_ ’ «M _ (399 " - > “If ?« _‘r‘;‘ "V C ’ H“! ‘ v*"~- . » 1 - 7"‘ ‘ , (583 %~ we ‘ M ' ”."*‘." - ‘ ', :1‘ ' , '=. , . \.. m‘ ,1 1:. M. ,‘.‘:y .,N ‘M. L 0:. UK ; 4, ‘ ‘ M‘ ‘ uh ‘ ‘ . ‘ M '1. 1 .:.. *; -~ 4‘ . “. u I ‘ rs %mm1fsArn€rsot E3; « .4 2 sth©f§sS..€_c:rg.l~l:»C,oe;n ugs % ’”’”""’~' ' V V A L %tbtB.c*6b~crve by all: %s%~ i0Y9J*19i0¢S%¢fth¢~ "€741VC¢s‘%B,3Y‘“-75*» Head‘-'” %f?i§; 4fi‘9;b1e4s;A,% otiaer V <3 Q» 2 gr ‘:- nib % 7;;$h;Q,5Vin€?;$?w@§F&s ’év¢1r.” M‘y“W“:, V‘‘: ‘V '. \‘ I Y‘... "fin ‘K.’ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ ‘’‘‘‘9‘"‘''. ..L ."...n_ - ' ‘ . ‘.3. V’ w i" «.0 ' “‘§$ 3% % M . QFORKE, A Iifltfd by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings: mofl Excel cm Majefly’ :-A nd now rc- AL .~ printed for K. _ efl.;$’eptember 16. 164:. .. §W‘§%% A A‘%*"% ‘ A, ' ‘.._m ‘. ‘ v . V " M x ‘W ’ K . ’ g J'.'- l " T J. vial ““ r _ . N,‘ ‘ _.m‘ "1’- ‘- ‘ “ ~ ‘)2 ‘ W‘ W. “ “M . ‘ age. A A .»,&& :41; .1. G‘. -. ‘Y .4‘-o ..,. G’;V|.:.’ I: J :1 H‘. I.‘ J’. ‘ . . r «$5 6 m % tiiko (J19 gcb His A1 is I t s_Inft=ru;&1ons%_to His Commiflionicrs of Army»’for the fevérafl Counti:s4ofEv¢glud and _the Principality, of Wailers And to be obfintved by all Sheriffs, Majors. Juflicesmf .5?” W mghe Peace, Bayliffi, Hggdborougha, Configableg’ ‘ “ and allwother H1I,Mq;i:flie$ loving " . Subjeflzs whatfoéver. ‘ ~ “ Ems 4 I nztperare stub % my ‘ ' ~ ' 3 Ifiebellton ts rattan, any a?."§§.m ; m¢aI=c1Jftm agatntt ms , ma mcbotbec i M ‘m,f£b~&up'ea$‘mb°fi8¥.‘la?au’ ‘~ — Vtpdanb aim’: is eminent uutnflu, A ‘ % in tenetali diounties oftbc king % 1: mtenc: aflfomc autbozttr fmmbotb mt: was its at Parliam¢nt,EH:b9 fame is Done by our ]C0l'lffl1l')?lflD fog the ram at out iaetlion , mbmhp many ofi put in: ‘bgngaubieas are mttjleb nub engageh in unnutifull ants D_tfra.yall, Sactmnfi agaxnfidls wet: 3;nbeca‘igm,,anD to pore pertormifmntbtatdgf aatbnmqzn by «$5, gum». A wrherz.nf :11 (news W[1n°.foztbe fflnfazmuonnt *a1lQbm:4qenD uhmta , t. at war my me nolaugwt tnzyttivtén nzwteuucen by t ‘etc fa £2 am; Damnable fufrnmt, hectare, mmm¢I)pm£abum0u*r=cm1fent“tn wt of rim vémheb Gamma name %a'¢“ai*1f?*b¢ fame; allfllfi vgombtnsxw mwm. ‘tiixfemtfmw mmtr*z"ci!‘(1nab1§tAu at zzctfun, tzromnen, { 4 a 4 an r ‘-J" " $1.’ % L} (14) V mm Eignitpsaunnubzclareflbat tbcarmp um um: - mectbe commanuof the watts of Etrcx, «inn caifell in any part at? tbeixixtgnoxnéz hp his nivactimr, 0; by the Birzctintt of any pgecennen gmhinaure ; is taiteb mggainft 1”35,finD tu«%$akc...nWMD:m life, ?r'1I1I.1115. ’21inD tbar"br, satiuifitxémvn 111at1*eiutme*'to mm 9$89’?IC’LFfiPf‘0?§‘5P‘.t1ise 0' {,1g*n$qmpMqflah1ifl)aé;Ibam2‘£ Of“tbtsmtm1g’1imn:anD‘1 there‘: fuzz mar‘ €).‘p3Efl?€» comm smb unto. 9011,: Vania ta" marl’? of mint 3m.u~faztbm%tcbt;at$e%4 alt xaorfible gimme: En; the appgeuc11fio11urmvzfa"io wattle of Eflex,E!tlD via Genre-r uemteg .~, am: that with fuel) rams of {acne ant; smut- P0" fi)fi1Lfi£sbt {mt:b.%,1si}!.,auU 1};u1{%1i%£ucb as arau by ¥fa2,cz%iop'porgj~ ymt; 1[t‘I' AI508.‘fIé£utt0if;Qf‘tb¢E§' eon: 450111: Vzazémugx ;; ‘ant; men firm ma 1! vzfigttimg to put _=tbesDm:3;- *ir!1é8Wr*e* W V%cohfz’.i3t.?%:%9irxn., Aotx»;fbfiI1 vu%r€ac%AtbeA£aia cfi£¥b4’i?f£i4§&nD;"i7;,'?t&p;”b*;§in;ft)}§ .iti.AIE;tx”u111:i¢5,A u_2in anp ‘Mutt »<1Eot:-zwttégamgparmffif we i3ingD_nn‘1eJ i1uo%.tUDi£b4 ’5liaifc6tbTfthffMi1‘itié?4~{!17‘¢'tf2ic;iriQt},«4Qi\inft £1)flcefip_zefi'2= arbzp Rial!“ retire tt;;e131£elize£5;. ‘2fl1l'§tIJUtcbfa;2ce5, to to he itfiifévytiliwi1i2%ifi¢‘rb¢f@31Wry%$3I4b¥WAnf£D»tw?flvmt anéatttljau «iJ£fimudaflU' I130t¢cct flI1*®tx c %”nfi§raB4‘. ‘H’ from bfoienée a=1ip‘Vapp2eu§ n_b ¢tbe1,lI€BNl15$*{tenpbau§ '?m'q%nlt1a"fteé con%c‘¥cjtnititg,‘flt 4j_’i‘lA4_r‘i;:Ma4,Vtb£P3¢I21tD”EI1%£D?== ninanwrb; t1b2<@cirj¢*nf fifIEé:rt'tI"b¢dBtnemIl.:,,f[?bfanp *ntfJct*£Dzbmémc.e tn §m,m‘cbta*u11*e me warm." ftjaunot gtnenozxvi »co’t1!Tet1r.*fa{nn fljmll u.i1rmmv+am> of max: Inning magma «;t?b3Béi%{Uflb’l2fi' maifeffen re; vefiaa ..Wtm,£0‘t:tf1Bt11it. tfif Vtlié 7§"afDf 9l’¢‘teI’tibflJ fD3Dtnance;s , m " .4 ma _ n, W ‘~\, » .n mu‘ *iicau..* %nef¢i%i6;%“w ¢ % 95 9I9efi¢fiuer9a%¢ti¢a!*ts7 °a%¢Vzwa‘““!‘: ““’~‘°" “’“¢“°‘7‘»‘ Itu::be%ti2emf02Aw¢Vfflm°~A ?4¥!‘°v¥1%P‘f;¢!°~ - A - A % asV¥v‘ren:rwu9 ~m.44 uthetfg £5/t;% .1: “1I2*ou fla%a1l,tov;mu:*utm°?*9°A % ‘+“‘» “V.“5‘?‘:"’9A *’~"~““‘"°"¢ A 3‘munL#e:aIi:+$.«?£ xmttem %»1¢.;1If¢ mm ant: exam 12‘;a:u r bi?r$%étt;r V~,fit?«1%ktes,%tn,‘ibé in-' placefftnfmc ‘inch t’azce_~i:i Afaifsv. 's‘Vii’¢1‘IffiV‘ 1’ ftiI3“1J%?:W?ftlW fame: on Vefpecialw. %2?0" fllaiiife *‘P‘3i*12l»4’fi,1?73 .ing,ta ;Lo*;nAgagarnu2fie.H:rAtf9rdfi1A124‘ 9Vism¢:tvo¢a« ri§z0'5+b‘P.€D*“= i¢Idmm%t1Ti§t1As4%4 ’@?9é*?31"¢W Wf?v2¢&2fi:"¢t:1»% i 1% T Q we VV'e:I‘tei‘n pntw’ anhpatii) A %”,5'v‘,,‘3‘¢-5‘IIr t?駑I1‘5‘§3i;d” mu: Imebteuant ‘mP“““ teugoz. iaimten mntbin , the {en eta11*dE0tmtt99,menttuzmn in his raummtrriomas we c&’éa:lc¢ns%Ct‘r*rriir«%rlanch V%anu. as the 'ILOgb-Stranggc mall‘ Iihe%mi%“£¢ him: in the fiuuug: tiesmttbtn theft feberall dtnntaniffinns; % 1 V marexn:etTe*bI;c%1ftifwi1‘5¢¢ii3fi13““*5¥W3‘ iw gimme an iaoptfb lRecu£ant5j.;%a:1DaI! fact) ‘at mi naugerouz ‘ant: ilk-affecteo 19er€0I15,AHnD B&f¢WniflS,»vA . A A 3 3:2 Aznaw V‘ . ,..%t‘.*i‘7‘*?.;~r2“:"3’ ~ ‘*4¢$V.¢“,‘’“~¢l [ ~ asim.-t,i asmiez xeniacuyoa fl1a’11 téfitfle a1,,bIAavoficiam. me, peace ant fioiwrnmznt. as m §W9P°!11¢éW;¥Ou1b@A9a¢nD83b0ura by caufingmut ; £?%%¢Tfi¢3§tu«fi§y:;9@2fiages arm mwflnetsxobé pubmselp téah tn" ¢tJ1:r”‘c!J’e9at1‘l3 u“ti)”r;t p1ace5,”“ ’t0;J¢l¢q””?tfQ mu1:VpgaczeDig1g5 f1:am%afl V£al£c«imputat¢ioi1s en afperg I ‘ W15 5 ”iW'J~:ibi111 from %tm1eto time »:ctAtifie% W39» of nu t1ifi:Efi~fl€G¢fiI&?P $6 the mg1b1itI71.I:8;A 55etbice.: % %A2uazmm;V 95!£t”§DiF¢¢*‘°fifit°* Avon aim Pfivvévmalmfms tn ?33?‘”"1?W?°“°1€¢W mu reanvvaiiagcz wawbmhé ¢?£“‘1F30P.fll1;P<fl*oroet,ann hentnte out life, ann «Browne in their mo wefanceg which Befoiutton of ours , pen that! publitb ono new date upon all occafiononfoztfae better encouranentenc of all out. gain finbyeas in tfiat hebalfe. Given under Our Privy Sign:-2-t,at Our Court it Not- ingbarmthe 29 ofdugtyl, 1 6 42. F 1 N18;