HIS MAIE TIES LETTER '1" THE LORD ?Declarifigthc,RcaFons Why his M K E E P E R. . TOGETHERWUTH His Meffage to both HoL1fes ofPar.- liamcnt, in anfvvcr to their PetitionConccrg ;ningthcMi1icia, Fehzfi. 1641. y 4 ajcflic doth nozc conceive himfelfobliged by any promifc for. % merly madc, to yccid to A A » the fame. - %¢LONDOM [ Printed forla/am. rarzke , and are to be {old at his {hop next doors to the King ' . % head in Pleetf2’reét , I 6 4 23 CHKRLES&g$ ~~ Alghttrufiy, andxight%W&1-be} . %lovcd»Counfi:1loi1r,4wcgrcct: you Well, our will and P163.‘ 4 4 filrcis, that you delivcrto be - % A read in thc~Houfé%o%F Pcercs» M this our Anfwer to thcdefiré from both I:-Iouiis cenccrn.ing the Mflitiaw. And for F0 doing this {lull be your fiifificicnh » warrant: ~G-ivcn at our Houfe at‘ Greempicb ’, the; 28 “of Februarie, "L6 4.’ 1. V A % To our truflie and rigbtnvell Eelj:n2e’al? A Comzfellour Edward Lord I. imefzton I(eeper= of ourgre-at Seal, /:12 i c 2) M H -iI§.Maje&y hiving with his beflicare“ ii‘ and underfianding providecgand con- fideredi that which was fcnitzv him from both Houres, for jchc ordering ‘ Vofethe ,Militii'pt¢Tented unto him,to Bemadean iO”rdiin‘:-mcc of Parliamcnt,. by the gi. i evingvpf his Royall aflent; he: can by no memes Midocr it. for the rcafons herc,a;fccr—mcntiomd: f0 be doth'not"'cb'1icciveiihimfeifebliged byfany puriolriife » made in ‘his Anfwer of the fccond ofthis moneth, 4 to the Petitiogxofb ath iho%Li1‘e;5;tc;;&yieLd E5 the fame. His Majeffy "fifids great c-au{e- to except 'agai:niff-' the'Prefaice or Ingroduéiiggx cqthat Order which :; ccniieffeth a“ nijpft*d:iiIgereLz$‘2nd ‘defperacetd efignq upmioyi e':h_e_.Houfe ofiiflomiinons i,i-bf late fuppofed robe ancffeiazof theb10wudyi¢qun‘fels of Papi{k‘s,. and ibthE”fiIL:iffég$}edi get!’ 0:13;, by which many may, ‘ uiacaie1‘f’tf:3iA°1‘;di~Qljfc)‘.b1£~7'hig1_1 Treafegni, aMndi44to declarcxim heci m¢mit*t0e¥0c€¢d‘?ag§:1nfitmmilcgallmfidefeesdix-;:~., 7 ix. (“*3 lly-, upQrtawhi.ch hce'.bclitivod.',*th;1t Hotfltfcifiwjoultfl _ have dclivetctd than up, and hisMajtfiy =?cia‘1l