L T’ S aflm C 0 M 0 3&5‘ A/]?3mMeo¢%at :0 x P 0 R. :o._, N By L n 0 NA R D Ln: H 9 I E 1.n,Printcr . ' ‘W V ‘w w. A "H- W "wa--H ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘-:* “am- , ‘ ., , W 5, » $ *3 ~ “ W“. 4 4 g W H E. I "-4 -v-¢lnfs—-23-1ze9g..4..nnnn4na.;_,;a1 , , 3;,“ I E G». *3? £';;a:},,it(~ (3323 I .3§ ” AH”:-bed at O X F O R [)2 according to ¢+373i7E_ His M A3 E s -r I n s Proglamation, C0me:*nj1f&g%%their’ Endeavours flaw’: " they% came thither for the P E. A C 1: ofthc A A Kingdom, and the Reafons enforcing their Aabfcnce fmm Weflmi~;wfler.. 5!’ '1: _x':l'a:2fi'uu.a.nsa. .3... sun» 7'I,..4.:£_ D E} ._.,"!‘, ACHARLEEAR. VI‘ expreflc P1cafurcis,That this Declaration ofthc Lords ‘ and Commcns of Parliament affcmbled at 0xfmZ,bc read M by_ the Parfomvicar or Curatc, in every Church and Chappcll ; pa...» Within Om Kingdom offing/and and Dqminimn of W4!w.r.~ M ~ % % V March. 1 9,«I%6J3,g . x e "2L,n:%.a L‘ “M ’§*"’3;=f? as"-«.25 9&1 A it ,, 1:: AA : V, _ M Prmtcsd by*AH,g$MhA) E s 1 1 n s Command,at,thc ‘ defire oftfie Lords and Cammom of Parliament . M33 51 tube Vnivveagfizy, I 643. we m'5‘.3E.~au‘.LM1.:h:.u;. L . V’, J’ A 4 1 ~* V ‘ $ Of; the :and«.C*@:mm: éliatriefit D % *A*in§th¢i**$“d%4V°fir8 fi3‘c3‘th% Shithef M as g1ié%~fl€iHéd%, a»¢m¢«;« » A «RM_f%r2§3«%féhf3rc%*:4 rI:i’éir€.&“‘é““wnaéA V N, ‘. g. m . u g ‘. , W56“ M I V A ~ § 3t&~S‘_g‘.;3UdA§‘.;'¢b'm% F 5 . im»por¢tanMt ,r€3=.. 7; A“ u %;;;;W;hit’h€ra»V ¢ %W:cr:e§;+t~»%I;cgaflyL c5ailkd&A%AA$VAoa»1‘ 2;!‘ h R 5 Pw\Ne‘;mnd4 L “>uth:oti=ty ¢ ‘ 3505! *3‘ : ,, ,‘_‘/W‘ \ . vaf M . J 1 is %b¢_rryto pref;-.nt our humble advice A “ mot} and earlieflendeavdufs; fidcr L to L*o;¢dd:ag;; wou“l.dm«ofi fucceflkfully paffc through His hands; Am come th.ichcr from Ti%Hi=s Ma j;c'fi: A Commmas; A 2;: V to His Mairffiya for rh€.Pr¢:¢f¢rvacian*of% the Rel"i'g4ion“, thfiyKiflgdflftb:T’h9"8h?i1VmL9fl«33 1 God:,”ou*r zcAa1¢e7’ét1d: t¢nder£1€H%'C*,Aof HisAMaj_efiics 7”h”n0u%Vzj¢ and {afcty,and cur Afi‘eé‘fi0n‘& Ciompafiionifif:hcA4jfb1‘§:¢»} ding condhion of our ;nif¢rabs1,c more Chriflian Engliih B100 3 8: to do-fethofe through which this is%Ai»p“da%nger,in -:1 {hart tinxc, to lapguifl1 even toVdefplatic>Q. And fi?£T1.C?iI'fi§, th7§#_‘Y f}1’{;u‘Gf céflé whidh attendfid alljime Qvcrttmés ‘of{“".:1:-“‘ rmifty Accor~gmod‘£i;‘tiozi"A( made“"4by; MM is“ Maj,*cffTy,;'H~§s jefticg. mcifl Vg‘ra1:Lfi£T ;M%1'fT2i”g*e:i‘tr7no~rn;alx?‘&£*z?iiaglaar&éaa‘,»béing wuma fo: mach: ¢»ont¢I:1;vt4»4z'¢«ic&€§*y%vWW? ~f¢ritl2y Mcmbcrs of "bbth,H'du”Af¢s,,,1Eho,§;M<‘g |V grzs wgrg garfwf*’§md4’¢td ‘dc. 1%iver it, b€t$a*1§“;i{;§@«~;% the fame wasmd " ¥h6V~rE§M1;GG{g§ M 1’ arHa-- memg. and that :o<£3;*am§z;¢wa%la£%~M§Ifa‘g@gV,;fentA by him; of the twelfth of Apri/l.;:wm"d*ninmsé€mH”4pf ”<*_M4y._,, * (in both: which are molt gracious c=FE4 in finance» ofwhic‘ h 0.rdeLr, ‘thong “ hthe pafléd:A.bnI}éi“ W 3 A »es2 tdhuught ar”ayv%add*réflE fm: Peace and Lavmsand ramble to Vour »i1At%,rsfi,;:tc5? to“pre"vem the efl‘u’fi%ox§‘*w”‘f wounds, ‘ bécfiz A a fworne 2 Mcflcnge%n:o:fVAiAH»iVs‘A A becnbarbéa»1m;u£1y pun poi death, ilfrf ca%1*'2tyii%ng Le-gall that % é» :m:uan.cn am AmadgmdA;+h%ow.mhappiIy 12¢ rm‘ h’€€”lf?fffl?iflfl§', Ad nfi ifu Q4; §kiV3&;3-*; A témzfi Ahzé wt%u1Ad;~xiritlh ,AgreaAt ch€¢.rEUA1h§;fT¢A~£haveiAnte;p;ofed; in “a-AbuA1fimA*_fl'a2A"of 1€econci1iatioAn;<; v%an%d aiAt4’le.‘afiA WW6 met us 1&A.a‘it12A%w:gy fiin f<;»..&Ie-;£A1‘cd WQr.li¢;;& {Ah".J.dgu"t&ly€ 1:c:,f:c;>re4 wi-ch_His. MAaje£%ia$AA1eax’?thim; He:::ng£t«x:s@;a§:lyg¢van.d; gratioufl gavcA’At1’s5;;2% *"2md“~V~for;swhiA6AIar.éW€;' ¢Q1iQuc%nQE;:::H*%AAfl1all 1:€c€i~,V€ A AA V1 r~*h%”&$?~5Ifi1‘%;i?az»”i7AkS ea4z1Vdf:A1?z:i&A3”rs=:w§?s f,a1,l;H1sA Agod ,SAui}j§;é1“s) Awe; A A §i=?£3*At5tfa.;;@ A A.AerA1r that pzirpii-E§tQ7Ah§In:g, Agfigfi ’.€1i1£:1‘€ArAAVour §1sa:md3"3'T}”AWh:G£Tot ve.a:- . reiadfi At:?Aha£%E;¢t§¢;r A wfiAVA%hope% in A m££A% ?:aH A ) 111:1: W lane {T6 A A (A 31 Rd it: Wiéifi bdWiW%§”miafia: agamfl: A1:"hQ£S.‘.W.h.0AA'h§1AV£ ~r¢i¢5f¢d4A‘ic,) m‘A*ha¢t:‘i’?€rA7efAA"?7E?r’aA?smAdbncmmf Apa¢r*ii“s¢_A Alnftéaid Miirouchfafing us 3.-A nyiiix Wnfwer , or" prbpwfi-mg Aany other Away A towards £3JE‘3é¢f.Y5i:-. (.%i£mjha.t-which we JI?Amp¢:ofcc{R WfisA.:£t;x’tAAh0ught:con. a"fl”i>0t:!;. em: 32$ «£l1:¢;j[Ear;1fil of FWM, G,«éAAar;Ae“":i%;;i1t=rc>tIe1isAMajw:iaes;ArmyA, rAa€2k;£10W1cdgiflgAth‘e7m.,A ours, buAtiVfayi*ng;,t;h Wit neéttaéfirsat./z4fIJ;é9?,g;' .4ddreflcAta« A 5 Me moA H cafe: d AAParfr'mmnr,m A2;Mr~ utal3erm;z g% t;5cxab,e”1‘;ugA any. wiéwéxiledgfemcwx afv gm r;AaMd*A not‘AAamWmic4fic:£m5;A. flvwfié-,A;\M;7hEAi%€fls§ihfimdwiT£ gyms. insztfizie way prgfctibcd; fpréitfibddaandfl paid A7 ch moaddreflé being &T:u‘O?W# »cd%’A,A.A{ae*.s éflfwmwdzg butb3nAthg:.AHW,.Ib»AA20£ Efl{”cx;,;)» ~and; he being A4 mtfi«r&c*c3A3td«AAt!¢:’§1;i1$§fehé.m;.fibc§ap1:OmQm;:AWirh;thoffibyiwhomi ; h*erAAi«s:At:1rtfffedwmmmnxiiamm:»am&ezrmafiAdc1inc~ef 3. ma.» A cyg f<1::rha§‘7i%£tlm*r&*;:hAadA;; “ecxi_4.jhe1ieaA{t ¥i.nal‘ipAagipn to, or am dA2zr:mgb»fi? ffi:nL”1©'vtrturei of:.Pca;ce.A,h«eA mfg ht; %Aha;veA as Aeafiiy A am i$;; gimruftcd, as m: "r:wAe:,¢Ab3za w Ex; Ax§v:ia¢¢;1A{"’4€i5AA,sAW¢l1:}known) _ AAB:&5sAAWs“IR§we?r*"ma4s £s:::iu.,‘a‘nd"&yi£h~it%; andqa?p3£‘fTiQfiit_,;7aPaper I‘em:iV’i:la’ed%; ?*"TfIt’ DA6AW?W‘?I2r&:&ft!5é‘:%imgdamA ofS&atl4nd,and, A DVacll4m4tAim %q1‘t»&e..KViAé2gdayneJ af :Ex.g!i42m’ and Sxratlaiad; A “ A A A 3. A AV and 3 :;zb* adw7¢mRe.¢ae%; *%whichVrh eughzin _ ‘ ble to h1is*f@tmer;$AArzfwcvs"., VAdbtai~*ncd ycnV‘[&1~Vmuc»h credit ' *4 2‘ % -. \ ‘ «.3. R .. W. 1 . W -« '4 ) ;.a nAc;i%ana;I1*jé eagmuxéizd Goémnkntgsthe Dacha; ~rzit*i‘&3>n§s??4 ?53rr“&i*= ’4%G*hyi of A 1"hi's. Andif his%.w~4Lordflai:pvwould‘ ma%ce'g’0o_d his «awn lfitter, A and afpcnd. Hjs Blood, % or hm Aufeuhis endeafirouvr ;?':f’o£~‘t-he m%2zimtm:mcc<~Aof the Parlia- ~’b*t*hs,4* without the con fem: of ;, Amd againfl the Ma. men: “of ngzana, being" ?ir’xdeéd;» t;hiWfoundarion where- ~u»p(”)n’”3‘II—‘» Our‘ Lawc:s*&:and ahbcrties are fupported, We V+*fiiou1Ad .""m9t A Treat at th%1is[‘»»1di’{tance , AanAlea{t V- a Trmty wé>u!VdAn<®f¢: have "becnJrc«jeé1‘e»d. ed fufi'cr%sd no.t;Qur ScIves¢to»I£ing.do%rn"é, “4_-fee ms to bc( Vand in tmthf = A 154411 Lou;r pan.’ )'%‘éhAej§Argu’m”cm‘d£i' this bloody C0ntenticm,} afldT£h3lt_\V€ am etiificavouxing: 3ll4‘~way%cs vtodcflroy onesa. §3Q'th¢l‘,;;ifi the béhalf of that :wc”a1,l dfofc, or all pretctidto dam-e;We. think'ouAArfe1w:swobligcAd to¢T1‘L1ith ,% I0 rhepre. iém Aga%an&~*tb. Péftcrity, to«1erithe;,wgz1dknow; th at as We are much momtender ofthe Wsligifon, 1 Lawes and Li. hcrty ftheKingdoim.;thenAofour Lives and Fvrzunesgfa { the uneafic Condnionavwvhercin W€’flI'€,fiDd;%'.'h€ heavy I~udg.~.w meats and «profcripitiens impofed%e4?d?n* us«~byA.‘ourL~c§qu'alls; ,, V V have procccdcd 4-~,: and btcn caufcdfrdxii nhaifiénfcienccg Loyalryand Dflty‘,ifl Awhieh wcshave" bee>n-ho1:nwand;:brcdg , \ ancifrom W-hichéwecouid fwcrwc:wi?thourVrhcmauiq. fefi breach Qfour Al1egianceA and theta cirviii Oa*tflesr;:xirau;: arcobkige4d~a3z—- ‘amwc sh é%p@5wfiH:app@aWr«€5 ;mall~r£Iqcr1hy tghis . 5 + A ourcnfuir2g%DécIarar§on;m 1. _ A Wc?fl1alIpaff;:o”v.er(only-’Vack:iowlEdvgmgP‘I1sM+aj¢]Iéé*s* - W abundantcare a%nd.fa§rou1=to His lI?eopI't 4) :4 thcgie axccllcnc we-s;:madc A.*sis;;Pa¢;iiamcn:;5%for' vm*eauon:and:r:» A ~ 4' A ' ‘ moxzalii 5> E {:3 iii‘: V fi10Vfi1'=1%z.V0rE%th4r:.'1n1fchmf¢E$:; 21a%f1dmflC@2I15a@f11¢2l1w3n%. mw;h1V’c~hAA:=: 13¢‘-’-l.;,IiAf3;»‘% t4$%‘Lf1érc:£ce:n?oi?it« 11i"gh,ts::‘mVd'yJ;.ibm:«t_3ir 3: *f§m~1JlT'w2xrhic there aarc?-xzcry- few %.Va“mm.g:£’c:us2 whgq concumtfid n'0E.fu»1ly , ( h0W»¢Ve3x wc%ar§:* fl0fW.'.'l firadtga t*aw:i&!m ..x}b_g+f§gVenzca{;4of b:0W% madrrthat mm; g”ffl@&Q'L£S..bfifQ13:¢AE”.2HWiflfiéjgtflftg Qflliffinc %;;fiat7!%V+?A<‘&z m ‘i7tAhfl»6§17f€ :2t7€a§¥€1@3§~==;£70ILi‘ci€m&bs in & 13,h:i$ po0rc=King“d ‘*1 ' i,~:~1F§Lnd;,hecauvfe:mc4rrm" mflftfiffi *iAflAdiifl"€r€fl1t5; A WAhic~h*:ifA:i:t7;h&a<:l; \wc€nacc.eptcd;4, L wouid have prevented" ma»ny¢Ab:fVFr:11e%xnAi£c1‘¢i;¢§ 11,a}:~§£:%.}£i;:1\c~¢:$&bef‘aI1‘e:1 ‘ #4-pg! ,a)‘“‘.‘V; “@511! um ‘_‘ ,1‘ «-4 M :fa>t‘z:d; Pz5;Lirj1;ve.:1rgflé4*0f§VEa?-iiamemz‘is prestenfied ah dnfcmc&'.:0?fi:‘;t hAo£&;x%;élii'om}a 5; ::$W4I:iichm}:é dozfie , Cotitrary; to the k:uown1»Lawcs;:. hi"chVzorwi3z= :nighj::“anct5 WrongéAcan&%ab¢::haéizfurcdgmd 4dJmt1nit3m._,;) *;arm.@ by ohms‘ W-:.A £13 rableflnamjmnaxxyxyfi ;E'"Qfl.'iR3ff$iJ§;3-ad 3Eti¢£1:fls};}gve ' been ;l@d~§am‘i:3® un¢wnManfaB*l*¢:A¢é?cim:1S;5%m4f7nr¢::.&v~¢ ”cAarmt.+$67I ¢onfidcrthe*Afiatc a~n:;1:cmf"1d%it,inAQf.w tVh€i1‘?Lcligio.n.A‘ »,%ir fives «md;Libm:tyof thpKi&ngd0 mi ,.:Vby%; t‘hel€~~ <1 ifi 2:21 éiiéng M we flaall 16: the world» lttuovévfyfi l'I0wV%mtI$cl1'*4£h¢ :ii1”1at'im;nf:§,%a.%t1d34;*e 1E:en%:iaA1l Privile’dgé&£Pa2i:iia~I?I1.cntV,w fiavfmivafimzvfiala-a§g§;?l WW (being cé11c:dA by I-:,l';is%M%aj;ei’cy. ,% ixmciv cruvftm%bgz*A4mz‘r% Country A .wiz:h% ~rhei*r fuffnages. : fil\ll;t.11:a‘,c? ~C@uncebI3L)e vbgaw hem driven, and.::am mmvvakepc Afinomm ¢>placmvvA1i1ir11mr we A Wc£c.fi-rflcal*Ied-buyis~Maj:£:fliy -,_ :A;and;#Wi£i?£re;fdrAmgc rity a;Ln:d‘za»pprob.arim»ozfVVth¢¢.tr._w.o;%Hdufcs“Qfr1iatncm.% bcx*s;;fli:1Vl. fix; mid l»afi1y§.hovxr%%faxre +thia4§mif:rab1<¢:,¢ an cl: :1 m fay nb3'more)r.his'; rnzrfijuflifiaablc. civiill wa*rrc.,€md this dtfpe... race andvodiousL"Inv%itat~i-aux of 4a ,:Eo%rreign4Rower to invade. , this&sKing;dom¢;i&f1:‘o1mhAax;ingurVl::c G*0untenance,Au;th4oé ‘ am 3 The g1-cat induflry ind ill Arté by ;tI1Qfc%%w12m have ’* finpcbe&n?%P&ipVci4pall:IVmfimmc;htsM "afthc pxcf§f1t«‘%V:Rcbe11i— on, to bring in Pcrfonsc ‘f :Lth£irA*¢Faéi::i=m1;1nt%o¢% th€vHAoufc cf A 4.%Co;mmons;;chc%:afittingqndw»x.Acce‘m:tIag’ £uchTAAwho warfic neither * . ‘t V ( 7} ‘ifiiihm’ iawiuilyichofen, or iawfuily tetumed bytiaeii‘ iCotttmy,,ttndthei putting andkeeping out others whofe opioions weteinot liked5The teptehending, reptoaching atvtd imprifoning ofMembers for fpeakiogfteely accot. ding tmheir confciettces in matters in debateflhe Pofling and fettingup Mens mmes in pubiique places, and pro- fmiimittg them asEttemies to their Counttey ,w~ho diifettu. tediri the Houiesittopittiottitt matters debated, and be. iog eomgoiained of, no reparation grattted.-5 The fitting at tmpatiiamentaty howres, thereby wearyingand tyring many Members irom attendtmcemtd fo in a tinntte Houfe The refilling to receive and fuppteffing Petitions agaitifi Petionsiitt favour, though in ,poyt1t of "Bribery and icon. tttptionin Ind-ieatoty; and the iike of other F from whoie Counties, for the ptefervation of the Go- vernment of theChurch,as from Nottingiivamw jliire, and Somerfet.jIu‘r-e,whil’fi others againii it were received with great countenance and approbatiotgftonm meatte, 1111.; known People; The gettingwith great labour and Facfti-— on fevt-tail itands to Petitions from Cotmties,and then framing new Petitions [at Landon, and annexing the hands . fotmetiy gotten in the Cotmttey to thoie Petitions, of A which they who iubfctibed their hands know nothing, 35' ‘— ‘ in t~hePetition of .8uckingba¢g¢.jbire,& the feting names in t Lamfan to Petitions in the name of,asif they had bin fab» ilcribed in remote Countiesgfite ttfutping of Iutifeiiétions to fupetceoe Aéis of Parliament, 8; to difpenfe withithe breach of Lewes ittiforce,-. The fufferingtmtiutifuii 8: (iii; A * ioyai ianguage agaiinfi thetfacredj Perfon oftheKittg,with..; out -fo much asReprehettfion ,and the denying His Maje. ttflies ttegativeVoy¢e;Weiofiii: notfo much (though very” 4 B ptejudiciaii A altering and reverfing thetteioiution taken in a full Houfe-V; A l u is if Petitions 05 ? Earl chefi Ptivj preiuditifillagfid %fcandAaloI1s,’m the riv~iledges~and H1235. 114311? of Paxhaxnem) as an thofe Aéis of FAOrWAh"to “I’Vef?mi2¢}?er,;f'0t that 5/9: (miter part of Me Ho!¢Jfé~ A awm“Zika.;o ac orv_£r.pawrea’ E»y_.t}ze warfer part 5 A whereupon. bar:-h’a°tthat ti‘m::, and fame dayes.aftcr, Mjuhit~udcs_of thc; . m?ea%ne{t‘;:f0rAt%of People, .with wea”pons not agreeingwith $1I1%¢ir;cotxd1t1on 0r cuflcmtcmz .21 manner very contrzmy and?iA ’ i ¢¥efi‘ru&iv4c tdthc Prxvxledgeof Parliament, filled up the» A way bctwr:en both Hauies 3“ ‘ofi"ering injuries both by words andzzgfifionstog and la.yiugAviolenth”.ands upon {am » A A V-EraI1AMembe»x‘s, prc,c.ia41ming£t Hfinamraélé Hazzfi, wdtafiz‘ and Vote togetiler, M V we wztire lvmzfigjzmci proE;:{fing,that zmlejfe fame fgeedy re. ¢wa'y were taken few the remarvifig 4!‘? [Mia aérflr-:¢é"r'tm: _, fsmdreai tbs happy pmgrefle aft beiafgrzai e22a'ewax4’r.s‘, tzmae .?’et.étim¢er.v /Baald nazj fltfl in z12'::ietne_,j7?;3 6:5: %jkam'a’ (Eve fiar- xmfltaiay Zwldon we mm R':2mm’y wlzzw was at” band,’ tan-.. meme i2Al.=a%d’2’j?m§'6er5 9ftlaePe;zce, Md ( want and neceflity A V ‘bx mi<:in'g4 the bounds 0% %mdd€fiy J 229: :0 A leave‘ my % mews wnaflayedfar their &reZief2i3%Lafiiy, :.mding% that t=/Jerrymofwe v % Poor ‘Md xaeedy %w£ar ,1/cat [Eur/9 Pcrfizm, who were we oéffa; vies aft éeir Peace, a;aa1fi1*el,ri:¢a§erer: «bf jwc happy prone“ .rz’img5 fift/91$; P4rl£ament5mz;g/1?; ée fivrzt/Lrwité puéiiqwsly dc; cfd2*m’, wizaflsj mmévafil May mm*éz7=vm’ w0:~'»: Mpztt 4 Perimi to ’ - téafé .¢z'.é;/fr»z¢‘fz‘M5. And this “ Pctit+icmA"w‘as br0ughAt‘u%p“to . 1* the .§?-_>~§1c3z..14{j1c of'.LQx6.As,by thé Hmsfe of Carmmons%at‘a Cong. fff{{§_nCC'5 and after? theji':m'ae flay, M? Ha/1:3 5 a »Mcmber of A Haufsz; of C=z;ém1n0ns%,%in a M§fl_T?:2g¢:‘ from thaw Houfcy J B . A A % garcfledw l( M ~g:};1f¢ll$~’5ill5ls2’Llc2‘rc3?Vsatthsizffiarre to jwap°p:3aIct0~all our fellow Stxbjmfts of this Kingdoms, whohavc takenthe Qathes ofAI!egi.. 4a.nent,aArc £ufpen.ded,difpen. dive fed wichafi, 82: thofethings done by Order, agai4;)_&;whi¢\g1: A thofe Lawes were tnadc. A-ndthatahere maylzigigzo face- of Iufiice ever the Land,the Iudges are prohibited we ride V their Circuits , for the adminiflration ofrhat IVufli?c:e which the King owes His, Pgopiej Wand they are bound m. ,. Exec: u re. Aarzd Mter all rl1is,44ar1d after the ;r;¢rci1.e{rg~A%fl;¢¢gfi,, ding romuch Engliflm-%&bIood,af%ter rheexfpeniding;fo.mu;¢h; money, ( much of which was A given ~.for rc_li*c°fe of "on; , peer Promfiant Brethren of Ir.eJand,,at1d .diverted for the" i:mprmzigg%thc difirafiions a1:h:o;n¢,)after thc traflfporta. I tion of A Ihchwvafl» fummes of mcmcy, and grea;‘I1-5%.‘. V gr . V furc into Forrcign Parts, ;o% the unfpezakablcimpm weriflaing . this; poor A Kingdom 5 To make ,our« mi-fegy.%V; laflingwafind our Confufion,compleat, a Forreign engmyfiz is; invit€d_,and.br;:)ughtinto; the . Bo%well&gOf at%his.I;sIipg.;% dame , :6 drinke Aou: blood .,. At,O- dividcpuflr . on ,.Vv.'~Mo’ give us new Lawes ,1 and to Ruleovcr AAns5,V%an;;1 the béttcnto%Vm—Aakeway; to thoife; horrid Impofigi:on5V§;_~VLL - %confounding..__:ind %maki_ngVvo~id_ all. ; ciidjfll Rights. f Proprietics,., and thfitbettcr A ‘preparing the 5 *Q;1}Q ._. % j mbc flliared byfirangers, aVi\"-¢wA;Greatj’;3‘¢al¢{f(th¢¢{peg V ciall énfigm 0fM0nar¢hy,f and rhedonly which @ 1H~fti9¢+1§;;€i?r1vEF‘ a!!<1~d¥f*I!Wt.¢E¥ F11? P6091?) iswu A M - (223 . tetfeited and ufed, alheititbe by the expteflh ~le_tter_oFthe ‘Statute ofthe 2 5 . yeare of King Edward the third, decla- red to be High Treafon. it Having now made this cl-care, plain Narration totthe A Kingdom, -( the truth and particulars whereof are known ‘ to moft men) that when Polietity {hall find our names in __tthei'iRecords of theletimes, as Members ttuflecl layout «Counttey inthat great Councell, by whole authority and ‘power the ptefcnt altetation ancldiflratflion feems to be wtought,lIc may liltewife fee how latte we have been and are from confenting totthefe defpetatel and fatall lnnova-A tionsgwecannottrefi fatisfiecl without Declaring and pub. lilhingl to all our fellow Subjeéts to the w hole World, l Thataill our Inttenitions and Aétionsl ~havel hseen, are, and fhallbedireéted tothe defence of HisMajeihies Petfon V and jeufllRights5the preletvation of the true Protellant Re... ligion, and Llbfittifis of the Kingdom ella‘blilhed by Law; Tlhatlasiweidoe with all humility t0C1'_’0dl Almighty, and ash gteatebleflingfrom him, aektiowledge HislMajeliies thappyand Religious Reigne and Government “over this Kingdom, and efpecially -the extellelnt l'_.awes., and Sta... tutes maolein His tirne,anld 'patttculatl~y thole in this Pat...’ A liamentg lo we dot: with all duty and~ll~fubmi'llioo£ ieclarew 4 Tha‘tfHis Majelly isthetonly fupream ‘G o4v€ith*otitioFt'hisll Rlealmeein all caufes i:Ec‘clefia{liea1.l and Tlcrnporallg That ' His natutall Petfon 'i§ motto he lVid€d*‘fr0II1“His King... lye Oflfice, butthat out naturall Allegiance, 36 the Oathes \y ofmlegianceand Supremacy. ,” “doe bind us andall His 0.... therSubje&s,to Loyalty afndmlegiance,-to His natutall Potion; That His Majeflies Negative Voycc '( without which Monarchyi is diffolved ),is"an inherent Right of His 1 C1-Iowne, and-thatno Orders of one orlboth Houfe_s~of A Parliament E l l Par‘liatncnt,withbut «"His”’Majefl4ieslle1s&px'eflE:lco'n'le.n:§;:m’n malcea Law to bind tl‘lcSulbjes5i:s,lleitl2ler in zl1eil1"PLroperr§;r or Liberty; That W6 docfrom om‘? {males abhorre the. 1 eprefcnt Rebellin raifed in this KingdmlAml.againfi'l~His Ma» zjefiy, and t*h”21t all His llvlajeilics Subj£6ls~are bcnmcl by mcir naturall Allegliance,a’ncllthe Ol:ztl3es‘»l;awa“ull§,=- talkers bythem,-—w thclutmlofl oftlhéir power; to ram} and Area preflé the Rims; and lparticularlythc Army now undl-:.=:rz'h<:~ Command of the ' Earle ollfiflex, and all other Azcmixes xaifcd, or to be railed witholut His l‘Ma+jcfiies mnfcnz-,4 ulna derpretence ofthetwo Houfesl of~Parliament. And was doe difclaime all V otels , Orders 8c Declarations in C<:iulln'- lzenmcc GI‘ maintenancclofthe {aid Armies ;, Anal Declare, That no Oath or Covenant‘ lvolumarilytaken, or inf%ot*-% ~ced,doth,or..can;b?ind,r”rlWcl;iFpcnc¢iWith the lzsreachlcsf A thofc l Aotlbcr Oéthres forrherlymd lI33.W‘fu“y,i‘lt3l<’€'fl to lH7f§ Majd’cy;And that all thofclwho aydc,a'flifl, Ior aha: this ‘lmrrlid and odious: Rebe1lion;<;m:,andought; to be accou nu. mi and purfucd a”s;Trait;ois,~ “the knmvn Liiwcs of the ‘ll~Im3fld5‘4:;T:thflClWC:UItCT1y‘:dQt€flZ”*’.‘3fl"d dllclai~mc the llI‘nvitatlE2. lonwhichll hath been madcff (Q; llmajeflieslsubjeas of MSNILIII4’. to cnserlllthis’K‘in_gdpmll lawithlratx ‘Army, the fame , being as much; againfi :t1hW€.d.C:fir€9f, .§ asmaglainfl the duty of —the;Lords and[C,ummolnsld£E2tgZhfl?i,and a»limic: heéiftlfdll ~E'nglifl1mcn;» we doe :lzAc*i£;noAneV¢£fe&:;“;A*n%ad that;;as%manjma¢t«that;4 ’ time %confen:ted m the "T21 ififn 1: rm. nu---. 7""-"'I - *1 t Q B chofeV%‘of'Swtl4zm’,intheir hofl:‘iIn 7¥lnva'fion of **this Kiingk § domj,.¢ Ought to be V looked .upon as bcrArai?er.sA ihof their V Country. and areguilty of High“ Treafon by ‘the known 1 _LaWc$ ofthe Kingdom. - A AA ~. A ' “ Andthatourweakmifled and:.;.f:diuc;ed Coun4try—;m.eng._ may nolongcr pay an implicite. reg’a¢x:d;%and mvcrcn ab to the aAbufi:dAname ofPaA4rIi:am;ent; (vvhich rhefe guiIx:y’Pcr.;. ; 1 fans ufurpc to themfe1ves)and*$f fub=n.'x=i1: to th ofi: A cftions A and Commandgwhichicwafloufes of Par1=iamcuc w( ne- vc%r{a1cgal1yzand 1:egu;IarIy conflriru ued):%~ have m:: ,gtut.hm. rityto require orenjoyne ;f %a«ndIfinceAA: chef: Amen will noft fuffer their poor %Count*rey to be reflzorcid by :2" Treaty :0 A the benefit ofa Parliament,which: wcm’ld* with %God~s%1ef1.% A fing~c:afilymemove:th”e{em.ifcr4im,a‘n%d;}prcvent~nhe.1Vikc;for A whcutime Vtoo'om%e; ‘zmdtddc ddcVIwe~mmth»c44A w:h:017e.% j A Kingd.om%, %uT;h.a«t”*2Is*a:t%iho timc¢V:e:ithe%r hbrh gI-.1;c>L':§z"ts:c>%t. A Par1iamen4t,1.cah7 f Orders‘ or 3r¢din"21ntV»c.s3f"§'.;tz:pg£‘eV1i“ me 3* :»u4ndr1+rfiHc% ?C~oVm}- m’8fld.;0;fthé;Ear1eA;ofi.E/]"¢ ' ;, sfc5)r.~t.m11A:: .%mzik;ing*%a.mi:f .u{i;1:1‘g4 fdf thhfigfimww ,G,re;”afi5»“;S4eazlm,é~» m i1§’ml§ * Stats’. .£;a*2gl¢n_d::in AaazwaAlfike“mém;1c:xii;F%ha.v"e v:;x:%’l71m"ail?r*’x"?!*i%“1?¢3i~‘»’»- and C0mE*1m(ms A ».%;:pt%s:fen£~:;;cmi«I;§§ ‘(mfJ§%r:¢h&~ A f k€mh&li... M r r 4 1hedfon,His%elHonour andriufilflightss V trollmer :nprle?fervatiotlra7tolf the Libertyaridlt ifio‘pe'rty;ofthe A iSt1bjc€t,l,Vfetledl, r and1evi'fle;nt by“ the “Lewes, :‘r$tarutesam:l aomesofrheraealmerana the ju{tfreedome,rLibertyIt atyrrivieledgeof Harliament; rrandrhattwhat weal! does I A for %tla*7eide"lfence”ari5ti mainrenlance 31 of all’! thefe; p~rocered$ _ ‘ftofnlthelconfeiefhceduty mood, tour Kinganci D 2 | Countrey C;0fl~nir6yT,A w;i4;e»hmn:» any*Aprivate and finiflcr Aendsofi on tv ownc,and,ou.tf our fince re love to truth and Peace, the; Whith as we have,; fofwe {hall alxvayds labourcoprocure, asktheonely bllfiffffd en d;Q£w[a1l ,0ur+l:;1bMoL1~rs. And%We 4dA9t: §heref;$re%conju%rc an our CAountVr;y-gancn and,fel1ow~Sub~ ieéis by all t:I1’ofc: prctipus. ob1xgations,.o%flifiligion»to God Almighty, QfTL0ya1ty,towa'sAc1§Ll1§ir Soveraigne, of‘ 4 afiffixffipn towards; om: a"nm:hcr,,z C:h3Iji,ty zaqdf ccmfi " }2§Ifio‘nA;towa:ds tvheix b1ecdmg.4ACA0untrcy,. affili and iqvnewvich, us, 'iflhth$ fupprcfliug, *t4héofe~E,nemAicsroflflcacg who are fo much delxghnfsd w1At.h:%th€_ ruinaand confufiolly they havcmade, than they w1llnox%foVmuC'h as Vouchfafa A $9 Thea: Vwith;.us,; thatAa.1lVifpetiou$Apr¢t€n¢§‘8mightbeta, Ema away,‘nand%.th:grounds Mofrhis «.bl+oody%,Co:zwte4nrien fil£arIy.flat€d.4Vw~tO I116 W.9r4ldo..; If; ghefhmfin , W.i_th%a r;r,u€ 1” €ff_?ff and 4.zrcm.orfc;Of the, Jillt:11€_yhavc;d0ne,,V {hall Yet“ r€-.a- ram $(Mh£i1;,d.1lty€ ax;\dAA1QyaE;;yAs~ they Aflmll 4(G.<;»d wi1’ling,_) _ .:‘§;§3;c§;§A;i;o£a;anmhar. rempex,ro.wa;r4d%$;£h¢m. then thciy have {ands u55andifthvc% cpnfaigcncc ofthei,rdu:yV_fl1ail n@t:.~dmw ,a1Lu,uz%f c<1..1a,w,» .S§1i_bj<:«51.s%% and. ,C0ur.m'y»-.men to ficryne with us in aflifiing His Maj%QPc»}’.%;%W€.h9pgrh;arthe px:u.dcpx~m:ufidiCmtiQn &rcha;.?:ia,im99!fi,b1e ;Qreafom_».for ~ eur4mifera.1c Cwnxry ,aV»:&A1:co:be&%.xc&£>;s€d t0€%VP:z/wand 4 h:a.ppinefl%., izushxxefioring all 1' ufl ansi.l4Cg%%1ly&du¢ power A &L1d.=«aut110rity inw HisMaictfiics4lt1aszId$agaiAnc,) Midi» fl}1.,2;I‘1}beg.£?Qe.4z3Vr2i167* f It¢c'?t.4th¢m::%x;aisrhan: isAfi%mrVqe,b¢&Adp,n%5£ t*1v€m:gA;.§AaVd&V if€iI1y'«m A % mi!» vwaarflfpiries tn. hpe byiijgga N,c.ut1.%3&.ty ~andi~A ;od19us i1nc1Ifl’6f€“¢Y mo1*c£% l " fC._§UY331'11,5h1i§.;,;£tQ\1’E13€§7"'fhmlg-»h*W§{Han;13otf’f0u0W,thC}§Xé- :im;”p1¢5.;9fz %m§n*5A4;%inM?1li€%;g’;$.h§mAsIA. T'haV?t+h¢ir Ef%%tt§ Il3dV3+l:l;,b@«A%fo%z;f«£fi2iia¢ld §Andsa1s§nfr9m them: 23333130“? 8.9% « m;b1§q1%VEhfimimmii(%:§~0dh@~ thavfi7<¢d)'%d%£¥$¢'LfiW«i$% f.I<>t.f9 L M fupprdb ,., % (I27 9 fnpprm; but;;.tha«t iciprcceeds Artaineiers4w?dJ%4[{Forfé%% mics, and an menknow anV*E;flate Efcheatcd to His Majmi fly by highaTreafon,is as much, as legally His“M%aje{ties;,%, or histowhom His M a}: {iy ,g;:a%nts it, as ev¢rit—~Awas4 the] A» u.ghappy;Pcrfons who hath fo folrfeiitcd i‘r;)'%iyerw¢wVInmfi let them know, that theirconditian~is lake to be verydanA- gsrousg‘ and that as they ( for refiftance ofrwhom. MVajeflies% Armies are raifedg .,_have declared to -thém What» they are to ex,pe¢};at their h;mds,that is. to be dealt wirljg,» as pernitiQus~ and»-publiqueWfinemiesg So they havcrca-%, fonhto bclicve, ‘.t.hat.‘ His Maiefiy cannot 1061: upon them_, as Rerfons whqhavc performed that duty they are obh... ggd by thcirgnaturall Ailegiance, and their Oathes §:vnj_oy..; mid by Law, Vwhi4c11»A%di;s,g,,w dcfmdt/ye King to we utmamf Mtiir , Power, ,4g4z'n;f!;a£l mzjfiiracies 4:24! attempts! wlyatfa... war, zmbic;£r,_/7ml1~év__:; made agzzizzfi H23 Majefiits Peg[w,V Hic- ~Cronm“e and Digni;y-3and«ta dae tbcix éefl ende;4+vgmrs‘ta W 51741/E imd ma/eke iwmwsee to H£m%4{l=Treg;fBg_a:~_._ and Q0}: mug-ig;A wfiiwbfia:/I 6:4 aggainfl Him; id-I/yeir pomr ta aflzfl ‘a/£~I:;r¢fi dzT¢f't‘ia;2.r,; Priw‘le&g:.:,,~- Prenbemiazencesjzzd Aw/aariries égg longifig to. Him, we rmitea’ to Vt/ae. Imfpcriafl. Crawmé: gf.:%»bz?:“» ‘ .R¢41me.V.Thci~u.fi and;PiGus4«¢0nfifi¢ratiQ%nand Wéighi%pg;»~ of which Oath and obligation; _;mufl4fli§r€ up an 4 Lioyaky and Cmfctfincea t0~b~€10du fi'r~10H5 ram 3&iV€.iOfl: » HA-is Majv: fixes beha1feaga1n£’c.§th.15 horrzd «and=Qd1ousRc., A b:¢1Iipn,% andaVgaivnfitI1~e Authors-and Fomfiitcrs of ¢ fame «-. And we arcdcofififlfi-’nt%~%it if~’il’lv flora »iitt16%'¢‘n9r¢aVfi¢;~ rhc .IrndignAa:i0n>Ao£a}*l gqod xnueAA:a1:~;g1i;1:%m~c,n%, to, find%ir‘;1_;e{c . diw&ur.;;b:r.sfof:i1cir Pr:ac;e;,, Wh0hj.1V€{O£Vp€C‘iOl1fl.y»p¥gCt€I}-e.fi_‘A 4» :cd the Mecca. of the Rights and P£iVi1¢;dS¢5 cf A4Par1ia.. - ment,,V uni:e.:hemfeIveswith,A and governetheir A€cjon;,'‘ ; ‘ W ,1 by tvh;:..c;o_ncurre“nt advice an-<2’: cdnfcrit of‘%C0mn§iflioncraj, . D.-3 . fi ‘V I (28 2‘ ”of"lanothcrlKingdomc , whole bufinelfe is tolaltcr our % La.Aw%cs,l and confound our AGovemmcnt;.‘ And if all the other particulars fo plainly fez: downem this Declaratton, and foapubliqucly lknowncto mailman, were wanting, l i there couldnocbc a greaterlinflance ofde{err1ngtheDig.. nity andRight,and as much as in them lies, cancelling all A the Liberties and Priviledges of Parliament 5 then for theft men to break the utrull .rqpofedAinchem.by their C"ount'rey5 and “ tolfubmlit thelmfélvestgo rim advice, and oblige themfelves to the confenrof Agents of anothcr Kingdome, who have calfoff their Allcsgxfancc, and united themfclvcs together againfl their natuxfall and native King, and againftthc LawespfilgothlKingdomes, and have given an ample teflsimony ‘ all ~tlml‘cl%jl they A have mifled, how farrc they Aarc friomfubmitting or in- t’e’n«ding to be gcaverned by Parliament ,. or by ewe who A would yet Mthoughz the -two}-lou fesof Parliarhcm,l 4 A jbynilng fourc” Sc”ofcl2lm«e;¢ (Asg@nt‘s fr? tlhatlAR£*l3»elvlim1;sAr. ~ myiwhlilch hath inv’adcAd tl1is:Kinlgdo.m)l ~ in czquall power and autlhority with {even Lords and" fourtrre-::n lC’bmmons, bywhofa foleandl ufiC0nt1'0ll€:d~‘ emanagcryaend c'onfenr,lall hnfinetfe of:Pea’celanld lllwlhichdoor rm conccémc » A A :9 A Y mislangumaing Kingdom mufibc governed. Andlyet ghcfc men rakeit very Hayngmfly, that“Hi5 Majefly fhould movelthem in order to Péaacl , ” to agrmrhatlall the Mam... Hloufes may ‘lfelcmfiely rneet in a fiill and ‘Free (*3oI§lv£'lnc1o11lofPa~i:l1ame‘ht;becaulIe (they fay) from time: A 1 no afb£$“émclufin*n Mnéemade, Ba ttbat zhzklpxefiflt Parlia ¢wq£mt%lt2.nat vlafiaflwor j9~ceGam2entia:a , A and tbatlltomitke it u f”? fiftlpreflrzzlttvf ‘zkncweffizzfy; ~l Wclmt1ft“alppealeto~all -‘tlhfl ,{whVjéthEr ifmrulth that4copclufionbe notlvery ayparcnc fromrheVtruchof lclgczr pr occedings, and even to A the A feiencewflrhefc thclmfeivcs; A Alseelwfirfilammwgfi them l.wea€nljQycdthatlibertya£1cl?fr'eel- ldom lwhich was due to us; ailndel,ewherlhex‘l el(1ftl1erelw.mluo p;r¢fenWh~ecel Asfililonls «T1631 anger leer blreachlcaf duty in belies! Willlinlglly andlclonfianc. , T03 3F¢'P10tlt€da%nd con- cIm;lc:~ W;€»~c<>ulde:neow W 5thQ§1§.'1€.,iflg3geiflg Gut? {flu ¢$lIinI;lialt Celven:«mr,w.hit,h asllitrakeslalway;all;free.; don; l::e:llaft~ loll Clu;m::le,l;l 'alle;fQlC@IfilI1~OTl bfiltaken Without the V303-€lEaie0l:3l:C3'fl:lG;t1LT dutyl,laml=Pls;ll1;§gWl§¢?,- lrhedefer~l ? ting the great;l.t.I‘l3Lll5’t:l;;t2:;WJ;{;§d;;l;1l5lg.s*W§,;:iCimnot with the l leall colour be aq;g594l;e;d5»;v;lg«e4fg.mlf}1 {l3;a¢;<:l¢n0t beemor were notnow broken on eth:e;lila;;l.;»pa;ixs, dun ours wearefureitl is not; 6XC€pE obfervatfion ofom‘ Oatheslawfully takenand enjoyned,ancl fubmiflion to the knowh eflablifhed Lawes of tl1€lLat'id,tl'!€ prefervation olwhich is ourgreatefl rruflr, to defertthe Trull repelled in Us 2* What they have d one, who have broken xhrough all thefe, land lwill not at M lafl: confenrl to the binding’ up -1156 wounds they have» made, we mull leave to the world to judge. In the mean filnezea’ appawemehey fe~ehlelr~mm@«9Mn«éewenw£s to make Peace impoflible, and (having enriched them- filves by thefc publique Calamitiesgllandimpoverifhed ~ rheir"Countrey by the tranfportation of the wealththere... 7$‘E‘.£n?§’0 Forraigne P:§1rt_s)e have left themfelves me other melan‘eél to repay thole vafl Summes they have exrorted fmm“ the People upon they call Publiqzle Fxzit/.1, 4 “but out of the Eflates bf thofe who have preferved tll€irdutyandLoyalty entire. and at tllé l Gc.i?vemm“erit find Empire to themf lves, all good men who defite Peace wm joyne with ‘s in the fupprefiing rhefe Enemies . ef Peace, and by a‘Relolute and unanimous Declaration f"... .5?’ p?.iz¢l0§l§,§3,ei.rl ‘ I h 1 % ffiemfelvcs, rife 21% me Man — in the» afliflance of His Majefty,- " with their Perfons and their Fortunes, A which . is the oncly meanes,with Gods blefliing, to reflmc and V prefcrvc the Religion,Lawes and Liberties of the King. dome, and the very being of Parliaments, the whichizf -~thefc men have anymind to doc ( it being not [0 cal-fly — hm: be. done any «othcr way) they will at lafl: be willing, that all the Members ofhboth Houfes may mcctdn ,hafu11,;md free Convention of Parliament, h A ” swhichh we have alwwcsdefircd, A ,andfl1a¥l bcalwaycs rca- V wdyeatohdoeg ' % ‘gmf§§w:;sianV«eyoE Rliahmo£.'Hi&.Ma§afly;A *5 ‘. ' in n uutl “‘ 4 V 9 ut , ‘ .. ‘ \.. ‘ :.'.' . ‘ .' .. ~» ‘aw . \ w ., ,- ~, - .~‘ , ‘v . {;§- ‘ k 1 v ». '« ' ' . H .-_ 1 ... :1 -, .. '~.t_4 ~ _ , ‘ ;; ,. ,, 3 , u o “ “ '2. ‘, ' V »A ,,,~n_ ‘-~_, . .‘ -v “ x, ' , , ». ‘:1 W, , - «=1 u 1 ‘ ‘ H . x -‘ fi‘"*,; .. , s... c;-"ee - -_ W ,‘ , ‘ .. 1 1‘ m .. r I | 9) , H . 1) M I.‘ H Iv, J7: I ,‘ 3“ '$« H - M > , _ A ; M 3‘ «a K ‘ a. ‘ 15‘ u .. ‘ 7 ‘ v. . ~ av iv A‘: )1‘ 7' ' ‘ * ‘ » "e M I \ £‘- ‘ ‘ ‘ W , -. “ v A V » ' , . . ; ‘ ‘ , ’ 1 v ‘ ‘ \ ‘ in mi .91. ‘- V... . M n ‘I A? ’ ‘ ’”‘ "‘ ‘ g > ‘V ‘ i‘ “ ‘ ‘ lb.’ ‘ N . @L . «A » % -. M . . N 3 A *'4gri11Ij%,x% 3‘.- ':@:~éia;rs1sqf1vi~::* .1i9:Bq3§N¥%mfj;I G A?ms~iVes,ranar¥1s4as: W s*’“"§ :Aig*§% 1 \ . A :’1.~—; 11: *5 "His; ,. * ~ % v V” .55; %.A%cheweontinua nan Qf »*‘ ¢ fq,£w _ % W <4 “-‘V%"*gu%gM0%&MW@flhflEJKMJk mmyfimfiméy W 5 m ufiw» mww "f‘iEfltj§[_I]Q*;§}Ik€n xhagg »arnd§Vun,ci%1i:$1ngsgmay fo (cried, as thit zhc¢.Lim@mz% hm;:;a:a£u11,4=;;4£r¢q, ma wmmnrg4@mki«eawm; ~fi0§:§~h€-:“)d¢£C.,MC§g"q3.fld [9 and .Hi:s"=%gc_m>d Subgwm. <,;.43;Iw:;é$§§@QI§ as H n Q ~ 3 of His Majc{"c% V (devolavéd f”romHi‘sfpro... 1” fans trufie A ’ % _ ' , % 'A H ,, hgxzgwngauneo é1aems~by«rmir mi.-: «R§_g.hrsg_aWndv. awe‘ :*bee“n»mgde;% %»Ali%i'¢Ii“=ha“i€”I‘1\?v*i‘o1enbly ‘5TbeenV cak“en%%%r’o%m bofh,‘ be & , fxeflmcckutqp (mo them, unleffe any % 1» ii we "1: flmadkndicggllfi c:gqcp:1o'ns ag;zi’nfl any offlxc PEr- t age %y¢éunk’now,n to His M ajefly). éafi4B”c~;-“im’fi3cV’4‘fi‘p§"&arc to E-Iim.:'~ 2%; AS fn as zllthe fies {hall FaCfliO3S5d: rbéthe V;%§ap;afiiEygpf.~fit+ “W An ir:w1:.s*4a:f Vhmah,,%H@§,1«?: ting and“‘.vZ.a@t:il§£g,:i4tv1*Ra;i:1;i,i%arnei§:thcy.»bad i1pon.. fithc firfl off4nmzry,a164z. _th§..famc of~.ri#ghtA:be...-; A «gxaezrxsee Brfimian 0‘FW6lE an :a%e"%i‘em%%¢%hem A ‘ Wu ?~c«n e 3'18-2 é.n4ew~y¢;¢ay:ia§ar€a;a2 a£zaa§£¢»ex‘>a:a§::1:1is.wa : xx w;en*dinxchae 1 qfe am J W ‘ 7 A efe~*~pl:gafec§ up@11’if:”eW 2.: n bliss, as to the a”éM44n mrby V‘17_'mg1'€IZ0 f;,zny:% vi"k1»¢ga”I%k { ieidhgmaigérig (§%Dd&&V2néé,%ar;ftt_1!cga”*0f3%ané bpbdth. fr, a my Efiflcisofivbagiamd g:a?V1£t&&’u¢1ai‘ V yqmge ra e:Artz »wi=uli1;‘m1}t; " "Ma”j§;;fl*ic*s év@t1¥£vénc»,;fmcik"1s$¢; in £m»%h’mmnj_& & mi tigedz 7” fire £gr.&m:a* AV iTtfigfJflut“f for the futurc~%‘t'~§ flak 2: fz3;"5n§:;}‘add£m{é% dangkizj 4 % ~%t:;7a%d fé1¥ch’AaWii“v»k:~‘”A%%“4 M11 ;';E::rb£ol:=-W m:”s£(}an‘T7fem@ wm~%&rg}Iim£bbméx' &£h?‘akl;£be’ % M ”fé”9Qfi~i155E@i"1’I*i‘I3i$l7§ 2;: :B€x‘lhfir:.eIi&e?? afieifl; _f , aWxpLairki%*e£i1a4rIyV.%i°mr%'c*h:e better Vdiizfcavegy and ipeetdicr cpnxgifiiohtnfl £Rc{;- A 1@1is,fm: 1&3 zEw¢1a7§ti**an,fivHé*& FL .:i;l’dE’£‘: niHPa- 'tFh?*€' ~Pmtc“fgfa7n :5 3«Reii%g*5* fin’, lifor éhéi:pr¢xiezr1:i*osxi=fiwpraéticgs ofmpiiis a;g%a;inf’c wéhe Sfgafcgxi figmfdc»hiejd:m€écxecuviw;% maVmh&s*Law:zs; cf ~ make*k1i~oWn to‘ aAll‘th»e ‘WbrI4d;; Sh ca7u-.félw:flTe es fearcs .. ma4d%i;4je4h1bufic‘s+:¢: tExav;cV,,b%eexti ,,uWB14iCh*. :¢rhava’b¢ctr% i‘~a»ifeedi'“a g3:ifl f'fira6téd%%v x1ji~£”crAab1¢%"%d Kingdoms; if this ~%ioEF~erV.:of~ is A¢wV%*Majc€V A" A: 116: % ohfiénteda cn~.*,‘;:;Vi gm ii: é€1é=3n%°thifigf°£ v5z»hic.h Ehm 55 not H-0’ -1 -an-u--"u-.....I “PP”: r .‘ arm .«,:m V :0 ‘ ‘I N “ 4‘ M ‘ "H.-on __ ‘. I . "'4 W ‘5; ~ '3 in ‘ ‘ ~a v "" ‘.» ' « ‘ ‘. M V ‘ ‘ , ‘ H y x ‘ . ; "W l I‘ * V .' M ‘ “ .‘.. av Vly C 3% iislciafindi _ VA 'r:'.“j*,;.‘“ gm-; w W ~ }“.‘.I W ‘1E¥¢P1';2tflFf@*W i i th c~m}.ppeam mrall W T ” f , O95 .Qf1)*2ca wgc’ i faulAtit is that“o“ih Arm»ic§”*arel«n6t &is.I‘55n- dcd, bea;cvivhb‘*i1‘aavi¢ vzxuty Caufc that this P:.c:;«mx§7$72%§e.:¢£*{F~¥a;;5:5%F4§££HBE§é,afi" the“ Ar- gnics raifcds C A ” cotmztinfiuancc ofthc ‘J(/arrcf,,”a‘£’"ii”3°t '”c% dcfolation “ 4 M .g1§a;p¢ &.‘r[LA ¢%‘AuHicaté l5é;§f¢ni5be% M W’ 2». ..,;Mi§firgw ,imJnim£c a. ‘ L. . J -d W "‘ a. M K 57 ‘ V ‘V ‘ . . _ . ‘ .', . u, I‘. :5‘ ,c ‘ v. 4 ‘ am‘... n.c.".‘a 0.“ \ I _ O “ u f I I I ' ,: z. I . . N H /, 9 . J‘ - ”' I " . . 7;‘ 'l-"’ - .' 5- ' \. ‘.7 » 4» A 4 "‘ ‘ . 5 V , x v. 3 - ‘- . I ‘C 3 V‘ ‘ Ignvys M L‘: ‘ I 4,‘ or N & %p"t%rfimn:ce%% ‘V’ .”‘5' A . “ 4 ‘ INCE Hi8 aié C n :5:§fi: twafféhwdfiflprifi “Tn i4%which Hi:.%<;&5:i¢e‘ive-—-s.=~aae_.__, ;%S4ccnMc iwfiwll this ;A%$Qw1.a¢mé&xa i;5»e§¥‘M% " waver in flmll plcafc Godvmgiv~¢A¢£Hid 4 61264 nh.mughmit l'fl'mKi V A in ‘V fclffl 7'%n0t‘"‘?‘fc&Q1:,§“‘i4Hi34 T cmpcr andr 360$“ * 1ii33V*M3i§%flfl5‘§.W”9F.ab¢9f% 337*“? a «C¢Haxgcmfarmo¢§ha%§i;1 em c%agi% vdm fan wpcm Vxwlam l%M4fiN3¢& (M mwn Eiingqmxg W +£;i‘i;2£t:w;filiAc};;A¢iAlcwdw; A A .1 :4i%s%=oFHi~s~0WziSubjmfts A and shaman h ém¢hso5fe whm Anfighc not :0 hq.v«p1£f¢pd%%4J%abw#iIf ~aagainfiVHim;«V \Wh¢nH¢~cQnfidcr§ than sl1cg{%f¢A¢‘3%$51RM ratcfciv il1%iEl"cr:u:ioz71s mayx cm:our§.g¢Aaud ;1i;\:::;_vii%t;ma,V Natidw; @~Th%'it: mland is . in prfifcflt 531$ W lmbm rtmraglly lwft; Tli~a.tA%A4chcfhcavy judgemcm:sq£Qmd,: ,BlaTgu%¢, wPcflr1cncac.and aminc, will b¢“¢}:q;m m II Aiablc. Ame ndanus pf «his unn.a,wra1I:AAv, And fihatm aflwrtrime; time will WCQW &¢.fi¢?91d1;M a habirc of ~uncharicah1qrw%fT¢V am (3fvt1i¢l€Y%%%¢¥>F?«E%§%%P«:¢*A 9“??? againc C311 t%¢l'Ar&A ~?A;~‘r1¥1 %‘V‘?’*%Eb4a»5 A which gives [0 fairer: a Rifh to and th {e unnar.f..*..,; mill 'Dif’cra6ti.o~ns.. And His sMajcP:y~dot4h»chis withé the more carnefhucffe:, becauic He doubts not t‘Vh*c*% condirinn of His firmigsxgi fevcral1~ “pares “ , His f*rength0fH9rfe.A ;§99E&9E1 ér!i11¢ry=A% HisP1m>{.%; i 4 4 3 §“c6h%c¥v¢ he Wang is “f6”‘WélVl*»{e;a~;d:Gad;;,%:%%%m 1*'!i’?ft‘I*e( éffé , and alIi44tlwW6fid%f 5 ;: vvi¢I%kn;o iwjngef Vmr ¥tHé‘irA mbjczfflg wagkwm win tits BIo4o¢F.;;; Th*afi;may*“w;ViMVV§Eé'i11grzi{bm+ E6 »WH”a§i:z:c’ “ifh eyffihwétflifiithat 5.C36*5ii’iié“é1Fa?difidUéridMEN %JAn z?wer Pfis M.a’jk:fl,y ¢ V V A M L _ :;'?:=*»Vudre m 4fiinffL La cfa“‘rw If ; ‘égaii1¢4A;4wBé’ ‘dif fiiiwiedd &FvH1:5 » I4ntc3t1i:"iOns ?Héi*éifi45t’fi%é*I-6od,4P<~a” imezami:;1m¢‘twimm:,%+msa§i1i¢9¢%h » cafi: Accompc=oF ch 0% * a~we=de£1=E;,w¢‘h¢ xsgiofiion ~*of‘P§fc afice—*é.rid¢ A%ddt§*fhmpd ‘a%&'JJ0£17m"” ,. an :4 \ é V.‘ fir ‘ ) ; J?” ' . . I *'‘J»'‘*' 321» -4151 - ' . , ,. v ‘W’ ‘m - [I5,nLl,-I