qfl : ( ‘-31 5‘ 9: V ms A N on DI N A N-CE 0 PF ’* A “$3 Thfi Great Scale of England. ;;"§; »@E£IS DECLARATION TO ALL «- Printed by H18 MA)‘ as 2- 1'3 s Command 7H3‘5£- At A9 X F 0 MR D,VNo*uem5.21A.. 1, ‘ ,% % % A ¢'9At;b€ Vniwrfity. % » » v-4*~‘¢:.u. ‘ ‘f=“‘1» 4 ‘ ‘ ._.._ ..+ , ,- A I‘ w .-T.‘‘'‘ ‘N w »~w««rswm«w~ %%&@%%%%%%%%%%% D E CLA R AT 10 N ‘K rf‘~b »% ‘$5 VYLM" :5 ‘U «:5 vv 9 %=> M553 £‘§’ The L o R 135 & c 0 MMM‘O“N s TOVQHING AN 11’ ¢ MAIESTIES % ‘ 1' %%%%%s@ His loving Subje§ts44«upo;;, 5 A 0m¢_/ion tberaaf.¥_ N aséa Gbarles R. ‘ . ,‘ 1':-W"? $5.» A Lordsand Commons Bic. with Our 21 I h _ _ 1} wgert crcunw A be read xn all Churches and Chappells yr: thmMI<;mgdo%m¢, M§AA(. fl 4 “‘wA ‘:3 ‘AABYLEQNAK9 VLICZ-I]_[fi’]'_VD’ 3 fie-2§ a>§§ ‘ii:-‘ 7. . . ~ '37 A ' ., w. " ‘am-"**r'. . r» » ' .‘ .. ‘ » ‘- " fir‘ *““ . ..' 5 Av L‘: .2. f- v: ;., . ._ “ is» ‘E-‘$3; ~‘r5‘,,.;"‘ 4‘.':._.- Mfv‘ “: ~—"7~~.- .42» ~-;. ,2. ‘ 6% mtprcffc plea”fu're'i"s that tfié §Dc¢1arafion of the ‘% %="5§?a%sz§sa§sa§sé%%% ‘ ’-_§§"l{»!;-v V1 - \ V W‘ ‘ '1 ' [V W ‘ . u ' w 3, .‘ , $- . ' ‘ "..'-I OFTHE 1. OR and Q‘M’M' %A %Afl}:m%bled§¥n;Pa;‘r1iamcntg* ‘Tfiuchimngthe teat Scale of England” [A ‘w V . /.-1 " %I7I€1;§;1%S%:th6‘VG9‘ Zvereéy dppeintedtemd efleévle/b ed)/bellére tttter/y wyd, firetflmte, eeeei’ efzee efefig me! every perflm, 0AV'PeV[£§fl5§tt1$7éiK}.’ f/M/1pttt~tbe ‘fizme m refit, ere flee/1?’ cleime any ‘f/gilfg tbereéy, _/54/t'é£eé£le{'edfldezdjtt:2:g€d 4 pzeéliqzte Enemy of tlwzie State. e A And ée itfizrt/Iver Ordeieeed éy tée fixed Larelmtee!Cem.t% mem,t/eat :2 Great 5 eele of "England, elreetlyfiy teem made 4nd'}>re3uided,,/72te!! évefert/with pztt in ttfe; “etedjlm/t’ be, em’ lwerelyy teat/aerimedem’ es/Zeézli/72ee1t”e ta of like force, patter, 4;m’mralidity5 M 451 etttetets medpwrpefl; eee My Great See/e of iEgz,g1and“’Imtfa éveeeeeg, ‘.er ‘eetgbt to be. 7 A At A e A A A A; A t ‘Ami’ %j1é4l1b2t've,4m'! we bereéy .4“:/amz,gd ta biazzét/ye eepin f . A H214 tézztit jfikli he pm? into t/7e%Vé;zr2a’.§ Ma.’ c£afl2wfir m‘<‘,a~,§‘E”V pferfim: lzereqfiermmcd, who are hereby ordained cpnggéggffg. fie find OVIiV€—r1£arle (9fBL11Iin gbmoke, 'Me2.?wber:‘af‘ Me~A~Houfe of1?eer;a::,, amlAOl"iver: St Iohns Efqmirc, HzJ;Maj.e/fie; 34135;; £a':,Vr‘:V Geéie’ml!5I0hn Wilde%Serge4nt dt*%Laiv,%8amue41 B',lm;.m~’ 41.2%’ V 'C0m7W?f3; W"/via/5fitMp%crf;2z¢:%A*, or my. 4:t&r*z*?a~ or‘mm1of V%At;é;:25»2v A ifinéfrsforVtbntpwrppfigbtbat imta fizy; A Iohn Earle of" Rut‘Ll;.mLc!, AA A 2vb£reaf‘oneem6e}*' oi mmrk: of t”'7fi’i:“4 LorzisVVHE"wfe; 5:252" M eméer or mare oftke Hnufé of Cammom , /Fin//éeprcfiemg 3'9‘ 0rderi7¢gV42addif]m~fing tVz?3éreofi,zw alfa all f M11 and» t.&elz‘£eV Pmver am’ Am/aomy, wan} $L'aral“Cé;mc'cl[ar,A ar=“Lm¥ Keg. gar, orcommzffiomr ref "the Grmsseale , for that timeéeizég: Wytb/1ad,u_[c’d,ar*a%u‘gbt to /72:-ve.V ; V M }1:~El/;»nge,_ Clef. :‘z>,m. um... um “ 4‘ . mg, ._.__.....m-..— -vn... _._4.._..... ~._..-—u-um‘ His M Airs T I 1'-S Dechrariont to aHHis V loving Stxbjefis‘, tmpbn xoccaaonota late iii ted Paper aintitled , A Declaration andt Ordi-if A nance of the Lords and~Comtmons~a;fl7e4mbI’ecl in Pariiament , t0l1£mhiI3g7=£g'thC _g3rca.t S%c2,Ie of En g1a*nd,~orderedtby?the Gomt ;mon*st:in&9Parlia-3 ment to bcPrinted and Publiflaed. ‘ “ -M we F therecould yet remain the Ieafl opi... (3 ~ » ‘N —.:c ..t t . . . .. . ~ . » 7- A .: mot: orxmagmatton m the afl°e6hons J A - 2%" and mindes of0utpeUp1e,“eTf1ét1Tf'fEe? T gr who have broken theiroathes of Al- “ _“"'" W legiance, and Rebellioufly taken up «"7 . '1) ‘lglmflgxir , 9; ;',;tIII ‘ u» e t» ' .4- ....a.... «pa _ of our Soveraigne poweg-,That they whoevety day robbe,murther,and defitoy Our People; docyetetefelve to teftablifln the Liberty and Property or the Subjefts, and that the defpetate cancelling all Oatthes, 4 :_m.d the extravagant ufurpgtion ofall A powetj attd authority A ' " over ’ L e‘ 5" Arm€Sa83.?D¥* USs.tF?1aY y€rinrmdche,$ . ftfi‘f"éV%ty”dVf Our Per{on,and znaintenance A A 1 éfpiyratmé, fl1%c>u1d&I;mder thepre~tcn¢e:t:IfL0rds an gm ans. ,;bcab1c Afo%faxrcm (Made 1 C 7%‘) % %<23ver:th:‘1ives and fortunes ofche rwhmle Nation, Wm “next _ A be ‘a way m t>riag ‘man akeraxion, a;nd4m*tall &conFmfian»o§ A aha gavminment of %th¢* Kigagdmgthis%1a1{t*prvctend€d%V: .dim2Vnce :0? tbs Great I‘Seale TWi?=1‘1 fatisfy“th£e _ T: ] ité A A which 31} men may4ie_;e an attempt af as mm pileatl ’aaa£~»abé Afaime a difl”oluVtimi¢0ft%h*e Whale frasms tat” the Mm % niarchy, as‘ mtv3I%l a%‘de& ru<$ti51n‘o‘ff. agw *I;‘la;§;*f A~fi:dAit¢iQu¢sai1%d d€fi3f3‘ ¢ ems- B MOW W5. What . what ismby the E...§m4~s::%?$§:~’ zgsmcififlfi cafithc LaW,1_II.‘%f:.I{iice", Ro.b.bcry"and1’E:«::A:aflJn, Ehzwld bsslaolmd upanas Confci» ¢flC§-‘zilprighttzafié 8: I"ca%rc ofthe Cx'?:mmon-Awcalth, theuglm V to the cvidencdeflzrufiion ‘of Ki3ng,A Lordgand Commons, % is1o4fenic1efl’e and fcandalous to fithereaipn, L cmzrage, and‘ l;‘>ya«I_t:yLof hpncfl men,thatthis~«1afiDeclaration and Ordi-« ‘ némcc whichhtheyhave publifl1~edAtéidifiurbe and difiraé?: the \mihdAs«.and Vaffzéfions of Our People by undcrvahzingfi anddefpifing Our infeparable Regali autho1'ity,_ andin its place fetting up a falfe,imagin ary graiterous» image Aofzheivr goiwne, A Wc hopewill. open the eyes. of all thof;:v.rf1o have been feducedg and inflame the:hearts;.,~'a;nAdaunnzéa ad recto :1... die thcaffe6ti'ons.of aH Our Subjefis to :2 pérfecfi: and pub» A ‘lique horror and deteflatio%n of their Hypocrily and Re» ;bmElion:, §md,t:h€y- will A£i.nd.that fiM'%Martin~was not'impri«» ibncd andexpelled their Cou;ncellsvfor his opinion and ' Tx:cafoAn,but only for p;:‘b1i{hin»=gT%h£irTreafonwin: Azzgufl‘; A A A which theywere txotprepared.co’pra&iceti1iNwvem5er: % for vvhat%isiLt1efl‘c then to dcpof: Vs, tota.ke_away Om: A —Po.wcr of proteéiing and ré“.Iieving Our Subjeéts with In. fliccgénd ofprefar ving and‘ pfl1‘d0fli5flgth€m, with Our vmr:r- %cy?Bu.tmt.hc A .::clarari0an%a%nd Ordinance icfglfe. A * Th:y*tClIyo%u, the great Seals ozgbataattend the Parlia- V }m:em:, éeizzg tbqftqzregngqowrt afluffite and jzm’ia4t:¢re, and‘ 3654: it wgwin May, 164.2. éyu the ;t/am I.Tor‘d% Keeper (Whom A V ;i;t*Lfccme§ theyhfzvc re%mo\/ed from his‘placc,and bgefiowed A A 4 ahefameupcan ofthe%mfelves) cmtraryta ‘tbs grin: tmff A :g*ggofidi{¢Abim, zmd glam p place,flecretJj 4(2)? pgrfidiaafly % };f::m(4y%%ed 4m4y'fi+pmf the P.arli4—me2zt, %%.intaA“¢f,9;_w ‘4rmy”,;.ra.ifi:d A 2gg4i;é§?tb(P4r[i4meyt,1/2»qf4idKk8ejo%:r departingw‘tl:crewit£, fatbtfie Army: wit/9oatrle.w%¢ aft/as Hmfe.% %V'17'is mm * €.¢%°fl¥¢F*t$t9 fer down: thcFt,im:.a£;VhiIsmc9m=n1ifiS '10 . V! (99 ‘ ‘l/’ls,a time wl11en(a'l1thc Wbrld knowes) Wehwerefollme f:romlllh:.w»ing an Army, that‘Wc were l‘H0"EC"M3lfl€f of gm: * Mluskct,Aor one harrcll of: Powder wizhllin ,urDominions; all Our owncArmes hcimg 15Qf:feffed b.ythen‘i', who had at that timemo, _ ufurped.to tllemfelvesa powerl over the 7 l J wl1o'le Militia ofthe Kingdom. Anhhd th_er< fore We hope 1 all Our go0d"Suhjec£l;s, wholes: winhllhwhatconfidcnée anlyg A holdnefléthcfe men ixnpolfelvgroffe luntziuths uponithem, . contrary t0 their knowledge, in matters of Fact“ lwillwgive no more credit to the fame A Authority in matters;0flLaw; then are obvious tothofc w.l~xoarclearrledlinl thatlpmfeflié V on; And; they will then rathcrhezleevetheStatute of drill‘. wiifiaper charm’, made “in the 28:“ years of K. E . 1. ch.;. A whiachtells them precifehly; tharthe Chanccllour {hall fol- 10WMth€~Klflg3th€H this print€dPa'pCr..,WhiC h tells thcm',§:ha‘t by the Lawesl holzhell Kingdome .;th¢ gre§VclhSealc ought tg mztenld the Parliament, though rhef: men know, that:evc,‘n in that l"ec1lE,*(Wc being an ellentilall part of the Parliament) hcwhaltalfcrrtionlignified nothing to their advantage: Asthe tiincf, fa thccxrcrumflamzcs, yvvhen and why We r‘eq_uirccl " Our Keeper of Our Great Seals: to accgznd Vs at Tarégmay :~bc lwell rehmmnbrcd. After We had withdrawne Our felfc . u to that City (upon the realms We have [0 oftcn cxprefllzéd, 4 and mqfo notorioufly llmownc) which was ahoutthe ehdlil cafMm:ly, and fatisfied0ur fell: for fame time with that l" mall rhcinue chem bout Vsanmd Our Childrerl,finding_rhl2ic ‘ the dangers which drove IVs from; London [till eVncrc%afed;, and that We 111_;ilghtll;he clompellcdrolprovidc othcghremcu dies for - Our larfe-ty‘ tlhfen perpctuall fufih-Eng ,» which We defired aqd gefolwvcdto doc inthe moflknowrre, regulag s lgwfull wa,y,,%%% th?a.tw_;%the¢ prctcndedl réimacc of the ic/fmlitia’ had paired b0th~H0uf€5,.€1fldIhafwith thofc circumfhmccs &Qff9rccl&vio1cn¢g, thar4iCh Could batdly 7b§¢X¢§HF¢d With A 5 m B2’ H "u 1- “WV” . IIUG‘ '-at greater V A *“gA&rc:1!'::;'r thenit wasmade (theLordsb€ing'fo threatneditz: A flmirowne HoufeAAafrerthey had.rswy’ic«:%re%az£'Edit, asjWe:“ %hVaveofrcn‘at largeinf0rmed“Ouz'tg00d~APmplxs) thatjwe A A M Wera reptoacfied infomc oftheir Dszfclaraziaus Em-«pubfi... A * A filing OurAnfwersto them and necs:flE=2%;ry I);mrations%of 4 T011: own without the fiiuthm‘ity0f 10 ‘~13? %C’:I'xc:at: 8.«:+.33c,, as if ‘ A thatcircumfianccfiverer;f:qu1fite to whatfaevcr flmzzid bc.‘ 4 puhlifhedin "Our Name, and that marinas had basin rm"-;d7e~ 1 new fixeour Ag teat Seals tothe pretended Ordinancasafmcv g.i!4z'!_£fia, %th,at,fo Our good Subjcémméght be i‘rA19duc4s:d m bffeleave the execuziw ofthofc tcsfbe xof Our Authmicy We though‘: it hightime,Aasw¢11% far the prefcrvation and indfcmnityAof.»Ou1' People, as for ()m: own: Honouraéfl fafétyg. to haw: Our great Seal: mare Vs, which was mffa; 1irr1c:é£ii4matior1andiéuthorityimAA~Ath€44A%p1ac€4wheré¢it:%was:.% That aAIcgéll4 mg: granted mtzdcr-Ajit by direéfion of the Houfe of Peeresg tc3ApreveVntandenquireAi'nwiAAthofc:RiA0t‘§I' A ' A (which%A[wefr~e, tht firfl fegds of Athw R‘c::bell1oAn) Mwas f u pen... A e¢:edcd?gnddifcha%rged “an Order afthe Hon-fc of Com, ‘=in0ns’;and»th~.e Miniflcrs Ac-f iuflicc for obeyingand execw. ting thatAJwrAit,apprehended and im.prifened:r And chm-.,;, fare aim the timti‘ mentioned in this Dcclar&tion,.A%AWe« required Our Lbs rd K§;~‘e:pcr_ (wh%om%AAWe, and We alone; %1adt;ru‘fi‘ed with,:Athe Cufiody ofthat OurA$§Ea§¢:) byoms Latter under Out Sign: Manualsl 4 and Privy 3.5i~gnet,A V upm his Allegiance to repair: t0 Vs” fwith #0u1f+ Grcat Sc:-aiiem which aAccu'rd.ing to d_utyAofhis§>l;1cc,¢w: &;Athcgreatti‘u?{E< mpfcd in him~%byA {V3, her »0b€”y«ed5AW£H-ImVm/caste» %(n)? aware agow undarfianding %wi:h%chc4twoHouras may them: time; ‘ and the Tce{iimony+oAf4forryv;P&cresVAand P tiivys A Cauzmcellors than with Vs at rormon tht 15 of A Irma £014; , l0wiz1g,pub3ifl1edt0th%€WOrId. % A A f A Iris {ugAge{%::é bythis Declaratiown ,4 t}1a&tfthe.greatSea§§: AA mught comm E-ltly = w re4ma~‘im: in the Vhan‘d!:‘an%dV V~cu&odyAof ’th<2fw'ornvi0ficer, (”cisAfVwe1l%theirnew%&Keepers?dft‘h%e‘ir _ counterfeizanfi ForgedSeVa1e%amto bcfworn) notwithfian_ ding which, t1w:flrm:fim'e%it br1f}.I beam éraugén? to I/1,‘ luff» may Mt mtvmt.5e band.-: afPw*fam-vf$¢atfwarI¢;dnc{n AvJhc rwf, they wouifi make the W0‘x'tfc£§belecvc, they even unmzaek this editing fflésd*u$m19;tL1re2i1 Rebellion 3 “When A theft men Afi a’gainfl the Iufidges riding: af ircuias ac--7 r éU*f&iingfmn,0rthat1i13a11t?g%1am:cAwh§ch they %ca11%;éi1>£giance ,“ whether raifing%1@§4Aafiifl"ing a Riffiellion % Within t%hiVAs*KirsgdamA agrainffl/s,awr Scmxntcs fitting the meat %Sd&a1e4‘q‘fA§bglafW’ High. Trea;1bn,~ in ‘rm S‘mtw:c of §§,V‘y¢a‘Mz bf E1£w;é:?f¢ 3,. w hethér t~h’:y who ia_d%ifchargeA of » ’%thcirfl£I‘ty and al2€~giancaVaffifi V58%'-1335 3 K553531100; 051' my ‘whob£'a;*%%*AVrmes= againfi-4 ur Perfon, ~umd€r pre*tc:nAcc 0ur:Aut.h¢;ity§arc %Wi:‘hin;the Srawficof A 1 1» ; %%y§ea‘:*“:a;t% Hw.’L7V;‘"[E4‘ *5“ w§hAetheLrVV?rhe »%p¢rfm1 0f thc: A j.iKin;g may be de1lllr.oyc dJ‘iU.‘1'.hC b@=ha*1‘£efO;fVE-1'i_5 0fi<:e,‘,ala:z£l»t“la.e l ll-Goods and Ella-yes of ;.thc :Subjcfls t_aken from} th'e1_11-l§y rviolence fmhcl maintenance of that lPropertya Wllllm hell, can beonlv dmrnuinefdlbv rhr-fL:1Wl. :hat~.Law bell lllaaL1ght.»alfildl fixficlutfidll +?h3ifW9m+ 3”‘-lgfis l‘h¢'W"f and W l "thtrkcare and con fcicnce W13, r¢lc9rnm¢nd landeamlmit Du: Commilliolns of by erafid Termimér, Whic:h4all~gooH ‘“mm ml: wok u~lpon"asalWh01fo;nc "”rc«raal¢dylforl ~*th0}f€€fY*. A ling evms which difquiet the Pew: ofali Our Counries.% A A PM the Comknilfion whichthis ‘lDcclararionLla&il'as ,wm° for the exmmaag ti/fie Moody &° deteffmfile defigm: off Waller, ,;;;g emery, far the deflruéiian ofzl/e Par liameiztl 42zdc¢zy,af L wzdan, in hath been long fincfi prifitfid and publifhzed tolfawll rneix, who therebylllmowlit to h3V€*b¢ml %:tL0 mhexr , llllthen ‘l hath ufually becn,and is alwaies granted far leavying,ray- ' lfing; ;md«g;ov€rningAvajn Army, and why V We lhouldmt mi;“¢‘1nen in L}9mim¢.or lMi;c!dZefi.»cto qg1cnc~hlt~hatR£belli§:m which w fizrfi l»:’mdlc:cl there, \7Ve know not : ‘what; theta- ll-plniozzmdjudgement olthole cruall merczlcfle men was «Of {big Qommifiion», is barba1*aufly written inllletters ml" Blbud; wlm the Commliflion it ffilffi msis cviclenwt mall me Wozlrsl , than bland will om: ‘day give in evidence wxmta dcfigne was the mnfcdetcilalvlc and bloudy, For mg Commiffion granted for a Ceflluion of Arxncs in Ira» A l llamga Vvc have pulalifhad already the truith and the Cir-» lcumflflnctjs thefclof, and lllallin due time let thiit World 1m0w,by whole means the cffufion of f0 much 1nnoc(:m: lbloudfind ft) many calamities befcllthat poor: People; ,VVhaE'0Pini();j1tl'l€y whoare $71103: comclrnled have dfthat A ’(jgfl"acion,is fuffi<:iently.l;nown bythe concurrent teflimm ny and Lcnters £romthatlKingdome. lWhat 0fia::€s‘of » T,”-ufi and Command are grar-mid by V8 I0 3flsYgP3Pi&5» who by the Laws and scacuclesof this R¢alm9ar6mad£ V" ' J , __ ‘ ., Mm.» « W... ,l A, .M Q ~ - * " '""""‘“"'*' "' l 3P3: ll me)’ A A i»n&:apaBIe'of ‘thofe Oflicesand Com.n*_1ands;,'e ti11AFuC~fi‘A~PIe.‘ A “ ‘V c-es and Perfons are named, VVe cannot underftand ,.. innthe I meantimeweare confidentthere are none fueh. A Vpon nthefe An excellent premifes thefe carefu1I'Lords AA~al1dA Commonshave declared and ordazmda/Z tbeeflzzy ;;fbrmer.ly mem‘ioeed,ami‘4flo226cr Aéits whichthey hoi‘din...n ~ H convenient to their purpofes, All gram: of Wamfjbipsv . ( whichgfhwc have power to doe anything,is in our pow»- eronerto grant , and cannoe be granted but under the Great. A ~aSea1e,)d All Pardon: ( w=hichAAA even bythemfelvees, in their: own man inveéiive and Rebellious Declarations is new ‘A no knowledged to be folely in out Power, and o£Our Prero- garive )nn.ema7;a2:y7 may thing A Awbagffaerdef " A to-my Perflw 122150 r ~ V : me:/3 4fizflca'V.s' Aagaizzfi‘ t-ink tmmzt.-mall Reeécllion, ( to thofe “ which is a iubtill diuftinfiion) who have been againfl“Vs A -e»itfl1.alIbeufefu1l andbeneficiall) which have pafl”edunder A A the GAre‘et Scale fince the remova-1‘lthere.offrom, Wéfimin. A no .s‘-'2‘e'r, than be and areoinvalid voyAcl?a~ndAof none effeéfc.-, And for the Future, WlJ2lZ‘[6‘1€"U»€r"0]( W/Bwnatere fbwer jlmll pay}: mademrzy Great Sea/en of E‘r:g14;m’”*( but that which they.-‘ havecounrerfeiwed», andwhich is Treafon inany manwto I1-ff?) fdbey éarvem:2'gedwoyd'mdfi-uflmte,eand have decliired every Perfon who {hail put the fame in ufe, or {ball claime v A any;th.;ing.th*eeeby, flaall be adjudged aepublique enemywco $etnhjs;S’uate-,fo that ('b€fi'dftSth€ avoiding and difavowing V ‘;o,wn,b’utnhavedefiroyed and confounded theadmi . tion ofthe Cixfiilljuftice of the Kingdoms, which cannot: nx;h*atS’éale,bf,re nd under the fole authorityof which them; felves were Em-Anconvened, a-ndepretend no otherflill to ~ h;;.ontinue,together) they have notonlyleft Vsm :1 worefe Vcofinditionn thenthe meaneft Subjefi, denying us- a-.":y'ca:p‘a... aity‘n*of_ difpofing “whacfoever-is mofl undoubtedly Our : O lira». -}J.en ecoenetinued but by —that Seal: from which jv; originaily . % M g '% "A "A" AA " A "WWW " "'A''“ "M ht fiolwedtlo the People .~ M But for'~that;” thiel’e‘iordéiinet‘sl iiéiie ’ provided a remedy,_a new Seale oftheir own; as they will i A by no meansfuffer the People to want‘ the benefit of that ‘power which at anytime ‘they thitik ’*iake“fl"o7m h‘§/"’si‘, andthétlréfo re they no fooneitdetiy i’V%dtet‘i§:l§eei'~'-fie lvgfany A Prerogative, hutthey all u me 1t tothemfelves ;S“o the”"'So.. v-eraigne power._,which wehave been alwaies known to :have, now they Will 1‘13#V€ 1‘ efiidfi‘ i*i’1‘i‘t1’1i§f1’I;Wh&o'fuffieient'ly oexprefie howgleeiure t;heRellgioln,tLaw,au‘dt Iliherty ofthe A Kingdome, {hall be in their Prol‘te<5?tion.l This new Sealeis efiablilhed by thofe who macleittohe only of that power tend validity as any Great Settle of England. hath ever beengor ought to he , oatndethtattilt maybe fure to be only lufedlto virtuous ends (t that is to thclend for which ’twas made) they have cholen fixtot themfelves to keep it, any «three of which , fo :1 Lord be one, (hall have the fame am. tho:-icy and P owemhat any Lotti» C hancelllor,h or AKeeper A «at any tlmelhath uled,or ought to have, which willhardlye ietvethelr tome, except in thole-cafeswhich require im... mediate warrant, they maybrefort to theitown new Sove... raxgupowet forthole formalxttes-~, which no cloubtwill ealily difpence with the Signet and Privy~Seale, A thl‘¢%ughh precifely iojoynecl intthe StatiL1te“0ft'l5lC 27.0? I1.,8.and the 11. Chapter. And lo”tis very probable the firft nfe A A they willmakeoffimnay beeltotfeatletheirt we Pardons: A who lcontriveel and eounterfeited it; Thus by this fhott little Orclinance ;Ql1efeilmehwho ~ havteiorlfeited their Lives and Fortunesto the Lawgzme found a way to d.efl:royetl:attLaw they have ofFentled,and 4 to exempt themfelves fromr any trylall butt? oftheirowen -«Votes; anal wnihout the”noyl“e andltheizard of ’depofiii1gius', to/take from Vs the three moll-glorious jeWels"it1 our Diaclt-‘m., flurpohwettodoe, Ouriullicelhtolnlogccyand A o7 7‘ on ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ a “ '. I ‘ ‘ 1 ' -7 ‘ 33 W3 ‘ A‘:0m*mcr,cy~ naréoaa§fireer%fac%2 inherent Wregariveag A%FhA3* ~’-{A5 iffi6,nt’& i-.h ¢: mi fir? H i?Kii?g am W’? bffiiflg mim- bffd éft4h€m; noSubifé& mu c1aimeA,a:ightm,4or h0;pc«fQr' 4 he : Qfwyflg V‘W€A:flial£ Wait?2z0ernV9IfWiI¥i€{?«Vi¥&V1€rti%?r§ W g0%t0dM%%5uhk?¢*is -i€C.thEifV%l 0f,§Vfi¢éQt1éef:n€mét1§figthéfe ~ i’{1$&W§;g§1it§e»safld A «com... fplracicfs ag2§i%nfi §[s5w%h"o§vm'_%ca;n i_:nzigz1'm m.=;s:h%;;u: c_onrug%im ?$»Afe¢s:th4€%A11¥t¢1y 1m%ag¢:%9.f tins 4 Oraiznazm rmdmufi ¢~3§pén%Ofl1fga"g but the fmits A0? i”tf1‘O1m~the }co;mx*i?;Ic;rsw Wfye fflia11,With%%iG‘c§ds hVk:ipV,%"cio!e.oL1r%part :0 the vindicaréng Our Own.HQnEm1t and Right, and thcpu’o1§quz:Aj;.:fi§ce Aofme % % A+.0fEngIand;, car€f%*11y and diligfinrkv “mm % ‘ M t1mAi€1m%t1m¢, IV to zfl'5me3,_ Qut, {uchxnrrzts ,V are ncsareflary fax “*3 WP’-“°H@[‘.4"”" ‘33‘?m~"*?r aJ3.%53§#A5m°3~4;A%CU&¥fi.t0é‘$%%0%f 0aC§-,m%tVAo% A A ~—C/5w.«:e)ry,’t“fi4at"%thev pz*epam and b:'zng rm a.«:mm:iim,g to T31’f3:I‘%%A%03th€S fiilfufch \Mri@5%A¥A$,a17¢£DI412¢3Vff§3 ¢%;£%%G;a*eat%iS;$?2ie, *_ ..m ‘ ‘ '.» ‘u’. w-‘ ' ' -"Lu . M: V‘ ' ‘ _ m‘ » u._.. ..'~“: .L'_5 T‘ Q-'_ I ~__.,~..~ w VI‘ : V. ‘- .. ‘ , ‘ n 1' " _ .4,‘ ; 4.‘ . -n,. . - q . 4» . an no , . 1 , .- ‘ 4' ,- ~ " _ ‘ _ ‘ it I A u . “ J . ‘ . ; ., -‘ A ,, ‘.“‘*- - MY " “..,,.: V. ‘A ~ 4 ‘ I ‘ ' \ . , .4 . : ..,,.,‘ V¢t%51€fi3i?§:s~wre“ :*Kv3flgd$m¢ m its=*%‘aé>r¥