Publifh ed the fourth of dl‘_)§f Arm 9am. I 6 4. 2. I Th e Le mi §e0&ge~@zg5zeyApelQg;e for himfelfe,publifl1edthefourth oflarzzmy, I A A A #22720 90272., 16 4 2, 7 V T may bewondx'edeat, that, after well nigh a yearess w groaning under the mofi: infupportable burthen: of publick dif p1e:2fu1‘e, aend-eenfure‘ Ieflxould — now con- AA A fidermyfelfe fo n1uech,,ve;1es,ein a general! calamity, to A m:akeT:m Apolc>g1et%oVtheworId; or fhoulde hope, that at Mime when eefogreat cloudseofj‘ea1oufie,‘and diifea fleemelmngover perfo”ns;‘ofught nsigrcatn ‘:1 rcfolutinn . V tn;6i§chha1:gemyconfc-icficgand znyduty,as any man in ,n A that-Afllfnmbly, and lxagi thcixappincrficéi for form mm- A A na,:ths,it2orec€:iV€: that t;efii%mc3ny..:,nnnM}i mn”ver{'ation' was, and I made oir‘iicndc3.Vbnurcd“ toimnke my friendfliipsg «thofcy whofng-cxperien’ce, and abilities, ’W€1"Cim0fi iex;ninqn:iforrhc pnblic«kfcrviC€', ?iI1d,~toi th;:ireput.1.ti0Ii, A .ax;g3..haux;11_n1'i;y ofti1cfe_:x;cQ;I confcgfib, forza.s7vI1ilc,Igaveii - myfclfa upwxth as much fubtmfslon, a5a~1nan‘coukW : without rcfigning the mic of his own: wum.dcrfiandin0V.In aniz) thing that was nec¢ffary,or but pmbably p1*etcndcd to e neccffary for the Common—-wealth, wencve1* dii’-~ _feréd in the leaf’: dcgrecgbut in improvements, 4in%%rc.3~1l alterations, which were to bcgovcrn’d%by prudcntiwali . . motives, we were not alwaycs of’oném%i»n de. And WM» 4 focver remembrcth the paffagcs'ofthat~Atimc, muff cir;-2.11 ' mmind, that the-{irf’cdecI1nationI fuff::r’dfrom them-~ A mercfi I; feem’d to have-:,. was insthe bufi'nefl7cA of «the ~ M A Church :_in which, ‘I having had frequent confultations with the chicfcfl agents forw a reformation, Aanid finding no thrcé mm to agree upot1;;what,»th¢ey would have in} the place-of thVat thr:y~a1l rcfoIvfd%t04'~1*mnovc, I agreed 4 ms: with the prevailing fenfe, having not hardincife-A4-c» A nu-ugh to im:lineAtoa mutation, which»&w.ould4 cvidemsi have fo grczitean influence upon the pea‘Acc,A Aprofpcricy, A and i1:1!:e1'cIt_ of the Whole Kingdomc.And tI'ms,trom the flrfi dc-bate of Epifcopacyg upon the 13amdan«Pctition;:1~il ~ mcn:obferv%’d Athc“daMtc ofrny ‘um-merited favciux be-gm CG) exp1re.vThcn came onuxhe tryal of the Emeofi S*zrafl5rd, V in th‘c.~wI1ich~I muff i"hy,I 1‘~'ai1cd nomf m y duty » in; pro- ” Vving the charge and cvidyénce, : bcVFore'~ rh'fc~: who Vvwerc: my fortune, by rim u;n1uckic‘acccption of fo4m¢eexprc£1- T {ions %oAfmine5r.o.d1*;zv;v4upoAn mic ar flmrpc rncdignity fi~om; fomc pcrfons of much 4im:erc{z‘. in the I-Ionic, which m:-- A Q judgcofboth. . In”thc difc%harging of that du‘ty,it was-“VA; ‘ 4vr:x:fi*zi1¢d to m4anifcfltir fclfc; after lrhrwaccident, up0=n ~~ cvcxry the l£‘::zVfl:“0cc;1{i0n. AboVuc%rhis% time, I was toldby a mad m: I ma a muAchof1nycrcdit bybcing obfcrv’d to be fo much’ ‘at ; Court; Irepiyrz-cg that I l~1ad: not then the fame juflricc Wi.:h, other-“men,s% who were therc;morc they 1,: 5th'o-ugh ~ A ., 3 _ 4 they 1: in th,cAhAap1py Rcfo ;« {Q Y:c:r*, ,Iré.t.I71(:>MI;1g,wl4:1t: rn :2: sAfli‘1_t“€“1yAt<§ dogood%thcfc,:ats to r¢ceiv¢11urt~."« ~ . w I5 Th€%firfl:%4ev'id€wncAcV% {had -pf i:1i%e%;,;ii%s@Fav(3L1mE tfie H‘0.u*fc A A A :05 mo»z;s%;*A<%whcra111a4cMei:v4ed Wi%tl'1~«a“-I 2* ffaAitvh¥f?z‘i;I:r2‘~es, diIig€‘ncc i,*' and hutnilM3:ty,)¢:L étrfiswupqiithieIprit1t5'iii‘gi‘?bf* y A : Speech to;the::Bi1l~offltminder ofthc: Eari_;of"‘;9:r.ajfor&l. .~ A5 1.CiI1?if' t;h[.Ic .G0‘0drEr%iday&cscxc¢rcife%». vyhicl A ..4%of"it4in tAh¢%VVHQ_uf':4“prptur’*d “inee, I4V%rep;u‘t¢d7 §th2?1t.;~; mafiz ,;.c~qmf0i*tab1e~ zmj er1ifinenr;ta*fii%mony of‘ » ”th4<:*cji3ziiti4nA~ti~44ancc %f.i'_ti11 ofmuch %jufl%jCc4a?n‘*d favour ta ward 51 me7eAi:i"th:{t Ho- ;V~nourabI~¢[Hou{c: 3, ace‘ atftér a 'd§>zenA*%"d‘iPci4né1:4 ehargés A xvponfthc feverall paflfqgcs ofthwatVVSpeeACh,urged1 '; 1ggtin{E ~>mic“ 3&1-;ith**gI_'§7‘«31t.:fi’I'i6i7IICfr鑧1nd‘ racrimoriy,@by#tIm%t?zit.":'mbc%r -I chad:-Every ofitlywznfaff ¢x11irie”Impcrfonsthére, Mbiothflin’§1biU“titS zitid J;im;erefls,pan»d“at4a%timctwhcn certainly molt menof ;rr1y' Gpinicmwcrc ;u:sthe1r~Devotions, they were n’ocabIca£. I161‘ A 2?‘ = 2“! “ they wavowed% it leffe :5-that it;was :1 principal! jo_vtom;e~,~ A to fee chofe petf <.:1;.I1S, Whcz l”m¢.fl beenc:;t:§w prime::%AiA<‘3t*ci*ursA iii‘ .;;;;iohnV ofichis Pz=‘zrliamcnt,{‘OacC—cp- A “ .t;ab%1eA at Courr,and Iikelyto have R) grczzt a fh:2rcin<1:"he % A chief plac,es'there,and?" the condufi of Aaffairs for thefu- 1 M A pure. T.l)at{git1VccMiI: had ple3fed4 His‘ Majcf’cy% to givcfo plenzlfyagRédrcffhtd; aLl;thegrievan::es j0F:His =%:S_ubj@&s, * and t0V.%‘f€CD ré:th¢I11i"%:=f0rA%eve'r;%=*Afrom the Mac inva:fionsA , vby %fuch 21Wa1XLVwV0£.§“bIaflhLAasthe Triennial1 B+i%ll,conceived ' \ _fh?4I*_,rh‘¢fl¢C§:[f0IWard , ; thcreh_\vas~tm m4oreVto}bctAh0ug%l1t : AVJ;-055A inpaAg1:.:1tcfulV1" 1‘¢turnc9t,9:fli,5»Me3Aj%:fiy5 pgidd, A A A V21Af1C"}'€ H351: 'H’0;m3.u1‘.. , %:::.'ViindA ‘A PJ:éi1ty.A 33 aécfirdifig ens? before , % fuch happy f¢tt1*§fmcn1:'s VA,‘ I*htadW0fte1J1 éheard tiiOfé?%7f3i'it1MCi- A pail intcndcnts "Qfwche publikc ’fgoc>d C”")“I‘c‘n : hi tpro-. f€flflC,~a~nd confcq ucntlyg, t~hatd‘wathe %Comr,4 and Co‘Vuri%rrey‘ A A A we;'Ac:A,;i11 ffflflflanQi?‘¢}It0‘ybC‘3H “0’f~21ipiec¢€;and4thcfé Wmlild h~c;VreaAfcer bcvno A:1:jnorr<: czzaufc of V%jeaIb:ufi:2 be’nwée?na%rh’@m : M herfourehciures dcbartcv to €Xp0fe"m‘ee“, V eithcrh upmnhh meh A mayn matzter, or upon the {3yye,"UU.C0°[hFClfiiiflff€'P1fC'h?€B~7 4 fion. ., h ‘>’ ‘ , For the thinggit fclfc-4, Ixviihll fayfhhhnohmorci‘ ofhhir , but that it hapncd robe upon ahvcry: ginhpohptxhxrnarg.u.mcn€ A’ but the’taL1{'chhkm%d:1ci:x:uhmi’eanccr of: Atthc‘*io,‘ was A this’ :4 A A Mid not findhrzmclhyfthhat it W”aS“4un‘faithfi:ily x‘epoycecg Rn.d”UD.‘_Ch3I‘MiC3”.b1ry1I'iHtC‘T rated, buthwashizxfaamrmfléh ghmghh I C-oipriés“wen’t4~‘abrQad Q hhhrfo fi1.lfl*§“7,"Z3Il‘:d“ n;»a1jx*mun‘y cola ~ }eé’ce"c!~,:& as made the whole «Speech a juficxfication of my 4 _ Lord of Staffardxhinnocencc; and Sir Lam‘: Dz-zxe: ha.h.h vingheardoffucha‘ Copy inthe ‘ houfe of a Citihzcnhhof a fund hquhahhlity,h where hecihhheard hmcc: mcnftiomd as .a* pen onfit mhhavhe his nahmfe" fixc up0nhhpof%s.,.hthh“atlhhmthghfi be» 4 mm in pieces by the pc0plc;,upon.t.h“athhR er»: rm: {Hy hdcfired mace to give him axhtmch Copy of wharh I*hh;1dh {aide finthahthArgL1mem,whic*h did, A and ;hec. forth"*.vith" gave: hhdihh1'cté’rion for the ‘P rintinhhghhh 9 without«’any 4 pr ivihtyh of ii‘ mine. Yet, if I had confcnted to it, h‘andhi7hd‘irc&c:d‘hnit‘h., I pr0feITe,1 flmuld ‘little have i1n:Igi'n’d th?aht(athh:iiiti»11*1:r when thczfe was fuch an uhniverfallhi‘ lichcmcehh,:taki:~i1 mvPrint§hh : qevwy thing, of l1oW*grcathirreveréncefoavcrg‘ Meachmoh «L 5. Church or Smite, A witlah-impunity}, :».ah Spe6~:c%h»»:m:1hdhc inch «:2: » Houfe of hCommonsV,h a !SP€e€H|>:’.‘\:f&)E“narrQ'%Vllyi 7 qandh feévcrely fifred 9 , and ‘exhartiined tlucre, ” Itndytft fer piflfc \Vi:t1,'10l1t the 1cafthccnI11re,eirher on ch.ehh-S peach ‘it felf, or ” h.«th+e Authomfthath the Primirng hhoF*hh~fL1cIh s! a Speccihh fltionxldh «Pxcafon or fcare.a.h%to* ft‘! 5969!. Andvét 3‘ 1I10IIfi‘17‘5*fi1C~f€‘1“ the A rife tofcbhfigh anamre, nahsh to mahkeh mchfor ever uncapae blcsof any Honmwr‘ or E~mhp14oyment i13rrh%cV Commom". . 'WC£i1th, I profcflkrcould*‘hhhzn'}d1y falnc wiithihnvmyhh T ‘fure%wcr<:*kn0=.x:'nc;no all the K4inga€(’)me, _yrea, -sm_}z3infamy in pan: -ysL1t11 .fi2;‘r€;gne anions . cs) A .faPrim:ing ofan «~xea«o%Spr.:r:;‘ches?{A A A%1morc;by other mt-n,.after*msy having fevcralfimtzs fucdg A A and prcffed for a hearing; while‘-P: I was of the 1-Ioufc 4of 1 Commonsavaftcr by His Majcflies 7favéour I had fate fix or {even weeks a Mcnybcrofrhc Hm-'1=fe of Peers,“ after 9 ~ “all .1;his«,;no leife a judgment (as %[fa%r»as the V0-tccaf zchc .;-Hotufe of Commons could contribute to it) pafléd up-As 011’ me -unheard, over, and above the flaamc of having thté Speech it fslf burned by ”1:h=e hand» of the Hangman; How I bore ~thris%afHic"tion, withwhat anxiety of Amindel ‘ *m“my T5--1fc, with what temtpcrand fubmiffion jtLo_that V Honourable AH}:-mb1y,from% whence the%blow~':came,as gammy of Amymcr friends‘c:an.tcfiific the firfig, 10 the en- v-y,or malice oafno man, can rcafombly and jL1fl1yAtaxe}. g mm: upon new . A might have fuf-4 * A fared thc~mfc1%ves ta be tranf ported upon fuch misfor-A ' *-tunes,-(um -to give them any other rc~rm)I leave td fthofc V “I0 -Wedge» W130 h3V-8 not bcr:.n17o- long brought up in the A mAc,as unto thc ot her. «How o.the~:rVyou~n greater a flock of innocence zhm mint, Schole of a;fHi6’cion.: As this cc:-nf'ure £211 upm me For many~Mo4nVeths Azrfm C athg faul-t objcéicd ., for (it relied within rshofe wals where’ -it begun without ever ~dcfiring;3. concurrence from that “Court, where!was~~%vofl’¢%1y :ju%dgcd , and Awhere I 4 could onely anfwcr fmy .f‘:1f, a«nd%Vho«pe for a ‘vindi¢_.a...% vtin :, which increafed. my ,~fi1ff§ri:ngs sftfif) an unfpea kblcfl A “hcight._.,th-.:.1tI could by n0Vmé:2 mcAs%c1€.§l’C‘m;y fclfein=th~e‘ . pIacc“- wherca Ireccivcd A;tI*xL<:* wound gnor comm =1:3,k:e: notice ;it,whcreI migljelqbe cleared by »my:-Pm res by-cac h ofpriviledgc ofVVParIian1ent ;, Thou ,fi.‘srAf7e ,;re;~0f ; gh m Can» J I may flay V g H Under this weight (‘enough to hlavclarolceni a body, and iaminrl V better prepared for th,efe+cxercifes than mine) I fuffercdtillthe V rudeneffc and violcrace ofthat Rabble, dravc both their Majcfiies, for the fafcty of thcmfclvcs and their childrcnmtzo Hamprazst Court, whither by command I attended them. In this llmrt journey many 5O111di¢1‘$ , and Commanders V (whfl had affcmbled themfclvesr ffoyntly to folicitc thel paiyment of their arrcarrs for the late Nore- Ehernc expedition; from the two Houfes of Parliamcnr) waited on their Majcflics , and leaving them at A Hampton Court‘, pr0VilCl€d their ownc accommodations at Kizzgflan, the next pl&C€ of receipt” flillfolufcdfor thcovier-plus ofcompany,which the Courric A fclfc could notwentcrtaine. Toth¢l'c Gentlemen, of whom few or none wcrcof my acquaintance; V and to this placelwas I {cm by his Maicfly, with foméicxprcllions .ofhislMaj¢flicsl_good acceptance fol thcirlfcrvicc, and returning the fame nightltoHamp1a» Court, A continued my atrcnclance to Windfar, whither their Majcllics then rcpaircd. I had not been there one day, when I hcard.rhat both I-Ioufcs ofParlia,mcnt were~i.nfqrm¢d, that Land "CQ1onelLm.sf'or4’, a pcrfon with whom I ncvcrléxchanggdi twenty wofdslin my life, had appeared in a warlike manner at Kingflrn, ,to thctgrrour of the Kingslicgc people; and thereupon had ordered , that ‘the Sheriff: of Surrey ,and as I conceive, " that all othcr Sherifs throughout znglanl fl10uld,"r:ai"fct.hc p0W¢r;0fthci1: fcvcrall Counties , to {up- I prcfliz the forces‘ lthlar li¢’ar—id4 I had lévycd . _ L ,3: 5 as a ridiclulr;u_sV rumour 5 frarbcing r11oficcrtain._,rhat_%I had never been at King]?oa‘but oncly upon thatrmcffilgclofrhc Kmgs to forty lot fifty lGcnr1:n1::n,~iltutally firangrers to me, with whom Illaycd A not thé {pace bf halfcan home, armon, and in no orhcrcquipagc, ‘ than a_ Caachiand fixhirédlhorfcs, with cmcfinglc man in ch: A Whenrfilfi‘ this ncweslwas brorighf rnc,ll Iéduld notbut flight ‘ Coach with mc,anrl one fcrvantriding by : I thought itiuttcrly im. . pofiiblc for the meft Rcmancyfit fclfc, at {'0 met a diflzance, to raifc‘ out "of that any lcrious matter of fcandall , or prejudice uponmc. ” B.ut1whenlooniaftcr,I reccivcd from fclng: my fricndarao: only . ‘K A a ”2¢Af‘c¢3tmAfifmatEdti Adf”~A»t1i3AtAA{°¢&t§iAiAd;g;mpdffiAb'fl*ity, but 43 Apa:‘tic}u1iirVac;% A M ccmptOf*4rhA§.;n1gnfic%rFIE:V'P%1mv:Af0mAb‘ifiFormationConcerning me assgcigzgfimhadVbAeen~é,mfiarra‘djmthe»ex%Asmina:iQn oA’fa'Ce'm mitrfie Amf %:“flT“3YV‘¢fi*”¢3V¢ “3“13¢5}%3:, 'h‘3:‘‘’‘7“‘5“h‘’3 ‘*3 C"4"¢h44‘h‘~””f5i3“If "’PP‘39“5‘iV :‘i"“’M1, A A 5 rh?e.reA,"zwcret1.ér:;¢@bAyAAth¢m*ifit%ofiXfc0r¢A1wO;‘!€A5a and thatm§(’c.n_ke,; % V Alrkngwengwby1£&;h~a:~AAprcx?42«1'¢n‘Ce of Lm~yAAt1ArihappineiTe, ‘ Q“): QPAmyA_¢;;§§% A mic-A97 credit, Anzac’ fuf-fared robe relfiified by other wiitmifcs thcrg who~Aavff1rAmcd’the*t:rufh*: Findingwfxéfy} felffi iflthis {rid i:0§i_1di:%i'L?S‘1L3‘ffi~;%*‘. _ A1fidA‘in”tHi%32?bfi&{it:i"é ixzi£1i’"ii‘%”d“"‘ér!a'“éi:§iA ‘¢Hnt€3f,,fih5Q“’t1¢r‘Etéf‘L. -~A A 4¢fe%4F@ iA:a‘mhl‘c4 fPf“i¢idirAem9:vcd mAy%f¢1Vf§¢.ifi“r0‘ Iflé/Wgg %fpe%5%1ng¢%ifirfiy gx:i1¢A;£;ma1dA[ ira~&Ar¢:z4reA vvith¢xu1 V’ . I‘ 4, 1' ~ . -M .9 M 4,, PM M, 2‘; =, ~,., A - rfl mm»; M ; W‘ A '6 A P .!A . AAm~e~.rct1:AcAd *pr1vA£te hAf'eA~L>vA1%x’1g;*h;§Ar¢‘fplH;;§¢[Aa;ApAn;,zmd” 1% atrw‘ A “xnfg tp mat gcfolution lead bc:_§,u:md’?Af‘?e;?zA ;%A;“h‘a$?":nv” Aéxaar 1sc~'rrAe:J%m%;fe AA~o%fiijg%2?;a4eAs1s;‘ingV.s ~ Abe1€*3v€d ‘of myth: i4nconsri¢%n:ie*n¢e; fihings; rhAac~A:wc;;c%¢A1m:t:zixv25xA+zhiA1yA"{uT13%c:ét¢AdA. Sbfxww“ A %sAAr»;x%A:A1i¢;d x %%%me%¢w,2m;: «4;1;*:h%% twhsre AAt*mAf“r"‘I AcomAWmi:réHA”a Pm: iwrrwi ImizAnd?»+¢éi1 » A"AWtithVany*?o‘Acéafib£aA4rb £%ri%‘ sfie%fihisbw1a‘4p:£%rt_ituI;éL;r (:14; A * A A ‘— ‘:reVcnge‘‘uplAbzi’mA1é A‘ ‘at:““zi*iy,L€tt¢fs,-%‘:One t;O”~4Zlie;4Q¢iA“€éhs "I‘v’Ih7'j;4:§§[";.i;T¢, :iAm3"th€ othe1'@toAm3,y ‘Brt§th*t§¢;;{ Sir Iicnifx .?Di»%zré.r;,yxgs7é;fe"w4p1,ibI§X;é1y *b”t0uAght ltd bé "few b§)¢t‘hiH‘01;T‘é$4oIf‘Pa;\l’i%amcritAJ;' frq"‘m£‘i§1§VfiGc _ I Vne;w4AAA aAfgL1mcm's# af g‘c§FF€*“érc %’fo[farrc‘ii1i"<_:3%rc&d ’agg._i“nit me , aridthe * Hf0rm61tgL _ ]Fe:1f%m:zr~V—»%dIJFPi€afureA rAev1:veAd%’and%h¢zghrtncdcoA£uAc1;,g,pi‘rch, that «at *fI*i"é {ma AA %fAi{fW?A “‘t*~‘1‘=“~éi«*:,d,—-Cvf ch E‘; imerccptfiozw of'my'Le;tersAV%A, A I foam; my felfe accufedw EriiM§"h‘~"1?x;§_g_f;an t¢ O0'3f3t}1d;E‘hf.UZfO2‘ICV\yi3‘ig Warm A again“ the Kmglv 3-@1111‘? Cm-‘=11: A A ‘a%t:0£fallozhcAr, I Cb-uld“ 1ci1‘l'§ I flzfpueéfc my fe1Afc.guiltyof.A~ Andi mfay E ‘”“e¥m*;;j;h3 gmame [mo my charge but by 3ei?Cithc plcafurcs and. bcncfias ; shg -nu. t (II) l ) ti th«e.tpm~jetIt:lice tafetitthieggl with the defires ofall my enemies may fail on inc-_ ‘ ' - " tur To that of my having hl:ttlW:5‘f5l”“g"teeta.ib;and in ill Coun{'els,whi¢ h‘ are e:.~tprefl'ed to he offlis Majelties remomgfeotm L o N 1:: -o N to a place of fafety, and the like, I [lull be hold to fay, it h'a€~3t.h;€l Letter to the (Meenet Mztjefcy, from whence my enemies w ould mygkc ghg infer et-tee, hath not with anyconfidtrer the leaf? ptopendittg Sf vice any w.:1y., but is met-«rly ah accompr of mine ownintentions to apply my felfe to H15 M ajefhes fetvtce, either by abl‘ence,y or at. L tc:ti"i(Zl;1I’lCC, according to courfe, that His Majeflie it: His wititlome flxould think fit ta) take. f Every body knows I nevethad the honour to bet! Councellour,lne-ithethaveI tefitmed, without being qtte. ~ 1% in His affltites : when he hath « fiionedtby His Majcliy, to intetpo graced mewith any queRion,I have anfwcred withthe freedom af W. a Subjeéhand a Gentlcm2tn.But had I bin 2! Couh lhlloghavingfeen A what I have feene,attd heard what Iheatd, t1,,whoth‘-aveknownc fuch members of both Houfes, marked out bythe multitude for bleliings, and fuch for facrificc : I who can fay with truth, that {ueh * of that rabble, eryed out, the King’; thcTtait0ur5 fu*ch,- that the young lPri"nce would governe better 5 I who can prove that a Lea- der of thofe people in the hcate and violence of the turn ult, cryed ; out, that the Kitygwas not fitto live ; Had I ’bet:nea Counfcllour,‘ A what had I becnefatsthe learning oETreafon Vegas then uu.det£tood) A j fltould I not h:tve*t1dvil'ed H1sMaje{ty te wtthclrawep a place of _ A fitfcty, not from His Parliament, but from that infoleutand unruly multitude, who had already brought inso {:1 much hazard the per- fons and the libcrt V not Raying ‘there, did folowdly threaten mine , even A to they faeted A Perfohliofthe King’ZAdvcrti[7e his’ M t je-{tie I did of the danger; aa... vife him Itzould net, J had neither the abilitic, not the authrsritie. In mylettcritotheyqteene, ether fir it cumming into Halflamfll i « was obfetved, fbtlteiifl that eztprefion, C of welcotping’ her tigqm 3 Ctbuntty notworthy of her]! thewed tnttchvenime andi rancout y ofthis till "theft mtsft lhappy Parliament , and tomylown ‘Natilbfi; Iemcanet it*not,and I'I1'l1lf€1pplffa‘l‘t'2llf0 thdfewhtpt i ate belt 3CqL_1a-1Qt€{dWl~thCh*¢ Givihty of laegttagc, Whcthex:the"a%:- t Q t ‘ ' my 3‘ A dre _ 5«W.£l°¢:‘:._ mi-glut. 130? liflf 50m€3Y M3515? Lgrdlf 0;£.ll°it1lal*l”3’ 9: Wm! 179011“ lllpml any unit plefi-fingoccafilon, leavt one CTW-K1??? 501‘ 3 Whll~<:' ta; ,1-gfid3jn3_QQthe3;§. An 1 yhgpe «sfre lopgl £0 welc0znel1erma}«:fllc lf_ bglclc l {man as place not [0 ;.mwm*tl1y— of l1“er,l~un4tolthiVs Nation tnoffi 4; wljf:”l1;wyll4lof%'lacr, Vwltlmeult alclaer clilparagenlcsm to Haflmd, or com» gsmgmj :30; t¢I:1?Qf¢t(§JWh.5tlh€L‘lnlW0ljlhy oftlmt ltttc r xva s intended», ‘%&§I’Io§r»tl1€'7c”l1a;l*geufboldgefll:, and prefumptlon inf0nmr=?xp1*ef. A _'fi.ons¢-lfihofelctters ('.;thougl*l ll mxght bcglad to Cfiuxgallnd my A‘ t‘r1cafo‘n fori.ncivi.lifie)finc<:the_f‘ui'pici0n of that dfpendsiupontllne 1 right underfl:alndling of langluzsgée, and conficxiszm of W€?35Cl_S ix: ~w:l,l “° beZn‘o,’l1dVifr€*{'pel<5.¥tQa~n‘y,4 th%r_oughl whole hlfl'Ud.5: they h.:1:v:;“.* pall"'c:d,; A c "E;§clé€ve, that a_sl.tliey}wcre‘ orlqerifizlilc in1:€:'DdC’Cl by m€l.., 11: rim" alley iéi*é_<;apablel.oflbthcr”inre1fpretatiot‘L I-Iim..vv:\{crA,l if in Vtruth ygnif u.,m;lc1'+, A 1'l;;1r3clli4ifg,,lorlllbnee.ingAha.thp»roclul:gd:;l1eother, I hope the con... 1 ajlu fiqn w%iVll;Qg1;ly bl.$,;*3*1T} an ll qurgief AQI; an ill SeVcl.retax»y, AbQthxz¢11i£lll~Idollaunilvlyconfcfllr; not lth2¥*«‘1‘4?.11? E08095 Eflglilh 5"niién;%n’lo'go‘Qd1lfubj¢6t. If in _a ny of rho{cl‘lett»::1'sllrhex*c were a;['l)%~f('_*X.;. 1 grefiiéitas ¥é£"di£'c.o,ntcnt or bittcrncflé , I Atllall {ayllittlc more W116-fl j zll:j;a,t44 thlcy paflégl anllcxmmlnacilon th;-ty were not pRr.cp3lredi.l013 :35 A f¢ll inthénldslihatrhéylwcr¢lnot’dimficdr<>= and Iflam ¢°9fildcntlxhat l[1nfi§t:y hlfahefill Gentl1¢mEn,l wl~71o~havci had the happinell" ¢ :l;o1pM\réferv¢T t—hc_:i1‘ papcrsslfroflfuchl 3fl_lnqUl.fil5.l._’Qfl, , and ‘ lha_ll confidar ‘the gale ‘l“.;‘lf1l;.;@i‘}f. h1:ight bfiln, ifall rh;:zirleczrctlélcznfcrenccls, , and. private llecitms « l%V¢L1il¢7l¢3¢p0f¢dllanfi;pWd4=cc3m l blilfiklV?i¢W¥.,lWl11l§3fi17lUlthfffi dAIet"t¢;:sbf,ml1ne, in the xnumber: of my»;mi5fortpne§, Without making “any additiofl {Q mlylfalizltslé aln1dl‘c¢l‘tAainlhwhocver flialel ob l'cwc:it»lw mefafiire ef my l’~uff’erings.,Iwitlh any kind lolindiiffercnte, will ca, lily forgive fuclh cruptionslofpalfiena as were only vcntcdl by ;I1;1c~= to a 'br9fh¢r,.tholUgh WY Came llwiébin the lrcaqlh l3flaIi¥,llvh¢rllca4:c‘- ll ’ T0 clrawjnow ta Pcriadflofmy unfbr»tunatclll"fiory, wllichtljl notprqmilc my_lZ::lf'e,lfrom the generality , [0 much C.‘l‘~l31‘ll73a"'~ as to A yc§u_c,li f "é;”f”éé"tl1:.=;’.r¢a_¢l4i;:lf?2“';;~'l::- Fm-th=er_ than mega c‘i1ri<9fi‘ty¢fl1*allrllcézldrxlmn; rctumlcclzliglto,l.Ez:glancl not W1th_ {'0 much )9Y:ll0 ff@»myCl@fiHtm, as h0,P¢ tl0lfl¢dfi1icc¢d«l‘t1p0fil hum51¢Pc~tit:i9i1~¢n His iI3'3:j*Cl-l:alQ,»3;€3? I «.3 cl- (A is? A :.'rFaire, tegulairg imlpa'x*tlea1‘l vlnldicaltton toll Amy in.nthceln‘c§-5.3 tet[t~t0tGt:><:l,1l,,lo<5l€ uptm t’el1e1'til;m=e I may tiattzrzt-llie hope l?O'”ll\’e."l/‘l7i‘fll’ll A no etltet coml”0lrt5,tl1en as it n1ay'mall