CW‘ ‘~‘;~.¢. ' 511': , - .. cum‘... . an", \ I a . ?‘\g\>§‘% «I 1‘ \¢' v ‘ ' \>»~ P LA» ATI 0 N % v~FOR.BIDDI~%NG* 311 L¢Yi¢3%~ 0fF0rC€3 Wifh0i1t‘ His ‘ M A: n s 1*: E s expreflk-«A pleafure, figfiifi¢d undcirl-Iis Great Seam andall ~Cyiiiyi?ioécafion thereof. ~~ 7IAt1ide1thyoughWe well thope.thetthe¢i:e ym_a1i_grtant;% ; fans (fvvhofe Afiionsodto ho’w‘fti:fi1c1entiy de"c;'“Iar”c thei"r‘t'f'o‘r‘tn’er _ eInte’nttonsi)' will‘ be? abletto preva1le .‘hwith"féw?rofOur good peoples“ t0tcoxatr.i;bt1tfe~tb¢irPewer orreAfliflarncet fifltu them 5 rm, Iieiiéhii§f011i"iSi;t~1;ij'efHé""i(iik"irig”ii”;}oi1triifivwhat thofe é‘eeeei:,cx the dan- meo. am-me) 4‘ i get vs; .17. § ".1 w. '3, ‘.r gr‘ z*'~¢_. v V1 .‘ .. ... K“. k :3 ' u “ii --J‘ %..‘E.. .3’. i ,‘~:-/ ‘Kr’ tr '" ".5 n':l.l‘.l;vl,£A:g:»fillAgEr'tQAs{J.\9~§ themfelvesr ,1 and theiCommon-wealth , iwhlichll woulldrenfherthereupon, {hould indetedbeleerve (What: thefej pcrfons would infinuate, and have them to beleeve) That e?"w’*ié«.A~;fuchtheir Contribution and Afliflance would tend to the» .5’ «:tt’?1i”_”g£‘qfervation of the publique Peace, and the Defence of [15 ‘L Aamly both houfes of Parliarnentfind thatat‘herebyA_the.y¢{boulAdA hot incur any danger. A A A ‘ = A A A 1 AA! V A‘ A rWe,that Wcmight not be wanting (asmuch as in Us ~lAi- eth) to forefhew and to prevent the danger which mayfal‘l thereupon, have hereby. thought good todeclare and. pixlqé lifh unto _all Our loving Suhjeéts, That by the liawee. of the Land,the power of railing of Forces or Arms , or levyin‘g“bf' a V War for the defence of theKjngdor.n, or othetW‘ife,hath;al« . Awaies belonged to Us, and tolls onlgand that by noAAPo\lt}li§r of either or both Houfcs of Patliiamentg, or otherwife con»- trary to Our perfonall Commands, any Forces can be __rai‘{E-2d, A or any war levied. ' A t V A ' And thereforegby the «Statute ofthe feventh yeere AofOur famous Progenitor , King Edward the firfl , whereas there had been then {once variances betwixt him and fame great Lordsof the Realrmand, upon Treaty thereupon, it was A agreed, thatin the ‘next; Parliament after , provifionl fhlould be made, That in all Patliatnents ., and all other aH;2mb1aesA:: which {hould be in the Kingdome for ever, that everykmzm fhould comewithout forceand Armour , well and ‘Aptear:e- ably ; Yet at the t:11ext» Pa rlia meme Aw henthey met together. totake advice o-EtAhisiBt1fine[IeA (‘thoughit concerned ‘the-A Parliament it {cl fe)the Lords and Commonswould nottalre it uponhthme tn, butettfwered , That it belonged to ;theKing to defend forceof Armour, and all other Force againll the Peegel »at;1ll tiVmes'when;it pleafed Him, and to ptmifh Athem whieh fltguld dog gontrarygtccordihg to the l_aws,8'c ufageé ll pfthe Fl’§Wealfm,aqedrt*het theywerefbound touaiyd H.im_.,as their §pryerA1;a7ignoC. Lcitd £il;lff€'a:l0n~s:w iieedz fhould ’be»' A Arid‘ fA “ A A 2 W L‘ a-ccordieg to A .3 ccmdinglyin P‘arl’iament;in é1fterft~imes*5T ha King a§¥4Bfié'8i&:3 ’ * affue A His Proclamatiksms prohi*bicifig%; f;3'fe£"a-fiitwig %”oFAi*'m's3b"y % ny pierfon, i n; or ueera the; icy whet-et‘he Parliamergxt wa9'j.,» e%xceptimTgV.finch of thB‘King's farvants aa*sfh"e fhmlld deputegcivr, 1h70u1dbe deputed byflis Comma ndm§efit3;&f>andA alfo”%A"éxc&ip~ ting the ffiings ‘Minifi@%r¢s;i‘And\ by t¥h‘i%ie% :St*&-wtef off NM/izzmfééig made in thaffecond yr:-ere’ 0FKing;Edm¢rd_‘1th*e tVhird54 it is Acn-- {a&*ed,A That no man,*bf;What conditi®n%’foa:“~ver he be (axtéept the K§.ngs%.Serv4a um, i in His pr%ef?2e'ncq,o~lc. 7; . mg j..awA(wh1ch is m B2:1ntAand full Force = 1), ”‘ That ‘their wgg-egg; A A _ A Allegiance... A * l i¢:1’§£ill.egiianoe xi ié due unto :thel~t3afl1f3§l1iP€rnfon 1 l tl3t:iirlP1‘ihCe,ol ‘f ’ andinot _ “His"Crowne * or Kingdome difiinéi from Hiénla-rl no turall Capacity. And the Oath of Ligeance at the in Common Law ‘( which-all perfons above the age of twelve xeeres ane, or bought to be fworne unto) I they are; bound to betrue andlfaithfull, not to the King onely as King‘, but to l A Our Perfon as King C H A R L E 5,, and to beare UsTruth e and Faith of Life and Member, and earthly Honours and that they {hall neither know nor hem: of any ill or damage intended to Llsthat they {hall not defend; And that When, in thetimc of King Edward the fecond A,» Eingfizlw Spencer be... i ing difcontented with the King, lcaufed aifbiigll to be writ- ten ,5 wherein was contained amongfi other things", That Homage and the Oath of Allegiance was more byreafon of the Kings Crowne (that is,,vI-Iiss Kingdome) then of his Per- fon and thatféeing the King cannot be reformed by fuite V of La W, if the King will not redrefle , and put away that , awhich is ill for the ‘Common People, and hurtfull to the Crowne, Thatebe thing ought to be put away by force, And that His‘ Lieges be bound to govern in aid of Him,and A A indefanlt l of Him 5 he was condemned forit by two ‘P.,~dUtyoftl'l‘5eirall-e lg-glance ltheyare bonnden to’ fe=rv,o’ and, naflili “at: all féa... fonswhennee-d {hall r€q.uif€'-J A v ‘T -‘ ; Yet, to theend thatonr good Subjeé?csmaAy,lknowlw.hat their duty is, and what we oxpeél from them , and tl1’ntsalfl others, who, through malice or privatolinterc fis, {hall ho tranfportod beyond th€lf'd1it‘l€S','.m'aY b’eleftlwi.t;l1outej:—-l eufe 5 Wo doe theineforeby thisOur Proclamation, charge and command al'l'0nr Subjeéls upon their Allegiance V, and as tl1eytenderOur Honour and Safety, and the peace and. Safety ofthe Kingdomc, that they prefnmc not to raife or levy any Horfes, Horfexnenpr Armcs,’ or any Forges A_wohaif7t., foever, by colour of any Authority whntfoever, winmxxc lOnr exproffo pleafure fignificd uncle: Our great Segue, (other then 1' och as {hall be raifed,l§vied, and em prefiod by the Order A, ‘aswell of Our Sfllffig‘ Ins of.?boifth" iIHio’oI"€§ as Piqfl. liamcnla =!°C0r