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M T‘ “ %»,,‘»{.~.;*.aa WW EM-H431£ at ‘é.1€,.E1.l.:L,~l’,\*."a; the mu. .L,..m'«1 Wm: L§1r:: J.".'«3,1z:mfm1t v»'::iE' w'¢;e:‘a-vf. ‘ ,,o--1,, ‘M 11, ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ~‘ . . .. , WMWNMWMMWWW-W """""" Wwmwm. ‘*3 EM )‘ ‘“‘*}‘?v1’~«“*~"~’?€-?‘_f~'*3" Y7?C_Vyf:~~€23?”i"¢*‘5f:¢2?I1«‘5 mflPan.3,:.:m"a«::.z2t§ Jé ms: 1" :4; Ezid Cwn;12'>n:€2’,~;£ -:m:~:.%v:»::>;;=«.:~ _ F1 ?"‘_:1'_"“’““’ W“ “M4-1' Mff31"5W53“3-’sIf:12c‘3 .'a-t:‘V‘"i:,£»,“¢.i¥4E' Lsittuzz» a “M fi:.*.::vpe;31'r; .§’3“§«§C1.”'-:‘7..f}V£:V::'d:1 N ‘m1'%a:£%z—- w "M M .§.11,.MI.x.H :w1«.i§un;;a7lz2!”1am . IN: .31. L. 137". ,.%,'.~:r..’%. N‘. 4.,':.%e;«22f. m,,,mm —---—-- »——»-»«-~»~«~—M. _ ‘ - RM“ ‘ -~.M...........4 ,.......A,.__.A..,.. ,,,,,.(,,,,.,.,.,,.,,,_.._, as? war’! ’_H,J%,,.‘:‘I4e§¢.i: Z5 Izarg? welaé: }Jem«.z£y«;z«:«°qz>;r-.c’:‘-§~.. .«g,g;.'._¢ accflflgfifi ._mjZ_§¢z;2.~zfi:z% Zzirzgr 3, /E q.wzézz.;r ».».q;1ar&zvpZcv!2’,fére,t%iam dww. ~M’.%‘-@5315! mi'% effé’E%z¢m pmfmtiwsw "dw:¢m,xuz:t r'am_fléq‘m=ndr¢m WWW. . fey-ie ;zéfcsim»;¢m; azlafolntzma ’ fare cmfi-m-Eur : Sfizppliagriawiézax A 7 ‘gjggfdgzftfi P;‘a£:jzrfl§'0-?f£5 vG'.’.‘'4¢’}’4¢ll;'«..a‘ ,; :»za7m'mi_ jnoé.-&w_fi¢p¢r V‘ /2055 /.‘wmi[iz'w, 1 pm~:~deé'r’ér i:«wz}§;zm‘.z3 da vzzemeraézgi-mfg fmtmm mvflrymm S]; Ea; V m?oi.i;z4!i;:m 2°;-2 Lin-9m* Efljmélicn‘ C%rifl'z}2wz ‘roi«2fr.a' “/9:erc{ri¢.;agw¢f p2'm',it¢zm~m .,.[rxqz.¢.2_?flz€arz«rz¢*x¢% ‘gemmlizam M5! :~/Mr Sxmiha fédk flpaffbj licw sfec'i.*fl%fzi,z'2£L%;%:;%%+,4 .miézgfl7wzqx4e.¢ . AA dmn»3: ’R¢fiimV,i’%4%z¢pi4d " ’Sf4r2£Z;zm;% Pctrum« V %j/V525 &3Q“Pi§flr»c.iz‘o77z3* oQ'i¢"Av.2fgéfi'1&z2¢V%tB§?'fi.zf€b‘1*L1§trii,*A'iz#£i: mil... ” 2c:ri24~r?J%~¢%ram:fi«%éiv a«aé»~»ge/we? 1?ez¢%%fi?%ttws ma/»‘# mm %. %;«z.»z;g;§fi‘;vw;_%/?_g%:{a';.”M:“A£:‘MaraIdLIs.y'. I % fiwrgfezztatiamem. ifiwvptiafltm ¢‘25é‘.t37_ w W*‘IW am‘W%”p%w ii:/¢.»~:ms»4%%. per‘ iW1?"?‘*.PZ7¢”??4=”'ffif?4f*£ » nu " fazfifizx 5 fziizmm“ }1e2:'%fK2.=«a{ereéz4lo: %D2gz9¢i;q&.r§Q?V&7¢zi2zur2¢ %Gmrgi!,41mW Mask¢t% 40/z.m;iA *:gm-zzcgnsé‘ my %rmm»:‘ oath V 4. .1:-_~, ..:.~..‘.fi,_._,.,:.__%. ,. _A H %, , . nem.~ 0- —‘.+Jw# v k "*4 “ ‘ “ . ‘ ‘ ‘mm ML*utiflE [‘omw«2t%2¢.r Swazi; %@~;:ieg401*ii5 Mazg;2£ ¢Bcm:d£E%im;,: mm’:-*1 .x4wCgZw2~:¢m% Pmrm, ‘fw;2t;~m2 Angelum $2416‘ 5.«z;»2£72’o 13r.:m««‘- - ¢;if¢;‘}04 ?’?*ajvim‘ia3 fir~mfm7W%I‘/1%in0rE1m i7zj‘_fl;gqli¢z Cammzlfarizwzg ggmz ;;a;%-re 'Vtati22<“3' /m;-z;:«Zm>~z;s '_x9IrJg1ib£Mzi “C a$¢‘g7‘€;t{{a3t'i07z1:'/‘q’:;e~‘ - - . - 0 ¢ . ‘ --~ -1 D 0 . ‘J’ 054%,.“ ‘on . I _.,;».*z’;«;E!,zc‘¢'.:;A;2cz.{ 0N1.w¢za" _m¢z‘;z’izr ‘}€n€d1&1, dzczua WPi40zIM{cg.e% _f;~.¢z-- zmm%M1z'10x‘Lzrn a’¢'é%'z~::»%cm72 357?’/3'.’£J?fZ¢Z mgywy/Zz'z, Vqmztemzés em; 7 madam V~pmim§fi.°rtm*zzgs¢‘litttcmiafim V 'g4p_afl0Z{cgzr.rw2 < (3% camtmmrxmz :2‘;-2 céfdem excc:a%tia:azm2,”%j2'».£,2z.~z*.e2; ;/2fp2‘%;izrc*£E‘.«1t5‘%<}2_/éa/cg filmy"; f;’~m’ic;<.>:? )mefi~;¢z*i:m pc°r?'f_ en]fZlm: lirtér2zaV*:5zo;év£5' :f:Zczz[taEf€m‘,:"_}‘?b?‘}7¢&£7:’¢ ‘dZ$L€:Zt0?‘l.L’»'6?f£f‘779:: procfecierc Litter/£j@_2=M 13530;/z"m<.»*.r 01¢/C¢zper%o]yparrz¢;¢;g; €>T:0fi2fi’€d6’?'c? “Z/é’zI2.zE?W'2Z¢5 d-.ig:«zarv~mw'. ' TQJ igimr FranCi~fcL19 %-Vaz=1¥- dc%r%]3?urch%, Arc/ziépé/7i'opzw 5W¢:~: (“I177/m'*«z»'cw'¢f, 5.1% Imp...‘ P;:2";2'cc1):, C,’om.eas~ C¢*2Vm‘a2n1»59ss3f=.r"i5‘eg§vc.% %E.:4c€cz;~2ra;v;¢ 6}: am;_my]”m»~m; fl/w;*@gwriw '12:;EZ'a;é'it‘z;fL§‘.%2i7paj}?aZicaz p?'.ej7sj;»z;:z»';z ix: z’a(m7{vz %0ra2z';mri.:v5;~jz¢m. W A'i‘rz_§[i,:§i',%,% m‘tmdmt'e.r 7‘6g'.5zifitiQf¢6”7';~'2 kzazjzzx hand} ej]“e*%%jz4r'¢m;z ;mzti0:~zi ccmflvmzm , Vo.{c;¢tc*fqz:m Jl4'zznm’m°2'¢m ,4ZpqfZc>Zziczm¢ ["%2»¢;,~%;[,'.;. flaw 92:25:54 57:: /mo pm-tav'dirc5z’¢zm €‘nrfi¢¢¢,:if['z»:2r~2_7*a*:m:remz‘.«9g” é;fm'c~¢:j_wz7, jaramf Vtcwiztmzair : .idc‘z72*'€¢ amfforztazm: ~flpafio{z¢fz *;¢cf£§~;4f‘ ~comis¢i]fw-,*‘(fia~ «y;t~.g,% ‘fiwérgiivzzwr 22¢“ /am: pm'r'c* ,% mczore P?":.(f2'f?7‘l‘£,¢7Z?‘)?2 car3¢,sa;==z7zri7?azwj'c*;*§- wiepxztxzmm pry 53:75» qmi Lw2m’isvz‘£, ml jg:.v.m fZ'm‘~2z'_os:7:rv;c _flm;>mz 'zw'- figa L0.’r”2d25?ZZ-IWZ 252$ /Isagglia da:_gr¢tnt,%"z2r7~enL{o.r 'Da:jm':¢o: ‘JD.‘G::3or-- gium Gage PMtbMoz'¢z7~i#7m .x;7[Jaflo1im7x¢, P:Th0ma$ ]D2id€i.‘._0j;r... dirzzér S.-rwéli Domixlici in "Dmfilz/‘Aim; ~”x§n_glix5'_Pra®'incimZc%z%, ‘]>;z;.;. mm Bcxmcdiflmzm Coxium” Camgmgwtiémik <~c§,»§%’{{[3c.;z‘;z..~; oz-.;zz,«~¢.z;« .‘:§£vw2£Z°£ Bencdiflci 'P2¢cxéyt¢mm‘*;, B;Fra11CifcL11nT“}3%€:ll"I”s~*m::i:j2e:££.6: frntrxzm Minmcunil i;¢%e.«zdpm**.z£n%g1i4a Dcfim'l‘a7rc?fw ; ‘P?-a i2.3~Vqm7’v :E6am€i,% W!‘ mizum »*Trmtm¢zAfl;'»JviMm rncfiykerflwfi c‘a?z2it'o?tx3'%%"\'L4Q¢¢di¢¢wI+VA fir in 5/éipmzfdmac ,%A:¢g1m dc'g2'mt;,, 'Z?@vgg'e2zd§fl?;mz¢r¢2 gbmzixmm W Milippunae f§*fi'e2&'ifl?%#¢£&??1{g3giiim$»l)¢¥égZi£e? @‘a¢?¢fc*jfiz7'£zm1,m* 7{gz2e;/efiwm A ~ mg; D%om.~I:«.w D. %Gco2ig4ium ;C%_)atherit:k,% P: 1"~»Lobert:t1x1141~Iad4oe » V 1‘.-Iitml , .¢:'ii¢.w BcnF01F"j1iHm ,” ‘Prawaiirzcfiw Eéomzrczzj , 0r~¢ii;aa£.r _ .‘§3pz?¢E"££ V %‘Ei%e11cdi&i _Exprawimci;zZbiz¢;%»*gm ‘M GL1Ei§é:lm*1%m ’Ax1c1%ertom?m“m i0é%w*4 «dim ,S’:m£2‘i 13rancif ‘c?f; 31§vl¢;g§;£z:ji*z}¢a3 ;:» ;V;7¢:¢23.if jfzmz22,'V cr;'~2‘~, mjzmwm gm: e]z;zmzZi/mt camm dimfflm pic: fipaz7r‘§1!_t‘him ;:Ewz;, *fis«l£a?gzm% ;:z d efi-"e... V afmm Z¢git£fi,x% i2¢ji‘ir»:=yc%:g{a&l2§i“f’;?Z’a~oarc{fl?».::: fax new c.¢zz{/'22,,‘ 139'» gezzmfe mar-«V « M“ e0mm‘,'qm'%.i¢i# réfiyerfiiwé di ri52?'ibm%, lmc :zMtim:tA]Te72£«« » 9 Hate wmrm. Acmrlmlicas iéialam pwfflcfitioma pm figlc C;zz'lJ0~lim” 0.6.-A-_ V *.§:7’é'5?’.¢?’?‘7"a‘”l‘5‘S‘t” ¢"”“?§€C???”i€ flpvfivlim Wéewr: #5? r#pe7flW*”m“% " :'%€F;‘f“'W%* A (45 A %.:;.am¥ez:¢tlvw,: %i’£§1»1%” jbrmer /we fmeriw , em»: ¢:6‘c‘:‘:dma’, ¢j1_/pcfasfzéxf comm perfim: pram ac fida digmfy , gym paflbni; m arti;r V /a;s:j,r4f2:»m2I£ (AZ‘;{tl3o1ia‘c2rtxna¢ %:-zoriti¢z1z kwb1¢¢rii2t,, dé ‘we--V ‘2i£mzas.f pafl?om.r 44? maxim‘ Vearzalndem flarméqma caufi; [c'f£mti¢ ,. circzzmfigwztiix Nivfifasaicniiémx, aliifq; mi mi czrrtimdimm “ rv*}:;qt1\iflfi,;‘_ fl€’I4.‘t£.‘_[a';dd o}wporrmi:?1:r¢rv££: fialemni juramcnto: d£[z;gcy,z_ ‘grew i;at:rrag6ntV,’ audiam ,%;¢£,L% edmmque pw‘~/am» ';fzp;_;;ifz;t , §a¢gn_aW»{i22ez~ 7 depvofitioflfil pcrjti¢g';7¢tc*r= 2):? ~fi‘r*i2?ri+r raw: @'V*fl£4”a4M.”F~ qwmw I wg;¢;;« t diéloxxgm ,AVDwpw,amrgm%‘»V\;A W144 aé .£z2: .¢ fi15.r.a‘g‘¢:y“-0rz£m,» qa1;£iz5xV%T .!¢giti3I#%t4A ¥rz4p¢dir#*% We 455340 *Rr0?v¢1I"w7"fiit#:m’v %€m«» .vV¢rgaa Pravda?» “‘3¥~é£mri;4‘t£:‘" nef*r¢».4ardinm‘aA4Pvr WW4 ”a.£%:5..4 atrriéurw ex pm/tr» two“ ipfi-r /v»»j»»fl~ %?re?0diAVv trié«wfmw.:f4é¢w!Mzm- 1”: azfiarm owfli#w%fi4#m%ai M W-»~i 6:¢z‘,M,pr~ieJ%z2»:,m' pm. Semmriwmv?Wfwmxpfidim wafl;W 57fi.z#«- mid fiMorqr¢Aa ‘Y3anzw:4V%Cmz¢erawi ‘ in »1f’4»’*«?¥“7“‘ r1ofl2<'a._ x1rabi§}gm:fl*ap4£i;,;A DaAmimZAV.mM{efimw f:xmm;[z'mo%': % ggs4dmg¢7?2?éé«e «;;xdw:.£ww,=. ; [ z%:<:u%s; Vgandcitw B~Lirch»,;:A.:~ A V Aj~1"ehi¢;pi:fcAqpu§ améracycnni A A 12¢ 111%ua%simmi; . ‘ . diffiims E;_mm,m_i;;:Arch1ep1fwp18m;& 5' 051%" 1543* - V Rzmci: Vamlcr Burch, By the Gracc oJifGimil,,i~wa~n&’ crirf" the Apmfiolicalli Sea ._, A1'chbifl1op and Diul{c*ll0f iCamb~rey,,Prince t:>f'the*Sacrc¢l Romans Empil1'c,Ear‘l 05 C»ambrc:fi~s, 866.. Agent and ’Co~m‘irnifl21ryii for the things 1t1cire~aftc'r mentioiricd; ]oymtl.y, and ifeverally/';, With fome e~thcrs in that behalf,’ by Apoflc5*li'c~all Leta tcrs efpecially deiputecl. ‘ To all and fingulari perfonsg, to whom our p1te{?:‘ntLct”tcrs flaalil come , and wlaom the matter hereirmftcr mentioned , doth orlmay <:o’n4-*- cerncgjoyntly and fcvcmlly, by What naimcsx. {waver they flmll be called , or of Wlmt ‘dignity and*hi0nour tl1cyfl1a1‘1be of, health evcrlafiiing inllthe Lord} £0 give uncloubitcd credit :9 thcfe Prefénts; oilofb ej) A 0ur,o1‘more crul y the Apoflolicall clomI‘nlaz1d*s‘r;i Kmlow ya, we did» t‘c3C6iVC with that revercncc * Wlhicihi was meet, the Le~t:ter‘slof the mwft Holy Flacliicr in Chrifh, mu: I;4<:3rcl~.;, 1116 Lord Vrlwme, byithbl Diiififigjlt c:lencc,the Eight A Piope oflthm mm.‘e-,ur‘rdc,El1**itlill*s eniurcg Pep: Vrlmzmz the VIIIl.j forfi1tL111o 1*c1r1cx*1‘xb51":mcciplitlliie .mattc‘ri.* Being W11-lirigro Qndeifkllezzldl unite the» pious dcfireslc;>Fm;1rbwlovieellsozmzhc ‘G.ez1‘i"e»mliliii Pmcguracloim A ofchc C0n*g‘reg;3;tioni of ifimglmrmvf c11¢a1«déi*of~sla& rdif J:}c*m7«.s't, zmd to favour hmfIW1::l*1 a»~IyAp'i4efcn'Eé& u%11E'b'fi§" in that ba%=§;1:=alfe, in thcnames:1oE‘=thi-§"_;fame Generafl Prom mmtor, witlfi *t—h~;*: 0i1m<7:e?M “?05Tf’m.?L:* ~vén‘erabIe Brethren; ‘the Cardinals of the hfy R0m_3;n‘Ahurch,Iz1g]ui{iz:Q11r3 Generals, iy deputcfl by tZ11s_ holy A%pofi~Q1g¢a1i§ Seam :111.%theChri{%m Cbmm0n—we:i1;I1 againfi Here-« ticéli vvickednéffi‘, the tenant‘ Of: .th'§3f¢;p;1j4§:*%{'ents,; 4333?‘: %Ap0f%G1iCa1aut110riW Wé 1"¥~i:bi‘tif1itf€%0*t?r %vénerabie%Bre« stI1re11'tI1feArch%igfhop of C'»1nzs:’3z»"Ejb théft Bifhops 0.95 aim 0mera11d%Ipe7',V$.and every oneofthem. into the» piacc: of ‘ordinary im;E5ng1:'md only to t11a;ei%‘e-ét, that they %jby«prdina%x"y amzizority according;ake OF.1’L"~P£."O~', scc:fT:_., Ta ez~2gw:2”eV4fi*er t‘/52eVc:m:fl2 Md %kziz:w[c' sf dmg/3; 0}“? % 2“1?ew WM 57% Efiglaézdwfir ‘ film Cmuéaliqzae Fzzizi/.~ 50 that fucI1‘PrOCcfl'E: and other Aéks law fully dam by: A "mhem%, ¢Eafijfof% thém; for ifliwé C1ea;1~iqgAof;the4Trur11 df fi1c1j»fufi‘efirigé and ‘deaths, bcajdone ordinary :mthori-. xy, not otherwifc, mar in anyother manner ; Commme 7dif1g th:atVW11atfQeV¢rVin that behaslfe (hall happen 116173-f int? 56 3“5F“Pt.513dL0the?VV1T¢? bygamyxnans ci*therV:,wia~: V tihgly 01‘ ignomntly, it {Hall be void _and%0€fno:ne ; efiea 5; 'rN0twit‘hftanding any] ufe thatnaay be~4made ofthe Com- flitfution OfP#?:)}3e% 13 0é?zj‘ZM‘e H156 CJ..gI‘JjlZf" '(/3/U1‘: P1'edeC€H°01*, of :'*mo£’a Imspy n1err1ory,~ com monly Cafledple A42'm;z,A or umtg, Ofthe Gmerall C onncefl, commonlycal.1ecla?e"‘Dz:aé;¢3 or anyother (:onflzituAtionsor Apoftoficall wrdinzmcfis made tO‘t11ieA contrary wlmtfoever. AG-ive11"atRo1ncé at Saint 2%;-tezrs% underxhc-:Ki11g oflches Either, tI1et:Im-:~e and fwmtiétfi QfFéb1‘?a131'Y I 543 ' V131 fhii Wflilltiéficll yew 79f Our Popedome, fig1;e‘d*~=M. xi 4: fliarafirim; f flfiter tfic-:-A pi*cfé11ta§io1j4éz1& rcceptiondaf , rI%1e wiziich fipofi9h¢_3:H_ L¢§§€r$ ab9vc[wrwm; M7is azldby Us [ % A M A as {as is abovafaid zfhéde) We Ifii’e.?bec”1‘1‘"e:ifhei'€1{y may fix%}f?%;:i1fi.‘§;’dbY’t3‘1fi Reverend M afiers, Mgfler Ggmrgg ,y~,;em_ AA ‘ aw ,vUc:i{?m:i;flt 9!’ HM El3gI1Tfl17’~COiI3dg‘é;()f;_Dg}3é¢E,yf\ A War W22 /WW!/J7?»*Priorof:thé1Cavcnrofflaintafzééf’ g09’f}5’" the-%1'Ci1'«':~0f the Eflgfiiwhfl%3Ei‘3ea'z°flz'fl:s*§:1I'1d?f%P'1-fer;,»§%;g..¢..< A gel? of Sa17nt‘f°a”.¢mci¢";» Commi'1Iéry of z:;?1e+Provi‘nceo,§? the Friars Minoritesin Epo~}a~d$ hqj A 4 H _ fire Secruiar Ciergie of E§g1§nd,O Eh; grcégation ofthe 0rder40fS:1int Baimeta am ”0f°,_.g—m{m+& A Province of the Fri€rSMinOriteS,that um wrmflg 33 W. 1? 1;, Mag 82: muclmfafe tO'g.O on in the execution oftime fém .3 above mentioned A pOfl'O1iC:1H Letters, and afthecmf mats ofthc fame, according m t1]@»;pOWet, m%annm4%;’m& ax.1t~I'1ority3 given or {cut to us from the;1';¢j& Apofiojicafi %4 3&3 by $119 flame LAC-“CF53 and to gram: to that end as new cieflI"ary Letters; We therefore Pwazizvzk Vmfleréuygfi Afcf11bi.{h0p and Duke Of»Cam§rey, Pgrjnceg fécreci Roman (Empire, Earle of Cmzérefis, 35¢, Agmtagnd M Commiffary fubtfitutcd by the above-fizid Apoaolimx Authority ifltQfthC[2512C(‘:Ofth~e; Qrdmm4’fe5 j 11 §,E1:zg'[mud; . t%aking’int0c0m{iMderatioz1that fuicfh a4vre%qua‘fl; is ,j:u%{}; magi A reafonable, and willing (with rexrcrcncnt as V‘V'C’."0lJgi]tE\ ~E4«fihV@r C”Zr.3c:,;ri¢f§m§¥'1:I?r::i:‘VE»z1:g1?i£?1%y Cm d‘o)t0 pm: Ainczmctition the aAb0vc;~Tu'dAw A¢0floI%ica1:Vco;-W. mand dircékéd xwcomznitmdto us in that bebaffi Tb%¢:fm for-“cf by ;1?m?‘A%pm:ffolica;1;I authoritsyAc0m4~m&iAtmd :0 may, aa A by4r1xeam-hcanry wI“1ic'I::1 we axcrcife in~tl1atb&éhLaIfe by t11c3Tm1urt: of zzI1c:iE2%pte_%§snAts, we ardaine an«iVAd¢I§um for“« them that éliygviz at melon or on this fldaé Trmm % E”fi§13%“wd=5”‘”fl3‘3’ Rf€‘%’Y”@i‘d“MFSv- M. G’em3a« Gage; IiCifl:1~ *?P1*0tI‘?1”@£I%€)tai‘y;., %[¢her Tlévamaga mgféa gpflavg ‘if; of th@ Qfider 0F+S%%iI1t 1}a§nz“/22%: in E~ngl3n1%daF0f@%fi1idi;;‘ %% I“ W . M Of tT*1¢%'war:%sj:3A;hfi??»‘~?’€¢?£7a~:srfiwxmi :'ae1q,w:I4iu::;r:mx.~ ; Qolléfior ofihe Province oAffrLI1c~2 »Frier-5” Minofitxés in England aforefaidl 3 and For thof'ed1at1ive at York” 2 or; beyond the River ofTrcnt% in Exlglémd “aforeFaid,t11eV,R¢» M A Avere‘ndAAFMr.P/2i//2:125 C4onfeiI'ox‘ to the m‘0ft¢g“r::acinus» A %%eene ‘offingland, and the .Reverend Mafiers, -MA;:fl:“cer ~. George Catfiarzfie , F'ath’erRaéert Haa’orl*,z a1i;1s,.»;1'3’e,mfbiz,.4 A A %Iate'VProvincia1I of the Province of Yorke, ofthe‘0rd¢r'wV% of S-. Reamer, and Father Wi[[t'¢m;VAndwrt0fi osftlme Order -, of.S .Fm22;~é'$ 53.11 85 everyone of them,j0yntIy,(evemllygs, and whOUjy~t0;cl1is pur~pofe; that th'ey%aca:or&t'ng r—olavv% make vpreflé to inquire oflrhe caufband kindaof deathi 0f W them; who it; %thaeir%Ar€fl'peIfi-ive Li-miits fig“ during this : lat’: :AfierCe perfecuriou there algainfl Vthwc Catholickesa h2ve;dyedfo1"f thesCa.rho1ic!k* ;Faith~ : .; Commanding rh;em:by» thg; {aid »;Apo{{o,I;icaI1A Authorityg» that they clqg perfgnaliy~repa~ire to fetch places +1,“ fnmh is purpefe A, a1‘fi3: .QI'""*- {hia;11;;b<:;qVbe rJepaired*4 unto? that they czfafl before“ them , ,fuch% “’:perfi:ms~ of%h0%nefiy A atzdé cred it 5. as have: know1edge* Of the fix H"era'ngs and «deaths Of,f[1CI3l_» Qatfiolicksg and rhatrhey chIigcntlyrinquimhearé and examinfi, Aupon fflemneoarha thetruth{mannen E. thfiir fufferings and 4death-Vs, and the c:3.uféS%~Qffue‘h th}?eir§ Zmowled eand fi:u:h‘~A ci,rcum(‘:ances pertaining to the fzme and Ammher things; requifite, for 1 th'e%difcovery.q.fV the trguth tlw; matter :. ;a.xad % Jthat[.%r»hey:gonveniam1y 4 put i;r1aw,‘1°i;ting, the names Afirnamzésgi firxonsfg mam-~zr4z2[wi*% thew we .«4zee/Mirall 5:0 W Mr Vf%yings,%~~ka:nds~ denw _%V.:r51s1e¢£Ezid%dperfons, and;dire& 4.-hem tons, sbeigzg A f0 difpo e;~.& faithfully;; V?Tb4¢.w' W4} 4?‘W- _ A t£7a I}‘i?:£r'i2 faf£a1ASee.m:gy otdaz':2¢_ and derexmizzei of? ?tI2* ¢,-‘:22 5 that wbzrb AIM‘ 5% fitromglwy qfcqd. Monovcyrg Wfliflfend afldd€C1éN’€, Th at 1' f a my onc+,or[Fomc<4; offlzemz A dcputed '14 by us by h.imfe1fc,'%;or, by thank! ,(::;1nn0fi pcrrfona1Ify;7” ’ * perfonall performe thatioficea heeortheyA§ v;vI1cJm,,ot1e C’; t or {time fith'e‘{'éiAd deputed perf'ot1sAfl1al!=orvti1~1~fi1bfl:i-— tute to that effefcghctorthey lofubflituteda {hall enjoy , the very like power 8:: jurifdiaflziozu, as they whicI1were 4 V principally and firfi deputed, doe enjoy : To thatend, that anygne ofthefaid deputies or their fubftitAutes.-the A re-it having lawful! eiccufe of Cib!AAAAt9 16%?lunde1‘Q9»‘1€3a*?l1=1? théfifiar rerfvrllolsthelfioreman 0fh1S*lfhoP>1Slf¢ntt0l?h¢»Paz:r3« with lLettez:sf'r0m _M:-.4 1o~g»e1-W. ( ,the: Wl.11Cl1 he-V15 to “Ame-; « A p:1rtu~nto}‘rdu)’ £ndlwitl1l Letters from himfelfe, to‘ the 1 Parents offome young meta; Wlhb ére’Prentlifes heregexe ; Efiélfieg ?.~‘~%13‘r3lel‘l7éla.€ir.4:t‘C1‘1u1:i0Ii1$ :b.¢,f0¥!¢*ld?1CYl canlfbe-4 come I hc5’p‘e enacyen zvgllelnde himtcwe a. A fit man for both imployments (liffivouldlie pream to alfifl him with the bell: advice v1{_hileslAl~he isgrflranger amongfc you) peradventure you will ffiartle at the fight ; A qg 1:AlA1AeA imglo 9:;x;1ArmA;;€lli,g*g:AAp¢.*:;1£:Aidering how the times A go nowfifitlmqfe parz;js,,A llanlcl :o;lhQ:mw“ little purpofe it ism» A medle in affairs Oftlidt l‘11l:iti1fe§”But ifyou pleafe to know _. tlgetyuereafonsandlmotivee Wily/i-'“‘;{€flt it llnowa Idoubx: J had BOW an exisrszol-allergy '”g”Obld"” ° la,Almmwn;fi1end,whQ A A A tofeeirllcedhveighed unto you”; w”“"lth thofe [mall direfiie’A”a; A pefiale cére ons i‘tAl1ath 5 which none could znakeany ufe of} (in cafe? 4 fomequeflion, if my Letters had been intercepted. The feconcl and principall,beca1-xii: the Pope it fheuld fall" into their hands) but only the lBearer : and‘ ’7 ;;l*lll;lEfholulcl not have fen: it now by him, the direfi-ions * A mufl: have-beene fuch as might have brought you into A if¢%eirhmm is add andhficklpand {Q is rm Axchbipflmp oFGVamhneA.% 9} them %1dyeiAf»efi0mithemmvbalmmm mm m: o:Iwr,, due grace wcmid be at‘ no farm :: gnaw: V fthe zzlircrrs: n2Azn‘1;t3ci'i'zi,%¢ dydbutw A<;ja11 em ans: ('3”a:t‘:hoIiAkeA man and cake fuch Was Iiee can givs 0f z:h<: ] A 4 mmyrglome of Father Am‘érofé3 an& rccorci them ?b¢fA fem vm 4;W,,€;%31¢Elg:fi§€f'miH fom¢:%th”a§E %A,eii%A may makc,ufejc>fit, any ximgtlncjié xthigty oirgforty years following; when the faid%p:artA'ics¢ vafiidéfiad}. ‘TfieVi"efore I be-{each you excmifc me forfihavixag {Eat it am you : and far [3 0d%s»*.£ak£aj;m1nmAend it prefently mfomemfthe pa%r;m tics named in it, or tc1be%Vnamcd by them_.,to fee the mat- ter begun; as ham ihid, :mdA than to be kept inAgreatfe—e crecytill we fee ‘better times. A AA A ‘ A ‘A A A AA AA 'rimsin¢ha1te ma[ c$uAAf7are-we1L A A A”3”;I 74° :1.v543~‘ ,1*oz4:r;tm¢ FriVe;2d§§ ‘ 77.‘ “ : A; A V4This4 iiifei‘cefiféd«with¢ thémfofrfitgt - % -A W L w 1;}; % , 1 % l’ A “ 6' % i *:”'t W" ;1 1” “A 1 muflionmwxth d1vers%ochenL¢t:erAst9 _I§ap;f:s1p nglawndfi 4 . Wm L ‘W H M, W 4' W 1 3 up Lia. up, un‘dcr%th¢,Bi “ op s‘ r ‘ Of PLO N- 4 4 - M! an M»-SA 4:!’ ;.~ av =5 W ‘ , Ln, Pg” x. ~ J ** u “ . _ ‘H - , ,. ‘V _ ‘ , ‘I ‘ “ A l ‘ ‘ 1 1‘ “ ~ .. ., ‘ 1‘ ‘A v, ‘ ;¢3?9??4l1€!5?Zf55é??%f?d§.k5jlive mafi’VVRevefeZi2lVw % R C H”’%“* D «W4 ;3?iIi?:'01%0fAC%A I-as-47 4 =Dl~o N; A 3} I6: Lettmc dzzted‘tbefirfi A A mongtfis ‘ % % ‘ A Afr¢tA%An3:»Ma~ A V Tefiy Acainc to % ” hm! Crownc. :- P1‘0ViF1C€5PIfld€r'Wri"ft¢n 3 Em?‘—‘X:Sllf'-' ,1 ‘ Ha;-.~.£ thc%Ci'Y°f Weammacr. 6rd;4& D‘ 6 0 (IF; I ‘Q. 0 ""3 t"‘ Q. C .5 0 £3 ‘ r1‘1;“‘J K. ’ anclthe Suburbs, and ; “ Z” A‘ A E vs» up. '4¢Ja~l‘; y ad % ‘V w 2 L‘ .”;‘ 2 iaéfllu at, Ar&h~V ”c*‘aco’nb A : A _ x * Aafiy ‘\\ M aim‘4AV§T2“e.M*"1“if”‘*sV Rgverend R JV Gc~neIeaI1 ‘Arch~vcicons in V *3a%'n“Co!/WEpiraopmvicar inrhc Caq1bridgc,AA”ar1d*the mm: ‘Oran Bucklfigham, Middlefhsand bcingtdifizblcd thttough 7014 A .1.zr‘1"c;_ ahd4»MidaIe{;2x; 62 % zzrémrd LOtidBifhop of Cal»; A 3 .§£dmzrd Mm: E;5i12:opa11Vica:&‘;'n rhefixcem $ W » 'fl1irc,ang1 Che.fl:€r- gfvincres under Written, Wales b “th$0uth 3‘ oz-th parts, the Ifleof Anglefey. Hereford, Shrop- Maaer% % 37. (rm ¢ ””A Mafler yam .3afl’z”./e.u Dgémr of Divinity; Epif-4 mpafl Vicar an the five Pr0vmces11nder~writrc:n .9 ,Qax-- f0rci,Warwi¢1§&Norrliampmn,Sra&“ord,3c Wagcefler. A 4. Mafier Bwaxqgétaiz, Epifcnpall Vicarin this feven B33r't;“Wif3C'¢”:*S 4aAandc3r+wrirterv5‘ Huntington“, Rurland, Lin» coln, Lfiiffiflfira Nottingham, D;u~by3ar1d Yorke A5’. A Mafvfier labia im~£[Zv'2,s pifcopall Vic”ar’Ain the 53% Provinrer» under-written DorCefier»WiItfl1ire,G!0u» A cef%cr,Son1er{Z~r-fluirc-, Devonihire and Comwz-2.1L 6% M A:-;; carbéerr 7*roI!o;»,Epicop»a11 Vicari.x1itheA4tfiv@’4.A Proxrincm under-svrirtc~n.A Lancafier, Norrhumberw 1§nd~(‘umbcr1an&a iweflmerland, and the 'B.i{ho_pricke 4 of Durham» A 7.; Méfler Biem'Wz'»*2 Norton Epi{copaH'Vcar inrhe five Provinces under-written. Kcznr, Surrey, Sufflsx, A 4 Hampfhire and B";1rHI11r€'. » ‘ ‘ ' ~% . g»1r.rh-D$9m:m: ai2¢aftl3V¢z'rPra«z2i':2¢e3*.V”%% A _ w. Maflzer I0/M C01/#012 Arch Deacon in the County AV é K9111". _ M é M M A ' ‘ A V‘ V 2». Mafia“ Artkw Pm Arch-Derw0nMtI1¢%CAit:ies ‘of A London, VVeflmiz%;&er_-»an4d the Submzbs. ;;_2a AAAV%MA+wfEer fo6:%Bavffz“!e,4M‘4Do6%or of Divinity» Arch? A Deacon in the: Counties 0f Vvm-wick ax1d%L”c-iceften.‘ ; A 4w ‘ Mr... V5fl4<"Wr4’AB¢Iv22¢ég{ Ar-ch~ Deacon in the C aunties wf fiuckingham and B«=df«:‘>rf, tim rmi}. Revemxd?Lordg 4%: ;: ;:!ws«'d%1fluo;p of Calc%m’v12{dafted%th»:% x L offizbr. 1 52 4 6» _M%afcér Kicfiafd Brozagmaééz} Arch-Deacon in mnn;tic:§sA of A AflwumntingtonjRut1and,Lxncclnc. ' A . A Mafia?-r~VIa/5?? IaVc£i*]'bi2 ’“Arc”h+Deac0n% ifl-thfi mum : figs Of§v‘Wi1t{};irc'an4d Ham%p{hj.'1‘e. 3, Maifierwczitwewr Traiiap Afch I eaten in the com» rmiggesfmfNoxithuzfiberland, anii Bi"fl10priCkT 0f‘:Dm'ham.. ; V9-i M336‘ W‘ 5¢’;’f~Wf¢”" ArCh~DeaCW:1Li%n tile % % ‘ M ‘ - ‘ I V’ V V; ‘ , I "I 1 -4- ww um .\ ‘. ‘ tysof Lancafifif. « r W “H! v ” on Maf%er%Ia£*£&M¢'§W&!?A%r¢134A*Deacnwi%1Vt1IeAAAAcgun~i 0 Marterzm V z't&lreUxveak tlmfoizgh 01¢: #age,is¢;c51‘1eé:A: A %fi1‘tuted as‘ 3 c0adjutor,Ma{‘c§1F 105}: R eclmamby th;e“*L4ét~ ; ters of the mM®.fi%..Rc1vcr::nd¢ R3-'5@4VélLrd;[BiflTDP of C«%»’~ i rM'v#»%dated§h¢’tenth 01f 4Febru:1%ry,' 16.26» ¢ A VI 1. Iofepé Haynes A;rch-~De3.con inthe c:o¢“1111%Vt$yoVf'jf I »f3wr6votDo&or¢%%0E % “' 4-131 2 0? »RA#?¢bdVdV»8w#tM»%:A2:ch~~Dea,cnind1;§acacdun4£¥iesm Qf n “ I,‘ M A H * $3.? 9 Hwmpliwéj of Sout§1~Wa1es and Hercf0%fd»%«V*A ’T’I‘¢9: W ”1'z1;§‘iW&"@5‘¢A:; A MFFr_;G ”"”1. V v ‘{ 47r.(I;~ K, ‘ “ _ ‘rm-., mz‘ _ ‘ 1‘ ._ ‘__, -‘n W.‘\“. ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ '5“ n. V ‘ r¢.VM4#t£{w 3Afi#ta»mwé%ar M“ D3vinitieAr¢l1deaccn . ‘ imhe Cmancxes ofWay1m£ArI»Wafld Wméarianfi. A ‘ A 13... M’:1f%er fifiargé Fafb§rAr¢hdea¢m;V4imthe Gwinefeg M‘ Mmflefiw agmi rirtrgm A‘ W 1-6. Mafia; Humphf£§tf' §?fmgfi¢’$% ,A.:.I‘¢§1c§@,a€éfi A M §j'i€*‘ flountyof N0rth~W¢e!e1; ' ’ ‘ V 1 Mame: T/awn: Mam Archdea%CA0flin1%-‘ha Cant?» A fies of Harrfard and Narabamptom , - mg. Maitcr Thma: MarmmvAx¢hdeagpn%irfiéhfi C0115-‘=~'. Kim of Dcvonfhirc, Comwallfind »;GIwccfl:a¢,._ ; A A «M 5m 3«s.1a{tcr William Sbilleg Archdcaaon in the Com-«_ ' «tyqrfiv,/fi'?Wa % V % % V H A W 5&5» fwcaccd&dM.%LVafl*m 20... Mafler Am»; Waacfinaw Archdcacm 553 fltiw Qoumies ofmxfbrd and B}ark¢fl1irc)m % - A A M. Maficr jolm Mcrric£¢AArcéhdeacmin the‘ Qfiiifiw V migsof (Sh.rOgfl1ifC mdW0?"¢fl6"f)§ A _ A ' A Té.flviwjhm¢e&¢dM9 Hflag M I 2:. %vMarter7hariva:Maa%cr Af¢hd¢“C°1?m131“¢fiG"QQfl9% ties of wommarfw ind Dag ct:-fl1im).V 3 3 ,; Mafter 777%? TM Womb agtmAfChd§acm1i'n gm Cmmrics 9ffthé I’f0vinCe of ‘I‘imInIb2r: which isAVcjall“dJ I-Iomz«z1AAandA~rw2:raIIéeand ~ mu: of thatpart whiF01$£sfl‘t¥ icafims %{b%onc% a.ftcx~ ” e1e&&en&af xa. Coacijnumr a%s1naybc%,1e& his1I;m»dmip.dic: befprc it f bis done, For we wcrc~bc:tjer‘havcRit done Ieff: coznplcatly before" V his~Lordfl1ips death than not :m:1% ; and this .cogi£a.tion hgzsth ac.- currcd Fmce Ii%w::it the fémncr Papers, wherein was fomc doubt x:1%adc‘ahg-ucthe p.0int,Ei:gJ¢C_iaI1y ind-:<:41ong Letter’ I had wri=t?rcn W 20.»yoi1bci~fi3rc this fctnvimg, downe thé pre~i§;nt flarxe ofyowr Cimggmger, and-%certiéfying% who are Iivi:1gc‘1ctcofi, Aw%1a4I3«Ea,d,V»w§ase»reiga5 ::t.;m~«‘ rfome things n¢ccfl‘.'1ryvperhaps to {haw my ‘Loré what 6% iii’: V whole Leztcr it: iE:%Ife“bc,“w31ich 1? LreFcrrcumo%¢y»c>ur diiimtion, be-4 %7caufc I had an 21o=:i<:c from his Lord{‘hip of‘ fiiling up all the vamm: &p1a,ccs%Ain the Chapter; cnlyaf adding fame mow Cargons ghcr¢¢:- untu. N V% [ % 4 V }% » W A51 ha&'%w:’xtt¢nA«th11*sf"arre,Trc2cciwr&Vywrs~ of thisim=cekc,g.11& M 1>y?gc>od“*fortunc Maficr Har&:rt*wasa;9m2i1y wiVth'Ma£3cer Wcéflér vatthc flame timc; {'0 after his had rc:1d%ycaur I.?ctte:r t¢:,;%11im,.; mm» % % Iweglrdfjxow¢am¢fily“M‘r.Wcéflkrr rnow-ci*sr1Vgattm rcfifi hi: "B9mchrczi”sv V’ A 'f3AE1e:&ion;.‘feV~y~our féiibmyngz C0’m@I*y‘W§*t§i thtii place,» face «at % VV¥:i‘{’r con fentcdtm fiibznit to what» his Bmlarctz %f¥im:%I€1%“fim;*I1y‘ tom ; clucitc upon: éicfiring 'firI%,.th&trhcyadvifc againe%abot1t%%Vy0m: .1{'£:1?l‘3.-.3‘ - if ztherr: be any probabilitic with you to comply with the P1'a.ct2},‘4 21£m:,yo1%:fcnby11isVr;onf¢11:fi2:>urbufimffe is at an end, ¥ox&..I3}c'%i44}1a$h V in fCdn andpray calf my Lord% IV%%had not time — %_ to write fZv.i~rc At-hofc Lights Ilénd‘-'; him for V 4 % ch: (3rha_pt¢r5.b¢.. fidcsi-they arena: £25 pcrfcé} as were rs:"qzx'im<:s:if we had _tza«*I>r,: time, burif his‘Loxd‘fl-up-wii-1givelonger ti me. he ali havr: it Amorc;¢_x.e. :&;Thc~ni*nth*‘Can'on now‘-I perccivc was %Ma.Pccr Herféerag cx,¢L£‘fEf, ifwhat I writ before in that be :obfi::urcorlcfl‘c cxafi, for‘Lha,v¢ no time to re&-ifie it, you may cafily xnend «all Ekn-ou%g~5 ch;c1-gin” by f vvba; is written othcrvfife about: this b1u%£ine{fc of the Chaptcm u.._ .._....;u« 45* km . Ccording to yourfldcfirc.-. and my promi!E,..iI dqvv,"fcnd ya V 4 1 theflatc ofqur pagan: Chaptcro§ogcchgr with fizch Iktcnts aswill ;bcn”,cCef{ary for, thcfilling‘ up thereof} with a partis» cular of how many. thcrcofarc dead, and with fizch 1 not: (as up» A % Joni}: {hortawarningcould be go%cx:cn ) of names to fillichp aé? . ga,i¢nc,.,%asV have b_c;en¢_by,,:hqfé,of~ xhé Chapter: in Lam. rcflefiéd on; % fa’): fuch wa‘syoL1rdcfire. ‘- A A Thc.«Copi¢s ofthc%»Patencs_%arc: fuch as %M:‘»ficz flow“:/Y.!tfi mt, aiid -I”{I1allAdc{irc:%»that you willcaufc them so by kept them my fafetic; ’ W £5015 1 31%‘’¢ 13¢“ fliould 31} ‘h€"~'-‘ 5f°ub1¢YC%m9 ?:Atimcs‘ xnifcarry 5; Icouid wiflnt you had A:-alfa" thC1.'Cotb_€fCopics.of_£hing$“”mofl new ~ mffary, which Vhcrnhandlbmely recorded in Bookcahy Mac» A ficr £a3zxc£{9AG%od nc{i»his.1'EaQ,1c.’;. buuruly lam [0 ill, I “cannot my V ? fclfizcragmfcribe thém,andto c_ruflthcmgout of my hands in:hcfc;% A A¢imi:*s~co SMcrgibes,iI dare not ;aa_nd% th¢Book¢‘ I ;a.nAn%qcs fd I ‘mufi hope ‘God; willprozcét mm and Lu his"fc”rv:nts.whom% cg!-may 5 ;;£0nC€I'flC'a V‘ ‘ ‘ A A -Youwi11Apercc“ivcV1b5:,vth¢Copic%;OfchcCataicfigucsof ‘Vicars arxd '..AI'chd%eacQns W4hiCh4N1_3flcI.LQ‘l'l'1¢ftx is Inow fcnd zhcmyo % yam-_ 1‘ A,‘>m~an£criAbcd,“~-V%thac chcrcha_1rc‘bin two-divifions ofthc Counties, imp. VI 4.?"$il1fifi.:_fl=.chsx: a,ppca.rc.55. it; she! 31% but 52;, Cmzn:icsAor Shim‘ “ ; A ” % ' VA % . diffribxitafi (21) .h ‘diflfi_but€d“hunototherarchof’ 7.VhiCaxs.GenEral«l;a11El ‘of 33° mafia; deaconsg om?‘ofwhi~chhonumbcr of Archdcacons you imhuflh dcdqcfif f h «but 7. fomfinuch as the 7. VicarsooG'enerall~not being. (has Vicgrs) % A o oflhc Chapter wbjre znqdc each ofthcm Archhdcacons pur«pofi:1y.1.:o»»_ _ V ren&crothcm%Ch.apccr mcnoaifo, foo-that how cm: the number/ of _ A Archdca.cons"bc'o23. yhct dcdu8:ing7."ohut of that nmnbcr; sasap-V ,5 o_ "prop1‘iatc to the 7. Vicars, you will find remaining only Io6.A‘x;ch«h- dcacons, I-mcanc fixch as are purcly Archdczcons , and not[V,icarso-A o h tO"b’9C.l_I€‘; And yet: by the Nat: Of*‘;Mafiet Lava”, phc epd 9f the , H V hnéwo Divifiom me rhinkes there was an~in,tez=rtioon to have; only ’25:.¥._ A A ;Archdcaconsin*.aI1, or to &fpcakcpcrha;ps.morc » roperly to the .Bx-je fl1OP3im€flti0n,“but ‘2z.Chap:cr~mcnh.o Yet I o nd than « oyoum. muihizncrca febthc forhthner doifirifls of (cm: Archdeacons,-oorw clfii‘ ){.ot,xVo " \ L wiH*r1c.=5t exhaufl choo:Coum:ics~-in the difiribmsionh thereof; for you mall not findchc Cozintits of hNottingbam+%nor Djaréjhhapproprio-~ ted twanyh Archdcaton» unltffc you rciolvc thc nutnbcr of 23; {hall V h o Hand good. « And perhaps that number was reduced to 2.2. 'on1y;in thclafl Divifion upon rcfihaion that thc hfévcm-h Vicar visa. Ma!» AA AA flcr»oNor1mowas1no:Inadcmrchdcacon, that I can find upon ~ axizy ‘kccordg, andl fend you all I ohahvcofthis nature, to that my. Lord I and you of chcochapter thcrc;”rn‘uQ pleat}: to rcfolovc whether there * ’ A flaall boany Vicar~GcncraLl‘wichoucoth¢*5Fit1c of§Ar¢hdeacon, and: fgfimthc “firfl number oF*~z.‘3. Ahrchdcaconsfloandwgood, or whczhcxg ~ aflohthc fem-:nT?4Vicahrso:hf11al1%b¢'ArChdcacons,oo¢a.ndothen thc lafi Divifiéé‘. H A _ , hob ofi§hrchdcaConhs‘»intdzmtnorcmarincg; Itfitmhcs her: moi’: co13~o“* % ‘ M " fonant to rcafon, xijakc each Vit:'ahroGcncra1%l a;:1~Archdcacon;-. but o A what you thcrc rcfolhvewilhl be hcrc "allowed of}, hbms you , hflafallg ‘Ado: A ' ji ?wc!l*to appropriatefuch hCoL»mties ,to» A\ca¢;hAoVica1j4o%%o4ando Arahdcacong; L o;3§i~hrziayvobe~1flofl oocozyvcnientofox thcrxi “Coho fepairc unto, which uh hahardrnattcr tohh‘hdetcrminC_o'ooin thefcoouuhnfixlcd tim<:%s.* V go H V wfisndhonqcc you willoopcrccivc thaoby the .Addition of Cé.noh$" to the G:h.flP[CfoWhiCh you know were ac1d_cd;buchIatc1y;tl1oat with-‘-_’ dutfillingmip nhéLp%iacésoh ofhohthewoldhChapter-emenhdcccafed,you will ~ ghgfifift asgreazzoo?a4.ohom1mb:r«oh:akhofl ;jbf_»Ch,ap:cor mun nooyy&o:h1iving".doh:o~ h cchiiofcoo-;a;Coadjucd”rMao,thc,Deam:.(Jovuhich is thc,prcfi:nc affaircA in 2 agitation ) as would havcj.bc¢n;if, all the; dead pcorfohs Vacant pla;-S ‘ as ws.~;jc:fl1l.¢d up befogcjghc Elcéiion 0E Coadjgton fa -that» if ‘ .- dad‘. ‘ ‘W: M ,1i;V}; Ac &eEm%Ae§fimng the ChapceAr(proc?ecci oweyas A ghag ‘ A V AAAAw7mewanc w cmmyezwcm n.u:m4bmé*:Ae’F@ha1:star~Amc1tAmma,ket!1is. Elma». A L élflfiny banfidcxitugr AAddiflun%~mfCmc:1s toAc~h;gAC%I1a w%ith A‘ ppwerA-of \Avocimg:Aiw_aM Aa&'ai1ic*sw£*%a 3 A A, AWWA View A X % A % ai'rd%A1%chidea€011s:AA A A A 9 ii. A “1 AA nu;mB¢rAofAAtWen*tic,A4a.s I wrot¢fAyau%AwardA1:aAfl--wAeck€;.A f'AA,;, A ‘ ~ ‘ u A A, *:gA6t that an :teA1~*1 v Ahaat mi¢}iAAbf;7 me,fiAx Wham AI %r¢ckoAmedA upon to ‘bcfin Maxfler -is r»1cith:9rfAAo%f7% theACha;p1:¢; m‘%v%¢?r5. ‘ A bAF‘AVicarsAvrchd%éacon.,' W ,A g fin;cLA_afponAA gjifyw A = A A A A “ A AA A ? * AA g A -AhilD1$Ai';fh "‘_W@r€ aA%?Ch1p:cr- gthti %‘Awa%sA, ‘ A A z is J A A A §c11:p1;er.fhi 1 7 A A Marc 'of a ‘ ‘tf° wmé um“ “’@AV* AiAr~7o"‘Am:1'¢1IA% to W ° w~lm~nowAfl:vi;mg A? ;i?“’.€*°‘.m"’°A “ A 31* AAA?!“ AL P3~‘“iiAA“;Al*Fwfi1*5~VA$VA*A A “ AA’ $33 ”‘3'?” V Yb 1 mi A=~”A“=i ' balcfdaix and W" th A A A C A Mr.ARen»m;, A at F‘! 5-95 r A * A A A A ”Amra11 A “ A Wt“; .- % tAq‘¢Ai;m_uflAthinkcA * ' * % A"¢g:;%.‘ me ‘ rdanam of Ath§.:U A J w. A~ V ‘(fir em ‘rmd¢A if A Vicaf A ~~ A A A %%jNpw;iFarj:hc%AAWcarsia&uiaiAl%y Ayyzou ~ Aeaf A A ,’ A; 6A AA A W?9§?’%~AMaVW1W’3A W 7% T'’‘'”A%A”MA *¢Ot?4hfi:d ”‘ r A \ A A A A A 3 Wyn A ,3» MA‘ A. 4» AA_AA,,, ;~W;_Ai, .. r /‘~A\‘ \ n »Aa*? A A; % ” (237 , W dead‘ Yzzefigcies %MiaPter; x72Iaf£jat.C Whgfc place i9f*m'c§az1At thvotjégh’ he‘ bee living“) ten, win. Mailer Pin, Do&‘orW}‘{g5£ zmd his Iixcceflfip %Braz.émnt, Maflezr :$'tricfkZm:d,MaP(€r Heine! and his figccgfim. Dmqm. Low/la Mafler %H'aznwe r and his fucceflbr Mr. Qaaszm asxalfo the tin»: tended Fucceffor to him, Mafler R0537‘: Hugbeflately, Doéacor Erit- mer, Mafia Mare,%M,af?%&r:tfi{fartine, Mr.«‘T;4:*/aepyar a11d;;¢ef.¢ ' for‘Mr-Aflav,and¢4Mr.Warrbimgto».% Y % I doe not accompt M:;SJ6a!Ljrw; ncir Mr..VcJ714'err:'c@- p1aces~ v:».;-- % Cflflfs by f6af0D};Mf--5«=we‘anci M::.H:d:»( furviving bath dof:{'up- ’p1yth:cm,%but%whcther by Patczuts created Archdéacorxs or not I‘ cam»: fay, or“vvfietherby Dcpumcion only they ctzcemce the ‘fame; which 311.1 @f¥e&I%3%CCo’1Intis*%a%1*1.%%0m:.¢m “ c “ ~ » 2 So thatbere aré undoizbted"ly to‘*~bc" a’mm'z;a, c~*rca-‘ted. ten: Arch»- deaconsto fill upthc ;+§;1c&::%s~vaca.n%t by death, and z~z1o:#e%w‘:Eo fL'appI‘y Mr.Zl4’ta‘fi'at.r place yet living as abovefa%ic‘1. . Now For the liviz1gVArchd<~:a<:0x1s they are in Algumber two,% in thc two NVzca',rsja.boye, and Foure th2.t are purely Fncchdea cum by P3.- tenté"%un&o‘Lzbt‘ccLf?k£z.. Mafictf R%eo{mmh%;%%Ma*£%ér Bwraxr, }w1r.Hmglue:, and Mafia: Méé2ger,whercu11to1Fy"oL1ad&e the fuppliarrts (atlcafl) livi'z1g§. Mafler Hide smdw Mafia: Lam ,% than am ch*ercA~{ix*:Archdea«’; conslxvirig. W , & ~ » ' A A gs ‘firxr“Ca11on%sVthAdfe'Wew@rE?a1t%:d~ C as I%r%c:ncinber*f) rizmazz the % firfl,~:md¢AthcjI :ufe'all1iving I%u].j,-,@t£f‘.- MiQer»BZ:2cla1»%’M:.1fher%Hm~ % ri:¢:g"}‘}a:¢,'Ma1:ler Ifoldm, Mr.Fi"t%rm,Mafler C B:ff3:¢7*ci*, M:1“ /7/Iargvmg M a‘l’r€r~~('uv?°‘2‘l:i‘, Miaficr Qage, zmd Mr’. AHWéer:% _:, fox“ I have :1 2wv?%no ” convenience toVc_omc at fuch Records as due {haw this» pc§im}:f9s;~ your n1é;xn\or,y ,W'il1¢tC1l. you this L!§€rEAt¢r %i;1wéz}:1 min at, or elf: then Ma- Her Md: vv‘%a%<’3 maAd’e C%a%z1c3t*;im;%%ti*d»not Mafl‘erAA V AA csfwhicfi Aybfi fl121I%1’k%t'iowv :hc certaintie”ere~]‘ung";~» bunhswtaver rh%u”syou~%i?eé%%nJ what with two Vicars"Ei‘v'iAnfi'. fix Arrzhdezacans, an:.i—% nine Canor§’s-,7. _ ‘ and*the‘Deanes thpxfa arc e10h%rccn«p¢ri}:ns of the Chapter new :1-LL‘ U mug ; or takcthc Dtan¢.4arid“ -3:1 1mf’:% five A-rchdcaVc0ms;.4 i's.:1rd~z'2%ncS *7 pure Canons, fqpppfing MaPccr Hz'de to be no A‘1'chdeacofl.‘the:y will itjfall qrhocxxit to‘t3:1€ number of fcvemzécn perfcvrisy wh'cr-fuzizb adding thethrec AS’uppIia11ts%For AArc%hdL:a7cons%, %%w;¥mAl1=1:v‘e %:1svLdi‘It%4nc« verhad Patents ,1/t':r,,‘%MM¥er’Bmjld%izi* W%i¥ and A M-::fifer " 71 -3, ‘ 0 4 u g Stews»: 1:-I Hcxtfisrd: and Maflcrfbamm Green: in S%L:fi'7ui%kr,by4t1ac 1 A I V D A A old I m (22) dV1D‘ivifion,Norff. by new ; you fee we %,m:1y acco1npt‘upm‘1”ju& . A nineteen: or twem:y*Chaptcr-men now afiually livingywhcrensa: V "firfl %Ercé‘cion of the Chaptcr there were ricvc: «n1orc(as'you4IEc) “then twenty two or twenty t-hi‘-:6 rttflncofl h And thm: you have the %cxa& account pf the Chapter as now it Frauds, %. w1,¢r¢w;d, fir you V rcfl not ffxtisfied“, but dcfirc either so %make% more Ca;nons;}( as my W Lord fccmcs to due ) or to fill upthc number ofthofz. that arc dead; Vvec can fisggcfi mm you for; the prcfcnt only chefs that .fo11.;,w for that purpofe, bccaufe we cannot have’: an exafl Aaccumpc; {mm ali the Shires what men arenow »i’"cfidimg~ tfaercin, mur:-.h“ Icffi-.9 can we maké any probabie c.o1‘1§e5h1re, how to fix-A: any?Om1_ma~x1,L~ in» an)» we County of Emglamfi, a_s times now flanchzo officiate_?~Ath’ercin.and fo wcfhould not at; thxs tame have Athomghti of fillingeup ghgmcant placesayc-'% be-caufe you thcre-*h.avc%% that cngicarion; anddgfirc ‘:0 know whom we here 1:: towne thfnkc fitcingfox.tha.c%purpo{?.-:, wag" harm rcflcfled on thcfé u11d’c:.t-rwr1tccn4..‘ A % A 5 A , Ea"r.Vx"mr.s~ Gerieraifi. v Mafia: B‘I4qla, M}: .Haldtm M 1,-,*=Hozrrin;.~oa.%a~dd@d%»%%mi-to his ‘d“i=- A AA ‘ Pr3'iff“‘~ aswbaing 'mo«fi* upon the eye of" \tha;vwx-Id, and Hay of’-cur com« A ~ mdAKmt.; firi&K»-kt Va1(53 {'45- ‘_his_ Patent A‘ milfl. i~Lz%ri%A3rck1d4eaco‘nA (pf Skgflhz. 7 The thiArd AVic"m: of B:dfm{a’;..: 1”:Tuntig:gto#;EA1éé°r‘fijsliAn7v%erz:m: 31+-B read‘y§%,a rid imA‘wAAraputc,M.HaM¢mA* ax1wd?€p&nf€quent"ly Archcimcotw of (273 A ceed~!'1'ih~, ‘ ,; ¢~"’ AMA but*Afa»o1d,:haA:: h¢*¥md_ frccsd am CU%1%d}u*t0,r";g ‘Ma-I$c1? 43'f£§?*la,A * i"; 3’*mé§*9"e3ir_.’,9~ A‘ M'r.Vm;:zlfiler%; ; Q”ErA &”£t[b3 ‘i';";2'":i3£'79*e9s-f7*';'J‘57Il3_‘f_ M"a:~:A GET 1¢a’1W'#gJ‘: d!efigncd%4 "t.:1'1:’t':‘x _f_'x‘.i:'41‘ a tw'oCoumiesAtheruntobeléging; A Sofltlxén you m‘é1Pt provide fun}; ? him twc Archdeacc;n_s md1mAAoAut afithéié Pric{}s%‘feA11oWing (you ‘wit-l'V rah‘ fi5r?c:P"i2 as f1Vi_vcI in Vrzhoft pm: s‘) may aw M zR:c%r% “';Nzém.:zaf A gre.*s*rz¢-, MAr‘..~CwM::tm ,, la. A A A AA #1» a:tfy11{e and -5' 2zf]“7z21h?~“.~ In Cambridgc cI_e:&¢, 81ie,PHaI1A‘, A Marabimd: mt §:fiherc’:x3b:;>ms,h ngmr: atafla %« A A H ‘Mi; Hggzry ‘BI4r4E‘~: TM? fifaul-‘t}'1v Vltm” Ciwf 0“‘fi¢'_f"Wi9!_,4 Rzmfiiri '1mmr. Elefia W'h*Wh* 'WAfi~ A ~0+.%%.AF{I.‘ A l§{ofmlu", and‘ m MN’-‘A F1§‘L}& A Athcfc: Avicarrs ¢.‘:H£"E ; R6.-adcr, M a{1r'ery ’abI¢%% maxi; ba1¢ }?‘oLtng;%MaQcf Fhrrizpkryr. Hmla, I1V‘Ir.Wiliz¢m&AElZi£r.'"‘»4 » ~ A Thefe are in Warcafl¢rV.War2w'c?k. VSt4fi"ard,Cl3efla£re: in ortimvn 8.: L££i£"c;/hr fl1"1"rcr are Mr‘ Fwzalcw;rr,A Mrw.€baeIg:gMr;Edwurd Hughvr‘; ‘ A ~ A 0.x:fam‘ A-.:sr1*»:s*.’" Twtkr 3 are rfh-d ‘ VC'cmn*tic*s pcrh:1'p9 In-wf‘c%‘ fix: A For ‘ rifi as: hes; is ArcPrd’&:aé=‘oazm. "' ~ “ " V % % The fifi: "Vicar,$wh<> is'hc%0FWa!Y’r V _EFIek.°é‘,-~bzct‘h~ under Mm éhwi: om»- ly ’A%*rchAAdcaAcom%s, Wl*m*wf him»- fc1F飒éAa~xa%dTi*mgAFc:rA om‘, y¢m§‘:{~»ra' M A A nhix1ke""c:smc1~y' oft A*rféh-de‘a-clam Hr firA}_i’ply@&?13¢1?"zyv wlmmxyoér vimhvxk gzaoci, eith4z~r:A'{ ‘ M7 t!*sAnfi:*" m*asmr:fd3 315?: an other papcrFo~rVA§¢:wA1*3:; ¢1":1‘«'« of Tome of thcfe fc:H?aW’1‘mg» 1?3‘1‘iAeflS living; inihat Div:1fio1m.A11d; hath» umm Mm Fotzrd ¢A5rchde2zAmA1us;, hm ?2i2‘xx'!7iF<:~bcinfg 130A }:5_€',-O}??? «.o'F * mm: for than ‘ « A A For the * Vi'cm'"~ =h>iArhfiel€fc‘- vhtf1'&§~ mcczmes dune“ fi5tR‘2"I* E1'1$:lWf ei?‘i*h‘¢:sA .’%A1'chc1eacon ofNcm.h«Wmlc.r.A % £13; :3 fim:AAm<.% A *:;;=*&tA*91.! 1131113‘ ~c:zfi fiist? :13 me" 1*m2~c:., 1A%’v0L1’téxke% i%;}1c:P%ri+;;(A’gAs~ .!fz!\.9'!g;1<:f~"?_ AV '«7:jumA1L1Cs;fl‘1cy are ths::,i?:.~ 2 v A , IA: 5 " ‘. ‘ ,., «C '1‘ ~‘. ‘r w -' A‘? ’ E*3'.«(:‘-F3“ M“ r.- “ V 0 ‘ ,,,‘,,,"‘*,. ‘F » ..m..gua;nc013 alw ow: <.‘.~fP1‘i€:f’(s3n thofc parts, t.hc:y" arc thefi: fi‘>1ImNiz7g,% A ‘A Ma{’&<~:x Sicwm l'W'1rsg'xm« Ifertu D ‘ 3 .]Cf~"7"d afar s:.gfararAan§& 5*/gcfésrg, ch Wtb Ric» A }f\/I‘JI‘..Hs\t."7"5d'7‘l"_‘,- ( he Eve‘ xi’*et‘2“c{*e}91'z*-»s' f A V.tcd‘~V’ica~r*$in«% ‘P-l“xz*:=rz‘r's’7r:g~2'~‘os-s 'E“l’e“*g..@c”“‘§~~ "A. " for Mr.H:4mpin-6} I-:£zggha§"—$m?QWA.§:,%‘ «For two Arc11dr::sco%ns — L!1‘ldC’S.”_'A 3 [h'1m,A-bcfides, iF3,rrAz‘Chc:t>'f%.'. them ‘A * AfA2;rd,% AAM,r.V4fl‘gB4u, 4 fVft?_'.AASt__:pbdflA‘ L w';.gtq» held thq CWO figtcfl, H”.£’=W= MI-Mffifl; M1‘ *5’ W" ?’}tf_-,.AA Mr.P¢r'm:mt Mr .2 FV;/1562211» AA 1§{r.1a}JnAB’A4r}*irz‘gtan, Mafltrwlabn V Pawell, Mr.ParIqg'm', M1j_~.Tbormz.rA Street, Mrglafqn H0114fidRem5lcA,A Mafia: Barrie: jLd}sAMr.PFil1iam% Eye, Mr,Er4:q;i.r Greene, :chic‘fAc% maI‘I_aMa*"ccr AElliet.r,Mr..Zlc(arr%:&,'% Mr.,Prife.s{, two bfchtm. A V A A Mafler .S‘tw:m and Mr.‘374r€~ % AThe A {ixth Vicar, *wwho"is of V L2"a7-kg, ‘,Dozréj, 0tt§figbdfi$',ML1AI!-3‘ A A. t:alne,A and qRntl.wd,% and'“wh%ofc ylacetisw vacant, 1-za.AtHfi"unde£r him only two~ArchcIi:acdnss :.wher.cof'A: himfelfc being one, you arcf to think: ofcme morconcly for that Divifio_n. ¢fi= A * AA 0 AA_The%_rncn fitpobcthoixght one % For. this ,Vicariatc,if' you ‘take the Pri_cfls fiving in thofé: parts are» A MA§i&erA%Palco21tr, Mr. C‘afi:'2;::.x A A A Thc}1Archdca4con may be: one ofthbfe names in the fourc V11- mrs difirAi&: M rA.Fr¢m:£v,Mr.Ar-A ,,A,lJ, Mr.FAtb:ring, Mr.Edz:wzrd 1, ingtan. V . L (26) A % A of Laxcajfiire, Narrhfl m5:rl4nd,AA 6%‘. MaflAcr% Trallnp Hill. 1ivinA A 8: but fo oldM,as be hard :necdA[ofA 19% Coadjutor with % power to fuc- A cccd him,’ which Awhcthcr Ai it may act _ be ¢ Mr.Hald:h Aconfidcring A Awho‘ is ofchofc part 3, or .Mafl¢!:A L615-A %who~ .~is4 iik¢Aw%ifeV of ch; _ ‘flame youfmay%nhcNxé:~~advifcA.% A 'l?hiA$AVica1'. hath under‘ him 14 three .A;rchdeacox;s, hiugniélfé be-»; A. Eng» one; you amto A appoint‘ mac» A more oncly, Mrflelman , lacing ArChdAAeacon ready. A moPcconfiderablc,% for Vicar; A9;-A Archdcacons, are Athc{E~VwrhatA M- 1°W- A A A -A In -~ Nvrtbufi45€rIa§:dA* and Ache, Turk-{hire difi'ri..‘?t.Aj -w A Mr. Catricfi, Mr.W;4lkgr, éfor Blunder/Ion; Mallet Wiéwll, .Mr. Mari}, ‘Mr.Io/M Lafléllxg Maficcr H . GMIW» Mr.Wiet'liam C oagfiaéle , Mr. Ho4g':fifi, Ma«flcr Stricklané one his name: Prcbend of Tar{e%Min&cr._ A A In Laxcaflviftg there is already Archdca cons, A.Maflm?AA ; I too bcfides him are,MAafler Sand: principally, Mr.7”ott], Mrfiult, & AA N 71 A A AA A A Mr.Tbom4:&)/ortbimgtan,Maflcr %Thc f*:vcm:h Vicarwhoji%s here A A A A Tamflqll. Right M in” Lt¥fl6‘fl[7fi1.f£" al-=2’ ,:th doc allothers that hill-")|VVhlil1Cl€Ql': l l A¢. llfthe llilghft I have givle11i%n the choice; %Vpfl‘h¢;¢h "lmewnl $3 may @0111» % l lpllc:-Ltchellchalpier bcfufilcieldg‘ :o¢l'aVti§f'y@ Lyqurh Lc:.:Llll1ipihoFl«;h¢;lme-_ tits ozifthctnch fuggeflcd P¢rh*alps{ ‘is: may ‘holt by; :i.,x1A1iflEtloltl‘lihlcc ofcven in theft‘! Llncertalxweti11“icS5”iff'or no other realist] then to pr:-F vacnr. mo1*'tality,:1r1d lthat.tl1c lchapter might havclthle fuller pmwcr A inlilts:complea»:nefl'c in cafe your Lordfhip lhould dy ; as we that “”"~:,u:l:% many yearcs younger cannot fay but wee may dye very fuddcnlys and'l:tr~ulyfbu*t1 ‘lforlltlais only A reafon perhaps it; were bettcr“dc%fi:rrc% the filling up the Chapter till Wee better wzimécs cxpcéled; ycffiucc I writthol‘cr‘linclof'ed Papers I~havc rcflc- &ed_tha:t,perhaps it: may not bee ahnifl‘c-: to com-plcac the;-A Chapa- tcr with allllll'p€l¢d'<‘that:may be, folrlhowcvcr We cannot fuggcll unto your-lLord{lilip all our men in every Cotmty,yccI~am confident we have namcdlllxhole that are HIZICH for lhch places in each Coun- ty, a.nd1fuCh%~as.-are perlbually bell known I ibclcivc toayour I.ord- W‘ {hip Forthemoll part:lof't"hem.l ‘ l l l l l 44 . Ash I3 Wrlote. llafl‘ weclcie A§lmtlMr. Fitrom repair: to England would llnotlbel ncccllary; thohgh he be choléh Coadjutor to Mr.‘ *4 Weéfléra Cam-l"_i#??‘Wfl30?;33 Yo I: write agaiucmow upon better g_vou.nds» Far; (3c) Mr. Weéfleér mendsin his health: A ll Abhr admit he {hbuld-fal.l; ba‘ck:-aand dy,~yetevcnin:}1h:;%cCalf1“ P€I'- hagm Mr. Fitton,wcauld mofl probmbly get‘ our Chapter confirlned in his .p¢rl"0n.~of,:D‘éan¢,= ar.d.-inh'1sl;_lno: omely through his being A 1 kilfiwnil-l..'. (30) «A;j;no§}§?21i&and1iked% wcfi Lgfjn RomegflhutE1rthcrthfough%hisPef;. A A 1 ticular relation with Lord“ VA ' L A who" pérhaps would 4con;; L u.dzzc¢ much zowaI:ds.con«fi!rzning our Chapter; and Mr.*Fittom par... and the ?C9nfi:m9.cipn of mar Chap ibcing thcmainc thing V we "aym_c4= at%_,A n‘1r,wes_ many; :?o‘think"eg% that we Wm‘: bcztcrchoofi: AMr;Fiito;z¢Coa&dj*u%tor thma. £’crongerVman ;% bccaufew if in his" pg-;.."% Q Fcrfifiéé get"tT1c%Ch3ptér.confirtfié&5 we. can ~c:Lfi1y» cifiooffira Cgadw‘ A311: for A to him in cafe he Afligiufl not VVLgra‘w‘; AndTo"4by .;;,;g mc:;n%s“%"we%%_ ;ef1-'és.‘3’c A om.» gtea;efl:fgfE'3%ir¢ anddefixc; Tl1c%rc(%wis;h;u;~ I “Ham? I—°ré1‘»‘ AA fY6uix1ioi¥ bu rfrib1cfcfrva~nr, ‘% Mr, Heréert u ;§cvn°ffi ghc: of chefe 1:11} ‘Imcrs fijom "being mg§,'¢d- by M31, WW;-éfler togccep: ofthc pIa.ccima*ki:s an%I'v\i'fr:.that if‘;-,‘,4 fgmg A ,;zc?:%fmot fupply Yghc plagég-athcr “thch givc::Nofi~'cncc“unm his Brcthkrcn, ' J — h;¢‘“i$ cbntex-itt§)4iconf’o1fmc:4 my, thc Votes bfhis B.1'€th1"Cn. 3 ’ (31? V ’ A Letter from the Earl of PV tz‘I’13JiC‘}(‘ at1d%f'omc‘Memhers of the heufe of V V ~Ae~A11fi-'-r fid; unAdaer "Tflr%’;~-V toj1nia?int~a*in this n:a~tu1*aH"' a r‘a4g*a‘“*tt~1::j= 1Pa%:£IL§%m éi1cé;n~Ad”~ %sI::~*iragd»c:£n1=. A G « 3» 3N ~ ft 4apf§.@z£-r7“t1A‘fit$‘*V”:»tTfi§['¥’ ImF1*mati0n Of “ Tlva:¢2;za~B.4Lf:zAis not conj:¢!€tur«al1*%,%he;isA»r¢~adyto ;;efl:ifi'cL «~ all i’s¢V‘i‘mp;0n~"»21t’hig (FR; 3:.» p1*cVfemi;;"wr@hav¢» Vjhmiee fient !eh"£%§%%* tévzjg-«fin _w = t¥i7&s ?7A4éfF@v#5h,« [fi.1bAfcri- bee‘?! Lem?¢Iz§c1;§%g;¢;iaqc,;4{"a:aé1A ’C1n*fi1§$ié‘?_é*féjd5Mf9’tii€ faicI"A?é % V; _ A » A A » By‘%Aa11«":hzis2L may 33c.a:cie*‘£ve ~~wih"‘at~ a Defi«gne~tAher¢* V 339tO%b1?1ti$g 0V¢:*I‘1»“A:botH1%=Hc31*IEA and ~F0Q*t30"f74t”h¥€ Iri~{*h, ca A ‘ A .7:‘§27£1}‘..W}}€I€ aggzinfi: zh..Pa:1*iament5A‘v;vhi%ch;h‘1'ig;ht~%7i%n ~fi>%n*&4e A -g A4 for£A A ‘(“3.”3% ifort V11ave]b¢:enVpxrcventcd, if x:hcwin‘ter4 guaygql i‘had’%becn;: L :»£im’c1y[E:t forth, Which%we.M.dcfi1:¢ youwi:11 a1l"p0fiib1‘c ‘fpeed ta 11aPcen"tht Wintc1rgua.rd~, as -hj:)pizf1g»ai; may be 25 ' A means :6 ‘-pfévent ,T*and*~i'ntercéptaf%4gréat>h;aany~’bf the Irxfh Reb;}c11s;, winch daily at: mArcadxnefi"¢ to: cmm ¢ovcr[.. 4 Afid-‘;f0, with ourficfi rcfpcé‘ts rcmennbred umzo I yamA‘%R1fa3img;4G.0%d éto givc: :1 blcffizfxg % rd Kali Pf???-* %v‘c.e.¢d£_ngsg ’-‘W.E:‘o1d -y;u% f1.eart1;1y f’:.-1rewy;é1V1:,and4“;c£¥;“ ‘ y Wfilawizs, AA %7»‘”,?i§. ¢ Nofa2eml2.; 16 V A V L :W,¢,~ww;¢1Q, WWl1ia¢7z‘Strigkiand,Hemji Miléimay; Edit». .'Bqy3'»;‘ ““" '-—...-....m..r.n_..... ,‘ ‘, in-nun-nvbuuufi In-u-I--.-.....— a *3; we Lard¢1nc11aq%ui11%e;rommmzw ¢Hi5A-W/Wei PW" <=%ieffbri Hmcas; mm“ mm, [cm wk ,jV.cflE11V4“é.frdmSarzdfiaositfia, *1~oadén% fififh £C4d:‘r?;V;and :@thT¢1'r: p‘xov7i%Ii; “ g . ._ '*"5‘a1*h1yA; fmiwhich he hath here atco rdi%11gi'y du-A AP¢rfi31*1ned inAthatpa rticAuIa1f.% AAndAfu rch 61',‘ I do. hereby ccrcifiérowhom it may or mat»! concern, That.*%I havepreffed the fetid Vcflbll, MaRer,;~ACompany,; and all other provifiom ti) her%be%lorigi11g,‘ for His Maj cffies fervicc,t:hc: , Ninthiiay of this P1-area: AO&A“’oberAA:AAfr1d is by A me commar1ded,A‘AfrQrn thcfiaid day to give his attendance umzill fi1rthe'r mder : For Which, ht" the faid Mafhar may mat fail at“‘his l§etiiI.J ‘.. A,AGiAV¢n nnfdcr my hand at C¢A>rk,Athe Niz1AAArA:I1 dajf of O€%’tobe1j, ¢¢tfi¢}7raz, ../2’}zna_fDqm. $71643“. A A A A AV ‘ fnc/9iquifi€.; M _A.._ thfc Honorablca , ‘;the;Lorci A Iz2c:?2£ggz¢i7;e,L ommandgr 4-in chiéfi of -AhisA AMa— L%jA%éfiieA§ brces Wit4hi;1‘Vthc"'Prbvince Munffer. J Hereas 7720271214: @?ajfiz%; rife % »fg400d%%-f5.:hIpC3H%¢d%wT/we oA;:Saézz1~ $15679; Burthcn I.od~:AT~u ns <3r*thVer4c‘>utS%,C bme §f_?9~flY and flfaici Ship, 13 TiI1’1p10ycddby..m%efrom Part: pf “Cork ; To parry aAr1,d._¢ %%¢cr:mfg2«ox2: A 3w1:% A <35) Souidi-ers forthc Pot: of §(:“rz;/ioll And in_re- t fpeciti fifld€~_hiiT1.i0b€di€11E, and ready ttz pct—-, A f7m*1"r1tine i‘2£idTei‘Vicei,I davcrv cam defirc the Admirals iofHis MajcPci‘c§. Flcetgnd all others iiinpioyiicd in Hisfctvicc, oriany, Ether perfon or pcrfonsi whatlfio ever jyvhcim it may any my cencern, Not any Wéyicstttoi him tdcr O1‘ tmoleft him the i*aic11\/l2tf’ccr,S‘hi1:$,<;>ti Company, or ainyi of tti1i@I1’}3 in their idciipattu rt: from the ‘i"é.id"Poit‘ of Q3rifloll, or ii’: their in-- teng:1edV Voyage i.ntc;>7Wales, there to ilaidic the {aid Ship with Coia1s,t<§ hci"tramfported frémi i thence to this Harbour, fox; that rc1i%ef£@.f this iidiitrcffed”Gari1“if()n‘ioF Cork; To Whichpu1“- P0551 hvavcitit1gag”c~d my f elf to the fztid i\/lafterg andi"i”‘thtct1:cf’oré‘am con_ficnt5 That my dtfirc ii A Dated unde}: my Hiaand at the Faici, cityitiof Cork , this A Eigh~tcenth =day~~t «a’F~~®iié%obcri Anna 1) 0372"’ 1: ii i “ liifrtiiflé’ ~ To t/at H6fi’bura$lq";4 iii7“1nyim»é*2ygobd pm}, ihitiie v9 ; Lordiiflqptqn-gt" Governimtg? at/ae‘Cz'rytz>;tt:e5i;¢,yMI.ii% A A I H_flV€ 'I1‘Iip1'o’yet’ ’thiS‘BcImfet" Mg‘. Bjzzi mtg, camti‘ rg¢ezWta2»z«g oi 10‘ “M W‘ , tm at A A i porting? (36) ‘V % -.pcj-rcingg‘ agzd tarrying ovmf }1e.nce in I1§sfiif11%ip to the “ 1’-‘ortmf' Br:flo11,{‘ou1dzcrs for Hxshmajcfhcs iérvxccgzizudé have; e1ccom’z'ng%to Hiya 1 faje/fie: .Létter5, Aezméling and J.¢fiutl7orhigjVz'ng lmee K, agreed with thc faid jMaf£er,, Athat‘ he fluall bcvpaid ‘Rim.-fry p:3i1nds%-fier.for:1_1e fia§gh:4 of hit? fhzp ~o1ihei‘“a1Ti‘v;a1l there; Whzch I ConccxvcVtojbeArcz1fo.. nable : And thc1*ef'medodcfircgnotofily fonthé prc; Iizntfcrvice‘, but silfo fear the future cnceuragcment of 4 ~Qthcr;é»:ofV his'qu_aIi;y :- That thcflaid money , ~acc.or4- ding to my -faid agreement wnth h1m,v be forthwith ;upon”his a;:r‘iv’a11‘inthat; P<1irtpun€tua11y%pa4id : Thus . . not doubting'c>fthe fpecdy”p¢rformancehereof]1:31;: 3 have andTr<:main'c _ 1 M \ - %T¢?;#i’f ?La,rcz{/fiipr afi-7?£z‘ionaz :24 friend; £%Aa¢ndfé4mx%z’z;¢r, L A Inchifquinc. % be ndfipmper f'o%r%yom.' t0.&9\Fé1££ b,A,2%fcx:c~fz‘ %_-you rccommcnd §_h: Mafltcr; ta'whom1aur"‘ Lot¢Hhi“p1ih*inks“ fii: forhis fzztif-s‘ .¢£a.£ti<:>n:. “ .. ‘ 3.4“ ‘ .‘ ,«_ ‘. - ‘ . ‘ . N ‘,,_ H. .¢;_ ““ , , V_ “ ‘ _ M ~........—w “ ' ‘ ‘ ’ I ‘ “ ~ ‘F ' ' ‘ " 9‘ J «a ‘ ‘ N . -../r_.. A... A Letgerfrgtm the Goverpor 9? ‘Pf‘:l‘}”i71ft2‘t):“.ut‘77g.: A ‘To 'fSpea%«k¢r# of ‘the Irfanaurctlwle Houjé '-A LL 1 HavefiéntyéuATcxu@..1nte¢11ig£§;k¢eTfre24m ~FaIrhauch,one A Io/lm_ Geragzn ”commd1f1g frc :§m,.Pérrin%, d 0'th report, that flarps are Cemt; “”Pot’t,A for? L AFaImom;1~2,,, and (37) and ammzmitimz , flaening ct/ye Ifingr ’i’Br04d.-fizz/e ff)?" their 5 And the Q2!-' ~ file gave two Pceces of Ordnance , with g1*eatjo“"y at theiriarrivallgwith menacing fpeeches againfi the Par; lizzment , and fvvvore the Rouzidéheadssflziotild pay for all: VVhereupon forne Captains of chefhips , being men of war there, and divers of the Inhjabitants peti-« tinned Io/an Armzrlel Efquire, Governour of Pendennis Caflle, asking of him , if he would admit enezrancc to the Rebels 3 and told him., if he did , many~of1:hen7i would forfake that catlfe, for good could not eoollibly‘ A r A eome of it; heeanfwered them , thatahe would {end on know His Majeflies nleafure in that particular; the ’ Rebels that came from Ireland and Falmouth, reponr, that they loola every dreyifor elevenfhips from Ire»- rlzmdr, with men and amnmxmition , and call themfelves the %5:cns Army; two {hips werenlfo going tore--l- r Wlymautb, Nafwm, I .1 64.3.’ lieve the poore Protefiants in Ireland, and b nth fiopt at Falmouth, the one laden with wheat,the other with i malt: Likewife there ‘is one In/M Burlzxfle Efquirc, as known Papilhhath command of 3. foot Regiment, and governs the Well of the County of Coitmvall. More—- over , the faid German reporteth , that to the lorefaidi Port of F:,1l.rnouth._, is come four French (hips, landed forrxe Officers and mcrnbeing laden with nmmunition, and it is thought , that the Officers 21‘e‘"egi0ne to the Kings Army; for they prefemzly ltooke pof’: f1'om»~' ‘Falmouth, and the fold Fr‘cnc~h‘Officers report, that‘ J they expeéi: ten thoufand men to be mfpecdily fem: over i oumf France to them; Your mofi humble fervent to command; ¢ gernril Werdiozww » 1-‘ll ;.53._.- A ‘A