i I 1 2 i f 3 ‘ /“€39” MW x‘ .1,’ ".,(:,uv'”” ..=.‘*.a."’ 194‘ w‘’'\ git’ %xw"”‘ ca 49' ‘* W W fifi , 1 5L lldgwww ‘ Mm’ 4» £1 . IV \ e ,. W , "*4 ‘W’ Qilwfdf’ 4ifl,,m IlIu9 ;3“(‘f"‘\vm-qu- --“'"' “Mm ‘ - , H‘-‘ 4,, u fldw ‘h’ H 9? »«”""‘-W h .,r....‘. '€’§"”*""""{s1)'bq.4v "‘ W“ ",“%0_,» ‘AM- J’ w!«w;;‘w.WM,,.« '¢w.~ ‘ " G ‘..v" .~~ W M -» ,. *1,” M, ‘ _’,~‘" <7v;»....~"‘§r:¢«“-" “ ‘ ...... ...m¢mm- -\» W W‘. e%¢%%¢¢¢%¢%%%%¢¢¢¢¢¢%¢%¢¢%¢$%¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%¢¢¢¢¢¢%¢¢¢¢&%¢%%%¢¢4%4 \ ‘ mm“. “M4 \\|\\'‘—,‘ %g;;5*emgs<~:9 esaaaeéaamaaaegga Efiaéfib ea-« A A A 3: ‘ . " ‘ V jv ‘ " , . _ . 1 ‘ '1,‘ ; *‘ ‘ \ ~, ,r V .. ‘ ‘t, ‘W; ' 5*‘, ‘ . 1‘ H “V \ 7. , . “IW1 ‘:4? % % ‘ o T V I ~ 2 W % ‘ *‘€""' THE D VKES, A/IA RCQZESSBS, jg; % , “*'é‘;'* E311 his and Lords, tllatmllaxe abfented them... jg; fclvfrs from the PARLIAM “iii, and are nmvv with LE1 H15 MA I. E 31* 1'. And of the A amrrs ofthc: Lords that $1 Subfcrxbcd to 1@V1c‘H01‘fi: toaflifl: His c.»"1z'zrzj¢-.ti.«: with, ex-if Ccvpie aftz/J t/ac’ C3Va11"C31"S% 0f/:2i.r Majcffics ../’lv~f2m“/an ifig /Y7"V¢}’» Wit“/9 t‘/ye nnméer Cx:Ipt:z.£:2(1r in mo/9 "9" flmvem/Z Ihzgimwztg wc'r}- Regipyzeyzt can... ‘ :3: tazixzirzg 4 r/svozzfimd Sa;%xJa’ic7*x. . 3*“ As alfo, A L1“: ofuthc Army of his Excellency, ROBERT, Q,‘ Eax*'ct of Bf/'2’:v.:* .- Wxrh the Nzsmcs of the Troops of Horfc uz-1~ der the Cqmnnargdfi 0f:W‘ilZiazm Earle of 13mj€ms/_ Each T1-cop $7,: confiPun;2; of f1xuc}~’Iurfc; bcfides twoT1*ump::ttcrs, 4%» t}'l!'f;’C7CQI'p01‘fl”S, :1 S:td]<;+1', and £1 F:zt'rx'r:'1'. With the Influx... "Q3" % &1o%ns fem; by the P,m*£m::.-mzt to his E xullcrr _y. 4%: .. .. 4‘ _ , V W" A Lzfl ofrhe Navm Rnyzzll, mad Merchants SI11ps:tI1cNamcsj§: of thc: C”apta.1nc.<:.-.. and Liczvtczmnts ; their men and burdens, ‘W for rim Qf‘ flaw 1\7a:;«,%»,5.;w...S‘cwz:, aim! for Irclgmd, Mareovcr, 4&6 The Names <)ft:hc Orthodox Dxviuaes, prefented by the Knights and BL1L*gcflEs, as fit pcirfons to bcwcoz‘1fulzcd with by tl1éI’pzr/iazmcrzzf A E totxclwixagthc R<:Fo1'nmr;ion of CI-xumch Gave:-mncnt and Lz'rz¢;~‘g_£’.2_ %_ % ‘aw . % Laflfig % % %% The Field %OHia:c:rs crhofen for the Ir://2 Expedition ,for their . Rcgzmcms Qf” sooo. Footc and 500. Horfa. ”‘ «so I3’rint£:*d I 6 4,2. ‘ A %%%%%w%%%%$%%%%%%%%%%%%w%%% mam .. ‘- y) ‘ an no ' . A‘ av -. - . - m I‘ r I um ' -" .. In 5-‘, “ w . _ . . w .. "' ‘V A 0 ~ 0 A AA ' A ' ‘ ' ‘.‘. r, ‘ ' " V ‘ ;. K . . w, . A . ‘ N ‘. ‘ 1 u ‘ 1' . “ A‘ A Y‘ I ' ‘ “W AOF THE OF T Dukes, Marq‘L1e»Hés, Earles and Lorcfls, that have Abfcnstcd x:I*1Ac:n1ii:Ivés from the PA n 1; x A M-n wr , amdarc nmwmtlv Hm MAAIESTIE. JTHc Lord Kcrzpcr. §#EM:1c: of Clzmr. A A [ Lord Longavill. * Duke C*i"RiCh£1=6z.1 ;‘Eark: ofwefimorland. Lord Rub, A *MarqL1cfl'c- of Hcxtford. A'4E¢.zI‘1C0Me3n1T1Oll,h. bi;-rd Axadover. Ma:quclTc I-l[;;»miJ%ta%“=n{4. 1 Ear1co%A'Lxndfcy. Lurd Faulkconbridgc. Earlc oi Cus%x&Vxbc1‘la;%*;»d. Ea1‘}cofANcwca%fllc. .AL0rd Loveiacc. Earic ofBa1:he. A A ‘ ffiaric of Dovrsr. A Lord Pm-let. EalncotS0fi‘.]}Arh‘tAtfiPtOI]g ; Earic og Catnarvan. L0rd&»Ncw'axI«:c. Earle oi D«.%>rfct. E.n‘ic~0fNc'wp0rt. ‘Lord Coventry, Eaxlc of .Salxs:mry. fAE.a.1:'l¢: of"Than¢.:r. A «Lord -SSIVIH. Earle o1fN<>-nlmmptnn ;’Lmd ‘bsdoubray. Lord Dunfmorc. Earle of Dcvon1”i1iz:c:.A ‘Lord ‘Strange. Lord Scrymur. Earle. of Carlilc. {Lord Wxllonwglmby. x Lord Capcll; «Mo«afvvt°~£vWx4«v5-v&'~I°4°vZv4v4W°$1e¥=t~¢«€v€v4~'a?m%'4w4wH’v=WMv4°~I~¢t~~i~W>«a.’n¢>€vA A Catalogue of the Naiancs of the Lords that fixb- {bribed to I..cvie4Hor’1‘c to aflifl: His Majefiie. "[0 pay H<3rrf¢sfortAh1*ec Mcancths, thirty daycs to the Moneth, at two ~ mailings fixpcAncc per dicm,1°cill advancingaMonths pay, the firfi pay“ 4 mcntroVbeg1n£?;ufoo11c as the King flyallcail for ir:%aAfccrt11¢ Commiffinns fl1aflb::r iffixcci L1!‘Id€1‘tI1C Great Scale. In this Nurmlwr are not to be rcckom A mid the Hoxfcs of the Subfc1.;ibc1“s, or chofc that {ha%l1attcz1dt1'1cm. A % A A 2 Horfc. . }.w“ M“ W raw ‘m 1”» »u..., ‘ u ‘.~ “ ‘ ', “ K '"A '4‘ »""f ‘H1’ ‘ ‘J ‘fin! ‘mm W‘ 5) V _ Horfe. ’ “ He Prime, l « coo. W The Dz¢Qe of Torkfl, 1 20.. Lord» Keeper, l ‘ 4.0. A Du/eel of Richmond. 100. Lord Cfl/fmarqueffe Hartford, 60, Lord Grew V lClmm£erVlm'm9.l,,l f , 30. fftrle qf"C:i¢n;éerlar:d. M l l A 50, 7 Earle rf 'Hzmti72gfw¢. V ‘ 20,4» Earle of Bat/9. l 50. .Eé2rlc~Vqf Somlmmptvfl. 50-’ Earle of Dorfit. 60.~,w Earle q,".ZVorr/wimp: mm, 4.0. Earle of Dc-'z1loi¢f7yirr.. l A 60. Earle of ‘Dover. % 23., Earl: offazmériclge, 60. Earle ef ‘flriflall, 60. % Earle of I/V-‘flmerlmza’, 20, 13. of“Bm'£’flv£r-e and L. Andawr. 30.. Earle of fllofimmgb, 30. Earle Rh/er.r, V 39. --Earle qf C ozrmtr2:;z_:4, go <2 ‘) Earle af‘Ne“‘}vpart. A Lord C}!/lowlamiy. l Lard‘ ‘I/Vi/lmglaéy." Lord Gray ofKr4t/aim l Lord Lovelace; "Lord Pazgat.‘ ’ ‘A ‘Lord _I"a:»;lca2slv;(£dge taljllbdme, “ l»L0,,zll*llR;g;,_ Lord lP¢swletl. lLord Newarfi. V Lord ;.4:(mnt.ag;ze,;l _ Lard oventrpy. , mad .s'ma;i11,ll - Lord 11/[.0/arm; Lord Dfimfmore, Lord Sejmar. Lard Cazpell.. 4 Lord Fmzz’l{las_nd,;% A ‘C/"1/llzflcr Comptroller. l % C./fl/[t?Zfll6’7"Sz?£F'}‘€lx9!7‘)' N it‘/dal;z.r.l_ L _l % . Lord Claiefe yufliiue Bankx, l The Lord T/mm is not here, but one Horfc. ;so. 500 V 30-» I0. _ _“r°~ on .«_ “M’;" N2. ;<:‘.‘W“" J; 3°» V ~ 49- ad. 30- % I00. 50. no. 40» '20, I 1.000 200 1.0. % 20:. 2.0. hath undertaken for 1 0.0.. for him. Sum. mall. 16- 9 '5; A _ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢+4+¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢+&¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢+¢ A Copy of al: Lifl: .of the Cavztlicrsl of his Majeflics Marching Army , with the number of Captainc-s,in each A fcvcrrall Reginfmnt , and every Rcgxment C01’1t£l1l1‘1-r ; * ‘ A V mg about a choufand Souidiers; ‘ “Jmprimi! 1:. Régiment.-; TH; Ema ofmmwflze Lord Genemx of His Maiefiicsfoot Forces.‘ ' Lxcvtcnanu C01oncl1lRic/9.. Sergeant Major Baétlwrpe. A Gaptainc *I*'1e%_ctwcwd, Captain; PVWW. Cap1caincHémi¢¢g.r, Captain: /5!» A HM» Captaxgc G}/[mg C"apEtal11c"1-E52:/Zzer , Captains Anairewvw _., Capraipc ‘ Era 2;. lRegimmr..l C > .2‘; Aflcjgiiwwr. A ‘€0H'€5fl€’1'1V10rd.T?tfi5:*AanAIrxYZmm2¢. ~L1Acvcr:nanc Colondig Sir Mm .l?m’r.r, Scrgcanl: Maj or, Thoma; Trweere. ,.; Cappaine 'Qpton,, Capta,ineVHoA2%ey,ACaptaine W/cite; Captains Hi!/,Cap~ faI'I_1€_1‘A efWJ*f’?'s Captaixic Wbiteacfie ,AACaptaincA Flajd , Caprainc A Dauglmv Caprmc Wmrer, VA A 4 AA %u ~ , .% Regimmt, A CoIIone1lHa[fmg»'. Lxcv. Colloncll Langley. 1'geancMaje>rSmnleé, Capmine Fryer, Captaxnc P’1.~m»;-V, d%capc.qin¢VH.m’gr:, Captains fa rzfoiz, A Captains Pi//W.A W A W A 4.. Regiment. A A 001103311» 5117 7799mm‘ C7/«W/M %» Lir:v.jCo11one1A1Vmzgkma. ScrgeantMajor if/.c:ggflazfl'"c'.. A C‘**P‘3¥’1° 50% Caxmiflc CW)’: Captainc srmzvy, Captains swam “ Capt:1InC’?»tc%*fc2M. A A A , V 5'... Rvgimcrzt. C. \ Coflonclla Sir Fmmlk Worthy. Licvtcznzmc Oollonell J€z¢j]2»/J, Sergeant A Maior Pr»:/Jar. , C3PW1"11‘~’«‘ TM5§f»V Qzlptainc SMfl’o~m', Capraizmc Sl.m1tan.~A A AA A AA .Rqgimc*flr, Lord C;/:mz;2c/:3/.071a]..lC?VtC!1£1r1t Gencrall. Licv.Co1lonc1l fob» mzgzy. Sex?» gcant Major. IV;/lawg/2é_y,. A f % » R Captmnc Wm/261%, C;1pt.‘11flC Lfllforgazfi, CaAptaiz1c- (‘m,~»zc, Captainc‘!lzfzzfl~ ‘graze/1, Caprmnc: .73.adLg'¢»'r, C;.1prjz,u1g Hi/!}';zro{, Cap[ai1]Q.¢QMfig£yjdg§‘ W ’ ' 7. _ tagrmerzr. ’ _ 0011017611 -fimwrofl Tartar. L1cvtcn;1ntCoHonc:1lI/lzwzfir, Scrgca11tM.:t~§j }{)1‘u.$’tzz9¢/Jam’. V ‘ A _ (3apt:1gncW'z//iarmx, C;1pt;1ilA3C '3¢”?”7’)’-.. Captainc Tifdala, Gaptaine W/Site; (y.:1pcz11I1c.t?rAW, C:1pr:..unc lmfley, Captains T/Jirlmv. - . A % A A A AA 8. .Rc=vrimwr1t.. V A C10f'tC1_1 /1fé!3A?¢rWzm, Iricvtcnanfb ‘Zfmcrran. Scrjcan£Majo1: C'.rz7rcy.. Capmgnc Hzm, (.«£lPtm§-le Iidomlrr, Captazne: Ilia/g/c=y , Qapcainc W4fbcr,$. Capczzzzm Bawm, Captaxnc ‘1’5’fl/1A:Wl, Captains PV£'6’/Q‘, 9,: 1?cjg.i212c*2¢z+,,AA Colcanrrll Be’/14/55, Licvrcnam: Cu.:)loncll Xbfizrrcy, AScrgca;n.tMajAo1* I~"ape; Captains: H0/102m)’, Caprainc .Lcggc, ACapt:1inc WitA;96rJ, Capming Hgdgmfi. Captains ffamm Captalinc-1W6‘f00, Cnpcaxncfiazrrer, A Commifféary 7«V£lm.ozu, Muflc1'~M2aficr Gcnc:m1l,,Aonc Troop of Horfc. Scc1‘cta1'y Nfcbolmx Secretary of‘St‘arc, one Troopof I-{or A“ . ‘ A Mafia: .$‘.z'dm/Wm lf{nz'gh1: Mzufhall, one Troopc of Horfc. « A 3:3 .A A 150. R6:g';!777fif}7f:",, (4 ) A ' “ ~ 1.0. Rag¢‘mamr,' 4 A % % A % ¢V Vifcoourxt Iéi//mm-ray,.'S¢rgoant Major 'G.cncraIl, ~Licv. Co‘1ohc*11=*Sir Fflitli-§ A _;’.ez!J1~"arrefc,p.g.e,‘" Sc?1"gc:mt Major Pa/lard, .Capmjnc flullacad, Ca*pta;izI$Ic Trawfi, Ifiiiptaimc Thomas, oCapta-inc *Ca[e:m ffootc, €Zap;aiocfl't@‘@’?'m Captains Bmmn, Captaimé Dewé}. A M . % . 11, Regiment. ‘% % ‘ % o Six Lewix Dim, Colonclol, Lacv. C.o1onclLa.cy»% Sergeant M~a»}o1: Witkrigg. ton, . A ‘ _V A . .. ‘Captaim: ‘Z?raw_na.,oC;apt;1111c ‘T/wmm Fflréwfb, Gapcamc Le], Capgggng 510/Jfiffimg Capta1nc.9'l2»:g:éy. M V A o ' V I2. Regimcfir. . . Coloncll Sir C/mrlex Lucas. Licv. Colonc1I5:maIay. Scrgcant Major Kc!»- >.C%aptai11cH0dgN, C_:1ptai~t1c4ForaL& Captaoinc Barlq , Captain: Strange:-3 mzyex, Captainc W/aztcowa]. ‘ ¢ ~ 13. Regiment, . Colomel1Sir George gatlwick, Lievccnanc Coloncll Wafiingtan. ,Scrg'c:a.nt Mafior Pom?/Z. ‘ A ’ % Captains Ifiwk, Captainc fob»/érn, Captains Lem-r’. Gaptainc‘ .5‘m~rawc:r.-. 4’ . Captains Suttcm... A A ~ ‘ 14.. Regiment, Coloncll Oxéarm. Licv.CoIonc-I1 Savage. Scrgc2u1tMaior Onmlt. .Cap.ta«ir.1e Parfler. C‘aptaoinc Vxsmx, Capcainc Halydzay, (jam,-,u'nc Hujfiry, Captains Bwroler, Captains ‘?om*.r, .Capta*inc Fisllc-r. A " A A Prince Rm5.ert~GE?n€ra1I 0f the Horfc, Sir ‘T/Jamar Byron chiefs Commzm-Z dot of the Princes Troopc, containing about soc... Horfc, The Earle of Brifizoll CWO Troops. The Ezmlc of Crawford three Troops. Tho Lord Dig&y..tvvc> Troops. Loud Ccflp-NV, two Troops. T't1cI .ord WizYmgM~}; two T100pS'. The Lord Gra;a.:lifv§W, LOITCI 1Ci//mmwy, Lord Riab, Sir C/Jazrlaar ¢ Lzmrax, Sir G’c*.AJ;f;‘r¢ g'0tl*wr*icr'<§. Sir F'r'a'?¢6'éI“ Wortlay, each Of chcm a Troop . of H__orfc ;.Bc:1.idcs a foot.Rc:gimcnt. Sir §7a£u4’$’_yrarz, one Troopc of oric. . Ihavc: omimzd tho Earle of Curn~':scrland his Horfc and foot. The Mar- qu.-cfle Hcrtfbrds‘Horfc .:m;d foot, The Earle oi:.Da.rbics Horfc and iUOE,, » vvhiclz is at the lczafi, 1 éooo. W . Nam-_ofA%whic11l1avcoosn as ‘ye: with His Maicfijc, ['0 that in all farts His Majcilics Army ofol-+Ior[c: aozuclfoot is fuppolcd no bo o4oAooo. .ou‘1—- diets. T <25») ++¢§4»¢¢¢t»»¢»z-+m¢§«m«+ V :4~+4'f$¢vr8»¢t=ffi~#v%*+«$4~+-Mé$=4~»&w% I T H E L I s F Oficgrs generafl bf t/:‘e Field; ‘V. Gcnerall. ~ % A . , Tbiliptslqippan , Scrjc2mt'LMajorGencraI1, and“ Pxzcfidenr of the .‘\ .\\\‘¢’..‘«*I\‘L‘\\\‘ A Counccllof Warts. 9 j V A A V ’ V Captains ?ame: Saignemj Provo£’bMarflmlI Gcncrall. T/norm: Riclmra%mtCarr1a-ge Maffer Gcncrall. Ofliccrs oftlue Lard Generall: '17u:u;n._; ;.tt3.itt Giléafi G""“Wl Knight» Tsrcaftwtttcr tat; Warrcs. Liam-ll Copley E-{quire , Mufter - Mafict Gcncrall. Dofiaur ,Ifimrk_Dor1§flpz, Advocatnc of thf: Army. Hem-y Parlegr Efquirc, Secretary to the Army. « tflqh-rt Gévafivaéafixg Auditor of thctflxzmy. A V t »0j‘}'ccr: Gemrall qfttée Harfiu W x x. 1-. I A M tEatIc of Bcdfflffla Lord Gencraltlt A Sir William E;-'lfoorcKn1ght5 Lxcvtcnam: Gcncrali..- jlalm Duléeh-,_ Qgarter-Maficr Gcncrall. Six: Edwar.-I Doajwort/5, Commilfary for the Horfe. jlalm W4rd5 Comnttflgtry for the Provifions. faim Baldwim", Provofl: Matfltall Gemzmll. V V! Ln‘?/hf the Train oft./!eétill¢ryv.ttt 1:3 mm Bark: of Pettrrbaroug/9, Generall of rife Ordrlanccg ‘7’/aililzerr Emmmel de VBayc.r 3. Licvtcnant Gcnerall of the Ordnatlcw Nic/aol;z.‘r Coolgg, an Atfiflanttt to the Licvtcnant of the Otdnancc. uflextmdcr Farboy: , a Stwvgyor or Cmnptrollcr. A in/m Lyon, an Engineer. A other Enginecrs Aflifiants. ~‘~*‘j IS Excellency R 03 nun r "Earle of , Effex, Captains 5’W£?“: 5 6 5 €?’m*ge ?”7Wvm V‘ two Commifia-tics of i'tI1c Ordziancc,MatcJ:ia1I Wm .1”;/0ip}m»~»V.. Ammuni,tim.~ . - } , . % _A 5*‘: V " V’ / A Commxffaxy to dnfhtibutc Vi&ua1k. , —»¥ 4 : »J~.-~Wfnbv 5 ;an4dA: we %-«am (_"‘a,pt2i'ii‘1e P.éVm~% Cnnnamfi PurdéVyor”"”Ucnéi’3:Tl, -both “Tor Ms.iAiii%;1 ax‘-Ki an A other ncccflfariesbelonging to .thc Ordnance. Eighteen G:emt[e;2g&a;¢4_af the ordmgzm V V % ‘ 1. TIM. Halyrmm, ’ Io. foflzmz S£ng“f M 2. Rolvm Baréw‘. % ; XI-I‘ ';_:G¢0rgrV*:Rémfam;;%A V M 3, Patrick Strc’//e}v_ ¢ 12,. Snmx2el1Bé2*rry.-« * 4%. e/fol-zmrd%r»Vaf:c'.% V fI--:3-,_ .‘Z?é?f.‘1tA.¢$j/Z.Bfl?fWicfQ‘ ~ 1 5 . o.»{nt1oony "I'Te)‘i']‘57*a’, " 14.. ~73’/qa%. %R4;vf£2fg,f_r% 33; A6,, Rolwt Bower. .A 5 5 1 ~ w%%5§V;% T/§¢j.V;Sippemce;%4 ii: : 7, Henry Edflan, M . 16,:.' T/go. ,Craflfq. "“ ¢ 3_ fame: Fmmr:/gliii. % _ fI7. :2"/70*," Ajres. W 9. Riv/Mrd Honey; ’ J 1: 1:: 18;. 7W5/lié3mA1%%Hic£¢b¢#,m- _?afon F 011% , a M.1ficr:of.. th¢:;j%.'CarrihAge§%§ AVV§1iig'gGn¥»§'Maftcf jfarxthc A A* Wil. Cmwley . a principzill=C01§du&oi:a0f ,Ar£i11éryV4Vf0rA the * T190. Williams, . % % ' C/9r't:/33}?/76?” Tramgktafl. Provo&~Marfha11 of the Arcillgry. U V V yam» Hm’, Fire - worker and Pctardiér. . .Draught-Horfes and.Ammun:itiox‘1. A ~ ~ : ‘V Sdwazrd W:-ff, a Commiflhry of.thl-1cI‘min of imtillery -.for?~the4 «draught- Horfes. A ¢_ % . ‘ George Wmtwart/2 , 21 Qgarter «Mafia: of the Tm-ine~o.f Artillery. £alm:zrd Frcdflmm, V % W _ % % % Henry Rae, thrcc: Capm-Vines to~6qp. Pyonc’1:s.~ ~* ~~ A" flgbn VZ);mga;¢._ 4 [ % ” v % T V «T * . * Benjamin oafflm, clarccldcvtcxnants to 600. Planers. A V‘ A % V‘ Lmzcelet Honibarne, Mgflcr ....%~G1_11mc_-rj gdnmr R 5 . 01311. a Battery --VMafl:er. William RoV5¢rts,VF.£rc~ workcrand~PétardVicr.V Y A V “ ' I Harman BramVzi22g,V :1 Bridg¢~Maflcr for thciflfralinc ofArti1Ici:y;7 V « fa. Herd£na,%~an»~‘A-fliffantuntojhim. :”>_’ V W, V % L1cvtenant%Ge‘nerall ‘De Boy: Cagratncof ‘JxVc1o.‘F1rr:~1oVcE;;s.‘~V ; V Ric/9, Pr£ce,AL1cvtcnant to Captam-c 136 Boys. % V V V4 ’ 4-23 <7) A A The Lift ofrhc fe%vcra$Il Rcgimcms o"f°Foot anfi Hdrfcl His Ex cm L LEE xx :2 ms Regimem. Caqptainex, . % _L£ez/:w;m't3, I Enfignés, % I 01W/lAhis Excel’-— I A % ‘ G _ John Lloyd. Lierzz. Col. W‘.'Davics. , ‘John Réinsford. V % Jcnkin Song. AA Ser.11/I.;]o. Bamficld; A Ft-Ilk Muskct. Sir Antho.';S:. jiohn. Hugh ]ufiice.. A "Edw. Cockmm. Chr.‘M‘athi:as. 7 W31; Rccd. A Will. Bowen; A jo.VSkri:n*p%fl1iere,, ?Gco.C1a;Ar1i1liam Emcrfon,Antl1ony lMa--M fliami, Ifaac Tumcy. /oimrgian, Io. Broughton. A <9Wfig2jze.r_. A akc, "Tho. Radford, R obert Ir-Iuglms, Roger M‘oorc,Wil. I-Icy»-' dons Edw Horton, _]o.Garre_t: Jer. Gardincr5Rich.B tad, Ed w. Horton; 5...... T/fiel Z.brd”lR o co 3:0 R s. Regiment, 0!. LorclR:ocl3forcl.,.l Liam C’. Ed.Aldricl}, .Ser..l Tho. Leightoo. V [1zp.wzz':¢.r., Tfhol lDr:z-kc!3 Gcoorge ‘Nalfh, Plnlip Ballard; Benilamzn I-Ioolmo. Em.“ Hzxdfon‘, ]::l'per~Brand» Geo. Willlotlghby. Q’..“‘37't’97“*C-N/91/l.[*‘$_fl€7”5.«+\»l\/lll£?SD()lbf0Ul., Clawpllmifla Io.Pa»gc. V ,J_:£C"T.'ffi’”&?.Wt.r. jo, No1'£h'pg. W'illiam Shawca’ EW.Dcering,W7filier Bradley; A Ralpli: Ca?£tohh:Davis,' .Iohn,.Warr.ens Th0.R0l3ertS.a Wxllxam Tattoo, Tho. ~Hindc, Hum‘. Lyeathcock, ]o.Pcto, Tho.” Ginnings. C0':to1J3 ,Egglc£lozz.h ' WC/airfirgim, Iohn Cleare. A A A _ _ V % —----Au--4»- -M-—-—- ...........__ uh: -'w.r- The Lord , .MlA_N~n 3v 1 L as Rlegimmr. CT¢zpm"nc.r.l Eran.l:’WAilfon,.: Hon. AAASomAorflcr, Eclwr ~Watr:s,AAA-Robert Goocl-f win, Robert Palmcrh,%Dan. Redman, Osborn Williams. % ‘]’rov_aj%~¢Mm:/l:a!l, John‘Tu1'ucr. (‘arrizzgeu Maflcr, Robert Ousby. -A % lllLi-¢’W'7w!ta'. Tttrkingtomlohn HOSklflSa R0gcr..l.W?hlcrfione,Fran. Ballard; ‘l Hen. Worth; Io.A,Rofc,B.ridgcsBufhcll; Nich» Dibdale: Hugh Bccflon, 1 ‘ ]amc:s*Blodwell- C/MW?” Simon‘ Afh .. r%5mW'~/1/Iafierl Nic:hl.W00d~ A fimfigwex. I jafpcr Goodwin;N;1th."Wa1mfly.C Tho.‘ Davies, Io.ARamfcy, .Cha. Davies, Tho. Goodwin_.,»Math..lMi1bourn:. Flezningarlohn Daily. A _ VC/virwlgiazq, jV\%7flIjiam.Stannafdg 7 A A ‘ l ‘A llBlzA l A 42"/h-A ( 19> me Lard lR“n;n¢: 3.-rs ml Regfimtlflf. » ;. , K91 ‘ A €03-l]0hti'L;RobCrt§.‘»lL.;C01.;‘Wfl1.P:IflUtcr«‘SW’. Alexi’. A c.ap:me;,; ?]a'mes Wkchcrly, lIo.l»Wa1kér,l lI0l.a-Mérccrall Mark Gfimcs, John M.i’ll,- Io11ath.llE3l1i-bt.lll Ierj}.ml!_;,i R0b1=rc.Gibiao11s. L _ Enfignex. Ncthcrmili Garrard, Tho. Browne,ATi1o.CooA, Geo. Langford. A Io.Midd1cton.;Henry Gurney, Sheldon Nappcr, iob Throckmortgn, Bcn."Be;fWo1frh}.% 'Iiho.Blundc:Ji. Ca1rriagé~m/g/Ear,io.Hopkin£on. T I.._.:._._ '_ ‘ ' ---~ W...-— A _._ “‘ flv A i ii iii iSiriiW; 1.91. 1» AAiM¢ Cons T 573 1; E S} Regiment. i“ E Col. Sir VV.ConfiabIc, Liw. C. Rob. Grain; «SW. ,M. I-ie;Frodfl1a;n1. Cczpmim.%Tho; Eurmlam. Brcckhain, Io.Fc:nw1ci<, SimonNccdham,. » Bc.n.CiciiI,Humph.._Iones,Iam-Gray— = A i A A L PrazJaft";fl¢(;zrfl.m/Z, Iohn Yamcr.iA Cflrriag£~~z’fi:!'rrjz‘€r, Ca1ebiL_ove-30y.» A .Li¢7Jl“5’?7¥WN'e..A. E.dmoH3CklLlifa Io.Linch,Sui=nneri,i Io.-Dugdaiic, Tho.Comp-_ V A com, I+Ien.Pownail, Tho. Beth, Iacob Strmgcr,§Courtop, R0. I-iarvih. Clgirurgian, Nach. Harris. V (‘/mp/aim, Willianii Scdgwick. . A A Enfignex. Jofcph Smith; William Knight, William Miiicr, Arthur Yaung, A Lifier, Arth. Pargicer; Harccourt, Iohn Gorge, Tho». Roe, Mofss Neale. 4 A... ..__.—--——'-Ln_..._.._ ‘,,%§4rtcr-mafl6’7‘: ‘William Bigadford. ; . ._ r 5...... I —---vw --r 1*‘ ~—-—---w v I 1-: ————w-u Ca/on;/Z i 'B'A..I.! LAM1-¢ ins Regimmt. Cal. 1*1:;o. ’B§"Iii;i1fd;‘A c.i“""F3:3n. Mama, SW. zz»4*a. W11; Lam.»-i Captdinai. Tim.‘ Middleton, F1‘a13‘."Foukésfim. Edward Alien! Edw. Prim- rofe, Pei-.Momford, I0.Bfowns:, Rc§b.Noves. flrgartcr-mafl.AiIo.Lamfdic, Liewemmtx. Leon. Moreton, Io. Hiighcs, “Dan. Redman, flohrr Lookzir, »Fran.Fow»kcjma. Fran.Bowy1cr,Edw. Norbury, Robert Davies; Tho. I Brandy. W.4ggan~mafier , Jere. BAurIeigh.i~ Enfignex. Hen»C01iingwogd..3WiI1iam Fowies, Chas?-aikc1', Robert Pur- V pcH,_I'.'I€m‘y Higg1'ns,.Tho...Aix{icll, Io. Hard;n,- Edwf. Wicct, William O- gcc, Wfiiliiam Géirfoot. P:*a'mJicJ14’az7;flm/1, Beniludlow. L A A 1 .$‘z‘r »W 1 Li LIA M4» FA 1 R. FA 3:. A h£xRegirn‘em*. 1 A cpz.sirWii1iamiFairfax, L. 001. Wiil~.Mom'ngs, Ear; Ma. Iéirvis Paine. i(:,,4p:azi22¢:. ‘Francis Ragcrs,;EdWard Ocgiingfcll, Thomas Rufh, ‘,M'ici1a'c1 .3 l""'~l"""""""'-""""" __ ‘ Bl;at_1d;~«; A fzxarterwxlflig/fer, ThomasTyr{':r.i Cbirargioxz, ( 12) ll Bland, Robert ’Wilfhiere.lLeigilat:o“n, William Trunlce." A “ 1% ames Winter.iiill » ~ Liewcémzzats. David Goldfmic-ml Themas-lWh~i*t~neys -George Tirlwhitylolm Calclecott; William France, Thomasfiuttonii. Franc;is.Bland, George Gif- ford, William Llevvellin, Iohn Fol’cer.. Pravofl.‘ Zbfvirfball, Henry ‘Filher. V ,z:7nfigna:., Iohni Plead, Atwell Needham, [ohm Lloyd, Fuiclhard Adams, l M/lilley Samuel Kenarick. C.err£.¢zge-Zlxfzzfler, Henry \VaI.‘d Riehardllpcoii, EdwardlOtter.-, lames Sleigh ; rlo. eWl1i:e: Tlieopliilus 0 """“"'-* . sun:-nun‘ ' an Cofonc/Z C H A R I. E 5 E 3 s I 3: /91'/.J“R':9g£m€J¢t,v A Col. Charles Ellex. L. C. Adam Conirxghsima Se.-r. ~C»”74'w- ‘i A C apminex. Wiilliarlm Pumbercsi Io. Ienleins, Fmnclils Halli; William F;:e&e1:icl<.., Io. Hafelivvoadi Samuel Lofizus, Sir Wil.iE1Tex.* a‘§7£‘5”V?“V*‘mfl5?-lRog.leWafe. l~»Lie'wem;¢:m, Frarneis z1‘l‘l; Edwardl*B:1rneWel'l; es ‘Wfébb; ‘Ptzzlplil W £1117.» ams, Barth. Elliot, VV:1l.raVen”lHemerc, Clirilioph. Erovv, C.h1_:iltopl‘2-' i Cliidley, Iames Burtell, Daniel Riobinfou. Chaplain, Samuel Wells. Ezflgm°.v.l lo. Shipimn, Leonard Hawlcilns, lIo;iWheeler, Io.AA‘Wark~ins, Tra~f-3 ecy Smart, Io. Withers, William Stratfijrcl, e~Tl20mas>Fitz, rI*l.ob~.Shergall. I Pu'el1.’I7l1e>rnelaill. "‘.'Promfz‘ Mar, Mzuicin Benthin. Gbimrgzqn, 4Ivo.‘Browr1e~. __ _.___.......—un .._..,,, .fl.C0'[0J¢e/I Jo H-1.: A M B :13 3%}; iRa-gimmt. Col, Iohn Hambden, Liev-C.W:}gflafi7. SW. Ma.‘ WilI."Barri&T. A C.«pm£m1r. Pxiclaarcll lmgioldesbe, ‘“N1ch0lls,i’Amett,John Stiles; Pxaymant; ‘R0l3C‘I'lT Farrington,“Mor1'1~s.; ‘ l ' < l A A A A A A A iiwremznry. Henry Ifham, A. Dutchman,ASho1'ter.. jflmfignes. Edwa1:d Willet, I.iauren"eeliiAlmot. C1Mp»’»zi2é,Williétiiispixrfiotich flaw the mzwéer ofScw[.e’ic’r.r M65 Regiment cfFaeatliare&lriie5id}m!l l % fifltlér “IA/alcir fewrpz/I i ozpminex. i V A « ll HeColonells eurnpany zoo. The Lievtenant Colqnells company 1 630;. The 5crjeanr:l\/lajors company 3:40. Seven Capraines 790. T A 4 A Every Reglment conlifls of I gee. Belides Officers. .._.._ ..._....... “W ,.,.,.. fi_.._,_.w' ......... ; ii A be Names of tlie iCormfeE eff/V.~:rreA. 3 Ir 51¢/m Mericéf, *Prcficlent. Sis: W:‘ll2.zmA$ie{;%re, Lievtemnc~ lGen't3rall ii 3f the Horfe. Colonell Wardlmv. COl0flAC,’ll.T 6;’?-.»:mr/amm Sn: William (‘own A D:3€l.'<3i° 1f;’.»§mo Déllflfi )4 Advecate .0l ,fEl1C.‘A-I.'l'I'.lYu A The jz%:.*£»lr.~ Pbiligérew }Enmm2meZ a’eA. Ba};/35* 9..Ll€VEEn;1I'1£LG€flC1‘3ll0liEl1l:«.Al3£lllCf§'. A osaxi < I3 ) The Lill of tlm Trlaopsfief ll1It?)rl'cl,_ lunclcr the Command « \ of x. in A M Earle of'B:aln,1=oln.lln 4: Each Troop Confilliszg of $0 Horfig; éq/Gale; 2’Tm»:m1aetem, 3 C'orpom[!:,a.Sml[er,o1ml¢z Farrier. A A A l lC<:r;l_<:»m~llls.l.az:1l<:ll; tl)€AlrA«OffiCC%1‘$;A. A A ‘Coloncll, flag;/[Lord Fielding, Major, R0967? 3AA€5‘@3-34A l Colonell, Lord Willaugbéy of Parfgawfia ’ ll ’ l Coloncll: Sit‘ WA'i[Zz}4zml.W'41i£r_5 ,HaM£ioll[}élraW.AClli§Ci13.*.llpzmafRriclégregé’,A C.0lO1€1€l.l,; 13:./wim5= Sitfldlg Maior, Alex.-. Dbéfrglazx. Qfliturgien, ?<9.5.:»;«z .r«‘;¥T2%:»'£'r;51s¢7>‘».z_}%;}'. H 1%.» T?‘0«7f- ThelGenlel1:allm L‘£M:I,»l;An~f€lll. “‘£2?'.’hll£’t,A:I0l"1{j3; PAa}mm'. .l C. 4SAm:.lW..Blell_ore;, Icahn: MClCTlf3‘{1l§A Cl. Wmmln Jewtyl. V . 0.; L. Grey, Gmslzl: L. Sim.Mattl1c4wls.C’.Th Bari11gt01l3.,,‘.Z___l}a.Ma&0Rfi ,.lC..’ E:2.;rlcof‘Tewré.l L.HerbA. Dlm.1lhm:d. C‘. VVill; Chmjey. 3 A .. C.LordSa.y-llL. H*cnA.Atkmfon,l C. ]Ql1I‘.l Croker, A,,‘{F:obertlParin.‘ . C. LQ1‘€:lA:Br00kc. L. B;lCl1l.‘M‘d?{.:1"Oll~ClA.l {,7‘;. Rob Lillbournc, %0,0k6y. V, Cl. H”aflings, Lwifho. Gracwicléc, AC. I-I.::n~.._ Ayfiuyc, £L,Tl1o..~ Mcfhaml. 5G‘~L?~'z ».§ \>3,t~3 Olo11ell,.W{H£¢m§EarI¢”ofvfiedford. Maior. ché:u:,gm3 Hfigz;w4rd,A - 1 .. C‘0l0nall~,l,Sn: Wi1.llBalj€dre:gMaj,.0rs ?0..l'Urr¢°y».l Chlirlllfig ;?¢?mar Swfigh. A , C. L; Slc.]§_2hri,L. Marmad.Coupm:, C‘. Oliver Cmmwell, cEL‘JW.Wallcr:r.[ 9. “ C.L.Sts_mlé:>rc:lA, L.Sa.m11el Bola, (A‘_llc;;p; 1A{ic.Bi’11g-leyfl <%,Tho. Vavcs. 1 o, C. L.Fielding, L. Reeve Baylcyr, C‘. Tho. Brudncll, Q. VV1llia";n Tovey-.* 1 ;“O,L.Wha.1ton, In Ralph Whifllcr, C.Petcr%Walrc, Q.Nich.BAattcrsby. 1&2.G.Lord.lWilloughbyot A A L, Hum. Broolcbank, ’Fho; Hickman. . 33,0 Lord Grey, Q. Madox. A ' A A ” l 14. 0. Jam. Sheffeld,L. Thoflcwlcs, C; RIicl:1A» Mzmzader, Q‘ Rich: lolly; 35. SirlW: Waller, L. Ric:%Ncwdigatc,, C.Poullretcy., L.Ma:: Plouglxmzmg C.M,C. John Hotham.» Alex2Pym.L;AAmr3ld HalwardgC.Ric=Compt0n3g°Z;_B~alph Ptomiti*c~1r:l..§. gm C .. AI.'£l3ul"‘:A:L l A C M 3 3:. C3Arc11LzrEvc.iirz, I}. Cjolmly, Ia Hay.’ A 4 5 2. C. (360 :_ Thompfon, L.]o§1n Coflxci. 5". Icahn Upton, A ,Q_. °WiIIoCoufc.' :33.C.Edw1nSar1dys, L. John Cockame. A A “ ¢ A 3 G.Anrh:Mi1c:m. jr,L.‘Hcn:Hatch«:r,,C.Sam:Cofvvorth, *.Th. gr A _ 3 C. Edi‘ Kyghley, L.W: Cooker, C. Tho. Loftus, £filc%'W1X[ae%%g_ gc$.C.Nath:F1nCs.. 7 AA A A A “A1 9 V 37. c. Edw: Be::ry,L.C.Ed: smders,g:Tho.Bi11md._qHen.Woodno:h..‘ 38.C.Alcx=.DougIas-A V ‘ A ‘ % 39. C. Tho. Lidcott, L.l’iob:StradIinAg. %A A 40. C. Tho. Ha1mond,~L. john Lindfcy.-. ACj.AMi= Wandcrford. A 41 . C. John Du1bcir,Z..WiLFrz;mton,C.H :VanbmI1an),,,&jc”>.Downchamj <-2*‘ Ex) .AA . C. Francis I~3incs.-. L. Ian1cs‘M00re, Henry Fines, AAj2,§coxtge Malnm; ’* C. SA,Ha{cIwrick,.L.]ervis Brakcy, C.TIw:H0r£on,,,€{_Zach:wa]kcr. 44 C35. V\[a1c:Ear1e, L. Ed: L::l1nfon,,£j’au1 Scooler. A A A 4;. C.]o: Naming, L. Ftobercklirlc, [2 Ed: Fleming. QJB. Blackboroxv. 46. (3. Ar: Eoodwin, L..Iohn Browne, C.Pc1c1: Palmer, cfiawilliam jucey. % 47.AG_,%R.icI1:A GIICHVHC:Ia-ACh&5FOL1flEaifl€33 C.]o: jamcs, Q,AlexA:ADaVifm-,, 48. C. T1102. Tcr1“iIl,V4L..W.il1Aiam Spry, C‘A.Io1'eph lanes, _Q.?. Ed: Th;-owjgyd 49 ‘C.AIoIm Hale, L. Chexnie Fuller, C. I A. Midchoopc, Q. Michael H315; 50. C.AH.Mi1may oi G. L. Hen: Gibb, C,R.ob; Milmay, ,,62_.wEdm:.;;adO,,, 51.0. VVil1:Ba1f'oore, C. George Wefi. A A. ‘ A A A 52.0. George Aufiixx; A A ' 5 3. 0. Adrian Scroopc, L. \«‘Vi1IizA*.m Day; p. Max: Veczyg ¢.5L_,HefnryA ANuBy., -% ‘*3 5.1,; C. I-Ic*r.:.*: LangriIh,L. Io:Dinglv-2y, CA. fihda In 18lm4c/yew, Q_Io :AE—alf1nan_, 5; 3. C. }Edw:Wingatc, Lffhozfivans, CA.Hcn:Daldornc, .QIa:AAW1'1icebrcad,A 5«:~rr .§~iz2:.1c, LA.¢h:L‘7iPfenccs,A.A as by all othc1“'rne'ants Vwhxchyou In your wzfcdomcs {halt -\\ .A-AX I n Ihinléc fit. >r **.~:f«Au}:A~.‘v'~‘A.’yOl]:;fl12n.CaI'Cfi.IHjP réfirainc'21l"‘In1pictics, PrA«:>phaAncneiI‘~e;,_ ‘A ~ i5_: ‘and D1fo1*c:'§ers;Rycxtglnfolcrzce,and Plundcrmgxn your Soui- * I‘ « i. V : ‘-’’'SeconmcHy ,% your Lordflaip isAtoz1'1:1r’t:h with fuchforces asycni thinks A t0W’:'3;1‘l,= being one of the principall Secxctaries Of*Stat€ to his Ma» If? :e. A V A ‘ Fxfi hly; .tyout-.-flaallt apprehend the pt-rfons of 311 thefe who Rand impeach- ed in Pnrliatnentt, or have been declztted Tray-terse-by borhéi orldthet Hottfc “£55 Parliament , or other Delinquents, jand you;-£h*a11"fend%tthemunto the Rarliameenttto receive Condrgnc pL1flifl1mCflC.flCCOIdiflg.{fC0 the1'r.gofFences- A AA ~ Szxthly, you Ih;1Hf€C€lVC the L0a"r1es,or‘Ctjntributtons0fMoney,PIate, 4 or HQrfeetfrom all his MajefiieslovingSt1bje6’tsa Whi_ch.they[{hall be willing tp make fcrethe fupport of the charge of theeArmy,, ax;1d_betttemiifcharge of the 1" cry1ce_ of the CQmmen-wealth 5 And yet: fl1aH;.cetet1fi.c .al1;ttfuchfuzvnmesej oft‘ ,, . .”m5ic>.4r3:€;“;};..%. burthcn Sxcumng 9;‘ 3Vfa13:g,Uatda4C9.pta1fl€ %%f«3*'”’-“' C3P‘~;'3mC= M3-33¢” 1'*"‘%’-3* Lnievtcnant, 250. men; bu1;I5hr;n';-51. ”tm1.%1o. Entrance, Captairze ::’.3z2w.» G2 ptainc, I‘v’1a{%ex: 30¢:-w»:%¢Li€vtcna&1mt, I 6o.mcn, bunhqn 53 9 . tun. M . C~3::u:~. iand, Captains ‘;‘Stimg;z§[7 Captains, Mafia: F’V4?£[rerI..‘I._.1CVtCn211‘1E, mo men’; burthcn ;;r67.tun. 1‘2.%ALyoI1, Qaptaxnc 7’r§1T¢&Capt31nC«:M»?-RC1? HA./+’3 Ahicvew A mr1:m:,_17o.mcn,¢5‘o‘:z.nL1n; :3; “Antelope: Captains Bufile; Captaizm Mafia: W'i/lclgv Licvtcnanr, 16::-. men, burtl1en5r2.1urL, 14. Many Rafe, C 2 A Captaznsr (11.81) . ’ W Gaprainc Féx Oaptainc, mo. men, burrhcn git. tun; 15.; EXP¢dit{o!3Q. Gaptainc mag Captainc, 10¢.‘ men, burthcn gm» tun-'%15:e Gr§YhOUfl3gA Capcainc: Whaler Captains; 59. mam} burthcn I:{6..A__ tun-A A ~ A < fl/£crc17.4z4tJ%4,SA/9ipJ.;A AA % A A I 4 Ir? thfi-Mattauc, Gagraiw c George cfl/[artaine Gaptainc, Mafler Halqiger Licvc;:z;z_ant__, 2141:.» m¢n,, bun£hc.n,~».7oo;« run. 2. Samfon, Captaxnc utjzly A CAapca1"ne,M:ficr flw4irqwL.1evtcna1;:, x8;o.4mcm burthen 6040.. tun. 3~.%Cm-*~ fq,r,—;Cap§ain@~51iM?ar*d«*’#Caxitétiilca Mafier Norm Licvccnant,1 80,» men, burthen 6004 Arum. Londcm, C;a.pm“z‘xac4 fbiaaz Srép7a¢'m' Captains, -Mafler Pom-my Licvtcnam; ?c3o. men;%-bL1rchc£1A%6m:>4;tun." 5,. unicornc, Captain: Edward ?0.’mfie*»%Qaptain¢s Iqazmen, Barman?-$75~r31n-%4d 5-? Mary Flower; 4 Captaihnc ‘Peter .4@drdw:‘Cgpt3I}1C: I. .x11cn_,,,bL1rth€n 145 0. run. 7.. Bonny Vgntcr, Captains A George fSdvAazj:ly'ACaptainc,j1:2o.$memburthcn 4.00. tu_n.~ 83 The Prbfpcrousa CaptaAit1c.Wz'll£¢m Driver Captainc; I 20. men, burth€n~ 4oo.u:uz1, 19,5 Hurclcns, Captains U’!/fawrOAapt:§1inc, 150. men .1. burthcn 350. tug, I-9. Paragon, Qapta1nc%%%,ALeo2m‘rd% Harri: Captaxnc, ms . men, bxjrthen 3 50. zAun.A 211;. Hopcfifll Lake, | Qaptainc4Lae Captainc, I 05 . men, bgzrthen 3'50, (awn. A1;._ Ggldm AAqgc;1l,**Cap:aiac%AWnlk€r Captains» 10.5. A men, burchcn gimtun. 13; Excbg_ng%c,Captainé.L:m;,w(2aptainc, $9_,mek-:5. bgrthetgz 3 5 ._,tun. % 1 4- % Maydcn-—hcad, V.Captainp—LmnmACagtginc, 9o.mcn;, burthcn 300. tun, A 1 5 . Providence . Captain: Wi1limn‘.aS7wa3:dl; Capraincwfl 81. mm, burthen A271“. run. 1 6. A]occlyn.,AQaptaincj1?arzridge.%Captainc,A 6.0. men, bqtthcn 2 go. run. .v,,,,, ¢V,n£. g-‘ X“ . at. . A 3 .5. ‘ t "" "A .. Jr” H2‘; Mj.A’flie:_‘A.SV5 fir’;bé Irz:/I: Sax. AV A 4 mg Th€.5W31(_)W: CapA_ta;'Anc_ Thom; Km]: , 150, men, 16o.tlm. 2,_ Bonny Venture, Lagcaanc Hem} Sm: ling, AI 60. mm, s 57. run. _.. 7. .-.—n-u......1_ - V‘ —%.....,..r __ ...| .. .. -.. , A % V ~ L/"1/[arc/7xmt.r Slaigm, % “ IwDif:ovcry , Oaptaicic&?03m 45’rv1G‘;’-I61?/91¢, I44§,_i;mcfl, 33§5..tut1.¢.% :2. Ruth,«-Captains? Rgwrt Cvfiffalvlea 1 2,0. men; 400. run. 3.” Employment”Captainc';T1:om:_Afly, I3z_.mcn, 443:». _mn.,, 4._'Pet€.r‘, Captains §1’mr flzramzg, 81,_,,I11’cm 27o;»,.tun.“ ‘ ‘ 5,‘; Pcnningtpn, Capta,i1‘;€~?0f3’f5/4 ?o3*d-ma 36c._mcu, I35, turn:-,,_, V A 4 7.- Mary, Acaprainc. Wifiiam Cape/1,30, mph, Ig5=§,A, tun. 3.: Johna. Gapraitwvbfi 77?”’””~%« .15: man.» 59?» rune. 6..:»Pe1Iow{h1pi, A ptaine%*T/wmm Caiie. 87.,mcn,..A29o. turzs-M V _, toll 0fLincolncs Inrxc; fllafiot (I9) ‘"" T115 Names of the ' rthodx Divines , Pro; fcntqdtoby‘the%KfiigI1ts andofiutgefifisoffE:vcra1loCoun¥*~ tiéé, Cities, and Burroughs,asttfitperfons tobcmoFu1ted% t A . A Withwby the Parliament, A touching the Reformation of V Cburcb4GamMrnmcn$t%%a;nd L%iturgie,‘Apti11:aV%A3g 1644;, t Ames 4rtvh&sz1eapoofAr:iaagh.. Mar stuestttar/‘m;,s. Georges t/Q6 ~ tfflridge pre:/med ivy rim tfiwg-*?”[fes‘ itt/fie 'C1z1i¢zcrfizoia'af Oxford. Daaat Btowntiggeg, fllaflert fKV hcrim \R7ard,?M¢37vrof Sid--A ney“ Collcdgc ‘, t preflmted ystloz:-oB »ga1rw~tta»~:9a:t2a2Wf;t;c of Camtbrjdge, A Waffor TwiIt:t\Vil1im1Réyflmo "~’i?/‘9"W"f4?’QoB¢1’1¢fhire- HenryW11kin- fon. Thomas tValcntinc,t‘»?W€f3*5¢t€ ‘j~‘?aé~ Buckinghamihire. Thomas Dil-~ Iingham: 1ivteI.?1%3o1&‘:s;. pt?/%v&tr%d;fér Begiford-Ihirc. ?1l)'o5‘ortThotmas Witn- copt; 17/I'2z.&'er Thomas ¢GOodVwyn3',pr’v]2zgred fir c;mb;idgcfl1irc.t ‘DAd&ér*t I-IoyIe4_%t2_1»[a[}crt Btidgcs of Yarmouth , prcjfemud.f7or tcumberlandt. A tfl/la. fife-r Gamomt .‘ Mafler ]ohn “I*-I'ic’ksf”cf Lawrick, p‘/‘efmred far Cornwall. Danflar tInncf’con.( —._?l’1'¢=~’_/H7‘ Wi11ia:ptM~o:ton, prefmtcd jbrDurham.’ _/z‘ertLev1'x; of Rippon. Mnfltr Mtchlcthwaitc afGe1‘ry*B"li1‘t0n,? prefimcd for Ebofaccnfi 4 StephentMaI‘fi1al1 0f%F1'flch’fic1d obediahoscdgewict of Cog—flf1;tl], prcflrutedfvrj ”EiTcx;. tM'-Wfl€rVftilIian1Mcwc t9fEfii.Ug[OUs.B. D4‘ U31/[;s§i‘er ]ohnDuning“c 0f pfcflsmed for Glottceficrfhirc. 112%..) A flgr john Gtccn6éfPmCombc. /1/fvIft‘e'rStanley Grower of Btafton, prq/En» rkdfé? Hereford; Daféqr Smitth% af Barkway. D0610?” Burgelfc: of WVate1,-4-, =fo“rd,A prcfintédfbr Hertfordfl1~irc.,tt".M6fl€r Thomas Bathutfl. "Mtzfl¢rt4Phié |ip;Ny.c,.‘ pr£fZmtcA'f0F,Hut1€iflg't0nw Wfflfler Francis T511101‘. Mafia? Wilfon of Otham, prefcnmv!_for. Kent. 'Mafier.t Edward Calarny, of #96’ Pm./71o of‘ Aldetmanbury. C./'V[a_/M? Gc0rEc§“Wa1k§tof St. x 0.35.. *'2tZ&l1‘L1S“C2mfi1110f‘ t oowes re « rcctc, ‘pze,/&r:red_fe9r London. Anothot;1.y»=Tuck11ey of Bofion. Thomas Co1c:man~ _~ ofgiymng prefi»medfa+Li;aco1ne, ‘Dave: I-Iatris Wam;1e22_af WimchcfictCoI- lcdgg, C/'74aaft‘er Mtorley,” prefimred fir Mutzmotzth. ‘Doffor Downing of Hackney. ./I/Imffér Jeremiah.» Btttroughes, prcjfimwd for ’l\/liddléfcx. /Wzzfler Reignolds Pméfsm of Bmnfion. Mafia? Hill ”l’.:arfcm of Titchmarfh, prc/2%- red fbr N0rthar"npton.ttt~ oM»ifle_r John Jackfon qfCtaycs Inna [V[ttfl£r' Wu» ham Carter agf .%L"ondon,,“o préflwredfor Northumbcfland. A/Iaffer Thontms“ Thoroughgood; Jléfafletr ]_ohr3.,A1‘rOWfmi[ha préfmredfor N01‘fQ}H{; D04" 6202» SandtcrfonofB0othbyt.. Mafler John Foxctoft of Gotham prefmrcd fbr» Nottingham. Maflér jRobe1:t.Harrjs, 73- Pwrfbfi of Hartwell. Maj?e2- Ra... o berg Croflk-,3; ?9.fl"fIdw qf Lincoln: Coflcdgcz, pr.efmrea’for4 Oxford. tflla-—-‘to fier Saniucl ‘Gi-*bfon.; Lflfafler ktemic Awhitakcra .I pzfejémed forgF.~utIand.; A A 4 ” ‘ C3,, 4 Mflflw A am#1¢:1*%C§rw§%bk.’é" Jéufim @érmhhfi&%fL3i»k?tag£» tong 3'»??? nre'fiwwéf%°r¢;4Somcrfe.tr. :74“/#t%Th9mastrYvu n3%af3V <}>W'markct« g.ohm:;Ph4i>11fips; 4fiNwrem-am; «prz;fgm~w‘24 ;5u‘€Fo1ke; T aim "I;ang-- Icy, 1§ea‘.}',pr of Wc:Péndclncy»_; %Chri&ophcrA/Tiifdale , ‘%ReE$arv of phusbornc, prcff:ntcdf07‘.5S0$utham?!11- D%W%¢réSTtaunton fcigf Kimgcfromu A%1%’£?ar Fcatiy ofLambcth, pr¢fi2w*ruo¥_f7WdSu1*rc}&;Lr I3/W ~E&~Wat*d Gorbct’ o7"OXford, M . of r.-/fm. Mafler SamLxc1,¢.w :::'1d;:1;[ha,“m: pr;/wteflfor SRIQP1, Fraxagm Cook of Yoxhall, ..G1eM1:%k;. }I"g1'r1» ‘L4igla*ti-c§0V"E['afAffl1lcy5 Gltrk ._. ”pr&/Zénted Vfqf 2Siaffc2iJ;d;w .,1maflerAABen%jam%in "‘E?%i&‘c£'ce*:A::11z:m*. A;flzy2%Henry rNvc, prcjflwrt-¢1j€or"’”Su{fcx. ‘A214-; flew" ArtI1;ASValway. §?3oé$orT3?r1déaux:,,fiiflwp qfworceffor , ,Vprc*fi°>mdfor W1"-A gorn. .¢«’lz2’2:flz’:=2* HcnryVHalI, fiflzz er‘ c*n1:5! Hutton,» Maflcr%wofArtJ,l full ;:ra§fi.vzzzrm’j’:»*g¢ meriamci. I-‘IemryASméier?A R4eé?w*AA c3fC%o‘I1iix1,gbornc§, . .A,D..«..A % Th0mas“B~ii1Y» erVMa4wm¥‘wfwrdsE*~0;rrwtédfér'\?\?i1t1*hir<:g.%*A%2vI:«~ _/M-+ ’Burgefl'c:. Pmfm affinrttmn ‘C1_*1ficld.. ;M4ficr~E{*1c1iard‘ ;7S7'1t1[¢$,»L4 f’g§?fi3 M 9f " WCddifig»t0n, prefi*nmA{fbv*Vi,7arW%1Ck.' “ ‘ L 7% 7' M Aflér Richard Bzzckléy, gfljfw“ Anglcfcy. A 4 , tc«:f§y,J_fi7r Brccknom “M«afl¢'r* .Shut:c': Luriabcrffrccr, fa-%“Catr " ‘flan.’ .M.gfia;» Nxqhqlfopy fir ~; '}armam:hcn.;% .«<‘3'4=f»¢j%WVCattarnC:fbr C«awnarvan.% 'ic.. VA M .’ ~ Tcmplc ofB.m-g LIoid6aAA‘~Dd far*‘Dcnbi§;l1; %% ac‘?aw~%Chr.ift0phm:‘*Pa4fl:i1cy,féw~ F1vimf.%3%%Hcnry % Tozen 3. and fl-njm .gFeZ!r2z:zv f;3?:.~:.. A Gowllcdge, far‘ Glamargan. Um:/far‘ William Sp}1rfi6:>c,f2zr Ma riqnpth. 2’1'M;f3»~rV1'3%ran;c:isCha‘nm:}4i,~7’E2rPemhrokc. ‘ V Mc.=:cdw- E11113 Rcflfiar afGui1sfm1d» fr?!" Momrgomc. 1J0t57a.I-#hcfh£*§t for ’R*adn0r.‘% . -—-v :1 ‘ . ‘ ~ ~ ‘ .. ‘," , ‘W4. “ « , \ Q _ ‘’_.w 1‘ ‘ ‘ H ‘A ‘ 1 1“ I _Ifl<~:,s;0f Gfl-‘zf5¢fi'y ; and ?c°rfi*7., .= S;a.;m*uci<‘ &c L: IPIACC. ~ Jo. «ska ‘ V137 AM:11:'ch, A M > He «Glamnfifli(mars¢Qt‘c‘hc_gc:r1cra1I»%AfFcmbl3rihavcAA?dh0fc gf Eidm-&an¢f*6‘> ~ ,4 , im.zfz.‘;cmf E0 $5 .1Z‘x’§“}iS ~A m3h1b13f'.%‘ frhflfléfintfldrx arc Mr.H£nd:rfivn, A I) zszgfia Rfi!t19t??‘_)§Wd,PVlf._‘:BMyly,Mf§.Gd[dfP¢,a“[]dV3LMVf,Bgr%rh@£§{Q_¢», W110 is at“ Lam:{qfl.Tl}gc [§[Z?}='.g'“3_*fCflY{3 1531*} ()~f»zfl%/7/Iflitlflndgsc SfiwArc/b&?t9,~?a5nfl0n:"L~ V.¢th€ 1Te1d«Officers aahofevnand a p p 0111-» ‘red f0rA%.tHc M/72""4E.x]2editio2z, by the Com mittcc at Guildm A ¢Hk1.“flL021éz’0?:§’,T{‘Ol’I136R€‘gill7l<.‘ntS‘01C5OOI*é?z"3*‘~’,R%a%1fcW"him‘Cf. $%% A ‘i wLiwrcmznr,JGh11A“Cn- % Cm*mr,Pcccr AVVa*r*c:%.;’ * = '%C707”'?1E’tj,C§C1UfaA_Q1C0L1gI‘1. 44 r-Iich‘o1as Bm:c:rs~»I2:»‘* TiIémI+Iu"»AA J0} Vangmicha ]Ao.~M fl1a}l;Ra1AhWaA1’cotm A‘ As A AA ievflolbzxacl jcsnflurltya. Livvtcfieftflta W1”1A1iatn McrC}ér.AA A 6‘07‘m’l”s Sfidfifcucm A .£A{£.AWr¢r~m~%wrA»Jo~P¢-arnc.A A V A a 1 In a*Ao»~pwr«:A I: 1 W 1 : S; étI‘*'A wkmAnu%:an, Afiichm Whympé1A5AWfl1.AG£anc.% A Fzffirér Wop, A1exanAAAck~rA Nayrm... A Lwtvfiflitra Wil1A1AaLmA Hyde, AA AA A AC0V”¢"hAMatmadLl.keC00 Aer. AAA AA ‘§:Z_»A;A_¢yrr¢r~mats%r,.Gcdc0n oAcAk..A A 1 Carpmwlma Nath» Walnaflcy; Hxitglrz AF:£.Har_<1y.A _ F£fl&*Cw_p~fiw 1’¥r*+“ia¢/<25, Johnlizlkixlsa Firfl ('nrpm:in,A Captam Prxmrofm % A I3ixL£Wt¢mfir,ABnrt110~ LERTCOC. /axir Liewrengmx,AEd.No1‘bu§y, A A I:£x¢€xg/£gm~,Mr.W;1yta;% fair Enflgfie,WAilli;&m F0AW1l3~ A A A A‘ A .;S7‘}f.r,'ar:d C 4ptm§M,A Edwaxd~A1len. My Lr22*‘zrt‘¢;¢;:v!:{t,A Fran. Bwwycrw AA pm Calamrll, wiujim mmfiexa. AA‘A'AA" /:i:Exr/{gm*,4 . AA »Ca[wm"th~ Tirird C:z,mzt”?2,'AFran. FC3III:G0OdW1fl..AV E A A EFEKZLZ-WA: Cha.rd~ Fir/%Capm»wA; Jo.Eaitmc:A1d. A 1935.! Limxtamzrzft, R. 0bt':I.‘tA Davis. A AAA /xixLimzwm;)aAk~;AI3§,,g:(:ha,rdA Biagley 1955 -5”fi£”~%~ H\‘3fl~VC0P‘3'«~’ A A A 4% /xixc%{flqnc=w’”Ra1pl1AGar6s. A A W A A W ‘“ “A '*"“A"'A""“"“""""' ".S’wam:! £3P5'a¢§«'5AAA77A.w Horatiry Carey. _ 5 /9£:Li:mtmmzp4,AI1m"1 Pvcy. A /9.5! Liwteywmrzt, Pram. Hall. A “ A _ bix Enflgm%,HL1mFrcy Burma. 12.£.r«’13'nj,’i:g'M’, Jo. Shipman, A ‘ Affiwfrdfapmizr; Robert Baker. A A A..{;i.»:~~ rf. Col. Adam Cuzaningham. /xix LiWt‘c"«°W¢rA. Michael Bland.» &2£:L£w:vpc;z.Azr1t, Pfizer Crifpe. /.75; Enflgm", }0.VR.().f‘:.’.. A.Firfl Cazptzzim Wi1Ii;a1n R€3[7‘?J5C$~ l:zfixAE7Efl£:»zc, Lc:‘0Imx"d Hawkins. 7 ..SA'¢