,:_:'_-;:-,§;;~ -_s;J >,:.~, ; '-- 3«-5.29‘:-«— -“.:~-_.»-'-,- -, .4 ’“:‘3:3‘.1.F: : f :"f:i‘.-“:37-. ‘ :_._. . 1* ‘S. - um». I .‘\\‘‘N , ,4’, .‘ ._ h " ,1 4,5,4" A, J I I , ',v émééiéizE£,!:,I,M/‘,{.M%:,fimV« .. , A F L.L -no gfwwvf E31 W «la 1’ /,.-/f» /s _{ ,/i'7/.V'.'nMr"./ /7///fi \ M: ' _ -\...........-._:.._L.?‘....— .~......... 1-. *~ ~ . .. . \ . - _ ....._.. _ ...‘ ....4"""""“'-.....‘ ...‘...._...._,,,,,,‘_""""'-‘;_-_*” ‘. I WWWW F fl It A \x%_1.‘m~.X\‘\w ;\ N x. xxx we» we \\K»~:\Y ~.mxx»~e:A~w>-~>:~a,.:.\ M 3, rwmmmw av. vm;.mm:,, M; W V ‘M’. J‘ . ‘ Q: N1!‘ .1 . I y ‘ '5“ V u._ "u. v . “~. Em‘ In ‘ ‘ k\~ K». -g__ ‘.‘ ‘. W ‘ . M ‘K H . _ W . 4. ‘ ‘1"'\ 4' an . ._ A.._ , ’ 4 1:;-me cfi/teditatimx V.--—v THE : RIN CELY ‘P ELLICA N. R OY ALL RES OLVES PRESENTED =In fundry choice 0 13 s E RVA T 1 0 N 3, 3 A *Extra6h':d from His M Aj ga 'r 4I 2 s A W I :2‘ H V ~Ki'ng&omc That His sum-4 Peafm was thc %% “ * Bpid'.inE»ng:hirid. mama regere, Rcgiéw fubjici !’ quid, iniquim 5’ A A -—---um--.' ’SaRt1'sf‘aéto1‘y R E A s o N s to the Whole W oncly Author of them. 3 . ‘A A Printedin the Yeare, 16 4.9.; L’ fin-;_.__ "' 1 _M_,,.,[ VVl1ofc Thoughts are Straxfi To ALL MFAITHFULL LJNDV A Loyallywafftéiefid S u 13 EC 5 4 D1Vifion5 A Vvhofc Hearts are zealous purfuers A after ‘Uhiom, flAN D , A ‘~*‘ Pon the iniiancy offundzgr “Perfiam- ofaccommand in quality, to whoferampie favours Imufi ever ac- ; knowledgcmyfelferhighiy obliged; having fuch 3 V A iniiuence over me, has no amicable refpefls could u A‘ “ more indeerc: me: I wasinduced to returns them form: Sm'.vfmSZa:;y Renffmr concerning diverfe. particularsrnainiyr rcflefiing upon Hisfldnjeflier DirzineEjf.§ya: lateiy Publifhed : and i for aA~Lir/imglwemaria/Z of Princely piety, and devotion, to all Poficriries recommended; A A A A A i ~ Now, theirrkeafon of importuning my Pen to this Task, pro.» crrededi from their long knowledge of me for many ye-ares, to be rr Confiuznt .S‘c2~u.«:mt to His i3acredPer;flrn 4: and to whom (without arrogancc:AA be it fpAoken) His Majoq/iy was oft-tiimr:s plcafed to communicate His private Councells and Addrefirs.‘ Neither urns the Service I did Him (to much out of an integrious and fiocere Spirit, I dare avouch) at any time fincethefc unhappy difiraéii- -ions, prejudiciall to the Peace of the Pnblique ; or the unferiing of rhofc High Afiaires, which at firii fight: prctendedr fafoty to the in SraLre~: and Iatisfaétionrro every loyall and wefldifpofed Suh- " i€<“*- Neither, i-ndeed, (to decline ail prejudiczitc Cenfnres touching ' His nfllnjefiie: gracious difpofition that way) would His Sacred Bare lend the leafi attention to any fuggeiiing Infimmenr of Di». vifion :; but with a pioué averfion, or diiinfce to inch f'omr:nz:ers, A rcrurne them afha1'p rr:-proofc grhoiugh their advice mighrifrenwrzi nevcrio corrducingm the viridicntion of His wrongs; orn2—in.. vefliing Him inxi-Iis 0wn€.f A ' A A B A This A The 1.-’m'mtely- Pcllicam AA This-:1’ dare confidently men for truth, as one 'wvh'oihad re; mnilnetd conlinntelyein my AttenAdance»uponJ His«M'a1CRlEs«Perfon, even to the lali Mane when? we were all expteffely. in joyned to be removed frornl out Gracliam z‘l/Iog/2‘:er :. whole love to His owne was [0 great, as this Injunéhon of out departure from Him, cflrangcd £15 from 0115 P31‘ foznall att‘C_I1_Cla!JCC.; but. nevet~£romA, the L memory of His goodnelife : not the indwid 11311 tit‘: Of our Cordi- i all; allegeance.., Bot dalreA«confiAdently aiTett,_ that this». amfml Com;-mmd~~Awas.fo.grievous to forne of us, as the Sentence of death had‘ been with more cheerfulnefli: received by us; then our re-,4 ‘ moveall from M His prefencc,. whofe; gracious; afpeét operated. fo. powerfully on all out motions. A A Hence youa receive the Re"nflmy,» whence I waspittlft upon: thAis»Tn:/kg ; which Ifhall no lefle fnccinétlyl then fincerely rem tux-ne to thehonour of my }.’zt§Z~n/Mqfler~: with cleatfatisfaflionl. to al_l,fuch,e as Randi: idoubtfull ofiithe reality ofifoi princely and; iimp‘araillell’d an Authjor+,._ l L 2 V\ . l ; Fitfi“l‘Athen,i Tothe Gmmdiliwhieh z'7wlm?ed~ His Grace. to n this. it ‘ War/{,4 1:"-Ieiexprefleth HimfelEe“‘:i11=the.very firfi eeEnt~rancc,:. or In.- troduflion to tlhofe His Divine é’j]3}e:- : The Caufe of His-re... move or tecede from this Parliament’: wherein Hclaycs-down _ the Zldotitztex ofeAHisiDapartx;rel ;} A intcgtieonsz defircs of all .: eoncurArency with, that Great Councell of State‘; in lwhatfoevet might hold iconfifiencc with the peaceful! Governments of His Eéingdomes; without‘: the~lea.l‘i ii-ntentiloni lofntrenching upon the Liberty of His Subjcfis, or impofingfany illegall Aburthens upon. their {h’onilders;j ThisI=han/e heard Him oftytlimes fecond, with; tzhis patheticall‘:e"xppe{i'eA :~. 0* t/cam Suéjeé?4i,elqeewiéut tbeimig... grit} afmime PJmrzAtowm1.r t/m71~.'A But underftanding upon what A tdefpera;teA hazards Herun, and how all His Royall intend tn-ents for the Tnéliqfie.-&V8f€Ami£ nonlitued :'1 Nay,“ that I—i1is;.ownee RC1‘-t A fonlcould hardly be Secure without Semringgaftcr fundtyl private l Addrefies (to divertmore open andadeifperfing 'jealoufies) yHe} A "A refolived, having-found all His endeavours and propofelstinfnr. V tisfeflory, totwithdraw Himfelfei f.orialf§eafonAlef'romHis«Patl.ia:-‘ A V ment; 1 hdpiing by that tneanes to make Them His, with HiAs.Aab‘f.. i A’ A A viizrnce and {weetAtemper’d indulgence; whichto His‘ great gre.ife,',, VV aes,He'ip_tofefled,Heicould notlgtoiitunre by;H‘is;p.re{ence. B.,I1t.C0n-I A A12, W traty t TbeAPrince{y»Pgk'iczm.? i A trary to His Texpefiance, This revived 7the‘t ‘wound, iwhieh He hoped, might have been partly, if not perfeéily cured ; Forthis defertion of His Two Houfes, by the aggravation of flame zmmae arias, whom God forgive,’ cryed up ‘His defignes to be nothing le{Te then aiming at a Tyrannicall Government : to make His People Slaves: tandvenrich HisExchequer by»!-Iis Subjefls mine» i And too many crcdulous Estes were ready‘ to give attention to theft: unjufi and injurious Afperfions ; receiving for truth what- foever the poyfon of viperous tongues had maliciouiiyAAA.fugg:e- fled : and to bring an Odixm upon His Sacred Peigflm, publiqueiy‘ difperfed. i . ’ H’ was it not then high time to vindicate His traduced I-Ionour by His ‘TPAem," which He could notwAith'fafety doe in Perfim 3 It was the gMaoximof a‘ ferious Moraiifl 5 who hzidA found by Acxperi- A cute, thatfffinoqgnca“fizmmoned i beforeifa sea; or Injuflice, was a fijfficient objefifor Suferancc : it werefiifiicient ts new;/23;. W/:0‘: A could éeiimzocent 3‘ i A his was my Royall Mafiers condition : His breaii could not be fotranfparant, as to eye His integrity: nor His Perfon with. outtni{~prifion,to plcadflis own Apology. i t A AA ‘ f A Many yeares DebatesA drawnAeA:outflby the lines iofiiour ‘win-i Ming}? ‘Prajefiarr, had refolved what they rneantto doe tvith Him: before they aéied this fearful! and horrid Tragedyupon. Him. They meant to make Him in Glarians King, and fo they have made Him A‘: A but tosazinki g Him firfi, ‘ to difcover thezeai and Allegeance they boreHim. g r e “ g x e ’ But to omit thefe, Iet us give ailitttle more clear fztisfafiion tofuch, whofciptejudicate eyes he not wholly unfi|med,touching‘ His moderate compofure and carriage” after His recefli: from His Parliament. Take afull furveiy of His Princely demeanonr :"and t yi0.u:wiIl_not finde anyrpredominant paflion, or intemperaite fpleane working on Him’. i Ifhough many odious,‘fcurrilous, and tAreacherous,iLibeAlls vveregdaily by an unuauthentick Priviiedge d P0&fiedAu[)', and pnbliihed ag"ainf’t*Him :'hSo:oft as they came to His hand, I-%Ie;iperu_{'ediv.tthem with aimodexfl rmne, epittying threir inAdAiferee,t. Aboldnefii‘, for mif. {pending theirstimc ognfneh ii:anda... i ’ 5 i h A I intmd to «wipe (ifnehiwcre A ~ A t r B2. d if 3, H fiiinlgq % % 15¢ ;Rri;¢cé@r»Fefi'ica)£ af T?HtE. _Itfb;rzll~5e Afakke, jjvlrm J/norm: («:md;md:gyfi;cbit ” _fwma?.c, Pm"li4tmentA will-admit to umdtceigyigfiggg ‘People ; 4 4 ,0 mvzé‘ ;];,g;;« guided gwdgementf, W/an arc’ nag: A I195 .¢‘fiirit,cf ’E1r'raW-A 7 d mmz_yL 5] A Thjéfis were the gro2tmd.£that indwced’ Him to this Warke. The purfi1i: whereof‘, as+ic~co%nduccdhigh1_y to the mutant of His ‘Amind’ am; inward peace in the Mpgnptng :, 80 may 11: render no 1ief¥'eAfat.isfa.but~renVd;er fuljl:ASa~ ~ tisfafiion to all his \Subj€6ts& unleflfé :the;y;we relof fuch a?t%mé14per;,w as Ahada pertinacgioufly 4afI'crt:ed4 aw di£a.f-%7e&ionV to his Pcrfon 3"’ and" ' that Anon fo. much. aszone lung £1a%d[.%fq;lneA4:fr:om% his Pen, with b Honour he mgght not confirme, were it taékgd by Ane~verfo~r~i:gaid;'{ mzuncharitable a conliruflig; = A H . 1. ‘ "9 Hifi rIva;Arr;»aelg<~PeIz;m5: A . Hisnext4Ea‘ay,-aAsne mild us, He incengzedthouxa take A d‘i{C(3fl»rfc ~th€fz£t£2fz¢//sf} Servant and imamppzmélrfi Srmigy. 2%” that any Chrifiian Prinqg: cou»IdA paffibly reIy1j<5n;. “One, faiict he, whom I cannot Without a pious 8: religious forrow remem-A ‘ bcr : mn.dem~ning my felfc in nothing mare, Wthen fuffering my 5/§?4’7¢‘é%’C0 fllwarc the refQ~mt:i=on oflmy heart ; having 170 Awcxprewfly-a :fi$1::c:;1e£ It31§§»u€,f,hts,fand in {Q fimgblicg a rizanrzer as. befiga W Iv ‘ A c (:1 n mus %ea:res,w11c mac» ant awa cu me be ? relation offo ungratefufl an aqftion cannon {aux to fucceeziing; fstimcs redound lfighly to my diflaongur, ~ A _ - “ ( To this a Gentleman of his Privy Chamber (and qne now cm;in:cnt intheEye of t e Pméliak) maids anfwer ; That this ajgldnot be impute Aaxj Errour of His,hu,t 1:? Their dafirina/I‘ A szmzmre, wvo maintaihc the cam2enimc.v,A o it - and made- gmti, his Saévflnipzionco it. '5‘: (Maid he(an;d éishfi dffiiivfitfid with M‘ 31 deep figh) at it is notsfafe for 7’risszce.£ 1:9 pin chevir‘ Fajtihs upon 1:‘ 5‘ timing Pralaktcar {leaves Though »tAhcir égmaaledge rnake: them _un--~ :‘ eAxcm:"ablc of Emromz ; , uheir future accoun; fl?mlvl% neii:h<:rA Ieflbn A my Guimmur fMsVt 'i' mine Honour; A may wound%%y40.ux Faém7e.%~ A .; A W*dt®AP¥¢f¢fif53AM€p:1yied:%0n€~%hofc1;a££Aa1¢ré€7§ s1¢athQ ;h.a.sA~ fmeéLHfimA»fr9;m i“né;mmafiin‘g WithfVAfa@dc~r« AF@muu;qga)fiS§Vr,..iAfth.¢<* zficmze of 1:hM %Afision4 have fuch *f’trongf,inf1ucn_cc%Q’re your A thoughts ., that the difperfing thereof abrofid may fo much an- f¢..t:u:e no yo5imdAi[}1»ono%ur, A I fhouldAhAo1d4Ai,£ aqafl of more I?rinVccly po»IVi:ayAi I1 youg, r\aEAhf:rA.to:%£;mf§: ~;_th,cn.to‘ lay opcr; figclx :1 %wgupd;,;.as. ~“~O no,i;n no cafe (2\(_E D) fa.»i.d:4 His Majefly.The way toV.cqx;<;¢.B A" wolfmds, is not to clofi but difcover them. Thcy razr;kleb‘y»beiz1gA. A ‘ Wclcfizdbeforcqthey be cmrrd. Asfor Frizgcegy palm, I h01dA ;1on_e~»- ‘wbetcexs uh:en_/macrapiagv. This iris will oncJy[c:;L1rc I-"-Iimiz and V A 2% fubjcét his oam:w:ardé‘ £1fl“eAcfti4ona no the g.$7orz_2£Mzgm~{y of A the, inward A . ‘A Man.For-my p.art:,1:his £1-ml! balmy ~co4n~£’tan;: figfilwe A(aA1a,Ad, icjfhulvl A‘ be my dai!yVp:rayer,%tbat AAno«mrr/9!)’ Qa6je£Z4 may weaAk»enV;ic _inA:me).r=~ F 2%/0.42: my same; mqzylra ever éefc2r;c= me.;Eor,%thf:re isfuch a Vprctiou-5 .?AA~l?}e-/2215:/9%%in;-3 p£o%z¢.ér,:ze;zre, (‘b;€‘iUg_PI'0pCI"Iy‘Cflagnfid ;%l3%€}‘_’gfi’i7zc of the 1*‘, e*.2fmgelI;r)% as»; if allayAes the di&em.pcrsof an :«£lfi Spirit-, And A V . £iruly,Gent?Iemm,wt1,gh but my, pref¢n'£% c.on;ci;ir:;i'on, inethis 4parti,_ « ~~A‘4 cular, sand you ca%nnm:,c%11ufe x;b%u%t Ac<1mcI11g1q,,4At~l71a;t gyhi-g ,B?;,z[224je<=of ea zzrzm-ely-Pelliaan; ‘email mayeprove more truly cordiall, and Soveraigncfor me; i ‘tthenthe heft ;Ca»:rt..fl2lai:o, or C£~vet-advice, Were. I in the cheer?- ‘ fnllefl: and fetureft efiate that any worldly Prince, can enjoy. » l‘7Our Scholiiis tell us (and our owne Sjndmfz‘: attefts no lellie) ‘ that! to (inn: againft ones Cmfé-ifmce, even, in mattters of indzfilm “ lrcmy, ealifie: to Hell. iWhat may WC then think of Afiions par. ‘ toakingofan high" and Criminall nature? The iloffe of a mans ‘ life (faid that Aéfalute Commander) cannot be recornpencedgitnoic i ‘made good by any benefit, or at’: of Grace that may be confere- ‘ red upon his Survivour. Gentlemen, you mayébelieveit, (Foe. ‘ out ofadeep and iimpireflive’ temorce doe“IA‘fVpeakit)~ thatthe o “di1‘gt1fis of our grand Sena-re, nor all the injurious affronts they 4 ‘ can put upon me, may in reafon fo muchgperplcxe-me,l as the leafl: l ‘" thought of that inexcufable wtongl did to my ifair/gfia/I Servant ; "vvhofe highAb[ilities,asthcywere more to be adriniredithen paral- ‘ *lel’dv:nSo hisnindufirious Service was in civillthankfulneih to aindeat "me member; everliany Subjcfl; (if I may properly {peak it) obli-‘~ ‘ gedhis .Soveraignc. For his fafety, with “whatfoever elfe was ‘ tnofiz dear unto him , he ingaged for my imprlovement. His 4‘ want of health, at fuch time as he “lay fick at my Lord of "Lezfler;r, witneffcd how much his enfeebled body had fuffercd F hyiinrough and tempefluous Seas, andlintemperalzci weatherlin his a‘ late Iri/bpaiiagehither.“ l A l l A ‘ .' V A " A V ‘i All which, with much cheerfulnefie, he not onely encountred ‘i but fleighted-. Having arrived here, and left the Coafti ofIrcland,l Q ‘ where he was both fez r’d and lov’d : was he not afterwards quo- ‘ Pcion*ed% for his life, evenlnponithofe Colmiirnands‘ ,i which my i‘i icammzgmaa inj'oyn’d him to agft -iuponh his Allcgeance E‘? And Lean I A ireteine tihcfelleffeothcn with a thankfull forirow, fnotonely to ‘ lofe “aV Loyall.knowing Sen/anti: but to gratifiehim with an ‘ Inpmfiive mtencel of death forhis faithful! St:rviCC ?[ In thcffizd ‘rc*col.le&ion oFthefe,lI may ferioufly lproteit, and with nuclear‘ ‘ ‘ toinfcienlce avouch i.t,that thcjre is not 170 much as the leaf’: tinéture A '-' or fprinkling ofbloud bcfides this, that icannbendeferivingiyl laid ‘ onmysoule 5 though the fury of my malitions Enemies caufe; ‘tlefly labotir to impeach me with one of an Higher: Nazumn But AA ‘ oneiiiday f“it”willl atpplcarl untohthe world,i ithatlllThéfe,n whlonthus T . ‘guiltlefly accufel me),1bletl1-eionelly Iacendiarilcxt lofa civilln.;mil3- A chiefe _i ‘ chief';%imbroylersoF’th€ State : andfuth Seditious Inhovatours, N am: I?rim'.ely.-Pei/iczm. I , i ‘as-itheiir only defigne, _intheirpurfuite_after private ends, will ‘tend to the mine of this Kingdomet V ‘ ‘ I Ih«this.fort wash His Maiefiy pleafed at that time to communi? % ‘care his griefeg unto us: and with that’ paflionate innocency, asit wrought firongly upon our attention. _ % A A After this, the tqoke iientio this {serious Confideration, all; fuch doubts, as might Obiéfla themfeives to his. fecond thoughts,- in the divulging thatE[{31y touching the Earle ofSm2fi~rd.- whether: the w.orld.tnight not wotthilytax. him eithemf levity or pufilla-‘ he nimity inthe‘ furvey of that Aétion. As likevvife in his Decla. nation iof the Mgving tCaufc.o_F his recede from the Parliament : whetherfuch Reafons as He alledged, would beat weight in the V Skalcehof equal! judgements. iWhich, after due deliberaitiory; He V i conc_I11dedeWou%%ldi‘i not onelyappeari fatifafizory to his People, but neceffary inhis own particularqifétafmuch as thofe [amzpt ./Memfierx that had begot a diftempct“ in the Whole Body, fltove to layiianfldiflmupon his .Perfone 51 for. his dcfettiion of the Houfe tilithciutiijpfi caufme ~ V A 7 11%:-ejlaletiazaqfprateediwg witfiit; rgfttr lrzirfériaus gig. A beta tftbafe dmértr. p 4 3 E i T = f fufier no .difcompofed thought to raigne over it ; but iivholly de- A ‘ dicgite“ in to him who gave it, By him Princes rule: may ihislfiigla h‘ be myG‘m'de through all My R45 me. ‘He deferves not the Stil%e»of if ,2 1?tinee,who amidfithce gteete ] eIM:ryalls4 that humanitylt lean en; " A M l C ‘ ~ it connect The A Primriely- PelZz’mn.l ‘iCOLlt'ill;f1l‘, fulbrrizitsinolt himfclfeitio thfl W519’ of his Hzg/acfl Save; ‘ rargsze.ee Nothing can befall me,that may equall thofe indignities ‘ii whichiln {ufieredl for rne.May:all I go about be undlonegracher ‘ then hisiWz'./I undone. « A A » l l lnthisimanner, no-.lle{l'e fervently then frequently would His Majeliy at fen times ufuealrlyo deliver hirnfelfe : and‘ in His recol- leéisilon of thefe, retume to His Study : where he addreffed his happy pen to thefepiouse+Devotions. * A l - ’ CH A94» IV- my warm qr banclflding every imam seam, mm l c”‘lu'lion thereof; would call to iimlindllthat ‘0bfervaltio:n* of Saint Ldrzgg. flip. P/Ell. cJ’l/I editatilaye or devotional! Pfalmedy. IT hath beene obferved by his ;Clazeplzzis¢e:‘in‘l Ofiimzr} .,-*< and by us too; who by iour"¥Pl‘aces,» iwerellncareri Attendants to his. ' Perlon; that lzhough his delires were to be conflfantly vers’din all parts of Sacred writ,ileiiyet he took fuchi infinite comfort in the °?§'?fizlm.c=.s‘ of Dmxid,oas he would ufually upon occafion repeat Sundry Pl”alms‘ by heart from beginnilng,i to ending. And in Cong '3 Awgufline touching that Book : In awry partiiofiflcriptmva I findée nflgfxi/{y Something ;; wt in the Baokaf Pfklm: Ifizmle at Store-boa./E T l (fa/I L‘/aingx. A rich Score-houI'e of all Spiritual! Provifion. Cor.-v rm. dialls for the affliéied 5! iCo1rafives for the impenitent ; Solves for al1l$01fejsAi; Cures for“ all griefes»; Balmcsifor all ;vv_oun’cl~s 5 lsolaces £er~a11fou1es; Medicines for all Maladiics : Rje¢e?ipts for all It]; firmities}. Armed withCthisidiv:ine "f'urniture,i His Majefly almidllz; llais Grealzeli Triallsl (as "never Princelgraplediiiwith rnoreei-‘gr . number, normore grievous fofmeafure)‘, could with a rcfolved; A patience mike-with his Emmy in the game. Nay,?amidi‘llia»ll*cl1jo*Ié:~ A Tclifgraces and indignities putupon him”, he had le1arn’di in imitati- lion ofthat Princcjly lPr”opheticalll Patient, to pafléjfiz his .§‘¥oizlii1.l f]?.ztiezzce :; and‘ to flop hié nmétt/o‘in the prizfénpelof the unrzf/ateaw.~ frjequentlly* re£le&ed uponiDaviz2lr_$troubles wand int,helSnrvey , bf l‘tl1‘cm, A4 upon “wwidxl courage e andiroanfiancy’ ; how‘ he 7* 1 lfa~£itOllGad:gro‘z\m'fi .-. {ind wizh*lmuchVSpitiituall comfomrclicd on " ~ . «The Prz'ncely~Pefiy'im2. ry i~ H13: providence; He had ‘found by Experience; " that the Lord, on whom he depended ,“ was lirongerin fighting fer Him,’ then all fuch as fought mgazimfl Him. He had been Toamg,and now was Old, yet did he never fee the Riglateamforfizlqan, not their Smi frigging their dread. s V i i l V w This our religious fofims duly l_ohferved: and in his .?ufi‘2r£ng: became thankfull. For (faid ) ii’ Dam-Id, 4 Man after Gad: awe rd heart werethus afliiéied .- if his email imagined fuch mifclaiefe a gainfl: him:nay,if his fizmiI£arFriem:l:,and Acquaintance who fed at his Tazévle, made his Techie at Snares to catch Him : What might his Soul expefl in thefe Eoilldayesfl where impiety had fo farre“ prevailed ,as Schifmes Sc Divifions had invaded and imbroyled the peace of the Church : Rebellion threatned a fearfull malfaere to a flourilhing State : where Lajaltywas held Delinqmnqy : Or- t/aadoxall Dizzinizy, dofirineof an Apawjyp/M/I quality .~ Sincere l Devotion, heathenilh Superllitiont Ornaments ofdeceneyap-W proved by Antiquity, to heafifie the Sanfiuary ; ragged reliques \ of pollution, prophaneneife and idolatry .- What could he (I fay) expeéi ought lefiei then a ruin’d State, with an runfecurld Guard to his owne Perfon? Complaints He heard daily: and his defires were to .redte(l'e them : but,alas, his defires were in the worfl fenfe interpreted. Thofe, who, were principal! Aéim in thefei Combuliions, fuggeited to his deluded People, that His Maiefiies pertinacy was the ground of their lmifery. How his defertion of the Councell of State, alfembled for the fafety and ptofperityl of the Publicke: with his attention to C'0rmptiCozm. cellamxr, would indanger the whole Kingdome.» Theft, and fuch ‘ reports ufually came to his Eat, and in their relation wounded his Princely compaflionate heart. Meane time,‘ his frequent ’ad- . dreflies to his Parliarnent,(and in a chataéter below himfelf ; with fuch a wooing miildeneife and fweet humility was he indued) wit... nelied the defire he had that thel-Ioufe might teteine that opinion of him, ashis intentions towards them julilyl merited. And that fuch a right fenfe and underflanding might be got amongii them, as all groundlcfie jealoulies might be removed: and that Great V sPVorl@ for which they were aifembled, feafonably promoted and accomplilhed. But when his alliduate addlrellies might produce no fruit ; He held Devotion thejonely Reftxge and Anchor-hold . l « l 2 to l It "1i::”2, V i ‘.777! P7'i7%'e[]--P61/I.6‘dfi. _ iitoichlmle the {iorme of a mm6ledSpirir. Which, as he many times profeffed, wrougiht fo heavily upon him, as For diverfe nights, Sleep was a [hanger to his Eyes. But Fuchs was Gods goodnefle ever to him,‘ ashis afliified Soulwas never fomuch depreiled, but by’ relpaiting to thofe Rivets of Divine Comfort, -the ‘JPf«zZme.r—l of David, he became infinitely refrcfhed : So as, the éurzlaeu of his riefr_ wah nothing fol heavy, as the Solace which that Book afforded him, was.delightful.ly liored with all Spiri- tual! Melody. A j_ ‘ “ L ' A 7 This it was which induced His Majeiiy CO-CflCi”CV’€ry.(7/féoditfltiaid with alfifiehwe .- that as the farmer lay open. to the world his din fitelihdl Condition : fo by acknowledgement of Gods mercy, audrefignatiou of his willto his all»-ful°ficient Mercy, he might teturne Comfort to his thsirfiy Soul in the Conclufion... The repetition, or? reuuall of our Gri€fes,, though they may iufo_me meafure allay the bitternefli: of them by a feafouaible di;l'- coveryptudletemperaite deliveryr: yet they neeeffatily require forne premium Balme, otflmeraigne Receipt tofcure the-m. iNow3.i what cure more requifite then fpirituelly to conve_rfe~ with One, 4* fiit1%d’S‘i:i2jc5i5 who had clrunk of the fame Cup 5 and partakfl: deeply of the like may be pI'<>p¢r* afflirfiilon, whereof he himfelfe was become at Siharer P A 7 33’ ii"?-id ‘G’ 1‘ ‘‘'’‘~’‘ This was His Majeflies conditions ;; Dmdxparallel A for‘ afl¢li&i- t:‘:i”i*ou., in every particular faving onely an wsfm. Iudeeda Rebell fl,;;d,.¢,, to 1" prung fromones own Bowels, is fucha Bowel-fo‘rrow,.i as it ex; thieir Pzzrc7I1”J‘- : ceedes all -others“ whit!-1 admit ~ This onely eszcepted; out latesgracious Sovemigue wasin “dvi“““““°‘ be nothing. inferiour (in the Shale of affliétion) to that Princely. deuyedbut His i o % i Q Mamfiy had Sufferer.. “ _ A 4 A A ’l V‘ A _ q “ mgxny Rebeils * No wonder if the wamzdc-a’ Him flzeto Dlttamj, havmgfiich arifing from vertue to cute Him. SeeingtPf;zlmw miuifter fuch variety of l;1if«Q~Vfl¢~ b°'W~" Spirirzm/I Salem, no marvell if our e/fifiirified Ifimg ufed them. i V CI-IAie., *1’/7.3 Primal)‘-Pe’lliéA». VA The Coiixfart Hemmzeived in it, amd. receivvealfrom z’r.r 4 A He weziried Izahourer, whehas bornethe lamrof the relay, A cannot entertaihe r;eflAWi=th a more cheerfuil ‘welcome ; The Sea-Abeagz Mariner, AAeAfeerA he has mcountred with Surging Waves,” and impctuous Windes; cannot with more A pleafiue {hike into A his calrne and fecureAHarbour,theni an afliriéizerd Souie in comma» A nieating her perplexed thoughts to a diiereet compaflionate Friend ; who is both willing and able to afl;'ord.»heri{uch Acounfeli as may redound tovher comfort; A i It was the faying of a fag: and ferieus Mereiifi, Jfnfhiemi A _/Zaaulpi prrferme tlae0_7ficfeqf an A afflfiionate ~v§fitm»zt,i in prasfmting laimfielfetohzk mcejfimted APr£eml, mkdinér relieve laim; A Sick, med ‘ apply nothing to him ; dzfi*orzfi21.ete, czzedrzat eomfort him: Sm/2 am one might he ratlaerfazid to mor;lq_laim, #32?-2;flC6'0fi?J77¢0(v1&'Zf6’ him ;jj&amr A laim,..tl5e2zAfx2rppl}.laim.A. A A ‘, . .A A AA A It is handfomeiy iAobfer"vedr by O'ne*Ain;,hisA Aaddrefie to His Majefiy ;. That he; had‘ in his Three AAKingdornes,A three forts of" People ;. The firfi _., confident and faithful}; The fccpnd, dif. -fidentu and fearful! ; The third, indifferent and doubtfulh Which he ma.Arfl1aiiAs. in order, and dimnguiflaeth them in this manner.. A ‘ AA A A A » A A A The fir*Pmwe1'eiwith Him in their Perflmo‘, Pu-rfes, (ordefiresj ' A andgoqdwi/Zacs. , A A V The fecond were with ‘Himheither in their I’t¢rfif:,n0r_‘ga.0r4i‘ Wif/sex, nor (with their defires) in their Per-fim.r.. The EhlI’d" were wxrhflim in thc1rgead1vi_,f1we.r,% but _nezthAer me A A their Perfiam, noriAPm*f&.r,Anor Defirer. A A re H A His /I4'azjtfl]Afl21arCd in theAfirfl arid ii.-gfi, Arrxhis AAintr0duEhon to i‘ thefe {able and firilen times: but in the ciofe ofhis mifl-fom1nesA;A%§ A when rhe Cup ofhis Afliifiion became more fuilyinrbitnered He partake. orrelyi in the A’ece:sd.A AA Their dif-aiiegeaxxce imdchyed up the Screamer oftheir éezrm_gy‘,;Ai e3fi:rAangeAdA theirgood xvi]/yes.-and difl irrgaged t.i1€.‘irPr?7fi):~is‘.i' from any Service tire: mighm be con-fifierrr re the eiiifiance qf His ix/iajeiigi A £32 _ 14 l p refit him: Vand how his az']fft~EE‘ion to him, caufed this aC'ar2:eEi‘z'a.12i of aae”pr;;¢aez,.pez/aaaar ‘or ptefent the leali expreflive Argumcntflioi.’ their Loyalty? Now in. this deluge of his fortowes, when he was deprived of all aatzv.zrdlSapplies; was it not neetlfull for him to‘ have in flore- lfomel inward Camfortx, to refref-h his troubled Spirit? And thefe he found plentioufly, and precioufly tteafured in their; Divine 4 jaculéztioiat‘: which, as he many times‘cionfe{ied, érea;l.mz.’.totiihis langu£fIn7agSaale ‘moi’: hope, when leall: ofhope appeared. He found how the"Lotd had other wayes,then onelyby the Sword oi: l Spears, ltolrelieve him. He, who had power, to make a ready l palfage through the Red Sea fothis People ; at afuch time, when the Emma} was hehind, them ;andthe Maantainex inclofed them : -and all iuifiéle /aopetof refuge were efitanged -from them: Even i that God of“ Hoilé (fuch was his confidence in the Almighties providence)would deliver him from theffaaai of the wic@dDoer: and in his due time i (for he knew well Mans extremity to be Gods opportunity) make thofe home which he had érokgn to itejtyce. His truftrwas onrthelltackof his Salvation neither did he fear what L71/[an could doc untoflim, fo long as the wings of the Hay One overlhadowed Him. Nay, {hould he 1@‘!lme*(faid he) yet will I trafl in him. It is he that made me,his appointment that l t-/:f:2o_;mted me : and whole blelied ptoteftion hath hitherto delib- l VEi‘€d_ me. \I know he has mercy infiorctl for him that walkes in. , nocently‘ before him g; «It {hall thenpbe my Principall care to have a »circamfl2efi eye ovetgmy wayes; that I afiend not with my tongue. And with a refigned will rather to forgot: my Crawmgthen to fbrga hisfamom, or become his diféanorar who belp owed me :e and which, ifit feernepleafingin his fight (whofe eyes alile upon all i the wayesl of men) he will continue to Me and my Pofietity againli all the infults or alfalults of at fpitcfull Enemy. a As for me, Iwill from the very bottomepol’ my heart, ac- knowledge, that it was goadfar me that the Lord has amazed me, 4 lelt I fhould be rexalted above meafutc ; and fo perifl: in my A Fa/!y.l I have feene it, ( and I apply’d it to my felfe, and ‘found comfort in the atppllication) how many. Children play’d wags in I the ltreet, andhow one amonglt allthe rel’: was catchthold of, and torreélzed ,-,the reli untoucht: and I gathered hencegthatlit was the Nm.v.ml1 Father ofrlthat C‘/ailal, who took upon him to core. him ”'.The P.rz"m‘ely-P:/Iiczm. ‘ hirn. This was my Heavenly Fntkerxicourfe, with me : andll have t i ‘ '/e:z'j]}:d the Roa',and hehas taken pitty of me; ‘ Niyrefislma then {hall be, rather to defire a dijfzglaarioza, then to ‘ injdylthea plmfiarexo of Simze for lafénfan, The Wage: offlmae is l ‘ 23cm/a : by his afliliance then that gave me at Being 5. I will play i 4‘ the p;ainfztlllLn5nurcr in my Ga/ling, that I may receive my ewe: ‘ fiom my Fazit/af:¢ll;o11j4;'n_[ierin the Evening 3, My alagy-Wairk‘ fmiill, ”.but my reward. great. J ~ ‘ l A J‘ i ‘ Were I the moi-‘t miferablei adevelicd Prince, that the whole ‘ world coulcl prefent on this aecive Theatreof earth 3 that State- ‘ lcatafirophefhould not fomuch perplex me, aslone thought of a ‘ prepenfed rebellion againft him that made me. No better Rcfeloe ‘ for la"King, (as I have elfewhere eTxpre:Pc)* then to ipreferlre his ‘ Canfcimcelgbcfore his Kingdome. it Such an onemaybe truly held ‘ were then at C onqmrar:5havinlg‘ fuch“ £1 tgntimtdllfinfl w'it‘hinlhim,as A ‘ nothing without himimayi diltemper him zfand of fuch an abfo- ‘ illutecomipofure, as he'”s fortificie in fuifering inany thinogfaving chigllhonegup, , it ‘i A V 17 i ~ . i 1 , l 9 ‘l *1 know well, and you, Gentlemen, who attend me, will with i ‘rnel'{'e\Idl much with me, that theindignities, and perfoinall afper-~ ‘ {ions «throwne upon m e, had‘ excee‘dedlc: the bounds of ‘humane; “‘ fuffeting ; had I not been enabled by his goodnefie, and through V‘ ‘ him firengthned Witch fuch Chrifiian patience, as their unpre-—l i , ‘ vailing intendimentsiitoi provoltemeyiinraged their pafliohs more-~ could‘ wiorkuponv tninci; in rbeing: di£-appointed of rdutyto ktepef his 9 mouth lvlofe; wiailqfllrl/die wiEI{:_9d~ were étfbre him. A V “ a ‘" As alfoe in the vindication of my owne wrongs, I held it not A “ onely the molt piousbut prudcntefl Chtifiian Stratagcm, to flat» i , "due the fury “of anvimplacable Enemy, rather with a pleafiug ‘negleétfull Smile ; or as my condition rather challenged ,.a “ Ptiencclylflcighting, then any impatient oppofition :2; as perfons "below my efieeme, and confequently unwotfthy my hate :. Be- i‘"fides,i I confidered", how Revenge» was often morerlfinfull then the l A " Ofience. Why then fhould I awaken my Soul to doe that, Wi1iCh.- i 7 Av“, might difturb the qbuiet of my Soul molt defired”, m~yIa:nguil'h;. -For in all their I rememhredl how David accounted it his. Is_ E":'§31:i}'>l€s in j.AulAs.-. for 'lla.l..- flcagillg Suh4~ jcélszz y The Prim:ely- Pe[licam.7 *7‘ All tAl'x'is while,I was not ignorant how thlefe P/mm of/‘ldzf-'~ A‘ cfaéefe did not onely tkrflflg Abut.'tkirfll for: after my life, to take A ‘ §t.Andywifih xyhag plaufive Principles they laboured to Withdmw ‘y the hearts and aflceftions of my Suhjeéts .- T/ac tmfi ofK’ixzgdome: ‘; 22:‘ pm upon them 5 w/:»icly,fa [mg 44 tblsjvffzit/of”/1} difc/merge, they we ‘ to ée llsozaolzszreclaznd aézqyed 5 éutlozzca Zzeing violated, their Cammmt: l ‘V was brawrz; mg! thyjyldre no longer oICing.r; The fafety ll of the y ‘ People, is the ySuprc:rAne Law :A and People wart‘ mat madefir the v 9' good afKi11gs,ém Kimgsfor the good oft/at people‘. l ‘ enough for any Hammemto '3 pH-saving Adifcourfcduhx thirfort wit [muoh'efl‘icncy and pious Theft were working Notions for flirting Spirit5_.,;and fi.ul'-fc pitce ortothcr upon;othe;Am:ilc o;f.ScditioLn.l . , L “‘l Whcreasxhoyyu O Lord*,knoWycRy all my wayegfor my Worlzs Farecver before thee: Thou knoweft Ilwifhed no greater‘ ad»- 5 vantages by this War,the_n to bring my Enemies to moderation, " and myfriendslto peace.Thoyu.lI fay; knoxyclirightwell, that I 'Flalwaycys‘l hclcl tho Safiy hoof my yPeap[a~*7’b{Tencialllyy jlconfillrcnc * with mine ownc : and though thg/;hf’£fiadeR me Spvemi me over A ?“lthisALmad, yet: I nevcAr't0ok+up6fi me to Sowmigmlzze i)W*rl:h€ '5 Law; The addreflé of their wrongs was my care: crlfe Ihayd not '5 with fuch freedoms and choclrcfulnefllf: affentcd to alcallof this fiprcfeynt Parliamlcnfhll 2 l A A ” “ l l ‘ A * “ l Devotion :1-Ic acquainted us what imfiglrable comfort he received from that brief. Mamiall, which he had in part cornpofcd, and meant to comsinucy it; not onely amidflt thofe: bra A it likewifo to fuch, who Wcrc jealous of his Safclcy, and tendcro of his Irmacmcy. l l ACHAPa Pcrike gland mould out forl1ye;y1'I/Iaffcr-7 A T _ A and di--- lflempcredlfcafons, to allay his difcomforts»: but to communicate i Soiritua '.1’a6ePri22rely~Pellr‘rzr2r.i i A CHALVI. l" A vW’Imt choice /an are: He refervedfor tlazir Exercfiri. IT is written of Holy iLewzZ: the Frmciai King ; that Henfually beliowed eertaine homes of every day upon difiinét taskes; leftby doing nothing, His frailty might bring Him to doe What was worfe then nothing. i l i l i i The Morning I-le dedicated to devotion, Reading and Com... is templation; the Meridian for his repait and nonrilhment: the Afternoone for adminiiiration of Jufiice : with fome {pare houres at convenient Seafons for moderate recreation; beings fnch as might refreih Him, but not too freely feize upon Him. In all which imploymcntsit was his efpcciall care (as is obfcrved v ‘ of}-Iim) that this H_and,'?as a ready e/3’lmom’r'to his Heart, might I be ever at°tive in exhibiting Offices of Charity to all fueh as were a in neceliity. ‘ s i A l i This was aerate Prgin Prelident; being fuch a patterne of a piety, as might bemdii’: miredthen imitated; . i v ‘ The like example is recommended to us of a devout Father, in thofe primitive dayes of the Church: whofe culiomeiiet was to injoyne Hirnfelfe an hourely Taske for private Devotion, Medi- tation, Speculation: with certainc aflnall or Manuallirnploy... ments for reliefe of I-limfelferandsiothers. i i ’ A j A No of the day was olofl, which He might either or Corporally improve: So -ferious He was in the clue expence of his time 5, lei’: his flock of Grace ihonld idecreafe. i This it was moved Holy Hierom to takeiia mighty “account of I-limfelfe; asevery carefull Houlhoulder fhotild doe of the i l T Government of his Family : ‘O my; f&a1¢,wIm llaajit rlamalone tn day 5’ Nay; to “prelent to his thoughts, by a deep apprehenlionof ’ the found of the Lafiv T mmpe,' that fcarfull Summons : l Arz'fc_ye a dead, amdcome mate fudgement. i v But you will fay, this familiar ’converfe*with.Di:at/standfangs, . H mm, is better knowneto a (‘ell then as iC‘om*~r.e A i For the 1-Iabitationi=betw_ixt Hrmnm and afell (has one ; . i I‘ i faith) /" t i? » § faith) holds fuchcontiguity, as; their locall diltancc canngtdividc A tkeiPaiacely»ira11am.a them fromiafpirituallSociety, V ‘A I i A For the ‘Prayers of the Saints (whenl'oever_fuch Saints (I are iimfmured in thole Cellsii) cfpiertle the Heavens, and cam. rnunicate a Divine Ble/jiag for that iPmce-oflering. Bucito \l ifi;nd%e_;l thilsl Soule-cfolacing Devotion , and Spirituall Convert V fagign fraigrnei in Princes Pallaces ; where we may common- ly feet a World of Men, but a Wildeme ofigoocd Men; where Sinne for the moi’: part gallants itin hismfootcloiath : and where l ivanityi with more then Military boldnelle keep:-‘:5; her iuli-gall VR-en«defvouze7; this were a rare_ Sight, and an Objeéi deferving A A’ That 9/fthemkem Profeilour obfcrving a Perfon delcended from ,a Pxfmcelyi Family to enter his Schoole, and in Arguments of Difpute, ltoeexprefle himfelfe with much facility and clegancy, f’b‘0thi a Philofopher, and lint Policicksmi a State-Councellour; -“retiurnedi thisflrelation to his Friend, asfo-me rare and imiracu. lous Occurrent: We laaiwlat‘e{y fimmd in our Sc/aaolar (laid he) an Oéjrfi‘ iqfflupimdiozas Wonder 38 fPrim;‘e,t A ‘]’lnilq/Bpbcr, and at c ' Lawyer. ‘ ' a Yet all this mightwecttruly , and without afléntationlin. fi%amc% in our late Gracious .Sovetaigne; For.at finch h-oureswe 3 I as, He teferveld for‘ Phylofophical~l dilcourle, His‘ Haflfigold Claaplaimu will witneffe thus much for Him, that His prompt... nefle and pregnancy in all Arguments, a;.)pr<-:>v’d Him tiborh an acute and lfolid Proficient and for H15 Judgfimegiti in Law, A * what with+ou£rlaOl1e;nEationHe{palm offiimfelfe at ‘fie Barre, lbgefovrc thatifunpriefidentall Prefidenct,ic_may by fundry ‘j"udici-— ousmand learned Profeffours of the Law, be confirmed of Him ii; 717'/Jfll‘ Hclknew our Lawn: 45 Well 4»: may? of am‘ Gentle» #1.m'£7z tlafe Kimgdome. _ For on tlaefe as other Morall Studies, it was his .ul~‘uall. ccuftqme to bellow fame lcltfli homes : and to improve His Reading. by conference and rcafoning :-. which A 7 1'0 highly; inabled Him; (beingricvhly inedued with quiicknaefle of Capacity, and a retentive Memory) as no Argument, were itine- Ver foifpiny, tending ti) Divine tor Moral! difcourfe, could evade j I-liiml.And thefe Difputes He purl-‘ued with fuch abecomming mo.» l deity: easno Oppofitlion could beget in Him the leall of paflion. Although A : 1fine{Te:addrcfl'ingit: with “a finglc and fincaré hearttoi.thaI: H5/1in‘(§fztJ¢’0fI{i‘ghteoIifi2efl‘¢?,. i—b1eHE:d'for ever.» i ‘ ' A A ~ h H A rs. crlu.2xi»aely.:1>afli&4»;. C H At». Vin Ham tlzzir work, fiifztrre M Hz: had continued 21:, admin £15‘ ‘ taken at Niafcby it; with" other Papers, i and private Let»- ‘ . tear: aflaigb camuzrzm in H12: Cakifiet and 120m rem-« i ‘tiered. V" i N the Field at"~]V.?Ta;/eéy‘, wherehttiic hatticllt was fovarioufly Cara; ryed, as to the judgement of the approvedfi ~Difcipltinaties, ‘and Field:—officcrs thatéwerc in the Aétion of that day, the Vitto- ry rather inclined’ for‘ a long time to the Conqut-r’d Party, then thofn who appeared afterwards Mafters-tof the Field: Naygwherc ’ an Ancient exptrienc’dCommand6r, and :1: than of I-Ionont; Qne , who had ibeen‘ Vbrcdt up a iS*onidie1‘«,° tbtiingiat that time highly imploycd in the Princes Service, and in the next ‘a&‘1'- onat Stflatnongft othtrs taken Ptifoner-3 protefhe-dt,t.hat from his firfivknowlcdge in Armes,hc never knew a Battell c.1o.fc with fuch aflrange event, contrary to-all extpcéicéncc :t~ marker to I/9:125 /sow‘: (tfaiitd I-1e)~+ cm I .tfim1c'-«ow zlaarmfim /aaéw Majcfityflzouild /q[2’ the d»3e_)!;“ For fig confident i wmi fof the utter t@?afiwzt,i andl Rtmttiof the Enemy» no -m’/2'/21:: olqfigwe that war Inna pI¢t‘I¢pbn, cou/oi'pro- me more azfliurance. Sam I //Jcmld . lmzrtilj fwiflz that H15; [Maz- , wig/ytzéet gerfwmlcd to dcfiflfram Hixfurt/yer puzfitire af‘!Iltzr- M-ttia/I flfilzirex, and to camfpafé t/9efé_flzc17,cI/if/fr/tffiam of His ICi;2gdome . £9? at/oer" ir}i¢eu[iating% myvc: For I plgzingy fie that the iH;:m2.’ of; the Lord :1: zzomzitla am ‘And afterwards dircéting his-Speech to the Gonqucting-Patty : .Nz:}, Gmtlemm, the Wark~ is done :‘ unlefiiaa _ Diwifion amawgjourfilzzex dig/£'ompof£=>z'Ar=+ t»There,.1fa.y, a£7\@5zfcé},upOn A M V Orces, amio-ng&v~othc—t-rich prizes was~th1stinC{hmablC Gtxnmtg. difcomfiture‘ of::His Mifieiftiies the continuation »of«I-1tistDivim: Mesditaltions, which He had gone along with to‘theStuc:cefi"e of thatwdayt feiztd upon by the Enn- my, with other Paper; and Chamétcrs of COHGCIIJC, b;tingin._ ciofed in a Cabinetry trefervcd forthat putpoft. A : But fuch waotthe henignity ofithefllonqucrontrgt or Divin videncc tralthcrg that would not» fufli-:"r Io ‘icxrcczilent a worke to A pt1‘i{}1..~ in ' Oblivion in nor‘=t-o be cxpiofed to the rude irazing hand’ . if . A A J ” A on‘ *2: G‘en‘:i.Aflv1t;y. pro-. 5 3, - fire; Prfncclgv. Peicum. Y A1.a,cCiV;1;tyoFan illitcratelSiouldicr; that it was recovered above all “ex. from thabalald pcéitancc, and rct.urn’d to Hib$MajofloicsI-+I:1nd: ehough the pen. °f'3P'~'°F€fi Ea ofall of}! is Papcirs were lcfizco anmore racking cenfuro. ‘A A “‘”“7' iWhich infinitely cl1¢crf'dHimi iaomifdfi thofc: i‘nfucccflivg ovents A ' that a~c_comp:mic“d ‘His Forces : ufing thefc or the like wordsupon A the regainingof theme A o » c in ‘ A * c s 4“ I flee the grat:-iam E}: of Heaven will not flgfiér (1143 to fie depri- ved ofall comfort 4 though mj owm fuéglm me; A Toflerizyr flm/[fie to/14/5’ ‘Toperm, that I kztew how to “ M] Owuef pafliani :, "Md folyzcc my with l Difvimelcomfortx pin the /aig/afltaf cL7l’l_']~+¢fiié}'fi.. A an Tlsmgb 112!) Emmjoigdinatlqe Field 3 odcampcfid pntianmffbafl icronmc m with oiaiérnfuer A 7353013,, tbm it/Mir fimfefliz /94:! oémincjal o afme ._; I [wow no lfltriumpbimorméjblntcthen ,4 »Selfc~co1?Iquc:Pc .4 am! in’, Atlazik it has plcafidi Godlcin all our /i'mifl6*r' i0m=Irrent.r, to enrich Mai W1’:/ayzqgamfl all .z;‘Ij]}n'lant.r. Ma] Iceaf: to 52, when I cmfé pa 6; cl lHx£s.,wlao wrougglaxtkis inflmmcéo on me. in " ’ V Thus did His Princelyl Pen and mind inclofci in can fwcet ;V$y.mp“achy.. i It isotruc,wha‘tonc well obfcrvcdtouchiog His judgement: of Bookcs. That they wcrc the bcft Cwmcllpurx 5 the belt Compm niom. Councellours to advife us in all our conditions ; whether they werc breathed upon by more Aprofpcrous lforiadverfc galcs. This it was that taught conltnocicnmiflw, noithcrl to bc tralnfpocr in ted with honour V; nordcieéied by a dliflionourablic Ccnfuro. Nci, V that to be dclud ed by a light favourite: nor over-awed by an im.- % periousi Command. i c ' Having fircngth cnough to vanquifh His Foe by fmiling atfm :digni!;ics: and with a pati_cnt fupporting of what His power’ iigouldcnot .rcVcnge,i purchafc an fccming conquclt ofHis Conques- tour. Neither be good and ufcfull Bookcs (for on fuch (me-ly L we rciflcéi) meerly lCozmce:IIour: to infirufit and prepare the ail. fcfiionto rctcinc an cquall temper or com pofurc in every com- dition: but thcy know likewifc how to act‘? the Officc‘ofgood J [s~mp»mz'ou.r,i ‘ in Arguments M and Hclpes of Difcourfc ,-, in a fffllto full cxpcnce of precious homes; by improving tht‘ Concciptg inriching the memory: and iinabling every faculty to cum: Lills upon any Subject of Difcouric. For Bookcs fhould non onelyi be dmiwerx, but impromr: of_T1mc. A Account are to give how wcibePcow.our homes: Light: and frivolous labours V are A I The Pririr“eiy»~Pei7ir¢ir)i. are to be held ufeleffc, nayJworthle{i"e expenders of the ihortelit minutes.“ ” ~ it it ‘i i “ As in “he choifeofouar Acqminrance, fo in our approvement ofliookyr ; Such weare to receive into our bofome, as by our familiar intertainmentof them, and conferencewsith-ii them, we may become bettred ; but in ncijparticular depraved or corrup- ted by them. This itwae which moved that Learned, but unfor- tunate States-man, to dtflinguxih Bookes by thefe three Notimi one :Some were to be fwallowed, fome eaten, others clmwml. Impertinent Difeourfes, fuch aslafforded no benefit, but brought» with them a danger to the Reader; Such were to befnmllomd, or perfunflrorily perufedr; not fo much as reli/bed, lelr the appear tite might be infeflfed. Others there were to be mien, in re-- " fpcét of their benefit _.; but neither in fuch manner nor meafure, as if thofe onely were the breaflsr ofnourifhmeent. r Whereas the laft were to be thawed _.-, or fcrioufly mminated ; being fuch as mi»- nilired comfort tothefpirit fealonablys fnffered noiinordinate affefliontoldomineere over the will imperioufly .4 but ten-A did wholly to the accomplifhrnent of the Reader, efl'e6tua. - 2 All which in this Singularwork of Meditation, and piouslDe-4-e votion any dif.interelTed judgement {hall eafily finde. For of Tax 5 may be properly fpolccn, what was {aid (but in another fcnfe) of Eumipidcr Tragedies: So man] I/ixrflvr, fa man} /"mtencer. H i A ferious finnewy-dialc& without affeétatiori : A clearc method in the difcovery of His Princely afl-'c&ion~: with an excellent con, 23 Sir F. B. i texture of every difiinét Sefiion to his owne comfort, and others ‘ I fatisfafiion. p 4 But as 11: is no lirange thing for religiam Worker to meet with the rz'gidfl C’enfr»m-r : So a Perfon of high Command in this impeu rious Army-was pleafed to bellow this Cenfure upon thisexqni... e fit: Piece at His very firfi fight of it : Saying, It mm are kamifime ‘Piece of H_'7pom_iflr. Whereas it may appear to the whole world; His 1?(ince1}P:n,hated nothing morethen to play the fuétile “ Soplazfler with His Soule. l A i i * How greatly _then are We indeared to the ‘benefit of fo nnexg pefleda recovery? To have fu-ch a. preview 7:127:11 retrived; rfuch an im-flimaéle rrmfirraepreferved from the clutches of an imperi- 01145 2M4. V The Prineely-Pelliedfl. ( ous Enernye; pas referve fromjthe Spoile 9 which redounded high. “_ Iy to the deferving honour, and fucceeding memory of"!-Iis Ma. d H jefiy. F'or.by this meanes,:-fuch aswere capufelefly jealous of His ~ abi1i:ies,',beA.came fatisfied upon the Survey of this incomparable Piece. A A Though fom e there were (fo deeply laid ' was the tinflurc of their malicetowards His Pejrfon) e as they defired nothing more thento eciipfe His fplendour, by difperfing reports abroad, that - this jworke was none of I-Iispenning“: but one of Hisaw/2,0144% C/mpleim: ; W/one] bzkfludiekex endeavour matmelj perfefled, eye A __f)g'?it,/id;/I pofliévlejfieed pracured it; to ée V pzeélified, to évcget an efleeme of learning and piezjy in His Mefler .-A M li@wif2= ta. 4/leg) the rfgomw qfezppraeeiaing Sezztenee at Wcftrrxiinfler : and éjt/7&3 work ofbzér .DC!,-' votive, to wane H12: Enemiex to eemmayemte Hz}: condition. I V This, M zfhcfe Pill0w- prophets /:ap’d,e:peez"Se:r'z2e'J}' of Hi: e:éilz'tie:, might mould them to Acompezfliian. v A A A . A A 4 But their dewfi eezime too late: for this pretended V iflde affix} émirze, fell to be He: PoPchumus~; fa mt, it produced nofm‘/9 efeé? 45 mm expefied. I A T A a f This has beenplately with a confident boldneffe reported by fome (and thofeeiminent Profeffours for the Publick) but how f frivolous and, malicious their Arguments appear, and with what facilitycvinced (being onely grounded upon an inveterate hate u to. His Majefties Perfon) {hall be clearly, and demonitratively proved in the next Chapter of this our enfuing Difcourfe. s4;j;f1i.§i‘ory i zm/9,»: tg reflyfc their/1 ' Firli, for Dofioir Harrzér, it is we-ll_ltno\m1e,he_p had no relation pa-z:m2mz,..r:iz;c4a: _ comm their Merrour, who entitle the pious 1’rir2cel_y Devotions, to any otebcrdutlsoxlrt A i ? l Ome there be,(and it-holfe of the prineipall’li Favourites ofout II Gnmdee:) who ufually fpread reports, that His Majejij was no fuch eafatkaar of this A Warkg. Onely He might be acquain- i ted with the zealous affcfiion of tome piazza [baplainc : who 1 took upon him that task, meerly to‘ dignifie the labour,and bring‘ ‘ it into requelt, by fending it abroad under His Princes Name. a To delude the world too, They {aythat one Doftor Harris M was the Compofer of it. p"0thersu afligne it to Doiftor Ham, Almond. But thefe frivolous Commenting-i(for with a more proper flile I cannot cloath-them) may beeafily anfiwered and evinced 2 proceeding rather from height and heat of Spleene gt whereby they thrive, as much as in them lay, l to impaire theabilities oil-lis Mnjqij : l (who ‘never all his timefent forth his luiire with that n fulne{l’e,as his fetting upon Earthwhath nmwn it)then any ground of truth, as to any punprepofieifed judgement may appear here- to Him :: He rnightppretend it, but never had it. i ‘ at A i Neither to the houre ofthe Publiihing ofit (which upon the firfilmpreflion, by the fingular care of the Printer, was exaétly perfornred) had this fizppafed Au:/amr (I am confident) fo- much as the leali: view of theie‘ Meditations. For during the time that s were permitted to attend His Perfon : andlincc fnch time as He-firi’c laddrefled his pious paines to this work ;{ He had never“ 1 1 any ufuall foeielzy withins : nott~acceli'e to H I M,who juiilyhad command over us. And For 'D0fl70r:H:tmmond, thofe who read his works, will . freely confeife, that no Idiom nor, Dialeéft could dbernorfie difi'e.i i ' rent ; nor to adifcerning judgement’ more difcrepanr thenthefe ’ of His Majeliies Meditations, i and Doflor Hammond: Traétates i l . or Sermons. i = adgemtxt ,d and ~ :2 Hz’: iwidjcflies A if V A Rerfié judiczemn _ % _ bis Mundm in thmg more thentzo be gm@ea*£’c,modHby H15 Peoplc : to remove all: wab:’s,fi apfispcrg fidorzmz laomia I A A A AA.i:EM?WA1)'~i?el!ivan. His 1!/.I‘2zjej?j(Va»é may appear by His whole Labour) defim1V gm. pr§judicegte$0;;yini. c2ns: and 7t:a‘fa1:is%§ie:tWkc‘:3who.1_qw{ar1d,chat w%ha:.. focjver He‘ had ;d dne,heA}d _cdnfif’cAen;cyVw*ithAhi§”%Prgrégmiwe ‘Rm/Z ; mmw-zzo1zz’7z'uc2zz—%.%. .. amr in :vzabi;_ % % gslrzzqbrojl mtive-rqicgancy ‘Which TH.<: oftrtimes faid§J%r‘Was, Aa%VmeerV:r{fliwgAA%¢f 0pmfia2g:%;. ormgfifjacnsliwg Qfpreciam;.z’l4£§m£e,s.-. M ” A 9 A Progenitor: Iega!Aiyciaim’d. A A ;Afc;5f;1ti:on :co%mm_!xm~icated Ihifi oxm*f¢1a:{e.» " :w»1t*h~m3t"«fO‘ much fmthe Ieafi %imtEmdm%entA$A0=f i41c%1‘oVacTi~gm%gupon His Suéjefh Lz'W‘mt£.9x< :' or ;aflumin~g;'so Hwxmfelfc .513 ore ,powAcr~chem; His : In £¢mm;uzfrcamed:;His A%~fre¢Iy,%¢‘wich.q.ucA any Mfigum... ‘W “A {-11.6 .coAnA%ditAi0n A was motto ,p1a~y‘ »with Pa.p.er :_%nor%:":o prefens: VAHis14A,»De§Jotio;ns;to t:he‘VAi~a1c.4% He4Vr&gI1t4ly knew‘in,,what {m¢%H¢.. fiI0_Qd_;; j.'I‘0-_A ~Court:” the Pagrl£¢memr,%% He fcornfl ft; and xvicha VA%tim‘£e1lAzeaI to c0uArc‘theeA71ag¢igb{y, -Han: abhorréd it. V ” “ His =d>r.:+fi%m~ vvas to b€s;1‘th€_{fim‘53n H4: did mzetwaxrdly feema. Vuigwadr tzmrour could not %m,akc HiAm~Alefi‘”c than I-Alewas not ePr¢tmid%ers to Staizc-itnipmv4¢mA¢mt &mAp¢:aceia~ eh-.i.s acme: Zca1"to «the ‘\ ;« who With lfcaft afg " V—%%Sh1a,li I really (without whicli nagion, nothing isixere ta yum: jm;¥,ge%mc1xts recommended ) acquagnt you, w»i::h what he was plcafcd, and i;%_1 his Tablmclifcoilrfe meafin,g1y—§lifpofcdto iAm~par3: to Tome ofus 3 That" the % mifery of a calamitous State had afie- vah1ta7g’d him as mAuclmin fame: parthiculars, as~%i%£ had lofi Him. . J?a7~, {aid He, the pret¢r1;{edlofi"e%afa State, /9214 ga§im’d.mc at tongue. -P;2:cflion,, ;.W9z' c‘la "Au/mzlgy made my tongue imrtimlatc, :2: éacome a A firm¢ger ta;Me. lwagfami aflidmzte cowfa aff}¢_fl’z:rz§vg,£m;3 gm-zégm fmm anAapfninn Suffering, ,ex\%a'di1.¢ réazk I am %la»»tppy, r/orazgzgafy %;m:7:recArfx¢i1 imfvmcing afmim’ malmppinfrfle. 22‘(e_%it}:cr,j {aid H53, is 4 Maxi: #12 :,r/be 5:..Wfit% that? ;W»9Afl€1¢tAir4féAli0ify /UM A/rrvwg/of/74:1; fivé" Wit 3 s.:m:£lefl% .51/_;$fl::tfit‘A0j‘:At‘/98 Pui31&cklm.mad£Ama fig.‘-awn prAivatc Sc»-3 \ ’t:re;ta%;ry. f « » A V - ¢ j » . _ A, I am Maw éecamé mg)! awns‘Amanuenfi5. «A A A M . A '.d5'l‘lif35£5,.t!.3a2-‘fig’? Ammna, may mmmAV izppmr‘ ;, far I bmm mm A M Jinalwlfi t/gem»! fbmwafimwfémax A/oelpi tar,d¢i€fa1:c%ta oz Pm: £3: tmw 1'/xfe Di ri£36,*{f)'AA mi’ tilgtljtabaad, are to he» efirgmgédfroms me.» MammadmA,mj fiarbe m .123} pm-fiwz; Afortmm : Md ‘ cfanclzzde with tlaz;A im M x fioréae :% 7'kazz> Pfimes, in di/frefllé, Away mt A ; B: A mam’4 to be their urim'Secrat4ric:. n v .« ‘ _./ "W » M W ‘ . In ‘.\ a One told +Ape1ze:,6 w ruirzfd j4CitY 5 A with 9“¢fl¢Xt0113140W_fl‘¢4¢F3?9§¥Y;.5x~ dWh¢*?;%‘W inf’ cbmparafile Apart liadp’r é{*et1tcd to Him[ the MaAnde§;:%1¢re'%arfi”%“o"Ef that Draglght : That He 'na;ce;flQzz{z§"}* He i:¢f«£'zz,W! W P97‘ fefi‘ tbe4%.DWgbr)pxefint Himfelfé,%% 4 Hrfaffied in At/at difirlay 0 »:t'%&ldW, 7”tE§ *éfi¢‘ Jiaf owm Family. M - A " " ‘A % A Small doiibt is to be ne”¢atf:ie,*ft%'7;:enca?1e pou rrra,y%-in;g>»his ownc is A A 4 cl :Chrifiian Scw.:«ts3‘fl~a[nd»a'maze«d4 aft h“is%*umpraf1@£%@ntaa&&A7&7r}>M15¢3im4 horrid %,Trcafon% afimdé» upn his PeJrf