i 999999999999999999999999999999 > ”U :9 ”U ['11 W 99999 . RECEIVED BY HIS MAIESTY from the Committee of both Ho ass 5, upon the A eight of April. WIT H HIS M ("IIESTIES§ Gratious Meffage to both Houfes in Anfwer to the fame ‘ . 999999999 9999999999999 , 53959929799599 «flaw ‘ 9;, x: e 9 Printed by His MAiESTXES MCounnamim . oxpox’z), ByLzoxuno Lxcnnhln Pram-toxin Im'wrfit]. 164,3. WWWWWWWWWWW 99 9999999999999999999999999999 99 999999999 38 Aprilfi.‘ .‘64'3' ’ ~th conceive ,9 that we are to acquaint Tour Ma éefly, That they We_tizked into confideration Tour-Majefiies Mn; fiver to their Keafim concerning the Ceflation , wherein there are div/er: exprefliona» which will occtfion particular Keplier , which at thic time they defire to decline,~ Thei r wifher and endeavour: being earnefil y hent upon the obtaining a fixed y Peace, for which canfe they doe not think; good to confmne any more of the time alion'ed for the Treaty in any farther debate: upon the Ceflation, concerning which the y finde- Tour Ma jcfiics Exprcflion: fl) donhtfnll, that it cannot be ficddenl y or eafil y refihved, and the remainder of the time for the whole Treaty,- heing hut ~'j'"e'rzjen dam, if the Ceflatian were grefently agreed; it would not yeeld any confiderahl e advantage tothe Kiggdonz; 33 @339 A WI» ".. T Infirnétiont this (la y received from A} Cégm - ‘ ' I . y be a perpetual! bl: mg to them, by fleemg the ngdam flow tbofi mi er I: 9555*! cf War-fl» qflhfim ofEng- hfl: blood, defilamn ofm} 1mm of the Land. . . . u Nortlmbcrland “A! Helhné. W'd. Armyn. ” f . :3 ‘ il. Pauepomt. . B. Whitclockc. . - ' . - :;’.'l'\ D.r,-(‘ -.. a r 1 ‘. .~. .{o' ..\_,;‘3 ‘ J v . . , fi‘ ALA “‘ ’2; 0‘. ‘ 4 i U '\ \. . .’\. xn $%@W&%§fiié§w%§é%fifi His M A j 13311 Es Gracious Mefl'ag e to both Houfes,i11 Anfwet to the F oregomg Pager. 1 - ‘4; F the Committee, according to His "1g" Majefiies Dcfire, had had but Power to ’4"; 1 agree in the erding of EXPreQO' 111 ~ ~- ~' the Articles ofceiia don, HisMa'jI'efiies (which are as cleare as the matter would beate, find its HeeOuld make them) had hot- appeared {é doubtfixi} to any, but that the Ceflition might ginhavc been fucidenly and {peedily reiolved, and that 101% Make this time "And if; th’EX premons’ of Homes 1n their Reafons had not Pnecefiitated H's Mayefl'y 1111-113 o'wne Defence to give fueh anfwefl as couldnot upon thofe points derive: Truth withi ontfome fliew offliafaniTe, no expteHiOn of“ that kind 1n His Ma} ePcies Aaner had ven any Pie-'- teiice forthe rejeaion of, 01‘. re'fufi 1011111111 11113 Treat upon the (Deflation , Which though it Wed: at prefent for no long time,) yet was from the day named by themf'elves the 2 5 ofMarcb, Whereas Hi's Majefiy firfi moved for a Cefl‘ation and Tteaty“, without any Limitation at ail 1n the time of either , _ and his Maydiy was 111011: ready to have enlarged " the v7 WV—w—w—W the time (Io that 111 the theme while the point 0% (luarters might be Io Iet ed, as that his Armys might fuinIi) and which might have beene ( if they had pleaIed )1 a very good and promifing ,‘earneIi, a1 d! ’ forerunner of that great bleIIing of Peace, for the. obtaining ofwhich the wiIhes and endeavours of all good men being earneIily bent, a farther debate tn orde; to Io gneat a benefit did not deferve to he Iiiled a conIumption of tune And his Ma yeIiy can- not but: conceive himIelIe to be 111 a Ii1a11ge condiv {1011, if the doub1fnlneIIe of expreflions , (which muIi almaies be whiles the Treaty 18 at Iueha Di- fiancefihd poweg is denied to thoIe upon the Place tofielp to deage and explaine) or his neeefl'ary ree plymgw Charges laid upon him; (that he might not Igeme to acknowledge what was Io charged) Q1 1115 limitatiqn} oI die time oI Ieven Daies for the Treaty (whi9h was not limited by his MajeIiy, who ever deI Ed to Mhave avoided that and other 51111111119113.1th have given great interruptions to it) Ibould be as well beleeved to be the grounds, as they are made the Arguments of the re) eéiion of that,wh1ch(11ext toPeace 1t Ielfe)his MajeIiy above all things moItdeIircs to Ice agreed and Ietled, and which his Ma } cIty h0pe3(if 11 may be yet agreed on) will give his people Inch 3, taIie of Inch a bleIiing’ 1hat after a Il1ort time of conI deratlon,a11d compa- tin S ring of their feverall conditions in Wat-add Peace, andwha t 'fhould move them to fuff'er [0,. much by a Change , they will not thinke thofefheir F fiends that {hallforce them to it, or be themdet’s ready tocontribute to the reniewing of their formenmi- feries, without fome greater evidenceiofNecefiit'y then can appeare to them , when they {hall have feene ( as they {hall fee,ifthisTreaty be fuflEred. to proceed) that hisMa-jcfiy neither askes nordenies any thing , but what not 011er accordingtoLayy he may,but what inhonoun and care of his-people he'iis o'b’li‘ged- to. 23ke«0r~ deny.And thisal ont(which a, very fhort (Deflation would produce) his Majefiy dieemag yery confiderable Advantage to. the Kingdome ;' and thereforercainnot but prefl‘e'again andragainx, that whatever is thought dohbtfull in the Expreflions oftheArticles may( as in am home fimaytwall be: (1.0116ch éxgpoundcd, arndewhatFO- evenis exceptedatmay be debated and concluded, andthat Powet,an—d Inflrufiiongma‘y be given: to the; Committee to; that: 1394,; ; that thc-Qaifetable cffeét‘s‘ of War,the effufion ofi Englifla. . blood, and dcfolavtipn 9f. Englmzd; Cunt?“ they can be wally. taktndwayD-xnafiby this mm Raymund ind. tefimPtfld-'J.r:{1.€§‘zi‘ ‘ t ‘ ‘ " " i ' t r' ‘v ' P ‘,.3'. ' '-'${'.\”‘gr[ , 2 ‘¢\' '91.: ”I ' IJ - ". . a ‘, -'. .. ‘4‘ f,- ¢ t l :9 . ‘ _ .. . - wait Majéfiicfuppefesithat Wathcflommlttec was Iafl required: !to .defi-te .- his. Majgflie to give a . fpecdy (“v—W . 'ijmexiyimsd fizfitiwadm :33: time tid‘p anti; or; bomnixfg'fijisbuflfifig ;H'Is fiufiverv inmha: , m {wflmdbfleplythufi 35m; find: , and Wind? ‘hé hope?! é}? this mam“ givex: fitfl‘faé‘ti; drflm it: ita‘fifigiliw diflcbndceivcd, but won-x fierbrfié "rblmxfebi'lhéaid€~pgeffe§ri§ Mljgfly £0: ‘3; fpcééjfiigefitiveémfwetfiie zhezfiefifipaxeofldxeix firtfisfipflfitfiqfimflififigfiibaddb : ; 15871161! to: (hiltéemdwhoflfié‘mhy raide’Prepo Itibngcme , wémgiifi: Rewmé {T6 ~e bod: houfes" Of Parliament, the? 11.1de giver: anyf?awev or Ikfiruélignfi to fikxflbmisxeéi h’téueh’953'2tu’l’nw with W fly; 5 Add whet: his Nifty?) (ifihis défire 04' Peace ' axii 05f ‘ pd: ' " §the szeatyflifmden to that/hit! n' .. , rem: meKh‘-hifi‘}1mighcTwidxrarflimfivi gamma: hvwdagyfadw begin to "[1!me ”may“ MFR?“ Been? 63::ka my maxi! Miriam); Mmeh péfmgwwv mmmf " h'wim them ,7 vhgtdaélyfioymw re: “inwhmfim when 60 both 921% ofithei: fimmiéggbem’gtgwpimmmimdp ma WM§g7W.? We wfiiewmxhe mndnbfééefeififletd‘dnfieflmfmu; that.“ kiwiaox-ibywms; Ways; gamblegmaybe m: fed by it,H§sngjeflj defires likewifeithgtifijiaedw mitcee‘mybeemm Heir upon: $9311th 933 Pmpofitionsfin their Ewmlraedcm { ' ;r FINI S. RARE DA 4 12 16 4 3 . G7 5 5 A‘i— uggéasarg” 0F MASSEOURI COLUMBBé/x1 380 21643 .RG75R5 IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIHII