age view¢¢.&%’é%¢=§%:€n$¢°%¢=%®¢§%%°$¢=%=iv%4vém%é%2¢°°3°¢%%¢3>¢'8v«$«¢°=2?°&e!v¢i=-$=4v*ivw3=e$°%~%v%=i?4s% <39 e:e4~+«:»§.oz-:a~w-:«¢4a«@aMas¢¢-%a@.‘§’, ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢&¢+¢¢¢¢¢¢%¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢+¢¢ 7&_Ee£7\/I40.9'\LS‘1'R/1.7\(S 9{.ED11V I17 ‘US: 70%; A cc: 1» T TOF TI-IE REM NSTRANBE A N D P ETITI 0 N3 Formerly preféitated by divers: Cidzens A0FLondo.;-n,t0 the View of many 5: andfincc ho... noured by the late Confpirators, to be pla» % ced” undczr their Tirlc of A Extreame £1417 Defignes, Withxhc Remonflrancc it fcifc. * L 0 N D 0 A Pixsiwnced” by ‘I’. P. and M. S3. forh§73o2%'7nARat£r:fi&ZZA and Tkémm ‘?Ji22clm’:2i!!: ‘ W “ fizly 24, :1% 6- 4. 3‘, D ‘ A A . ‘1"3°’”1§°M?“Y9»*5“M°”¥°°$°93j?”¥°°3“‘$°°¥°”M"M°¢‘*‘°v$?°"1?°3’%"?“°¥?°?‘P"W~‘i’*‘~”%“3*‘3;”%!W"’9? -as'5‘*%%%”%%¢°%%%%%*F%%%€°%4°'¥"i”‘2=¢=!=%=4=%*=!¢‘!°%**$'°i°°1°‘%‘$**$°a% 3 Yb}(){:%1i[1‘:5"‘::E[Jjhi1k££1I]n'.1i:;(:£a4dI€:I~u ¢¢¢¢;¢¢¢¢«AAv , WflV¢‘_4’wQ_“‘W V R7) gave éeemg and ~ r’=:‘“~.:~«: . K"“l:?d 1'33 4 R¢m0fl.~ ‘ ‘ vvdflmflreits aclmi-~ 3: .V?I“?.’;,W?*?¥,ea?’?%v*tI?e ztllrlim mm»; was»; W ‘W Wéfii ‘ W z" ’ i : ~"V* fi5§ &&W.eK %fl:flVW$d'$ .fl¢\.tf,Vk4£/i? flsemd I ~":.“) "is W’ «h V 5"‘; M3.‘-"Q-"“, V1‘; Luz?/{H3 793 R5T??f'951[15{9g§';%t%t zurgféflt fieegz , M. « , , 5 ,." /L . V " , gr. . “ , ‘V_.«".f4 v 4» ‘ \. w J 1¥«”§;'13\ ‘W 1 ‘W’ «A. Emamc 1“ D¢figu.¢s.?1§ng; Z"z«2sr»rz:‘$:ft:£ge/A 4 W éom“ei¢v?d 5.? €’.?’€'*{/??;/€65/9:’?45/~¢;a‘??#/drab gave . ', ’ M ‘ u‘ ‘ ocwfifo tbe*.rar2z;r2:itiz2é>zt% ofstfixme4?2s%;2e7m:¢f'ic was §§‘”§‘.i“’*%A~?:" .?t M mar V4’reZ;drWk2’éi7,u}2t9i?l Afief, ];}:)ardy%pArQ);fd 4 more ufejfultlaen pensmzd hand: than tongueywflil t/My any to be : Yet as welfizr tlaejatisfafiibn oftlag de/ire: finam, Mfor its aim vizzdicatiavrfirarnfiaurious copies, V £9‘ for that it /aoldsjfortbnot/aing dergatory to At/aegaod A ‘'*‘“m an. ‘?:..¢‘.~A']' "ff; ‘ s - ‘* « 3" v.» J!'.“.< V‘ _ W3, wit“ "Iv. {"5 -ma?’ 3%?‘ =4‘: qgmwg Li""v1"‘“.j, v{7"3s:‘fl my ‘ f 1,4,. V Apw -Jw{':‘ , wfpoiiticali Monarci:y,"(m2Zefl'efizcb .:‘m°l &£€0mfif' M2‘ rim a diminutiénéoftbeir power mm. God cloth natmof iaisjrzt an argziihnt ofit;, afiZ'rm,tImt_t7aey Cannot aft again/i tl2eir4mv22Vefl¢nce;A225r%doe injuflice4) WNW to the |_wild077;..13.9»..' qzdxliflmflfltv ( to reflefi tiaofe beames wiaiclz me /Mned flop: A H90/e we grew Luminaries, 59 toréfiefittpoiz tbemjelmsfl 2955:}? cm» tainly is no more preflampticn , tbm gin tlmt Sciaoiiar, who to incourage £vis%Mbfler in bisfuture Zaéour and in» Vflmfiiwzs, /77eivsL6y liis «R§epet§i‘z?an5, ‘What u/wefizll gimm preflieaizs bisfinrmer documenterbazre made: }.Nz:=r magic 542* la ge yfefull to tine Vlejfe Igrzowingfirt bfmm , wbko/é fandleflicke anely it attemgm to be, M lmldam, rkaugb % in 4 model! of CW» /Fm gim;/%§ of rim éomwed V light it hit?) %ré*.céive”d,%( “our? 3 g-lgianl,, Law and & W‘1?r'iv~ilg@e3 flaauld refeniletlmfl’ 9/“£722 h Pope and *M4%ahomv_flA‘;¢“ V%3!247:%icb_7liKe, find A wares; fevcrflell fie]? in dar.‘keflfl7o:ps;)T2*ut4”LfinéeL lzere/in bave Jappmred_ mg 09181} if?‘ 7iurr5a;bV%4*5iitf%Stdt¢:iézndtlée and mfiicb mfg “ Arizat:d””tI:is, my to; xmiiéia}z%7al jettle diiridéd fadgémentg m dzj2 ra£¥ed% time: 2: without expefiingflrtbgyfirmfl. 4’ Am»: It ems: itxem um: wag puéliqut mm,” A ° m i: - W) ' ‘ 4. rr ' D"f‘:‘ ‘ ‘L W ‘> .. A 9 1 . V‘), . 4. " 1 '4 ‘i T E C I T [Z niin in the Cmmnns Umflé mzf Wnrliamem“ fiMTcmblcd’- (;§.r‘nnnMe- Clfiwemnkgfl/irnnnn W mm Wififlfifiw e:52vc;,1 ASH gn ‘WV nz w;n§ * when with gricfc nf heart Wm min ‘ A A member the innumerable grievances fuffizmd by us and the whole King») » dome for many yearns before this Pnar-F-A ._; ., _, lianzennin matters that concern’d oum ' 'R€ligi0fl,, thfl libfltie of our perfons‘; n n and frcednmc of our Eflatcs: Andcall} no minds our earncfi dcfirea of attaining a through rcpa--5 ration by the wifdnmc and jufiice nf Parliament, in the nnemplary puniflnmentofthofe who had been authors and inftrumcnts to fnbvcrt the power and purity of our Religion, and theauncia-nt junfl: conflitution of Govern» menr. nr fpirits are confounded within us to confides‘ that after( by thcwifdnmc, care, and refnlnrinn of thin‘ I?nrliament ) we are juf’clyn% freeg from thnih Ingmndinries ‘ ‘ A * nan zhefiimm and known V A1‘B§trafy% GCi\{ef‘t1}me3t1t¢ And‘ f‘ul*l.;, ”!“Aj; Vex1<11c73nff:rai1¢f¢fs%§’3nw1¢*afc“I}:c of the Injuriesdoncvby.Papi{t5 and othersA ;o§’ thé V4’Ma'IigL n~a:1t“party and their, Wicked inteu;gons%.,= ?%;d-W-‘ov4ercd toe cxtirpate tVhcPr0te[tant’par’cy in the three Kingdoymes ;; After the Prozeftacion tgfakfcnA with great folemniry A by zmgpeoiplc Offihfi Land,“ And after all your many and um- weariéed labours (w~hich wgitjh aIl!rha~nkfulnes wefiackinow. §cdgej;Axm:educe us frmm»»vmifm‘y and faars,and E0 cflabfifh and units us»c‘:_With the ¢f:;i1erWKingd>on*3es upon the%1a{&ing f 0i1ri3":ati%o:1?A‘?ovAf truth and ggeacte, By. which your progmzdm ‘jugs :h4c4wc%1%leafE:&cd part 3; 01'? the Kmgdome were 'j1.1t~.i%iy gmxited to vadhereLmtoAyou : a:;n;£}ro rics/eaI_cA and 3 themfelves‘ as%wV»i-:11‘;by%b%eé:;.‘img’df AmiesAas large Conrriv’ butions for tht‘ adsfmce amd rrxjinccnancc of‘_t%h£§__m0ft ay out jufihand nfidcifargz v§r:a1»rIi:e;4‘W'.vm Ema? yum‘ being; pofl%:fl?:.+d of the I{ing~«-- 1 domes ftr€jng.t§.a as wag-.:*H by 5;:-za 393;-% Landfind fofthfi afl’~..:6t£-~~ & (ms ssf:h¢%;pc9pk:fi1i£%mgim1ftfi:d by rhéiar readimss fro?m- A fall‘ aiV%s4:;:ri:jc_1ci'ss;j‘é:;'t:r;"rifei7&né:{ ajppearcitz co:1fi1jer.ableb:§d4iA%;:s‘A Which W§£hf;%h£:41mafly%% dsialiyerzmces from. plgrtfi and tI‘t‘&-~ fang; find?-::§f:g a"y§?c%<;~r2es aircagiyw Qbrairmd upsrm RU reialved for the c'a'rrV;,%r3ir’:gL on of ’tb;i%s~ jufi and» und0L1b;ed Caufe; mam fpftfs‘ aid g"r§:¥2: t 3 ifumnce Q5 27 blai-fllzd.‘ and ‘rfuc-V ‘c&{?@4fuilfii.f;fl{e. 4 %Th?a;r 'nia:withi%and¢£ng ail théfé and many mare: yourccatizi.'h3:n1t'%€nda;:av0s.:rs.i%nhti1r3 midi'fmf.higi1 op»: P05 T”1?%3f*?flW-3id»f?i«5.1tmmiiifibfifflre us 355 bimr frazissj .221?“ ”:5i*;eA i:1ve%e::.z€f¢:*.::::§; V;:i1;z§.iz,fc.FW%0ff M(“)1‘X..r "):‘::x",P,i‘V%“l’)fig§g 3§7n€n1i¢.3A*s (*HiQ13gl§%imC:1fi[i90§3;*CZ p:;2:.f$%?13,r‘“ byths.;;ix;f%i;1fibi1i5§§’ 0*?‘-rnzm . amofiglfi: ¢:t:2z's»r‘fi::E°sre::4;‘~ 5 i:a£3«;§1 in 4C.i:ieam;«’ %Kin;;~§:4Vré'«::rn,? T§;1+:: férabit £*;&‘;s.:~a:~;g.s; i§~rethmwA in Irelaézd, ;;znc*3 hu- inzzmi C§}§E§'£?a.'»:§f£Z.1t‘.§f§??T?§;:.&:§T.;,§:i'§3 3;; Kingdimmar, ‘Hm: <.%AVg§a‘;:t%:L*zr:itjik:;~s: gz;a;i:.:;s:z:2 .h;::.ra:: by Z;L9 I{C. Beg: fiar E is 3 ~ ~ a;n&Ma~iign1nf party ’( of wi"s%ich the Army rai'fmi'agaiz1‘{% z~.E:2<:VP.;1r1iamem4ccm(i:3zs ms wAcr?£iAVt0A invite, mnvcay hia:i*z»r:r, zmd entertain the: Imfl: .Bw::bc:11s, as to gatl1cr3rzdf%it2cxea;£E: t§wmfcivcsA into fcarmxdattrzleferccs. he indcziggwnt ufaga4 and cibapcs of maxrwzdiftovcred zmd acc:ul7edTr"a,y%oL1rs, W h§_;ch advamce::‘hAt4iw «Kings devfigm: abz*Q:zd,.r:m._d V:.1mmatesA the czeviflparty here at haqazne : fegzmeof afmm Ming rafimn in aéiuall »vva.rre.-. .:2gain.(§% r..,I1-.:+*~: VPm*ii~smmmt ( £2 mia1‘a<: vomdm»; Li.‘2Jec!a. Pas: be trcafomamd they to km pmCur*s«( who mm <.*»f;niL4» guided mzmfci:3‘ncc:sAfm*' want of %a~ full and pwfitsivcf «Vi}xti{1_ 'fiis.€t&o:%; and dc:p:~r~tni.n:axionofthe p1‘il‘}Cip!€E%«;Oi'0LIF~ Go... vemm»::~nr chic:*'¢fly flagger, and to mur mules gricfc re- A mainc:%Hnfact5;f§£€d .t4hr.Qugh &thX:0ntr§rieti¢¢¢0f thi¢;‘*Ki,ne3 ;; M A “ :2. . an V ( 4 J . 4 ‘ andyour Commands and Ikclarations) may be infant; med and mm hfipé‘ reclaimed. Vvee crave have humbly m recol1c&a.nd Rémonfh-are what are our appreh‘enfi-~ om, .gmundcd asAwcli1*zpnn right mafon as your owns Declarations bemg he-;*re ~mli»e&cd 3, which a-me them, d’i£. persig »C0flC€l‘fl§flgth€' true fmrme and {me 0% om Egaglfi/b» Govern¢mem:,_; mm: d::wub;:img4 mm yaw wm ‘continue that “ fpirit and courmgfi whim j.ufMy' mmvcd yam m dciclare §?et:it§7on of Lords and ffifiommons, [K 4.23%. I 64 I. and pzzmiflm €h€;'l“::-ffl mnvzi Which iapprehimmfiomfi 01?‘ mam am. 1‘. That the fafety ofwha peopkzt is: the fiupreme Law and is the foundation and and of all” jufk Gov:-rnment,_ cgvm ofPar£iament5 thfigflffiivfisg whuth alone are in this Kimgdomeord,a1nedto bc jaxflges of and providers for t'hc% fafety ofthcCommomwealthzbcing limiwdby new A “ Cuflomes, no Prefidents, nor Statutes made by fnrmeén pamecz. 2.65.. §€.£l:.DecI.7c:<;.‘ fig 1 39- §:;99a gcclgz I-G-..’ :- AI- of +th’e~C0m1i1on-Wctalth , that is, Parliaments, butmay juflly doc whatzfoevcr is good in their underflandings for the fE1ftfl_‘}‘7 and Emit-dV(yzI1%c of vh£=4 pcoplefi A < A A % M A A A é A 2.. Thatorigiiaaliy the Supreme power being in the whole pcopAle,‘7Par1iaments were by them mnftitutedfizo" mamgm:he—fa«mc for itfhic prefervaticn and well-*~being of?" the Commona. wealth :. So as properly in the Parliaa 1nent’s%ofEngZ4nd afiing forthc fame doth the Suprcmfi powcrrefi4de 5 from whofe judgements there is noap-« pEale_;, being prcfumed ever to intcnd the proper interm» A the fafmzy and free-« dome thereof, it beifizg the highcfl feare or favour to neglefi or bmmy the famem 3;. 1“f1?j*ha; all A3131} Magifi1‘atg~ §hi*s Kingdame is a; A ' T V P9~V?¢¥? Ming z2:3‘uth€.5 and zve1b1mi»ons.:;% of treafons through: » l l 5 ) l I pn.wer.t:reated by lthle‘Kimgcl0m and Parliaments far we executillonnfLaws,or to governs the people in ficedome and lalety accmding m the Laws. .A—nd is a mam-r"of l_ tram onely for the good ofthe people, and to be rcegula- A ted by rllc Supra.-mm power. la being mos; agreeable to mafonrhaécllzlhofelllrlm by the confem of all are intrullccl with the xmldng ofliaws, ll1o;uld.dflrc?<5l chofi that are to; put the famelrl exemlticm. l l ‘ 4“ That all R/lmlgilrates and Oficmlof the Kingdome L£z;mu2,7ou~;l. asrmcmmprable to me Par-lliamentl, for that oetlmxwife W32 7l°1?9- " we lafety am frewome 4ofchl-: people would not lm llfufa gficierlaly provided for. A 5. Thatihe King (thoughthc chliel‘MagillraltelorO FE. I,ib.SDecLzo7§., car of the Kingdmnc) doth not peltfonally judge in any §‘,f;_&‘-C‘-;?3.‘5;1;;‘§c§§;V Court, nor call of rxght rnterplofe h1»slperl‘onall command &_ commons, or judgement againft the procecdingsthereaf. A That theéalling of‘ Parliaments never was(of right) Igb,2)gg[,_‘7_g.;‘;. arbitrary at the Kings will, but a trull‘ annex: to his Ofi 70*»- . fice : And of duty coberzalled every years according to 4,, 15:1,”;-. :l4..l Statutes made in the time of Edward the third ,. which 3l5sEd»3+*l¢3 were declararivcof the Common Law. A A A A 7; That the ufage of palfing Bills ‘of right? and; jullice Lib.?Jecl;7¢a6§« in Parliament by the King,is put matter 0ffar~m4c zlnncxt 7-‘W A g to his Olflicte ancl.£mt: lzeftlto his will : For lotherwxfe the A A lafety and freedom: ofthe people lfhould depend upclnllib-7’¢"+7I4¥l hiswill, and fu-ch proceedingsof Parliament be lmaacle 7‘°"3‘7°‘?' faroyd by his..all"umed negative Voyce. V A“ A A 8,. the: ¢liflblvlngo.fParliamcnts" is alfoq matter I:ib.2Jecl.7;‘?,-1; A l 957°“ nffornm belongingrto--the Kings Offica, am: ndtA1c‘~%‘t at; ~ 155.732:/.‘7og. A 7c4.A z,zza.2oec1;‘ 567; " A pwsfing ufour pa':*rf'0,:ns, pr<“>p2*i~:: mu}. was! 2.09. ;A Mzafier PT1'?'J’12.§' ‘fecozud part: 5'-publiflued by At.r‘thm‘h*ie of ‘ §PatI7i:i"xn“ent§'\ { A A— funuianie , the Kingdomu may bt3»fL1U .. : fl'amdvir1g;0F t:i*1::*,Imz:h andesq . thfii Kimgs Conmmnds . : mmmW13€‘¢i” W _ , iAfHhfi° Ki:"2;f.;dc)me£s cmccs-nae}, WE ” 1‘ an war A Councell maflume A or Vim A f'rvc°:1'r:m::nr,AIt £3 rmr ha-any dr; {tire and pra.ycrr‘, Tharmfomit bctooiam %&?1c?'¢judgez'nenI: mf y “ffitlfid in rm» right %undg~3r.. 1‘c~rupE<;* in theirh ("shad ience tOiIh€A5!,1pr€mfi‘p0W€*1‘ A, when are contrary. &That it may be mm-» fifety and ;mercxw%o: m‘ H .w‘‘ ‘ v ,, King.’ The} uitie rherrrofi % and no longer Chit? %‘—C_O1nx‘n0n~ A wealth - % f ‘I 3 wmlth have fuficred prejudice, either by the impumrze 0fDeI1mqL1ents,thevzolatmnof om Lawxcs, or pmvertw— in the C0n{htut1rms<%>f0ur Governrnemt, thin: the an-=4 thors thmrmf bemadc: krmwn amd.{E:-vcrely pLIi1§fl”‘l€id,&fld" A divine jufiice which cryes for vangcaamce fwiy fatisfkd. Wfat the Ajuftms of the prefent: vvarm, which (%fort"rm' V glory qfGod, the Gavemment of Chri{%,the1*c?ga%iming~ and maamtenancn+:% afour liberties, and thfisf K-mgdmtrzcs dew ‘ fence agzaivmfl mtmr defolacion ) is undertaken by you,” V may be more fuily yet made Icnowne 170 the wm,id3_ and; tlmatj neither ymrmrwc have done thfl King any W1‘0if“E‘~g.. M Thattlrxa privilfidges ofthis highafl Ceourtmrzuy be lmpt‘ V inxrinlazbzcy and W?1€rr3‘.fh'a.t Supreme pacswer hath been an af3yW&if€* fa fpmded mr ecclipfiztdg , fuchrzz rcdrcffi: may be xxmdfcz 33 Enecomes the gtwatnztffg t;f1f."t'«2:'T'O€. ‘Than: no m¢::?:m..» hm c3f'"Parli;:u1*mm.' whts» havc::> ham or {man app a:~A.m+ ii”: this unriattmall wa1*z*e:again4fl:yoLx’ba:t x':;:ae.:*;. mined, anaa%%Ip»zcia11%4 cam: :,'aE;en €'hm£‘ fi2cA°h y ‘:96 cunmaaicd _amt§ p.?:é,céd’£:.1 the P7;;b‘iqU€7 fmv;r¢:c:ss :mc:i 1:%Anpir‘v=ym:;*n‘m X)-»-:“§f.§.§;:‘!:E.i.E.:a1Ei”E‘l‘§:: and E{I?:%_2;1gw;E«V)i1*1é.;%;» afi ‘sl”1zi*£iieT*~ g§jiV~frfi* *~*+i‘$w.M«~~"* mf%A§1nn4ny mi’ thséri 2 .z§Es.;*, j'L1&%§€f{flEflQ fixM'i:'y. Aa]$:**2e;i though mu‘ are‘; Té:1atrhcix*p:;m1'3.c:mmay be cc}. pe=a:*1fl§1 M im.*a::£?:s.m ‘sv..m‘r«;:s {mat ai~ei'igl1x:itaA t§1c:~arn ., 31:31:. thaxy 3.§:L;:.:»~v?m:.~ 223135. Tmt me Kgfmgs a*mzmc:~ to §*T&1;::i .KiAzA1;3;§§§24 ms! the ‘§?a;z‘1i,;:u%*r;;*aez3t in» :1 w%c1! ftrtkwzfi p;;°.*.:%a.e:::«;;:w C wjwtrh “Wm; cfmglgz pr:a:y 3 may ma» m;b:~ pt1»3’chaiZ~€<3 %by4v%V12.:chgmdz_am:a :hedr¢2$y%e+iazac;- to [wave ah5~2r1fuzhm1«;i§§.;é5?: mu: and I...;2r;w u::r';:£'%.'~V cmér-2-1, or gjw: €29§;jfI»W)3"?£&.H‘?.?NE? m :.;2:v\,"«::iw;;% mg. 15011? @0953“ - '3 1'mc 33%}: %3I§‘I'n’1"L‘£7sifi*ji“I';‘fi£§T?Z%*;a ii §:»£M.Z Vméi :%:?:*.-t»i¢.:ma1 ‘€.,,¢:k.)V{’3’- ‘ . ' H ,. 4”‘ .“,_m' \ v¢3;a;.s,$:=;w: .¢:zi2~¢::~:¢,:::§A,v »r:a..»s:>«??2_:a.m<.:d mmjgg be»“v3;~.P. a.iL,£‘.,,’i§f‘Ly4'C,E5 .§m:¢a.t mci ., w P’. , d I -sh ‘, 4. «- v r." W .' *3‘? -, fgw‘ -a‘,;L -I«.‘t.‘ ,"*. 2.‘ 145' - MW-fin gfl €I'W:’,{f? *”v.;'f_3C»,}mx.,?fl§' 5~'3f..&9‘,{.3*‘...'.'-f_‘~,."i'.”?.3 'e..».?§«"I.'h.J€*W.~..:J'§~’ 9..~'En.,. =:’W., 3%/-v»"Wi. 9* 0?? flfiiii“ §‘1f;:1"xi~€... 4‘: .2 Mn ~,; !-w :1. :{,;¢ K». Q23’ '3‘ ‘ ,. .-., fa . ‘ ff“ . . ' %4 ‘.7 . -e‘”' ‘J ‘V-7 ‘ ‘ m ‘ "":‘Q"“ ".3 “‘H‘."- ~""“': L‘ .'y *‘ W‘ ‘E -4 “ ‘ , y,,_‘ ‘ _ ‘ “‘ J.» _‘ > ‘ ,‘ .' , L“ ' ‘ ‘ 3. F ‘ »v ' aw .r ff» W H ‘ W. ‘ 3 ‘- Kw '_x"'(, g"'g‘I.‘ I 1., «Kg ya. ' ml‘. ..“_ Wrfl‘ ‘ r’I+,“_'.;‘_:_,.§;-I‘, _,,rt,j mt; in «‘??~”."I’:» W5". .:.~ »Cfi%.2 ‘#2315; .!..L;*i;;:,*s.-5xa1...u‘E1:% 2.»! is 5»: ‘MR-N-oi 3‘. ' ‘ mu A thefamc to your grave Wiifioms. M) thereby enabled to p'::e{erve and defend our feives, bath irapeacc and warm. flaat yam wmxld alfo cmfider that the eyes offihriflemziom are upmm Eizglawls Parhamenr, .and that publique and private prayer and daycss ofF.21efl:ing in this and many forraigne Nations are fat apm aw powmd ifigortmo Heaven, as fm yo_ur perfcms fo to pm... dude your conceptions and beg—innmgs Ufa p(:1“f£‘& mfar- xi-‘mtimn unm a glorious birth.” For your faizhfufl izndeaa mum whwein, as you have Engaged your ("swag ( though ' yéu Eh-maid peril}: in the WOTk€.§) Io bc plcsafed {ME m mmclszdg, that whilcfi with undauntcd Refaelmiozm ymn perVfifl:there“in, you {hall not finds: inus, ( mm: wee hope} in the ref’: ofme Kingdoms any defeéliom in the further cxpmfihg ofour lives and livelihoods %for the advancing and crownizng," ofib goofi 3. caufm. Fur mm Emw and za;c;=:-ale up which cmely wcchave in all humility and faithfulnefi prefented thefe mu‘ appreheniimxs anfi deiimfizbmizting a../laid flmfl war fray, évm‘