‘» ‘ *1 ‘ ‘« _ ‘ 0 " K M ?‘,x")»/ g 9 Le": .» 2 , M p .»,°., V...; é‘ 4. 53 » ‘.‘.u- , m . u . ma 1‘ _,;_ A « , , Q, “N r \v I 4 % You gent‘/tenéen m1dG't;'§enI» 3‘ ‘ W “ . 0:?) %yr:»u me! your fcquefi are avelcomé to "Vs, and cafmmt failc of a Mac} recap»? well i‘m.a»‘,Lv%ne. Q3371: IS matsuerafll iz1thePat;1cm:'to iéreke cure: mf his difeafcfi *éziid“m mkzrw rm“: Pi":%‘jV~fir;%.nax‘.x W; 1:14;‘ 3319 hell Skill, :m¢1Ainduth~y, and int»; Commcndame m «s:;;;.m1?.vm,,. Vwmre war fmvmenmerits, %,j;1nd% your px'c5fZ;ntgood in::e:itionsVarc‘1og }Ic);;:’$"1f: er, y'(IM.U[' ;’E:fiZ.:~:‘ i~;;g§g;n mix apply ymzr 17:. was to us: far cal”? ; and Wm: hope ipis nét‘ mc:m~~ixfnp-;aAti«;:a1cw.Larges «}’I'£;m» cczxiéselvac thixagszixiagaofliblg. or uxnjmflz yourpz"ay¢rs for p%egu_’:;4,»,~ AmayH}{:4:§c3u1':1hle, {E}; was farcoéfis‘ Wzfé or C7*hiId‘ren, yet’ when flue cry ed, ‘Cbildram W »,r{ye, me was t0%‘lv1;a.me%; far 1"f1é£ougI1t;H1at 0;?‘ 14605: which Ipgcoébad A hm dpawezr to give, and Hm fbxzght t‘11c;* fame with finch %vioIenc<‘:, as facaéought& not to ha;ve%4Ia¢e;;md.: ~ Ema" Wm WE 3171 only «zzcm ccrivei that ¢ withotmr a1limpati.ent;e,% youfeeke of us Ap;.w,ca:;.» ‘f}:3..faL:,*Vz§¢;%~%,m:wvwcau procure itgaxad mm: zxbfolurcgly, for gt clepcrzdé nut Afo much ) A uhpm11Aus$ < as. t1'm«Ki:ag,4 »z2.m’oiV~it* 12; we in 1.13 to draw‘ the; ‘Kingto 2. pear.,::,’ cxccpc‘ His Ma-V-3 » jctfiie beams ix':clix‘sa€:wle*t0 it, as we am’ A A A 4 V . % A % A fiflndwe xv1il‘c0xzcc:1*vc4a%I!o :11;-mt: you f'c~*:eEwI'1ot peace main-:3 dly, ‘¢x::<=ptA it c*ozfn%e alongf '\;_vi‘:;Iu 'E"rut‘h, arid R2gI1tc_.«cm£1eH’e, and Hcmourg and of fmzh a peace vme are a$ zmloim j as %y“ou%%fugn wifl*x*us ¥:D bee; axxdforosherfpeace, ifWe.flw.z1d wlxcllyiubmictothc X smi;:*ty, w‘iclaomt:.glrl4k:th,Atbas he aaunoc prptcfi: both, iftheyj are His %t"x~icm3s, wee arehis cnemias; %if~ w}.rc%ar'c his fliends, way are quc&i.onIefl‘e 1119; fimiemieé ;,A if lie ihield tzhem {mm cmr j.;.1££_iccV, he rijmflf eXp»@fcu3-tgtlzcir jjuiiicti: ; ci: her” th. mutt fL1dge us,;0r we: _;h'em, up middlg way can be fafe, not dcfcrvc the nameofi A.t:bc5n1m‘aciac;oz1 ;’ it mail prove ; incvitable coxafz-1£'ion{in,thg: end, A Ma;:yA yearcs wag h;a.vcAa{ready flruggled co;;cther,and they have a.ilchg;wl1i1: firugled togctim, and they h“;w,sg2*al£AAtiac while” fidund n-irsafc favour fiomflwé Co xiit than we 5y but now we are mow _,i1:I}p13(.}£tbIy exafi3ega‘tedmAAby,b!oud, oncAagaiz.{i;%:&:e othca=, and th%eyAwiV1~Lh:otIaydowne; AA ..A_:_'me.s befwr ourlakos. And if youlprcfcr your own Iuclgemcnts be:-my fore 0lllI‘.“, proceed to aclvcrti» 6 us lovingly and Fairely, wherein we may do you more gg .>od,or how we may draw nwoayre: toa prudcnt&Acc0mmodat1o11 , and impart more A particularly your open {once tljcrcof; I-lo.wfoew.~:r we defirc you toaddrclle your {elves to His lvlajcfiy, in the famo mazmcr as you have done to us, uxilelli: you condemns us as ~ more indiipofcd to peace them His Majefiy is: and lot your rcqmll be , y thatmin yi.this;va-==w—« yluaiion of His Parjcy, and His Parliament. He would be Equally pltrafccli ‘to co:1dcTccngl,...»-"*"“' ‘M-l’1L'i¢ clopart :£tom‘”FI”i§‘Formcr irigor .iof*T.€a7rlmcs,i. as? you cm.“ céllpfiom us, or elio‘wve;»mi1ft W lrflilflflflufltc yflllilfl »«tl3is»_umoq“u3i1l-lAI3d for: frhcliimme iofall,,.l_et1you1f tlofiprzd Accolnmofi” idaniom bc finch; *asg;li1allix‘I1a[1ntaincus to be the K ings lcgall‘l’arIi2mont,‘.' and a lcgall Pao- »lia'm¢m: to?bc«tho7.K‘ing.s highcft Court of‘ Iuclicaturc, and tho higbicfi Iuclicature of tho 5 King littelh;-oplicl*etcrmine all publikc dilputcs, ‘rind belt difpofccl to mercy, as wcll as 111-» «l mcc; Md?’ policy, asl.w¢lli.as LaW:w£xn.:i' Without morn: ado youiv Wliihcdficclommodation islpcrf"c.r.f’£s'»:d_;, and agreed pupongi W i A A mil fiflfimfimfifigmgg % 3% . fifl@%fi%%$ %&%&%@&@& w%% " &« fifi#%%%%$%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&%%%$$ ‘THE fifi ‘K F “*1 . . _ _,. m - ' ’i V“. ‘ 4!‘- r‘" 0 . ~ the Late A11fWer %tA0thei1f$ %P£TmMoNr A 'pfierce*iy‘¢athQib AffS which caufzchare ;the,fittcfi:ymcans~tq comintfé % ‘A‘fthi§3t§rrsmi5h‘A?caléffaityg lftbc ;5eop1%c(7ofhone‘£?c afiéfiions gcnera1ly,x;but "T “ A % V4 &?weak%r¢afox1,aiidffltéafily‘ %2g~beHf€da‘?fl¢iV Inaxifi t@~%§dVanGfi»pr+ivatc ands with A V H “ Va pub1iq;u¢Vconicic11¥:c,)yctatlafiraithfullyin~i-h:u&¢d4byA thic fault cf ':mi«-- 4 -fcries, Eaegin : ogmwwia"e;, the great cqntrixfers of thcfc iagi divifimns _., gevidcnt1yA%d4i¥;- ccrne,t13c<4Kingdmn is i11Ld%anger ‘robe. rgftnwxcd t0133jPPiD€fi¢; unlcffc thcir% long cxérw A ~ ?i¢“-iffid malice, «;:a:; St‘ V»pr¢u‘éi1eVlinderwipficieusprr:t¢r;q;§.,‘ 1:9 ”Ake;ep.AA4 up M ;i»=;a%z:;i]-A unforgunatg: ‘ ‘ , mifundcrfianciingbgétfifccii King érkci Si;1’i: $j' 63:. patience, anci a 1110?: j 118: apprehcnfion of prcffurcs howrchfgrewing upan us , [0 that qfiam, every new Vote hath been leaked upon as a new afZw1i&ian,):al<<:n fuch courage . N {comer haé we, being the 1: =.o:‘3: confidcrable pcrfons in the City ( after two ldng V 10 Q11?‘ fclmfi, ashumbly tafcxp mflk our unwillizagncflb m be *iongcrVj2cftivcV4in ’%o"I11‘*0Wn%%4”“V unhappineflle, and to {us unto you for remedy , being dcfirous to rcccive thofc great -bleffings ofi I’-’cacc%andAE'1enty; anci truc Religion efixabiiflacd by Law: from no%othe»r band: but prcfcntly under-agents are imployed tocontim;1c (if it be poffit~l3:)%thc%di» V Ptraétions ofthia kingdom, and ftific our lwrzcfi intentions in the womb. Alderman Pa- .ség'ngtan fcizcs ugon our Petitxon, and ccnnmits one to prifon_, (betauic it fisems he was better affE.'&c:c1 to the quiet csfbis Country, than was convemcnt for his ends”) mt» Withftanding not any thing in the matter ofir, was againfc any known Law , and the ~ ;na;:x:1;c*»jraf ig hgwi b.e‘en.fa 339;; geumenagxccd by iipth your ggoufgs. put of thefg can-» ;fi&crat%ions; _ _¢Il~“aéufi fidérfitiafisa Wifthfl @~§t‘i2é c%I»i§°a%Vn‘i;é%;aéédvtsy%ihnb&c1¢icyV; Famfa‘ nceerrVa;*.%:»y'm» taprévemt % 61%;: mt.hrerwi{¢ta»na“v@i€fabJcv&e£¥ruétian, ¥i$£r*i‘th:%~f%o3l*»¥crA courégé;L and “A‘%hbn4cR= ’~‘%ftouti%rcfi‘c*x*c~ c& )v*ci“~4o‘“u'i‘*P~etit”i:im. A A A A : < M 2 M j N ; V M A ‘ A Wham‘ thcs Leéhzrers uz1d7¢i*féIn3“L33c‘H: Tfumpe:;<;0FW’arf¢». \ F ‘ “ % This p¢1~myb~;-ing new warn am, and the jntzrxaegrumenuli cbefis at 21* fiancfig, it%cc:m-‘ % c'§§1*i‘3*s¢t§1cV“tf2;3«i ?”¢1*»s"‘t‘b"»> tflké the 1*=ri%Vi‘1§ic‘ t)"i’theT Ctibfn1é:‘1dri%—*»v:e21lt4115§‘r*a’tt3 tI1ei:r~‘oWz51 manag:‘ry; Ififi ‘~'»‘z*!W~*€If is cafiiour,» VEE.VWE;j§I"£‘.t“h rams :m;41-ry i r1.it~thVe‘:mtl:orit'y of AthAc*4%AA*E¢§btxi%é Ei;::t% prc--5 ‘ 1¢*‘~'3Y5”“ij3HY the fubriIr;,mF;haIe, who%haVveh1:hmno an-myA abufccl t1acg»e¢pz¢safl~&« V ' ai“t17foz1s_mtothc£’e mifémble dificihpérs. Their wmds are f%bf’ter%rh¢n 0yie,but= poyibn of‘ Mpcs zstgnder their lips; Fcfthc ciefigzfuc of it is bya {flaming me-eak c‘om}5»1i-ancc with" “ u:5,~,=W *:o,{.r,_®m or:r'{¢mlc:s dcfire and flxcz for peace, to {en 4.. us away,‘ cAontente&tC>Ai~ngage dur fC3V‘£*‘jS'1i37’3‘ rnbfftm*r1a"t:zral1%VV3rre*.* it isfiwtl o“f*SopI%1iffr_V;,A and111cl*scIb<}ut:~nce,% as is,» d‘z§-fckibcd ‘iramilzmz, (the‘firi:brémd’% ofhis 6.-‘.o:mta-y) iivhich ms fit ;Atojdifh1rbc Ia ’{’mt<:*,, unable to compofcr and°‘{er&r‘IFc if. V V .% A A % A A ° 1 A 4 ° Wcmm’ KW?‘ ‘i*c‘gmcj[z"%?*z7:'fzaiz2!ta m»;~*2~zc-om a,.Cert‘:2i=nly% both ought to be {'0 rea1Iy'ga1-zddeu fame to czxtcrtzzimdwith the: <“rresatc:fi4th.anlr~ Orimt in 21 ‘Stave have p3.:a ‘t:iCiI1Rf' cbnttiiry mci4ti0n3‘¥tbVt¥*12ifoFthr§ Whole‘. 15‘f’a;¢%‘?rle*fcqu¢fl§addre&"toybu is tvlie fittell: means under God to CDn;V2y4UI1t;0l‘.1S the, fruitslmctofthc wamb, but) ofgood gevcrnmcnt, Peace and Plenty. That wclivc, it is tficbounty ofGod, that we amdcllzreyeld, may {be the fault of men. "We defiré no momtrhcn what gVeodlPatriot3l may , and ought‘ to performs, that you lwouldfbe ll plcafédaflflt t0‘ncgle&«th0{e,.m¢ans, whighlmoltpzobablyllwill conduce to the kings» dams pr:-lf¢r\'atic)n. H _ . ..(.’t'ndf7:e flmggh; 2/: /am xa~;;L:[;;;~imz§1enae; M Iaéeb omglbtnai m /mew /rmml. 3 ma was nlotlalny thingjin our aeflrcffcs, whiézh ceuld make this %ob.‘£crvatlon pertlncm. But , thc doéhrine is {o reafcsnablc, wt; would Willa, you had declarcdit fooncr, as being form ccé to.t;1kcnot1ce, the contrary .pofiti{,on was once taught, and made the rule of former aéitiorrs; Téwtfom 2/sing; mwjféei dame tofatilsjj :32: peapiv. We cannot be ignorant of ‘ tlric many tumults,di'fmifl“cd with thanlmgthough tlacy (as M605 with God ) illdf;¢\r.'¢‘.‘1l ‘wreB;l:*: “with-}"0u‘For bleffings. This cleasfe opening yam‘ {elves againll: vilt;= lent Pétirtioml ‘nets, will fafcisfirthe world in thcinnoccncyi tlnolc Members ,% who ablentcd them- ll * fgzlves fi'omtl1cHoulc out ofthis confiskrationl. l A V l ‘ V 4 ' . Pmce depend: wt/Yo mm/jar; m, M the Kzlng, audit 5}: natlin its to vdmw we ing was ll pe..4z.';-.~:;] We humbly defirc you not to be wanting inyour duty’; and we: have ‘had fro- ’ 7 qucnt teflimonics of His MacGciea‘pcaceebl¢inclinatians. His withdrawing his forcm from our City, aficrlgrcatadvantagcs, clearly clcmcnftratcs, he came up to llewddw with an army, not (0 much to fight, as to appcare‘ in fuch a condition , as you, might _l »'wi.thom: lo fie‘ cf honour canfent to a. peace. We mull remember mm what; lCl'1k'.'€l‘l’ul-v ncffc ht;-¢lentc%rltlai1;ed; the Mcflizngersof pegscc at; folwbraak, ‘how gra#ious’a tc:plyA he me-A turned “to the Meflhgc; withczput any mention of former unkindnafl?:;s,and luchzndiglrul A tics,las privape men could hardly have digcftcd .. After this, though provoked with new ; « injuries,andl mall unrcaftmablc imputations of breach of Faith, and delight in blond; as ifhcl were only fcnfiblaa of our mlifcry , he feeks %toV%co11timuc the -Tlrcaty. by a mcllagc . frOm§Rmd£2:_g,c11dingVwith the l8l?»1'lC gratious cléafcs as thatlf:»o1‘r1 Caleéraak. This as yct A \ . not blecm tlmuglhtworthyl any anfixmr. We will comet;-an self: tlmtjowfée/e_.‘, at Peécc na&€jLj,éxveft it come along‘ wit/9 tmt/J, Yrig/Wauf w[/1' azmlflanamd. W17 th truth;] We: rcadilyuexnbrgzcc this limitation , as bciizg 4 * ;;>:x'fw.-adgtd thcbrcach ofpeace in the L. hutch, by Scétaries unpunifhccl ,~ we wi-fh, we could not flay comwtenawcsd «afl(?l.Cl_1CDlJ~1‘£lgC(Zl, hath'b;3g0t_ and ntszuflflmt lWarrcA in the A1 Sfltfiw lllhfiffifflrfi f0 d€3l¢'I3l3iBly, ifyou lay tfuthmhc Pratcflant _R€llglCgI1CR:a~ A lblifhaedlby ,Lja\,v,(::o vfahiclu youlgzow His, Majcily confomnés in cbnfiant praffticcmrcn A I l:9cyc1nd‘tl1clllri;1i11 may lfzifle we-agli other, butjlhowljivith ‘am-4 f@rf‘eitiH‘c of7tl3ivs;"la_t13r1<:ant91l38 ‘IF you like H1613; you, ,Will, havcno reafoiu to p:t:*o1ong our W x~1:1ii33I::iac*S by ciVil;Niff~f11tgiV01l3; if they d%i1"plQafe_.,; c%onfeH*e iitVrou:nd;1y,: and , .=“W’::€ 31:6 Coiafidfinfg Wefl~11a11haVe»'11o1013g%Warge;%. "A % A‘ ° 7 A A A W¢*‘J7?07¢/if V W/90/1}’ fzaémir to $134? Kzfmgrx, party, Wit/géwf. 22/Z ?co¢:dit?amx % ¢z¢~rm‘¢rfl?.c‘mriz;~r.]; 'Y<:3L1% are req:uire Q1711)’ Y0‘ur A1-1=C:ePcor;_s% c1z;i1%né3d_)$ thebenefit bf which }£@1%f}1&3:1€flj6y, asmfby which Qlf-Jly you axe-to be tryed. If”A%you%cha1;1en,ge %f2;:-mrigtgr 621? any +h«igheJ:«* na«tuf€a.aV11 think not yomfei ves fiifii, ts-"i’l1you haxne chemmgr its’! your 3Q5'lV€'Suw We_make nfo doubt all wellwafltflegi Pa-op1;c: c1%e:.ex1:y= d1fl3§3‘Ffl;th:1'S"lS nezthxr-1g¢«€H:‘€’sbt~1“t. under the name of FreewVfub§eE%.",e,‘ m mlatr 1;ywn%ymxV t:11€'P®W€£.@f Kxngs. We¢hL:uinbly defire you to inform ' us yélainlya ?~‘Vh';&E przovsifirzms yw wi11&h.ave. made for your faféty,‘ wand toe SPPW Swlékfi. f5‘§V€:Sw'iI.1 this point, %Wh;¢th~erL_ther¢ can 13¢ a my poflible IE curity Im Momarghy. 1_§'§1“1dfi£t:hi$fQ1?n1 mucwh muft of. necefiity be committed to :t~11€.twf1f mf Qm:-.A If vherefbre ymx:wil111ot eiltertain‘ peace, A was being; um faga mKoL1,beca.Lr~fe there is a. po£Ti:l:zi%}:i;t:rieAAthis¢c;>1:eAmay fail in pérformance ~o _ tru clxa1.1gex1 this “”8fl’CVi%€I1t andwe1"1 fotuuded AM<;marchyj11tp a\pc)p~u1ar State» an}! m1J;thef fuprea1x1 difpofétl-1 of a1lis%placed%%iz1 yea? By this the people r rs-iztheref thmuaa Twhe pa-r%or111am:e% of t_Z%.istmfi: .39 to be regulated %acc0rdi11g-to the Laws, SoA.tI1atif'% yqu dc». my thing ‘agaixufk Law; youare acco111ptab1e~fo*rfi,1ch A&ions,_. and the Peo%p1cis no ;xhe_mi”E.*LvpJx: ~{hou1;<:t rgimeg xzmto you, what A ‘they had nqt Tax#zm-a 1:-mt A pméfrw ofi ’Lm;‘1.d;o1‘1,,t am£Londo11 Mt oz part of the MICi’mvgdom.] A ; ;‘%1t%iM5f3 M Aterengage GL1.‘ tEPcates or Pcrfans, (fbr {nth right 111 th1S' ea-f:Atl1e' Law Elvffir. em) it we conceive it an unrcafonaizle VVar”‘re ; for We fhall be unwillirrm :1 A to coztttibuve a~~patt,,.o2n1yt that we may bring the wholein danget..a Atid its» may l~e.11ecefléry tostcll you, we are much the heft part of La;m'.m, and Larzdéntmucfi the moi’; L'0:'1fiL{CI‘3.‘.” le pa to? the -K1.i3gd01T,, and W€'”h_3V€" great reafon to pr.fi1.m e, that the mofic robe vameti 1' n miner partstalfowilig iecmtd out defire, thouggh you perlups-tltaythave difiérexutvapptelwnfioms of e tI«1c:ir3;:’i’?:L“tioAL1s.‘ For indeed the cau1'esof' liking attcwitliking Watre, are ‘ % not th;:12zineinyou, and the raft‘ o{'7~‘ the Kiztgdc-mt. Yeru fit in the tnidflciff e1acax11paflEdAWith faf;-tv, whereas t>thet=sAareexpo1ed tothe hazardi. AI‘hei*r Hay, ‘their €«V:>rz-1,A_thc;i»r AHoufl1%old-—fluf},t. then‘ flocks of Sheep, amt beards cf’ Catt1t";_,aI'1dHOrf€8'a’€fm'j€fl‘tQ‘_th€~p1t1I1d-cl‘,.\VhiC-h~n1£1kt:*S~th611171’ A A difi*c*1lifli- thO§3difirRCTiOI1SaAA Im's11o1n‘arAvei—1, I~f‘thC~ta&iV€1n€11atnongflt‘ A §,*oL1—fimie_ix1VV;,zrtre a more pleafitigtaite, fil_1€C‘ t«h.yf havetput thfex1"11I.?1_ve9 A into good prcfE:‘rmea=1t byfeverall;co1nmands,tAa1;dthe Kitngdo11:s4‘A1niftery; A 5 is become t), it psztrixnony. So while theit.t1:adc~A: Hon i111tes‘,they haévemms deep fiénfi: est" thf‘: Lznivcrfali decay of oursjta1evera1lcal1imgs.- _V\7§;‘-dO1']Ofi much wo11cle:‘,. if‘ men that'fl:;md»AL1pon the fl~mre,A.A delight in team ptfts,.A. as I c>f'tenas=.t1 e wrat;1A~;isto h‘:£1A1é'}.‘»'L_’d a~mon.gfi: rh{%.‘1«1’?««. A t e ~ " A x Emit zirmy £21: I/;2;::2._yo;:’ :9”-£1-re trlmrz t;'.4 w1.ml.:» IC~i';2_Q*a'.'9A71¢.].'~? This is 31 ptftty ' V Akinde fof"RhAetoric!<, to e11«.fe:1%voL1tr to baffie our rcaTQ11,% Ev preifitag on our nzodtfty. Wecompars;- not with others, (’thoL1g~h We1fiighttclIyo'u,, ital. A fozvettthwitxgstwte thatt a%1jeB:a11d¢;~r$‘by'§ Anaight pe1*h~.:apsA1E’ee more clearly than 7 yoL1,w ho are playxttgyottt game whether 111 this caufe our uud.r[’ca11dmg A be weakett or not, 1: concems not usto detemtme fim*:e«tIrisA: we L;‘now., ‘A Weare Eciut-Id to 1“ m6’cife,; aec-ord‘ing asthat :'izaF@r:11*2 3» us Afr) our d1‘1tAyA, e. zmd %AthattAGodAtA6hoxveve1* fome ugxdervabxettthte fpilslinfrr of‘Chriftian l>lo:1d)AAxtvJfli 21" «£3.11? us to a fe.vere.gcco1a1pt and moft miietable is thc,AAWho fliall be tiautxd t §__’t1111f4y'0F'fl1tZ‘dd11'lg the.b1oL1d;-of his bretthfiten uzr;j=.»19c1y.t: A A V A ' 3703;: f/:z.zl;’f&onfif7dc* kow” dem*t-and prcciaw tlxfzcc, 3:/we vzmry Mme ‘arfi:i2!mz£z' A ‘Q/7 P19:-ZC£AI}F to zm] A Many dayes are not paflld AoverAfit1ceM the name would ‘not-’beien1:ettain;-d with patience. You knmv who fai«:1,:j lzhe not d.;zméin ‘ and that other exprelfxon, I lime r/1.!’ 71 "'m::'Aaf Accamodm!‘i0x'... Certainly it .35" GA--A; was l:fle‘cuzz-niiugly carry: d. But itfeems, ItAxv2hs7bc1t:eved the People was» irrecoverably mad; amt aha t.[,1'ht:'y. would never betweary of mifiary ;A or at leatt, that they-wereAAfo amuch innyour p,ower, thatihe which flmulde dare to t A IDEA! 15011 Pteace, fl-1c:.~:11d*’f11.%r the injuriefi of Warre. This«epart.»wAou1dAhaAve A 56611 btftfir €.1&€dthen~: It Wculd have given much" .m ore fatisfEu;‘ti0n,t if? 3011 had embraced the name of Peat c. with all-"AcheerFu1neiTe, and bfoken ofi’ jfhfif thing by pérpfiexcgi Ad'.fiw.tA<.is,e and .1E:n<.fing unteafoxtable npropofitiomét L % ‘ H H w A V A. A we V ..A A figxxéf , F "\ W ~'?l‘3Way1_l_5_ W371 ii WO1‘lf“<‘3§ ;g1‘r:ater difl'lc1ulty,‘ 't0i‘0V'*L*l‘*~rt'll{? aux-,_uu&lc: §l’ai3cl;¥» llrgs, lxucc: we have evlxdent ground-s_ to lufpcélt your yat¥c3c"cion6. W's heartily a VVll:'h"J. MVVC may apruvlc-: fall}: I’rolpI1let5, but we cannot hco1u1naue:l ourfbara y (W“hlCl1VV'01Tlle way 5 and under a fcexniug dcfire of yP<:‘ace having pcréelvcdl tfl1efdil.fadva.a.:~a . a tags of youraoypeaaferroug) ufeuufit xueaus to efllzfélr it, lypro.pofing.u11rea~ A ~lwl01'1$i’L”3l*i‘ C0m«‘lilti0118, {ohoping to avoyd the envy‘, and yet prcfcrvetoyourl fxlves the b_¢11efLts of ‘theft: divlficéxas. ‘V _‘ A 4 . , Th?‘ {©1116 of.tl1<: following dlfcourfi: 13 this, Na Acsammo.al.arion exam £9:-,y 6:-.. 5 M14/E*fo_m€t/Jz~ng rmzfl Ayézr: left to the Jfi:-«Lg :4 on rm and /'E»1=;ctr’9ji7l2g to ym.:] It A -will he very eafie to afllgau thclaouuds 0 ”tl1c+1}:lEfiveralltrLrl’csl.l I t ls done to DU‘? uh?-md '5 F01‘ Myafllly requires uolnew trufc toll-lixnll-ll; 1101‘ will 1-lei deny all Old frull’ to you 5 T he Laws a..cl CLIROIHES of this Land determ'incl A liatha Em‘ Ha‘ mz».{[f 7101‘ (56 trza,/led, é»c'czmfl:' He 13.: mt zartlerllv di.~‘ingprgc'd l1'ra;i% » all l’mfic.r. Hcrcisa plain Declaration, what the illueislilac-ly to be. As along as the King hath any Power lcf’t,fo long you will lllllptf-l. H13 Faith,'mc.l 3;l1¢ People mull be 1111.1c.I;atlcy~ [0 long as you plcafla to be fbarfulll Certaixxulfi, .I‘l1ems:anLl.l: uudcrfiandingcau quickly apprcheml this to be 3. moll: fa-ditlous 4 pri~nciplc, and all true lovers of tl1f.>l'1' Couxxtry, willlovzilc upouicas the: 1y£*cgl~plot of Rebnllioxl to all Ages. For all 1=1‘1t':'l1 cannot be prcfcrkl, and prt-K tcnccs W111 nc:Vc;‘I;f be wanting of a Ki11gs~mgage1nc*nt to a party, as ofltcn as mnbmous Perlons, who think they have equall dcfirrtns, ;fiude tlmy have not vcquall pIfcfZ::r1nc*nt. Such men commonly W hc;-11 they cannot attain to grééayt Otliccs, in the diI?.'hargt: wlwreof; They pro111ifct') the people: fume extra-av ordinary good, they out-of' ‘l11«.llgi1:~1‘tiOD, 111auih.l’cth<:ir Alviliticsin hazrtling l“ the State. You 0l,jc6:l: to t«l1cKing, I-1c /mt/9 .1 parry. Alas ly This is His un-S happincfle, and your flmlt. He: dcfircgsyaml ouglat to have the whole, Q3111: if" you ‘Will ulzlhuatcrly pa-srfifl in this lay--Scl.1i11u@,, and ad1ui1: of no coudxtion ‘of R€CC)l1Clll:l.tlOl'1, c-xccpt He will remove tholcls fcrvants which in Hll$valFll* Elionsflc hath fi>Lu1dlho11::ll:La1‘u.l laithFul.lnuHiL11, and“pr::lI:rr::yoL1iu*tlh.aiL‘ places, He hathhuall exucouragexxuyclxat to beftoxv luch l:‘;iyvours,y (l11()ty¢;'t udcsllsrvcd by you) and cammt fatlzsficl-li3lcoyufclie11ccin fuch an illyrcquitall of u A tlluir trycéd Loyaltie. A Tl1¢:Wm;'xt‘ilS a llale calumuyyagaiufic Papills audDt:=li.uquex1ts.“ »Tyhouf_.;h real-A H T011 Abe 1103: lelll: concluding, becauils old and oftm repeated, lYc‘:t flaiulycrs ' llO()lli"Cll1C‘l:I”(Z1fC(ll‘t by tin1c°,hc:ca1:1,l‘&-1 x11ol’Luf1<~:u can coufutczi than by lexpericucrz. I-lxts l‘.VlaJJ‘ry hath fully iatyished the world 111 t_h1s pomt ; And tl1<: mull; con»- lfialcrxaigypart even yoflthc pcople, l’1£1Vll‘1glOng time: 1n va1n‘cx§p¢é’ted proofs‘, “art: now grown moxfe ftaycl i11th::ir~bcl<:c.-f, theme has led away byftbarc _cu11hd.c:11cc=,,.ar1d b0ldIlfiflh‘QFdtf$1nll1g. ; a ‘ A l A 4 IS’ a N A “that .W:a4zéd 2‘/ac Ilflngx parzfy arr fb dipixaerriqalg appofiré lira Rrlfgiaa and Stl2:t..:~*,ll . -m-..n£vu-F"" *5’-' ‘ thatHvc‘m4r1pr;p?2~bta_E?w z3arb.j ju&xceArm'ay4gzavew1:w:'h, xwf‘ Wm WM A 1°Je%tm:n from whence you ar«i$fW?e“r%%éd,.’ and fubn1LzciiflZt‘11tfro11*1. % thy Hfrz°m.2’.r; 'z2:ué'i.:z1"e cnezmicx ;% 1v.:wzrAe Hz5'fric7m1.r‘, .1_*/3.757 . f:.7zZ.a~ m.m:ziw.] It bcco1nEsx1dtus to decide who are His friexadtsy '73:.‘ His enemies, 1:oA1f to Apub1if}xw*ourAtho1zghts,; which may p::rha¥psAbc: ::,;:'..d<;*c‘r y that: comm on hdtio'n,to figE1t‘fo1i,or agai11&A; 7 tOE‘l’1d€i&VOL11‘Ct0 prcjn; £23 or clczfi my. Fri¢11'd1hip ami acnmity -h-fire are not to .bc taken f’<:)1*%af¥L1<.‘ti-% s;;%t;;7:.1%:;{'”br 2z:ci*vi1}.;‘ve:*tue or wiice,l:mdA%fo*me I7:1I1d€3rP£0d.1'1”1‘a 1awA11oti”o11.T11ey 13; ::srt*t”VoA;be AePcee1hed“Hi8-Afrieixdas,V w'"ho*a*re obedient to Laws 3; and t:£ia7n£5~% =*;‘ib1*s, His cnexnies. Sofhat a King ismlemy to n0n@_,:1s notpunifhing but 3:17 gizatrfi-1?, .bL1t jVui’ci€e., Thatflvmc mm /4:zrw'fozmd~m9;£efi2'v0wr tb;*;:;otl3cr.;, we ay%gueffE%:% art 1:he‘caufe df *y%ou%r1di1bo11t¢nfs,;» by this ifi*eq1q1<31‘1t c01hp1aint_)czm no }.i‘3p£.g;‘OL1?11d to“diPc‘urbc‘a AVVSta‘tVe. The Kingdom win n*eva:fi1i;:21ri‘m;18, mt obicure >ccv1*x{E;2‘*c1mjc;*1*1ces‘_, ijverdiéts " i;3*ei11g%Abr0ught iir1,;.;iiT1_capi%t’a‘I1%.5Catt£E'zs, according to~r:*v»ide13tV z£11"dak11cnW1fi Alflvvu, 1 % Vv'e‘1n.ai~.€e inc) quefiion a11,%uni11tercf°ced' perimts wi!.~1 qL1ickly"bMeA%{"éttisVfied in] the ;;*.re£E:-2:1t“ cfi‘fi”«:°r/ence, fin"1“caI’e ofT:T;reafm1, {whh-ich can bc1:h*‘e% only’ fiJUC:(qI"{fl:" thiis . » debut;-, (mud yet this 1?s:en~;;s to be..t‘he1nain ground ofdiflcance.) Vfdrcézrtainly V .b1~1‘nLav.zs have pjrd:v’id‘ed Fem the...t::yfa1l-of"»i%t,;a11d%the I-Ionic Ao‘f'”C%om1nons :1ev‘er%heretof'm*‘e chél1e.nging'a pjc)Wc‘€r_<')f' judica«rure,1np0fit:«,icJ3Lfx lfrt down é1l1¢Wrl1t«l»11g ,; “ you agai:nl’c fir, r«:»b’d ltlaeml, firilpt ’1:h¢.§m,, lal11dlki=1l’cli' many in cool bloud , Inlbmuch that fame 0f—y<:»urCo%1111m:gder§, -more fmfiblc of honom, opemly €~:m—y. V lWit1aleEl23%Tar/qflircl, %jw.hc:re" after the C:lent?rylll1ad very prudcnltlxe flatledlla peace lanclll ;fi3«;;11ritile»;il11~‘tlw: ‘ “Couxltm by 1I*1utu9.llco*ve.nan:: not to 111)ureleacl1.otl1*<;~r ; Tf1cLor;l rim-.;~;€l..;»l»(: l is bitterly r_c:prc>v<2d'f&)r.l:rcal~1"1£'cimlc;I:*, theyfWore!unlaWl%ful,1}’, as ' -I ’bi»ncli11s. A it , A y A i}v??I’t' £Aavvm«;mr ta befiz/!4icited17_7Alt13:' 1’co}:[2.==A in wAAh.<:c ca/It f5c7Jc’r‘.,» exttcrpt \3\r!.<=k.=n war A ah nmnifi;/?t’yfiaiZ i72a¢zrdn.¢r_y.:l Y-out thincléstate 1I'lL1Cl1‘C~hAa1l.£_§f3lIl of l.21lIC;y0l1 Vdid love it dearly. And lllilh care hath been taken to entertain you with this tfgour tlclight, that, Alealt good ai‘i?.*<‘5Alioi1~s fhould not be able to flhew them» lizlvms -F01‘ wzmtof‘uzitlctltaiitling, «(as commonly your well tneanittg li'i::nds '3.v.cte de‘lit.‘l:ixfc i1'l'tl1‘it patt) yuur iénfe hath been put into their Pe1p€l'S, mid yozthave lent them a head, that thty might txprefls tl1eirlgoodl1tat‘tc. It iCa11n(5t'b€lb~{ua:lti€1ily forgotten,‘ that when reatfon fotmetlyhathg'1infitid apropoiélls, the afl:«:f&lAO1'1lS of theyptople have bcm judged-Athx: fitttll mmfutc: Hczreis yet iapofiihilitytof failing bythis c'0nf'cl°lio17A, and lb Ayou ‘have A t-;c>.vertl1rowi,’n the ltrongt-B: Aaiad in of’: popular Argtumtnt ot'youtAi1'1no::c;ence_;, A ‘tht-:33L1Cl10{lty0l"!.”h€idO€1‘. A Alf Wei, lot any part loflthe tAKi1'1gdo111 {hall tow»- A ceav yeti fatlof duty to yt>urfSov<:taign, you have _l3yAC.l1lSgl’21~I‘3lyC€3t?l.lUl3 fhll -~libiertyt~0 follicitejyott when we.thinl< littlllg. A At A A A A 7/Va dcfwfyorz to ozddrcffr: yam» a»ex.ta Hz: Majcfly, in £12.».-flame mtmm-r 4.5 -_ya;~.e ;);>£‘ZJ€’ (lam tam,l ztrx-t’A.r(ft'ym candtmn m, .24 mare t'ndi.s‘}5ofi:“d.ra Pmcc 2‘/actaaz fzltlzlr-.2la’a:.]‘¢f£_y z3.s‘.J have had -frequent €V.lLl€11C€S ofHit>‘ Ma;7<;Pcit's pcraceable A t'111£;»l11’1€-tlilolilfi, v1nH1s many Mtflitgts continually by you rtjefttd; and we ~faa.ve‘#t>’:;-flarvétl how long iantl h0WI1’(1I.1Cl‘_1AH€ hath fuffzred f'0rmc:rlyl, that Ht: mtght liaavepreventcd (if malice could havtrbem we”aric:d_) this tmnatutall “Watte. W’cthottgl1tAla Petition to Him for Peace not fofeafonable, becttufc He out of His dcttltatioti ofthc eflilfion of His Sul‘ firs blond? had Hl1‘1‘lll:ll’.'‘ ‘ :( in His Mt'iTage=fto:11 Nartizgg/Jam) ew_§11fued to youfbr it. \/Vc:+exttc*au1ly *’tt;oy:itic2:_,‘ wcihould nezzw bctput 1-.-tpcmi this CO7;1FVff:',V1“0r which l-btinerly Wu lihzfl/€?P11l1ii'l“1t?L‘l'Otl1t‘AIiB. £[tw_.:1s E1161} (1 trimrs to think of iinalting £1l'lyA-3.LlLlfcli:.h"S" to His Mflitrflyug and thdAt+‘.\lt1tt.or:s have fiifii.-teal {ht it, i before it was known A What they tricztmxt tQ.thz1vr:t‘lc.ii§t‘t:ttl. A A. A Cmtct-rniizg ’(rl3°t)"‘t A C oncerni mg the lnatter of _ t-he ':Pctlt'o21 you ‘iK?OLrlcl..ft":1I1l€ fin‘ uS,[ {/tllzlf Mt l1ath.lf'ormc1*ly dV¢o1'Kl-‘good l‘t‘1‘”VlC‘C°,-€i!;1Cl mul‘t.11ot now be hforgotltcn ) T/1.4m He waxxlal a.’cpm~r.~_fa,~m$.l:¢L;fb;;mr;- .‘«‘2_'g{9»7' of :em~?l¢»:,l Wemufl freely aCl<11o\wledgQ., Wt: have 1'1‘O~_tt'y;.’;”‘_CV111cE.W1ElI»8.11y harih.prop9[a1ls.fro111 His Mafelly, zmdt xm believe, if axwylltglx ’W€l‘(_“, tlzcy wq;L1lpll.ll1;tx/0 lzetu nz;i1'ied, yQt1'l,10tL”lfiIlgt0-: tfifleznblc any advanttagcltsmor to rtliet oveimitcc» in ttefpcaft t0 «His Regall dtgnlty. A What cvrst conditions have. c‘v«1ne.to out ll1Em».ls-,; {@6111 as rtrafomlvlc.-éi11 l?:t1l<:*,“l A 38I1'lllLlCll] Latmgtlage. Notwithllandlngl I-It lurch“ ;;~eenrreque:1:1y temptctl to ulc ltatllmcr e:«:.grcll1.o1as,.j, by that frec:do111you hav¢.tal{.en of ttccufizng Hitm. in tfizch W.ords,? as weihould count it iucivillity to life t]QW‘a'tdls‘lou£lcqualiih "1700 .o£t they xvérefo .bt*lo*wl tht“ rcfpeéhia 1_e_ :0 a"Kjng,_ Th3__ttI1C~y VV¢r'e‘;L1wnfif" tG..b¢;‘ gi V1311 to aGL:11t1«c31r1l;=.11.,% ‘l I ’ t l V t l M I.:.1.brlicf;‘Ti1at“you Ina}; not Hatter your fi:l7ves with an opii1i.on,w we {hall eafily betigtlt off with.gc1it:ralitit:s, which fismific nothing; WCl}I1lltaké;;l l lbxmi Fuixntsin thié l3u'll11t'll1',_ which {'0 his>l1ly concerns L15, a'nL.“lfwitl1c§ur§ utmol care, aml:.t1tldu::refpe£l.s, tltlllbcxntl 7:0 pattitzxlarlPtopc>fitions, fuchl wt": according toout apprt-hznfions fl1’.illC01“1CC'lVr;‘ teafonttble. - A ‘ A ‘A And that we ma3*(4s tntzclms; in us llC$)b'1'C.U1OV'¢‘.‘t all tlmfe ru‘3l:s out of the waxy, to a11tl1appyl Ac:conm1oclation,w.-ich“{bme viith clcfigne and Pcudy P111‘--_~ pol{:l§,r,.call;li1’1,, xvcfllttll Hit the prelim make onc‘P‘ropofition , which ea-17;: . I‘1'(‘t§%lI‘1Hlt.I'11L1Cl1€(1llal'll5}la.. and we 1nil’c"zzlk.c: not) w i‘ll"t-akclofi” ll"all‘e$t*ce1:ffl__ t1ons,.wh1clilt;l«émn'A to G:undlbc~2txv.i‘lxt 11': and" l1zt13pit1<;llZE in tl1i$a.grce111ent%;t tl‘:11:.iS,, hams“ His Majclly doth..rcad.;ily coufént to all’t11'c rifghm W hichllqtwel» l0’1g[fO both Houfls, fo you woul{.l,l with as much For \varL{i1efl'a, grant wlmt A ever Ri%§3_;ht“s be-xlwmg tmtollixn : and tthat_ti1ne<1naytlnot .br:xval‘ct°.d.i11‘i:loul'5t-‘=» fl1llDil1pl1tES,‘\V»hl:lfl: the Kitugdoxn lies at {lake ,,,Tf‘1at you ?l\9\7O‘U.l7Ll"l1;lr$l,%l{E:T"VlIl'lhCff A‘ llfeign. 0? Qgtjcx; /;.w'm.I; .1cli1(3fwkz1 %c£J ‘paffe femzence acco1rdinV'g to the known Law, and ‘non accord. 1» mg £0 reaafofza af Scare, Bccaufé this would placean arbitrary powcrin them,‘ j ,..and‘emblc them to overthmw(x:he Bi‘rc~h-right and Inheritance ofevery Eng» ‘ :«Eifi1—m%Man);m1Ar&£aws by Policy._ Since there cannot be imagined at more a~bfE:»- A Ijurge Povsfegfiarz d*Gm‘2 emment acém-ding to bare Will , than to dererminc the -Jame e*;£t?i*e;1tafl;ivghc ‘er wrong, asthey flwllpleafe to call it ncceifary or con»- svenignt. _ Tb%nj‘_;'a}mre_fit£{[£ to cZ’eterajnz?n%‘;e%w$‘czD5 pzsblikf Dz'j}5:¢te’f.j % it be und¢rflood'im §f61at“i0n ;tt:§Laws, tzheongly aflwwcd Rules of Decifiom, it is granted Without; any iIlCOflV’€fl5€flfl€5'o ;wAi1l%maintain itin;the4lar%gePcfcz‘1{?: which the ; “words mayfi¢3:m¢t0 biim‘ 5% W3 31‘? Cozafidencl the peoplc WiU~abb0rr¢‘3 theD0-~ g&ri'ne3; for {bythis Rule you muflrfi maintain, It is in your power :0 depofc not a‘ Kingnncly;#hac.Mgnarchy%icfilf ,w if this chairxce to be the fubiafl of your ;:fgDitfpw:es; A .% L -A W % % . ,T5#?_»15’0# a;ré5;efiz3:flz:rj?:'dfb1W4’r6‘)',m'zvsl1m j'uflz'ce.]w We defireyou to car- Wordsin‘p‘iainV4Eng1ifl1%. »an f&* to%'m1P. uaczearxy wh%:tb?¢‘r you do t::h_allengcflr.o your‘Af&:ives “a..B,ight*of pirdonimg whonu you pleafe ( which ya ,