4*‘ _ -=-‘ " ‘fir T ‘ N; 5. . s "‘.‘. ‘ ‘:1 V 5., x % % V. . V ’a.~. , we ‘igé gr "‘ '«=‘:,“-A -A ‘£1 3’ A 1* § 1 I “ R W’ E L’ H V fcandalous ‘P/1”7{L%[A7;ME3\(:7Z4 Publifhed in thefornw of a Petition w the Houfcs of PA a L 1 AME NT-. in the Name ofthe Inhabitants of Londan and Weflminfier, mm Inhabitants ofsawinwzrke, pretended m bedj{f.. trcffed in point cf Confcienceu. now" 4-» %% *%%%%¢W * ‘ ) 5'’H-‘‘'?9'‘W 5' c ‘Q ‘ t-. ” % L . . .. M :r”‘3;‘~,~;¢'“‘~,‘«. g % g W :14» , ‘ti’! »'~ ;-:.»,.,g, ‘- W’ . »,. . ; % % % % W: . '-W-» % m ~::'::-5=~ 4 ‘A % ‘ ' 1 _ vfi-“"1 '5 ‘ 6-« ., . . “ W‘. K‘ “ ...‘”‘-V . ’.,,:_y;‘ ‘ 0'?.f_fi6.r¢- ‘ \ . -‘hi " . ‘I ‘ V‘ Cu“ ,_. ‘ H “ ‘ ‘,' ‘W,‘ ‘ g" ‘ vs; ‘ ‘. ‘. V w ' “3 | 1 3} . ‘ ‘ e V ,5‘ _ ‘ ' _ ",'>“;;,\a:anANc.1;‘.svt hi‘ giy vi ‘- ”‘ ‘ V .;m I “' ." _ ‘ ' ‘‘ 'lMw‘1‘‘. 11,‘; cw I W ‘ ’ , ‘ ‘ “in J Jkb ‘ , .9 a. J “ea. .w‘W 9," V --unuublnvaw « 4. '2‘? ‘ 9) at» I ' ‘AH ‘ la! 1', ,- W .. ., fl ‘ . ,, “M 1 .... -?~;«};‘4'h7“'M . ‘ ‘ " flit 3:1» L02WDOI% W Printed by 9-We %:6-+33 iifovery of‘the lj.LigfHngs A an;C1VCTécef M full impofiurcs ofa fcan”da10HI$‘kLibe11égaixfl the. AParZMmmt%, 2 :;'1?;%ubl41fhed *:in;:th;c7 fo%rme;.ofAa Y, ~ Pc:titi0An%taIthc:1lH¢$ufcs,ofP.e\.1=r;m: Azxzimn ;xi'1?'1‘5‘i:; A in Lthctsr NamcAs,*@‘c. A Petifli"'0#_z~tt5¢i»iIr/as PAr71i£I35¢;ffri=?&>f{ ch“-ca» ,;+17fi«*- Ahaimiis aAF?*;Bami2mVanAdA Woyewinfler; a‘i1*1’é:l Kama % ‘” rau(g/d%mEASaut/9war@,»im4%the be1m"lf’6 of7thcmfelvd*“s - .,_ andrfmilliomsIhisliimgdomc, <;I%ifirc*ffedi v;x? pcaint emf con~fcicncc, Aliikc¢ihc :wDA¢*v§lii*"flifglu*i»fcs-:~<‘hi?imfrl?E'cAw1'f;z;S'.&i- mwck mantle, and 'takc§S upm m:eby~wh1ch he Cnt€ljS‘?1?I*It:O Ah1s4Pctiti@n,, V dcviding if f:1f’c' into two aparcntvlycs, hori”eA tA«h‘a£ he hath fircczu Q ., ‘fly and libcra‘1ly«ct~3nt~rdAA??hrli4menr%can« j'oyn’d, and the othcgtlaat hisAMa;ePc1cs Pcrfen W"as*imradcd~ifi bEift1C'£{t a;intan.% A ‘ A A A A M I?aI*i~:E~ :Auxh2u£r»dE%A4theA:rL:ib<:l1ousA‘papcAr,:=»fiil¢a;ii» V The grounds of his pr¢tcn‘dcd cbinfciencearfi éfAlik«*:;%ndturc A A manifcftly f2'a1Alaci¢:sus; for firfi, in hisS¢ri‘ptr1r¢s cited by him}. A V “as the Dcvill-did in A:tcmptingour Swinun, he changes divine A A ltruth into a lye by} cur»ta11ingit:$ P%or‘_vAis» tm’c,wGc-adgivcs Kingdomcs ta whomAVw1lA1, but. at 1s'n9tAaA*1ilAA :thc’truth, for A 3 Gioél % av ‘v..A_v»vr_-:« w_,.‘M_ ‘ W3“ M:\,am_ *1: -J» 'A:“'‘'‘‘ ‘#2’ L .‘ c in « *3 ‘H. ,; wgfi ‘ 3‘ , We .w;9a» $1”, A % ~AGodaIfc3g§vcstI1¢mia1 fcuet:él“l“V}naz1ncrs, with {::vc;1'aII f:Jrtspf' ‘ ‘W A M V4A‘f;1€i1@%V«irnésw-a"gAiE?A¢$A7'w?A7bIi‘*~iA‘* a*::«_i A z:fi%pve&siVAli_imig abfc§!“L£tcLV;_Vp'§igivc:r 1:ijAaAt,;h‘i»s wi1Iis31’a‘w;g wmgh ‘“%c<:»Vkni“xic%”sitiT‘l5fi“‘E“a*1 I .édja:i;“g&‘b"1‘<31z;ice Misnérchwy :~A “B:Aut‘AA"fi:cI1A powfér The 13at;h;1fi’a;;tA:1 th,é‘AV%Igfii::zg.V‘of:;'flzigléiimf (~33 t_hisam'an w?€>u*ld have usbclcczvc) H13 Ma};:i°cyW1n his DAe::clara:1cms dxfclainms A i.t,__%and pt;;tc;x1c'istonoothVer pmvczr than :0 governs accmzdmg tiwq“-ma wcs;;~Amadc by rihq ff§p’t€;émc pic: r<;ingd=mnc.-, Arciidzngw t.;>y% F§diy'i'l13 Vprf<>%v¢;g:le”2j15;e1fA?ax3;;i§QrdiVz1azicc: A in W aha AA three cEEatéS,¢‘Iéfigkih-iCh:”€:rcL%cbAord*E*r:ga’tr::i zmd‘ int}: fubordinate in autho» rity, iitbough thé tétfzhfc mFc%ot1§vcning%%;the‘xn, Abra by V thcrn team» mittcci trg'zt'he*:l§E&'m;, ; in .4C(i§I‘§5L:{C£;I{:€:* “that ;hc.%wAit1l ¢accordinggr to Law, call them togethA§:x;A%A%WAI1c1*1‘Vthéreflaall bc ncfrcdc theme? forft}-1:3’ Iaingdomes good ; and in the means‘: time, [Em to a 11!}: c::ccuti:5n‘of‘t3l:t”¢ Igawcs By thcni: And vwhm Parliaé *3;1cm§§I?§!€,'€r9¥%¥F§.¥?§i7k:AA;tQEL t§3flI;1iV:?% %A¢th¢j'icarcLd% aftlacfiiingw ' mIr;a»¢s; WYE££i£7?f3»fl‘d:?A:th.'¢.‘WWI? min"i.mg, punmding arfd ,r~:¢%fvavrx::asiAr;g'W~off w.1vfiz,£ncx~¢:r%AAis;AE1‘omc‘sa'g.air3fir: t-ha fhjavvcs and King- %¥dg:;;x;;[e A_1;g3g;gA;}3;¢ gag} pcr;1b,;r;1;2;I%1fc:;vI;11‘x=I1aI1d::m§"p.r¢AtC!f1C¢ Of: his A atgaw .fl.;7f31:”itY»A Aridrfarfiwc11V(R¢l.i;gion,AALaWs L.ib‘3}'rtya and all gdiidg 3«%r.3éei%7¥€:#%;%h£%:'.%ii«§%ic@rm;nt1r: £:abf%tuA§%cdA.asAn9wiAt is;-' Wm ‘V;aLwf3:i,r3%ing.: ':!=2iK%.f£¥iI;1%i@W°¥*%P11E32i‘1§iI?§A;. and ”F*'?f0fiI§‘§I1g:%:thA5n'g$ Ad1Aon¢A?ff["a:g.ai.r3:9eA§ W:s:o1éurA‘A and‘ c«:>i11aAt¢na;1c‘s1*A¢% of the Kings 3935011911 "W,i.?irI:;::€(»:%#yuhi@hu. !S.,fub1W3& ta .f'b¢ d¢.<:c=ived, ‘1n>ifl<:df,: c;m~ruptcAd%) §AoA;vthq:"pr¢juAd;i;c¢ ofithc Vfubjcfl- And they haw: Aalfo pow?! vim p_r9v"id<:=Aarzd‘]1pArc:paAre fmfthr: Km; roya1l%%a{f::4n?: fH¥thf¢l‘*,Lafiwfisgpmfif-33316, fot‘*%;thc’A I*;iAhgd:0z:n=e. «And bfithat rt-— fifis thcfc pOA‘N:€{1Z3= A%0FAR»2r1iAwan:.; though it "thc: Kiwgghimw A f;:Ifc',M qrvvby cQ1g;g§§%Vpf;I1is command, r:_(zfl.s*; plge paw.”-rx ordained *pfqad, find t/:¢.§9rg{452z4nad yofqad, falfifics the 1atcA,Prote_“/Mtion, A and ./Z7;45r¢¢ciwafi%*fia¢;M (.if7thcVwAcrrd c:2f7Gc:<:1 be t;r;1cw4).A dzahwmtim A A’W519»;ra;2er:raam,%;AAV%w A V _ [_ ‘ V J V A For the annwyntixvg offfingx, before: Ch:-ii’: cx:hibit_cd,i-t“wAa5 ** 3*?‘ the ”i“‘““‘ ¢0m%m3fld€d and uf3‘d.:fi3S the ‘anneyniting of Prirsfts and Pro» camm 0*; P/62" ghcts, bczcaufc t§pi¢aI§_,I)f the true amnoymtcdjcfus C‘hrfiPc, in I:lj1.i‘i‘f2;d agzg Ki_%n;g1y». AAPrVicf_§:TY5 ,an i.d Praphc;tic.aIl officcs. But nowAthc:tc Em mA}a’dsca.. neither lfl1..1¢wIx1¢:?JI'éf1€¢¢IT'1;,tyiof'.anyf1ch anncay nting, Chriii gion ck1c:c;of- “*5 1.’i5A;A£n.cA£IibersA bcing“ the;A:on1y a;nnoym<:dofAthA:V;1;ord%unAd,m-A ‘ ‘£h.cAG‘o{pclla Romans; ‘ (30 'i1ifgq%»g¢z2z: 1;, commands ezzeagr {Mia (7 eyAcn ICin(g‘1.,wh.ct'c: they hc:V“ijnot the ‘1Ei;1prr:a‘ms:i_*;)owcrA) to éeflzéjéfl to rise /':115;'e5756fi‘PAA03f¥?45'7‘-7 : In ia‘s"thc: I(£x;qi offlngfmdis, andAought to be iuhjczft to tihf: Lawesi, which are“ the ipowers'ci°cab1iG1ed by the 3 cfiatcs, for the: rcgtxlating of all pcribns; and things within the King- ¢;lo:11c%r;, mm alzemhixg by the King: power whiczh is fubordinatc: ‘émd givcnhim by thrqlawes, and by ‘them fuppartcd and Corie ijisrvtd unto hi1‘.n.AA “A‘n‘c1‘ this SAcriptu%rc fpcakcs onlypf powers Legall cmnz;nands‘havcp0werir1them} and are tube fubje.-&cci unto, but illegal‘! commands are the iixmcs. and wcakfincifis of the pgjrfcnail Wii10f’thCKiHg,‘ and are not to ba: fuhmittcd unf- tiQ,a‘nd: tht; authomf ofth Libel} hath by chamzc ihnnhicaci L1 pan a-ircaihln far it,A where h<':i7.1ith, rim‘ that V in th<~:A fqtsjeéi ofzmy coznmamzi, not induce any obligat'ic;:n up» Eimany 1113:": by az1y5amthc.rity. A A ‘ A“ ‘A ’j It is certiainc f.‘Ai]3t_Kii‘lg“6jh4f?"&’_J' is Go:I.5Miz1iPccrA wh_i1cihei ‘cwzguttzs the ”L&VWC‘3WhlChAafCti}¢I£11m2diatCM1133 ofthc“ £115» A prcziiijhe power thci 3 cftatcs,” and fr: he hath %Goi;is authdrity, but where /aepracead: éfaz ahceiwed and ma:/Zm’ wi/mgminfl the Lawwsg hf iiflaith thC,LaWyct‘, the rninifltr afthe Devil! ‘. And to 1 which is will‘ éaiixiiat. A fight -* Bi':16i‘ox1:Mt1» A agiainii finch as take: up Arm:-3 againi} the '?>.gr[.~£azmemf, to pro- m"/fer maboix. z;c1cncc.t And as m rcfcut: thctI<'iz;_'gs Pcr-]- , tfontout ekftkitthanfls 205' encmiest or thicives by force ofArm:.:s, and to Fight -agaitaft than‘: that wickedly captivate and carry Athimaway, is not any oftlmcc againfi the firft branch ofthis Statute: : _SEvAt0 taifc Armct and to fight agaitzfi: them that téfift A ' ttandtobitrttfl his moi}: ctitincntf powcrwtzfich inAtthiStPét?Zéa%Ar *5’ Thifitis F-‘W iriverztétnd Law:-his not anyAofI'cri2:’c: ag1ainE’cAV”thA<:%1att€f{- * Attdthcy gm-“”’”” thatby wicked cotu-arms fcditcc th¢ }5Ci:aLg tmmtthe 7>’..w;gme»; ‘ ' V and from his Lawcs, and hiacarc off-sscing them cxccutcd,t® tlhcdangcrt and dam'magc~ofhis‘ Kingdoms, and from his Oath by wltich heis obligcd to bath, and draw him toétd’vcSntt1rchis Pctfon 1'mn"t5Pc i1nmincnttd'angerS, to protéfi thfitii in their rb-L “bclliton a,gain{?c_thctLaW and juPc° punifhmcnt thertséf by the thigh Court ofP4ar(i.am.mz-, are cieerczly Traitors W'itI1.iI‘i thc Exit t.brar1c$h tzfthis Statute. Andthcy that takc-up Armcss to crbttrgzg A ’ A V and oppof: the La was and juf’ciCCA0fthc 1{in'gdotmc,andAthedtit~Z ;cxcicutit=m "thttcof, are cvidtently «Traitmis within thcfothct Abzamch ‘t“h¢rc;:f;whichAis meant of the King in his paliz£ckc’Iapa.- " R9” 95 N9‘ city”, his \*1cgalI Kingly autharity, moft eminentlycxcrciied, X? W” 0-59”?’ ,and apparent in ‘his high Court of'ParZizzmen:: This latter clams %bein&g&dtiftin¢'tt infsnct: and ntcanimg fifotn that former ccanccre , piijg hit Pcr‘f9n.t\ndI%confidcnt1y bc1ccvc,~cvqry man not wil- fi111yjb1i1’1Vt‘3¢d by Vmaligjéd agatiitfi Godtatttd gao‘dnefi"c, will cafily V grant that tbs: King may be more ccrtainc‘ and aflltrcd of fafety in PVéiz‘c« Hall, and of Ar-1gcIlica«1ltprate&ion in the Way ofhis Jiingly otfficc and duty, then in th¢ hamfls and péwcr of‘ tha t"?sDatmmc&s,th%attt for their win k%ctI7m1,dt” dAatmr1A¢d ’bafe cndsaptetcnd ta éffifl-t:and’hc1p¢4Ahim in Wag/‘es btinttary mhis offictfi, and dc- 4{h'uE’¢iv.cto his Kingdomc and pcoplc. { A M L - A . A A feurtbly, The Earle of’A6’jfirx in taking up Armcs againft % ‘Qgecnefliméerfa, ta temovc {itch From her as he counted his Enemies, offcudcdégainft the [aid Statute, becaufc upon a pri-- tats: quattcll againft fom; Pcctcs and great Officcrs nccrc abogt AA A t G t.--_..q-I ', 3( 5 9 h ' the %een,es I*’¢I'f2)71‘-1;,‘ he be-1’ mg a private man Witheut Eeg~a1i.au-.-- A txhortity, azetdtecextttary te LEIVV toeke up Arznes andhhmzfed Pearce I9 gave I0 thf; Qgifcnes Court, to the apparent endangering U A her roya11Perefon,‘a12‘d fo it waeita Law, bath an itnaginéng 0 j her death, and alevyingnf Wat egaini‘: the Law anti her re-I tgail power. But how imperetinent1y;,yea% m.;1im~.ny this is ap» }?*3Y€§d TKO the ‘PM?/iement; prcfem: cat=iT:3¢, is xhaziifefft te him that tj. hathttwzte halfe an eye. The difference hetweene the 1~'t"mg and ‘zmrftgzmant is no private qttarrell, the Pfifliazwexat is no pm-;*ate A petfota, but t%hehigheG: AC»0u-f‘~${3fjL}P£i£¢ii1th3.Kif*1*§d01n€‘, the repte1Te,r:t,atxve hedy ,V0f‘ftheWK;it1gdC&1K1€,e towhexn the,preferva- non ofthe Ktnygdezne, and of the peace and tfafetyht’1teteoFan&* A Q-Aft the LBWQS, doth prtopeitly and primati;1y helengg, difeevering f0I1n6s.0f?3c!ia!, wicked men pt‘a&i{in»g tetundermtne the Petr‘;-" A livzmetfi, and out _Lawes and l%ibertie:s, by falfe and fcandalous ail perfim-as eajfl: upon: the ‘%I’ar{zfm1p¢nt,tend lying fuggeitiozts againfi‘ ” the pa Wet ofPar1£ammz:, and aga‘infttthXe gtoeeedingst and epne; vileelgesh thggeof, whifpercel inte the eaves efthe Ifing, td fea- duce and draw him away fmm his pmzm=n:,and his aH":étions.t from his people, to improve his Perfenallxllegallcomn1;mds,tcy» _ refifl: and fruihiate the lawfull proceedings ‘of his Ptmzzmena agaixufi them, toawithclraw the great Seale Eromthemgt and the members at’ either; Houfe sof ‘Perlimmmt from their attendance upon the fetviee thtereefiand to raife a farce againft the 7’ar{£e_g mmt, not only to (helterh themfelves Frorntheehand efjuflriceg. » aarxdt keepe the good fubjefisfrtom a11,wufe% and benefit; of the Laws, and deih'Qy' their p¥ORcrticS"byt‘ fbrcifile pillélgitng and plundring which every map. fees te~;heet1uetem,dhs hf?‘ their {aid praétifes, and therefore firft in their intentions). but alfo 44/6-%'v1M’e7’~like, by the Svverd to cut the gordiant knot they could not othetwife untie, I meane te deftroy thieii perpetuall Parlimoxt, before the grievances of the king.- deme centraafted before by theirwicked counfels be re» drcfid, that the reformation intended and defired, fhallnevee receive birth and perfeétion, diflilhling into the King: minute. wicked and irrationall conceitythat a perpetuall Pnrliamcne; and his Kingly office "and power cat-‘met cenfifh. The ‘Perim- mm: to defendthcmfzlves and the Kingéeme ficomthcfe diam A (6) bwljicall ficfignes am: pm-1&§f:s', anti tn bring thcffs grand-%Da:=:~»‘ lm mama to ’uf*hIcc, amzi refcua his. lvia ”~:;’{’z:;‘ out <=5f‘x*:§i‘:é;*ir‘hanc!3”,% % 3 3 “ tcaakc up Arrm:$, an-ti at”.Z"C'::.v3ma:«z and 6117: Awherc made ufi: tihczrew of. Shall the Pazriirzyizents perfbrmance c~fthJc1'rc7£uty and tmft bscanw ‘ Trc“:afom or unlawfizll? by What Lawes, reafon or 1?.-éngce‘? is it x1oTre::;£an%for an infirriotlr (§oL1rt%tm'a*ifi~:% Force; to execute tha:%Pr«:.:«ces thereof", thouglathe Kzfig cxprefl’:% Em; 1?cz‘f<:3na£h=.:iIl ever {an flrongly under his great Scale to tlw: can «- 7 trary E’ and {hail it be unfiawfixil ortreafonablrz in the iizpreamct’ Cemft todms it, which hath pmzvcr to flay aufi check the‘: pm-. ceadir-2gs%ofa1l infcriour Courts,7W4Ahich thc I<”:Wgc%ar311at db»:-iby ~ his Pcwrfonalicommand. A A % Hcmby may appear}:-. thzl-1t«the Parliament hath prqccedcdm thewzay cf Religion In this great cafe, and this: Libellar haz:bA % his defirc; but that he caVnmt_fc:c the: wood for trees ; zmdrthczm ; is no need ‘oftreubling fuch able Dmncs asI1cNamcsM mcmma A Vince hisignorancc, they are or may bcbcttcr implmycd. A r * ‘ ‘Andfor Bmwnifis and S‘c:pcratif}s,Lit is notcrricms thatthm 'Kimgx taking up Armcs is 170 férrc fiom beingagainfc the:-m,t ax it isthc only caufc that whalefome provifions for the right go» vcrtifng of the Church are not made and fetlcdg that they may be fupprcifcd and wholy rootcdoutyand that they are folmcnm ted, incouragcd and incrcafcd daily, by the contirwzancc of ‘ %tha%fc Forccsin obfizruaienof the Parliament: pawar andMpm..'. Hcecdings againfi them. If a right difciplinc according to f jGc>dsjwo1fd, and apaincfull preaching M%inii}cry wcrconcc: .fc‘:tlcdA in this‘ Kingciemcg, {ugh $c&arics"‘and Schitfiniaricks would be quicklyfubducd. +% Vv M I is’: J