4% ' \- - vr"_,_W" V PVON *rHosE “ ' : :1 . 4 3 ‘ W mc H ?IH“E LArr=E— ~0BSERVAT01>g Nhath laubliflaed UPOII the fqvem .Dvo&rinés and Pofitions which the “ KIN G by way of-Recapitulaeion " % -(hcffaith) layers 0 1‘ ' pqfl fifltcd for PVilb'am S/mam, 164 2"‘ $0 ND ‘0 N, 4/1’/L/PL/1/LjI4,%,. u % (2:2) “°*3‘?/r/4/%/ 4 :2 E‘ "'1 """"\ I--A o :- CI) I” ‘ : h . .. V. . h _ .~.,.., H_ V...” _ . 3:4? ’ .~ I5 ..I -, ‘I V . ... lb . ,4 . ‘.,-_"_*""' um ‘ mu‘ u 4. { - - ‘ _ ...u. r }; I ‘N -,.z. u, , :..‘_:.._.r » ~:*. - W ,4 v I ‘V ‘ I H. ‘ nu ' J 1‘ ‘ , 1 ' 3: I I * " \‘~”V 3 -.. ' "2? '1 §:~.‘:“tIW~aALA*mm am :_£q.;it}mt,at1.tyg " ?b9*VP49’WVs”~7 4740 this :rm‘vmnmmam;e . 2: S . ._ « ‘J‘ W ,_ _ V . . ‘ H -I L, .. .,‘_ I l‘~@bi'4’0f‘tbfiV%%1€iw£;¢“fl,"”-%%3@90P~!e%4Wp¢nn5 upon _ fiNlVa:¢: éeaizalzfifzévcrcvt’, Tim}: waW,;gmgfl4:%¢¢g«%;3 ;;,;5;;x”44' 392* in t/an King, or infaw: infirimr Court, or :1’: all fair: 2,-viii M cmllejf 6,51%’ 51% cmzuatfrkfi m¢re:£fixf€lmJaa:: in Parliamqng. (thong A 4 ‘~k¢11fik‘€tP®w§*W&uh finwrd1&cn:raiLm¢&m$§.‘A«andfcsmcs % but fa1nt1y)%twifl»'tfic, A L V;W::m~pmMimg.A« (1 know not w1;or¢*4anrwarA)4A1ham1gsp‘3x:4»-I . lnamcnt wxthoutthc: ‘pg ,-,4 If ‘wcd thcxing his‘ fin 4‘ it I *1 " W mm . I6¢ver;d&‘*t‘¢rnii“:i:i15 §by11tfti'f§nc law within‘rhe*1{ing:; A %"dv;om¢.;3Apd%,%Ahc3rc‘i§ th;-r.»£’c.faf¢ qgfiing of _this P.ow;m:(andi-~ vf1aré~i‘ti11a“;th ever fczfictlg) ,«éa]%r1d not 1111 Allan‘; . Iimg. alone" ( :Wfi®w~ Tiaat ' zbiabw c£:%<‘1)’t‘:tiing¢V:toihé:*kfi0WAnc4~LaWcS}_r;§3n4d« 4mu¢h%1¢¢A{re»in éu... AA3“w9?bf°1T“*€ Ufldifputablc Power flfdficlaring h;ath;1atcIy;b¢g_n' affumcdfiy thV¢W_% dblnjw? part4?<>fth¢:pzf4c_1":;:nt‘ri¢ir3g Par1iament,fi1ou1d%bc ma-” ingin thém, ndi:~I1§::=;‘€At1¢cA“‘ '“}§l l5y‘ *‘fbr the: _r.-nding of Suites,” not can be fafc, either“ f0r°K=ibgAA=br SiiE‘f~s&. If they may dcclarc that for-Va I:aW,a%fundamcn1al L~aW,Which ncvcr yet; z V s:1a,iI;¢1§s$ggo!»«?rt.11a¢.R'9V‘»E§¥.abut isAwi1l§ng to» governs his Sub-1 *:15i”i§”§%‘E1i%1E’ee%%d>5Q'r ‘”h‘é“d Iatiytbcihg;?md=%;denVy;th‘c pIai*nc~..undoub.-* _ ted Lawcsthat havcbccnc Enaé%cd,,pr fiuitratc them by.» A fame unhcardof intdrp_x:atat=ion;%A {as :;if*iIuch interpretation , brccnc fqmpggczatall (out rather Parlia mcntail ) rcfcrvati-V - a*”“*@r1*cuict*;:g67E1?t.:§’by:.:¢tl1eim {uccc&m:®‘>%A,;%thcy. ‘will; wmeA1a mm an.;VAfiBitrai§y.4pfo;wc§ 6;: : r§g_ht:7»~ fizfctys, of Kingéand People mufl: wholly ?d,¢pfii3;d“~u;pQxi.~th¢irA.,Moxcs.,_ ‘Which p_oW,c_r can ;1_;:v-‘er“br:“fafc;ci~thcr..fo1§ .:1h£iiriVg m,P¢¢”13i;,% ml’ can th¢‘Y’P$1$§Y i% A QM! war.rant iiich. a;»_Pow:r.,_ But they are not bound or V_1imitcd..by Inch prcfiw.% Thats7i:iw:f:m1HJ?z&fiz::zfnaiL* “ 4E‘l~0“~9..$;, £,:$'5a,f7@5°W‘L~§.:";"¢IW1 “ mwhMm~m~1meEaentm-A ‘ A V M A‘ WE «umlg .'; fj_;{I= Tag!‘ 1:3: 1 3, ‘ 1* . ‘ " ‘ ‘:‘_¢,..u‘ ‘- ' ‘\ -1 .. an ‘xv 3-w ‘ W.” - 2 V. % " va 4' ‘ A 1 ’ \ ‘; » f, . _ ,. ., ‘ _,‘ I O W; in-until ,,_ .~....mup-u-u ; ‘u.........L. 4 A ;:;v»7«_fi‘??o’;gh theyf a;.'l'w;€f'73,-11.13”! ‘f(“%l.‘-""'~fth‘Cy' f1‘7p_.j fo IIl§~‘m;ll’3g)8"g0Clf;‘d1TC{:'2lY ggalnft thcm)butidejm,thcya:;;,,1 thlat1s,thcy‘pught to bc bxqdtng to them, till ‘thcy'_bc;rcpea- , ltd by‘thcilamlhe,;,pow:r they Wcr,;c.lmadc,l that is, bi! Bill A or.-' ldcrly paired bflth.HOUf€S3.fi‘l1LdI.fafifi¢d byahiis Mlajc£lic4s% Racy-.- a1l~aIflIcnr.l; And: Hfl14€H¢:'th§yViC3nll.fl3eW better :fcalon”thcn~‘th¢~j;; barre :Aflh'rtiqn.:;Prc£idents (gs=.thcy_jarchth‘c lbcfl‘wlarranlt,fo);:i_; thcy—*arc,land»—ohght to be the limits and5h0und~s of their prog- cccdlingsll }:I.r.:v1night.haw*c {aid “as truly, That athcs-are not bindingto them: anclthcrcfore ncithcrl Statutes nor Pram ” fidcrrts.,. But the +05%:-aeatan tells us (,Pagl 44;) That tlhfi - Oathcs of Supremacy and Allegiance arc not cndangcrcd,by making the Kingdom, and not the King , the proper fubj'cc’:l:- ‘of Power. And he ycclds rcafon fqrit. For (faith be) im- tbzzt aférilwx more to the whale ’Un1"zIe7flzl.«’tj, tbén to ht/:9 K ing,. , l A lt.¢/Eriées to :6: King a tram: Supremacy of .Pomr.;¢znd Honour ~“ laihbve nIZpartic'ular.r;.= h I Wpndcr What he mcancsbya true...- Sfiuprcmacic of Power and Honour above all particulars; Surcly,ht:l memes. no.thing_ but lpriorityofplalcc, and height as bflTitlc; for-,hc=is allowed little power olvcrh fomc parti-- cularsl,; namc13?“,.l lover tho -Mcmbcrslllof-mithcr houf: , :alnd;»=.L Whom 551$‘: they plcafc to mam (ijas they did"S crjcanlt llMla-aw jg: .mppm.forlhis Powcrlland Cummarlds. But‘ this~: A ifiion hclpcs them.» :..%.Thc Mpmbc§s~of cxthcr Houf: arc "(ha-A. ms in that sucjarcmacicwlnchism ;>thc Vnivcxlélity ancll ag-~ gov: his_;,Aan lbymlthe powcl"-;. ofthat~:lSuprcmaci¢;lthcy lllcalm . éxcmlpt wh0i%x1’.thc~3zlp1aafcfromtha phwgrf of. thlsgi Infitrim our ;(j5firdf“Mhl{lci3havafc;lhfibfu§rd&tinslh ~l éxprcfl withéé A L11: 2 Sbldcifme)alSuprcmacy. Vcrly lgucid ..:But,‘. ip gmlqd.“ fxébcrlfhhxhhfldg clidth:the 0£rfararz;mm7lth1hkc thxs lldlfclnlfiiar-an ~ *fhh"ml5ght“~«7csnL“ by they F!:3Ifi’CFSCafldflfC17JjlOY;HCl§'3;0f.§th?a§:l ‘ fljlaifilijlfltlfifilt" ihc~~‘llMc”m.bcrsbf ~ the llHco1g1{c,lat thcri*a.;acntrMg.: A ll"‘l(l§‘»§5did «:tal{c:.thc1r%l Oath to the. King, laswtn; mhr: S~u-=~«- “gjrejglme ovd1*fhl.ll,.w1t~hl kzxccptxon of thcmfclvcs, our rgcfcmaw oF»an:ll~lh-ilg‘hcr Supremacy : to. t=h»exn{clvcs,. .whc?n" mould; ebcficntrcd if Irtlis hardlydtcxcdihlca;;=l§lor.dmcnll.:(xha¢ -~ are thltl a1l;=l.dwb*honour gtollthc: :_I_’_gjr_l1a’4x§;1‘cgt)$lV_a;l1:‘.%at2. - A ~—..m.._... _.__.......__ A%3W ..__. .. T. % ya U!‘ V on a thatitlacyii a‘re_tothe:Vnivartalitygmri the'1eingddni§; : Ea. the ‘ 0lé]&r;:zmioairrMvoaprlefn7m es’: They ‘are trllllfid by thfiyvfllflflffilllifi ty and K~»ingdome,;ant i Weewpray, that they. may «difchardge thatgtrulic; not knowing, but that a multitude offmen {uh-=3 Ajeétfevery one ofthem) totloerrour, may faile -in their judge-L £ncnt;~tandocing not exempted fromathe :—cbmmacm condition ofi*thle‘l finfhll ‘Sonnesi of l Aa’azm,pmay lpoflibly,t “notgrightlyj difchardge the trufcl committed to.th:em,as ‘we-ll;as the King? who is blailed with foule railings, and erronrs, and jud gee-gm . 1 meat. Mee thinkes, men that fo much deteli Popery,ihonld_» nort borrow * the grounds -of their reafoning from thern: and I {hall as {none helceve the Conncell of Trmta, telling us thatthey are the Vniverfall Church, and thenefore cannot poflibly. erre, as thatthe Parliament is the V niverfall uner-» ring "and unpervertibly jufl body of “the Kingdome. Anti V furcly?,theSpirit of declaringmult needs refide in a [irangely large meafure in them,who have power, th11S~::t0.dcclare not onely Lawgbut Oathca-tooga greater, then which the Popes flatterers never gave htmgand hardly ever any Pope aflumecl » fo great‘: Qua ta canjlringamtmastantmzprotaa rnada? Howi ihallthefe men beenborundaeowdoetright, whor"fo eafily untg 1 the lth_cr Lawcs, ahdhagainft them, ‘- IHPEQBE hflasflsacz’ 29 a §tas.e. 59 slflwzfsef pram-h‘* 4‘ A Q i M y .’ :1 .—i ons. ofiz §tds:,:5i;:ti:tfio m1chango.gI§1t;iimIE—‘“ojitf I§‘fliéa;«:m§&i»iEmvw If i;>placc,oven’in thatihighciié Lwiwai-oaflditm;t'ii 1’¢C.tUi1'°$aCBmpfiQ» V» o afation to bee mado to tl1o’~fc=.-,owhofc{-iatcs or goods are [0 difpofcd of; and mi-z<:c gives .pawrcm5oupho1d thcpublike: good with private injury. Noricm itbac imagincdnha-t eastate uphold, by i.-fi1chiihc1p,:cs, flaou1dioinot‘b“co_ooatg1¢to pmgeiv «-aoijufi compeinfation too%Athoff3;i whqxxz it Wais;Lmhcid;._ i:B1;ic “let usiho-arc our éfi-roatonr. They may not { faith hccjidces ~1'crtthciKing. Gramcrcy, forxhat; I ‘am glad to hears they have yet any obligation; ripen gthfim so iticnhom toth¢jKing. st 1 know not Wcil, what hex: maancs by deferring that King ’: if -:h—cc% imam it in thatfinic, o»iwh:i;ch hoo ¢d,o~$11;f; the Kingsiidofcrting ofthcmg whichi (out ofqucfiion) if; his not; offoncingi to Whatfocvcr ‘theciyi {hall thinlcc fit; Théniniiricaa-i, ‘ion, they lhoizld not, by thcir diiallowing all his Propofals, "have driven him to difient from‘thcirs,and {o to have differ» tcd them. Well; But %b¢ing¢,dcfc,rced‘«by otha King, whom the Ifiingdomoisiin difircifc, they may judge of that diftreflb, and relieve it. All their power than is upon fuppofition of v-the Kings dcfcrting them... So that ifit appcarc, tbatflis» Majcfly hath not dcfcmd the many good men bclccvs: vhce hath not, in the r¢dr¢£fai~mof any frfifilk|gxi\¢'Mag\c?‘aQW¥h\Cn _ they »hav¢i“noiifuch power.“ A;-adihowicvcr, they clginiq A mhis power onély wohcvoiiiithqwifiiingéomc is iinidifiircffc; but how, if the Kingdom: bccn"otin»di{h-c{fi:, or <(at1eafl)that difirclfe bcc oncflly or principally, cmfcd: by i their claiming ~»<~2f ,that« power ifcaintlotiponififb with Jthc: Hioniour aria! V -Royall ififiatc of Majcfly, which allmncn ("by their late rhotcflation) are bound to dcsfcnd. Ifitio bcc fo, wmmayii ueafily difccrnc how farrc they may l1rctcht%thi'spowcr;. A which th cy claim: onclyin order to difircffcg and that they may makcas much info om, as thg ?opc doth of;his;pow¢r zinr tcmporalsg In ardin: adfiiritmalia. Hoe claimcs no mom} (though fomc: havqofaid, a hcohath right to more; )4 mod the i V Parliament will nccd no more, to dooas much as ;hec:ita;kcs I uponii him; «to; doc with Chrifiianmrinccsi and Statcm Bate ‘WY. await ih?-we, sighs #9, 5%: yqms $9 $t.:i.$_i.. we oitdivoi --— nu... (7.) A ”itteffe“;‘jlii2vhenee fthéve Vtliey that 3"‘. why, ithey. have it as~the'; wholehody'of the State, and that they are,;.and,.mu&ibeeint aceomptedgfby vertue nfrcprefentatinn very good. a But let 7 us confide: his words a little more.‘ 51“hereitis;;nound.-3. {tending man, but muit and'will~ acknewl\edgel(unleffe heel wilfully deregate fiom them, )i that the Parliament repret. convene, as an Atnhaiiadour doththe Prince that-. {ends him, in the rnannage of-thattbufincfle for which hee is fem; Butithis is not an ahfolate repreientation to allintents and rpofes. Befides, Whom doe they rep:-e[ent?.The Body (faith hee) of the State. Bee it fo but it is lonely» the body, A ‘Withoutthe head. Andif they were not by reprefentation» Tents the body of the State, “for: thefelends, for which they at " 0nely,but really, the whole body ofthe People (if itwere i A poflible, they fhouid convenetogether) they are all but an i affembly oh Subjefls, of men to bee governed, notéto rule, to bee commanded; not to; command their Head and :Seve- raigne : and then there can bee no vertne of reprefentation that can advance them to the power,which the Obferwtazar A afcribesto them; when fuch: power was never in ‘ the whole body,‘ Iwhich is rbprefented; No ? -never fuch power in the whole body? ‘I Itnowrthe Ofifirzratazzrs.» itomackiiwill rife here.“ Did not ”the:Pe?opl1es zconfent, at “firPcmak‘e Kings, and eonveigh ‘power intetheinhands ? iTruely Sirgi, not folcly; ‘ but grantitgwhat then? Marnyehee faith then iris a iprirgciple in na:ur¢,f¢Q;_.cicquid e_flieit~ tale ‘magéttale; InyEnglifh,y If the People maitéa King;.they«at‘e there King themfelves, nr xfthey give pnWer,¢*they haiveimorelpowejr: and may ree- 32. “N fume anclj exerclife that‘ power when they pleafe. Excellent r learning; arid wfell applied, .1 *beliE:ve bee learn’d this piece from swarm the I e"fuite.?But the Défirwztoflr-, b may (kn w, thatthat _1"-ule admits many limitations; .and.{urely, it l1 Nds “melyii£;:_y ogmfix: tbtztlibki, which the Penple are not in the A coniiitution of Kings. But fuppofe?their'confent, did at tirli: give power to Kings; whentheir cnnfent is given for them it and their Succeffeufiito ”a.K1ng3at'id his Heiress‘ catithe fu*c-1 e§§§_i;_.i_ng;Peo1'>,le.eut~o&’tl3eaefitai1e;‘ea;_Igl §§tgaEt_ the»con1flent. u-—.-I . ¢%d(~%8A> 2 a ~ 2 A‘ Ahfifi‘ I A * ham ht? wtthw A sea: -:»;;n:eecta%;:ns'AAAVAh%fr'~" '3"“§:oBfc;v§:ay cgmrafl ‘°"’ ‘hm §uPcicc?_I,k~noW‘&.Ot’bu§;ft§icCogxvcighancc of Sovcjraxgnc: A A- «ours A A " Wand Athfil-I‘ S1159?’- . .. - A ~' to‘ Aivc as any’ (if ever tbcy % ‘had 1‘ 1*‘ §%f;”§'aa§§5S or Vggood)s: %ané§ A?P°Wcr imhc convfilghaws 0 A bindfgcrr to Succcffours Egfixcugnc as in thfi‘ 0th at V: aclilafl‘ fuccccdirlg A3868 9 ‘O W” 5: 331 ’ I ’ ltil-n55, A311 ’ "A Ahavc power at al . A n gm! Kingsright (Io fart: A . .2 ' sfumc what they have {D g -A ‘ ' _ Andifhee . . dflivcd £1.-om%:hc1?cgpltis)}:P:f;?‘§fi£§a;gn¢y, (as it as 1:; as what grounds For hxs c arr. h a coma: (mm gram. SE certainc, that T15? hat? )Pcu,§p1c, that itcannotcgrcr Vii? were fufficicnt to bmd t aacbr part of them (commgng ’1-awfull for thcm;:bY 3 m I We flpgr ms) to dcprwc 1356 'th their Nalmmu /QWW rig” be ‘A would never make fo lof that fightf Eu? fi1§:5e\gI;rttoyPrinc€S 33 $0 d‘3V‘& Aabroxuta a grant 0 ‘ “" A “ ‘ . A , ‘_ that roviAf3 in ' thcmffilvcs ofit. Good Sxr, L?1JgY]aIg1J::l1thc}ISfl1guld.: I doc ~ AAA A . _ _ yo .. «. V But 1t frcmfis ‘C’ .r»'Pa‘Zg:'¢ 3» A grant‘ A _ A ~ 0” who makait agreea- not wonder 1t {hould feéffijigiiizzza r;dfl”“: “"51 ”’”flm”g§ V A A I to the Clem-¢fiA Zrmnes db cAOfi~{cqucnce,v% as you would 15;. E?fl§1;,Mzian: of mztzm’; 3fl,fiéb3;c_ ) 1:0,» ‘away primate mm ta icrfwadc thé W°r1d”l§m- 4 15261) t/0M2” 5] twfam’ of“ 3 and ljimfizfr A6} fizrce nfl” f-‘ fidtbaflgh {ace 6:’; not without f 57:’ éflmfg, or /9131 0227229 Fat/9«‘«’7'A1,’zh whilfiflyou hay-¢% [ugh rc... Jalfcfnfidenee éyfiig/fit» ‘jut?’ forgfit Chfifliaflifya Whicfih A/Azougic to nqttgé, Yzfigggucnce, and gives rlnlo liberty; (cf... Afcachcs fupgc 10113 or thc; major partxof t c communa - Athcr gopnvatc 7130”: ' I‘ hat rc:fif’€,/5~'7"”""”"“””" t" - but ranch, thcyt. A -. )of1-cfiftancc, A;aam.A 13» ‘Y . A d ifthc aéfirwztaur bcc a Gcnclc:-A~ ddmmetzan. A 3 ~ ’ A 2/ae7r4,’31’¢"'-" A A A ch rccourfc to naturcip %man<”AA~h¢¢ mouldggdar P.:)c“(r)ch¢faCffE>arx tofomc AWdF§77l¢?T+‘. ‘ 3 frightaka mg!" $ ‘ pom: 0 _ A A ~ aim; upon thafwxt. A -4A:C1gapla1nc.f9P'-“ch ag , A Win.-uAA‘clam .4011}: am! Eva \ ~ W ,,,,,AAA.;»m 6’¢',££[E!?£;'E’§2 A Héé cw Hes may Staci “ a-gveodly Scrmon upon%t‘hat Text, fst downe»: by ffaim .$ra2>:»:;in R%Ec!?ie1%!%’ih¢a ficéhéi, €a11Ii"AA’Af"uch Doéirinc-.d%c«- ‘ livcrcd uponir, the nth, of which would Aihakc: his title ta ~ A his %i%:~:':%;=. I ;W A “ , ilgaf. rm m2mbe1* or the .1EmrIiam2nt‘augbt fa E.twtrw_2§- ¢ hm: fa; Er£af5oA:15%r.~im5itI§nzit team? A O Br-_’5::’E‘“B.=AV$' %Ai1'ou_gg.A A A A7212: -int6#a'€d.Aoff%/fiitiofi;07411913’, and wkefilmwmazjfi‘ fifififlélj Ewe /Md, wmoizavé/am competent amen/7er.r appear; not iM£v::- A zfimpqazb/ammr., AA MLMA A D: v&A?v-‘“R7 3. M on '1 Va‘ Is Mafcfiy hath faidfo much ofthis and {exam om»- hath bccncanfwercd, (or_indccdis%anfwcrable, )wtAhat?: A1 Af_}i‘aA1lTiA;IAt;),A§f¢r_1A_¢<‘:<:lf go fay mllch. 0nc1y I obfervc the n1odVcw{‘Aty;» _}(;;)f: t1;1i§;QA?2férwat¢%x; j;jth*atM hce “doth mt a?b»i0ILA1jtcly ray, tficy‘ M ,:;fre né§{fQAb‘6cj ?troL;Vb1ecf ‘far t'hofccr.imcs; ‘but notupon fuipi-cg tipn onely, &:c. I knovv_.%‘q<:>t what he: may call fufpitionsy V but I bclccve, the bcfl evgu1d4%rule:_ ;§1im,,, and thc peopl: atrficir plcafurc. .Po‘sm:x0MV£¢. Tiaat we {chafing of fngces againtftbeperl'nhalI«camsg . mum nftbeiiitng, (tbcmgb accempanien .mitbbis pm: A % fence) is not imaging of imam agamft the fixing: but imrm ggainfi his flflfbflgiflj, not iaerfuu ,‘ is warm againfi rm 9 13% " .'% ‘ A L033 12 ‘R vA'x*ou~R.‘ Iftbi: wake mtfé, The Parliament féeiug 42 fiflzaced King,’ minim; bimfilfe, and the ingdam-, could mt fzrzxg lmrb, % mud and loo/(eon. ANIMAID VIE-RsIo"1~x.A VI. V IThovzght this Pofigionfo PcrangcIy‘Paradox;a11,and £0 ' parcmlycontrary 'mrcafon,, andA%¢q;nn1on fcnfc, that 1'10 man would ham-appcahmd i n thwédcfcncc %o’fit.%. AYct*thi’s A ~0bfl:~r.=wztorncvcrblu1’hcs,‘ nor: blinks at it, but affirmcs'it‘ VA flzoutly. But for all that_;Ifl1a1l bclccvc vary ‘vflowly, That“ the I{ings‘VAPcrfon capat any time be «without thcé Ffiing, or without his Authonty :01: that they may d cflroy the Kings “Perfon,to prcfcrve the King.My*Faith3is~$not fimng enough L‘ to bqlccvc theta fublimc paints, and myficrics of State .1 I %‘ fifhall fubfcribc thus farm, Thaftf wamfc :1g;a“ixiPc;thc‘ Kings”Au-J-% A thdrity; (thdugh inthc abfenée of his Pcrfon) is _ warrc ga- the King‘ .: _B;_ut t_h.at the King a§_1§_l_ hi3 _E§_1ffQI; fhonm. B As 4 ‘#6.: rm bk: in two} places 3 "wiilanrzvcr I flares) fltawnaw-itb’ me. Biff hoW'r:vez: 11:: {as has reaicm : What’s that .3? WI] ez'fi»t!2eaPazr+:. jgflmgfitfiggng fifidycgd f:'£ng rwirzinrq bi2z¢fi*1fé— and; 13:21 .Kz'7ag..." A sigma mm! zaatflwe éarb , [wt ma;/1‘ j?.a-ma’ mad a/aakg on. Surely; V this rcafcm is full of wafighryand ready to burfi, it is {o big with probabgiiiry. I fuppoicthc Re/ader» uuderfiands his 1ar2- # guagchtzcre, by my farmer gloifeg But if. We flxouldi-rtaiia thc words as . thay formd",rh»c reafam would {rem as firange, as that which it is brought to confirms. The Kmg raining, £1”iM_;nie1fr.- and his Kingdoms, afmad King, or an Idcat (bee meancs and than “aware fit the Parlramcnt appointed him: a guardian. Ezaixszzg ézmfélfa mid/aza Kingdome. Is it pail gfiiaic {fhat tha1{i_ng ihouid ruins himfcif and hisKin*gd0ma _What? The King alanc 2’ ~13 ha alona able to doeit xvithm-Kr. mat the Pmpie P A It iahardly credible Pa If he havathe pco- A pic on his (idea, anda pravailing Maior party, I think: the M; Qéfiraazqra (Pcandingto his owns Principles) will not dc»-E ‘kw ny thathehathSovcraigncpower withhim, and that it is 94 urmaturallrra to think: the Community fhfl1.11d.~ dcfiroy it fcclfcr" But the Community (he Wrilliay) is to be look: at in. Parliament. WcI1,aBrut._g0od Sir,.r1;ay not the‘ people with... draw the power of reprcfentationg awhichahcyr granted to the Parliamcint ; was their gram: Io abfoluta, and {:2 irrcvo- , cable, thatthcy difpoflcfi. thtsmfc_1vcsa«~ wholly of taking or A axcrcifing that power, their ownaapropcr pcrfons 3’ Rea amcnlber qybilr principles about the convcying rofsovcraigm: yawer imza thc’hands; of] Kings; and ifrryou can {haw gm ‘ _ A fmttcr Cards for their -wpqwfi-f‘bf -rcprefzrntation, than the j Eflgoples revocable conicnrgffand I would faine know why it W A Qflrould bcamgre rqyocablc from Kings [:h_¢I; mcnjyou Wi1g%a;r~— E rfin¢;l__~ct3Ici§r;tc_;3urc1nitaveryticklea ;_ _ 7 ; f A M A" M W: 1 u,‘.,‘.- M. fl ‘ .:, rs“: « A A : P§a.»s1ir::oN. Y“-II;.‘_K -' .‘-.;r- “ ififgrtnma taaVIn:1r..e%a§1§am2ratatber may B£*ptu'a:. w _ .9 - r .5 r “ '1"-v-: .f«>z5rg_ly a/¢fz‘ed. A Irii Dnlsanvavrcfl rzsmzeéztzalzt my Kibzg W .-tam»; 4 fie; m1;m2»:- l l .- A, 3 ANIM'ADV"E.R'L§.I on) ‘V1’ L "';E'Eikc'this note bcttcr than all the rain and am wg,’c,11y ag- his mindc : That never anyfsec Parliammt f ' _ fled, dcpofcd any.King: and I hopc(wha;fo;vc:1lgl:§;3$ilf1- ciplcs fccmes go inflnuatcl) they doc not bclccvc they ham. ,.poWcr to doc1t,»and pray that they may never attempt, (at flcalt, not be ablc) to dcpofc‘thcKing, or cleflroy Monarchy. The Azltizars Protghtion. l ~ Avinglfinifhcd thcf: madam A‘ ‘d" ‘\ ;, ' M protcllin thc prefczncc of»Almié¢l1?f; gczlgjflivigi CE; '0 life, power, and cflatc, to maintairicland dcfcnd, fo farm: as ilawfully I may,'I'hc true Reformed Protcflant Rel igiom,His Majcllcics Pcrl_‘c_>n,l-lonour and Royall Ellate The ° it L'b .«.. ties of the Subjcéhand the’ Powcr and Privllcd g£ofP:;r<1ni:. lvamentl (lo far as I {hall-be able to know or undcrfland them) and to does all other things contained in the late Pratqfhztion. And this :1 doe finccrcly_, and from my heart, bclccving my fclfe to be under the gull: of Pcrjury, if I fails in any one thing hcreprotcllzcd. And therefore {hall ncvcr hold my ‘fclfc abfolved, by obfcrving one, if I violatcit in any other art. I {hall cvcr defend His Majcllics Pcr1on,Honour, and RoyallEllatc, as my fol¢ Sovsraignc, Al and the Plai-lia. mcnt (mm: under him)»in the highcll capacity of Subjc.-fig as the: Supreamc Iudicatcary, thc grcat’Councc1l and Body l Rcprcfcntative ofthis Kingdomc, And I pray,that all thof: M 91: mtzfqunclcde that doc: not joync with ma may gichpx ~11);-cdily be convale- 535?? A