,_. ‘ ‘ . ‘ '.' F *5. % @ AA 2,4_ «7\C0)’U6’i7’i‘l9.I642.. A _ A Rdercd bythe~Co2nm0n:A{T€1n$- % bled in Parlianlent , "fhat Atllisi Relation, co ncerning the Paffagesof the Kin gs Army at Old» 73mz"nccy’orc!5 be f0rtl‘—1with Printed and Publifl1€d;' And further; That no Perfon , upan any prctena;c%whatfE:2e vet’; A {ball pre-—-V .Cu11*aet0 Print the Earne Paffages4bL1tV& V Er/ward Ifuabands and $0/an Fran/1, untill thii 2.5 of Deccrnézer next enI%‘u--% ing the datehe1*e0f. Efing-9*, C/er. ‘Par! Dom, CW2. Wm 5 ea‘ ‘‘ g? £5 £4; > sggéé “ ‘. ‘V é§&%&£é£é£3 T§§$$%%%§% A}:1*L1€ and Peifctét A RUE L AT 10 Ball‘ 2% v §?.¢ .1. E1 5 M. It 5 ‘*';.% I ""-r I W ‘PASSAGES%& ‘ Of the 7 M f FGflg€AWUW@“@* & s‘;..:’e§::... -4 : ;AtO1d~@rai72ccj‘bv‘c/, r1.As;?€'1‘I;o2etAc1/cm:-V :- L’fl-£* Bang pz*efen=t€d to the Houfi-,= .os15?3?" (f‘o}mr2or;s, by a Commitree: of the: fame: Hotnfcm who vvzls fr xx: tI1‘ithe1‘,on p§11'})o%{én;g,%. Aéiio¢1s of the I-...1ici Army. ’ 4 13%‘ I31-*&' it-tl1eix' flm~ps,int11*<: xnicidlc-Tc»r2@p[y, and limit dodretcw Elie KI1x1gs—I~I@adA'” m F[ee2fircc't. I642. Jvwvwzii; 2.5., '% mi’ ‘r.:F'K~T"K.1'W.r A K-2*‘ §.:'z.xr.z :3 7'+_**r':_:' ‘A ~; ?§iw«*.*:».ai«3z»%rz~$.=‘*.¢-$$«‘:=‘-2‘%~@¢a<“:—.-<5 --3~«;.M»«1;&% b1rQusa11;d Crud] w 6 AW exaxxmrxe the T17_’.’L;th c5f"thc p;:m.;;u1;;u- — mfi’ P£‘iz'1téd 5.61‘ E ..H‘t.o.c:5~mawl.§* ancl" Fm22»{'",‘:u1d are t0*Abef0ld%7 % gxma W ... § ‘ V’) ‘ . '0“ ‘Va, A MIA ,3 ‘ W mfim 6‘: fin. .*%?2:;*%*$'«'§~*2‘i? $*%*$v§%%*"§‘*‘%% j The Prcmnle. ~. A 3\Qn:ztur4ll , Ia./Bunmrje, V‘ ;;;‘ Aanclflmnge "Crag/tiex, % /éndfart/mv0yce5i and #33 *vzm*e “w/aicfa t/may . uvouc .. m find fort/2 13]?) laud mad piercincggfl .;t/Mair awmfiey eizen flacure and/leafy» ~Z'a4an-~@nc2’e, andflirx up tbeir laow.» elsto am inflamzedzznd umted lza’z'g..... nmfion. T/9e diaaic/;edpz'ecer.of4 1920...... man 4[?1*fl’v/$0 deaf/9, %ne€t/M’ not the % E/0-.5 W. El0qu.er2.ce 0214*}/bgace A (fmz .0r¢zt0r.-$5 t/2c:yf/m/<6 5/?*‘:.’7W/"1’f«’f>€?-’?7"’ I/561./PW? /6 /(2:45! 51 t~/Jzjy V ivéw T /aezzr-oz’: K3)» 11*[:+'0/E Natibzz ,3 A zzé2ddred32 ;"ml2 iuéif» fin/Iver ‘T/rem flmz;v "no /at/3 a’m2d ' a?b2:*e~ rm," /can 3 ; fr 943}; £56 ,%dzgy%Vt/5va¢t'V I/3./3 vie:/M52/r¢an.A~ 0/ ~czma6 M: of /§{7,;§;'V;*pt, ‘.9\:(c?it%/arr ’a'i~r z’ if/5c’y fen/9 ' 0flz".»/Q’ am’ giver? of 1920m’_*y; A a*2*.e'a’4**: 01/1 1/5": mszrm 0f I‘/;‘§en°r!‘*t"0‘g-ct/9er'*zz25' one m.4_n ,5 % t/29 fiat/90r.r and /Y/2€ttag*A.4r v:zé0}m’:mb/8n:i(:§éz{z2(fl7*. A %% _ A if £.m.¢?cm‘a!z'0:7w,i «z:zm/ to 53¢ * 271-/{_en up fora Lzzmc‘nt..-2:20;”, ‘T7340 irzigrjgfilzzrzdr/145/5 /iarrizfflé?-Vr /790r4*M “ éc? V:/azzcg t/‘J;z~rj?>£[::’ ~/0735/9“ Mi: /2’ z;_gb,f c2yiz%2g,;fan;/%afl}?:gbtinjg' ‘U0; Cr. Yéir‘ V J/fir/J?“I5tl3?€ /kzrezfy ’éc’c’i2* danc ,3 amt’ A4 I/mere hf ibcre 127»:/lL%benon‘e~e-cl fiat 0225 tr; éring them into "view; €4n%z2'z1wn%zo left/Jam ‘fléeqkfiz/aam/é/12ey,% .""/f:'_2d w25m xégy fizezzkj ti/De} g€t’no’t tfikykune mg» [war it’: "Decafr miznot Mtge: I156 like fir}/nfer ;i21 lrV arc/J‘; f fltcb t/sing /Mt/9 éeen "done, flaarce Eng/zttnd A‘ci4me out qf M? J10‘: of %R0m€.=% _ % . For [*»ezzmre 4-21’ 5?: ‘rep?cfl{nt%ec/,,/5 fiwrjout 0/‘ ken, and F ruienfeo/“%C/Jr:/t‘z~'4e ;.1mity, t/mt they are v0)'c/0/A’Wl5z§{i1za1¢z'.. 1}; 75);!) /0 voyd of /azmzanint, I/Mt ,1/Jay are //.7071? 0/ Vrr0a?.61’ .7\Qztz:2=t new 6 to ée?~(t1Jeir%o72¢n~ Kin ngégc. ‘ mm ‘Po/aic tbefl: jzvagex. have to put lmtpartnerx andaflfici... ‘ateyin I/Jeirown cgmfi, am/fi~ien;i3{ t;oAt/9;ztA@¢zzrre/2'>'ora:2nbic/3 ti9.e}fie~... afiewzai tofig/at, V 321$ let tlreiif own work: _ andwaa/rim t/9ej~fi0‘e:z@, I/Zzy not, Leg) 1 T .C]’m(e.~,_ liut let .7\Qzmre /5%ear3W;z4na(‘T % /52:: llfigfice; W 'Thc:A lanes, and other plaza?» T in tlw Tfiwfw ;. MR3 (5 w *: in 6'” 7‘! H -A mm! Ci perfefi Rélatioim barb-au*wu3 anii cruafl zpflagsgg mftime Kmgs Arnayatmi 1‘3’r;:;zzz%*/Feiérti, ” iv: rm r “ r. N . . ,.$' ~- ‘-K Fl V ‘ mm as ‘,3 if ‘E H 1 .‘ m ‘ ;-_v., I 4 “ ‘, ‘ “ ~ ‘ ,-“:..q"“ 4‘ _ of. ‘T: J’ V“ fie. an.“ L W “ 0 , , ‘ ‘ \. , mu‘-_ .. . K Mg \_ - ' 4‘, -, *. * ., Wolm" V -at ‘r, ‘ W ‘T-.v;‘. ‘ ‘ ,. ' V ‘ ‘ ‘ .L w W \”-*3 mggi W‘ i. __.b, 1% w.» ,. «*»-vM.v._‘.,.*,N-§“1»:_.*?!‘,¢. W,» ?":‘@® '3 ‘ ‘ W 4% . N .......u-. -- = A He :I§.in.gsArmy ugm Sam vcmber inPca.r1*t; %(z2fm his I Accmxmrnoclmzimn) furprize& %:3ola.»aLf:¢:“z3. H ‘ , . ~ " . «ch ‘-,. ‘ ‘‘‘.~-«.,‘‘ ‘_ _ H, M ‘ ‘ , V , . M“ ., ‘ - ,‘ A ~ mm turday tVhetwe1€ch af NW ;‘Majc:ffies» aflént tn mat of gimem: at mid Braixwfiard ;, and after dmy had 4 P0fTc:{T:d~ «tl1c;n£°e1vmc3f the %§]ik>»WiW% -3 they gflundcred it. iovitheout my réfpeét Ofpmffans (except: the houfé flFOT1"5l’3 B R E N T ®Q'11131'G§‘1" Papift, whofiz Wifie is Aakrmwrm }’0}>1§31 PW" cuféznt, and he % lufpcéted 1m giw*c1nt<:\11gcncie to the Kings Afllly) V.Firfi, €53)’ %'?M3315}_}“’~« WW3 waficd the bmm and »Wineh in thfi WW”1°~E3+13 fuck <6.) fuchdbeerc and Wine“aS13h.9Y¢0H1Ci not drink,‘ they letit run out(infemece1lars,as deep as‘ tn the m.i'd1egge%.) They alfo took ftorm the dInhabitants.theeitmohey , linemen, Woollen, bedding,“ wearing appatell , 110r£'es, “cowes, fivine,e hen 3, &c.; and all Amanner ofvicftttal-is 5 alfo pewter, btrafle, ironflpoets etnd kettlegand ail manner ofGmce1“y9 Chzmdiery :;md Apo- thecary ware : Nayfudeh «ms their h:?ithate>us "carriage, that many of the Feathetbeds which ' they could hot hbeare away, they did cut the ticks of them in pieces, and Ieatteted the fee.- ‘ there abroad in the fields and Pcteets. They. tdidrafib cut the cords of the beds, and broke downe the hedfteads. They did cutixipieeesh and hutnethe % pdd"b?édWFIIhe1'mens boots and . nets, by which they got their livings (having pi11a,ged“them befides ofa11.th2.teV.er they } had.) They did caft be"efe.:i:1to.the dit‘twhic'h t iemdneereu they married not atva-ywith them : they Iitte‘-~ red the“irh:orI‘es with.whe:tt; fheaves 5 they i:p0i1edetNut1‘I‘eri%es of fruit trees toeegoodeva;1ue;, ponhthreethundted bufhels of ap» gles one man» theyttoek tawagz, iifivotledg _ he V" " glhndfl and trainpled to dirt with their horfes feet; hefideesfifteen paire offheets , his bedding 436:. 'T1*i.ey .a.ii7o woke candles to the value of twenty pounds and upwards ftemione man, and burnt themall night through the Army, A and fhchas th.ey»carried not away, either they i broke iripieces, orthrew into the fi1~e,ot tred in the mire. Hadthey teflzed with robbing of the richer {rt} it had been {me degree of ’ mercy , but they iefi: not ungiundered the A B‘iind”Beggar atold Braintfotd, taking from is him and his wife their appateiijilinnen, W0011en,a;nd h.edding5ya11d the like they did i A V to the tfoure Aimef-Iwemen in the Spittle there, ands took from them their“‘iWh€‘Eiies or 1'ocks,by which they got fomething towards a. livelihood. i And when they had thus Plum ty delredaxid tsiken Etwziy all the goods (ex ccpt here arid there 3. bed) they defaced fame houfesgrid {er (me one fire1(of1>urPoIe , as is conaeiivedi, to fi1f6thCTOWn¢)y Whichi W 38- a'£_-3" tetwatds quenehed by an Inhztbitaent. Had - their ewickedezttieiages h€t1"‘3 fiidfid in ‘hf’-'e1°fl.° ofthc Inhdsitia-fits god ;WiFh9_11t hzizzarziqf s ,.. .0’: B 2. itheit t‘ ’;4e"?ir pc\rfb11s:% ' had“ lI11&Cfgd'fl€’ % it withA M —1n:0»re~patie11c¢ 5butfi1c:hWas their inhumzme: behavmur ._, tlmt filmy did % fer draw11eAVifwor&sA.~ @U.d"PiflZOn.S cask: to men &: woanens brca.f’cs,% z;111*eatning thcznwith d:eat11;,iftb‘cy brought~ ‘ am out a1Ethei1*’ moinyz Andth1*eatfi1%n%g Othem M talent“ ofl"th¢ir norm , and put ‘out~VVthE:iri%ey“em§ milling Ehexn Parliament Doggcs ,, %RA.m1And:a.A. 15*x‘ea&€ed. Rc»guas.,b€a.tir1 g and Qufnding fame: fthemwne of t1ié1nb%ei+mg s.CAripg1¢%)taking chm.-s 4054 the Inh2:bi:fiams g1'iibn4e.rs, and‘ putty ning irons upowi chem. thcrs*AthcyVtmd With; ‘ ropuegand {me ifomet. twtheir {him 5 and as o~fthem‘%uha:w W9. . M _:" I, wWa1'&s AOa;t%i1mav as M A take alittzlc Wa--V 4 4 tar in his hat tci-Vc:1“rfinke4j_t}1*eyAV hem: himan&¥. bruifcd him For“ offerfing todoit..;Thc:ir hearts were fo feared, that they W-au1dAn%ot¢xtendi slfifiinext dayi%11Virom9~ mmP3i73‘ion to thegag¢d- and gmyé-headed foaxr A r gthey1:4ookc one.gr,a.ve old Genticman4(ab«mm A c~1ghtyy:eares ofage) and put him with %o~x:hc12 L A ,:o4f% ah: »InhabitaVnc%s of the Towns. into: z:1m;~; . *POui1&,wfhere they were-divers hourcs, »an& . ;%E¢¥War4s W;§f¢¥€%?1°Y¢4 inmthc$1wght¢r~. 5 ....m....aB ‘~v\-alt-www houiI=:7,VwhcreA they lay an night it ?geiugg;, nmfl n‘afl‘y:%a;nd 11o§1ome%pl3ce; , “and tzhe old? Gczxtis:;"m:n.;bei b:oundA head 2.nd9 fees: Amg%e..g% J th&II3.}‘L1¥%Iiig}1t.%M ‘"I"h1ey§§alf0~p1undm%@s:1anv ancie 4 am: Gemlcwmnan o§ab0ut%, fcx%enty%Aye‘afr.cs 9? agé *(w5hofé:%*ageagndf %~Weakn€H% Would tmt: permit her: to g<:eW m2C11ur<:.h far the[“e;§ Eevm yeares 1&9: p.a{%)% they cooks firam her. 23% Bedding , Iihncn ,= pewtezc , f 8450. A *a.1'1&: c‘vem her .% mzmt1e;AfromV her backc 34% - 1t2.vi£1$gj 3. ~1more%» and mii¥:mb1c* comditiwg jThei;m plundarimg was la.» i1niver1‘aI1 ,, that even. divers of the richéar, as well as the meanet Earn were5a11%fd thisV%d4ay*,fli%1lareénfbrcedca % live emf rthe.charity fchc Ear~1e:§ fou1;::li%%e%rs 5», tha ‘ Cavaliars 1ca"ving Ifiarcc one% V pim: of b4read or meatinall the TofWne.% A It would ‘jpeime 9.: hem of flint to%A%vf¢éch%e t:'ea.n:s% dropp;ing fmmM thcA.%01d7me1IsaA cyésw, i%nexp1f¢f3% fing thcirfad cor;1d*it.>ifoi1:*!: 6 a;grca.t a;dcl:i:i~5% mm th¢f’c.A.,c1:£1‘c1tic‘sV th;eB%arbMamusi, m&cr--3 ti1¢fTc754a11d1i:nI1ear:d%fifl§ge%Vofthe Pa.f1iaII1 m€ * ifouldicrs by the Ca.va1ici*s4;,fo1:theyf%did pug *§h€m%inF9a+»?it1n&,and th¢Y€‘Y¢d§3fld”P1“1°*;%; B 3 % 11¢ A A 00‘) A ned the“%m'% t dg*'etherw}1erc ~t11éy{°o Ptoocl For many&houres:fo1ne of them they Pcrip: to. ’ ’ rh¢ir“fl1ir%ts , others to their’%AVbrcec}és , mofi with<3ut fl:ockingsiorL.fl1ooes , A and in that A condition }%remov%ed them. “to the ~S1a;ug'hter+- V A houféfl wh~M¢rethcyT1a'y 2.11 night3;a.nd %Vnext: day Wgre‘ dmg7gec1 away A mre:rAA, Houxuflowfieath J towéjrds Oatlatads d»iV€1i‘WS.« 0%!’ them .1batc~=é foot and ba’re-1egge@}veg Furz.cs*:2.nd "fhif”c1es,ti11 their.feéta2;»ndA1egs4V did bleed? and " \vv'%ere:# fore A gmled... But t1T1€fC*1IZ1.3.y be TaLccot1m‘:edAbu*t,aé?cs V of grace Azmd. favoing in comparifon 5of What: they dic‘; zomras otherspfthem; :: For when diVers-*0f %Ma;Pc¢1’-%”i*i;veae.L1sV his %f:>u1%diersA fled, i1ito~v"t1ii:i% of fimfegumid of % %their4V1iVes itliey {hot at thcmas -‘they were % fwimm4ing,&”fo divers ofthem xVe1*c dmwm ;‘T:hey% 1*;€m14< ;“a;fi:c%r * fight; Aended ' five of the §~EfU:16 of-Efl?‘€X.: his i%fo¢u1%tiiersA 5. a»:nd%.AM‘4tycd t¥1érxi.b§rM the hands with1‘opes~,&u*rd% ‘enforced %* V the!rr1y%i1*}to%the1:i%%rerATofThamcsg: WhdflCa;1‘ld- th’e&:Water totheit%‘n"eCke§~t:ca.PcingA J eyes ahfithicigr eném‘iés;;Ain‘V hopes~A%of%incmy; but ch Kwégs che%mcrci1é.{T:e.4 coizditiom. V“oEt*hcir.% ads» Ve1‘f§.1'i£s, C11.) ~ everfiries 3 that aiTrooper%rid into the Watert after them 3, and forced them to fall into the depth of the Water, {tying tothen1(inaijeer~. ing mmtier) Swim for your iivesg when it was Paft all poiéibiiity to eiisape. _ Haditheit A ba.1*ha1'ous carriages A A begun anti ended irt heat ofblouti and revenge, it hztci a little q‘L12—~'- lified their ofi7et1ce.5 but {bi fuii 0‘i‘.i11hum2'mity were their h€artS,€V€11b€fO1‘C the hght he-gtm at old Btaintfetd'eWith Coioneiiel-i’eLms hit f Reeritnetnt , thatthey placedtenef 1Ci1€E.’?t1'“i.€‘ ‘ef niiex his fouidiers (wh0m‘ thieyihad Fm-e.. h:1e1'1y taken 'P1*ifo11e1*s at tK€i11tOI1)1 pitiioned ” in the fitont of their men I totbe as tt"albt1*eai’ti work to receive the bullets tha,teeee”eemefiom. C0i0i'1€iiHOLLIS his Reg&ime'nt, that the Ce-« Ve1ie1*s '111ightiefc2tpeii them 5 but filth was the providence of G od,t1mt not one of them ‘W£tS hurt, though H101; tlutogugh the cloths in inw- my places :and t3neibfti1e”i teii efcaped (who was formerly a Sergemt to a company‘ in ,eRtgi111ent)a1td i 11 the »P17£:e’ A iehceiicif divers witntfles averted the truth of §hiStartice1ar~ ii A A11 ti 4 ,.'Anci fl0a7v,fi11ceitAaApp¢ares thdé pmflia ‘§giQu.s afiifi of Raging, D¢fim€ciO11am‘d¥ "fyw xannig, th2.%1::h*cfc men fic11ght1u. crue1ty,m1& fight aggaififi their mime Affi)ciatfle's;ia,a1dfimila ~ flmféthat £"a,mm' th¢irow11 cau£e,wi;hAth0£¢ ‘ E3123 0g;p01E: it5 What 1"§1x1aims2bw; t%;ha,t4t:h¢y M taken? natfém fuck as cndmvour §ha: