M dcfire§:nd5;prpmotcs man homfi ai&djAh0nouArab1¢*v pcacAc,Iet*hirri fufEAé:AA«$;dct the dam cr+ai'1dVconf‘ufiAAoi=i Aofa Civillvvinccr waArjAf¢jA§AAf5Hcthat wiiau d%=I'cfck,. or acccptpcace upon unfafc handumzypzchyccrn;AcsA,,1et him -have it ;: ‘IA can I A wifh l"1Aim*no grc~ar~er;miifi:hiefc; A “ A A A A A A m«;;- Itsis a rputua11~cor'nplai1=1tgin the-worId',,~—tha_t fem;-Aarc all vfA§33;~p§,;1CA:t,AOthLcr$.Vwbo1~ly forfwarre I Aam+f§w:%~‘nVeithcr, and» yet for ;b‘0tAh; Aggixfiaaycs Ioycd peace well", but bettcr*I10WtheAn ever : upo_nVa juPt*cAauIE: w A A A. fifi AAr~%my.I%h:i;c;AI%V1ovc pca%c¢*fo%'A%Lw’¢H I can endure warrje to ;A;c- complifh it; and I thVii‘1k%‘I1ov%c ;c better ,A I am ‘fur: I love a better peace %_3{q§;hcnthcy;hat cin abidéghfi thpwght ofnothiugV_A¢I1E,chough they cnjqy no. 1 }t»hing1é{Yc;" ‘they. wou1d"hAaIveAA§A:r7L§cc§IA 1oAvc"?a‘Vf>c§c¢. A ~ ‘ A , I-%A1<;>‘vc«p¢:-ac: as my hea§t1h,warrcI cannot fay Nova, but ufé it as P ~ A A w]erc.noc hqglch very fwéct, pills would bcc very bitter, there is plcafurcénh 1ood’1eu-Eng. -I »}ook*-to pcaccagnnycnd , llomk upon*%<::_M§rrc 7 as A theunhappy, yet not aIwaycs,y2rnotz1ow¢he unjufl mcanes to prrx:fi:7Aure 1* "' .». “ ‘ .,,.- A“ A3 ‘ “ ‘7’. #7 A AW‘ A I It 3. 1 “A A Ira:1eann~:gwbe4In;~thscAAA9gw19naof~:h%cmWham. *%hAappArnc»fTe mcon en: with w;a:rc-A, éAi§:AdAAA {'e*paraAbAIe”f*1r3“Kri:AA;$A§'§AccA-AA AA§a§r}1ef¢'?C§A6dAAis,théfc is happixlcfl}-.~, Avlicis thcAILor d“of Hofls, the God ofpcacc. A A I "A “Tb Hai.i_é f'oALAnfidAA xi‘i’jidfli'BIA@“§%6.V bé“”:§i§ fe“1f:1l5A”I“‘e'” u7ti&Ié’r* the Mottb.oEBAmt£%Pa¢zfici’; ificbe&m'1fi:ry ,_ asindcc is, to {Be our ncigh- Wbours and fricndm. AAAj4afiAt%d,%and‘ the cmndaron ufour own ruinc laid. This, A ’Warf¢A,§1AAA*3AtA“13‘*“E?AAfi‘AAiiA!AAi A, A A A AA A A A A A A A §iAi1AiT§‘éAA;,AA‘A*As”AArnAAiiA%tA‘AH’AA«AiA3A‘A£ii[L'AfiAd‘fz¢éé;vvxt ;%?urA!'fipeAi:;— " ‘W. u “A; my I A 4 1; AAEEHA3iii*AAAA{'p1r’1tiiA}iiITAAAé1‘iE*A A Afi;%iriotz%si4Id% la3:ries,;Sabbath br<::r;k*ingsw,,: itcwas pcagzcuvgithotzr p‘utw_ard both, A $aAA:idA;inrefi3n: cAAI...];1A:nic$5:AA‘§'P¥i”3AA3nAq;i§SJfwfifipng =Aha¢“wé may 1m7i:Ah%in.A. A“ ‘a t=1igi0i1sA %D4v3¢§f°n@b1c myi£¢.n£1#$1%h3mb¥9,U3h “-15 ‘*0 this PafTc.'%€3‘o,dL. ,AQ13?‘-fitlfi1yAAATCf..:H6fE7AEOH ‘ t1'A1‘A3ét‘ "7 4A;nd%&A%hcr¢ A AA A » thoughts cbnterziingthc~hinges uP9nWvhi¢h¢:*h*f¢:[ =Ioub1?&“‘ 0'5” V’PA andcallingIcaAn“A{corncthcq:;ingcrAvofAwAa;g$ the {in and confu‘fionAAof *“ bur neighbours A‘}‘éa:vc" i,uAAd3isA freedom]: (if f'péé1{ing%Tto4givc%an‘a%A AA ‘how move: Becaufé Ifind many at a Pcand,admiringAhoW Wee ateeeme to A A this hcigth of calamity : Wee Iooke upon the hand thaemoves, and heare the hammer that Pcrikes, and tells us we are at the E venmg ofourunfound peace , and thatqwe are in danger to paffe a midnight befotew¢€ flu“ fie 3- A fbethtet and clearetmorning ofttuth and peace atiie upon us fpringing" Front em high, But V there are very few that Iooke upon the Whcclcs and {i>l‘iflg5% the weights and lines,which meve and aét the things we fee and heate. For my part I am “very Fatre fmm a Stttefman, my yeeres will-not allow; the ex_pAetie.n Ac-e,my parts infight‘, my calling leifuremor my acquaxntance m-- e telligettce,a11vt?hich are neceflary thereto. But 1 never yet {hut my eyes to I h light‘, zlcrgi.-yteafcs to Truth , I have not been indilligent in obfetvingtand compmttg the aétions and proceedings ofmcfl, ; I haveudefired as’ awman to h A ktnomas another man toknow ttews,as :2 ACh!'ifiia!1m2‘tn to know andcon-4 t V Ede: the prefltnt and probable i—’tateo$:"the Church ofGoé, and the account% have givenmy felfe is this. I Iooke upon 3. grand defigtte of the jefuitet and their faétion as the great Wheele moving to and in this bufinefle. _ Hee thatkttowes anything efthe , .Chrj{’t‘ian wor1dmu{t knew fomething ot'theAntichriPtian,& ittthat oftheh ‘ maflers bfthe_ fafiion the]:-fuites, which are a Compendium ofthcrrgc%omc,4efp¢.. éiaI1:hat.¢gra1rrc}i _en%¢vVaf?8*8.% &re*eIqw.1a»fIy kzmwnAe,4and iwhA‘cnA they Yaw it un--¢ 1 1Ayf4:o‘pre%vai1A¢hergthcjf em¢.ie?v:ouAr“t0Awea%kc%nAa%nd vex her jwfithmg: b¢mon~s‘ fi1Abti*I1yA,ha*sjmay1hcfcaftcr appcarm They began tU»ba1W»ea==ry afviolcnt at-., fismpts‘, and Ac:fifZ:ern%cd‘ anamrc inHis Majcfiyb whxich they could makd a5. ggod’ advantage of, pcac¢ab~Ic:a«nd f'eare~FuH*, willtmyg qmxcstly to» cnjy addition ofpowgr and rcvpnuc he: had attained. ~1*my‘Ierh:iAAm be qu mt, pA‘r o»...~ Vidcd tA*ha1:A" Ahté vvoAul&‘d quicI:IyA {ca aJ:~v1dA fufikr :11: 1% otefl 3-mAATChAm'rchc"éA bf Gab; V m,mJ,[M5;b¢Vff\ja'3Al:;~d ‘an;c1;.,wAaPr?cc¥_. whichl a11u,‘for1:ysAtUA1Eay he dAick,'ch1roughchAcyAj, A A a;fgdv;;;gtégA§:%oFhi$;na~mvr~i2 and Coumfélfs, though he wasxia Vmaem iAn‘ApoinzaF1A-‘ A ‘ mgsgficarggrhfiwopexy. ;% Bur they.cmId camy; a.I‘1AqwA him th:§~t,”lc§tA-A gfllqiancfiphy. at Tickmck“ wAiA:éh= Be/K¢rmz$x2~e~ at has: le‘1Ai7’t1r«L':g,_ A gravid: A tAfiE*y;‘tbu‘AlH ithltz Paléa-ti~na¢tc%, aA1:d«get more ax1:0:hc%r‘ wgyAA_. A 1,; A A AA éPc[c;d’e?%o h&im%%a=1fmatrempt m be abrfolumgg th ?1:t:A by catching 37:5 A’ ihdiaxiger :1l?l«;i9r’s he mifig hr: vveeI'c1m‘c31::.g!"Ar chgcfl thfiflivu ‘ 3’1i.“11»€3A3A.A c!;ouAABt’feAf'fAe 5&1 %Vfi:iAorc,h-cf It « A: oi::i1cr%s bf ,L:i1*c5re'forward5nef‘17c,A and Ieffc foivcgfi hr.‘ The. pléztA:i:n’o:I“AcircA1u9n-F " fi’:xric<:s%Aof‘%1lm_ arch; “fbnae of wA‘hi*ch a;rc::prinAtcd% ,A {haw howfiz rm I A §é1%;‘esrm'gn¢, - ~9'.‘":3P' A k V. I A%1a%mc d*ofig:IT€,, ghgyhad? ire-vaAi!*acdA, ~a~nd what hopes t:AhcyA had; A Twicmmgz tofhis tiiowd-Mm. _ oF%'wh3a¥% 1* fl1:a1'1 fpeakc as-tendfmly A,and> as%tA1'u:g1rA3z%’ia*:s% I ‘can. Thr: hachI%iAIA”1vbecne dioubtlbffc driivfeng j l ts I:rAue_A.V in a. Match ‘VV(.‘%?.f ~, (g‘h?AarAA)‘m:*:I *d~,$"paim}: for »Fmm'e , Cwlflm namAam:'m:aw, 3 3 it f‘a~1~1;~:. ou:.Thc- tvx*oAg1fca%@AAAA;A;‘ AA%A%%%V%AAV.g;¢g-,1;;gAMth¢ fAhAav=*e cflndfcvmx1*ecié=AhavcAbccAm: uzpgan our Rwligion mud our AI..'iAAlm*:IA'-44‘i% I ;§g5;;b‘ib15A1;?d ¢u;r«e.y¢gfi;g;e;flsi:iVI?1AAcirvcV Law, »t+;heyA>mi1{°r ‘area ke iggymg{3§g:gg3;3;iA;;figpfiT§.r;gAb‘1y{;nif;>ltn4:,»A VAmm:c.*A&cmclVi;Ac{tum "i7\::Vbw,.::;i..l1;.,.i;.Ia%xc:xa4g§g:;as this vi:t>~Ihr1cé of his A p2i§3?t»i1,aA ma%11<* delighting intfhti Blood of'fottIsg Inithe Mt Stamhhhtwa ct thtct,one om? rang pa r*is,and at fpixit fit for at grtatt TuA'r5k; in» other «or twcmfiirhitvtmfly fi1~hti»1‘l?,and'h ofa thorough Sptamxflx dyc.t They?‘ A hradt 0bfi:fVC*d: all the rules AthAaAt the ]cfu«i‘tc gives for I"t‘t:t.ih:ICi"tI1g'a P‘mr1c£’t.an §‘tate,t as izrtva t'rmonh preached this 1afcct3*oFNovttmbcr is more txafii Iiyi d'i~:GI€t”:7ed;. .Thty ha dz procured the €fitAftE2O7ntiA!1'u€£?I}f1(2?: of P:u=1ihAamtth'ts amlh made m'ht?m17elve"s% aind“ theifr Aihnf’tr‘u t«h‘ttItsA un‘capah~1Ie (Sf BCCOIJFIV," but to out whom A -my had fomfatrrc ftduced as to Jikttit w=ci1A enough; They lmfd brought 1tsa.~ great way im. {M1 march ,and* had dtatvvren; usfurthtmhtad nottthe Cmd nu; étcntrstmiftokAt:htirvvaAy,aAnd1ed us toot fagtrt Ndtthwasrdt, which hath fiat them faint yfeartt backwAard~,t if {FOE §p“~0y‘1"d‘£h1\'3' plot. Httttthty kindltd as Hm» vvh-aich tjhcy«tkncwA‘not ‘how tovq*uc11ch,' amt fmnthty Art {Eflytd to ctnmvtallet » fi:t5fih'®$!«g1i1 th«ty’bumA»t t*h’ti~r fin-Agctts; When they {aw it i«mpoh’xthIe to avoid at A Pm"I5i&*I1"IA€ntt,t‘b€y thought tA dclutic it; this Wasfihe-Am1tcmpI:"UpOn*EH6 firft ?«atli~a mtnt,whcn that could not be dorne,tht2y diifolvcd it tmdt wcntta:bouttA tow d:¥¢t1u»c1etth’e people with ‘a pmmifc to right gt’iE’V‘:In.CES‘0U‘r of I5han1ia'mtmtt: 7 asmuchra,s=i11Ait‘; _ which -ht0W'WcUAktp}£>A1£"t any mt n.c:tI:A1 up=hi5A‘tW-:3 §#@a‘.rc$=~— m€m0¥y;i§ha-t“pf®«1ni{€"W333 not a pi?-tam 1fi7A,hu=t a ptophtfic of’ 1fI‘1~A¢E)i1'é {hath «Pratt miuft 3; Wh'3’C‘h—hpi*‘pp*b€Cy' hath b€cfl°fu1ifi5l1€d- tlwufgthttthtpmmifis hA‘a“vtttn0t’.zt I"t‘Wt0‘mld’I‘ndt‘y€t doe, MenAsAAAeyte's‘wtttrc oépwtd, the fl‘ri:r.rg oftheittan*gutw u lim{tdganoth:w’Pasr1iame‘htttmufl ht tfldgevent that w*hit“ch‘AbtcAaui't*ittt c:tI111?€5t:>3~ bf--?mta.7l’? ti,t1m& bC’111ii7:eC9IFLd,-b€'CaUfl'i‘it would z:mt(at Icafi far‘ {H2:1m:ic)bc' ddi-** " I:udt:d‘,it_mu%{’r hchdtflroytd A; Aarfldtthuts am I ice! to the prcfizht comditiofn '::3 s A ‘W7h2tt~.n-c!3:d- wt: look for any other ground of the fizvtrall attempts agInit:;Pt~ A this Par1ia.mtnt,thcn that difpofition &ttI1ofc Coux1ft:’IswAhitc1h ditf£0’!1ti‘tni5ECi-1‘ ~ tAAhtm:A,w.hitth a»ttPri1r1 asxftmflg,-and‘ rnotre tdt‘{fara'1’n”l."c‘ then ever, btt~aAuf't of t.!mA A A» tatw €.I}u"a?.‘1"‘£:"1S tihat are fallen in ;« I know there have been many paI‘Ci(:Li121¢1’:‘~ ¢;yccafitonst,tatt leaf} t-taktn,of breathes,aAndA»dift0nttz1‘ts,hut yet the &:f!L!M"1‘¢.',’“~ A ‘ not .aA'gainH this ,hutaA1! Patha:mtxats,un2t-fl‘ett‘hty CC. uld get one new mom- dad that flmuld be a Caaztiliztézzlzxnz rathczrthcn a C ami/iz¢m..t A But I mufl be <:a1’d to accmmt for this Diifcoufts : it may btithought 3‘m«m:» pofsihlt-, that we fhould be fob: {'0tttr'd.asAto.AdAfiVe a.Spsmifh* dtfignt, and tar “ fight for them i11Eigg!¢md,w!1ofigtht againfl us in Ireland; its tmt it wtzrt ‘[1 I 't' wonder wt: {hould dot-Athis,ifit vtcrc a vvond«t~r,we {hou it! do any thing rm Aw utndoc our 17:-Ives; It hath dt.~tnAourdifpc3fition a good m'hi1'c,tit!‘ztr%to do :10 W thing,or tmythix1g,cxceptingalwayds {Tome pttfitms who are vigilant and cztrntfi to“dhifTappOint theft f'Ifiif(3hf;"ig‘3-A my havt xmide ftvttall C fiipfditifimfi A. msfl‘:rvtttl1tm5O:ntto C4!mt0:fl1tAw thCLI7l<\”n'Ah‘€‘rc they W€r€AtW(?3,h'.EPr, zv”stI'}d’“* A ghffl thfm I1C>ticc’;th~.2t nobody emthflatnolhd take: it; Another t.t>hhZ%Iw~to wtzailtw A A t9z1inur.t{E:lvtsA;AA third E0390/7d1,hEDA1Eet%hCT0Wn fafely dtitxvtttd hf): Afijm_':;h A _ andtfitth EOA:S’i£:0“f1«¢fid_,h¢€O~1T3§:‘LhCEthA(’FE1h0LIf yoke. ftllovvs A; and why at mw 21 t fi«‘%th.mQIBd:i,17fa1j"_flffiillflGUST ftlvtt. _ A A3,,“ A %B;mt;,A,» But its further objefied, it cannot ; be heleeved this fluouidgbe eit-her his " Majeflies ixttentionetoinflwve his Kingdom, or the intention of thGfi.’=L01'-ds and'Gent1emen that ‘are with him to defpoiie themfelves of their Religion - and Liberties. ‘.1 returne this : They may doe the Workye they intend not, and as wife as they take themlelvesgnay” behover-aéied in their owndefigns. A I ca,nnot,I dare not fay,that they doqagree in the ft-rving this efuiticall dc; ' figne,theyi have many endsidiiferentyfroni this 8: one an‘other.But thus fjrfl ; I heartily doubt,it is the defigne ofmany,fomebeyond~l7::a,f'ome in 8»-glgygd,-l W110 have it may bee 9. double voyce in the managing this bufinefle: The Papifls had never bin {'0 full andforward in their contributions both‘of purfe and per{<'m,were not thereto themby chemfelvs, and it maybe by (3-; thcrs,propeune,:d great en joyments.2.Al1 thatjoyn in thisantiparlittmfen- tary war tho" e hey doeit not f'ormally,y€tbY Cczmféquent they fitrvcathis defigne offlavery iaafuperflition by ertdeavouring the overthrowfofthe Par... liament, either in it lelfor privilcdgt‘-‘S, Which P111196 Prfféfvfi bothlibfirity ‘land reliigion‘. They fay they meme but the reducing it,wh y that is to break it in A its freed oms,and they cannot flop the-re,becau fe they carry with them men, A thatas they hate to be ruledby at Par1iament,fo they love not to be rulediby any body, and when they are running down hill,efpecially iDefi~mfm 4.4- *z_werm',lwho can flop them,not he that {or them on? So thatin the prevailing ofthe: nowyraifed force, the ruineofthinandy indeed all Parliaments maybe eafily diflcern ed,t1nlefl‘e fueh an one as may,lawful’ly ruine us: in the ruiining Parliaments, who fees not the mine of Religion, Lavv; Liberty, llalldigthls Kingdom -, nay which is more, the extremetdanger, if not defierufii _n of the Pro:-efiant Religion through Chtiflendotne. t ' 0 4 If men have other intentions in tl‘l1s;tl_1c1r ex peditiomasthey donor juIT°ti- fiethem though they wetebetter then Atheyi are, foineithet doethey availe us, they H ghenot i to ferve Spain ‘or Rome but themfelvcs. But in mean: timeA they are lerved, and rhemfeives it may be,dil'ap,p0im€d.. The matters 0fthiS- A mifehief have: a way to improve other mens prliuciples and pro ems to their iowrie e"nds_;,they"lE:e 21 Parliztment is notfor their rurni,theAy mill": havcha war", its a Ahiyarid matter to find lb many y1:neinAofofAne mi__ndA, as to agreeAtoAmake an i"irniy f"orythe* féune qti:trre.llf vVitl1‘tl1(!f!.l1'1€ enci,,Athen"ore iiiylithey, let ob»-i fcrve their principles, noel make chcm bcleefvetheyi do i[h’{:'l_i' own .Work,..» 2‘ j ‘ ls l here at me n rhzatfh tthnzmeihro Alo{E*,&: iv tl‘II'G,l_.lgi1 _f§..lIi'il£'.‘11l'*1'£llCl ofirgletj;h§i'm~ f beApo{i?.*i'i there i.s;.nolxm1y to keep icbutbyy lirong,haiytid;i;iis he revengefiiIl,let A him; ,§gf'te*in l1£C?€ii” oF inju ties reall or pt'etendecl;is he pron #1,‘? ct him he promifed My legit: unlimited abfoii:st<* vomn men t,lot himbetold hO.VV_t1nw01’EliyAii;'is,agrog: ‘£3 ‘ I17;37.!1VEt?.'>~l'1a.vg;‘l.(J n?iy;tny joindgwith him it; the.poin.t next fiipremacymay ftipr_e7é;a A nutty it {e‘li'i,TAh e 1~5‘giflatiVC:p0Wcr,lsAtlicttfi1l1y1l5li;1V§'l,‘iaVC_£nd¢V.Ou;I‘hd'fAfh¢-y_bfift A fraying their Cottlntrygthe building tihcir ambvitimis projeéis upon}rhe»ruines A A of bfour fafi:ty.i;,nnd “liberty, 'lttthcm‘bct71offc'fl7cd there is no mercy in a Parflay. "men: , their eflates if not perform muli ftitisfit forthcirfafs P Are there ., -afgepplc-as there are too many whotih Jul’: is their life , it that site the pow- A :1‘ ioffieligioni and Ptrifi difciplinc, they muff bet poll} {fed that there is at; A V dcvour of introducing‘ a” rigid Presbytery, ah abfurd iindcpcndencie 9. there fotnéiwho knéw not their own rights not the Rate ofeur govern; A mcnt,lctthcm “bcpofl‘c{’c vviththc Majcfly , nay with thcDtitic ofa King, ‘y ‘what a horrid thing it is to oppofi: an unlawfull coAmn72and though to {ave a. Kin domc. Are thtréan ignorant pt-epic that vvilybcA deluded with promifes éaindll prActenccs,letthc hopes ofpillagc be propoundtd to them? Is there any thing m¢n;loyt,i.that the Patliamtnti willtake away, is thcrc any thing they «fc‘arc,thatl thcy will do.Thus doc the contrivtrs of this milthicfc make ufé of A every mans Wcakntffe or prcjudice,and either propound to them or let them An‘ 'prt>pt:5und to thtml7:lvcs,cnds according -to their fizvtrall tempers, andjlcad l them tgn wit hh_ope pf their own ends, to fiatthgr theirs. In f.m;:mc,tyhc mat-- A tgriléemsytohbc t_h.is,I?optry muli grow uphtiriongfl us,t1lfil1thavtAovctgrowyn in-5 toyaccmupltfh that, the fence ofour vmc«yatd,sour laws 3; lihcrtits mufl . =bcplutkt upsandthat can hardly bccdont fhlong as a Parliamcnttcontimzc, A 1 hr at lcai-ll continue imzhcir power and privilcdgcgte this purpofc let them be A ‘ dtfamcd,-difincmbrcd, let an :Army be drawnuAp,ito otveraw thcm,if thacbc pIcvchttd,lct‘ahbthct he raifizd, under prctcnccof a guard , to dcfl toy them; “-Thatthis may~bt,lct the Prince fight for his prcrogativefinr thc majnttnaxtcr: on improvement ofhis famy {uppofcd violated power. Lcttht Lords and Gentlemen fightfot their lufis, the Divincslsq Lawycrs (ifycttlicyildcliztvc l ft-tch names -fat =thcikccpihg;tz_ ndgctting prcfermcnts, the Dclinqucynt; for A itithllcir ePra“tcs,thcit oflacts andyflmres in an Aatbittary pAowt:r,tht IV:1q£vmgn fbr l Athlc;wor'dylKi~hg~ and :1Corhmon»APrayct-Bool<,thc pdot for pill“agc,thc.ignq}.. A —r?a‘nt~-l'.’h"cy‘ktI1DWin6t»v§ih'y<:l%rl‘the accoxnpliihingthcfit ends they {hall accom--A jplifh Aa work they thiinik /nOt~oF,l'.h'€ CilliIl1&;lC"l,'1A ofour goyvetment,anlythd they know not of, the »gtowt'h ojf7Popery,lthc wrong grid mint ofthc Protcflalnt 4 -Rieligionlitrelmd-i»11 our? neighbour N atiom ;yi ‘alIhC‘yVV,OTk is dt;mc,wc are tin... A *id~omi, thmfeewants npthing butthc Plaudrte of the. Pfopifh itcd facflion, windy mg-. late ifrciptrntantc “of; theeluiinadviltd‘yfhrthcrcrsi tzgfithis _tn3C¢.hi,cf:; A ll 37* fN-owit lvvér-c a5? q1icl?rio.n worth "difputing andArc{01hing Awhat wtr»cthAc t =bef’t7 iwalyvtogprtycnt all t‘hitA mifcry and mifchicjfe that isygvryowinyg upehus. i l k?rmwiyyy;Awi1Etr r max: ¢h,Mti «it inAhand,AAthe Lord who iysgrgatin counltll, and ‘I A A 1:{migh"ty ~iHi~W0yrk‘ing dl~iticy& ahd tprottfi them ,&;1jng'llL(t:_ them ‘faithi'ulAl to tiiétn . A t:h‘¢y”il1aV:el‘fO u’nd‘f21-ithfilllnt fl'_p., l5Autjthis agqwhcrcin cvtxy hma\_1. Y beii§ying?~fomtthMirig,I i5Ii«lLyad.veAm’u rt: fora fl1arc.It.irnay be !:hc‘laF£.ll:i-5 évlcc,éifitbeéaA£§:rvitic)«thatItandoctiwillfptfak as if itA;W~CIéC'hC“'lalt}. ,” A] n¢imau;ot”atlcaflA.h0Chgil?ti;§'l}§h3§£lgt§bF5buttfafcianidihqt; A A eciongwh zzthaeh ’bée‘nee€9eod”{in%Hwllnnd5Amay be aA:l'u$ci‘g:nt A:ewe5eb‘le AAe%ec>1m1‘me‘Ve1aAtie:£ibefwixtehis Meajcfl a?n4& heisAP=§¢x"Iima%neient; pwem: ‘mg fine: pAre‘f7crd ‘war only mzhe danger ofa war but rhecer::ainty 0Faevi∨y;ef;n,: V V Kine-h«Ae one we flu oAu'Id get an ineeeefi in his heamby the other o‘lN]‘l;y“.:_-i1‘;!' ‘k‘?.l"S““ gene A‘ A V {on,e?&“~theaeiffi;1‘fiOn '~0fi‘l1fl0CEK1t blood W'ouAId%be-prevented. But1th é;3grche£;diA-fieeee e'-’”fie=u‘lt~y Aies;w:hAeu«r éfo toxordeer things as not wA1~yceopencomanifcPre, (tor: juflly fufgeficd . ‘; Agemiléryeeormileehieff. A s : B AA e Let itehereF:>x:c‘ebcAA‘don£&dered whether weAAc’2ctaAbe"[i1Afc, un1e{1'e;:theppwe; of t:he'C.fl’[1'[itid be placed inAemcneeeafikennweneetruflmztdefaeithfqlmaifeanoathc . e“e7Kie«r}gdome. Some are of cminibn, it hadebcttcrhcverbeen ~medAledAAwitL1g what it hath oceafioned this Atwublc, Imuch doubt it,th%is bufin,cfTc Waercf; » -:.folv’ed fhoueld be; on that ground csrfamn other; Thm;e¢AccommokdatiQne «can -one-Iy be 'faf'c to ch&e.Kiz1gdome, wh=iw?:he=;Ihal1 placcech;cgpe»werjAeuff hands mfetheem-that may be greoundedly prefunrfd wilIeu1E’§;iAc (fl:j“3~l1"; tl1v¢V::;:a¢f€l?égvA‘ A vation afitfizlfe, and conil-quently not leave earplaccitinAthe“h;and5=qf ?~-Awho haveeor are Likeiy to eabufe i::,to thede-P: ruétion ofchc Kingdomc.Some ¥-“«£’ay% leét cveryemanfland upon hisowne guar%d,%Ieavc it undctcrmi;n7d:%eice.wva3 A e‘ealwayesAtmfiec aened~.eunfaf'e, mow mofmfall, both in regard of our*fe:1Aves and A ‘forraign nateiebns?Wc%?have received eheifi rfi fnuitseofIre1and,fomthing»fr[ A‘ * %b1.*herwNeri~ons as apledge ofmorc in convenicentetime.e‘We haveeaedcfperavte \ ee:I)ee1inqum;c %P*opi{h party amongeourfizlves A that calls for :hcwfiit7etIeemen4cAo%' ethcpowcr ofithe Kingdome, {:9 as tobeuféd for 1:5 owne fhfity, eoncernixug Denmnrkh ave bin ‘accoumzed ridiculous by them w A" J A they had contrived theireebufi*nAc1Te focunnxtmgly than itcoulid It’s true, that work %f'daAtkne"fl’c hath becnfo clandcfiincly ¢a=:five3¢l;AAA2$;eAeha%tA. A e '53 jifliciall proeofcouled n9t~AbcAAproduccd tgorrfanisficeethe‘ A-éfeérnd 1.'c1aetiG?;not7:h'~e Skipper at Ratcrdam, wheoQ_ewceey¢t fife «a%;s[,,Ai;‘ mm as a “cl?-oun“ie1f,;and~~cehecommen famc'whichruenncsA 25;Eirfgz;iia.;d,,egIAeA ” f7ifom7*tHen cc, e:he‘5*wa»y~aendee i*11”fiAen1Amc-m:ts~ofpro£cd%I,eti'x1gtemte A ~e“ieha=h,41mM=emer«d+vthewheme1eIsheww A ’ ;~.t‘hc3:AcAAw:~mes notefomcwfhxo‘1cmowithe*cameP: eenedevourAe‘o,fe:eeAli;1gAeee;§1jeVt~f'<§jz;aw A A V‘ A X ni‘(9)i A i A flu: wnrkc hathhccn carried on; and Ale: ail the wnxid iudgi whcther rim A mm Kingdom: ought to be put or left; in thnfc A i A no raifc powcragainfi it or to be nlcfir nndccctmind,whcnitibcredrnin powcm dcvontcd _ _ 0 \ , V and have been i:l)£-hi determinations a — nfi (us fi:onn ahrmd, and funhiibmex quarrclsathome among our (Elves. W - 0 need after that}: dcfpcracn, infiigati-m 7' onsnd cruc-llercncmicsthcnoncianochcra Ic’s true, though irbc {aid chacic much macccgainot who haththccommand of nut trained Bandfiwho have-‘f hitherto iizrvgd for licrlcnii: but to arm: the Kings forces againfl the {E-vcrali A .coum;3¢g andgh Pariiama.-nt,buc what hands chef_pring;iipaiiifoi:ts,armcs anti Ammunition arc.-,aind cfpcciaily the Navy, is ofasimuéhii c__nVn4i&quencc as the fifl‘-‘I1! th=Kifl8d°m°- in ‘ , 2 Lccic be cnnfidcred,whcthcrnwccan be life till thqrinecknofchis naencxnncd gicfignctbcbxokcnofiwhercbythc fervants of tyranny and fnpqxflicion indef- i your to bring us under; It isbclccvcd chmhcynrc nrciilclicigcncrarion that are alwayes either conceiving mifchicfc or bringing Forth iniquicic. Our inane M tcfls mufi bc untwincd from the: intcrcfis of .S'pa£m.- and Rome, for for ion asmi 7 Lo. Cattiugtaux haul}: {hands {'0 new: the Spanifln Emba{i'adors,an Era‘ an is {'0 convenient aharbour fnx Spainc, we mufi look: for little fafccy butleffe Religion. A i nNnwthauhisfircixnaybciqucnchcd,and not onciy ralccd np,icwilliflb¢ nccfhffary thmhc fucll and fucllcr$ bcricmoycdnhat the inflrnmcnts and ima:-,1 sec of cnmpafling this dcfigncbc abandond. A n A hcinflrumcnts arciconccivcdi fomc particular men, who is: [ides other nmanm plain: cnnughiupon them; may be knowne by their advancing an arbitrary Government in the King; and thc mancipaszion nftrhcmfi.-.-lvcs,toi the promifituousférv-icc ofthcCQ;cn,,whois profizflbdly zcaiousin this point and tfollnwcs thcploc by inhcritanccifhc ncck Jofthis defignc will (care: be bf‘)!- iccmtill the nccksoffonnc ofrhc principal] nuahors and aéinrs be, and uh: rcfl A 7ciifab1cd.,i.And,i iiuigthat pnrpofe, xzihq Papifis who arc tin‘: drycd fuel!» of this fire mufi bcbron ht into annghcr conditinn: the damnablc cnmpnficions throughlyvdamncd,.:hc Iawcsi ha ainfl thcm mndn up innpnniinnnici good lagvv, which in fomcninafés may dq roythcm, in cvcxy thing difnblc chczm. This pioynt ofidclinqucnts, though mad: vcrytcndicr poyntn in rcgardof p3tt'iCuiItintfiflfififilld1f¢13lti0l)§~WhiCh;m3kc hafl no dciiroy thc pu«bIike_., :55 0*” ¢>¢E¢¢di£1sc9n1‘cqu¢nce amour ifaficyi.Ourneighboiurachcughvhcymay A ganflibiynnor doc usnciic cxpcficdgonchtcach usgthis (but that we arcixcfblvcd I9 lcglpnc Imthing) by thcir complement in the bufmcifc which hath madn i iFh‘FPii 1f¢“¥¢a““1b1¢iit0;h¢i1pus, and in “5cb_cmfi'vlV'€'§:o Indimakcsthczn nixzna 1 « f V A Fb°}'8i‘¥ Qfthi: if ntighhaiirfi W421 fqrcinro a mint: dircéi folicitudc, fhtvthcin " . i ?W"¢i"«i§9; I583“ Ofhcr noW‘ni;dIngcrbns§and it's like flaoxtlyi dcfpcraccuparty ii jn 1Si‘i’“‘°1‘£1iikimaiianfiilcfifiblc W burcthcén-.They flattcx thcmfelvcsiwitn A A gzixtrif hard pdverty gin: it will ndt (Io) beiworthi the wh1ieAto.gttcmptthem,i m zjhat '1s‘1u’rc’but"a pc:>m:creFuAge, wrathis iioutArngious, and ~anigierw is cruz‘.-ll, A b .1t%wh9c..1n Fund before cmrie and revenge? Let‘ thcxnibcaffurcd, that if" we bf: Ovctbbrnc with this Fcaflrcd mifchicfc,and that paxty’ whum they knbgw V to have been the xziflruxnents ofthcir'troubIc' as well Aas «ours prevadilie, they 1wi1ifiAnd the n2a1ignityAo‘c' ourNatiou to haw: Va firangeiinflucnczcintio theirsi : m misc doubiuig 505‘ iimir entmiesi amongichemf:lvcsand% fromu-s, to whmnj mfpecizziiy (acme amongixs they owe a great deal: tons: atd ;hc‘xrpreic1a:fafct ,A izheyitiauii cxpefi fewer firiends than formerly; urpleflie cheyfhiew ‘tfhlemfcivai-i A more friendly, and {owe [hall havcia third union of the two kingdoms , an union inbondage : But pzrdon this digrcflion, though Ibc our fifth: Kifigi dame, Imam not much otxmf the way; ~ A A _' - A ga E-IoW%Acan< we béifafc, unlcflé our Lawns b: To by which we arcipxeféwé-. ‘vcid,~Adnd how can that poflibly bc,5 iunleffe them‘ be fimcincwi pcwmsnax A *biifb.cd,or the old p‘bvv¢r:r(iF it be fouudionly to have bean dcficicdtini re-rpcsas "ofthc dperfons nrufled) in newhrmds, hswfhiall we be the b%:tt¢r'AA§fci.r‘oiit’ Iawcs, were our Lawcs better then they arc, uri1c_fi'«:i»{i:>;ncic’xaé?c= ¢w£ifcA’b¢;i A A taken to givcuithc bcnéfitof thcim ‘ma thoiigfi it fc:cmcs"ariunrpafona"blci ii A thing tonominatc officers in thqbchzilfcwof him who hath commanded aind dd 4 A bountenanted the vio1a::ion1of;La’w, t‘hatidm§1btlcfl'c man be the lhca-Pt ; and A "Accommodation; ‘Amid kiziari, nb reafonabicnimn but; fees the cafe: Acxtrvaordinary: The G.odAQf : Hcaven dircéi to a better rcmcdic than for pughtql hcatc is intended. A A i i In the next plate let ifi bcA‘c”onfidc:cd5whatAisi:cquircdA’tAo ”a_n honourdibledid T A Aiihormumble Accommedatiori mufi bi::if'o'iiii1 regard offiod Aahdiofour A iérlvts. ’ And here Icravci mercy from our overuforwiard -Accommodators ; A {Jmcane them fmm whom it is in vain: to crave jufiicc andu-utb,) that I Amgmtion God ,wl'm fare is am: in‘ all tI*i'aei_xAjthougI1ts,thcy¢ fcar iG<>d in a‘w:bng fcnfc, they fear: lei!-iAh7:5 &.:ou1dii:u1;¢a~uzc5ngu?s ; -diwhotfi yet ifwivc givedrzcézficiri to depart fi:omius.;,wlinich.1wc {hall doAAAby”"unworthy Atcrmes,‘our defence is dc; A ipartc d’fmArn‘us ; whom ifwciinow €o:fa;kci~ihc may jufily cafi us ofl*TA f'or‘evcr;.A « An honourable Atcommddatioii inrcFpe&; of God is a M‘: one in regard icaf id amag ltflfi-' our fclvcis, his henour is bound “up withi out happincifc; iwcr;eAit;pdliiblt': A to kttié pa ace without pruth5w¢‘fl1ouid yet bclbut whapthc Pram-bdfay of'a? i)e:mtiFuil harlot, A Pai:2idifé:itd"*thic~ey:;,bur a7Purgaitory toAtbei foulei? f A ‘ Q Now in regard dffiéad that Accommodation canbe oz;l3y"‘hot;ouirdablcthatA A A A mayicfiabiifhliis trueR¢1igiph?inAps:iritiac« and Aplcnty ; Such an onciasrmay‘ axAx:ijrf‘p‘Aat*e Popi:ry& fuperH»itiion*, lay‘ the grouisidaofa pious painfiiil dM‘ini&r:y;’ V A aind%itbAtij§;§i;d%¢MfidiA¢afiout t-iimi::’~{'ca:1Adal£iius {Editions pcrfiins, whioihavci'idfv3“;. fi*¢wed*fihémiiA1veAmiiI4iFf€§*édt9A the‘ flare wsfcrmfirlvtoth¢Chur¢'?5.%'i4T ifthiaaadvamagc agdi:ifl;thcm&offli:zing.iupxhc people tdwarxe againfijtfifii a R%¥1i§I33=ra§i _ A Péfrliamenthe=h¢g1e&_cd,Ikazgwhnoway 0F¢jaE3§ng:h€mAa hSu«:h an was-.~3 } mzyhL p,;,,._g¢houAAg do‘6’tr1nc,fi'ee It Frmr: {'a.:ch%r;;:;o2f<:‘*.%;*a:r..:s»2'an§ as ,.S‘.;;t;a;&z’%¢s Giuzrw, am3, ; %%théArm&nians take advantage cf,1‘ Parliau ° iniemls vaine ireperinionnfa Pe:ieion,o£re:u:ne,iu vsiliieh he liairh,eha: to come i 'iup;:nndtxuflehem,p were but namely to» lay dovme his Crownc, w hich y. i .fbreelehesyffiw they eouldinot take from.him.. I do go: rtknpwii ofanfy .fuc_h»; inclibitlans in his peeple,=but:I am: fare p;1i1qh»coun1Els‘.:nld fueh lcahriiages me e vvgytobegetxhem He? ig fmchenimld; orineeds‘ eellinggtbae;hee.»lpnres _j p) pwith:theFlower:of'his Crowne,whichie ienmircaibdxble, “nay; ;nah:llawifinll+l ifiérlliimtbflet in~!=i:§~r4i9@*P9l*°fi5iF*;wii 39¢ 139 hfiwiledlfihimli» that he cannot be fafc iniehe Airmen of his Parliament and people, lbecaufe they canmc ; that there: are inclinaitionsi to a defeétinnpinahis pcoplm and to an innovation ofGovemme*nc evenin the greatefl points ofi: Yn the Plfllflv ; mpene,or many confidemblclperfons in it,1udi eheneeiinfbere, that there is no A lyvayi for his Majeflieca keepeithisepeimledges, not his perfoniandi Cmfw/mg but by force ofarmes, and therefore mull have them placed iuph*ands:rh1el‘?~af T Riheffi. l H mm areas he-Farone-who wrote the late Anfwer tpothe 0l>l*':rvationseprin...r. A zcd by Comem%tn‘d atioxfbrlg i It is lawfitll, nayinceellary A for us to his; or t “ l Mafefiie with whatright God hath giveous, a right in onrfélvesmwe may ?;,,,.i,,. part with, yet more ofo-urn liberty, and lavyfitlly and profitablymake our 1’»w$*;/3‘? “lelves flares, but itis_notlavvfi1ll for the -King to part Within inchpofPre;-;. rogative or abate aljot ofpower, though forthat end For whichall his powégl or wasgiven him,his‘ peoples good, and given him by us, ‘ He cannotdoe jg; 3°‘ “’ * A withouewrong to hisi{{'ue: This willbut give us oecafionto dilizulfg how «ff» ifarre we are obliged byany 1&5 or grants ofpour anceflonrs , rgiviogaway f tégij their and our liberty, and determine For oureadvantagtyi Doubtlelfephis e iMaje{iies thoughts remaining as they »have of late. appeared to be, it “annot becxpcflcd that (had we the hearts to ask: it, which {otne n fay unwo:tbnp,§,f‘,_, begin to faile men, and make themfaile their trufl) hee fhould intrufl the l power of the Kingdom: in thofe handgwhom we can only. ttufl, that isfuclt e,,::~;,v, this prefint bufinefle have lhewed themlelves faithfull to the Kingdom. A Theticale ofconflituting a. power to fee the Lawes duly exegutechgog atleaflbfplacing the prefen-t power in better hands isthelike. Thpefe connfl M1, lellours tell him there can be no new power but what is rent out oflhie , and V zthedifpofing oftheformer power is lilvewifeehis, thatif itbehnot dfifpofed-" “ "Vby himprijelfi: tinder-«hand byfome body for him, it will be an litnfirffetable i , e " «diminution o’f'his»lobl'ervanee andauthority. And no wonder thought many t endevo‘urthu:" to po{i'efl'e him, beeaufe they look: to have this povrerplaced in themfelves, to ufe it as theyhave done: His Majefiie hath been alwayee A A _ obferved to be too true to his owne ends, and to the erfons promoting A thempthough othermen who would yet be more confi ed in, have Found p A’ e in ‘way to ‘employ men andtdelert them; to that 3 reafimable manwho weighs ‘ 7 perfons and things mufl co?nelu:del,tha=t the King is not likely to _yeel,dheatti.. M A e hands thathave given open teflimony, or doc give feet 7 to]t”hjerfettling‘ofthat power, whereby he judges and rules, but into fuch ct iotimations and i hope: either by their promilieaor their perlbns thiateeithe power tfluaelln hearted. M to the advance of prerogative .:md«ikeepingti ,theihigh tway’. Y0fl;l2a5z“foxn,e l ' r body mufl be trufled, flitytmfl themlthet have notdeceivedtheirtrufi ;”'you, aske where they are to he found 3'1 wifh I could anfwer 1tt;ni_As Lwher once ” it p ~c'all'd'forl the 46”‘ Pfirlmjotldfor thcitWclfth,lHelpe,Lard,fiv: the stodgy man eufrzr, tbefairhfulllfiilefiom tbeicbildrege of “Butt tifpeour clyfiji were .. opened; we might pretty well lee whom not to truifl, neitheirtewrithrie Lewes 3 w Atrnes;thatisl,fa‘me?irall%Cedar po{is,:wholTe Varniflv isgnow lworne cm, the A warmest leen, the«rorttenne£{'e~dlili:o~med,letn ‘en theli.-be any longer moan. Sredror tiled :‘tspill:rs»of~?tke Commlonawealthot: Trufl not mentjhsttpafc really- j }1needy,;unlefleybube«rfure tbeyteapmalecnobetterhargaige ;pltrufl_‘ not men that ‘bg coyetoufneuile malgethemfelves needy, they pwilllfmaltejja bqgaine " V t k‘ * ‘ - i B e r A pi i for e». (I4) 4 i for thcfrifcives and ofyoui; "trnfi not mm thatarc icmwne witiaus and {Eng} i fua1‘y c0%rrupt,thiou“gh i'orwar‘d;aA{fc'rtors c>fLiber:yi, they zminidanger to he i given upby Godgor ca givcthfimfcives gap to aéiioris every Wzzv difhozzoum. mmsc mufi : and f::fl'1:3g%*JC find man vary! fiebjszéi to be corrupted byi”n:'}I10'.Ui.' and?iau:hm*iAry, Hgscciaily in theft: times whcsmlfich {hares are iaid andifiicia hie. Ti1ez:'uh:hiis,thC/hgh it fouxadiiakm Paradox, where f::wcc'ciailyi aftc;:i fuch flixrrinig chgphummm on bdth fidcs, as to kc:-pc peace in this Kingdoms. \ One mufl Adowm, 3. A conccrncisius nccrciy to fcdwhich: Firfhlet us confide.-r,whcr.—her it islikely by our7AI:rcatyfo to abatc the numbcrand power of Papifls, as that thcy than inotfczminc concinuallthorncsiin mirfidcs. It is juflly fcarcdcbeyhavc too A deep: an intcrcfi, and another kind cfrcward is expedited by them and men. dad co them For their forward and txféfullhfcrvicc at home and abro:d,all that . they have done in Ireland is noti1iincerning"reafon.{ We are indeed tgld bywhinj t1xar,uudei*rakes rlre-a%nfv;rer.rq the Obfervaror, rhac we mufllup-«l poll: rhea; Prrrrinm sane ofhisr wiugeirher not come to chem or pal’: the m,amad~ .vc£1 ‘man{ar7a»childl%nha*t willr nor do all for ghee fifety arid profperity of his people; -llw 3»! l in whhzh he is faéfe and flQuri{hcs., We are teld this but find the contrary and A A have found irfo ofcerr,ltl1arrrreirrrcea1’es to be a rwonder. Alt: is not impoilible For :1 1 man: nbr’[ourofhisrwits,h heirlzler though in that particular llzelxarhnocrhe right are of rhem to doc that which mayflccnd tohis own ruirze for warrrpf fare fighgif you be HOE in this refolved aske our reverend Prelates. ‘ A “ W‘ A A Br3rfurrherrthough’a Prince may be render ofthe lives ofhis fubjeélsg calife he woulrvlerrheve many can rule over; yer it is a quefiion or a negative .cor;a§- elulihngwhethc the defires no prefirée ehcir livemib as they may’ 5; worth the »Ainjeryirgwiehthcadflnfiegfi9f$b€i!;FiQ3FE"‘“d1355153?-A15i5tfU€ai‘fllfighF V A h reafagrthisgouglittfl be3hiSdc‘fit¢'Infl eqdevour,beeaufe it isrrhe honour of ‘_ V J1:3rinee'rqberlruler.pf;richand freepercpple; bu: wcmariyr tlmeesrfirld%erhar= “ V Vprrinee; repre*l'err5;gl1eir%;fi_.rbje&s rg gherrrfglves in rherrfanxe relation asrhelanrl A‘ ‘ , A A (16) -toltheiiea, whgtpl than gainc outof it is mineemme; Every abatement of 2. i . A priviledgein them is anadviancement of a prerogative in me,;h¢ cmpgygnga i their pnrfeé file my CotfferS.Md‘To make the happineffe of the people and iA A their owntgwhich lhould he Wr2p’d up together, to bee two difiindl, nay All two contrary things,as~it is in Ftancei, and hath appeared to be in ‘England- in the mid fl ofthati 4. yeares i'poi‘le made upon us. judge now whcgfigfig bgjf T not poilible nponthefe termesfot a Prince to be fo fartefrotn iieeking the honour and faiety ofhis people as to feelte their ruineas the foundation :ro€ I a A hisrifing;and make afieond judg—ement,Whether we have not i"o..reprel'ented‘ to his Majeftie; So that youtfee or may fee there is abfolute necciiity, that It. Prince {houldi alwayes fee-lte the true fafcty ofhis people with the advantages= of wealth and liberty : But his gracious Maiefiie will; we have no wayron . judge ofrhens wils and difizofitions, but their former nélions and pteient pre.-..; "V ; parations : it is too apparent, he hath atleafl permitted things to bee done it ~ vcr tnutzh "to the prejudice of i his people_.,_but we have promifes for what wen: wi , We with there were no reafon to diffide. Its one extreme unhappineifo that the word ola King cannot rid us of all Feares ; iwhat would you have; M further; that which wee pray God for; a hearty clofe But Whlll would; you have his Majeflie doc hirther for-Ayour fatisfafiioniwe would have him*~,.i A n i doe,Prcvent the propofitions with fomethingthat might really advance the good ofhis people, and abdicate allthofe petfons and"Coun{'cllours wfhei ‘ have fomentcd this defirufiive jealoufie, and given the "advifi: fiat this un;-* happy divifion. It tnLt[’t not bee wondred that people‘ will inot.b:.fatiefietl» A V witht-promiles and proteffations, that have lived upon thern9f they are alrnofl Rarved,-and they cvidcntlyiée 8'fw"e tough hand going 310mg, with, Intel's finooth voycc. A i it ‘ And truly fortny pAart,as it is doubted whether hehiill, 12: whether he: ‘l A A V hi i ean,withoAut a hard adventure yccld to things fomuch for ournedvantagegnd" ' l ‘ for the difadvantage ofhis greatfiuard. The devill is now got out of the i Circle and pIayesReakes,thegua“rd is thriven to an Army_.,two orthree. Its fame doubt whether the “power that ’1‘aii7:d' the devill can lay him; lhmg: heard it reported, and am ready tovbeleeve it, when I eonfidergthe difpofitio l i on ofmany men about his Majeflie, that fame lhonld fay, as they hadp no i gage.-d themftlvcs, their friends and fortunes in the qnhlrrell, as marrc could not be made without them, pcacelfhouldlnot. And there is one doubt1efl‘e in vvhofe btefl you may finde that indignation of Irma, Ma»: iwaipa den fifi‘crerw'£1am,c§-cg So that in the rnlaltingof peakzelitlio feared itheretnnfi bct A Articles made by themand for them_.‘, in whofe peace we can have no peace; t I A Judgeye nowofthe liltelyhood of as fat‘: Accommodation, :fomethin pay hefurthet added coneeming the ptobabilitie ofan honounable. At A L1.9“9B!%i?l§i§?°"P¢3Qf§9.‘iif‘ Wits !‘°P°§li§~.“3F;§S shétiiB°pcryIl=mfi 7) A bag rooted up ?* Maywe notrathcrjn regard of the letviee done by the Pa; ~ Apifls,ertpe& anlrrtolerableltoletation.t Butwehave marry engagémgxrrslfgg A the P’ro‘teflan‘t7Profeflion. I mufl heere ierlouflyhprofeffe my doubt, that“ A there-isfomc cquivlocetlon-in‘that-word Pratefhint; that the fenle lstaltetr as it hath been‘ by fomevery large. You know how by the fuperfiitious Pro.» lanes; the pillarrsof the Ktiogs protefiant Religlotgpopety hath been refirai-nd,l ~ and ptoteflanclé mull be accordingly enlarged. The Atchbifhop of tCa:4mr~... N, 5ur_y profefl'ed himfelfa ditefi enemieto popery trulyand properly to call’tl,,, when I beleerie he orrlythoughtto beethr: Popes Sn premacie, which bee toulclfcaree rpm him; for allother points or mail, we know were pree--f ched and printed with his Command or connivence. Now" if the protellztntf Religion helenlat-ged,.accorcl"ing as the popilh is flta-itned, a promife to main. V talttetheprotcfla;tttReliglonis more thenlla mertcan vvllh. , Wltat hopes that fuperfii-tioln fhould be étbollflted, his Majeflie cxpreflizti; hwlmfelfat Caméridge an approve: ofall the fuperllitiotts dreffes and gefluresfi there ttfed. V t l l ‘ A Ofthe purgirtg our Dofirirse or reforming our Difczlpline what hopes 25‘ We {hall have a.% Synod, but who dares cometo it upon the ‘Accommodatiw on? or who dares fpeake Freely in it, after the Parliament by this Accom... modatlon, {hall fubnlit come King ; ,wonde.r not that I count an Accotntnloa datiott a fitbmiffio-n; I belceve the King ( arid juflly) aecountsthe o&'cr ofit: a vi8tory. Howttmlerably will you find the indifferent Clergie warping to the prevailing party; thetzealous ablent, and that ju{flly,l for I have 2; great‘ deale ofreafon to he confident, that fettrce atrycotrfiderable man, Wh0'ha_th been engaged in this quartellon the Ptarliaimm‘tt part, I make bold to call it fo,for“l hope theywlll yetowtte it, ifhe retain: histintegritieglares abide the ilfile of; prcfent Accommodation. “ y‘ t l V t t V For the tmlnolltltitigterrdirrgto the honour ofGocl and theSaIvatlonof men, the eflehlllfltinlgloftt foithfhll painfitll lt/llrifil-lttlty,l how impolltble is “it t Accommodation» ‘Way muftbe made for thatgreat worke by d“il'pl:tcing" thofe‘lidle,fi:andtrlous, fupcrfiittious, ignorant perform, who are fztmsii naflra‘ tmlamimr, Buthowthlscatrbedooe by compofitiomlapprehend notfifthtis 7 W H advatrtage rrgrtlnfitherra ofllirringup thflpébplo to fpoiletmd rapine were tfikcflflt were agtrotrli llltel yr mesmtzs of rooting out them‘ who hrrd lhulfled” l their cards {'0 cunnirtgl‘y as to be out oflthe reach or Low in Aotherf refpefisg to hutifithefe men to unfit: either for Church or Common-hvvealth be A dcrrmr.-2% 4 t1ded,lheleeve.=thlsblaek guard mull not he parted with *3 they may cdntentllt A with fhfit highefl .delirrque*nts,l’«~nay4Parpiflsftthc’ml7rlve§ for porn; of Service in if ‘ this eerie ; they t1mvelblceh—Atlrefrogsheorrlmintgldutrefrhel mouthrafrhe beam find_§Vhéifhl'f€*rPrOphflt,flitting‘ thepeoplc 'tohettell. tel'l'mg themQth:tt" A theughttthtrtd§si1;1§l$hsrt?f=1mrGod wi11ti%véC=hc:n.th¢tr fhan t¢i£h€rf1il""‘: l A ‘ l4'"5aifl£~?_“ ll "C183 4 Sainté oi: dye Martyrs: Thefé men -mufl beefparcci in re~gardAof rhc iiarvim they havc donc, cannot be: I'parcd#in regard ofthe fcrvicc they may again do, A *£ip<1n’thc1ikc occafion :” A far let any manAobfE:rve and be fhallAfiAnAdc;tAha:: rhofa places whichAhaAvc‘ been the dens of fupcrflition, the dungeons ofigmnoranc.-,5 i ghcfigkgs of pgophanneffe in rcgardiot fbandiious Minifl¢fs,ha5v'¢‘contr§b}.1tcd aha forwardcfl afi7:flanccAin this caufir againfl the ~Pari'iaAmcnr. Though vviA1;i}'A hotdcny but Tom: learned and ingcnuous men (whofc principlggfl-,Ah;ve' %y,_.,;. A A A AAAbccnAeb::iow the power of godiineffc) have upon gcnetal1mi£iaA~kg:sAai1dith¢ fwaying of particular ends engaged thcmfcives in this bufincffc,‘thoughMnm% -fo deep as others. i A A 7 A ' “ A A “ \ And no doubt; but the Pxci-ates thCmf5’1V¢5 Wiil be again: accomimoAdateAdAa, A A By this Accommodatinngnotwithfianding the votes (coithcmi now tiAdAicuiou$.i A ~ and cai1’d doccs)¢;Anfi7c:d againfi :hcn2,for they fay a Parliament ordinanké cati A iccoilc as well” as a CommcationwCanon. No doubt, I-{'aAy,Abu‘tAAchicy may ;A_-AA¢=_-...i * gain: chcirpowcr in the Chui:eh,choAug1h i:"‘s iikc ehc Lords Ahoufl-. may ncvcr}; A *havcA need of charm .AmdA'iafiIy,how canchc Eaniiby»rhiisflccommiradationfic cieanféd ibloudghac cryingifinnc,~vvhCzch haVchibcen%% contra&cdAAbythisiqwarzgiig iftiiéi» Parliament havc ingaged mcnAAtoAAAfhcdA in-qD‘"C¢nt bioud,I fcc.Anorea{_'ozi but thfli. uélmcyfubmirfiind an c1tpia;i0n~bcmadC3= if on the contrary the Anripaxzliae mcntaxy fa&H:m»bcarc the guilgwhy not the pmnifhmcms P As I apprchc11&<- it, thcicbAicfc4~cndA:of" th:isij:akiAnfgAuVp Argms A on thcirl patty was my bring D5... .finq_w:ntsico’Apunifhmenc, id1€“ia;»<.m¢y Agivcup onAAti:.efd ncrmcg t-hay ham: 'ma_dc m-any Dr:linAqucnrsf,puiiii{I1icdmom-:A,butArati3eArAAgivcmi*1em §2%faAiArc énczoui... *1“,-AagcxncnttoA the like oFFcnc‘<':s by Fhcvvingtiucxxz rim worfl they can iookcvfons Afibm thcjufiiccofa Pi’ar1iAan:cn‘r.,A And t1'Ui)Zrthi8AAA'Am me is 2; i'ad—. icoz1fideiratioh??.Aii ~ which makesmc bclecvc God will natpréfiacr an Accommbdatiioniiwithonti amine ¢aetcAi1tianiof.jiifiicéitip;;)efi rhc‘Afc blow-A-rhirfiy men... "I zccad in Adm {im:~A AA {of»’i'A .Z£!amaffc:,wthatiithcmghhe AAaf':c:rwAarci rcpmtcd ,which our ciAncmiAes at'¢_:_ a'Artc:;- A AA.AiAAfi¢om, yin: wr~a;:hAcamc upcm judah :-.nd_[crufa1cm,i-bccaifixfgof the prtxvocg_ AAim7~;;_$'m2~42;4Z.tions A4iA>f<flAf4at:a_fi2-.r,i:vut pmiculm-liy for ?t~I:AacA ipnoccncbioud which ihgiflaqdyw iwhlich thcgkoxd Awo~uici:n¢;mpardbn.A Iftht people, andcfiicciaiiy cheparnagiii thfiir urmdfi :OAwa=fl)AAth:i»m hands,1m1~d cIcai1f¢iithicAILand Aihis Aidnoccnc dud‘ Apmioui blond A cm: A hath Abccn flied»; AI .chatAbib1iAdA,3_ ’wh'Aich take not care tofbcc Aavcngcd by AthemA,A will Aiavcngcd upAcin.. A mhctn;..wh~ichA :hcyf~willibcltcvAc,whcn they ‘Fe;-c their Accommodatiqm Att3Arn¢AdA: A = A §i1toAAa»n Aiffa{fination,iiwhich is. no impoHibic‘bufinc§’Ai "i:,in¢i:1a-eri 1wiIlA’mu3€Hfurther "1$aA:icnfcc AasAAAr:o.A work: wiics,~hndAwi11i;i1n§,s;i::% * A V’ “(W i . ..»«A A ‘ ‘ V! W A V ietcedmwitl let they mufiAb¢A taken QutofthcAWaAy“. APardAon_:: c1:cfeVmc1a.ncho.lA A 4 lick thoughts, A1AdAAoubA:Athcrc arc: too mmy ofmy mind,Aagd‘y¢; ,1; may b¢’;mA % A ough. A A V A AA A A A Bu:A{&A Aesmy confidcntf'ricndA,whcn yo_11f‘ec i"aFe and ho‘n_o1_tabIeA propofi. A (ions offcrd and agregd upon, are no: you ga1lantlyAdc4ceivcd.AAI coz5fcfl‘cI;A ;m,1{haIlbc_dcce1vf:d xffizch tcrmcs be; ofihrcdg mozcif they be kept. ‘ I“ Bugwha: willyou fiywhcn you fee :hcAKingcomc to London,_uponAtAheA motion Aof thcACity,a;1d a yeclding of thc faircflrerxnes youcan cxpeék? Icana. $: % m:tcI1Awha:tofay,but I know What to think. Yet! may tell you whapthjg '3‘//Effigfgi 1;a1iamfiy,T’heyfcqrccurtcficsfomctimcsmorc than injuries, and this in... £11 "EAR Am loufyais not Aalwaycs folly. lwould makcit a rule formy own: pra&iféA,1c: ‘ as mum cube: tncnlivc by their own: r__uAl;~s; If my provoked prof: [fed anemic Af'uAdAdcn.A. ‘*5 '- A ly withtzuc ground become miraculoufly kind, and clofcAwi:hA rm; 1 {ball rcmcmbcr Iaab and yiwufn. I ask; paraézgl again: :A My melancholy is ‘Y In Aconclufion my thoughts are thcfc, 5:11 that‘ upon Athcf: conAfidcratiAons it fimmcs no me improbable chacfifc and honomblc ncgmes ifnheybc ofiigcd, AA 7 A Aihouldbc granted Aan.dAkcpt. A A . A , A I A . A A If % V A ‘ A$e¢oAndAly,;houghAmcn bc'wcary%AoftheAprcfi:nt, and dcfire to tuxnbleA‘ir;-ye“; their former conditions; It ficmcs not agrccablc to uh‘: order ofdiAvinc difpcn-,3 ¢ Afatiomthac all this flirt: flwuld bcmadc, this blond fhcd,A to pwducc A; gold gficcqmmodation : Doubclcffc the psriod ofchis bufincifc will be fomfcf. Agrgfig A _al:c_m;iQn,libcrty or cyranny,Popcryor true piety. AA A VT-hough men, gm: men and a great many fomc:im¢s, raifcga great deal: of» M AAdufl,aud‘makcAa_q1igbty buffl.cAandbring fImhA nothing but Wind 1: Yet Gad AA,vvh.o doth no:hA’inginA vginc is not wcmtco Alay Afuch foundations, and tcmpeg. ,mAogn¢:wiA;b b1qudA,AtbAhAavc the ref’: of chcbuilding daubcd up w'u;b untcm-A .;_porcdm@1;'{tcr. Thc%rcAAarAc many,,thqugh Anotprophcfics , AyActAAfad pxcdiétipns which godly and wifcmcri have Found A by pray_cr and obfc:Awati%on,1 no by: fut; A .Afi1d upon us -before we can; «look: forhappincflfcs though iufiods due rimfe, A A ;andA~wcA hope irmlhott time he m:y~bring light oAucAoAfdarAkncffa,~ and pcArfl:& out ofihis Atgoublc. Alisha fuffcxing almbflthanh fallcn uAponAAchAc hoAnA£_Ai: A pf @,;0d.l'l1dgcmcutA commonly bcgms th¢rcA;A but me ;bAinksA Ai; fhould gAx¢>AcAcq§:l s;th£x¢:A If&hie“gncdin3¢.~tr«;cbc cut coAb1;eding, fur: the dry fl1al1AA'AbcA%c;,1tAco ring:WcA.haVPbcc:n fa long dandlad in peace and fcnfufingéplggfuxps 1:113: _yvcAAAc_ap A Acndfiuxcitsothinkaf nothing »¢lfe,%bm in is tqbc A doubted wcAm1A§fl acc9AuAntAAf9r% ‘ A Mh?¢AwcA.hWemA%A% AAAAIWWAWQ1?MWbu&4aAb¢f0r° W=A‘?¢twi19dWi*§1 4 A :m9mcx.AtY:f93Y ‘WAF“YIf¢3Y¢5,At110flgh!?’Y*h0R‘3 9-;11d.P?’)V’~‘1‘)1f55>;°AA3 A A ” >I:omdV~'3Aov1d*fa¥:=<‘2:WAd¢firWingAMg*=l,:ItAissrnofigh-AA1 and . 1 AA~1%fRgA1A5AQ1W§A\£h¢4%fiW0Pfi¢%¢ 5 few /mrd vftb=A,lAW§ Alim img A???“ WI;%?AA Aer-47469 A‘W'5=a A_%W~r~;r W We #0 fi'«6W»r¢flAa~d%Aév% flilz; “BM my [ A ..._...,......;.. % m’om:h isrcaiiy Ed bc~f{optAw'i:l1 phc (us) A foliovving \'reiri"e, How my égqigigég, fig; * AA flag 2,32 Lo7?dAbdtJs;g£veni£tucharge-agair:/f England , ézc. Let ‘me rio~t.htr7c ?be7‘3 3..r5.%. mifinrerpretcd ( I kuqwVIf'p::ak¢$ ro,:mgry men) IAl_,ay downc this am bar: a... piniciri, I make: it no: a. rule to my owncor others working. I prayfor peace- lhbour for pcace,advi['cfor a good and Vfi.-af:‘3 nab1cypcacc,tlmugh%my A ghcmghtg A mifgivc in Pairs-to‘E' fucidaitie event. Ilet %certaiheArtxIes% ‘and: Aknowne g&¥6undsAA fixcfias thcié, Fallow pe.¢cem':b~al!-‘men 6'ba!inefl?:,t)5¢:for&fAlov:A‘the trzyw pea‘: , [fit 5‘:.pc::flé/c( now that is onc1yApoffib1e which is lawfi:!I;— ~HawAm21Al‘ da:Ar/aglt and/Yrim-.?) liwpcaccaélj with .221 Vmm)‘-°be uh: gni1des* of mine and‘ others afiiongnotwithflanding fuch,rhough not groundleff:=,f'u’rsx:i{'cs.... Th; Worldfccrmtsro bebigge~with fame great birth-,the Lord haflcn inin its ciAmc; A altcyva-tions fizcmcr to ‘abide a11~ACh:§i-8&1 d’omc, I pray make ours" forrhei °bcttt:r.% I leave it nowto the" worldjor ac lent’: to the l~it!cAMworld *0? pm..A A demzmcn, to judge what Alikclihood. zhcrc isof a- fafc and honoxableA~Ac«A commodation fuch none as maybcj built uponthé foundation ofAcAm;h«,=-A P‘:-accA wix:h;cm‘tAAcruI:-hA-is‘ no tfue*pcacc, IF the Avw:if<;doAr1A1¢%whic11 lycs agdinfl i:h‘é truchis ear:hIy,%{'c;-nfuall, anddivc1li%&15Awha:fi::vc; is done by orfm us; God gram; itwmay be done by that wifdongc which is f’romA+a%bovAe,thatAAVis firfl pure; than pAc:accabIe,wi:hou: pax’tialicy;Awichour hj7poc—rifif:; And then the fruit of’ righteoufncfll-: Willa be fownc in pcaceto them~ that make peacc.. A: I * V But f'uppofE:*(ificbAc%¢11wfirH%tq«~%bc fiJppoI7Acd)A~t' he Parliamcngthrougb nut: M the abfancc of mamy réfolvcd men, now imploycd A in part'mu1ar~ f'crvAiccsA Ho: A their own: Countrics, out of an intolerable w¢atincfl'c‘l%of4thiAs%A prizfim condi... t;ion,andAfcarc'o€che event, agree to the making up of an ulafafc - unfacisfying 7 . *.Accommodation.% This would beget a quefiion, whichAIl1opeIAflmIlncv:r “have occaficm to difputc, whcthrcr in cmfi: :fh¢Arcyrcfentacifrc body Cannot, or AA AAWi1Al%.n*ot, difchargctheir t”mfi~’to the fatiftéfiion, nbt'oAff2;rscy.., but of rcafon in r:hcApcop1‘e;$ they ma. A their %mni1iFcfl undoing)» andrufic Afafccyig And ifthis doubt cannm be their powcrfo Fm: as conducts so their re{7o1v~cd~to the advamag: ofchc Apeople A “but be {oundbkhcrun1a.w»fl1l1AorVo:hcrwif: impo[fihk:i knowbuctwo waics V Avmorc betwixt which tAhc%chdi{c is my A hard , hang or fi%ycs?** for liqr1,c liberty, thatwill gay roundly,apd fiwh-tcoogfueed bcaandicannqt well be (pared. And truly as there is a great déa cpl‘ unfafcty in in iA§nreafonA, fa ddubtlcfllt it woizld give God BE} advantage againfi the: AN_a-4 {ion and -‘ Aakc himjirccced without: any fuch dcmurrc,Aas,AHgA#A_/r5411 I gale ghee r1}g,0; ¢E‘pbmiw?O England. A h u I A A A V A %'¥A AA L « ‘A A Bu: onAc_I;hig1g further : Although an Accommodation may beAAprpbablc;, 4 yet I meet with many who hold a {hang convenh:-m:'iAe, A ifhot anAAa.bfulutcnc- gcfficicpf fchdihg propgfitimns , in whol'cAAcl¢niall maybe advantage, Em: ilgis in vain: for me to dxlputc that which tlm Parlxamenphavc d<:tcrm'1nfA’Acl;-.I bncly wifhthe fcndingofrhcm may cflocas much good, as thc: delay in fi:a;. ming ofchc‘m hzuzhclonzz harmc... It is‘ f‘ffome ofzhc Kings Plrty; 1 am fine the makir g them at this {A fiimc hathloll foma: ofchc Parliaments, ithath ldividcq the Cuy, the Par» A liament, l'.hCKAlL1gdO1‘1‘2¢, _almoPtPc:h:vcd.chc Army, and brought things$cAoA A yconfufion. Forhwhcnlpcoplc conccivcthe Parliamemrecidcfiomthéir priinu A piplcsand votcs, whereby they have formerly declared themfélvcs in an im- Acapacipy oficreating and give lislc 1:.-flAi:rhAcn an implicite conl?:m:.ro an a.ccu- faciqn oftrciafo-:ia agaihfi their infirummcs,: hcy begin no withdraw their hearts lAAand?h%ands,nor. kno»vJing, how low they, xneahc ta goc chcmfelvespr bring Athl-sir“ £::ic~ncls.AAIc wcrc chcrcforcxo be wilh::d;A that AprcAparation‘s for warm and ppacc whre carried on with an cqpallAhand, that the cx1nnicsLof the Pm.-4.. liamcnt had not fo rwlzclx cnco%ur%ag¢xncn::, not their friends {<5 ml1AchAlldhi{‘couré- mag: uncut; Forxlcc us be a{l'urccl,iFt;hc Par1ia:ncAmgivcchcm,whom they ca1l’cd= .,;malignaL1rs,eqx,;al1inccrcfl in them vvltzh their Fricnds,fxiéL1dSA wiIlAbc harder to A wfindmhfigghvgxghey w%c%rc,*and,l'urthcfl ofFWh€n thcrc is mnllmzégd ofthém. A A fvlutc ‘And lwhara lanmjntabléxhing aP.arliamcnt is without the pcoplc,il1 Aall jufl« ‘cafes to flhickfl to them, ifyou know t1or,gcmc1nbert.h¢ Afouuhl of I4f:a;:;2r-y,thR:A “great Army by land and Navy by Sea; the pikcs and}? protcflétiens ,‘thaAl:' A have been mcmqioncd with a jecring indignatipn.4 But A I lhérxc {érlonflyl a.ske- — ~ Apardohfar making that my worke, which his the Wbrll or Wifit; mcml any dead cola dilhomlé I hop.-: bcyond cxccgpxion, AWhl£h’tAV\'ill bcsx )AAiu{’&‘\it1’l’fé:cnccA "Afiorh that which hachbcenfai-cl, concerningAAccommad§:it;lir is ‘of . t1arAcl-Hlfiihi-saAArtA3ra A. B: difl"Oll§A’dAh¢Ais%a WK? tlmltllchowés lwlhéré ti) haAv£cl N "‘;?l?PFhl?T3 if???haveAA90nv.$N6*lAW1A WW Md to thil1kAAOfxiiflfirig”PropofitionslA Am: g4{hVa1l.h;¢;;}a;d§l;qroq.1x llancls, _or :0 v;mr;hmAds;,A a5nd‘ll‘u¢;kls;J:Ais l:lfc‘7:h‘m+A»A ‘ ‘ V V fi‘’l'‘|A‘ \ . +4.1, Ar _ A ll -3‘ A C». 3%, A A A mm: cc¢mz1e#:ha: chm b¢a.nA army .ti11Aihlé- Klng; l'¢cfit 1:0 difjzharge his ¢?fo“:‘Ate toihtdiffetent men to judge, w taified by the Patliamet and ma‘intained‘by the Cityand Kingdome tmay not. , y intiufhce e:tpet9c countenance and maintenance from ‘them, 4by weliomb am t =fotA whoAm,they but been employed and engaged. For t‘heffitAAfi which ié . tcountenanee they (had not [0 much npo ’ A" ta-tion, bu‘: thelattet is the maine. A A (M)? A’ hethet it be not fitthet this petfent Army n,only as it in part of their tcpu; ”‘AIfinde even among the Parliament men, many who thave cont-eiv'd gm} ettptefftd ,1 thinke uniufi I am fut: unpolitike jtaloufies of the artnygwhich ~>h-avefo Fart: wrought upon many confidetable men in it, that in cafe the ma; netcffity againe tcturne, [very much Eeate, whether they would not rather’: flyto {Ewe thAeitowne lives then hand to fight for them who {Io tcquite them; Itis“ a fltange and unhappy tutne, that where the fifi:ty- not «long fiance was; (andbtoa tight judgement now is ) there the danger {houid be. = Cannotwe A H jbceconten-t to be jealous ofour enemies ? But it is not to be wondteddat~' when the people who hevtebeen their imtncdiatet fafety find thelike meafua; A from I'omeAofthem_,AwAho begin now to {'ufpe&,, that they have been {o for; to clot fotne fltange thing, and be midwives to fame Chimera, which ya my body knovves what to make of} I gutfft at fuch thoughts by fame exprcm; Vtonsl haveheatd firom them,who. fay they doubt the people aims at A fomg hearts, which they ate {'0 horribly afftaid of being fetviceable to, that they‘ -ma'tnytAimesAdoubt whether themfélves fhould doe their ownt duty,-btcémfég they fufpefi other men forget theirs; Not confideting that this is" the way to V ‘beget: countetejealoufie which may undoe all,but the Parliament fittt. Theta ate forne men, it maybe, thatfwill not fpeake what they would ~~hdV€':,it is atiikely that they will nevetattempt it, men: wifhts may»"hcmo£. tdefi enough, all things confidered,and yet notteafilyexpteffed. The Patliai. Amtntfinde itan cttttemehatd thing to fity what theznftlvcs would ohm-V-M, .they are as men walking emong Quagmitea, know not when totAfgfi’¢n Ag fbot; No wondctthough the poem people whofe thoughts are a1lf£Km1‘low; A A feed uphindan iowne fafety. V get andtdifltafiiodud cannot fayywhat they would have”‘fox‘yth¢i; Butfot the matter of the Army, this Treaty is not like to be of’f'oT 1% difpatch,iF’£tfeIy cartit-d,but it willadmit, my urge atconfi§i€§fation'df A tnaintainingthe4Army,‘and findingoutAa Ietttled watytotfmaitntetiayjfcc, The A A Kingdomehathhitherto fupplyed the Armyjas the King fupplyedhtmielfc A Ward for their ftpplyes and dtfencgonly, that they might make?‘ unit: or them A great inficudum, fomcthing to big For their mouthetthough not fortheir ' before the Pat1iaAment by loanes andbargaines, and a contttribution;tIiab1t:t to ttto’ ghtet mbilhhiefesytytouble and uncertainty-,,it”vvete goodsfome conflant "A V dcoutfeweteundettakentthat we mightbe tid”oFout-'feares«, and the hopesotf A~ - A cnémzmfirrlc dafh‘davtI.i-2 fittssctshtmhlzeswtré E1!Ff3i13P£0foutr+tteaL . ‘ t ‘- *- ~,.r's~"'«-** "' W t M‘ """‘»_‘ "-'" ‘I t ‘ ' t y‘ - ‘ ‘ I \ It ) funtt. knowing wefhavc not the Conf?Iicncé*tAcA) i1iv7e.as*gthcyd1otC; And*t0*thi8i purpof: an cxcize,a weekly affiffcmcnt Am: voluntary C0ntAriAbut'i0nt‘ .m»ufit ibéc,tv thought on. Asit: is no 'contAemptibie fummcthat is’ paid upon a voluntary V mcmtthiy contrtibutionfo it mighttbt: made morcttonfidcrablc, if men were by f,omc_mtancstor other brought to a level! : A for itis thedtmcvfizncffie hi zhtigrotmds men attttponthatmakcs thicimifiumbieiiqt this way of fuppiygt A AA they fay and fay §u{’tI.y,thatuAt1Itf.i‘c the difaffcéicd patty be mdmzttd t®“'fGme' propiottrionzble tcirmcgthcy Fhailegoc on to itnpovcrifh t‘hcmfei*vest,tr and mink-c thcmfélvcs the objcéis of the fiiomc and infciencic ofthlfir‘ enemies, flndthc piEy’0FthCirfi“l@!I1d5. Htrcthet'cfor¢lctit~b'c r:onfidctcd(na~yictit:**bec A no longer confidtrcd, In re Mm imfld new 4/} deiébtrnndnm) whcthcr with ahi diligence‘ (1 hadiaimoflfaid with ai1vioIencc,)i the Ordinance for atffcfliog " 'thciiNAon§¢0nttibutots be not to be put in jcxtcution :: .1? am aihamcd 051‘-ht »éxAcufcs made inthis particuiagfomc that atccmpioycd pretcndthey‘ are afis fraid offitihqill WAlnOfthC§rm!;'iCighb0‘i.i1‘9.. But what cquitic is there invthis .proccedi»ng;itkisacontinuallquarrtll (mi mim trfg.)3I1th¢ACi€*Yaii»th3€ 31?! Army marches not againli £reflwarA!§t:_,émte7~itx, and thc mwtluf the Grain mace, when t‘h€mfE*1VC8“d0t:£ rnot, a"ndAptctend darcnot, with thieiadvantagc i dfan Ordinance ofPar}i:1mcnt,adventurc upon the open mamla If M‘ amt: txpbn the ho F s of our ruined, mzmntedagainfi them; A ‘ ~ ; Butiiit may be ontcfcarc their hands morcthcn t~hcii‘ [h0UghtS'OI'~C¢_3AflgUC14 That is hard, that the power oE.Parliamcnt and Milittlz 'iI1Atih€ hands ofmcn '*$wt:i1e—Att£’Ee&;ed to the Parliament fhouid leave grounds oftctronti» in the minds. A ofthe Citit:,lct thcm aifurcithtixraiitivcs that fear: this Eta-re, that they fhaii" hcver have lclii: teafon to be afraid than rxcmrthcy -have, and if they: ~1c;tthtm~.~ gocghonh at this r«'atA€,;thc‘thing that they Fears W=m.ACOmE‘Up0n them ;_ itmrtdififi-t dcrtct: is thcirt fircngth ; We have foufcd them hitherto, that: they canebetzr more mtcrry ima ptifm than we in our fwefl 'm€'Cti/figs. Andait is to met a.» {ad which theimcm;ionttofaA Aptiibn hath bmught to mytmintdt:);hat our rptifomts, tncn oi'rcputc,picty,and“ viaiour fhould be ft) unwogrrhily «ttfisd by A =t¢)ut.advcrfarics;‘ and we *in‘thC“mtC3i1C cimctfu&1:tithciir.s to cn‘jc>y.not only um» i A ttcceffary but”unAIAa?vfhi1c0ntcnts,Witm{fc cimpicnty of winc,.and I-hCfAlA'€fi3I"B.}.“A Gfwofi1cn“(whctt:dtherr:b.:.=Cats,thcm mufi be Vtrminb) at Lflm5ifl‘79 *hAfiH1:¢a. How fttfl were i:t‘t~h at wt: hadztwcntic?‘ 01’ thi‘rtiCiof~ £hciCh*i€tfAc‘*0fA them, (om; ‘ . 0Fthctffou~idicr$5{ome of Atht Citiztns,_fcnttoPVim1f3rt Cafilicidrihmei bthm‘ ;2i‘acc,w§hetc they might atthc bcfi far: but 1ik§2'fOl1ldiCtS,Or-Othcr wifc accord id1t1gd_tc?rintc1ligenct-.. it ‘I:.tt thctP‘at1iamct1t{htc af{1itttd,i,thatiF%tth_cyt give-mp7 «ctr ‘fhcfBtcr»mh;s5thcy iw'il1»i«ca*vc_ attwcria flingdifizauragotnenttupon ttthttit «ftimds; * ‘A »W[AlC1'.C'IC5fifidL»hI1'Cfi~t@'=fih§hfC ttA>iit'+htmi;('f'or» themfcivts ti’ce-5l1;cM . are/iabufid ‘the peti'tiont:rs for hpca-mi, whoiit is; fi.i]~i~§r. enough tax»-— ifi“5Sdti‘* ?1§£A1%*?9ii0¢$+=?0mR1iiI?t AF°r§{W _C‘.flm3_19***S3d’??i!?“§h¢1 ifW1ii‘h*?““* c l‘! 5, we ‘h V‘ t‘ .‘r'‘‘. ‘V :57fetlyltlftelltbottorn-clot’ the-is bufinefle, they will quickly have. tieywilyly be here objefiedy, the Arm-.y,.‘give continual}dilhdvontege tloi:‘ on * j:»Ai'the-itAowne tnaidntenante and encouragement by the ill totnéging the‘A"‘a9f'ai;ee‘ Ticoymtnitted to their ttull. A A A l l . f ' A?‘ y ‘$ A ; l l A i To this I anfwer, Fitfl, that I would not he E3.'he£‘l_ fotthe genetall Adm-; A cote of the Army; donbtlefie there ate faults petfonallend teall, mote.st"h_en L. ’ 'ltnow,motet.helncan be excni?::d?A:A Buefitiithetehavebeeomnny thingsfaid ogainfi the Army that never wete,or could be ptovecl;and further the Army 11 is prejudiced by the exoecfiotion of" things impollible. When the people am i unchangt.-able,and the Parliament infalliblegliesfirmy {hall be tmblttmeablei It is expeéled by the Parliament and Citie thatthe Officers {hould be all ho.-.0 - nefland faithfull; what an unteafonable thing is this, will you expe& thag. in ‘:1 Cam , that you find not iota Court? no not in the two great Couttsl of the King ome and Cit y,the Countell of the Commons, and the Common... Gounccll. And to make good my title and fpeake Tloine Engli//J, The Pafi i liament and City have {hated in the power of’ the Army, it is good teafonl likewiie they fhould (hate inthe blame: They have tetoAmmen£leld many? A W-’lA3 ] ‘ diam confident through tlie tellle{l'cd»efignetI‘oFt'hett1wholye; of the Officcts they finde fault with, whatfoevet other men are ; I can alflutey A theyite not all Saints that they have put into the Calendar. For the conyfeu-,; - quentofcormptOfficers,which is falfe Mnlletsy it im great and at jullquen-4 tell which all honefl men dc-{ire to remove the ground of". But fitfl let it been eonfidctcd, that it is the eommon lot ofallthr: Armies ofChtiPtend.ome, the Prince offlroige makes the fame complaint, to which purpofe i I could tell, you a Elory, but that I am rel‘olv’dl againfl tcdioufite{Tc.The noble and vic5’to..A rlous King of Sweden did by his very great diligence provide againfi it. as match as was polllbleg But in {lead ofquatrelling , let us attempt, ta. not im... poiiible, tedteffif. Let the Parliament or Citie, if they can in this.witked, world find fame fioicall men, that defpife money-~,Qe)a: dzgoaxfpefiato iii?» A hitrarmer, appoint pay.-mailers to every Regimcntftom whom the Oflicets ondj Souldiets {honld receive their pay : let them attend confiantly, and A pay ltwow or thr'ee_times 3 weeke at an appointed place in the quattetwith the fO1'fi:~ltlli:'€_0f;pa.y upon an uolawfull abfence. The honefi Officers would bean» V oily embrace this motion, and be glad to be free fiom the continualltrouble they nowendure from their importunate tetinue, as for Knaves they will not iineaketagainfiit, leafl they lhew themltlves lo. Itbeing elwayes tel'etve.d,, that honefl men upon better ireafon may {peak againl‘-lAth—is ymotion,to which, ihbtnit, This would be a. way to fave money, to keepethe fouldiers togeg. t then; only let earclbe taken that the men to whom this ttufi is committed; to to be ofgood tepute,and able fometimes at a pinch to disbtttfe fem: monfily 170.; _I7AA¥h¢'cpm1E9.q f-iésléisrss Bet llstxeslzitiszttstrzidfigt l i ~An0ihctL on 1 t“’1ttioth’ei»i1tgtet t. qtximll tis_,but>thc—mo liVunjufl,tl1at they matc;5httot,thetithey firtféiticit } %ra'6’cive.Thc Souldtershzmde indeed go not fo falinasl other nicns»tot1gue5:;“ Antonin ho’t?, t V V in quick as thouglit, cfpccially thoughts wing’di with clatnefildefites, tDe/idetibjetiari1‘¢ V treleritm inmam e§2‘.t Are there not continual! parties out, and that with no content ptia T a , blc fuccc(ie_.,according to which iftnen glorified God , and were thankfitlhtthey wotildf A ilnotlbe fo vein in their imaginations: Let them look upon other Attnifis in ffortaigni Na-l-V e tions 5 upon the Kings Army, whom it concerns to be active, ifthcy had opportunity; To allault Readings. my to gaineite, wouldhot countetvailethieha mid and illoiie A e V‘ Iris likely they wonid attempt Oxfiirol, though agaitiflteafian, ifthe Parliament and City will undertake For their "own fccutitie in the iaeteri-m, and make good the neg ticffary da mage oftt winter liege. Ohhow eafie a thing is it to give a hard ccnfittc, to fare well and. l ye warm,and to cond emnc poor: fouldiers, to lye in Wiilterutrcnfihéfi at it t the metcytof wet and cold. Sure thereare many men that think it as eight a matter to w,inatTownc,thoug,h fortified,as to make a breach in the wals~ioFatChrilimasiPie¢ A But as I undertook not an abfolutc ju fiification in the other coxnplaiots, To neithctdoe Iin this, but doubt not but they may receive fatisfaéiion from them whofc cxpetiencel makes them 5153* to fay more thcnl can; but amaze the complaint hath bin tieciproa ;call:"I‘he fouldiers would not act for want ofpay, the people would not pay For wmt of tuition. Thebeii wayis to mend both together. A t ‘ e in fine, let us be welilétaflhred that whofoever fuffcrs his difZ:onten~t egainfl the Army to grow up to revengc,mcans in theiiflite to {hike himfelf. And whereas it is faidthat, the putting the Anny into an expeétation oficonflant fupply twoulcimalte them unu- wiiling ever to dishand,how void often-{on isthis exception P whereas in the hands ‘of thcP:n:liatncnt and Citic ate thoii: nerves and ligaments which hold the Arr-ny toga»-t that, which they may {hrinke or cut as they fee came. But from the ncceflitic t of an A Amy I pail}: to the conveniencie ifnot necciiitie of an Affociation. :;And how could inow vviih that m ypcn could drop fptttt and vigour into the hearted of my ple.nnct-fiticken Countty- men.” Or rather that hewho fotmeth thfi-tfpirit of man withinthin-gland fa {hioneth the hearts ofthe children ofmetywouid give them Co much of his own fpirit, which in Spirit~ofttti“h and aotion, as to t-naked them vaiitnt for the truth onccicommitted to them. How fad a thing is itto {cc what at French can- fltnte out Engliih Nation hath gotten, as if there were at bridge made from C.¢t£'§!1't0 Dower. What an apifh deifpoiition hath polio {Ted our Gentry, what on afinine dtiiioilr tion our Commonalty, which if not timely ihaken of will make way for the wotfl A i F mum: to be ruled hyhorfes in Read ofnnen,which is a thing Ihave longfearcd. it i A Heate_,O people, Confidet that you are oconfidetnblc or might be, if good coltxniiril would he t:alten.Do not youfee how you are courted by the King,what care the ‘Par-{f liament take for youtfatiftaéiion P Sure you are not {'0 contetnptiblea thing as ifotnei would makctynu giiyoutlright is much ,1, and your power nolr: iie, if you wonld know * the one and nth the other. I am feofible how offenfive this dilhoutlé is iivittftitol he, hut it never was my intention (had ithin poliihlc) topleafc ail men. Bntlet the not heel mifiakcnai amfartetftoltn the Monflct ofa {Democrat}, that which»! call to the pwpid 2 sr A ” l A D A V 5 A A tong (2‘5”)"*- A l {ma-, isbumquidk and ~rr:gular mlotion in chmown fphcre,t0?do that which the Phrliagl mm; huh lfmmccilxmls m1l_‘?d upmn them for; up mntrlbucc chair bet’: helps :9 mo graat. wggksj Qfmw,-.-y, and fiufiiccg Mm y_,:¢ than Kingdom: in its lprcfcrvation, juflicc :0 its ‘Ewen-sipslin clwi: dsc2L~lx.-u&iom lSlu.ppl='~fi7= I;h€y.hi€ not upon the fame mcancs,b?ut,tAhrmxgl1 ghg [)m:rQwnefi+¢ ofzbgeir pscccpm», wigichlcan {Emcely b¢.llextendcd" to all circuaxnflarlccs op p0:::unit7u';s,b¢ confixmncdr myout-run 4 cmnrmmd, th'!3iE‘ Faizhllulll prolkcu titan of ghc qr:ncil.cl«; figr_1’-ld sham. which 15 tht: Fafcnyalnd %prefc:.rvania;1lo§"£h¢ I€ing£io1nc,:md in is thciw ownc, may iuflly:¢:xcuf¢.£h¢m,,fifnotzcommmd chem As by chc votes o.l‘a.cccpm t;ab14=~.{Ezrvicg: may» appcarcal. A % % And lmcm I cqzzfallb my fizlfc at a--.fian&; lkqowm: what remedy co-prcrfcribc to aim I;,¢pl1argy.,‘chg chingscbanonc wouldl have: thought fhould have quickncd aha: ptopig R;1aY¢ flupifiml them; Wthsz dint ofshe fwcrd, the no-ifc ofthe Canon dircfnsd an-d c:l:.l7¢- qharggsd agg_amfl.;th§ml7r:1vCs, :h¢ir,1a.wcs and lib,¢rcie$l,:;l1cir wilvcsland ch.ilcllx:¢n, cannom aswakm thc~m,_Il»lmow not what will; unleffi: ix: b4:thr.:i chcmdcmf lbmc cexxible» judgm» mentfxom hcafvcrl, that will atoncc awake them, andlay cbczn downcto a pm:-cltua.l 1};-,ep‘,Ho‘w flxangfilly are mcng cycsl dimmcd,andlhcarcs dead..-;:d;Nor abava a year film‘: Mala fiche: null}: otTAbz;i%ngix2g up an, Army, to pug the l?ar1iamcn7:% in wardlh‘p,upzm the ac... Vqcmpm pfau 'zllegallA~ll§ilixrc1l:pm1 fame: ofcheitlmcmbcxs, what A high andi yca: iufi ::'xd¢ we:-,c 1ncx1BloWclnlto,Q;ff_amtflm mamtm, ab 25/la Ha=¢§?ora§‘;....... we now fee chap alonvwlich opm face whaéh sm5then%t1Audioufly concealcd, On :3-sighry Gmrd acfluallya W1f€<3,braAugkhc up as nccx the Parliamcrmz as fcarc would lufixer them: for n0t‘Wi£h«-u , flaxwding than £1143! %Cm.z»cxing ofchc l?Mixf0a"d bufincfljir, to knowing mm in is mdqub... gm, tlmmc dclignclwas uppn this Paxlfiamcnmnd Citicl, whim: if God hadnot mem- cifully‘ and mlifiamllaufly pI€V€ncCd,afccml3cir Sabbaclusldaycls plundcr: 0f[é0nd0H(th¢:im- lgfilalll S%qg1¢?flfimtlo;1)firang¢ Aft: might upun Mund,ay cncrnirig haw bean made am.‘ Wcflminflurgwhcn rcrgorlml ffiimd upontlac good,aml=confidcncc,ll‘not imlpudcncca; .” flmbd chclcvih, We: flaw (Eat: in {lead of chafcll 6. at lcafl 2 6 acculéd oftmlbn for. A mc figmenalufcllchacl the: y..Wm=, WM is, baring Fmward zmd. atlivc, fax: the pccfizrvatiom \‘ qf aha; Kixagdnmcv fmm ;lth;e;Ki11g,5l Guard. 1:: is the l'alm¢1E*afo12 afthc yclarega mare urm qmffiiomlblal cam, wlhm::3- arc ycaur plllics and pnocellatlons? yourlcomage and rcfw. lultllirons 2* Draaygvu aonccivlc yczur dangcrmom. yoluranclzmes vmrc foranid:;blcl,flwullcl:e A mt: yam: vxaslciatllxs cncmalit Writh y-wrdan5g~;er,1f1: wlcm lb, wlwnx cm: czufi: rm:na'm.cs,l clam ‘ lffilkmc E‘ Elm; lwlilllwlrianfly abaufiymuiyolwl,W.1‘1fi‘nQt“Mar’cq‘1¢QL3rag'am“nr@'Id0oski~Vcfl|O.fi' ' March. as $m1th,t Sflflkx, Dawm’?vire,m L-wcmfiviw and flrkvflrirag bulc%cfpccilall1y:_» ‘ . k3l£)kl:zl;);cgv4;;l y-:.;m no heaé-mm in Calf, you can mmno argumcms to film: you uptin clnsl A '£#\“‘viQfl.';‘ kit ncrman be difmaymd by ab: dreazna ofimpofliabilicy. Dc) you my lthanlifiris . fimlcg 2 A i$ ~l71O.l:Ru:ligion P is nqa: Libcmyl fa lllmwifc? zzlwy fhomld be as. dallighnfcme as; yfmy am:%zvvlholt:;f0;1n:2 Sumwym aradaj mfm njmimagm gm:-szflrra pmlm ; Hal praptar -mam zzsimazdi pardera my/491., l , , If v afldamcd lnhat any? map; ehag updarflands thefi: lines Ihould. not fro fin: umlcra-4 fi%m.3ld;l«hi;pl?cwllf, as m4:o;1n;~a;ll thmgs loflxz and dung, toulgain the price than is nowlin lm _ b.wq,geL1mxx5:!c_i, :99, {wichlaflxmgc than guns on molamcndmcng... 4 I (27) V A Q l We have long pretended :31 zealaagainfi idolgtry, while "in clue niem lti11lc.l?wm*a;re ‘ alllbacornccmnrclldoll. We hrwcwcycsband {cc nor, am. We'ha'.=e ~eye.slan7cllfa;¢ %2io%f:2“.1:§~¥ Army .ofPap1P:s, not onely with Wxrmifliorx allowed to ufi: clzeir own‘: llréli ?ion5l’l}5;;;§%&; wirl1'CommiiIion appointed (in (event) to clcfiroy ours '3 we halv«*:l'lea2'%es and “care he: tlu: contwlngxagll blalpl1c;mi¢s«aga.infi_our God, the reprochcs and flzmdcrs againfi cm- Parliament 5 It cannot indeed be faid, We have mouthcs and fpeak¢&m:t: .For'tSl1ey that doc lgajll ‘commonly 1" peak: mofc. But I am furel znaywfaym Feet I-mvc we, anfl marchlxmg 3 hands lmvc we and hzanrllc not the Sword and Shield. Wc talke of lwan; af Armes, its want: ofhcargs ;_ lmdawe no Smith in Eizglmzd, as‘ once l'frac‘I5 ifinclgg had hadthe1r1:1'11¢ Enghf11 Proteficzmc {pix-its, and well timed tl'l€l1‘lattcL1'lpt8,l cluépr crmmics had been meat to thpm, though many of them (as they that vicwedlthc cm:- lcailés at Iiizztorz fay) »r0ttcn,mea.!:. Bur Lam weary of C011-aplaim , let me Ellrncfo Adi» vicc. Bcficlc:sltl10fc foggy mills ofignorancc: and mil7—informatiorx ‘clam: 'll’1;mr::;zc once}: blindcdxxxcns c ya§,A1and dul1’d their fpirits, the great di1"advantagc‘ol‘ltll13s great body of the people which I nofvv fpcalcc to _, fiom aloing grca: tl1ir1gs,lmtl1fbcen tl:_cdil1unic.>g2,. % a5tl1en1,11mny cwigs have been broken which if bound up ECJj.;'_§c'.t'!:l-1<:i? vvmlllcl laavclxxlcrfili .2; mod forlthe f<éve::1'c:l corz‘c:«‘7."3:1on, zfncat deftrL1&xon, of Ellfllf €t1CI'111t8. 1 ‘A l ' A. V Let 1:: tl1c:z'e.:f_'ore be confidercd, wlnez-.her an Alloctzuzion well and Wzmly laid lmy nut V be a great advantage for the rccollcéllon oftl1efc_1oofc. audLdiftra£3:cd% fpirits, which united 1ni~_z;,ht~be folhrviccable. An Adlbciatloxx I lay well and firtncly laid 3 -An Alli)» V ' wiation natfubjcélc to Equivoca non 5 an Aflimiation more particular than the pmg l llzlazion ,wl1ich like the Net Ln thc.-: Golpgcl bmuglu; up filhcs good anclbacl’, and flames as well as fiihcs. And here let: the chilclmn of this gemcratigm C For llmpc they flmll never fee the next) the Bithops, be takCnit1t0¢KCi1‘11plt: for the mannczr nlaough 110: the master of -tlzhc When they went to contrive an Oaththcyl did it to the purpofc, a lifcixmlg, all-1 fllrzguiflxlnglOa.th_lt-lam: fhoulcl. have l'c‘.1mt:ly left an hom=_-It miniflcr in a:l1e1{.i11gdc1n‘c .’ ‘ Tl)élfllb[C,l fay,lc:: this Aflbciacioxa be w1f<;=l_v laiol lb as to givcuslto know ouxfricndls‘ from Otxremgmicas, yet 110510 flriftly as “IO elngagc to tlvngs impofliblc or toomany, ~ lDLltl0‘fl'lCtl‘1lI1§,-_‘§ to this purpol'?;:'.A To the nJ.:ll:i1t;1ixmI‘1'C€: of'our~cPc;1bli1”l2’<:l liellgion and Law with.-all jmofliblcixxaprovemcnt, tofizllxe n'minmin:mcclol’ this Army ( raifcd under the c:oudu<‘.°c;of the truly Noble zmcl Valiant Earle of‘ 51732.17‘Capminea.G::uerall j_ by lPur{'c and Pcrfon agaixufi the czxppofite 5131011, and to br.in,<2; Delinqptcnts fo voted, by, $l“‘1(.'”:\ (0x1cc,fac:'cd)VCn:cs a.:1dlConfcm of Parli:.u'm*mc to comllgne paxni-l'hrnc"n::s. Barf mm now beyond my owne. line, I lmgw tl‘l(31‘.{;l‘.\3.!Zl1. lnccn yalncs tsilccn in tllllb bufilzlzcfllg » and tl1é~fpc‘ctx1‘:mio11l ofli-r hurl": bcrcn mart‘: lfulcly rllualied blymhclcs, ?:.l?xc.n m }rl.§la;il1r<:\,<,1,£'l j pr.-:a€tilc. will for the pr<‘:fc:n.t: allow nae t ,. warily andlrcliginully cmcrcdinxro. The Air. gram: deals 0f'clnn§,ger in prmnilllmryll. Qazlaczs, I would lmvcno man loll: his foul: to favcla I(ingdorm::,whicl1l1c that laznovys wcrllthe ‘price offoulcs, having paid’. fox? fo many, p_rc{-"cars to a whole world. This Alllbm Clatlml cfpecialljy in the Eaflefne.:1n<;l 30Ultll'17C‘:TnC‘pi1Ttl3Oftilllé. Kil‘n§;'“:lom<-2 tllzu} cnj'oy';l_:lm. lTl1is balfincllln as it nmflc bcwell. lfllld,lbg£*l l>Jc11el‘itoftl"1cz1owlraif’d r\rmy,.in alllrcallmmufl be far: a cqn'rrib1zti:.m, to r,;li.¢%_r3;.‘;}:a.l%rx~g+’lA ‘ l minancelof it. To aszrce for the: prefelrva-tion of their owm: ccmr-arias; by t:Ml'2;c“i;.l§§l;;.:3§v3g powcr,h:1d been l‘uf’fi