‘sf?‘+t¢,-: -Wh“an;<-Youcntend I0ARr0Amo§€«- 1 I» know 1'? :15 Your ~AdV°fi¥.*?d?3;tt11¢%%h€a1tl1fii11:3fl.d¢g105€i0!1SA“d?5P‘nC;ifl h3nd,A, mfiflifit beeApenf€6ic:d%:iand 5“i[h°9fi{;b!J.t,that it ~mM3Y%AV.b¢¢5 fiX¢~d.A amd+:f~2rl¢dA f;1jP‘@.n °‘°.'(Q%.".“-'..”‘T:.:,;£g:a'B?fi:s‘éQd 4 . ’]f§Q1!nd3tio:@k:thati:Amay 11593 ;;b[c;fl1akc¢1Id9WnAagainA¢,by §Aa9ny%%£%o;r:w§A t~=:nmf*S AAiW5h«a»tf9°Ve17s*&§h‘3F‘th¢ D§€Vm Aumfim 0?.hiAsjeAA.can§L1*aifc againflfit %Tha#: A & thofe‘g0o4%g10ry.sA and cxcc11,cn¢y, fo -V " rIia:k%4Abefi1‘0ngaI3ddmeable as y~r0nA able my % A%bin?l ".V. .=a*nd'If in1:h€i»r duA<=aaordcr and limltsall mic. V 1: m¢flA%¢x%trfiW€mnedVAAWs;0f?d1iSAf*2tfl- A iV%ANoW¥%il1c gr6a§dBi1§t1‘AéiT¢¢QrAPot1ndati0n uponwmh ‘ Ive?no:A «mifiamois .T}I:i9RQn‘,th€fr€¢ c<1£11t=r2t~52f §‘h<=»King%and fubic%in%the ;i.i:<;9:2r;;ixn,<::~—£iT1wgAA and ?fa%rmingAAth¢rAfi-A .AAn%dAv that%isAin\ M w;thallLA:. um.--~ , .“I_v*"“F"" \ “""-v ,.u...-.....M.; .. .,... _..A ‘ . A;a*cMmay9;~:d*22riéa°2w;;a2s:&*sj§v?;~2;;: ¢ %Awi*EhTa11,* {hat aAn:y h41i1n;aTbé%I;i1$>vgiA$r:éi'%<;a?i ’ A_ " A E; 4 fin;:e4 it.»is% fuit’?s.»ib"eAPs M A c A A which is»cmm0n1yamourous_ of Lib A arm”-,and is apt“ to‘take4éIlthingS with *th9?1cft" handkflht fiifimrof“. A , MabI;idgemAAcn1: 701‘ j~imp ofit§i0AiI:~ ddthj a1fo ‘I V * t~i_41cmm0fi ofall excuf:SAoVrquarreHs %again& the A A f0r;finc.e it doth Jim. 3 fort? %makAcAAA them 2111 (for the can; A AA fiderable pat tin policy) as Mwevflfpartiés 2 a.;nd& ageqtsi ¢% 4 the making ofthc yoke, %as*pa{fi\{¢ ~~in3t‘h§: Vvbeayixyg-4o%f 1 we are fo.mi1ch thtfi; mbri: AA »3I1M%p!E:a§¢%an‘§i ct-gpszion Rfgglflfi 1‘t,1“mmllrt;be¢‘tetken+_c§ff;'firwabjf . 1~c.Aom gene:a11inc1u1aczon, rim: we%v5adJ% be tfh takc..L1p“at on;e*Inne~many4trm~¢s;;yet ghg‘%AAf‘qg;:;_¢j§ is gzhoug,-ht to bee t«h~6F&1Ijt‘1' xvay A whatfocxtex%i$Lomj ;e-,~w;i:%‘ixiillsrhav<:.nota*haqd4in the pa1Txng3%weV¢gfu¢311&* % ow: fr-‘ms eYthEf¢ »ml3’d 01-1 ch%~:ar¢t1<>FsT.%f13ué A g;hgj:wkri_chM.iSgiv*CI1‘ thb % ‘ % A A jflw bflfi A A J? R - “ cu‘ aéap0fl"°fl10fl»afldWolltnfarybondagebtttenth‘¢n¢a forccdfifl-=d0nw:(151I1*2ay4’0fP¢3k¢9x¢%.%VVf¢etak~?our am %9hg*é§w¢e%udder.a A ‘AVolun'tarY»fi1bi¢€iiAomAmifffléfiafi ‘ti6fiEi$’d%Ad%FLéW€§ ofa IargéritIrifdi&i0fi”~tfiéfi puAc~%¢chem‘m. f€EV¢5‘1011Withafflfcc%&AViOkdC¢:3i1d#V€{f€«»w1‘CC§§E'iVCd, wit»h A ;rcIuéW?¢Y0fAth€»P1¢9P1°é mecheyxayho1d»aponma w hgle Vwi1I‘it%%ieI£e, iifliiéh‘ 4 A .ism0f1 1n.to11¢mm+0f¢éPt¢1VfiY*3fid“%th=w.Am¢fi¢ ‘l1ni?rti$’fi* %&.ab1‘¢obie&0twAagaIn%fHuchVI ?<>VF -3-di3i7I‘o1ni%t§ori?of ingwhich mufi n<:r:,efl"ari1y fo1'1o_w, if evc%rya;;;jcu1gg _ A % }3‘3d‘:b~9M°3k§A hiImfc1Fe{to «thq making: A % which Would“:b,d9é1fovth#eVdiflblntionof the"C;V <*m~ ~ A}Mea1'%h;eand4A“wcrcto44deftr9yd;th¢ bod)? :3 ;. * ‘ . .32‘ AA . =4?e:‘Le’“‘£.*¢ 9? ~L244cb4rméfiFT;;m!:::m:fspfrizx, A ”£he¢"d‘i{é;afi;§ofiz; And ind.-éed :1: Visbueco yam umé A m¢A¢fe;f,eccmries,and«im poflibxicaes;cryramscharwas A * , fIM1‘~t1fl3i‘lI~l’1"9':;u1‘:dAer) which%fQr'b=idva11y fziifibleordcrly V%'(§A1k;V¢;1;+rencc of fo.mar.1yAl§nto 0‘n‘c} C_Aounccl,1 "t<_>1;'\‘C()%I1-6 A ”i:1au%c.4{j1‘1cc..noAp1::.c'e¢ wouldbcc1th»er«b*igge enouh A % % tore€:ei§}*e=thetn5Vn¢1th‘ctVWouId%tI1cirimmcnfityfu Act A M V th'e‘n1ito~HraW n%eVere~*'cnoL1gh to.gctl1er,. cocom'm1mi.% A A . lfcatc thc§rACounjcc1—s, ‘:‘md*'advices, “but ‘one partzmifl ‘ n*e’cds beAaff:angerx,1nto“t-beother, ~‘No1f_WouId their %% %numbéi~.ot fI11,{1I~tituVde“ad-mitidf"iiny-fit ‘tdurfé Ld1“'tim¢; J % Vforrhecompucation cbmparingofcheir xgocesgfimr % I A ‘Athefc,-and perhaps fome other reaforxs , which for* the prefcflt Ithinkimt Qfjt is mofl nccéffary ,7 unzzvpidg lab}:-,.Athat4thVe% inn umerablc 1 multitude ofthel‘S't1%bjc'B:§ fhou1db%y er1eaeioi«A%ofAmPmxiess refpeétivc "aTrtorneys‘%beVredu¢ed intc~a: comxbfiefit aff¢mlaI3>Ic7 a11‘¢ompany ‘c>£fchoAAre,%whi.::h* mic "o£~:hc ;wi‘I°c%r,A, and"iho%re~exccllentconf’e’itL1tio“n;mrho are to 2161; A’ A =§f(3Vi%awlI”%thé*ref’t5 and’ Aii14their?nai1°i“c’ A.» ’%:§u;d. poure;~ to” ive A V?th’@¢irvbycfsfcith¢rAWith%; A:orAagaia&4rh%o:e-conAmA:uti- A *é§ns;1;%whi‘cfi’*g1r.e"%-tobe: bit1ciifig”"v«tE:i”th%¢taérfidlébtxdy;7A’n& I A§hc1'c%Icc§nceive 15 the vcry‘ VreafonabIc;'a*21&wd even :;atAuj5- %Ara11‘~1°om1d_at1on ofa P3~r1i‘ame%nAt";, svhichAA%isLthat.éxc‘¢L- %V¢intcIIénc:a11* Bo%dy"a“sV*I my "fo1fp¢3ké , in the whozc AAsca:c%% or "Common-wealth *:4dbth‘V~V«both»judge and cor¥1fent' either to approve 70: %% “difagprova ofthofe thinges which {hall "be%p%rop’o {éd,' ’Th7e &hémb_e£3Aie Where0fIcbnceivc to be‘eAoft%woAf'c:‘rts, AA A A " J ”%V~fom«e4AVfeVt4Icd4a11ciapointeAd£117-cheirpzmicialerc¢jndiri- ” . AAons',ji{i*:h¢ Vfi:znaIame:;;aIs Iawesof ,this_kin %dome, n:¢ayA%;‘fecnae%Atome a -"1ftl1*¢'\?i*:11*d>l‘c;~~ari;1 9.ny~1iiio1r:.ncc::wh4ichmaybedcmga, A ‘A A t1uc%unto~their-'fi-cc»proceedings‘ is: .eq.ua1Iy:opAeraf1g;¢ A A "4 %Afasf4xnay,fee;rxc iforathc differ: forceing of chcitlztwess 44 orjat%lcafit9g%ivA¢aVhint umofthofegthathave-aLdefire to _ _ ttxept agazmft thcmgas%ifit'had%bccne401%;-ed.unto the” \\1gfcat.bddyof t%hei’CO r*nm‘Q11.weaIthJ it. fi:lfe&,%% «.%n%cyth.€q1‘V A V. , Ski1Ls7%it iht1€h,(I conga 1v“c)What“h‘éMrthis4 uicalbnce (figgm it -in truth,or in appearance) procped from an external} “Qt forraignc power, or ft om an unzzuthc:nticaI1 pf:aft‘OMf‘ fémc "@013 Y,*‘for "it! % %g*W%;<=m=11V<%¢m1f€nt%*tor%»¢fre¢:,~:V4ana la?thfi*y?afeAfurp¢siz%ad*ana ~ awed by fbrraigne for]cc's_ or rcrrour 5 _~bLuc whm any AA [Part déth give a fcmblanccpffwayingaand‘ ofverp4owe;- A1*ing=t1ie’r6fi, todfaw 4‘=md»cxa«‘?c?' &wh’ich‘is 1-dor1e‘by>c1*amurAoVr"i;t:umult;eI@eciéIIy:.%wh¢g ’ ‘fthat patrhzwe deVcTfie’d’%Eh%c11ufe1vesafchcir powerana ~ ugtes%_.,7yuf9mflatitigfthem;upon t:hat( ’%reprcfcntatiy¢ ib,0°3_Y~ 1 Mid ind“ 7“? ¢3{¢Wi?hY9“jand‘éhfi Farm“ ” a+mcnt.;a ”%Th%drfi?‘f5f€V:‘i%fy®1a;flao¢u1d:but% by A the fl1cw43o,£ A .¢ ) ‘4 Vtcrroxirand uilew:e4riwh:iAchVyoAu"r‘i::regu1a;r»ecncou;-1é,¢} » v find’tL1n1u%1ts%1myVfavoxiroff)V%dr::%traé’c any tahing»bu,rin‘ A A a'ppc7arance'%frgom tAiik3i‘:ie§2t.30me i&n&thc‘i1'agitatio11and “ *conc1u%fionV4oifuhc5fc bu4fincf¥'cs. they have ifl.ha1:1ad: . j “ T'ak¢5 heed'd4 yfou%~ Adtic ,.~n0n%"%ea1dangcr an abat¢m;ent%of : ;¢iflimat”e‘ork Iialue ofthofb lawes w11i¢11?;V‘11%¢jr_%fljaa;1l A % % and_chgty'o{upr~eparcA not.too.m;z¢hroom;:{grV A A A“, V » » A M; ” A ] _A ‘A mjhofc__..L _ A V o 4 L4~Cba;mefir AfmulmmsAsgéiyfiis. i ‘thQfe"ghat%fi1a11qiflilce them hereafter;tQ[pretend»vthm: A‘ ti2b%.»*we"re madc*1uAt’crr0uran;d tL1'm~u1t,T ‘and Ar.ather%by ‘W- A A Elwclamour }V*%af%amu1~titude,% th.:L1t§:s%4{:%1id ’ de’Iib'eram:judgcm;cnts'ofthpxfv: =torwhéa%m"¢th.cW .I{..igg A A ._ V‘4o:1m-:a,; “ 33 }ivempfight1y:aVn% 1xm¢ft15w»~m gra4,d%:¢s%:andg;a1li;n4gs,5 f and cowkcepcflyhour. ft4:1:v7<‘:‘s”ggwighinjygur ;l%in;5i1;§, and :;tb . \ 'zthe‘y:cQ;1{tViongb1eA Awexwcife .05 M %idP¥v0P§r%.45 _»fm¢n‘t"s‘: »j%A1iandn¥5*'t0 mC1‘U‘fWin;Epth&t‘y011i l}EkC1“¢.IBiéi§iCi 11 L ;‘;1”}(jt§ %:1 ;;y4c$u wili I‘1fl§3€d$: be aflsive ~‘in1regfo 1=n1a%tion’,L ’1£:tAA in V A * ~kfng_dome hacifV~cotmfr1itt§d7~t1;s1c: %‘W0;t;k§ ;~f($§.by a mo m11ch.ke:neI17em:»ungrntg.and.v.pzc£fing*uponthcbu... 1 fimtfl7e;:.4y-dum%xWI?»h€attmsai11fiA.y9ux J V A ?ver;cau=.«fncs5;-yourqp pr¢£‘1"»nMs,;A. A /I “ J. t;"‘*g* c:Mme;a5{t»z;;¢¢2z:£2o2as&;s%,52*g2:.g=:- % I X %§uP¢dea1ingsV%Ainyourrrédesgfi@i1€*1i’cV5youfim?3;uiAét. _ % A {firzdf diflrémpcred ai¥e‘c€’c1ofis_.;aghir:fl:ydt1‘f:flfpViritii.@ ;a11pj;id¢ gridffaéfiaus:incIi»t1atiohSv,; exlmecutf; judg. AA AA .;menVt%% 119021.: “thofe: ,fi_¢:eb‘%rénd§~ V~At%her¢}’WhiV¢h ?m «éppreflicin V - ;I;cb.c11ion,freeing:“:;;s%bdt11~4f1?ég;1i anés weejmay %A«bee«aL"gImf‘fixas ?*fCf1‘i1*rqH iggnté . A * himfelfcmndan$;iA'm%itab1%eAexample b{)th ‘Of“‘p qacég _ $t*i:;1tT1i‘i%%<3c’Vh%d% gn“id¢ic5«Ia .p~rdit¢&“~ ” ;t33¢%K%figsMaicfimth¢high%3£4rhdn0rab1e%2I1?=riw-A ~*‘bY§7 Par1i;3iI%c;I1A§=V5fith5aroceE’dif1gfié¢ » %% 4::Té1I%%éi“i§*ifiVona ii%d p;a;fIion‘Wi_£%1}ACQ1hp:l£anc¢%aIid.%’tce§«- . ,V&refpand?én”%¢y;rIIattheymayccnaziuée Ainrthatsnor 1 ,A_%xi2Vhi<:4h yo11%orI, orany[.Abth¢r\~.x2aay fiancyi?m;«deg - A %—fir¢=?bBtin that Wlékhis:%§1‘€¢fib1€¢t0Vr1ac%Wi11s&3ni1 A clfic:iA:f:1_$ ‘ % « which arcaznong-youf,A%¢%4 da%rcM¢Vnot aAc¢1j*_fé,:"any!;;f‘ % Abunvho‘ever-they Haj A, AHA1et4“m%¢. A §C11*“ thetn‘th~a t doubt it will be found a AAAWGrk€f3;,‘th3tL‘WAi1I £c_¢f¢i+‘¢c;g‘% but tan ut1COIIA1*AAfOrta;b1 cg AArc‘co7ii1pLenté‘A‘¢+%fr4d111uc1u"¢f» Gbd 0fApeaC€,to4kii1d1AAc tfigffi§'cAoft1:fifnu1”tAa1j;d‘Afc;;A'J AA A éiaion in th<.:Chu rch, iAfV2;-A:-r,:zl7 met1wifA11.a brea£h:AA . A A from the Lora ‘, t§>r%§.A;Ar,A;Af1f1 &Vh;1Andfi1po;i jfl.Vrkc,"%'%71tO“k¢cApe1t»frppzr faIl";_§1g¢ wvhcrxxt wa$‘%{hfzi'-'&‘%% aeemwhar that bythcir te1'nrca%r1ous%~att::mp”ts up9;1it5do‘¢‘A ‘ ‘A aéinuchgas Ainthem 1?yet1i7“_;,fiii§ieAtAiiItb‘pcccesthat A A A ‘hbly Aizke ofthc I1ords1‘h0A,,i1fe5lo0ke butup oAn,th%e: J Gfierdaif of murmu_rerS- 7Mfa6’ci§n_ifi$AV”in‘Athis;f_ A %wor1da imhe~%04f‘thc B9°ke»of‘AW4 And it tnay%A1igdhttyi5u :bTa*flar’evwdV gucfi: Vwhat” re...{ 1! ward theAy.arc,lik¢ ;oAhave”jifn7thfc world to‘ %come;,[, % am bath to fu»ppp6%AAaf1Ys; mcf 1caveytQ‘ad.-« ” V AA CA AAm°“ifl‘AA"u3 E’A“.‘”AA‘f ;‘:AA“1‘&’*“'A’f‘AM?W“fla A3+“dAAt°;P‘3‘:AA 2 youin mind,hoWd1~fproport1on‘c:dfuch wi1Edom_ — A i A. “is unto thaItAAW~ifé-d o1nc3W1§AiA5hcdmn1eth’AV‘ fi*otr..14Aa-, A whitlithé A%pofi1cté11erh%you,moth (and A AI~hopc€rl1=e“may y~;emtp“aflE»wAfo§ stufihi-rfnticallj tha_1: itis. . ~ fidkpurAe,thcnpeaQca1c,;‘AAGcntlc;,cafictobc ins-AAV I A A m: atcd, full Agf, mercy, A ahd*gqoWAd ffui{tswitho1A1t:A»} 1 ;u:dg1ngand%-Nathan; hypocrimzatand 4 bc§gr¢Aac Vzhe1:hircccn‘vcrfcA of the dime Chaptetg, 4wI:q;;ix; A A wifizmaflgkmd. cncla&d“":AAvith mg»: 5 Y A AA .5A?4m0’V’£'*fi’«4"'¥ 1 A A A A A .let%/2im% "jbemlwya gbodAqbnwerf4At{én, A AA A *~1*£¢i?ee?¢.(/3 é*éwifiévms‘£.nd V’ , _ z L A%AF'I7;al'¥nBl1AEV ‘ . A 14 3; A cbgxmgfiz??:mz:;Z:m;é%Spirit;s-:3 4 A % % “ *'f”.1'ee % £w¥r»e%tm' fiW2¢g%» W flfifi ’A%”yA7W: lWt?a=, M0}? Am i $653156?’ 56 %1i€r£ again/t’ t5,a:A~% AA A 2523?}:/2;AV%t/57%.? .wi.?d'a§ne$; de"4f5M’etb frm V flew 4"é.am.%:%A;« » if £zZrt;5Al)rV._,AAAfi’2§_ftA#d7/_; L'ALa'z?I§4é/@703 For 33?5§‘F"€A Aefiwy A ‘:m’flVifiAés, tf2éAreji:f5é5iiiM 4?Zé1ii4AZ/A7??¥1”’??f g;’m"/2:‘ mom;%% %fiwé1y~ Saint rams;beA*%canonaca1a% .$c1:i};§‘if};1ifE;(i§?Ih0P§4tI1étwill be men e, of 0iw1l‘;g1}§W¥ ; . d“cfibfi:4§ ),:t[',1:1#.€;Ah,AAAA_t}.1§LS‘*l is* Ac5z*thod%bx " 4D0J&rine~,; ‘magi: if thié b‘eT <,m11é>dic2::%1d<><$i2?ix1c.a th:%pradi'ife offoméf } 0Arf§’.¢11i3Bi1t»'1?11h€‘7¢1’F?d°XPm5£ifi%th8A'fW’1:ds;a1Ic;; C %foVlcl,éfare, t1ifcy.n;acd 13:0 g1i€£1_t[A”C On? e;11Ata;1'§?ay0:,LI {Eda hterc flit:Apia-i11¢Ac11§;2‘;§g&;53;‘s:ofwhgavcrily:anddives-M; M — IifhWii?:%d,c§‘;n¢1fétAdQvvncby«th,eirg«ti711c\Aa~ngippp;;)-jg , . ' I ifite%p1;'op€;‘;ics,%%4 the V%namc~ofVi%j131‘0Wfl*3£f€?Wi?3i€Sz:yQ.i1.‘¢TWiI“II”hbpfi.+' A A A M %ouc¢of love "that! _%With'% thwiefotmiry <;>fA"tu«.:»«.A ‘ A... is‘: A gafi0i?»;Ath3tY0l10W¢ Vnto=%€/mf/5 -%fthf¢Priflc¢*;V%—% ‘‘ V ~ qfp h;a¥%35%)’Q%1Tar¢ hisV1E=1¢va:&ts~.an5d M116 V A A M1flA1&°‘r~3-*_9fP§aC¢ §E§;t§~?s6‘ 4 fi5cV1A14%4,M%€>iFT;V 156;a«cc,.f€j an}! znea1:z;a*s¢posL i'§'ble.,VboAt1iVbyAd0A5f1‘in¢“3¢%€X&mjg.=21c;§.feeI§e,Vthegrim. Ct1r€r!1¢AdiitAOfIhr¢‘§Acéi¢c%oft3:1.e $3-hurc11A:Caf£4off,I*«%_A ~ A :¥?i¢f¢4¢¢h¢yfi,1iAAbY19-11A‘tAh0fc¢%A%i‘€at%if23if1ds*ta%«Vobliw _ A: A;.Athof'e gldrious fl31'l'CS5_AA1 ; A theyrsi Andi intreat them to confidcr of it with A A ; ameelmfiand aA chrillian heartfiind to waigh jg Awa.lAl V»"l‘1cl:h€1.“tl1€IAt.'At1'll_t'l1*lTafi€.'tl1irI0t’A’”l“(3lf1gE'ili“i§;f?i”El AA fpeedéthl"no!:bafgtllatisbroughtinfilfotnented » laylapeaceable mind,Sz{o Icommityouall un 1:0; A A A AA »G0d,lAandto the‘pow;;t fQ@’_I‘_1i5_s‘Agrace, bwfeedzing A his glorious Majefiythat he will give us all hearts AA ;t'ocnde:zvo111: the making‘ upof thofc mifctablc A A , A iflra<9cio11s_._.thzltarcamongfi:us,,that rgercyandl \ A ‘rii“éét‘eAAAAAtt3ge‘tAl'1'€5Ar;AA' f‘§l"Ii”25l“’rl“°gfitE”orwfia%é£I‘»; AA “and wpeacc may kiffe each other : Atlmt AA he will be A " plcafed~tovtakcApitty uponour poem difirct:fiEd‘A A A A Ch11rchesl,.l‘cI§atA~tl1E§7.lime £10: lconfulned in the A M. lfiamés of'theirownclAiAfCords Atothe glqryizag 8: re». % : *;4lcWe;'er%w:¢:a2ao;z:As u asfvvordsandfwlresl '=0»:P1A€1'€€~';ai14*eV3»119«¢fa§A¢ AA tfiés in thagrbulildxnfg he A Cl;é.ifiAeAn1féAd Atogiétlierwigh’ hisf «om: 1310.1? Pffi?-itvilfi 1510Ud=A0hAll ‘A fiiflc I *b¢V¢€ChAAYT°A.¥¥,» that ll>'iP'.=AAll*?~‘ Prolfcfrbe, thaw: beanathematiz§~dAAlf}jAg3MamonAgcfi VsAthat mm. A A l memalwma Szzceralotééza-s._l’>ut alaswhy*c:l0I~fpc'al