. ' ‘ ~ ...a« \ . . _ ~32 ggaowtwéoaooqooowooeeoooauoeo ¢o++oo+oom»¢o~zeM4;4+¢+4 » Byo‘Lo£lri‘bur~;}IE3u{7e7s éf“Pa‘7o5Jiaimie_nr ;.tl1at*tl1e‘re was need by an Army to quicken ! V3‘, ,3 Wl'1l.l‘1;-Ci{ll8I: both Houfes gfl ‘1fa§rIia;m_rzr.l}a_ve in :io..;c_:_a4fi= no tnorek lhadow Authority, and their Petitions the greatell reproaches and challenges of Vs , which i. on Our part, which might have prevented the trfife-1‘y and confufion which the Am» « ‘bition,.,Fury, and malice tlfgele feditrotis per-ions have bnouglitrupon. this poore; "7-fi'*""'§',7-.33‘.-."""’.".?’?.' ' ‘. I , - v ’-- o-l - _ ' ‘“ T i I. lofikightior power to raile ,l3y‘any7'“I.aw, ii€ulion;,-or 'i 7 ’ ‘xdsr’, / . by their votes tojtalre away the lives and fortunes ofall the Subieéis of Eng /4344 y 1 ,yet the Framers of this-Declaration take itunkindly, that ‘upon their 'protellio 2 l l J} Winn the light ofhlmi ;ht.yrGod , (which is tlieyiifay the firongeli aflurance that any ,_ cwcliflfilan can give) Wee ‘did not putour {elfe into their hands thole hands a l iL,:»,:fi‘x y which were lifted u againll: us,and filled at that time with Armes to dtlircyfus) _ and leave .a lirengt a God had lupplyed us with, of good and farthfull Subjefis, W ;, ggfi who rrotwithflanding all their-threats and menaces had brought themfelves to 3 V __ otir a‘llillance.If.that3Petition had been fo humble as they pretended, they would ? r7~_not have loll the advantage of publifhing it in this their Declaration , that the »..world.might as well have beene witnefle of our refiilall of peace,as it hath been lie or their difdaine of any way to-at, when they re 3’ eéted our {everall earnellofliers , _ But why did they not fend this humble Petition 5 Ha} E xcefience twice fent «untofls for a lafe condufit for thofe who lhould be imployed therein,& we r.€fi.I- led. to give any,o_r to receive the humble 8c dutifull petit.ion.Sure when {Our good -5 ubjebis (hall underlland the flrange enmity betweene thefe men and truth. the e_no-cyonfcience they ufe in fipublilhing, and informing theft by iwhom they pre- _ tend to bee trailed. things monflrons and contrary to their owne knowledge, they willnot be leile oflended with their fallhoocl to them,v.. hen their Treaion to "Vs. ‘ ‘Ti: well knowne wee never refufed to give admittance to any Mefiage or ‘petition from either-or both Houles of Parliament, their Mellengets have been ; freceived, and entertained not only witlathat lafety, but with that candor, as is‘ ,* ;' due to the bell Subeéis, when their Errand hath bin full of reproach and (corn, and the bringerg bold, arrogant, and {editions in their,demeano'ur, and therefore there needed to have. bin no moren-feruple made in. the delivery of this, then the ' other Petitions’ which have beene brought Vs ;,' the truth is, we were no fooner : uainted at Sbrembxry by the Elm’: of Dar/‘ct that hee had received a letter froin the Earl: of E flex intirnating that he had a petition from both Houfes to be delivered to Vszand to that purpofe asling a {ale convoy for thofe who ihould _ ,5 G lent, but wee returned this Anfwer, That as we had never refufed to receave ‘ any Petition from our Huufes of ‘Parlianieutyfo we lhould be ready to givefuch L .a reception and Anfwer to this as lhould bee fit, and that the bringers of it lhould ,_come and go with all fafety, only we required that none of thole perfons whom a we had particularly accufed of I High Treafon thouldbe, by colour of ‘tl13_l_fPCtie _ ‘ tion, irnployed to Vs. After thisiwe heard no more till a fecond Letter, at leafi a fortnight after the firfi, to the Earl: of ‘Dar/Er, informed Vs, that our form er ‘ l 'Anlwer was declared to be a breach of priv iledge that weweuld not allow any ' Mcflengers to come to_.Vs, that is, that wee were not content that luch perl"_ons' ‘who had oonfpired our deat h, might fecurely come into our prefence ; our {econd ii Anfwer differed little fifgm - our former, inlifiing that thfiiaddrclle {hould not bee . rude by any thofe p rf°ns'whprn yve?had'particularl_y acculed of High Treao i‘ . - Q t ' A a. " "‘ ’ (on, 1 E $ 4’ ‘A’-’eat*e= ti1s'mil?d»"lbe fltiill t‘d*hcare*‘an'y petition fi*iom\‘our' two!Ho‘erFes at-'4 Tarlia. ‘ifiwfit: iwfieeherithis were a-‘dtnyéfll Vs’ to'reeeiveitPieii pctit'ron‘,oi- ififfburrvwoé H‘oLi_fes oti Pnrlihmm h1d"ind’eed~defivc_d to Tr eaeewieh ‘Vs by petition, . =they* mighcfnot as"w_ell‘h§ve fen: it to us; 1:’ they have ‘ciom fiuee, their‘ I nftruyS1'i- t" onsieoe their Am-bafiiidbiurs into Ir£3l’4nd*,afid their new Billiforrooting our Epil- =eopacye,> and devifing a new foermiebf 5 Clmrciiégovernemenc, ‘let al}' tliewprfd “judge. Weihaivc reafon no lbcieeve‘ tliat tire; petition‘ then prepared’ far us e 3"hav’e«‘ fifene the true copie of it)‘“wia3e thoughehy *cHe*per{’ons’trufl‘dd for-the'pre- “fencing it, fitcerit-o~be c1eI'iver€‘d* ‘afte'riB.t'ttel*a1sid ti-ziI=cmsq_t1e{§ c9 us, "thE'i1 iii the of‘ our Army, ‘wlicinit ‘might {came {bniewliatin Our po\ivet'whether‘we ‘would be depefedvor no. i . -L e \ e «. - " ‘j For that continued dilhomfi: Accufatien of: our Inclination toktlae P4pi{i's which‘ d1e>A*aehdris of it iii their awn ‘c0nfciea‘cés(whichr wi-if (me d&_y bcfidi*ead- 5 ii “ full‘ to them)=know to;be moi} urfjufi: eandT‘gmund1’é'fl'b§)’We>i€zfi-fly m‘ore_,a:i‘d iiiewc can dee no more to the i‘a£‘i$f‘Sl.€‘.3fi‘Ol“l'3()f: the wbrI‘d3it' ehefknow that thc*R0- A‘-miflr Priefl. s‘ have encouraged tl1ofeof* -‘that’ Religion toecoxifotme themi‘eives to “the Pr0t€ifil11f"R.C‘iigi0fi,.by co mmiug to €Jl1151rci1,receiv‘i1i1g“t1ié“Sac‘reamént,'&‘talc. »<‘inge'*1he~‘(f)ati1s"ebf ifiiiegiatice and*S‘upremacy,' they arc*mor€;ConverF.m; with the "fubti]'ti-eeof 't*hemJtbeti‘v¢e are, But we i'r:1L’1fi'confefl'eetiil Wei}: teftaiii€‘€h¢Yi5iVB "found that-wzfy “to-’6cEei'v1é*Vs’, " ‘that is; ti)‘-deiujd,e‘etiieeLa'v%resi which ire aggifiilf /.. "tiiem,‘We 3111511 in‘ Charity believe theiricorifdrniicy tube reziliganfl not pxeecetzdéd; e ‘bu: uliac‘atiy*‘P“rie{1s~or‘Iefuiccsimpriionedfhavebeencreleated=l5y'V§qutof die V-=Gbale 05- Lméimfiér,-‘ oi"2mybthet‘Goé.1?e,fis‘,a$'fé1f€ (té uTe’a1§ of eitiiiéfr )*- as thefiitliér bf _ [;y es‘coul8 ~*i*m'renc‘;‘ :fr'ci'ther aitc itlie pe1'fi>i1§’named*ih fhgéit 519 ed‘ a1*ati’On to’w1xom*;CbrriéiifliQi}‘s hie fuppo;fed’ti(5‘b_E‘frarn€‘eci Por'plice_s§dF‘coin J maiéd in this-war’;Go iniich is Ténowtf rd V’é;;norliaveitl1‘e‘yany cbtpm'id4,di,ro‘ oiiei A " iknowlicdgei 'are”p,rcfent:*1n‘ Army,‘ iaii&’cis Mange tii;-t'<:3ur‘{_0;itl3eS 2i1‘d3l?1*og ‘cetiacidtxswore Aimiglity ‘Gad; for tlsemincenance‘-of tiie P_roréfi:né*Re¢1‘igi’ot; ifoiiligh ted iifi_:1iei;*c'ii3*bf 7c1rti‘siDe"cl‘.1rai;ion,\_Ni'ién’iiI the beginning of ‘ii_:, 3 it is aeck nowl‘cdgéd cc‘rbé‘theflr’on “eft bbliigatiéii and‘afiiirii1ce that any Gbrifii . ‘can give. i 'Wce delireto have our Proteflhtions believed by‘ tiieieexiidefice ef . ~ A”&i‘onsi.* ‘But they; are ‘informed (and‘ that“i*s ground-en—ough'For‘the:in ‘rd ‘lay ‘tii‘e*baFei¥'itnp1ztation 0 oritliéir 8‘overaigne)"that Sir~1.c;bn Hei4der]?_m3audi"‘C0IOL V‘ b H i ieiieljii dfi boilifor Rcii io.rfaind’_h’ohcfi{ iaiiiefeiit 1:o‘Hzi‘.-n'- " at.- V e i£m:e;g‘b»and9Bu»mgr1{z;(flwewpughcweeflv .idi@jv¢ iieardno hicfiéfiiewesfieifi T ”D2:nr'23arl;t)’to'r2ifEforraigi1‘forccs§.andrtobi-iijgkfienihitiier. 'WF’e hgve-Béfére E "(stir "Deci2:r:rdtirn_is (‘fiiflicientto fatisfie any honefieman5)‘d_:elé1re%ci‘cii1rupinion i 'iiafi3"téfoié1ti6n*eOii¢e1‘ninegi'Fbrraigne‘ Ifoice; and Wee had 1)‘e’i7ei_'gi caterieaufé to. 55.57-’ édiifidbiiff onifiivin e'&_s§ and‘ tl1e‘reiF<5%reii;a.i1nijta b.¢1ieve{OfVif€ "21 :,1‘iE:é;iid:il‘l? c3nf’m*ake*-ady‘ix;hpféfiion ‘a‘BE;_tjmE’n‘Ii T §‘_lifEo7ff zxiid i ' ‘§«"€_titr}k:»ab31itV‘S,e_.ifid£.iii‘Oi1refervicc‘baviewed,‘ and will tiiieyinéfi " ‘— ‘ ‘-~-- -‘*'‘“'-‘'~--‘, -"1"" -~-*'~ ---I--~=‘-~ *-E" " mo-. »~—~' I U . -' ...,-. . "ml _a _V . _agz$:j W“‘P - ' ' ~ ‘ , . ~_‘r"._‘\ ._ f . :*§fi1ciiigi§*‘w‘i?iomtIie”;E1‘éPlee6F’Ej}?x! himfdfe’*wasbne;i*11ie aaemxg" aim am» 3..- ,_‘Lr ' 4 7?? sq; sgreateflc farttmes; arnd'the*greareft fame, the mofl pub] A try,‘ ;1nd—"'mOf’c came'1’c%a'ffertors of chclibercy of the’ Subjc&,that this‘?Ki‘n“gfiog§e fiatla‘? how d 'rFferenLt' the ’reputa‘tion of the principal‘1’ring-leaélcr*scf,t‘his fiftiqn . ‘and 1ebe‘I-ionis, %/my careful! 712:} are‘ of impiajihg zzermbm a¢x‘dl:‘a2:cfin¢e r:,?;2¢=~.» Jwgnrgnt to all rive waéld, 7:399:71 the] "/1400 fenfertaifmd (‘bi 'dc]P”er4té,£1n‘dnt-c¢:“fi‘. .. Wm Perfm: ucaemr very "many n¢r:‘P4p1',/3;. ‘L’ W/Biol: We fjoédlgg’ {nqwig1g;( yj 4.: efiuygivzg when favvra/7%‘of~t/rem pri/oxen) tbeyean draw t'0‘t/3:11;, Md wlgmlggy .- §'fup:rfede'1aproceeding',4t tbefammon Lawfbr an odmm awidihfzzmom crzbie, kM%. Gri*I?*en'ma}~b4ve’liézrt] to keep them cémfin} in tlai: Rélw‘11iax.‘_ Far o1:r%ai‘fcd_~ft_§;c_gg_:_‘a,,_:_1*_V_c,i 3Qggu§_§1gIinarion to gi_1_g Qicg of’:-',I?1gggz'Vo:: , and how "T§?re; w*e.%arc'fro;m any finch purpofc, zié click impious men charge us with, apav jltarsfin ‘our. I3;te’Proc Iamation, in whichLWc dec1a_1_§, ; he S,l1b.u.%5h5,L9mb;u£Q_m- Eelacnded as wail :13 the C‘iti't s Jlmdgn and WkflmiviflegA§.0 which we doubt = ndffliey willgwe that‘crcj'di§ and ob‘cEFencc,asL we {hat havé caufe. to cemm end tlaeinlo}-a1 ty -in ioyning.withj ’us‘to Ripp1'~efi'c this‘Rebc1lion,~which uncontrole ~~ led, in a (hot: time, mufl makcfiiac place mofl rr‘1~ifc_ra’olc*. j. ~ : Eior the.0ath and («Saver-mu; %whic1r they threatenus with , itbe tozengagge .; them to dO'_€”0l"fl0_t to doe any thing contragy to the Oithcs t'ri_ey%hav;e already ‘Iza‘ker~r(3)F aI1cg§a_i;€_e anH‘ (fipté,mgc§;,:gs it canhot oblige theIij'.béing'»takcn,fo we . ‘ti?-l.1 t‘TgC$C')3'.SLlbi€&§_.’§)§riIE¢é,fil}{d»ifC¢1‘I3€fh§.t‘i§i,S;a:ffl317¢ to betraymd \ laid in'fo'.’a. condifion. of the. fame.gui:l¢c v,*. and lb of-the’ fame. danger» wish %éhenifEIve$;‘A n‘d.wc mtifi Uhe%rcforcitlc:claire':whofoevct% fhagll: hereafter 2 fuffér 7 ilxfimlélfc to-_bc eo;encd=by-tho1i:~:Scr»aeagiea1s:, an’d‘«t-aka=fuch~i'Ave1un$ar-y ‘Oath a- -gainih-‘usyweiihall impure ittoP(¢)jm1ich:mi#li-c¢.,Aa§-vi!i_l;l’%réxffé}c1f.H§i§1fincgipablp' 69 .omr'parkiQu,: and (hail pt‘®c;cd’aiga1ri&_‘liiLII ‘$3 3.‘;dé%fp%cut‘cj 1?f9m'op‘cE '(>.i_",fedTi‘t'ioxfa, 1r'a'd~a{1 c_r;‘emyftd Hat Khggdom; ’ , % % %J.‘Lfet al1Jvhon:*fl; ‘ :cn,:ct;icmb¢rj~c1ie% many: giragtipus A51’ 5‘W¢hdvcj- pafl'¢d,.'tbis ’B:r1i‘a%m'cnt far daiq ;:alc.and benefit of:our pccapicghat Whs:n=chcte.was nerhizg ;; ?:I:‘:*Fr1 un;d°n&é ‘en {9nofiTércAd 5? us; whic»hmi:shmmsd«c thi9;N==i0n 1'.9PPYa-‘ rm: ’mi‘£E;Iii_ev'k_aus; cpnmvcrssof mine, in:f=leadLef1aeknow:ledgiawgA ourngtaacc ar:‘d*'5_Ifu-W fi§%-1‘a‘e_,:Ltpbr2-idcd:uaiw&id1 all=t~h‘crepfp’a¢c?2 Es malice afid eufifiingiiwld _ invctigglp mr¢mon~fira1hc:cvtmheA;5eopl{:“(é’t:hing‘ncverhca.r& of tfiil; that "1'im¢)‘thatfhayiijg%;.< ~'mad'ie' m-'11’: ofit {to aw V ~ V 1 rhament’d’ri*¢b,fiJS’;a1i%d.'%'é—m=iI§¥' %;%I°.0f=‘ 0X ':J 7 f ?0l€1_lE;§§:£§:la..§:i£’- ‘T ' 5§l?9~\&r19£;4‘.«ial&£seuau.sgk¢1p§~ns~£xabm :.al1"u§-i’t1'c‘rn1't;*'c}~mutinmjsatidfféd.ipigqs‘xi;1‘indesiT,:I15’: q gagg1g«;y;;ssoka%£a’igaa5=JEx;:m V , , nee‘: .. V f9g_ee.9£a;m:e§»a3ddmplcynd .-0l:1l‘:0Wn *Magaz1nc-agA;m‘b‘us;uhhceclmy .. J 5:533 fgtgé f£gé'6mX1ércnce; tljey ab{g;;;g¢1y$4g;;d%pt:iaa ‘A;!'‘} '_..».._i — 3 — Wrsn I I ' Reyalf with ;it- chgicd our-" gopd Sub *and>l!’ep’c»r ly.from».us},'tha: eli¢yz3rat%d:~asxr'hy£oa-r)negh¢iiie-yiéyppgandcbjm g‘ai’(_’éd?;a ~.—. - ‘ ' iA=my~v9*&é%ibY*fié5V%fihf shutcanxp=11¢¢1¥€s;1?2§sh¢L' Md fink:-mm ‘aaa*s:ab;éa§.y¢§b°¢fagsiaa:1x;%£z2ry;pi.Me‘ ~ 5023 ‘mi ‘ ffl!it'$Pt*‘Lzea%léu3 iiifiiéi-"P‘¥dtei’fz”ntVi{~éli'g%ioi1, 't‘iYe*'rn"cI>R' <*-Q” . _%;5;/' ’ ' w ‘ xck‘ Lovers of thc1r*Couri- ‘ _- -V ~- ’-'~.r:t-7-*~.V." .4 me‘ 2311 of0&abe«r theybrougl1t‘thioeArmy (-raifed the detence ofour pe_t- ‘rm; into .theF1eld againl}ius,and\ufed their bell: skull an 1 means (0 delhoy as 5 and our Children, we lay whoever remembers and C3‘:>nltcl_c1f,s this progrefle of i theirs, will thinkofno other Covenant then to joyne with us iJ the apprehen- ‘ ding the ‘Authors ofthie miferable Civil-Warre, that pollerity may not with fhamg: and indignation fiide that a few Schjfmaticall ambitious perfons , were liable to bring fuch a flourifhing glorious Kingdome ,wiWh1eh hath Io long‘refi- {led the envy offlhrillendorne , to a ipecdy deiblatio 1‘. to Tatisfy their own pride and am-bitinn. And we doubt not our good jeéls of Scoring’ , will _neV;r thin lt'thr;'m|‘elves engaged by the Aft of pacification (to which We Wil- n ‘ 1.i ugly ce‘n{:snced) to aflifi a Rebellion agamil their own natural! King , . for the ,, i °. allillancse ofjp rfuns aecuferl and notorioufl; lmown to be gmlty_ of high trea- ” " ion, the bringing of whom to eondrgne pamflwment, would earth Gods blef-. ; ling, be a {peedy means of liappinell e and peace to 0Di'_thl'¢t: Kmgdomes. ,3 ;r T H E KI N G. A ’ ' eeedigrgl pilailhmenti Qfvhwh 57¢ ifii Vi: file‘ $133! gtllitiee , . that they may. proceed J _ ‘ 2669!‘-» legion . ~ _, ,, \ * - ' _ . ,‘ V - ‘_’./r‘ . 416"‘ . fig .c 1 ‘ ‘ ' , 5 h % “ ":1 " ‘ ‘ l And‘ we doherebylwill ape! rcquhjc ou'r _ ». Q ~. ,°;’m?:3:§:£§ _gffA_rray,eIufiiees or the Peace, and all other our Ol"fi'6crlr‘e,V H _ é “ #4’? e , 5ub_jc'8:s to gefili, oppflofe and ap‘prehend:’all' fuch Pcrfons as flialipre-.; ~ . m ‘ h Qoi;nfi(c;1?\?e:lIff:n: under ourhahd; And we‘1ikewffeT will and require them “:1§2r;}:¢£chem to be affiflgntgtq gallfgxeh as {hall either command tghe Treine. .miag'.5£'chat: our'(3ounty,.or.:.:x_1e5l( of w_hom..wc .; have lo ofgren complained, »'w.l1ol‘e fifefy and ambition isbuilc ~up_om~ the D}vi- lions» andxuines Kingdome, am) who luv: too great; ;an.§i1;HLfence“up.on .2. yo 1 Aéiions) fora Wall eflepgratidn betrwixt-us andour people. h_;,v.ei:-..:, ?___.JZ°1d ~0u_,£h¢ ‘$31533’ W11)’ “WE jarred; from J-'_I»a.r1do1'¢J how we were chaicd a _ lthenceé, and by whom; We hav<_:ol:cz}«_c_omp1_aiI_gcd t_l3a§ sluégregzefi parmfour, 2.‘ ‘ . - - ' Péréfga 3' E R2. e :5.» ex: 5: 2;; eg’N0'G:em5e‘r, in else ezgggf thatepur County under what vrctencc foever W~lt?l10L1t',3.,'. _ . : 4 _‘- =_*f.‘; 3' . 9*. ., ’-c c X it o . to wmwwvw on, ‘ imcléf, th¢M}€mbcrs of0u,F»HouTe 0fCommou1cog1<§:n¢I With .fafcty to "thfiirj-Itonogtrsandf Per/fonS.l,ci)ni:inue and Voterfteelyiamonig. nu, ibuc; byyjio; II lame!-ndmnning pfrfifi-il.€8l,Wl€‘.l5.3‘< debartcd of t-hofo ,Bl‘§.l;VllE1gE 4 BVl:t'tlIs-l‘lgl'1fS~,', and the toil} repofed in themby their Countries gave ‘I-l)__em_.; the : V . truth whereof may fuffieientlytmpear; by the {mall number of rhofei tclaatéwgrr -- with you. Weehave offered you tomeet both Homes in any p.‘ace§freeand- . convenient for us an .1-tl1eI'l1,‘but wencver could rcc'e'i\_?e tlwejlealft ltatisfaflioniing A y any ofitliefe pearticuiars, not for thofe lcandalous‘ and fcclitioius l?=;ur1pl1lct§‘a‘nd‘ = fir iwlaieahi their: Sggmons which fwarmc amongli you. 51‘ oat’; all one, you tell us’, it is, now in fo‘r.ou~r~Honour, audthe fifety of’ our Royall Perlon ,“' to return to ' our Parlia- -;\.naicnt., wherein your formerly dz.-,nyjr_r_g_usa negative voyce , gives us caufi: to bC;1C.€.£’C,‘.tl’rat by giving your {elves that without u5,;you.y mind not coac- knowltdgeus to B: partof it. like whole Kingdoniehnowes that an A my « was rai{ed.rundcr.p ext nee o'f0rders* ofb.otl1Houl:s(‘an ufurpation never heard of before in any age) which Army hath purfucd us in ouriowrr.Krngdomc,ga.Vc aus.B§,rtaile.at.K-ejotarr, andendea,stoured.to take awny the lifeof us and our »2Chi1drc95-and ye:e(the§,Rebcl.1§bging newlytgcrewtcd and poflcfled of our; City ofLggégu) weare-rcfiiilirieot.{]yi_i1nwired-to return to our Parliament there; that is, into the power ofithis Arm)!» D0111 tl1iS.fignifi£ any other thing , rhea . that lince the traiterc us end cavtourcs of thole dciprerate men could not fnatcb the Crown from our Hcad(%c being defended b the -providence or God , and the Affcélions and Loyalty ofour good Snbjc 5) we lhould now tamely come up and give it them,and put ourfrlvcs , our life , and thelives , Liberties and L fortunes of all our good Sub )' e«9ts into their mercy full hands? Well , we think not fit to give any other Anfwcr to tlnspar; of your Petition. But: as we im- putc not this aff; out to bothour Houfes or Parliament, nor to-the major part of r thofe that are now prcfent there, but to that dangerous party we and the whole t>Kingdo.'-ne mull cry out upon, So we {hall for our good Su'rje6,’rs fake, and out of our moifftendtr ftnle of their mi Ceries and the Gencrall’ calamities of this yK‘ingdomc,‘wl_-.ich mufl_(if this Warre continue) fp cedily _OVCl'_WhC1m this‘ whole Nation, take no advantage of it ; But if you-‘ {ball really purine what you prefenped to us at bleéraake, we {hall mal-zen good all that we tl e i gave you in Al1lWCE[O'lf; Whezqeby the hearts of our dilhjefled Subj e&§~m1y_ b: rain i fed withithc hopes of Peace, wit!" out W hrich. Religion, the Lawesi and Libtrties 9 can no way be fettltrd and ikcured. Touching? the late andfad Accidtnr ou, / mention , If you thereby intend that of .Br4imjfard', we dcfire yolonce ro ea 17 ' ingcnioufly with the people, and to let ‘them fee our lafl Me-ffige to you {and ‘ our Dcél§aga'Z"iQh to them concerning the fame», Qaoth which» we (era: coiour“ 31’-relfcig Lafidjlrbfit were taken away-fr‘om_outeMEflengcr, ancf notfil . are to . __-1):‘ pfihlifhed) end then we doubt notliut they -w'ill‘be' 19:95-11-ndeceivee; e..¥ fiI‘y fiiadeout 't:hofa~Co7:in4ell:, wihiéli do rather perfwadta defptrate Diwifion;' f —:£l1‘en. a good agrecmsnctcbetwixt 11;; our two Igloufésg l’coplje_.i i — r r : l \_:l ' RARE DA 412 - 1642 .A47. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IA E L L S P C R R E R A R E 8 ° 6 O 76 mmmmtgqruttygnutgttytujmWmum