The”Great 3 WE A W gflto the hands and cpftody of fL1cl1%C0mmiffioners,A& & K A A as are herein named bybpth I-Ioufcs oflla A 0Rderc:E1by the%Comn1;3nsin’, Tlm:rhis“Dé-~ ~ A V ‘A ; A dararion .’TamIa‘;'n‘g{t72e Gmzr S~.«;uzZ:$, be forthwith prznr.-A V % €.dflQ&pL1b11fl'1€»d‘:_ A A A W F AA Printfidfol‘.%Ed$.’ntdRPI2w5;1~1z.s{<‘,NO'V€m3§€r 11,. 1643. V fi:%6:%6:§%a%5é%%’a%4a%s'§%§'A§5a%A’é%é2§9€a?sa%a?:’f‘ % AW” vsa C L§§DATI0N E013 IQEIANCEEZ ‘ V n 3% The Lorclls and C0rnmon”s .«:z/fizmé/ea’ in PARLIAMENT; Touching W .. C“ I‘ If ' r my LflV'j\<-D’: nd that the {aid S -E A L E is to be put in: @>’3駢 .. 0'‘ »#% A rliamcm. % V-«A5-"" fl A.._.._.. .%<= ’ % an A H: Eiffizfitge, Clef‘. Par]. D.%Cm~.. .. _....._... I In -4 §<*=* e>§»:‘:@¢§%t= A ‘ . V ‘V . ~ , ' 4 L. . , . " *3 D. 3. ‘. 3 M ‘ ., M r .‘ 1 1 attemz :1;e%«?arzz42nz;zt+,A Mn . ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ _‘'n ‘. '6‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ - , -. : ‘ . - .- ‘ ‘ . ' ‘ ' , . ‘ ‘ « - . H 4 “ 3,; _ ‘ H M “ ' ‘ “L , I‘ Y) J _ ., a . _ . ,~ .- ‘ . W. . \ V L Affembled i11 Par1ia.m¢nt; . ‘ 4,‘. . A Herea: tlmycreac Seal A England , ‘ wabic/3 ff)! t73e‘“La1.v5“of t]?iS“ Qfzzlxn (Bug/at zfa C. Tuflice mécl Iudiccztiire zizitl-51772 this @gaZén,f5r the c-Ii... M V .ffi¢ttC]9 %t]2eic%gre_z;t a72d 3f32eiQg/991% arffc-zi1&'s qfjtbe %% 0273+: fnoiiivéalirléfig4~A Tt7/WC]? z}été1f«€j]’e‘dar2cI co2ztcr;» .. marl tberéiiz, ‘)?M;¢z1Ea17e'4c14w yew’ p4ff,%¢%t/mt is tojciji, A Afzvéritieflé day of ay, Amie 16 422, V£y4:betIaen L0.rd-;£r2rve2zze2zcze:>.x /‘mr"0e%ez;fl¢ed to tbzs I{z2zgdo}2z,'a:zd tbs Ki'2g<;"zlo2nq}‘I1‘c1%tf1d'. A /fzzd wlsereas the [aid Graft S 631 oug72tA%%4AcQnflautly r0 remzzizz 7; Ttlye lvmzdlr and cflflofly one or vizbre’ « V .;’§cer' or 0fi§c"ers jirom” fin‘ ‘t/.vatjZ*rrvice)". mzd to be "zflédA'”a2?£* iIn]7?@J~:€4.f?'MWt/fiéfikeal Adndfifiw of A A Jeffies Weoplég ilvlficlér 2zV0t}22iéljfl¢1nding ]@7:Vn:zt7: Zieéiifi afi- rzxersr times A j§tfI2érét'e t/ye... c,o;;r“L7£3f£n(«r>r ,zz)}2azy"tlvgreefgv5 A .4 pzét ifitci4 ' ‘tké /.v%:md:£ 1 of v_)tI9e?rV p%e;fin:% at 'J'@0?"‘*2a d?5dV ‘POE/7?b’ W A?5?i?飒¢*‘0%flJ afiéfi-wk ¢2%21?0 A A ].W'L*e Imd, C{3.}.‘i7Cylj":Zg7flfl5£.l’,7?ZL?7ZL‘10'i?%;Q>7_tbfrcbfflt ' A. A. _ AV '0 ,., .<.::>% A .' V‘ ‘tlvezr om: wzilsgzrzci pZc=z1jJ4..="es, and v/mt/2 E3622 tmyftezw ;i*r3z?=/7wmz%1pé%v#icior%fly aweig f£o;t72e 'R¢im%A;z2z¢c? tI3gP;:;jZi::iz7z‘eézfaéz;i%“IG2g;do2-32,iii? mzci wfii;-gig" out rlirzreréc Illegall C011j1m1f si~on,s 1: 04f%%A*V1*1*_ay 9_.; 1 rarfzrl "“‘Az:2zl;z¢1).*flz{1 Orxé for 7'45/zgzcg g_>ff'orce5 agazjzfl tin? Pm~£zzz272e2%z.t,.V.[2;; ,; out qf7%z0[Zfl‘v:2Z ;’422;i[r4z.22¢c?:zl¢§z¢$w P.z@£?éfS$:.,l£7liif5?f:"_15£7€ oflvia‘ plate , fe c15etZy anal A "2\@7?§eA L V amt zxzgd 7’Tz'tIeI pf ‘1?21ocl}z7mtia27:,v~:ag2zi;ajz‘?6bt£»"vHaufE: 0}” A P;zr1iame;at4;AV afld dim?! imémlvers t17é*A.40J¢s4z?!!¢t12ers.. V aaibaiidng to.t/am, az2d%:«Procl¢ym«Ain\qA=t/Mm":fiqytm iW3%Rer: %l:el:*;, A comméfiiah::% #74 yerc%em1>~e¢1 o.m2nAedA,. b ya Afié ‘f‘q”1fm}2i*1‘§}Ame1ati‘e’ned§”%whit:h have ‘paflkd. 'un.,v dfl.“ ‘Lth;e.% 5 f2r,1df%(31*%e4:1t; ., 2 215: A.;,=;1f”o X4 aI1AA.°¢=I4<;‘.trc:f;:sA~ "P‘._Eb-as ‘ ;”§I‘3c:4’fa7idfi:' 2iz§%d*‘¢ ‘®®i11 1:c1"0}1s% ::a{Temb1'éd. Ainf it,1mtMaf»v&11*= all and“ every 1211.6 wfa*id% ¢;E°&*1:ts*=%%£1*ci;4*~iE3 1'~'am:3s any» an‘ds;5%a.r‘ AAAG:§oo£Es imsasa ®»f=~ ‘A-anyV\%pe£Af0:a«:; ~0rX[vpcr4f0r1 Whatfoxcvery £01‘: %%aaher111g t%c“>'%«tf;‘% ’”e“[PAzir‘H;L~11fIé%1'3;z,, :11! A C;Qm'pcs-fition»4s oi‘ +GrantS, of, my 'i§rc1flfi1p~s‘.5 o;'w VLcafes L3“f4‘%iA E4%2;.%whaAc»11* 11;Iva~:+~%%ni0t%%:1cAct)rciim4g.‘t0:5=£11e4 we _k:*du1j’i7c pff %p2;{Ted”[’t‘11rough th e 3 Court i of WWards=and&—‘4’ ViV§3ri‘¢4s,'4e‘fcab1i%fl1cd%‘by %Lawi:AA1l‘$ grants _ j6 A z.:§§'m&'~«.W ‘W: 2 v . m ~~ . W {"* W1E1C6 ,f_(f, M§3:;'}fl*@F$5V“:4 ‘ "~~'a‘%.xi’»é'1sg;;:.“He1'cdixhmehts;g Em: ~; Qthefif '4‘ A ‘*tVhAii%i*;_;g2’WhAitt1 -A ‘ :‘M,: . W :3 (:1 an tmxy W ‘75i:a§»fed‘i4ag*§;ii5£c tl1cP*?ciL‘.3ii:£!:ifI13€fI1€’a V 4 grantW.»‘ro aqyT?w;wfwch*¥pb%r%Fon 1<.t*”>L‘1;per:*r @215 5 And all other ..F-‘fits "cu: things what£'QA€v%ci‘5C0m:- 53»: -~ ~ '4 ‘T’ ""7 "A; A, A. ;ge3_ry.m,or1’;;cieeerogatieeon c:$f:h‘ee‘ 1a+recaxneegsAeo£ be:caA3 6:: eithcreo 4 A_ A A A glaffed under eethéée‘ fame Great cash; d»{1A?X1¢«;@mfihefm7= 17e11CI(Wfi1*1 t=I»*:~»%t:erie”V’c’:p£' 11e§‘Pf‘1T1fe1i<;;1j”f11 ezit,ei‘%fl133;}.;1 «A*;ea1:ee;;:*1rr‘e’te7t;xA§€* A’ f» the Ho;uefes*;of: Pr3.‘r1i2inE1entee,;:e which :have A e}ee1a1redeb'e= umsei-ery;e1m£r 1'-r;:1\,P:x'e;"id*,:i;lem:d;j’ofu£3:1e§”'eef"«» A fe*JF‘%3 no elleisgxtenets axed pm-p0fes,:."e: 3 A AA, A A And elm all *a12deeeveex‘y“a@§ Aer .t_11;1ng5ew1n»c‘hIafteg; cehe ublicazijm 0 {:1 t111s:—eA;0:»ed1‘m1ece," gxaflfi Lgy.:;~::edr;em—ate Ader the faid; Great Seal ’, or under any Great: Seal of England (A oeehee1‘the;n% what is llefeby;eppQi:;a,;ed%Jaez1de ¢~»ft;1b1=A;¢%{]aced .fl'I’3.U‘~b@" utter} £I§f*pE\i'<%C@$:@3hHd of no efireét -, and every perfcm, or perfons, which flmil put the fiuner in ufe, at b A A {hall be held and adjudved 21 publique Enemy of A A A . 22 '~ A d_ A ethns St3::e.. fhafl claixne any thing thC1‘€- 4 A Ar1d°beit further Ordained by the {aid Lords and Ccvmmonse,e t113.t3.~G1‘€at Seal of England :.11re22.c’{y by them made and provided ,‘ {hall be forthwith put in Life 3 :m4dfha11beA, and is l1eA~xebyw;aL1tI1orized zmd eflcablifhed to be of 1ike§er~‘ee-3?peawea: , and validity, to all intents andpuxpofes “as. any Great Sea1e”fE;zg~ land hath been, at ought to be. A ~ V A And elm: it flmll be put into the hands and cuPco- dyAA9AAf me named 311 W110:1r<=11mby Ordae1n%edCox11m1:ffi0ners For that Wp”m?pV¢1e :,V‘i”;I1:1te1se“e to fay,33o/an Earl of Rutlzmdg eand o[ie2erEz1r10f }Bu11ingbr0oke,~Members of the Houfe of Peers, rmd 4 Oliver St. Ialms Efquire, His Maiefiiees Sc>1icitor‘Ge-W ne'ra1l,Ia/an Wz'lcleA Sergeant; at:”Lawe,, Samuel L"r027m, and Edhwml Prialmmx Ef 5 Members ofthe Houfe of C<’$%mons-»,w11ichAfaid per” ons,o-er any three or more of \ them * .n._m-. . 2%. C33;a) gum '; whcréof;;0:ne{"me:1iab¢r~or mQ1‘€VQf the Lords. A A ;I4Ic*>ufe,“AalI‘o» one LMember4 or 1norA¢%@f 4t;11‘e‘ 4Houfc “ of. * Common5,3'fi1a1¢l”:E?C prefe:nr,Ihali1 sham-4 and are ‘hm- A by.Authm'izcd 1tbhaVvr: the, %Ke¢Vping,,;Q¢1'dcring and 4 difpofingthcrco1f;:1sAalf0‘a1I fuchand thelike Pow» er find Au:hori:y,as any Lm'd;CI1ancc11our,0r Lord )0‘ Keepci-,or Commiflioner of the Great Seal, for’ thc timasbcing; hath had, uféd, orfoughtto have. % Eébflge, [era 754rl.D. Com;