‘ ‘ I .Kw.," > ‘ 7;‘: “’ w ‘ ‘ 5%? " .. ‘ ‘ \ ‘ 9%. ‘M " I ~ :7 ‘ ' W ‘ .'-L, S U RRE C JOHN HLB RN Ea I‘sTé>Wa1”1“ifOm:ri11 OV er4~ C a {He 9% And manifafled in thefe following Lines penned byhimfglf, and now JAachisearneftdafire pubfifhéd * inprintingmrewords; ......—.—...,,., .—..—-up ‘w--n.-vvw Lo2¢doi¢"P1‘i11ted‘fbr ages Calvert: atthe aim Spread RR Ea T fa/:rzLt1éurne§ pr- ..«‘r‘ " Avimgmany, and flcrong compulfions , from the " mcafurc of the: light oftlm Loxd new thining clearly Within me, 8: raifcd up now to a good V ..,%5.M%,.m%d¢;ggm.;qn_nf lift: ma, power in my foul, :9 make:' 4 ?~az“,~}vubliIg'"Ef1IPZZzWria7zin print, of my mal own- . H ing, and now living in,‘inA my”yrcfé:m:‘ attain; ed tomeafurc, in the life and power If tbofl: di'vigm'a22d lmwmly principles pr9fc_[}7:d by thofe ]]2i2'itzml1ix_esl people called quakcrs 5 army ow.-V ‘ ningfof w1§ich,_:}1I111y mid and familiar friends W( in a manner)» are {"9 muehtroublcd; andnffcndcd with me for, and njy great %advc‘x‘farics fa ' almus of the mall inrc:n1:i@“ns of my Mart Within ms, at my fmdning, , and by..t:hm'. mg-afuxg ofthc liglitz of IeVfus ihininVg in myfou1,,I am new am;-acd gnagugdca t@int.1C1€it’,.,aS aforcfaid , and here at this place, as an ixmtrodufiion, bcferc I come to % the mam thmg of that which % tlzi-ough%thcV£1:vrc%ngt11of Godl havcnew tofay, tohinfért hcrc the co- pics of thc.‘:V¢1‘yI:W0 firfi:L¢:ttc1‘s, that ever I writ of notfi,-mlflicr the % great and glorious powcrbf (Bind hadfeizcd upon my foul, tq lct iufitlw: % real beginnings of convincement into my fnul, ofmy fpiritual b1%inde- 1%n¢fs,*deadne%fs and7cmptincf's,‘ and by which I came: to fee a clear glimpa % cfitlqcifpirituazl fulneifi thauzwas, and really is,,in the divine and hcavcm- ljy declared‘pr%i1mip1cs**of mhc forcfaid»pmcious pcoplc : The A» Letmz: % aging no any wife; rake in theft: following wards, %% Dowr*~Cmflle, the fourth day of tl1mA:enth1;1wnVath,%I6e7‘~Gui1d~*I-Iall, ¢m£WL‘aw~~ ~ xmwLanes and in Lon%don,tbefc with fpmi delmr. “ M y' &x’c:¢'HJe¢2;~'it,: >— ‘VA/7Ha.t_in a gr¢7a,t‘Ii1%eafurc my tampc{r tnffpirir Wags bc forc.;1»1yf coiam % £11; 110* mc,1‘in_g its Vmcafiufc communicaccd unpo ghc-e,by theVcup4y%% A2,” <2 ) » gfnfy Latter to Lake Howard fx/hichl A have hm inclofefl thee at thly % % _ kgfu;-c to perufc 3, and‘wh§t‘d1{’cc1fnpcrcdncfs my earthly ipiric was in, % % a:,' a,n'd toWa.rds thcc,a1: thy andimy laft meeting LIPQM Saturday the IQ . ,f Novcmbgr Iaf’c,I:"nccd not to.rep¢at unto rhc¢,_bcing (Ibc_:1icv¢) in is __ ggsgod h%athgix"rfcn me rshe fpirit: bf difgcr;1ing,‘and% frcfhenough inthy own mémory. % I’ %_ . __ % _ % % % ~+Ane1Athc framc ofm y hcart Vaftcspthy Arecomgalxatxon and mum; (F0 far rmau proportién in r¢Aa11icy’Ad1:“émer¢Adcochcc, A l V A A V Ami fincc thy departure: (upon Wcdmcfday’thc zI%ofNov%embcr lafi) fhsging my fclfi f::ric>ufly_t:o a clasp and wexghgyw cm ;fidtration%of that ’ %y111ent] C0 the ways of truth, of”1}ght and lift) % bcthey never fo‘ diificulcjco fhc flefhgaarnal man, or faIn,or firfi nature % 3:211 n1c,'or2ncverVfo ful bfthc Crofs,or fclf-e1e%n%ya1, or giving up my pwn , xcafong,-undcrfiarxdixug, wili, wifdoxrxc and affcfiidhs,‘ to bc ‘cr‘ofi‘c:d “ and % J 4:1'uc1fi.ed b%y~thcwiI1 and wifdomzof IE SL153 ti» %:t72;»zay22t£?d‘ above m%e;z-f . 5 fare aft!-M I7zzt1Je2,and m_bcf:. guidcd‘ or 14:13 on by him tbe*liz»z';~1gZzfcyjlégiot, mt pawn? in 401 zrlyeflms of ?71£’?z,th:lt haw the grcatcfi degree , orkaft of ‘ % ;i’§>arks ofdrivir-1:: Qt llcavcnly light: fhining within their am: 5 (in the-. i:; % »i;na11%dcgrcc, or nacafure). or inlighmcd, inlivcncd fau-ls %,4 infth¢:ir‘Ia‘r«. gar dcgrccor ‘nmcafurc. 1% I ‘have {incc I Fee; cl1cc,rcad% extraordinary muc;.h,6f-jtI1,ef:?_two ~ wlh1c*h%I fl1cwcd.th§:c, ‘containing both almoft f¢vc11:cc~n«%Iiundxc_d pa gcs j % of the wri:1ngs’o£tI1o1”c prccioulcft (fllough 1‘nc;{t corite:n}icib1c).pco'p1c % ca1Icd~qua'kcrs,thc truly bclmred ob jcéts ofmy fc7m‘l;And this-[at prgfcnc {bccau1"£:Ifr4a.thcr mw hcaxcily dcfirc: to live inthc pofl7cHian,p%qw¢r;-:%d:% A }if'c,o£trm:h in my fm'1I,thcn in‘:hc%%‘%b?m‘%¢ prof:fi1on,u;::%ion5or% talk on: % I {ha}, and can in fimzcrizzy fay {:6 1:hm:,;chat my foul hwagih bean amazed; and cvcn confoundc:ci.by:l1ei1mI:10t as Ivlgracl by J-aim Baptifl Apmacliing was, for fkcgr 0f ctqrnal wrath, [orVIt$i%E; of his ‘I"ctrarch+fl1iP%by;_%or]E fog g his an S, wI1i¢;hcomav%oid»1mde h‘iIIf1jE0 rcfbrrrx, and an1end.many~things, .?:1‘.:r'Ig.6;w. But qu:%of.:-ma} brcalcingsyox f11a.nm:: of (0:11, r;h"ac.;fog%I§owri- \‘ nous! a Talent, as my Lard andmaficas: Izhc clear, lively, and pdywére % ' ful breakings in 91‘ his divine: and; %hc:av‘c%n%1y*l..ight into n1y,flh:‘c:;'art)_ Ion “ and may yecrsgago bcfto'w.c:dupQn»%n1c, {herald by me: cfor%‘my%‘fir%3:,%%ahd~% 3 ' Avxcgrnalwif'dOn1)_bcmoft:,mgratt:fully and'un%fai4t1afulI}g _.,A1ikc;I__a1igh%m¢‘! * %»c‘and1c; ' xmdfull ’pcf1'e:'.fl"ion csfthc fpimaia1}1a:1d%%of Ca‘l.7.’«:'31z1'}Z, flmuld cntcr into the % yarifcn.of’mcf, upf '1?rai1i:s,$ Hmnour,‘and7G 1ory_m_ r1j1c‘I.;dmb;. f flfld pa*zbc% ,g;a1‘1(;I1ct%'.;.1‘.¥I..lv‘V€hV1‘§AI{_1“l'&(‘l‘£'A ti izztifliell jbr%%hid,% o‘r‘;bu%ri'cc§ 2:1‘ 1§:h>c% mth n1c‘,, of:1ic%£ii*iE4,ni1turc:, ambitioufly Ada‘m*«1ikc;ca:La new upon thetrcc of Einéiwljeclga‘ of good and€Yi1%1;p3nd‘¢th€I€bywccwet: to be eiiccexmed fnméé % ::.hing"amQr:tgfi: the Ems c2f.1mc:n_., (more .t‘hcn’” xhc: divine wifrlom would & Ahavemvc) WVit11‘1?h9t m¢2fu!?e orgdcgrcc I&‘h:§d atfaix1cd~to , and there- w3:hba“with in (like the urgbelccvmg ]€“3W£,the» type: in the fl_cfl1 )or they ; fif1ti( ¢r"1*zica11 in it.S“dCgl' Qcl0f 1neafurc*,3:o whats} ought to havvia thitftfid % ‘ an-er ,)'out-ggoings of thc d1vzncAand.heavcnIy tcaclxinghgnd ‘infi3:u6't_ing» .{pii‘it,‘61' 1v<>icc +:;>fGod, in ,or unto L my fqulg» willing & Mxd Eontcnt re fit dawn m 1211: wildcrncfs, or y;>m'ny1ng waym Carzzzzmjj, ‘and~nor\Awit11p1-3; J cious Inflmaand{_C:z'l€Isr;'(4.1;he ipiritualla11¢i«;ypg5%1n.‘.&.that particular‘: 0: in axmthcr particular , the oLu:waIfdtypc:s , ,.:o"r the %fpiritual1@;;r;avcl1Eng V «anti-typejs, tiéefeed% {of Goa’ finder r?I2e%%%Gaf;'::el; irzto ~G‘:2dsfpiritz«:;zl rlefi Yirz Jaim- %' flelf) beWi11'in‘g;.%1emgingfind dcfirmxsg by faith in thl..’:‘ fi:rangt;h% caf.Gc:c§,% ( r¢1iing;as’£hc cvld H-1‘aC1iECS;af't¢I'. :}m“’ficfh Ought to havc%d<‘me, in his faithful}aAndMpawcrfu11 pre»n1i1'c%Ap£;ga;:1:}:;i,;3%g;;p::;::cm)throqgh all dL;;]_?3£'.‘l$g*' ,;:.:£‘s,$ %% and .I9m~*d_f}Jips *wbz:t]b’c*z.im* .;,T ‘rb7ii1'avc4Il% .Imo..?%thc‘1%A~ ‘P5 “In A fiyirizmzz 1g7zgdam,faz‘ i2§'.».z«ve7¢1yl;:;zcl%Aufrcfi, vtlmt Gad in zinc flalged i;:ejqym,c72:%s ofbimfl:17fl.mtk P?’_'5’IM?75‘,df'9?',[( and at Ihifi very «day, I b<:1icircVhat11%cxp<:r5,- " mcntédly and really btfibwcd thc:%c1‘car mjoyznem": -of, upon m any of); [his ra7zf22med”o2zes,camfcmptébly,.=z2zz£fca2‘2z]}z1gr called "}Q_‘L1. A KVE RAF» » I fhyunto thee; th::rcal( and clofe applycd hams: unw my 1 foul by conupariftm of my being fun nigh at hand fo nminy ycfars ago,te the. clcar thélfP_3ViFA31%5VP0W¢r ot1if¢fro:n¢C3‘??3a zlm 220n7m’z22;6i Vzzgaizrtl Lfpmlgs m?_t'£I.;%=*v.. % in 722:?) «§on£i&c1*atx9x:mfthc prcmxgks, 0: that which is form eing , and ‘% that peop%1c::iafar ofY ( _ye.¢ , zgmrasizt zd1aozVs,4,faa!3 ¢zndVprnplm2zc "* arzcs») Win -3 .r Aszis c1ear1y P1‘0vcdbyV'.:h<:: pr1nte.c1{'pgc¢3;,= Inricus Kingdum QfGod_., or t11atc1carn}c1§ofrciE,‘ peace and. L11‘1IQ1“3,».es ax“ gmmyl ‘in and with hirxaghat now c1c;;zLrly% to my fpiritua1_ undcrfiandsngkhgzy of the jprifomc‘ injoy: And ch<:rc‘“bAring7 forth the: rip: fruits ofVfpirit1g1:i1"%bIdVagc in com- AVn¢;%ie72jti af D;zy:::,% {bit clan;-~!yfi§s apart flat throne in tin air %bc:;zm,~ judged.dew;;5%;onq1.;¢rcd,% ar;ud owv¢1'con1c,withi?n :h¢1.n‘,% :1Il.t:hci:c fi:1s;.,.% ‘crssin Nm-*:.h==T V’ Vampton amt. » _ Evcrflx-am._ as‘ Imvxng‘ G.;,;us, or fpirimal eAn¢m1¢s,mdVcau17::a%mm tm:‘r%ium%ph*jo'ércr them, ‘as in 1133 , A Lord w»~ ; (:1: tax 3%nd;:n~:[wit:_h }hIi;11 ,, and%I11.1l=,,‘. :. nriiniriwl mrm-:29 ha ¢b¢~fi*~=n= rs? hcavenly and démcvoiceg fm-%% 4%»ki;1jg_»V, ,. %‘§;:~'£;*:gV biéa’i-%1VyA% Eh ~:mwe,and to follow lming (I¢'ai’c {'1fI~1ou1—d new any Ion: f get z.*¢fi&anc»:;r,-tqtally qyzgnnth 111.3 Dxyxmafhfawflngs ) ” ‘]W“.€”% ’ 19? dazyszzz i,'f',~;;5; m~.;,; {er mu:um1 rcamn) ‘W2 ll,w2%t,wzfd0!?1;dfifi2'c5 arzzi a:fl9$f%a5¥:a#s3 and "11 wit}: a tca%1,manedncik from wmldly OF fitfhly h01WF's% f3P?1aUfcg’%g1ory; 1-ichcs,~or c%rcaYtu::¢-fulnefs, ‘rim; eywm to 4% de:~2_yalaffiagkesglfiindrgd, ;;n.,~;g;,d;5 ;y;yf;5;'e.g3' aggd dearly belaved bzz£nfs‘,or%thy Aawnfiflzy”, who m'.‘:(_. thy i"cIf,for many year: by-ep‘;{t,1 %mu;ftamw% 1: b.cfO}‘c thq.‘A1m2gh,:.’ my in fine;-rity and trwzh, hath been to m‘: :11: gmat¢£’c%az1d“dcxreflrcf aIl~* r:‘;3‘i‘th1)rL”ialig13:s. L‘ % % ‘ ¢ ‘ % ' ‘J ‘ ‘ V ‘ ' A nd now zh=:;x:~£m-Te,-lijok about thgc in good carnal}, and feewhatfthou hm’: gm mthy (Elf, asz:c>Ithe flcih, by thy%eag«::r wires, and f':ro”ng%in}- % demvaurs to bring me back again into Englandfior the daygf t;hy%ren1 J ‘i7&:rm1g,.: ;md4%:fu1lren1p:ar3on., wfllridtwallj *1=iemr;Cnh1c.: upen%rAhecril‘11‘ h-imwa ,_f(3qd g~iY¢ that mm: by dcgrces the fulnefé -and cOmp1aat11eI's%of‘" f;2iri‘tx;::z}1,s:m5:1~-1mav%cfi1%y%Vfir¢ngt}1and*ab¢%ilit3f tobcar ir.'_;, 'az;1dl g9’ through 5:, w%1?m~ myp$z:2ft 1 cm: ;v1am‘iz%z~~re.;~J ,5”, fi»,~ép‘,-:»z7-rig me rmlgcd afzzzll cmtbly and cmztm” c.~c“celZmm3, and mining my nm”w:u~d cfizmzu-,3'ad profitable wmuy imp1oyments,’:m.d all. my worldly glmry-fmwnxnué, andgracioufiy, and iilpportigzgly leading me, % tI1§;Oug}.'1_i_hC~V:1n{iy Qt": Bum, Pflzh 84. 6. or cca1‘s, ¢$MtWaArd ‘ dangers, ‘and dcgth, few new almox ‘ti flour yam. rc1»ge.xh¢r, and Fe pcrw:in.gAfron'1 ma‘ » far :1 long tirne, that wrmtcd‘ delight Chi‘?! ufgd to be betwixt thee old and rcallldoll ) and 1:r1c;:3ak>¢‘1d at my coming to thisvplaca, clcarly _.,,mrDb¢;flg ;m: of all :211ci¢::vm*y one of my old fricnds, andfinziliar ac... qu;,3,mnc¢”:“:hac were any way fit , or abla tn do any zvhirsg fc_i>3: me 3 ma thgfcby 1-Waging up myway, that I muff.-, whmthcr %IV wi1l%or:no, infgirch .m~'1ny teeth, was 45.2122 gwe my to tl2e_/lwzam amd plxzm wows,» M171, 07‘ ’a'_amz.- f:Zo>fzbe miofi High,.s'j5«?a1{i?‘ig'ii2_-,-17léi.I».4W0??ZyfbfiLl. V V A And £23 in much mgrcy and indcamc_lV1cwi%n_g kin»dncfi;, as he cfid in my great fitraits in the B%1ih9ps%:—xmc2,provxdcd and fi:n_!: unto me a. prim: def; ~ »pif¥2d 'yer~undcrfiaM.ing ) P1‘ifE:éllaz, 220 inflrfl Erlme in, or expomizi zmtawe‘ % we way%of4Gad 22:92-'ef,,(that firor;g,ortal man ‘in Chrii'i)b“ia“* Samtbi;-zg in mfwer ta ‘thy «and my indcarcd fl-imd 133?} Iaclgfan, (chat tal cedar .7322 great profeflfi? % an off: cl-i.gio7z)bz}5%boo1¢, cJtIZm',Sv;rcngnh in w¢aknc1%;(%svhich book th¢%1a{t ‘ A _ 1:01} 1‘ ggccivcdfrqm r.hcc)in the reading ofwhich pi¢cc[%of].m:sNayzm % If muflffiat my feal to it,‘ That there gm alang ‘£3 the boeafbizzgs out of it ,’ :4: 539,1: deg; afzflae gz;ic1gn{flg lifevarzdpofwer of ti:/effiirét of God ," and unto it are annexed fczvcml pxecés af zhmrpmcxous and divine foul , VVI/z'l.lz]m « D£?=WS5i&M,th€LOIdS mw,or law glorious prifohcrinNorghamptqn cam mom goal, (ceyvhofa prficious and A11c:w:en%ly piiritr, although I never {cc l:is‘fnce”,tninc indé:ared'm‘cfs“of lnveis g1ucd;u*nt‘o) whofc book is called, The dz'fca*ue:«'y evfzbegv eat ezzmizy of the /‘cr19crzr%zz§;.:.r§72.{i‘ zlée f ml oftlaa w:;2m;z , % _ ;if‘m2d /J5-V d1'f¢0'9€t?1#f??1d?25 R<¥’F;'?7'?lghjav¢ bt:'cI1.pi‘ec¢S in my reading cafrhcm - W 1;'_c:1‘iouf1_y3,$ ’ that T b”y;*i:1éepm>er"of27ae 3-11i2zigbty”bzzz'b @o1(z?¢27lJame%to rfiy fan)! 3 I havcordcred totfianncxcd unto the-:m“ ( as I mlncmbcr’) as many as :;1A1ake:st,h%CI;l1tA<=IT1”'1¥1 number 3 afld Ehfin twalvc more inwanothcr Volume, ptifrcipally for ahfwtring Qbjcfliqns , I Vhave ordcréd who fem: unto -. thee, vv_ hich‘I Mhopc.chou W11: re.‘cmV"c (b'rr'foré:' thisscomc to‘cI1ce)ibQu;1&1 ‘ upin {hat ndcthdd thatl hav‘edirwc&%ed, V % ¢ % % And mm my deaf Love,fa‘rfwham my f on! mwels witlo God for thy emw % ml good, witmbefamcfincere beartezlnef: mfor my mm, h0ping”.thnt thy % 1atq&%o%u:-»fi1‘llA‘and 1ninc,wa's%%%bu: for a‘fcy;fc:tfon,th:1rfo as Divine‘ Pam] in N another fcnfi: f_'pcé;k5”, PbéZ. 15*f. why *r1ec*am*iZi%:ztio:z*azi»z%d zzgaizz nzigljt new wm4i‘nAfirminIé'vefor%t2W- “ A M " A A ;;.V I tlmafqra ¢arr§e%{itF_yintre2z:%‘tIate mt tqimtkb cm” thy f};lf,:':¢ my many tax’- A lizzgs;Mandjourrwymgsfm" my outwardlzbe2'ty,b14t fit dawn .:z,ligrr[e,";zml behold A“ L t19é%grea'tfalvdtz'a.z¢‘oftbegutrd, a’nd.ifby&any mc%anspoffibl%cc1iy ffairit cam ‘ V Igc math: freetojit,rctirét1iy%%”Af&lfbtir,fq;:‘onc week, or thcrlikc,‘ into thy "hm; ¢%hambéA13,( aw b~ei72gfe§1";t~efired]'7'av72¢%*:;ll M ;glyyfi'ic:¢d.s*" am! agtquairztmzcr) % % ax§’6“With%:'1§ fgrieufiixefs a;nJdd¢libqx:~m:i‘un mad this V arx“d%1:ht fore:--» % Im a % % ¥n”t;§lEi9n%cd‘ pre;-‘ism; banks;-pfiibb%t‘be%"Lctz%e%‘t¥mz%‘t£vji‘“amd my izzdm-ed ffhirittz-— % :,ufr i_e;°;¢zi Luke‘ H%ow'a“rd5 ye%flé4*day»”(‘er2z ;tn rI;ea=(:‘;s%rh~«s:% rm! om:_- % ‘ % 5fofi;I%i¢‘ZIi1d‘;;zj{'ur,ef of ,c1j1VcyfpI1‘it of Gad in h%is‘11c%:m\: twvardx ¢ r:) rm % "épftcxm and ~dt$l'ib¢ratAc1y_r¢*a&i thy laii Poft LT¢:v:mr to ma,‘ Datcd at % fiigtfigfl u‘poi1%”VVc;dn%efd%ay the $8 of Nowrmbcr lafi, arid often wept: qfhcaxt, gtitbat honeftfczxhortatiqn to Inc,-::ttl1._-«;; V y 9i.%£t%inth'¢‘1¢w’mr$dé, -zxiagw degzrf, retttin ajfober, wpatiezzt fiirirt % % ag'aviiIai}z‘tb¢é; wbi‘{¢I5[ "confidm: tbbzafljvaitfctfljdll bé afmifa force to mo-~ ‘thefetbén fill thy Ic;.é2¢irt:A:tz:tzl I,wbbmzs: I 'W;Go]d ‘is doivgd WM: Elam w t__be_{e andm‘¢¢fo1o, f as M 4_(tzzdj4;onr4‘%f¢t*ae;A then we Vhaavc” = k 0.» % .0-my dear I..ova,I agn dcep1§r%a1r¢”ady _cntj:cd into my. part ‘ofi_:: The m3gh_ty¢p0W¢l' of God inAA=‘<1>1%r:%£1:¢<= §0ag==t m tons atfld alfo I950 through J china, and cr¥;&u%a,11yt° gw 4chc¢=fu11vAV & willingly Wig hand In hand ‘With H36: which 3b“"$d31’1‘3.1,Y W°“151%.Vm.’3a¢r S-m¢'¢. “ '“v"'°~ 3“‘5:‘f°1“> 1°"¢IY.v% and‘p1caf'an= i%n mine cycs%, "although tzhou wen: Athcnplothttd gnmgs, ‘ thgn chm _¢Qu1L{§t be; mmg in t%11yfdmwings%%bac’»r:V , or 1~’cand§ng‘i¥;i1%1 whgre tiiou walk whcnl 1:;rc1ee thee , thwglmt%1::.;~::t4in‘:11ou want C1DI1he‘d fill % over with rich, and putwardly glifiiering earthiy %D‘ia.n1 &c%1wcr V tojchxnc awry » l mnds._ % “ O:Ewhic11..%pQor iVg_1}1o'z.‘ant‘i'o1:11,' Ifmufi-.4 fayVchisAtothccinfi’Uth3xthat % H :;Ici1o_u'gIx 211;: wo m;1n_,}in 1ny'c1cax: i;Mndctftanding,15¢% but Wholly in?r.%h:v?- ‘fiffii xiatntré bf fa11<:':1_”r1‘1ari— kinda, -yeZ‘flJt hilt}: been in tbe I:Wzd“of%’_ God,’ ram ziyzfimmeizt af27;_M“cbf,2’7'vZce,( honcfiy pcrformfid ) f4555fi”v'~’ fl3(?.a' tméf reader 2 A compafion to me, in the any aftizve % gniéztcji and z_:2;pcz7%'azl¢ll£?{i c": cI:'irmzity‘ afmy az¢zwm‘ci olc_/ire: in tbclflc of ]crf¢y,For whi_ch;1n hg-.1: fta::1on,Imufi:va1ua Ixécr as lcingns I live , AA zmdif cvcrvdutwaxgl prafpcglty in any.c<§mp;:rcnc% dc grcc be m y portion; really require hcr;“:hc”t‘¢%fOr,c&_fIf¢Xpc€i§”f"i€o%z;1 'th¢e;" if thr.:.h:Lv<: occafion to Life thee; t;/mt" ;(a,a;; beeft 'tenq£é7"“a7zd‘re@e(?i‘fit£ taijlabr far my flzlgé. And f V r my Lil7e7~tyw,%aboL1t\vhich thiot.1%fii"o:§1}é‘iri¢{f;.aniifp»cnd£:ft:'thy‘fE::l£A % and mmihly fi:r¢ngth,', as thy Letter acquainns nm with than dofi: ,% I gain. % ‘ fay no n1or::%:o~thc¢thcn. whatwris Contaiqfid Aj in my Letter; H%d_1rc&"bjd to thdcgand Datcid Nov} 11 . Alafi, (which .I\gaV£ heft: Iéiifflly own hahds 'bu: tAhat I am in my pafcf¢nt%ccAmi5;:r.%of 1' 'i1‘i"t,‘,§ Afzcady‘ r*¢ki;1.I*y~;jwit_h Pew-_ wthc fight of the gzmam t2‘:i?zffiwr‘dti07z 0 % %.%C’iY1§!23.(f, ta f'ay§.3§1t4t f0ad"1vci;¢§ my-c % %( fmflmc ) for herc'ix'1Dovgr%_EZfile,throLIgh Iqving kirrdnefs of God; % 6 % I haw”: mcpwith :1 more c1?:ar,;"p1a%in5 ‘aréxdTé'sfident’ kx1ow‘1éag¢ b£Gd$d; ~ ;md;my 17::1f,arid~11is gracious aL1c-goings to my foul, :h::ncv;;r*I% .a11 my}1ifc tim ¢_., not excepting my ‘ ’% g1'orying ‘ a,x‘id % %rf¢joyc%ing‘e;~§§n‘d%igiamVj% “[uhd‘¢:r the Bifholis, and now :11: pahgs %' andV%::av¢11ipg*chra¢sA.g%f ¢‘I«' ofd ‘ are powcrfully :1f’n:ih*upoxi”my.vcty“¢hchrt famlthcrcfforc how itfniy, ‘ down will, I would rathcr wifia n11::e* 'and A {ween Lambs to be: with; % ,m&c“hcrc% , “than I atprp£:n:%w1c11thc¢?_and chcmwharc thou art: ,‘ A ftibmifiivclynmlhcaxyily I fay ,f and canifay, " :11: will Qfmy h¢ay"i:111J (7)? ly Igatberlbc dam: in mc,lb’yln’1c, and rm.-me; ‘i!llV11OfC‘Wi%11 Iilbfilvc nhcc _h andnluingwitlhall thy aqdnly fiicnds, and rcfi, FroI’n1 'Dc;vcr»Cafr1e,.tl1cyglaceyofgtht Tlfinc in tlxelfrreiagth of ‘ }:rcl'c:’jI1'73“5°YEd dplxghtiulldxllacna rcncwednclé oi: ‘V 7 f j'acionsof.thc ycyrcrnal, Cvtirliztitingy “ true love, ll love of God unto my fo.ul,th;::‘4.:h.* y l V l V r ‘ A « d;~.~y~‘o£ltl,1cIca lh'..n10ncth,I655,. V ,]ohnL;1bm-An A The fOremet1ti.0neclyf_ec011d Le_tter,take ini thefe iollowmg words. V y ~ Dov¢r~,Cafi1¢,t'hc fiftlhjdaly ofthc frenth men:-.h,‘165' 5*. \ . l For indcarcd Friend, William 1rlarding'(cox-nrnonly r:.allcd~May-?- y or ) at Wcymouth in Dorcctfl_xirc,tl1clfcfideliver; 5 l y l l Inc: 1ny":£‘rf1‘§'a‘I‘llh “reg! ldalvc often been ¢lcfi1'ous in my owxi fpiric, at y large to have writ to thccgbut h"it'he.tto by a power a1%_ovc‘mcl,‘1<11avc , bccnlhindcljcd, and «yet am, aysyto the particular hforcfaia, yonyclly now I ' ‘ P» A.» ‘ thought}: not onlyllconvcniem; ‘cc: lacquaint thee, butyam thcrclmto ‘ lcolmpcllgd to tcllthec, that mecfinglmrc lwltlm one of chofc: prcgiotts y ‘l ygaplé yézallcyd qyu;z1ger.s;, (Ief which people thee and I at the 111:: of Infcy ha¢llnmch‘tallk of) midgctting into my hands two volumes ofthcixc ;yprix1tcd;yp;pcrs, amounting to alaoux: fcvcntcqn 1'1ulnd1f¢_d ‘pages, 1 hmrc ywithfcrxous of d‘if'cou1:f¢,andfcrxoufncfs reading nhcrem, bccm kgmckfll down um‘, 01' from my former legs , — or fiandmg 3, and givirzgfcapc to my l true tedfibérldfid guide; tylacyligbt of Gaqlffiealging in myfcml , I 117?? became rm pséefimt, dead ti) myfallen, or firfl zmtmm‘ mzfmz , wit, wifclonz zz2zd4c1lcfi;«'c5_; and alfa totally become‘ dcadto my old bufling waycs in the ficfl), and 1 wow imp‘: grcialz aiegrct: or rncafurgam firuél down dczld to chc: very catch- Vwichixm mc, andlby”thatyLight which glorioufly within my {pal l*z.a.tl1ll1i- Ll nhdygqggndy abqutlmy firmer corrupt nature Withi1‘lmt:_., 1 like Paul, K l vyjthégfifinlilifilxfiéntymdlnlgizgtynaémr, l Aéi. 9. : fzillénldown flat at chcvfect % ' find’ hm-anglal wcey fp*eaklIngw§tl"xlnmc,‘ to pexfwadcy me I ‘yymy\7gpl6?d‘la1mdlbenefit, to bcc.0mc'wil1ling _ to be guided and‘;d3rlc&cdl1y y 1;h¢yh*¢avcn1yyvyi;fdQm ofjclusmy annqintcdgy lyluayc ychcrcuypon given A ‘ up myf¢lf' wholly to bi: guided byhflis Divincytcachlnhgs (hinirzg within -A me; before which I ndw ftand rcady mgivlc car; to what by iv: {hall lac‘ f ; told h-l¢,lblcing,wil1ing and dcfirous tlohavc thc fcalcs fall furgher from Qtlae blitxdci eyes of my 1bul,thatrhcy may be furgihcr 7 opcncd; and that ~ a power thcrcwich may come in to my fou1£rlon1ltyh'c Hcaiyl Glaya-[23 which V ngayyinablc me in the ftrcngth thercof,tqrcdccm myllofyand mifspcm: »yby4-pa,{’c prccid§,1_§p§mc,y and you now Bro confult with flcih and blood in mm? <8) A;-fly“ d;.11,»:akap.g up the Crfofsiof Cbr'z‘fz‘%% , and foillowing hin“l;Vhit}.'h}¢tf'<) . ever he mm by»his'ca1I, ‘or hcav¢rrly'D1vi%nc*VQiCc+wi:h1h% mt: ,"” 1¢ad}% 1 fa.y,Iamfcompe;11cd from :1 powcr Wlthm me, at thzs ‘prcfcnn time, * in b;-ic-f%:o;_t cl%1jthccrhcffz thipgs, and t:%<3’r1i:%c1s.f1i%rE§thtgfggin God, ten give: "car to that :rgc%%%cenv1nc1ng hght , tlfat cl_;ar.1y fpzaL<_s x§i[thy% ___.g:9nfc_ic1_1$cc,y and by the baffifiancc thereof :9 flfxvc Wxtht1’i;fi:%R4, or fallen naturc ye: m1ing.i11 my foul, and lay _afie1c’that ‘greatn~5fi:_ of Wit‘ % ”a"r'1d earthly wif- ~dog;1 \'.Ahat7thOL1 hafi attained to , % and in that rnqflaf'u1fc'%<$f ‘Light that: long fimzc thou‘ hafi rc%cciv”ed%, w‘itI1'd%r%iW%intb”th'y‘%j5i"iVhte% %CI%ef€:t,ahd' I2-.44. rjfoufly meditate ppon thcfc brief lines,‘ And being _t11oi1in1ny!1ar:c“ ‘ % conv.¢rfin‘g%%%.with% “thcclr, H tqld me, % than hadfi “rcdH,‘%*ar%had& rm; ma ‘ ' down from Ldndodmofi: of the Qz_mzIze?5‘f B €>.;01;Iai:atanccw,and AA tpgrcsgtcr profcflor of1=1’§c1i%gio=n=*I1bw,’9than éVei:'€hdu%t¥1ymfc1f“iIi$;i11 Hthyk zeal oncc was"; therefore in thou maycfi: plainly read thy owg condition ) and that prtzciousprxfoncr of thtf Lords m Nqrtlmmptazz GQMZ, 9 ‘ % »AV/72l’iam‘Dm$&ury,histw%o books; tho; firft and cxcclléntcfiz d£ which is MIIe,d,'I' hc difcov cry of thc grcatVcn"mi:y6f:11-gfcrpcnt againfi: the iégd ‘ vof the: woman: 8: his mher%bo<: >k is iricitLr*1%cd,'1fhr:,‘ difcQv,¢ry7gf maps rum: and the Lord byhis almighty p%ov__vcr fccthfcm home tothy" fo_u‘j1,‘ 2 hgaxtily dcfim mrcturnfhcc my%h¢artyi1;hanksfor a%11‘:h’yMkig1e1z’1cfs%a;nd “ tcndcmeisAmgznifcfizcd wk me at]cr{'cy5”inwbur1iaiTagc%~%_fr9;;1chcfl¢c5imd % % at thy own lmufc: sfo wirhwmy" h€artj“"fflIut3CiOX1$ p'r¢fc"1N1t¢d%to thee, % :1l1thy friends that were with in?» ‘thy houfi:;u: W¢ymauth..‘I_d$§fixc'm4 lct thee knowghat by my moxfal, hca1‘;c%fi:T, M c~aj1:cfL1’l‘l, ind %i%ndulfi:‘riou':. old &~ ~ Nurfc Elizabeth Cmmc (who; by~rcaTon Offhortncfit of nxancy with me; % * % I nniforccd :1nd%eompcl1cd%t,o par: with)! Ahavcyvrit th€¢:fi.f¢fwV1i1ic$ in “ 1=zc»rbchal“f, intreating thy%%coun:cn’ELnc¢ :Au 1d' Fa,v;L>urfab“l%c‘1*cfp%¢2ff%:to‘the: ‘ favour, an ‘ %a1d%( and real fcrviccable_r9 me in“ my great difizrcié in Jcrfcy) vyqm,an;% in cat’: in t gs thatarc jufi: :tn‘dr§ % htcous befor{a_God,_ flat: dcfirr: ‘ thy % Wlmat thcc, or thy fricn and mint;-,4 .Edm:rdi ( %com~q;o;;.1gw % ealied %Li1:*vtcnant) ’I‘ucIgc1:,'i§ that particular doth fa: N am,» 1Mookupon%ds% aéfions do:-16 IQ rhyjfcbuuls A‘ A A A ‘if? A A4 ‘ r,‘..“ y."~““ ‘ ": M‘ *2‘ w~.g1"{:“ ‘~-~f* man1Dovcr.camc%, bciaggplm A V1=;;1c1a£u1,1acm'y%,i;na4-€313 % 1‘no"rc clear» V Wcl«wifiiihg% ff;'g¢1"1d,*,fl % ‘1y~~t:hcn‘;cAv“cr before, opened ” the: cm ofAm.y“~undcrfi:anding, % %' % I613}: Li«l£?.#¢‘r;z, %thc4:.day ofgathc 1:34;, mdncthg; % A ‘' iL% " W % 9m655m%’ W _ * “Wkh which fore-‘mcxgtioncdl m:_zin gr princlp-ail clung ‘that I have ndwl ;_ to ‘fay ,1chus lprocccd,amyd go on wuzh 11:5] 8: here inlytlleydfpccilal prcfifncm 1 0'f:[h¢ Lopd dc_c1arc,that bythat yprcfcnt mcafure of light nowlblorn up in l mylundclrfiyan din ,_a!1Cl nf49lV3ngli11 my fbul ayuhis Avery ti1nAé,' I am lugxic ‘ _ mmPy¢1y1»edco let t ¢Readcr (whofofevcrlhc be) to knowgthalc aslll him; " jong mdgrfioodd from my wilfaythe agiginal ofmy fore-—gyoy1ngd~Lcn:cr tn. ‘ hcrgfhc conveycjd rm thc hfgmdé of Olzvex Crmnwel bimfelnand at hisSon- in..Law’s dcfia:¢,l Cbwrls Flcetwoqd (my-old,andlllw£'om:i1fg1cs much fa muiar . greatly ob1iged7friend)~ gavcyhxm a copy of it, and notwithflanaing ch: A cf1ca1*ydcclaratiens~ ofa finccrc.(c waged in meafurc) heart in the faid V Lccrcmxt thc penning ofwhich, I had then lofivlallmarmer afability to cm}-y y _(;,;1; with ggzgdygrain gf Machivel, gr kumdrze dccéitful policy, ‘bnrvz'zz_g tbezzytkre y -wzry-dre4dful,and zzweful,i221medzate,cam2incingmzdging, and burning up l A power cf Gladupozz myfwylyg ‘yet upon my faid lwriting, and my wifcs dif- pofing, asyyaforefaid, of my {kid LetL'iir,’n1any ahd grcapjcaldufics arif: ‘upon 111:: at ‘Vifbitc-half‘, at ‘rye flrangc politxck cdntrivgmce of my l l(la"rgely rcputcdby them) polmquc hear: in my turning qitaker, (or? Whlfih 1 hadfcvcral Wa,y¢S, Cataét informarinny). ywhich it ftcms out of ll‘l1111£i}1‘l7Cilyfi€‘al1*,ltj0(5l{lN€l1§\Eyl13C)V§lC1‘fbll imprcflion upon my poor wcéak‘ wife," as cImt,yas 1 l judged by liar Letters yo me , troubled the poor afflificd ‘ V l Wdman at the very hc:art,yand compelled her by writing in a vehement ' l y m_anncr,to prcfé mg to? fignfuch an ingagcnicnt as Geo1*_gc.Fox did, (the y ‘ Copy of which I have fccnnnd read) and fan: it up to yOlivér:Cron1wcl l V to fcwryc him frdm his pretended fears ofmy policicl: indcavourin to" drawlrhgyrexnporal {word againft himgunro which formany fgafons a»-A _ ving than ‘noln‘mhne1'offrclcdom in the carth to do ir(GeorgeFox thoughy lsmrcnl than a larcciousman in my eyes, his ‘pauicular aétions being j no ruly:_:s forimc toywlalk by ,un1cI's‘”I lived in the very fainc lifc and‘powc*: of Spiritual injoymcnts thathc did,and had the very fclf-fame motions l in fp3ri:f:0m~God, that lead him to a freedom ‘and ability to do fuck, 7 andythcllikc yparticular aftions) I thcrcfc_>rc tlmn ceafcd it , and clid‘ic' d mt: and if lhadythlcn done it for my own particular hunrmn¢nds_,as to avoid ‘furthar perfccutio_n,and the likc,I had in ('0 doing been an outfidc V pharifalcyal imitatqgagxd the grcarefl andbafcfl ofhypo_critcs,wh‘i“ch {in y M alone is the height: 'of(3doyd$y Ed] lyabhorrancq,‘ for although I mufi bcfofc :5 Max: ¢4- 5'7‘-A “t11c§Lo1fd now truly avow, that the: faid Letter was :1 true and faithful R€V.3 .15‘ ,15 - y(w§:homfxauld or guilc) declaration ofas real and_ fpiritzuall a. powcrlof 565 M3“ 5 - 5 -3‘ God in its mcafurc,,f¢3fing upon my foul, for my cbnviétidp ot my {pi-. 3 3 .1 5‘ ,1 4"- fitual blindncfs anldlliriftilncfi, as aver Icizcd upon P;ml,d£:clarcd in the V 9 a£‘y:hcA6i:,or.any mans :ha:rcvc1* brcathlcd upon .¢arth,yc:betxvixtc"hc A Winter» {terms and ficrcc fcympefts of convifiion, (or rather the bcglin~‘- l l nlaqgosasmmchcp1caIamsun£11ane,ddews, and fpringing days of A ‘growrhyinno amcafurc of refrcflmcnt, there isya vaftl diffcrgncc ; and thcruforc t:11e1_1 rhg mu: loccyafioyn, or rcalground of all outward war and W humane bufling co mzcft being not taken aWay,or abfolutcly cmg;1ficd_or I y l fubducd at the ruerylzipgg my j3;,o,.f, "ifgzhcn 1 had figncd finch an engage. ‘ l l ” 1 d l ‘A mcnc, (1c>)l 12 I]'ol1.5',-‘Ila. mam, I bgzci gslmrly gwzclbleyagzd my rm; tlmz 1,2-viizg and rival :ztmZ:2lme;’z2:,l l H c I j'<:;l1.2..1 3 A. l and tl1c.1'::by rd’ngrcfumptuoufly and Wlckcflly bgyond my %mcafurc,lancl'f l:i7}a_n:1. 4.,“ 1-,, 2, 1'0 had tempted the Lord my than prcf2nuaLcadcf,< and ipirimal guide,‘ _ 3 my l and abonuinablyfinnccl agairxflt him; _ g Ep11.z.2. «A3 - 7: Butwnow in my af icady éxttainetlglfowlxng up mcafufe, bdvihg lbelexpeé 8:5. i1.$<:% zC'c3>r.. ‘rimgntgl qagjpggfs of Gogifiwénlljiizl my felf," zclmc I. am already L truly ‘and; 4.4.Tan1. 1.13 , really attained, in fubfiantial, and wirncflcfd withjnlnle, real tru:h,wlth V l I 4;‘ S’ - ]7.0h-1.1-étlac youngl-_;11::n in Clh.rifi:,f'pokenlolf by thcAp0f’cle(c)]0bn,ta at g0ad\mm- » 3 -511‘ - 11-R5011‘: - ‘(Ewe or degree,. in o'z)crcaméng.ltbc.lwicIged one wzmzn im,{b.thatl now I aIn%a--,4 ‘ ll 6 .16 .10- I ‘ blc“: :0’ witnefsin. truth and I'lg'l'lCC0lJ.'ll'1Cl5s ‘that tjaetme grozmds or real! 06'l-‘ll 2.; Tim. 2.2. 6 . mfii-2:2: afall oz.41.Hwa2'd war;,aza:lal1~c;zm.:il bzljlézzgjkg and all jlrirwingc 35 1 1355'? 7--19-T 7.272:/1522 me,z'»5i2=z :1 wry lrzrge 7:$‘éafis}'e,07?‘dégr¢e,become almd orlcrézcificd wEtla+ . 5“ I011! 3 -3.10-in rmzwch true giiounilsfitreal occafi ons,ofall the: outward iron and flccl l f Rom.‘ 6. 2 ca, (word war in the world,”-mml all £116’-w%ck‘éel and flafhly fore-runners offit l A l l 2.2 , 23 .& S .132 ,' and clcpcndants upon it, trzdy rifctblfrom its fozmtma, the mgirzg, power of % 3 ,4. Rom. :4. : f;W,;~1;,,,g u;2:(g~i7;,in _c;am.al,:mcl unregcneratcd, unfari'é.‘cificd,and unjulizie ‘ 33-’. - 73¢ 15‘ -1 3;14 - ccl (bs.forc»G l0d)1'n“<:ns 1*1e:arts7,:1sllis p1lain~ly8c:rt;;lylwitnéfl7'<:d by Elm hpofilc V 5* 1 CW 4- 10-. (c1)].~z;:»2esinl"thé*llt words, From wlmzce comes mm azrzdfigglatixrzgs zzpzzalzzgyw? 35 1 (A31?-4 6 . came they :20: {swam-uezz of yom'%l.u{i‘.:, that mar myozcr members ? ye luff‘-,a:l;za2 , ‘S31-“$’ - 7* I»; 23 9-~~lJ:.’£'L’£’ 2.10:3 ye Igéll, mid qlcfirc to b.rz'z;c,czi2a?£*‘~c:zz7z22ot obtzzizz 3 ye fight and war, yet 2 4. [331 5‘ 7, _)!6‘:l.3.Z"U{1’?20Z‘=5 becazmfcyc »’Zc,$‘13- 30:. Te 151g, mzci receirve not, becrmfirye as}; rwziffcj *'3:»'9- 965- 11*»-that you may cozzfxzmc 22: 142072 yam lzafis. 7132 Adultcrers and Adu1tcrcfl'cls%, 7 A 3 ?« 313 ~33-V1 3911; 1330 2.1: you izatltlmt tbefi-ie;;m’j792p eftbe wzwldl ix enmity with God : ~2a2l9ofbe'zm' l V 3»-'3' 35:7 -Fv<::V'.(. t£:;';=mfal*el wz’%1£‘bz3 afi*z'emI%L'a the world (that:.TpiritL1alK,1ngdo1n of Svatan 311 ‘ 1:3,: 25, 16, 17 C~iu11faz1Etit"ic:dlz11cn.s l70uls~_}§s the enemy ofGocl. A '.z.1.3,4..m,~m.»3.A Emd thegcforc Chrifr, the ErL1r:: Lord of the foul, and 1:11: true He§d- ” g?{'_,*'1 -9 I ..... ,.z,'3‘, 4. M:z{l:cr, an-.l Kingof clmt l1ca'»f<:nly_fpig;cual.kingd‘omlc-(as. the Dgvil or * Tiia. 6:). 19 , 2.03 l?ri:f1~:r.: Dftllfi air, is elm Head-Mailer, King, or Uodllofthc K-ingdomof 2 3 . ‘ l this world, in the hearts of the children of L1nfan&Eficd ,and unjufitified, 5;‘ f§«:al1.i8. 36. '3.{bl‘>cdlcn't men) that he lmch providcd f'or»;;l1~rcdecmcd, fanfiifi-A V . iv’) $011.‘! 8. 10. c:';:l, juftllicd audlrigh:cou§‘( ),lculs, dcclitrcs gr hisvefy anfwcr bcfofrc 3': Lulm 2:; . go 1?>mefor hislifc, and faith, 1:13: 1'~;i;;gdg;m:: ;Zmot'af' 2:195: wblwldgifmy lgi'2zg;‘ 51.. . V ; cibm were bf t 1.)}: n<*a;'Z:l, tbtiz waulgl my fC‘3r"4Wli1l?.S figfyt rim I flazmldfizaltl l71%1cle- ‘ 1;: Mat. fl-5 . 51, liverrcd to the }cws 5.. [mac lrzazasv is"WzyIgi2zgdom"izoz from [gfl lamaegvand th;~::lr;:-~" ‘ -5 2,3 3 .icg:Gcn.» fore it‘Was4Wl1c11ll]m.’[as betrayed this fpiriyzual. King , lCh1:;i~fi:,’ into ‘lthal 6 Rev. 1. 3 .19. hands of his'1nLzr‘dt:1*ing c;11e_1'z1ics ,@aI1d1:haz:‘his fcrvam: Peter l x.’ A cozzfi-zrutcd fitrn tchcd mu: his hand, andldcc%w%l?1i.sl%lfword, landl.'l'tidl<,c la fcrvant of‘ that ‘ j':,1l‘l“R;:'z?1““;z;*J La-r l-l3ighl3'riefils,and Quote “of? his Vclargthaftltlmis fpiA1*itL1al King,Lo1'«d *.;ind'Ma.-5 gionl elf‘ - fE>ul.di-é fi:c1‘,cu1'cdltl1e woundfid nmn,al:l1oL1gl1hc was l1is[z]en¢m‘yl,8ccomnmn-A l ca-5,3: this time dczcllhis fclrvan:%1’l:m2~ to put. up his fwotd again inl1isplac<:,’turtl1i~::.-1: faying 1‘. M as E rcmtmbcr to him, zvmzzzz{ggl;Imz;¢;{a:1z;e Swordfmarlc itwcllj fballpayfié/klzvirb the A the Zmmzzz Hi-5 [/5] Savrm: Tls2i;¢1g:'*§'i zflrmzn rim I c.:mf2ar'22a:a2l pmy towzy’ lFaEl1.CF,‘1;lzm‘14/9';"f]?:Z[£ _‘ A pLZ"Clf.'Lltt.}l3C’ l fi01'l¢5: W313 332- p7-*lc;‘f£.=z:fl_,v;;i"iJ£’“%ii2é mo'retLw;zt‘n7e[£rc[l'j Lagjioizx (‘sf Azzgclls. AndltI1etcfp1fclll% ::l'ltl1cl*»vl1c>l’h:‘L:.:ws of ll1E:$»%inlwa1‘d and.l_plritu.:£l Kixlgdbnic, -are nfmdc:%‘iIr§ ‘ |‘ }I 1 ‘< .‘ c1uit:r:% oppcsficion. againfithcz Lawslofltllti rm:=cr gluraam 0L1"C~fllCl6Nll_kl‘lflg?° ‘?.)z3Ll": 7 0178090." doznsof :11: Gad and ‘P}la.lnc;~:~. of this we-rld 3 untowl’1'ic.h zwo;liM::jZzé:*53 or l lmcmi. V IQ yggfgx V A A ”(411) x,zng:,Var LA‘w+g£ruer:,iti; Zazzpogiblefor my man in the world, 02: upomzs W; MaC.§w.Lq-. \ glglzy earphgza beA¢ferwmt.ta them (retina: am ¢na.'A£Befkm:[:;z]tim£,bzzt}2e%flu; LL1I§C' 16. :3 . V ummitsfi,-v; is tbe% f emml: of fin, and fa the few am“ of tbs}: 2:] dew? ;, “and be 12 ]< 2hf8.3 4, 4 ,3 A that irtl9£fe'rww of /in,isfreef'r‘am R=igbtemfniefi,and fa fmm- being 4 ferazizzzw 4%?» 344* .R om . .¢r‘]*;4&jc.5E ,:mta~ E 9 ] Cbrifi: And therefore th¢ 'Spn:it of Chri£1:,this% F p‘1ri¢ x6.§8z% 3’? I-’*cr.‘:»;. % ‘ ‘t_ua1”in£idc K‘ing5_dwc1ling in 1:11;: Apofilc Pzml, cc1arcs,*tImt%tb '_-'2 is no 19.8: 1]oI’m3 ; fellawjhip b:tw?i.xtw1gk:eauf2uf3 422:4 unrigbzcnufmfr, nor no cdmmzmioa be- 84.10; . % twifxt light and daua'l;2zefsj,;zar no comcordbetwixt Cbrifi and B8li§;_l,72@3‘ up bar- a *Rom.6 17, 21m1y4betwi::‘:t the rim: belz2wer( that knayvs [ p] ;Go’d) and the ?i?z}’idel;(%an%d :8 gt: ,2; :,:».7,»_ ,1; 1 5 Inch are a11.thcy_that truly know§ not [ q ]7 God )~nmi At}fme%;*bcfwrthe7' ‘ Ieh. 1, 6.‘ 8: A demmzigwbat aggmment ‘Puitla the Temple of God nfitla, Idals'?fm'y;4 4;*;*‘c(~I'a%i%th cap ~.3 .3,~4‘,1',6, he to chcitrizc kaow¢rsGod%'in%Carimb jtlae temple oftbe “living God; 4: 9*. 531,13. ,3 394, Gad b:£lbA[ r ] faiaZ."I willdwclin tbem,and%waZ1{?n*tbam5mad I 7292! "be z’l%9Aeii,~ 1' 8*, 39 . job A 7; G04“, and tbeyflmll mm pboples Wl1e2'efare same outflow merzg $195192, and be 17 - 8: (8 .1 3 1, 3 2, ” ye [ s %]j’epa:mtef:zi%tb tbe{Lmi, amdtmcb flat mark irwcll) the mzcleam &9.3x.a: 12..-:6 . A fix % thing, and IAwill%rece£z2eyb#, ma will be az‘Fat-bar zmfq [At ]* you, malyeflmzll 36 14.15: 21;, :3 _., fie my Sons and Diwghters f 53:}! the Lord ( u ) %Almi»gbty. And therefore it is,‘ 2 4.& 15.4.7 .1—as, that;!h<'»:V"¢FY fa’vh¢9Q‘%Vim=AfA i$%Pifi¢I=*?11*il“ 4\A"’¢=‘1‘Ii“A;"+h1$A 5P3ri'm=1‘1 Kiflg 1c“ I 4- '% V A A % ”% ?‘{f;‘$‘*6f:’€’I¢%?I0bi2g*rcquirés%-all his Spiritua*11 _ar1d.‘ true it ‘fdlj . 17.‘ 3- S1ubjc&s5 flat. to l05bem ~o£"thc: 5 I%I'a.»,":..}t 3: , world, ( or fa1nc,or um'cncwcd man) and the Sub jcéts thereof, is £'flL’t- t ]‘<:r-.7,» 1 ; V1 , med highly or excelc'¢m,~z'3 am abaminazionin zVI9r_/ighrbf (X) Goa’: And there-« M 2. Com?-, 14, fore th_is‘fpiriua1VK"in'g having pumhafcd all his Subjcéts and ~.’S’:2'r- ~i5',1~c‘~7,%:7g,13. A Vania with a gIorieu‘s price, (zxstlm grcatcfi dmmnfi ration of love) of 237' 1.]-uh.‘ 2 , 15,. his awn blood,by‘ lmisfpiritual Command rcqu'u'es them not to bcwzhci 16,17. V * ~ fcrvants of men, but m'g1orii='ic him both in bodyand ibu‘l3 and at Lake: :6 . 15’. thcrgforc hisgmwn up fcrvam: I’azul,dccIarcs”11irx1i'd1f%t‘o be no*mzm~—pZmz~#:Scc chap 9.4., % f€!‘:.iW0Wing11iH‘19::1Qt11Vat%ifh¢A W?-‘ 1‘¢ a fllilflfi-P1¢£L§C1‘5hC {haul-fl_,nor cmfld z. 5', ?—6'.%MAa1'.1 '~ ', ’ not be thc; (E,-1'vant:‘ ofClh‘i'1fl;, % % fig‘ ll‘ ‘A V % I A9 .113; Jnh.A5'T_~4IA, § ~ A%nd1ihc.‘r%c%fox‘c the farm: ap®1't:]c,by 1:11: infallxblc fpirit of ,rc;-,~ 44; 8: quite: the fpiricual ~Sub%j%&éts%%of this fpiritual ‘King }A¢£i1s,to‘%:‘;ifr&fc?15\Vé_7 chair 8: 3; 55. mi, 8: % bodies a living facrificc,ho1%y5act:¢pmb1b umo‘~Gbd, w Iich; (f'~ait:I*z'h::)% is 1%x.;4,*.,4%3f:8: 15. % yagr rcaf<:mab%lc fcrvicc 3 and be not conf<>’m1cd to this wor1.d(t1:xc ki11g~ 19, 8.: 16. 3 5 .% dome ofrhc¥P'rincc of darkncfs; but bqyc: transfdrrmzd by.t%1'x‘c;c’nc:-wing y : Cor.7 .2. 3.‘. _ ofyour‘m;ind,thanyou may prove what is that goodmad acceptafb%1c' and -:9 I J;Gor.6. w. A pcrfC&1wil of .x,;%%Gc>d;8;cthcrforc when a:'x’~y man ax-Itc bc&con1¢s a fp_iritu$a_1~fce% hap. 3. :6'~, _$ % of‘this’fpiricu:iV1 King Cl1ri{t,\and,%dwc11~‘s&in him, bccbmcs a;i7. 7:. Cor.1 .M new crcat.urc,8c old -things in him are paft%aw2iy,8c a1lthingsi;n%hin1 arc 1. 15.17. wt; “ 1 ‘ A4 “WAbc:;oxnc(b)nc_w%,,fpirls;uq1&1%avA6ry5yca even his vcry,thoughts&l'ii&_ jwords %Pfa.M;%1o;A fc:¢V4i. % . 3 A a;.i;:%~‘%3;V9;o.1z.8c " AI,C<)w1.?.8%.%2<:»;,g.7.%.?‘%4R;om§12:.1,z. Ab ‘svssma " 3‘‘’l¥7-A1*1fiEl1-%3.=» 139%’ (I2) a§;;3 f ;-7_,,‘arc;fnu’n’d fe‘v5‘.*la»nd diYlne,,l1isbcl3 3.‘Vl101.!!.' l=riglxI:eo_us and folid,’h'_ils dads M V 39%, 49, 41314.5‘, uprigl1t;,"lirndfrc<:‘l%ik¢ God from all rcf'p<~:L:5’c lofpcrfens: c‘ and alchqugh 4,5143, 59» 5, g; thcré ba fiichl a pcrfcfizl and abfo1ute.con€rari¢£y ,b¢tw1xl:—a11thglawsscg 742,13 .a_;m , ma conftitugiésns pftlicfi: :wo'_Kfmgs ox.‘ Maflcrsgand alconripulall and p:.x-pg; ‘ A ,1; 3 wall war be_uw1xt;h¢A Sub}<~;"fCZ-111‘jill#s S_pix.itual5 Hlcav-:tnly,l \ and glorious l{,in$gdon1,.,lF;a%'r_3<'ll¢dl~ and ’% m.Matk 12,. .14. 11 10.3 4,; ;. Dcu. p0nls%6fvva1'fare arénot cz.rnall,1-lut uxiglatyjthrough Ga;l,:oV;l1;;ru1. ¢ l'e¢Vl'by'll1i"s4':$%c”xv':}xits andm; Subjc€’c1s.§_wl1oa_,l:hough ghgy How jwglbk in Q l % Luk_w;,,__; “ma the lflelfligyet do they not war afw; the Elazfh ,, aml:11¢r¢forc th:cirlwpa-l down of Alflroxalghélds, calling denim iniagigaticns, arid \€;v\e,_r‘§y‘ high .7 5- :g__]Qb 31 g,,,;1 3 rlfiuig that llexalrcth it {elf againfi {:h€ kt1s($!gf$rlc§1§‘;_c=;.ofCS;cad,‘ anal mb:l.»mg¢;;hll_ l 2.;.Prc;v%.1lo_,%2«o. int%0llCaJPt'iVitylcYc1'y l‘:héL1g‘::ol:hcC215¢dliénV<;cf 9fl}'d%\%;lC.l§§ill:: 'I‘he,Ar-‘ €31*z8,zl:.Rx5‘;;3;*nioulrQf Proof ofrhcle 5 ‘mtual wlarrlngvSi1bj¢él~.s%ar1d"Sczuldicr’s'o£_ “ 2_u_'g_;}d ; (fig;-l.:t;l1is.fpiritual gloriC>L1s is :9 {mac flxeijr [gym gm-~abbm’Witb.£m1.;}3%l 3‘. 1 6.and 1 3- ‘ 3 3 rmvzzzg .0}: tlqcm the Br'ejg5—pZazte of1'Lgbqe'oz¢fmcf$’, %zIaezr__feer __{4Zr:3£l.:~-1vé§19_z“be j 11i}_2._ ~;..,__ Helmet ofSrzl~v.?zrion, 4710.’ the Swlord nfzbé Spirit , "wbicblzI5rbe 7>I7:??'d of 4; V C01,; ,,x 5 .313, God; which Sp1ritu.«.l$Wm.d, 01; Ward 9f God, 235 quicl;,z:zfl..»4 Panaeefhl-’,;z72aai 15,3545, ,Tim,%{72:z:»pc7~z/mtmay two edged Sword, piercirzgglezéerzza the dizzidizzgl afu;;.c1e;~lof V ‘ l x .1033» 5. 3 ,4 4»: fem’ mm.’ ]j?2z'rit,azzd oftlaejoinzs mid maw-m~aw,and is :1 ciifcerzzerlbfkbrrzlaauglars V 5,6 :35‘ '2 ’]_‘‘_1m ,1m2.di‘rzz‘mr: oftlae beam; 2223:1907‘ :15 tfmzre mzy creamrc that 1}: not zzzmifcfl in 521%: M A7,: 3 , and%4l,V3 _ {1‘g;bt,, who is this Spiritual (‘harp Sword,‘ or ct:'(:rnalll%l an“cllc§.vjcr1.a_Etingl A ',rgg_ 3 , 19. 17 _ Word of God tlmt. inclurcs for ‘ever 5, {mt all rhzzz-gs me rzalged 21;;-$1 % apczmi A: and 2..I“,_z,.8r, '- to the eye: of him will’: 1271.292»/*2%‘we‘ lame to 1? do. %Wix:h, which Spirituall % :;am_,,_ ,,y;.;, 1¢,_ Sword this fphitual conqucringl Lord andllfiingg; pricl-zed and wounded gmi 5-_ x zmandxl to the very heart chrgsc thoufand.of his en_mni[cs.aV:%% once A,-., by 1:hcMini- 1 ‘~-. I A i’¢F~A 1» IS}; 1 «M2 lmrlla,-A 2-. ma’ :4; 5'» 7" l J 1935.1, , 5,: 5:17, flrationl ofhis finglc Spiritual Souldxcr, the Ap<3fi1.c_Pete23 wlmich ‘made: l :.md4.. I 3 , gmldtlacm bitterly to cry out for a Plalifgér, ‘:tnd_a Phyfician to lhcal and cure 5! :,.Cor.1g,l 3 J4, r:.ncn1ics,t;l1c: powcrs of tl1c~l’1:in;:c .o 3 I031“ 9; 10’ g thcnmz which. fpil"itML1a;l Swonlis thclonly and‘ along wcapqn that this V M; I _. ~ * % ‘ g1ofl:;pus,,corslqx1e:rin.§;,% fp'1riIZ1.1al King ufcrh tojfigl-1:;wlithallagalinfiall ‘Darkn‘cfsloftl1.is l world; and W1-Eh _ I which only and alone he ceanqucrcznh and, la Qvclrconxeyh G,$rfl;l1'1WCa§ ~ ‘ 5* ‘ l V .9‘“Ep_h 5,133: ,,»; ponslof any kind: wvlxatfocfvcrl, having rio place, no%r_be1ng.oElna4_lufgac ~ % 3 r; a I 5_ :7 , l :1ll.;in h§slf'pl1'itug1lKingdom,'for his_Subjcc‘:‘cs, arctcz love thcQirAenc'mi:s,l ‘fl-'lcb%.4,I 2, x 3 . '60 do good umolzluclir haters,” and to rcfifc or fi r_c;qui1:c% .th¢%i:Jgv,,il;l;$‘ll with; ' g l ..“uSt.,;., 3% 4‘lz,%z7 _.goocl,., (mall ta dwellln low co_mr«axd%s %n1¢p,,lll ‘a$th¢~G=Old'l0f10V¢ % /J lrlcvns.l:g;_;mc1l11imI¢:?1fildW¢llslin lg llovc, and.1;~0—bc lmllyj;i‘slGotlis ;l hqly,and4pa:e-All» ,-a.‘ 1,2,1 l.%:md Fcélasllhclis m pcrfcft, and therefor: nqt imh¢ll¢afc to drawlltampml 1 9.. I 5.3 , H05‘, rallweapons agaimft:ltghcirlgzmzmicsgforlamong the true and malfia.-'im:s ‘of , V 6.7.‘ % l the Lord in the gxmuntain ofthe; , lllimfiflfis t,hcin-f-5 ; liMa.I:t". 5.3 9 340,‘ wz;rdlan,d,lfoul=—ccacl1c17 and infiruftfirlluf his people. Land=l Sub Jtflse ,i;ny his 1 l = , .»:,,5';;;%%l«5. l 5 % l own waiicsgilmerc all 1:h§:,ltgmporall&fwm:d%sl arclto be Abcasil into plaawlfllarcsl, l lg lL*§:;l,l6l.%;o.lax;d;a;1d t1*;»::,vii?;';I;1r!rh,ly; ‘ 8: no rnourcJlfinlg%lo%fcarI1al 1 Thefigm 4%:-A ._*;-1;; f7»vg1-,cl§,c;r~f&_a‘ much as llchjrning ofearnllly WaI,is to bc=cxet'cif:d ~am0l1gfi3 I '5 J 4,! 5.1 tlllfimghlut thcy:.%a;tcltcllwa1l; in the gugcé holyfiz pcaccabllc 1li*gh§aft'hcl ‘V -'l.'vS,'_T7l. l Lorcl - , A % {:3 . % Ao‘i%=”t“a'.£m.-r;:;g%, V I.ord,wh“ichfkal»8fwiilcad_t11c:“fan&ifie&,§u&ific& and'1‘éc1écm'ed f'ou1 t}o 9’: 55- 35'? A L advanccmcngor f'ccv~up the 1nnoc:nt,hax'mIcfs,% pcaccablc lan1b-11I % and the leopardflzal I)! don’?! Wit’? W 1z5&1;(7i'3"Atloe czzlf;€’9“ the yomzg_{lyo;f5=“ 7V.-V 3i ' feed, z%beiry0mzg.a2zes [hall lye down t0g¢zAfm*.Az¢d the }y077flmI1_ mt %/imai like I» 1*’ > “‘ > :3 =45 5' - the axe; dzzd tlvefm;-lgingg child ]'79rzllpi_:zy (222 the bale. of the ¢z]}2,mid the 7‘m€’ttm*d % 0‘ x I“ 9: 13 a_ V . % “cb.ild_‘[bzll p}¢i flqufs largrzdo-22 tbé.Coclg;zmce% Darn. Tlveyflmll’ 720:‘: hmt ' 2207' dcfimy 24‘? 8‘ 1 3- I: 2: 2 1{;zowZe5£gegf% tIae1,ft)Vrd%,_ /Mtbe w#fe37sVcove;-.zbe Sea. %‘1,’m,'z,bcy Jim/['bg1I %- do; far from q 0pprefjia7z=’1'6‘da ¢md:'walmce‘r‘ flmllrza m9:rei’Il2>e]9eaz'rci 2'21 the 2 ' C“ 1' 34* ‘Lcmcil 3 (of the fPiritl_1a11 Kifigdonfl 3 inhabitéd by the fpiritual1f.zb- I3=,I5«‘.:€'9" 3.54;: A. jc&s , or rrué SaintéofChri1§,; %;r1%<;:;r%),; wafijzzg 5,, aéezftmfiiéag; -.m;';;1,5,~,g ‘ -3'“ 41- 2:334- tbeir borders 5 but§ tb§yjk.zll "tall ‘.t;he~i2‘; =}w:zl£fgzl'ua;tia%3z {arm ‘their Gate; 7 . .44 3 - 341- §Pmife..» his %Stm“%o‘r%BorroWcd hxanizziaec gliightsg,‘ ox%Rudin1"cnraIl 7'35‘? 5'4-13%-A % Ordinances [Imllie no mcrrethy Light ';faitb~5God ) by day, mir.bc5' PmV'5'””3 ° “ f"o7*bkigbr7zc_{3 flmllfbe Moon give light zmtstlaeez lzwrlzze T4110/dfiazzll be Pf'37'3I'D‘7"‘* ~ imta thee a7z*erue»ifla{ling Light, and tbyGooi tbygloriy. Thy Sm; [/m/z 739 ”30"»"£0 d°’W5’: 7103l7"W3"'f77**W23V1!*1or>>z% 7»?'”W"6.1_?‘Izz7‘«Q1!.~z%:: As .}“w;%.%z,‘!J%_%g Lord flsmll (“W 3 4‘ 5'] Cr‘ ‘ [By which d%ivineitenc11ingI ant: now d;ti%1y“r.au,cg,h:: to dye to fi11,Qa%n;d%1c%d*% be thine erucrla(‘2ing"‘%‘Ligbt”, and ring dgzyrs of fz¢kg;;;:;az0&;z2'2zi22g{1% jZg.g[gm e;,,,gm1;, r1~1‘;y % % % P’-’9Pl”fl’“” 1”’ 4“ Ki£7’‘5°’45:W0Vfhlljtinlmtifi flier ~1$;zzf in the 1ea.11*_.,m~‘:hcV1am{;;&:2onA¢.: ‘cl:-.s: flc.£hly%wi1s of any of ~ "rny gvczat %adV¢rfarie%s,”E>r fibr 1atisifyAix‘3g the 3i::1ma"1wjillofzmuypgor weialg; afdz€;cd%v(f%if¢ 3% but by%the»f'pc‘cial movmgs a1%1d‘~compu%1f:ons‘% at Gad ‘ gm up?‘on%jn’1yM {Lu}, am 1; imru.nh4:.»nd r3gh? :¢¢;;u%.fi=1¢-gs%%cc;mp¢IlEd thus in ,dcc1are,:hat1o1 ma-y takeaway from my :z‘d*¥*t::jiar%;=.:s%;3,1I:he31vfig.1¢3g~,f..w ‘covers; or presences of t1Te:::cont:nui;a‘g oinrxy €,'Vf.‘iyAW3yiUI1§UflAb0IldS~;; And thex&by_., if yftl mufi be an imprjiioncd ‘{ufi§rrc;r,* in -may {mm [-113 % day forward,be ‘forth:%truth,A;:§s‘%i:‘i‘s i 1;]c;1"u:.«,-,g wh;chVgm,‘;h‘ 11 wfmafs robe: truly profcfled and prafhfcrdfl by the iavuuriczfl 0fp¢op,1c: %c%a11cd _¢% A truth cf it, 1 fubfgribc 1a1y‘¢;5 u_;hW'::rd nzimyn qzza1;m"s_: fmf-1 §O_I1h_35%n1y p1f£1i°:%nt d€‘c1VVam“:i0;n,which 1 w£cc:t~:dingIy1ong" and m1‘n_¢{’c1y deFfi,_rc to 1mve~in‘p1im*,% and ‘ for ’whi<:h I k1mwthat‘I can .chc:arfu11y and afi_Lm':d1y%lay dcwminy lifm, if I vb; c/g%1}edt{3 w1gn,3%;1;3’«,}1%¢ v]%$ Prbnx my ihnoC¢ht,’3:w1d% ‘eVvtr$y way «mfg» 121?: captiv"i1:y in ’Do?wr— C:z[i__Zc,t:he place I 0 H N I. 1 LB V}! y csfnay fmu1§dr:1ightful and cemtcntml V 4 V “ the news ox~inxvarc§& abode , what 1 have really andfiab-- 7 ~ ; fpixitual nan'1e, mg %!’tam:ia1ly found that which my fan} n3a’n knmwas hm; ha; many years hath R‘JUg;htdi_1ig::nt}y af— ; t;hat“hachia:,,; % tt:r,a.11‘dwi:h unfatisficd 1c3mgi‘ngnc15s,, \' thirftcd to injoyzthis prcfztat firft day J ofthjc wcck,bcing thc: ayth of ch; 3‘d..+ ii month, I 6 5 °§ .% End?