% >g'g %% A TAlh@ uefli Aon rafol Vc;~d,VVh ether = A f‘thAc Ki r1 gs Sub 6&8 o‘5ff”this Exaahn 0fEz'zglm:zd %A A April A 24.. 1j6+«4;3 ' booke 5 e:mft1:Ied(The Kingd0mes.»Cafe) be primed fig A Iohmwrighta A V ’ ‘ A "urmv ‘, .. _ ‘ " 1 H1" ‘ U ‘I “ "4', ' “ "I. ’ ‘n ‘-$ “ w ,1’ M 4 ‘ - _ «.‘_,\ AA‘A»A‘A' ‘:1 . w M are‘ . ‘ ‘ A, I 4‘ A5? ,AAA;.j_A ‘» \ .,.‘ 1: xg. « “ 1+ M‘ w ‘ ‘ 2, _ , ’. ‘. U. 3 ~ ‘A;..‘A_ A A, “V. ‘ . A r ,.,.‘.,‘A ,u "".\+ v»_‘ " ‘ " ‘ '_ "“ ‘ ' -w‘ “W ‘ . ‘ mm mm.» ‘_ W ' mayo%r»ought to aydand affifl eeachjotherg in A rcprefiingthe pcrfonsnow afiémblcfl tt>gether,undcr4’ , A V t.hc%1;ameof%£~he KI 1~I:GAs Anny. A -‘ A ‘ A A S“Le:ge prapngmanduwm : A VProA {Rage adéllwm A infbrmmndum.‘ T , gflrege A A A cwerf-zzawlzam. ” Aim-ayaxh King. - % By ham thatgfiudiethgthepeace oftheg .ngdfimeA .N A.( “H . 4 ” A KT £5 Mi: dsyvorderedl Ejtbe Cam Afiiffm of the Hzmfé Comm/ma in Parliametm concerning prim iwg gtlmt this“ A Ioha White; A A 1 V LMJDGN, \"-—~¢__ Printed for Iaéw Wright in the 01d-ba1i’y$ A May 3. I 64.3.. M V $2“ F ‘A Aft A ,_.."AAlA_'§ \ A Dfiwtfi. v u 1;’, ‘ W L . r‘ ‘ <9 ‘€| ' ‘ was , aggcegam am aflmnhic 1:3; mamw, with mmcem, mm a 11 pzumfzonz of cm , arm gone from Notwrghamf°W=MLondo1w,M1Dmewof the ifimgfi %ubicst5,rnba¢51Fea1e;. mm tam away the mum at’ others; ngsammm mmng anb mares hp mm , am: innpztfmz Upon t11is'Cafethere are divers Qgefliofis put. . i ‘ ggiacre I7. ‘V HeAt1*1eAr4othe+rs of the Kings Subjwcs nmy not by ‘ the Laws of this Ki-ngdome of England, by all mménes Whatfoever, whether‘ by raifing of Armm or 0- ‘ '5; 3:‘? 3;‘ ‘ ‘ 4}“ , W. ( ‘ 31' 51*,“ If ,1 J . :12]? ‘/("' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I» an ~A '.-*'x « . 1 ~ '-'.‘.; 6‘~«.+*;.*”; n '4' ," ml ‘ D ,‘_:‘; ‘CUE; "I ,. M 5 /7 ~ 3. 1 ;v v _. .~ V . W . mu _ M; y ‘. '4'-,2=*'\” :3,“ " J /4 "-* .. jg‘ -‘ ‘ ,1! , > ‘ V ( r . W”, ‘_ 4 1%,}? g #4 ,~, 2: » . v ~ .. 5' r - ,5 c y 4?’ ‘ ‘ therwife, cmdmvour to their uttmvmoft ., to apprc%fi1end,, efippofemuell, and vanquifl1,thcafowfi.‘aid perfomz. A ' ’ £1 :2 4 A7 ¢fm~. N "‘ \. ‘W ‘ A ‘ '1 ' u .w‘ ‘ , “ ‘, ’ " A «M ( ~ w . -, . ['T‘1/ «' ’, ..’ ‘ ' fly » 5/: ’ W‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ r" . (‘"23" .A'ry’w:r-_ £9 nmarztip Iatnfu1i,butcuantnanmm iaysize Rams at thifi mingllnme, fbatail perfana am2,%l‘9uzaIu by all; many; m¢a;1gmaat£oebgr,2nn2a§Jnuc_ta a*13P3e1;e:m,op; pore, quell ,, ants hanaullb t13t*fa!D%WF0fl5 5" 31113 if 81%? pgetent at the atogefain autragez, use not mxtbaut cm . manta, ograbfiznt nae notnpon-commmm enneanmw my appgebenn, oppoic, aueu, anh !aanqm'a3tb:e tam pecfozw _ they arepuntagahle 1si2“tbzfl«atn emf tbias iaéngumne. A V % ‘The Proufe. _ ma , fag that tbm’ aflftmbling anmaemeauing tlaetm izims intbfis mann_¢v.I as the cafe is put , N is a bseacb oE~— [ the 19eace,at_m that m the btgbci-I begréea mm amp man: . % 1113914 1': my acmea, ta meter-h the i9eac¢,uay might, if: fithermifeitcannot1aeMm€fecbea , Izmzrugh it he onely tn mam m-hzmolten, iu¢%-pavcicuiavpginatc mamas, ant: ‘$2 aEmlimamheb.utperfonag: mm tberefaze it the :1 falfiat A 31%ita!1i1ffg;£)tj,; aim the a.11em'l!etb. the owes mm mlyiril man fiamn 11:? ,: wmnue zt0t'mBeafi0l¥t m%varc them ,% A%«az¢ pL4g2i:¢ent tf9e"4bL;eacDgpft11e A£:3ea£¢ , tbifi with man is tom % 4 &Lfl$EiI£€flj~_3vEdW;3. Item.,Northampton V,” Corona 293$ % mushy :.~@i_%1. ambert, Mata ixetfitzen, ant: inzpgifone4b,%%A La m. 1_ufl_ice QFP. pag. 13 3,1 34,, I 3 s,8cc.pmcf) mogggagm, V 1 a Fqrtxon, mbcte tbepeacets 15303831-.» mlfi) abi§b'bann,_. %at17Bflit:..I1xcI1 t£anEc$tment% manner, afi tbz mefem afe £3 pitta atm%cber3>1J%&filLique ’®1“r'i‘ce€,aB %!j3t1'ff§, @a.nfta file, Etc. may am: ought ta tmfzazzn Iealiaptbe pemer nftbe: ®aunty,*i9anngen, us‘ Wemzw, ta repgefietbe bgeakin-g nff,{lB:1J£fice,£f0t5JEfi:biC9it camwt he ~tepzeI£eb:; ng fag ;~ fi33.flm33£I}€2'I;ili.tI.g~flf@rE1.‘2t025;.zffeltmsfr’, etc: 3Hen.7:; um Dalton oflicg of st:erifi"s. I 36. at-ffl fifths? Eaiie in wtfozx . 4 mamaafitbssvnut!4e,6..£1Jer£x%:1;tI;g.g m:.etnV%be44fimn minus. ¢ VA V A pg1£um:Ds.A:%_ (2 )1: A mifonzn; END item tfiflffe map j.tb£m .t[w‘zeifi$ age ~ in Izkemann4ec.tu1wpunt£L:eD.%. ' A A %%0,flB1P . foztbat Isms ail'z~mb!£mg arm Imneaning tinzanceiuw afi afogefaimia in terrprem populi D.::,»mi‘ni Regis, an auaasemmc mime kings liege-penple, ant: ru a riot. mus, mm nnlamfxatt anZen1b1p..L mom if the warm: fie: at time. ogmmm pecfans, aflemhte them?:;“elne5 regs: theta to use an umamfuil as:-.,. alfiperfnns in tax etounty ~ mbere the Came atfetnhip is , {mug able tn travail, are ta agm anumma the Eumccsoftbe 19zace,anb m-Jerms V A to cefifingepclfi, am) take ma: afienbera , atwtbat unmet — mine at tmpgt£unmmt,fiine,anD tanrome by the %tatute 3'3?“-$~Cap.8.a foxcioxmznlaereun|amEul1[act5arwone; » am in the care put. mirtalp, fog than tbifi aifzmhling mmuzmeaningaf tbemfelbefi afi amt faimin up the Qtfimon ]}.»a"§?aAEtbtfi~ Wflfivnme man Kitceatona ever? 1Rehe1!~ionwmb iflteas; mu, mm fu=mamttefo1benann animngen by all the. Eungczi 05 England, pafch. 39 of E1i%z.Afl“i’MI{lMIl1flIfitt!IJ¢ when a1'£2mhieb in ma4rIiIw4 manner m'l1u!tIm none 3 unto»:-=~ A Intent. intbute piacmmbere my bat: no colom:toclaime_ V flanimom; mm to was abiuugenhytve-mi3uIe*a9ariia::~ % went, 29mHen..6. capxz. in %Cms:lrx:s %‘.€fl9iXl4';fl!’!,-; that fijf maptog , . mmtnie ieabpmg fa? flame; within tins izmgs 6 name in'mat1ike~mamwv,A mwimut lawful! cauL‘e,Ais %3Rm-.». bmtozz, an-tn ifomeaftm ; anv?fo%%:: £5 retelmb, Abxidgg meat ofDi.er 13> E1iz,:298.’ A gmom by mi}. amwaut rm ‘Mun, a1Iarehau11n‘tofip4s« 3%“ 7 nmezm arm take. all fauna, mm@tagtogg~,V ttnbetéthe . penal:-i?23 befdgesmetitionen 5pea,3}:cnt1cttb£,!§tmet grew.-» V tat. fo..z;i~f_ A‘£g:I!11I}1It@t€‘E(~€0n‘,ElnD B mum at, anwcatgs male 1:, ct w mzfpzzflssns of. «match: analaeibalivifzgfatc» y “ V 2132s V £1; , .;flmn2a4tbetcfb38tiJe fiafeia fiwssbec pm: V -1 (4) tlymsefage all big gm-B5, ants the pghm: afi big Eyarmfi Bus xx ngbia hfeg, arm mud; mega nqbere: he hath rem F2 to Wit! it!fippgé‘:3l)miJi2'ig , arm mtntmmg we owenzberfi. 3]: we : aifemhmgsfi m mm mamas Etrtlawrezfi afugesm-entimxw, are amzmgen raywzs , mmmnme tum ifieheiss at:-...~ femmw 50 W1! Downs we 3Izw1arvarm%naam3p, ma fmw mfonxtimligéozz, Iba arm ?1.ii1£££§!75, viz. ma §E3m¢§z'a::-. A amnt, mgiasb £5 rm anew fence arm mam me me in . % £5335 iwingname , figainfi wineof £%eiigien,1amm’, mm mhmie§,tI3e generail m2m'cm%e,m cm an em: grmza.-sans % segtrgeiifmfmziacliiaea annlibelphmm. mm tfigfltfbifi ta tbe¥mai1w intentian :35 mm ifiebeiié. V fimappearztb, not arm? by theft utntw fpmmg, mm mfg mztbatx. V V 1 ztfttflz , £23362 mntmanen the mtg to abfem mmfeife - mm the ;.@m;Iiamet1t,A%tber2$p to mzttifie (as much afiinzé At¥;semA Ema) the benefit mm p;ofit,t~b__at we minguonz might Ar%z£2i*!Jeiim;:i1g>.A A ®2cunni~g;tn met me Bitters glaembzzw af {mm was‘ reg , mm remrnmg ta we iaaufeg mzamuf £13532 mm 9w»m- . . Fnmzwlya tm‘1;1w:i;%;oIDVn1‘oacr5 %€!£t1q!%€l'ttfi fwm being isgmizgbttn mama theitsrimafi. 3r::aam1;ip,mg*m ta we {genie mi‘ flmmmaaxfitn mmmvm we féimfififi eatxhgm, with raw sm.1a$teamance5 afi ntigbt - Mme mm mm mme mm Mat!) 9% an that imwuwaiev. rmze pzzimzpaiij, we , Mann mi tbeotmat mm in awe €“m¢2astE,1mtmm zwemet, we fuflfififéaigti38%%ing:1ut‘cams A &m§mm'xzg, farm tlyenwz®m=w£t,nfimz1~§A1Qs2srmm€32“a:ateAIn agwpment, % was a1in1~e:1tbab-»%)am mew mxmfieazceg mm « mm we fame ta he the mnamon Ibama 12?? Atimmtngg -v Ami: Admit that thisAfl’c.mb1y is by tha Kings com. V mifldg andthat othersare prohibited by the Kingto oppofc them, “ Iggwre 2; Hat a1teration s%arethere.‘z%y made ofthe;’Conc‘Iu- fions aforefaxd. A ' M ‘ A A gIDne at all. ;iHft,itifif nottoize fieiwnefitijét may :1;aneti;eiktnga ; ttfizxnatzn , fog tjaatilaig §i§ateI’fI’l~mt1) ‘mft pgmanxiiw up mnew Eecizucatuana, mm aIm% IJ.30§tem~m by W -,ffl'wm'..§R$ i V Wmeftatintté, tbM_.b2ieui1i¢ mule: a1fI:iJjgohe.rne I;tzs;mm:= ierwhy armacmgntng to we iinonme Ibntnw af tibia mtgmtratra butt) Ini3tcb_ 1192:-anntrzas emu .]§*Z2flt9fiflt§0il£5 mer2?hgnlwn,.i£ iais$9atr2i’%y,fl}ou1t:cumanaxrhflymfiam: Iflinggof we fugafain 13ev£onfifl;tt¢mannet afi nfogefaifi 5 A0,; to noengcmznntit we uutragegafmefmh, Iaeit1;3~AI3atinm:.:%%% izmafuil, an!) cunttmtgtu wzkummne*I1.~mwe£s at‘ my 4 iifiuguazixea afihefngei5§113gaventIy4manifaflen. g firm timefnge um :3myefltes3 wmntatm hp mom W was itxfiicientflzmt it nmft he in ail fiafefi ta ;*ufi£.fi‘2 mmmrm % by tag from fame of big «anew af3Ium‘w,,etti;avcommanD,pmit as flcongag 4 j map be, mahecbnoalteratiott nftbrz foggfwztrcozwcixtfianax - fiecauctait §§al:eaoz?pA2nben,:flJat tbtfi atfembmana Mmmean:mMt%fe!f24;cn:1ti*iJec2nI , “£5 agaizafl fl,awiinv%«c'afe tiaeiatng cummantm n“A1::st:=_-, nam if atbing hem it =£2Ifc :mnbs»concealeD%o2Wtint1?9mi%¢ta f£ntcaf9.4‘%%% A i :2: % A <6) ’5 ‘*1va‘m£uiI%, bzz:c% eui13n1ann_ea;&%t1A?Vt¥9¢:i#7$haia¢5¢:a afitm fimga A I1§i=;m8;tb-E11: ail lmfanfi .abw;¢ft;0u1}D by a1!,%om_w%m3W5 Eiabatfozamr", e:‘m2amL§:t to ap"p3eiJwi?J, £I1I?»0,179g am: 1! the . afagefam p,m:or:5 af€2n2hten~’ dag _ afngefatn 5 ytnnct the A V Mame aftnemingfi fitm§;4i13b!CbI£9A93n*mb by afamxniitmzw A f Qtafe, viz. aCaVpias iffufitb 130” ti33%@Um5'9 95 S tU”Ti13‘$3 A 4 a§~dre{~p(and~et1'du::n, 80$ arm 3J*2ffl3Bt1)B C3333-E: 1-A 7¥’2fi*>' wrest; a pgntectiun as a 5flPe1'&3‘de33 *, the @aI98ri&'ew of S may * yuihfie tifle takinxg of {aim , until! the thawing oftbz fimfilttttinn ag, supe~rred‘eas by untoiatm, arm that we iifizutminn 0; Superredeas Hm appeamiega'II,?1 .b”a%tfifa2 we matter, manner, must: atwaweaiyz 5_3lt1D!'ftD9..§%bB¢ ." riffs has (‘mt tai§ebii11g. Dfifiittg‘ ff; a1ivaV;tfunit‘y.e2§3 aiming“ voftlpzcatzltetbagatnfl mm,— belmtb when 13zwama aunts" to M dan1evceh%,% nattnimftanvtngtI}zAfeca£t:i§>§:: fi“?ff°fi' tbe;v&8+ mcnnfiirarbflf apmittmn we V A tbzikmxtg, annex iaxsglgayefltw %aa!;a%,~ rag anpm againtt mm, A wéikings commanb new w:1ot,tmgvcannntAA maiteit?IatI!ffl11: mg the kings cnmmanbfi Dzmobilm tiang, agatnfl-the hnumneiamea of tbefiingonme, are % ipfa fa&o"ho?U7, imbfn .[a“itb=Bra&on, Ni hil aliud potefl Rex,%qu;am, qudddej»u1fe‘ p4gte&fl',% M 31113? tb8‘rtfi%€%iE g ‘8I1Bl*~ at!) am met! in the king care ,%a23»in*tt;2%%ca4€e of gmzommou A A e-gem fit pfo in;Feé’to hab.ét_»u%r;~‘% A We fifictms am“Jv fixecutiauera” of tbefe cammanhg, med ;[3€U.'0lt3flQgod céntral pbaflfi 3 mjmmambifrhm» mbezvzviéiaftfa am intfante, me am cammamm A tom 3 Witbutlt tame, 15 an uuiaftifi am) %a.%nM4;a¢ccq§u mm.» mm men; »na2,wvea:«a a«oa as we =flt1mIf¢ A 4»flBatlfifiA nntmu rt wamumgd we command, :5 H_en.%a. V nuAmer¢%erai:sA xga. go%%Vc::.!me wannzr,trtbe'ks. 4‘fljnmmcommat:u: A%taAtstI1%B,A anw2 accuzuiugly jfllIl Mlbitiig .,Coron}~2 :29. ~wVH*.6 6'3,81 cumming utm:a:wiA at ;@tvb.e‘T« , ~;u¢ben%«tm Aetrv_#e?;tb:zs_;4:t,tz:r ‘A 3’? n I» 7* @ wt +%£u2.1mac were %aEduttg'%ar¢ imzruflen 7by’* rm jLa"m,es*, ta“ “mitten: afib urinateanlmxtifiuiction. a % V , h :@Dcref9;wif the ‘I1wu3Ds3Aanij%@ox11n1¢on&s; fig; ;%arIia;a[% meat flfiemhlw ttmha an ~®gI3m1a»nteA. 0; %ec!uratian‘§‘, trhatis tt;m:’3It1Ugcmeut,‘ anu btnnetb all D9tf0t151miAti;_¢ m we Eurifniamtz of we Qtourt, untfil it bcAte1xr:,:7feII..% . efllmlte their more in the caf2§,tbat%are;;nitD*itt=tbeit cog; O ' ‘.cnhicb[muft4un1%Iy he Donein 1£+>arItament,u31n in i§%c_tJ¢:;e'):«-fA metre bw&m=f*84VHen.4. 14. % \ 5’-52 if ‘thefzfi? (Io) 2.» 31: an persons, mirzy‘ tbeimrifbiaionaF“a1wntf)e£ inferiour atom: of iaecogn , xnitlntn tbffi imngoume ate , haunt: to bpléebz am; umytbejiubgemznt arms ~rapw mutt. unml it_hc tehertziy ztbm much mqge,tDu£e-tnttbw :"n~tb%e*f33tx;tifUi€fI0!10ftfJ8 blfibefl aim rupzzamm ~ Wt all av¢bo%um?fi2 we1fl«aeWfi‘nftfiii»°$1«~anh «£0,924 eweangemtntfwinfettaurwaurtm tbatvare mrtbt 9.‘ fixample : ¢ zxitfie 3}zm‘£nitria114.nftb:e_ +fame;‘unti1t.ttbcjT1:e1Je:£eU- fag A Tram V%mbicbj3,~¢bnt a9Ba:e¢Ia:.*&ation';by ant: bzfagewe} ¢lJ_20I1UI7§: %mbtc1)av2 at It??? !1I0i?tiflfmo2f~0z:toffllfllaw of Becozugintbis ikfngnomes every mtfitea is; botmu, A to femato helm: , am: ccauyimzgc cainjlabgtmmtto be‘ true, that be £5 not to rmthe, relieve, oz cumffiztthc £a*iIJ~ I. 3. if be has , {mowing the faiowutlamcpbnz immgin % the finmttv W¥m:£4%tbe; ra:o®4ut!awtpV%.1msvzuciew % fl19D;fWD$¥BW E9 53:‘7J9HnD{t0 Wk? twtice4 thereof 1. A at W n¢¢rm;s 1J@%i£i44fi£wiff5fl§P~ta BD‘a4%Eai¢n+dFn!n«n22sm :1ii1LE3;-'22} Cormf: F 377 WY3i€I).ffi‘£’I'1T£b Eliz:.dyh-3 5 5:.» "3110 tbtflelfip .cafe,oE A artaiam ex 324% atliamems yum H%en.7;4g. mung up; !J;8"t$3V ID£I4;%fi;19i?‘9D »35: 9fit1fE19t9A §mD"fiWQ2fi7e5wa£%‘the mm tt1ff1je; 1IJ¢:4m “{BVda:l£%a;mm_;n,—.A i1aB%i1w~mattait1tw1xa*fn;me"I:r ifi3fl@11£5bé1£iL1 £533?-h-:A3++ LAjf%iflA1U?)i£D hmlmfi "ifltefia ~ A lyffflyllfitilfiflltmgwshgre,’ tI;z1%~tV%tbe+perfnnmIa attaintw, % cfiiilbwt by we iking, $2: Aflfljflriflt-fG,i1BUlTCl]a€§§ED«‘tbflffifi; aj,» hutim nevevfixme iniwariiamenc 4;tbuugDit%mm A Imn2%i::%tbe«t£m"e+» a £ A%a~u:m€:1mec am: without an3>.»infl%: fmtfe fiiiszizi no «Baum, ~ any dbau at-?i3‘22I),ennen anpVnE* i170f9¥"9‘£“‘3$5{94%‘3mfi % ¢£t%lze%j:?£?ttai:Immathe faw S.%euuc1amAena.a araz ~aw; xJ%eB@raptm,4A béfagetbz %rwetf:j:114f 12i2fi7ui§htJ‘b5eII tuftifie it, anfl .mfi§::m» any «rm'?.Vt%aAim? V ptmifly % f thufeépettnns %attainteD, 0; L. S. %autlafiJVw&.a§ A . 08 WW" theme he ‘am? *W¢t0 wmiwmmc afogetaxu. i V W.«flfi1%0EEagI§nd% .ae,m;aae Ttfeeb m>cantrimit,ng¢ tmygtcizwniit A , V tbétbru{mt1$ba¢mit%%témeizmi * 5umzcnmraawtnn:amcm?wmnhe % 7? A Etna 5 notcaeamgmnxcetmaat it mus; eemazzzekma crime, . mswimIg we g;ahgé%:*&[%§§~ ws mna'37>%e~nc;,V in +)m3a¢:saye%s ®are we money that rt:h2imteVAfo1t1za%hpthesmaio;pascofrlw 37unge5'afEng1and}Ain the @:cbcna;.,s®bamber, mg the king (what that Ai:tw;¢é,tbe%~fame ‘ amv%*Jwa5%~no:Atuh;a b2g\n“‘:m;1;tA*tu qu2$ttqn%%wgam7emeta beBifputw4;fbnugI) het;t3pipt%»tW ”13ar”tte§a«anbtberefoge xefnfenta marerbe km sage; cmmreu,icmpt‘tb¢;an ;e:amaAm:w mam mattetnafimfalbeht «games fl1zu$a“fi‘irti’1eo,M‘tb2tt%tigétgantaémw‘ aaufiemenfihgiale V A 15133 ‘}tlfl'gw’,. fi§%Ait’b3€rB and a%vmneu“::a émm#% — t1m=%txhim ant mu % mm» ram aa17tiIm3e rumba? muse» ,: mbicb hmzzgavtuaaxamt Aanbm‘ re: Elie, ..aB4T%éI%$”Uaf2Uiaugwiimxyg fie in m3,hp t¥)s£aia439tmgemeut,«:1ahpAti1et§metiail't!32t:%¢a%t’% mlmen ate at 1a::ge,ann we 33% thfiflivas n1t1cf,~m;o£z; hi 2nzw~¥?e~ bum :I:@15V¢£p‘*%i%Mtznmemthtfie ifif:AfIJwi¢ kings Mme, ta ham f¢re'qs1ent1i*9arIiamenw,~ tn review we Binngemsntsaf4in£enieamfiwrt3,&inb%aim mi;anei1a:1:£téV arm ahiejuugw, cimfeninmtbe pA!ace;;w£ wf¥%twtsai:m%éa%%» % ant; we éb-I1£‘n2¢a$ afferm Mmag: ‘a=2:%ph:1i_fi3eu ~aaqag: h A‘£(Ifl) ¢%% A , 4 ' U 4.. :?=;:htz.ziz3€ 95 1: “I!:iit1%i:ées4ii,tt‘>%Jv%ti)i§ iktngfinmaate obliagatazvaatm him the fmug aim ,%m:h;A I ti;13>e:i$f2.twen;%e tbevfiu;me*:jAVaa*4s~%‘ghtrt _ « % bmm2Ib%e;‘or1e1pgtam i€fl;:mp££92tm§lI§;:_}: 4??i1.tW'lflt‘7d.12?_9t l1i3«V1:;;.1.;3!3I?1lfa1; mfig fazttzzsatin A it might: unit we ; mat&b2H2n4 tl3¥tt%£twI3%meflé;21ne’%i9 D80 ofi % the Sjutngetmnt at’ the 3}uDg§e;5%;VAhut44a mtn:d1hmhetb,%\[ as; ‘iii? Cfimhmflfl uu«eflmn%+ £33913 W"?U"E“§';iJ24 iiamg»%»VHenry=45’;A; to G;;a1?=¢>?£2Ané,aiaiBftflJtt1 mié3fe:37flfiim;%ahfi% zrememhzen 74 H34¢.:14."AImicb:ma$:.;€£&Vac;uI1B.lifmbanon? twin t1JejV1J.z,erena4e;:ui?tlnsjtaia @€7bi£f£ 3ufliC953l;IDfll,13ml‘U. 4 §fi”§11Q5 Eflfl:$R;5;$i"i$2‘bpA Wtfliit l’!f;*13m?"3¢ I<11en%f £0¢tts;m 3t;ftlt2’:%%a~;1nbfmiJ2!am%+4in:tlaw£cafe mm«.A?;mbi“c0% we <2£bi2»fflilfii¢e ma*ine¢atg£merVfi, ‘£13 at he ought ti; fvi¥9w,t:iJ:‘@ %!mIen1z.ntt%i1£:tein , %ann4vm:iti0*1 i9%5%%91§fiW2* ¥fl3:*I1E5;@fi:;gMzAv:;: V:Af;tm§4 ;;tm;m3;erDitt ;mt.11kmm amaim £11 £&tU%m¢sm#%nh%I€¢~"»W til? W A no $7 V‘ d‘ A _ 1$1II3.fl.;0iBEg=:&;$ flfivfflfit lillifigfl tIJfimf; . Ttmll 132“: , Vm:-2 amrmattmx, tt1f;ll9E3J!1!l?i¥rz:{ is an %;rf4the4faiuA E11038 bail! ~!1:afi:1JflD 1aacsri£?ul*ac; A t:!t3s$ima%:,u{~iia.138@i§filmun n9m%Bn§;;:mitlmltamavaiimis :53; it i)ge1t1ang‘ii3g:u 3umge#me,zzt;afIh%t;bz%]pasty Riga!-1§fl"ywb0mT" £ncbi+T§nmenm%n:,wLmgavmiaeu ., lnawnvzebetihefl 0: x:~ut£3J~m> &at1y®&fiicer*%ds A tb:1;£D&icet,Maa1D all aizf tflii1B' him . :4 %tIJ24te:n;[,w ban 135311;:f5$;éiUf"fi3fli1V a%Ii~i1la11w;, wazw mere?nm:A any _I;:?t0 “be :a%p;uniweB% {away ;nt;§e%£§3fiicz;:t ban allflf « Dune Jigiissibfiice , oz uthétfi 4baD%*ns3t$amfteIJ him: th4ercin, how be arm tbzybanimjefuhigctto punifi}me;11t,im1*am1:= M . _afme£atD. Ls» V flffifiifla if ?ii3~ufi¢fi}hP%tb4&t mm W when C0. to, (I3) ””Co.m.;76. itxwe flare oftbe .«;!19at&;aiIsfea,viz. mat mama cmamtt barf; ghxritoiaion uf the mute , but pgm mum!) em:-mzouflp , mg againfi mm , m a yzmgemmt that all @ffx3~z:ex5 ann umew immapen in mcutimzof that Blungmmnt-, axe to he et:c!’_:fenA~s am) mbatfnebm: they use ‘tbereiin is31a“mt‘1:!l,,anb mmfiable, arm map not he abmiw $81] $3 mfmm :32 qt:em§nnAt1)e iileggaiitp wmof; In that A upon me ‘nbuule. mattemt appemretba wattbe rupgeame mm btgbrzft fllourfi of Recugn in the iktnghnme , mum; bath Eluriibmtiou aim all ffiaurtfi arm Qfiaufwa namely, the ;%arIiauwnt , imtiarmg the afagetam fimzmivip to ne4Btaurher$% oftbe1g9eace,rtI1:raz>tm5,:Ifeian9,eec. ram: % theta: gungemem: moth arm mutt ttmminffizce, unttliit herebmena mm atlslbfficetsann oweessave henna to 0 ructlget the execution of1‘:t)mc tbeir31tm9g2ment,a:1n to En their commanim, mm the commanma of we 1am,cuum.».. mg the fanzefinn are hp we £a1ngil.amiumfi_eu tmrcin. ant: izetmpon it appea;r2tb_that,qmcu:1;xq_t:e via data.-L the firft cunduafionmnimetiafirnmviz. that 2:: :3 apt mgeiy Imnfull ,% but cmnmanhen by the ‘Lamas of flaw mg» name, that an petfozmahlatlaouin by an uganp meanes mbatfoehcr, enneabnut to app3cbzno._,d oppiote, quellg, mm nanquifi), the {am neurons aifemhlen in manner: as: afoze’-% fafiJ,uot1nztt;ftm~ming the ihingsfiumtnmth 0; 1930131111: A ,gign,Commune p_ericu1um,co-mmune_auxilium petit. ‘V